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Conjunctive Adverbs in English

There are many conjunctive adverbs in English such as consequently, above all, in addition,
indeed, hence, on the other hand, in fact, next, still, then, nevertheless, etc.
Below is the conjunctive adverbs list in English you should learn…
 Accordingly
 Furthermore
 Moreover
 Again
 Similarly
 Also
 Just as
 Hence
 Namely
 Still
 Anyway
 Notably
 However
 Nevertheless
 Uniquely
 Then
 Next
 Almost
 Thereafter
 Certainly
 Indeed
 Nonetheless
 Therefore (Therefore Synonym)
 Consequently
 Instead
 Now
 Thus
 Finally
 Likewise
 Further
 Meanwhile
 Perhaps
 Subsequently
 Yet
 Equally
 Elsewhere
 Conversely
 In addition
 Anyway
 Undoubtedly
 Besides
 Incidentally
 Otherwise
 Regardless
 Additionally
 Comparatively
 Contrarily
 Eventually
 Henceforth
 Rather
 In contrast (Learn more about Connectors of Contrast)
Connectors of Contrast in English
Learn common connectors of contrast with meaning and examples. To show
the contrast between two ideas we can use the following Linking Words of Contrast.
Used to indicate a contrast or contradiction
-> We all tried our best. However, we lost the game.
Used to say something which contrasts with what has just been said
-> He was very tired; nevertheless, he went on walking.
Used to say something that is different from the first thing mentioned
-> Nuclear power is relatively cheap. On the other hand, you could argue that it’s not safe.
Used to show that a thought or feeling which is the opposite of what has just stated
-> You think you are clever; on the contrary, I assure that you are very foolish.
Used to indicate something that is unusual or extreme
-> The new method is not perfect; even so, it’s much better than the old one.
Means despite the thing mentioned
-> Notwithstanding she is beautiful, she doesn’t think it goes for much.
Used to show that two ideas are opposing one another
-> Though she’s almost 40, she still plans to compete.
Used to show what the result will be if the thing or condition, mentioned before, does not occur
-> Walk slowly on the ice, otherwise, you’ll fall.
Used to show something which happens without being affected by something else
-> She looked lovely, despite her strange apparel.
Used as a stronger way to say “though” or “although“
-> We decided to play on even though it was snowing.
Used for introducing a new statement that makes the main statement surprising
-> She walked home by herself, although she knew that it was dangerous.
Used to link two contradictory thoughts
-> The substance may not affect humans. Nonetheless, the FDA is examining it closely.
Used to express an idea that is different from or opposite the other idea mentioned before
-> American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.
Used for comparing two things which have significant differences from each other
-> She is slender, whereas he is stout.
Used to compare two things or people and to say that the second one is very different from the
first one
-> It was cold yesterday, in contrast, it’s very hot today.
16. BUT
Used to add a statement which is different from what you have said before
-> It’s an old car, but it’s very reliable.
17. YET
Used to add something that is surprising after the first sentence which is mentioned before
-> Kelly was a convicted criminal, yet many people admired him.
Means “during the time” or “throughout the time“
-> While there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty

List of Transition Words

Transition Words are words or groups of words that connect two separate ideas together. Here is
a common transitional words list in English you should know…

 Because of this
 Before
 On the following day
 On the other hand
 Similarly
 Since
 So
 With this in mind
 Yet
 Besides
 Briefly
 But
 Consequently
 Another
 As an example
 First
 For example
 For instance
 Thus
 To be specific
 To begin with
 For this purpose
 Gradually
 Or
 Presently
 Second
 Hence
 However
 In addition
 In conclusion
 Conversely
 Equally important
 Finally
 As a consequence
 As a result
 As soon as
 In the meantime
 In the same manner
 Now
 Nor
 Of equal importance
 Whomever
 When
 While
 On the contrary
 In the same way
 A minute later
 Accordingly
 To illustrate
 To repeat
 To sum up
 Actually
 In spite of this
 In summary
 Soon
 Still
 Subsequently
 In the end
 In the meanwhile
 Nevertheless
 Next
 Nonetheless
 Whatever
 Whoever
 Whereas
 After
 After a short time
 Further
 Furthermore
 Afterward
 Also
 And
 Thereafter
 Therefore (Therefore Synonym)
 Third
 Just as important
 Least
 Last
 Last of all
 At last
 At length
 Because (Because Synonym)
 For this reason
 Fourth
 From here on
 In contrast (Connectors of Contrast)
 In fact
 Too
 Ultimately
 What
 In short
 In spite of
 Lastly
 Later
 Meanwhile
 Moreover
 Such as
 The next week
 Then
Examples of Transitional Words
 Because of this, air travel to deal with the social aspects of human interactions will be more frequent.
 I decided to clear the laboratory and to leave the island on the following day.
 I want to go to the party, but on the other hand, I ought to be studying.
 As an example, take the consumption function model discussed in sections 3.2 and 3.3.
 Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children.
 To be specific, the argument in your graduation thesis is logical.
 For this purpose, only those plants obtained from well-developed tubercles are used.
 In conclusion, I would like to thank you all for your hard work.
 As a consequence, this junction in the rocks represents a huge gap in the record.
 The doctor will be here soon. In the meantime, try and relax.
 Subsequently, new guidelines were issued to all employees.
 It was cold yesterday, but in contrast, it’s very hot today.
 In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends.
 Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house.
 Last of all, I’d like to say that everyone has done a wonderful job.
 After a short time I was walking, the morning sunlight on the dewy grass.

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