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CSAT Answer Key

Q. Ans Q. Ans Q. Ans Q. Ans

No. No. No. No
1. c 21. b 41. a 61. c

2. a 22. b 42. b 62. c

3. a 23. d 43. c 63. b

4. a 24. b 44. d 64. b

5. c 25. d 45. b 65. c

6. c 26. a 46. c 66. d

7. b 27. d 47. b 67. d

8. a 28. c 48. a 68. d

9. d 29. b 49. a 69. b

10. b 30. b 50. a 70. a

11. b 31. c 51. a 71. c

12. d 32. c 52. a 72. c

13. b 33. b 53. a 73. c

14. a 34. d 54. d 74. d

15. c 35. c 55. b 75. d

16. d 36. b 56. b 76. a

17. b 37. a 57. c 77. b

18. c 38. d 58. c 78. c

19. d 39. d 59. a 79. c

20. a 40. a 60. b 80. a

Q. 1
Answer: c
• Option (c) is correct: • The passage focuses on the basic idea that a system that seeks
to ensure justice for survivors must address the multiple aspects included in it such as protecting
the survivals from the direct trafficking before the incidence; proper and sensitive handling of
such cases by the criminal justice system and social welfare organizations and accountable
counseling service. Option c reflects the same idea and hence can be considered as correct
• • Option a, b and d does not take this comprehensive approach. Also these statements
cannot be considered as appropriate as nowhere in the passage it is mentioned that Counseling
and rehabilitation services play very trivial role in the welfare of the survival, custodial
approach is the best one for the rehabilitation and the protection of survivors of sex trafficking
and Direct exploitation by the traffickers is the only and main reason of the trauma faced by
the survivors of such incidences.

Answer : a
The passage highlights the role that technology can play in developing an effective complaint
handling mechanism for social media. There is a need to employ some critical thinking into
employing the use of technology as well as radical rethinking of the existing dispute resolution
Option (a) is correct: Ideally, they should be capable of processing some portion of the
disputes using automated decision-making algorithms that leverage the digital nature of the
platform and the underlying e-commerce transactions.
Option (b) is incorrect: Technology can be the solution to tackle hate speeches on social
Option (c) is incorrect: There is a crying need to develop an appropriate complaint handling
mechanism to address disputes that arise on social media platforms.
Option (d) is incorrect: Technology is a solution to cyber crimes.
Q. 3
Answer : a
Statement a is correct: The example about family is given to highlight that dissent is
important even in families, so it's importance for society is emphasized. Statement 'a' captures
the inference in the most logical and critical manner.
Statement c is incorrect: statement 'c' is not the most critical inference. “Growing up in an
authoritative family leads to stifling of free speech and results in lack of character building” is
not mentioned
Statements b & d are incorrect: because it is not directly linked to the central idea of the
passage & are not mentioned.
Answer : a
Explanation :
Statement a is correct: Author is more interested in the merits of research driven policies for
matters as sensitive as conservation of natural resources
Statement b is incorrect: as the author is not diminishing the importance of politics, neither
demonizing it explicitly.
Q. 5
Answer : c
Explanation :
Option (a) is incorrect: Statement ‘a’ is in contradiction to Sartre’s thoughts- We have no
other purpose than the one we set ourselves; no other destiny than the one we forge.
Option (b) is incorrect: It is the argument that Sartre gives to bolster his message. We fall
into bad faith, deceiving ourselves about this radical freedom. In Existentialism is a Humanism,
Sartre is blunt and unforgiving. “Our doctrine horrifies people,” he asserts.
Option (c) is correct: It is his message, as mentioned in the opening paragraph. While Sartre
does say that existence is prior to essence, however , that statement is not mentioned in the
Option (d) is incorrect: . Refer sentence “So I have within me a host of untried but perfectly
viable attributes, inclinations and possibilities that endow me with worthiness not evident from
examination of any of my past actions.”
Q. 6
Correct Answer : c
Sentence (a) is correct: See “we’re alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of infinite
responsibilities. We have no other purpose than the one we set ourselves; no other destiny than
the one we forge. Yet many of us remain in denial of our responsibilities, writes Sartre.”
Sentence (b) is correct: See “They have no other way of putting up with their misery than to
think: ‘Circumstances have been against me, I deserve a much better life than the one I have.”
Both the statements together explain why Sartre highlighted that his doctrine horrifies people
Q. 7
Answer: b
For 2. (5×5)(19×5)(3×5)(17×5)(11×5)(2×3×5)(9×5)(2×2×2×3×5)(29×5)(2×3×5×5)(51×5)
No of 5’s= 12. No of 2’s= 5
So Number of zeros are 5.
Q. 8
Answer - (a)
Answer can be verified by assuming the values x = 1, y = 3, z = 2. Let us verify options: (a)
(x − z) = Odd. So y(x − z) 2 is also odd. Hence option a is not true. (b) Since y and (x − z)
both are odd, hence, y2 (x − z) is odd. So option b is true. (c) Since y and (x − z) both are odd,
hence, y(x − z) is odd. So option c is true. (d) Since z and (x − y) both are even, hence, z(x −
y) 2 is even. So option d is true.
Hence, answer option(a) is correct
Q. 9
Answer - (d)
Let us first try to see that summation till what number gives us a value close to 575. Sum of
the natural numbers from 1−10 = 55
Sum of the natural numbers from 11−20 = 155
Sum of the natural numbers from 21−30 = 255.
Net summation from 1−30 = 55 + 155 + 255 = 465,
so we are required to add some more numbers. Next number = 31,
summation from 1−31 = 496 Next number = 32,
summation from 1−32 = 528 Next number = 33,
summation from 1−33 = 561 Next number = 34,
summation from 1−34 = 595.
Hence, the child has missed out 595 − 575 = 20
Hence, answer option(d) is correct
Q. 10
Answer - (b)
Solution Take some initial values of n and try to find a pattern.
N = 3 ⇒ (n – 1)! = 2! Which is not divisible by 3.
N = 4 ⇒ (n – 1)! = 3! Which is not divisible by 4.
N = 5 ⇒ (n – 1)! = 4! Which is not divisible by 5.
N = 6 ⇒ (n – 1)! = 5! Which is divisible by 6.
N = 7 ⇒ (n – 1)! = 6! Which is not divisible by 7.
Now we can generalize that for N = Prime numbers, (n – 1)! is not divisible by n.
Hence, values of n (greater than 6) for which (n – 1)! is not divisible by n
= Prime values of n = 7, 11, 13, 17, 19.
Total values = 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 = 8 numbers
Q. 11
Answer - (b)
Solution Taking a cue from the above discussions, 9(x − y) = 45 ⇒ x − y = 5 ⇒ Sets of (x, y)
= (5, 0), (6, 1), (7, 2), (8, 3), (9, 4). However, we cannot take set (5, 0), as interchanging this
will lead to ‘05’ which is not a two digit number. Hence, number of sets possible = 4.
Hence, answer option(b) is correct
Answer: d
1 sheet of page contains 2 pages. Eg 1&2.
Sum of page numbers is n(n+1)/2.
So for 60 pages= 60×61/2= 1830. But due to torn off , sum is 1823.
So sum of torn off page is 7 which is (3,4).
Answer - (b)
Assume xy is the two digit number. After interchanging the digits, new number obtained =
yx. According to the question, xy + yx = 10x + y + 10y + x = 11(x + y). 11(x + y) is perfect
square ⇒ Since, 11 is a prime number, (x + y) should be equal to 11. Now we will see
different possibilities so that x + y = 11. Set of (x, y) = (9, 2), (8, 3), (7, 4), (6, 5) [Since tens
place digit is larger than units place digit]. Hence, 4 sets are possible.
Hence, answer option(b) is correct
Answer - (a)
Three digit numbers divisible by 2 = 450. Out of these 1/3 of the numbers will be divisible by
3, and remaining numbers will not be divisible by 3.
So, 3-digit numbers divisible by 2 but not divisible by 3 = 450 − 150 = 300.
Hence, answer option(a) is correct
Answer : c
Explanation :
February 2012 has 29 days, i.e. 1 odd day. (29 days = 4 weeks plus 1 day) A day on next year
comes on next day. so 2013, 2014,2015,2016= 4 days+ 1 day of leap year 2012. So, 12th
February, 2016 will be a Friday.
So, 12th March 2016 will be a Saturday. So, 13th March 2016 will be a Sunday.13->20->27.
So last Sunday will be on 27th .

Answer: d
Using the divisibility test of 3, we can put 0, 3, 6, and 9 in the missing place.

Checking these one by one, we get

33930 as divisible by only 9 and not 19, and
39930 divisible by 11 and not by 19.
Also, 36930 and 30930 are not divisible by any one of the 11, 9 and 7.
Hence, 3 or 9 can be the missing digits.
Answer: b
Given: Volume of A = v1; Volume of B = v2; Mass of A = m1; Mass of B = m2.
Length, Breadth & Height of A are L1, B1,H1
Length, Breadth & Height of B are L2, Bb,H2
It is given that, Mass of B = 3 × Mass of A Or m2 = 3m1.
Volume of B= L2B2H2= 4L1*3L1*2H1=24L1B1H1=24 Volume of A=24v1
Density= mass/volume
Density B/ DensityA=(3/24)/(1/1)=1:8
Answer : c
Average age = 34 years and the Number of members = 4 Hence, the sum of ages of all the 4
members = Average age × Number of members
= 34 × 4 = 136 years Youngest member is 16 years old.
So, sum of ages of other 3 members = 136 years – 16 years = 120 years. Ratio of ages of these
two persons = 3:4:5
So, the age of the oldest member of the family = [5/(3+4+5)] × 120 years = 50 years. Age
difference between the youngest and the oldest member = 50 years – 16 years = 34 years.
Answer : d
Explanation –
Total CP of rice =40×80=Rs. 3200.
C.P of 3/4th = Rs. (3/4 x 3200) = Rs. 2400, C.P of 1/4th = Rs. 800 Therefore,
Total S.P = (80% of Rs. 2400 + 110% of Rs.800) =1920+880 Rs. 2800
Loss% = (400/3200 x 100) % = 12.5%

Answer: a
(1/2)^3 = 1/8= 0.125 , (1/4)^2 = 1/16=0.0625 , (1/3)^2 =1/9= 0.1111 , (1/2)^2 =¼=0.25
sum (the largest and smallest number )= 0.25+0.0625= 0.3125
sum ( middle two number)= 0.1111+ 0.125=0.2361
Difference= 0.3125- 0.2361= 0.0764
Answer: b

• • Option a takes a stand that combination of colourism and casteism can be used as
a bodily system for oppression and violence. The same is reflected in the passage so can be
considered as valid.
• • Option b takes a stand that when body is considered as basis for oppression and
violence systems finding structural support has no role to play in this. The passage states
that along with the bodily aspect, some systems those find structural support can be used
for cementing and legitimizing the oppression. So option b is not valid in the context of the
• • Option c takes a stand that conceiving a child can directly be related to the
wholeness of a person. The same is stated in the passages so it can be considered as valid.
• • Option d makes a statement that to protect people with various disabilities from
oppression and violence providing accessible public infrastructure to them is very
important. The passage reflects the same so it can be considered as valid.

Answer: b
• According to passage rich countries offer loans to poor countries and charge heavy interest
on it. This is a new mechanism rich countries have developed to mint money from poor
countries. Poor countries will only be benefited in they pay back the loan without the added
burden of interest on it.
Option a incorrect : Option a takes a stand that rich countries offer financial aid to poor
countries with an objective of socio - economic development of poor countries. This is not
Option c incorrect : Opinion c states that borrowing loans from rich countries is a great tool
for poor countries to achieve growth and development. But the passage claims that these
loans create problems to the poor countries as they have to pay interest on the same.
Option d incorrect : a stand that education and healthcare is the major problem in many poor
counties, but passage states that lack of adequate capital is the main problem for poor
countries. So options a, c and d are not the valid assumptions in the context of the passage. •
Opinion b correct : states that Poverty has a direct implication on the social well being in the
poor countries. According to passage this is correct as poverty has direct implications on
adequate food security, sanitation, infrastructure, health care facilities and educational
institutions. So option b is valid in the context of the passage
Answer: d
Option a incorrect : According to the passage two theories of judicial activism are given and
none of these is considered as ultimate. Option a takes a stand that social want theory is
considered as the most appropriate one in the case of judicial activism. This is not true.
Option b incorrect : Option b states that Lack of action and difference of opinion is the main
cause of poor functioning of government lack of action and difference of opinion is the main
cause of poor functioning of government. This is true but cannot be considered as the central
ideas of the passage because the passage talks about the judicial activism and the rationale
behind it.
Option c incorrect : Option c takes a stand that Judicial activism can be best defined in terms
of interference. But the passage states that judicial activism can be best defined as
• Option d correct : Option d takes a stand that fulfilling the wants of people and the vacuum
in the government machinery is the main cause behind the rise of judicial activism. According
to the passage this is true and the same is mentioned in terms of power vacuum filling theory
and social want theory. These two theories give the rationale behind the rise of judicial
activism. So option d best reflects the central idea of the passage.
Answer: b
Option a incorrect : states that Promotion of commercial agriculture proved very beneficial
to the farmers across the strata. As per the passage this is not true as only large landlords
were the primary beneficiaries of the commercial agriculture. Hence option a cannot be
considered as valid option.

b. Option b correct : states that not the small and marginalized farmers but the large
landowners were the primary beneficiaries of the commercial agriculture. Same is stated in
the passage so option b can be considered as the valid point.

Option c incorrect : states that local moneylenders always prove helpful to the small and
marginalized farmers. In the passage it is given that local moneylenders but they fall into the
category of non - institutional debts which charge high rates of interest. Hence option c
cannot be considered as valid one.
Option d incorrect : states that commercial agriculture helped many farmers to live debt
free life. But as per the passage most agriculturist incurs heavy debts in order to engage in
commercial agriculture. So option d cannot be considered as valid.
Answer: d
• Option a incorrect : state that values like simplicity, emotion, respect, mercy are common
among all living organisms. In the passage it is given that these values are special features of
human beings only.
• Option b incorrect : takes a stand that Success and happiness is to be achieved at any cost.
This is not true according to the opinion expressed in the passage.
• Option c incorrect : takes a stand that irritation and frustrations are unavoidable in today’s
times. But passage says that if one redefines the terms like success and happiness irritation
and frustrations can be avoided or can be minimized at least.
• Option d correct : states that unless we show the concern about the values we cannot
achieve true happiness and success. Same opinion is expressed in passage.
Q. 26
Answer : a
Explanation :
Statement (a) is correct: National interest should be the first priority. Jawaharlal Nehru said,
“Who dies if India lives, and who lives if India dies?”
Statements (b) & (c) are incorrect: the world is under the spell of destruction or India is on
the threshold of destruction are not mentioned.
Statement (d) is incorrect: The survival of the world depends only upon the well being of
India is not mentioned.
Answer: d


The time taken to cover 23 km = (23/30)*60 = 46 min

Remaining time = 60 – 46 = 14 min and the remaining distance = 37-23= 14 km

Therefore, speed = (14/14)*60 = 60 km/hr

Answer : c
Explanation :
Here the odd numbers, whose average is given, are consecutive. As these numbers are
consecutive, their average must be the middle number, i.e. the 9th odd number.
Thus, 73 is the 9th number.
The difference between any two consecutive odd numbers is 2.
The largest number=73+2*8= 89
The smallest number=73-2*8= 57
89*57= 5073
Sum of middle digits= 0+7=7
Answer: b
Z can do a piece of work in 12 days.
Y is 4/3 as efficient as Z.
So, Y can do the same piece of work in (3/4)*12= 9 days.

Assume the total work to be 36 units

Z does 3 unit per day and Y does 4 units per day.

For the first x days, Z worked alone and hence work done per day is
3 * x = 3x units.

For the next (8 – x) days, Z and Y worked together.

In 1 day, they will do (3 + 4) = 7 units.

So, in 9 – x days, they will do 56 – 8x units.

56 – 8x + 3x = 36
5x = 20 and x = 4.

Thus, Z worked alone for 4 days whereas Z and Y worked together for 4 days.
Answer - (b)
Since thief escaped with 1 diamond,
Before meeting 3rd watchman he had (1 + 2) × 2 = 6
Before meeting 2nd watchman he had (6 + 2) × 2 = 16
Before meeting 1st watchman he had (16 + 2) × 2 = 36
Hence, answer option(a) is correct
Answer: c
n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3) is sequence of consecutive natural numbers.
So it is always divisible by 3&6.
Eg. Take n=1
n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)= 1×2×3×4=24
Answer: c
Side of an equilateral triangle = 60 cm
The mid-points of its sides are joined to form another triangle whose mid-points are joined to
form another triangle.
Side of 2nd equilateral triangle= 30 cm [Line segment joining midpoint of two sides of a
triangle is parallel to the third side and half of it]

Perimeter of 1st triangle = 60*3 = 180 cm

Perimeter of 2nd triangle = 30*3 = 90 cm

The sum of the perimeter of two the triangles = 180+90=270 cm

Answer: b
Man’s speed in still water = x =17 km/h
River’s Speed = y = 5 km/hr
Time is taken T = 2 hrs &30 mins= 5/2 hrs

The distance between the places(x) = T(x²-y²)/2x

= (5/2) x [(17)²-(5)²/2×17] = 2.5 * 264/34= 19.4 km
Q. 34
Answer: d
S1: C>A>B
S2: E can’t be 5th Number. So 5th number can be B or D. & E is position is unknown.
So both statements are not sufficient to answer

Answer: c
Here we should know cube of atleast 1 to 10 and power of 2 upto 10.
Let a = 9 then n= 512 which is cube of 8.

Answer: b
Since 299 has only 2 factors i.e 23 & 13 which are prime numbers.
So S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question.

Answer: a
S1: Since all numbers are multiple of 12 and 8.
LCM of 12 and 8= 24 i.e these numbers must be multiple of 24.
S2: These numbers may not multiple of 16. Eg 72 is multiple of 12 and 8 but not 16.

Answer: 4
Since numbers are ≤20.
sum of squares of two numbers equals to third number.
This triad set are. (6,8,10) (5,12,13) (8,15,17) (12,16,20)
(P,Q,T) can’t be (6,8,10) (12,16,20) So it’s (12,5,13) Or (8,15,17)respectively .
(P,R,S) can be (12,16,20) as P =12.

Answer - (d)
48(x − y) = x2 – y2
48(x − y) = (x − y) (x + y)
⇒ x + y = 48.
Hence, answer option(d) is correct
Ans (a)

Only conclusion (a) is correct conclusion.

Answer: a
a. Option 1 says that Steadiness and certainty are the most important features of the life. In
the passage it is mentioned that life is a vicious circle and nothing is steady and
permanent. So option a can be considered as invalid statement.
b. Option 2 says that rational thinking and facing any situation with smile on the face helps up
to take charge of our life. Same is stated in the paragraph so this cannot be
considered as invalid statement.
c. Option 3 says that unless one faces bad situations in the life he or she cannot understand
the importance of good things those have happened to him or her. In the passage it
is said that one can enjoy the flavors of goodness only if they have tasted the bad
anytime in their life. So this statement cannot be considered as invalid.
d. Option 4 says that this world can be considered as relative and so is our life. In the passage
it is said that everything including our thinking is relative. So this option cannot be
considered as invalid.
Option (a) – 2,3,4 are valid

Answer: b

Explanation: Option 1 states that Not only learned and sophisticated people but everyone
can use computers and internet technology for their benefit. As per the passage everyone
can use computers and internet technology for their own benefits. Hence this statement can
be considered as correct .
Option 2 states that Internet technology has overcome all the disadvantages of the
television. In the passage it is mentioned that internet technology has worsen the scenario
than that in the television era. So this statement can be considered as incorrect one.

Option 3. Technology is taking the entire human race in undesired direction. In the option it
is mentioned that computers and internet has made humans its slave. So this statement can
be considered as correct.
Option 4 states that In the present era human beings are devoting most of their time
towards the non living things. Same is stated in the passage so this statement can be
considered as correct.

Hence , Final option (b) 1.3,4 are correct one

Answer : c
Explanation :
The passage explains the ideology of populism and the most critical inference that can be
made from the passage is related to the nature of populism. The nature of populism is such
that it might seem to be adhering to the wishes of the masses but in reality it favours the
argument of numbers over the argument of reason which is what statement C implies – that
populism is more concerned with the procedural aspects of democracy.

Option (a) is incorrect: see sentence “..Hence the argument that populism has a Manichean
ethic. It equates democracy with elections and referenda, for they represent popular will. It
believes that the non-elected institutions of oversight — the judiciary, press, intelligence
agencies, civil society, central banks — which normally constrain democratic governments
between elections, must follow electoral verdicts, not their institutionally assigned roles.”
Option (b) is incorrect: see “..Finally, populism hinges upon charismatic leaders having
direct, unmediated access to the masses. Political parties or the press, while necessary, are
expected to be subservient to the leader. Social media, providing direct access to the people,
is the favourite mode of communication for a populist today.”
Option (c) is correct: see “..It believes that the non-elected institutions of oversight — the
judiciary, press, intelligence agencies, civil society, central banks — which normally
constrain democratic governments between elections, must follow electoral verdicts, not their
institutionally assigned roles. Being unelected, their autonomy should be curbed, even
Option (d) is incorrect: see “.. Contrariwise, if a religious, ethnic or racial majority
constitutes “the people”, we get populism that aligns with the right. The latter is hostile to
ethnic, religious and racial minorities, and inhospitable to those new migrants, who are
different from the majority community.

Answer : d
Explanation :
Statement (1) is correct: see “Finally, populism hinges upon charismatic leaders having
direct, unmediated access to the masses. Political parties or the press, while necessary, are
expected to be subservient to the leader.”
Statement (d) is incorrect: the passage doesn’t state that inequality itself leads to populism.
While it is true that populist leaders malign the elites, the presence of inequality per se is not
a necessary and sufficient conditions for exhibition of populist ideology.
Statement (3) is correct: see “..Contrariwise, if a religious, ethnic or racial majority
constitutes “the people”, we get populism that aligns with the right. The latter is hostile to
ethnic, religious and racial minorities, and inhospitable to those new migrants, who are
different from the majority community.”
Statement IV is incorrect. See “..It believes that the non-elected institutions of oversight —
the judiciary, press, intelligence agencies, civil society, central banks — which normally
constrain democratic governments between elections, must follow electoral verdicts, not their
institutionally assigned roles.”
Answer (b)
The main points of the passage are that the relations between sports participation and
deviation have not been established and that there is not sufficient evidence to prove the
Option a is incorrect: Option a is distorted because it states that the relationship is already
Option b is correct: Option b mentions all the relevant points.
Option c is incorrect: Option c does not talk about the relationship and hence, ruled out.
Option d is incorrect: Option d distorts what is given in the paragraph by saying that latter
researchers have “proved” there is no consistent relationship. Thus, it can be eliminated.
Answer: c

Option a incorrect : Option a says that TECHINET is the ultimate solution as it has all the
clear advantages over HUMINET. Though in the passage many of the advantages of
TECHINET are given over HUMINET it is no where mentioned that TECHINET is the ultimate
solution. So statement a cannot be considered as true.
Option b incorrect : Option b states that when it comes to ease of information collection
and accuracy HUMINET is proved better than TECHINET. Passage mentions exactly opposite
of this. So this statement cannot be considered as true.
Option c correct : Option c sates that though technology is useful to human beings in many
terms it cannot be considered as ultimate as it has limitations that is expensiveness and
misuse by the antisocial elements. Passage mentions the same so this statement can be
considered as true.
Option d incorrect : Option d sates that aspects like fabricated and misleading information
hold TECHINET back in terms of use and acceptance. In the passage it is given that TECHINET
proves best when it comes to dealing with fabricated and misleading information. So this
option cannot be considered as true.
Ans - (b)
Explanations. (b) ccacc/aabaa/bbcbb ➾ cbbb , The option (b) cbbb is correct.
Answer - (a)
First light blinks after 20 s.
Second light blinks after 24 s.
They blink together after LCM of 20 and 24 = 120 s = 2 min.
So, the number of times they blink together in one hour = 60/ 2
= 30.
So, option (a) is the correct answer.

Answer - (a)

Solution For A = 8, it satisfies the above condition.

So, remainder = 1.
Alternatively, we can apply either of cyclicity or theorem method to find the remainder.
So, option (a) is the correct answer.

Answer - (a)
Solution Since 19 is a prime number, it will divide any digit written 18 times side by side.
Hence, 77777 … 54 times will be divisible by 19. So net remainder will be obtained when
77 (last two digits) is divided by 19 = 1.
So, option (a) is the correct answer

Ans (a)
Explanations : Total 3 pairs - 5 1, 5 7, 3 1

Ans: (a)
(3), From given info it is clear that B is 19th From left and 11th from right so,
Rank form Left = 19, Rank from Right = 11
Number of person = (Rank from Left + Rank from Right) –1
Number of person = 19 + 11–1 = 29
Excluding A and B,
Number of person = 29–2 = 27
Answer - (a)
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
Sum of Digits = 49
So, option (a) is the correct answer

Answer - (d)
XYZXYZ = XYZ (1000 + 1)
= XYZ (1001)
Factors of 1001 = 7, 11,13
So, option (d) is the correct answer

Answer : b
Explanation :
Total number of participants, i.e., males + females = 240 Males. 140% of Females, Males =
140 and Females = 100. 45 males and 15 females won gold medals.
Participants who won silver medals = 5/3 times of the participants who won gold medals =
100. Hence, participants who won bronze medals= 240-60-100= 80.

Answer: b
By Remainder Theorem, ( divide each number by divider & write down remainder in
multiplication form)
Answer : c
Explanation :
The ratio 1/2 : 2/3 : 3/4 : 4/5 is equivalent to 120/2:120×2/3:120×3/4:120×4:5= 60:80:90:96=
Let the shares of A, B, C and D be Rs. 30x, Rs. 40x, Rs. 45x and Rs. 48x respectively.
Sum of A&D= 78x.
Sum of A&D= 85x.
So (A+D):(B+C)= 78x:85x
Answer: c
Length of stick S1 = 31.5 feet and Length of stick S2 = 4.75 feet
To get the minimum length which we can measure, we will use stick S2 and measure the
length of stick S1.
Therefore, we get:
Total length of S1 = 4.75×6 + remaining length of S1
28.5+ remaining length of S1 = 31.5
remaining length of S1 = 31.5 – 28.5 = 3 foot
Answer : a
Explanation :
Number of students × Average weights = Sum of weights 20 X 35 = 700 kg. 10 X 32 = 320 kg.
15 X 28 = 420 kg
Total = 45 students Total Weights = 1440 kg
Thus, overall average of the class = Total weight of all the students/ Total number of students
= 1440/45= 32 kg.
Removed weights= 2×35+3×32+4×28= 278.
Final weight= 1440-278= 1162. & Students= 45-2-3-4=36.
Final average=1162/36= 32.27.
Increases by 0 .27
Answer : b
The word ‘HATI’ has to appear in the word. So, we can assume that ‘HATI’ is a single alphabet
and the remaining alphabets ‘G’, ‘U’, ‘W’ and ‘A’ are re-arranged along with ‘HATI’ to
generate all possible words.
Total number of alphabets available = 5 (‘G’, ‘U’, ‘W’, ‘A’ and ‘HATI’) Total number of
permutations possible = 5! = 120.

Answer: c

Explanation: Options a incorrect : Options a says that secularization helped Indian people
for economic reforms. It is no where stated in the passage. So option a cannot be
considered valid.

Options b incorrect : b. Option b states that secularization played important role in Indian
freedom struggle. Passage doesn’t say anything like this. So option b cannot be considered

Options c correct :. Option c states that the important role played by secularization was in
forming independent urban views about worldly problems. This is true as given in the
passage. So this option can be considered valid in the context of given passage.

Options d incorrect : states that before the development of the secularism ethics and morality
could also be seen independently. Passage states that secularism helped to see ethics and
morality in independent light. So option d cannot be considered as valid.
Answer: c
Option a incorrect : Option a says that in modern times Jajmani system based economy
seems to be void this is true as per the passage but this is one of the point made in the
passage, so cannot be considered as the inference of the passage.
Option b incorrect : Option b states that commercialization and capitalist transformation
was lacking in the Indian economy. This is true as per the information given in the passage
but again it is one of the observation and cannot be considered as inference.

Option c correct : Option c sates that for economic development and upliftment
government’s role is very crucial. This is true and can be considered as inference of the
passage as the passage give lot of emphasis on the government’s role for the development
and upliftment of economy such as linking village economy to the regional and national
markets, expansion and communication network and designing policies like rapid
monetization of economy etc.

Option d incorrect : Option d sates that after independence, rapid industrialization was the
primary focus of the Indian government. But as per the passage increasing productivity in
agriculture was very high on government’s agenda. So option d cannot be considered as
true and so as the inference.

Answer: b

Option a incorrect :. Option a states that Promotion of commercial agriculture proved very
beneficial to the farmers across the strata. As per the passage this is not true as only large
landlords were the primary beneficiaries of the commercial agriculture. Hence option a
cannot be considered as valid option.

Option b correct : Option b states that not the small and marginalized farmers but the large
landowners were the primary beneficiaries of the commercial agriculture. Same is stated in
the passage so option b can be considered as the valid point.

Option c incorrect : Option c states that local moneylenders always prove helpful to the
small and marginalized farmers. In the passage it is given that local moneylenders but they
fall into the category of non - institutional debts which charge high rates of interest. Hence
option c cannot be considered as valid one.

Option d incorrect :. Option d states that commercial agriculture helped many farmers to
live debt free life. But as per the passage most agriculturist incurs heavy debts in order to
engage in commercial agriculture. So option d cannot be considered as valid.

Answer: b
Explanation: According to the passage culture can also be viewed as the human response
to the local environmental conditions. Same is stated in the option b. Rest of the options are
not valid as the passage states nothing about human behaviour, human values and
knowledge gathered through years.

Hence, Option b is correct answer

Answer: c
Explanation: In the passage given above information about separatist groups, Kashmiri
youth is given. Separatist group use Kashmiri youth as their tool and use them for the anti
Indian activities. For this they receive money from Pakistan and the money is bought in the
valley by the hawala group. Because of the demonetization the hawala channel got choked
up completely and it has a straight impact on the anti Indian activities carried by the
separatist groups using the Kashmiri youth. So the main theme of this passage is to
demonstrate the effect of demonetization on the antinational activities in the Kashmir
Hence, Option C is correct answer

Solution: (d)
Explaination36= 6 So, 64= 8

Answer : d
Suppose the vessel initially contains 12 Litre of mixture of liquids A & B. Let x Litre of this
mixture be replaced with liquid A. Quantity of liquid A in new mixture = (5 - 5x/12 + x) L.
Quantity of liquid B in new mixture = (7 - 7x/12) L.
5 - 5x/12 + x =3/2( 7- 7x/12)
2(5 - 5x/12 + x) =3( 7- 7x/12)

x = 33/14
So, part of the mixture replaced = (33/14 * 1/12) = 33/168=11/56
Answer - (d)
Remainder when 496 / 6
Let’s find the pattern of remainders when power of 4 is divided by 6.
Any power of 4 when divided by 6 leaves a remainder of 4.
So, option (d) is the correct answer

Answer: b
We know that
Total expense = price of sugar * consumption
let price of rice was Rs 100
So total expense = 100*30= Rs 3000
But now new expense =3600 (I,e.20% more than 3000)
and new price =125 (i,e. 25% more than 100)
So new consumption = new expense/ new price=
=28.8 kg
Answer: a
Let the total work be 420 units (LCM of 42, 35, and 28)
The efficiency of P = 10 units/day
The efficiency of Q = 12 units/day
The efficiency of R = 15 units/day
In 8 days Q and R worked for 4 days each starting with Q

The total work done in 8 days = (10*8) + (12*4) + (15*4) = 188 units
The amount of work done by P in the last 7 days = 10*7 = 70 units
Therefore, work done by Q and R together = 420 – (188+70) = 162 units
Time taken by Q and R to complete the work = 162/(12+15) = 6 days
Therefore, the total time taken to complete the work = 8+6+7 = 21 days
Hence, option a is correct.
Answer: c)
Fact - 1 alone provides information about volume of box butbit didn’t provides us any
information about Cargo area.
Thus, Fact-1 alone not sufficient
Fact - 2 alone provides information about cargo area but it didn't provides us any specific
information related
to length and breadth of cargo area.
Thus, Fact-2 alone not sufficient

Even if we combine Fact - 1 and Fact - 2 together still we cannot conclude anything specific
about how many
transport boxes of play let kit will fill into cargo area of lorry.
Therefore, both facts together are not sufficient.

Hence , option c) is correct

Answer : c)
(24)13 x (13)4 x (21)16
➔ 41 x 34 x 14
 4x1x1
 4
Hence , option c) is correct

Answer: c
Cube of 5 is 125 so numbers 1,2,3,4 has difference less than 120.
No. Of pairs (1,2)(1,3)(1,4)(2,3)(2,4)(3,4)=6
If cube of 5 is taken, then pairs are(2,5),(3,5)(4,5)= 4
If cube of 6 is taken, then pairs are(5,6)=1
Total pairs=11
Answer: (d); If the data in both Statements I and II together are necessary.

Statement (I)
3 9
Given, probability of drawing a yellow ball = 5 = 15

So, we can say there are 9 yellow balls in the bag. But we cannot find the number of red
balls from statement (I) alone. Hence, (I) alone is not sufficient to answer.

Statement (II)

Given, there are 2 blue balls in the bag. But Statement (II) alone does not provide any
information about the number of red balls in the bag. Hence (II) alone is not sufficient
to answer.

Combining both the statements:

We get, number of yellow balls = 9

Number of blue balls = 2

Number of red balls = 15 – (9+2) = 4

So, probability of drawing a red ball = 4/15

Therefore, the question can be answered by combining both statements.

Hence, option (d) is correct.


Answer: d)

The figures shows 3 cells in a row.

Suppose 6 occupies 1st cell, then cell no. 2 and 3 can be filled in 9 ways each, (using the
digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
Thus, there are 9  9 = 81 numbers beginning with 6.
Suppose 6 is placed in 2nd cell then 1st cell can be filled in by 9 digits viz. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
and 3rd cell in 8 ways.
 Required number = 9  8 = 72.
Similarly, 6 can occupy the 3rd cell in 72 ways.
 Required number = 81 + 72 + 72 = 225

Hence , option d) is correct


Answer: a)

The Fig. shows 4 parallel lines being intersected by 5 parallel lines. Any two lines from one
set and any two lines from other set will form a parallelogram.

 Number of parallelograms = 4C25C2

= 6  10
Hence , option a) is correct

Answer: b
Weight of empty vessel is 100 gram.
If its 30% filled with water its weight is 1000 gram i.e water weight is 900 gram.
If its 100% filled with water, the weight of water will be 3000 grams.

If its 60% filled with oil, its weight is 1600 gram i.e weight of oil is 1500 gram.
If its 100% filled with oil, the weight of oil will be 2500 grams.
when vessel is filled completely either by water or oil its volume is same.

Density= mass/volume. Since volume is same the ratio of density of water to oil is the ratio of
weights of water to oil.
The ratio of density of water to oil= 3000/2500=6:5
Answer: c
Let ascent of the man in 2 second = (2 – 1) = 1 foot. So, the man ascends 98 feet in 98×2=196
seconds. In next second he will touch the flag.
So total seconds= 196+1=197.

Answer: c
We know that, SI = P*T*R/100
It is given that. (3,000*5/2*R1)/100 – (2,500*3*R2)/100 = 150
On solving, R1 – R2 = 15000/7,500 = 2%
Answer: (a)
Amol has twenty pairs of purple, ten pairs of green and nine pairs of yellowsocks in a box.
So, he has 40purplesocks, 20greensocks, and 18yellowsocks.
To find the maximum number of attempts we need to visualize the worst-case scenario.
Let Amol draw all green and yellowsocks, which amounts to 20 + 18 = 38socks.
Now, if he picks any two socks, they are certainly going to be purple. However, we also need
to ensure that the purplesocks picked by him make a pair, i.e. there should be one
purplesock for left foot and one purplesock for right foot. For this to happen we need to pick
21purplesocks. So, maximum number of attempts to get a purple pair of socks = 38 + 21 =

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