Hotel Management Project On Worlds Economy

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Tourism has become an important business sector and has a positive impact on
the economic development of any country. The phrase “impact of tourism” has
been used and discussed in the literature related to tourism. Researchers have
evaluated and assessed these impacts by doing field surveys and collecting data
from local residents. During the last few years, a large number of studies have
been conducted to evaluate and examine the perception of local communities
towards the impacts of tourism in their area . Researchers and stakeholders
25with tourism have shown a keen interest in studying the impacts of tourism
after knowing that development in the tourism sector has both positive and
negative impacts and effects at the local level. Researchers and professionals who
are associated with tourism have recognized both the favorable and negative
aspects of tourism affecting local communities and their environment. During the
last few decades, the tourism sector has grown and diversified, making it a vital
element of socio-economic development worldwide.


Tourism has become a vital sector of the Pakistani economy, contributing
significantly to the country’s GDP creating jobs, and improving the balance of
payments and promoting cultural exchange and understanding

Tourism generates income and creates easily accessible training opportunities and
jobs, as well as sales markets for services and local products. Infrastructure.
Revenue from tourism can be used to expand important transport, energy and
other infrastructure, and for waste and wastewater management.

Data collection
Literature Review
Model specification

Effect of tourism on local communities of Pakistan


One of the most notable benefits of tourism in Pakistan is its ability to promote
cultural exchange

And understanding. Visitors to the country are exposed to a rich and diverse
cultural heritage which

helps to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of different culture.


In Pakistan, tourism’s socio-culture impact is significant on local communities;
some tourists

In Pakistan, tourism socio-culture impact is significant on local communities; some

tourists engage in unethical activities, and social problems increase, disturbing the
area’s equilibrium because tourists are not aware of the culture and norms the

Tourism has become a vital sector of the Pakistani economy, contributing
significantly to the country's GDP, creating jobs, and improving the balance
of payments.

Tourism's impact on local communities in Pakistan is a subject of profound

significance, encompassing economic, cultural, and social dimensions.
Pakistan, with its rich tapestry of cultures, historical treasures, and diverse
landscapes, has emerged as an increasingly sought-after tourist destination.
Understanding the nuanced effects of tourism on local communities is
crucial for fostering sustainable development and ensuring that the benefits
of tourism reach all segments of the population.
Historical and Cultural Context:
Pakistan's connection with tourism is deeply rooted in its historical and
cultural narrative. The ancient Silk Road traversed its landscapes,
facilitating trade and cultural exchanges. Historical events, such as the
civilization and the Mughal era, have left an indelible mark on the country's
cultural heritage. Today, this heritage, combined with the breathtaking
natural beauty of Pakistan, attracts tourists. However, the historical context
also highlights the need to balance the influx of tourists with the
preservation of local cultures and traditions.

Economic Growth and Livelihoods:

Tourism contributes significantly to the economic growth of local
communities in Pakistan. Statistics reveal a substantial increase in income
levels, employment opportunities, and business activities in areas
frequented by tourists. For instance, the mountainous regions like Huns and
Sardou have witnessed a surge in tourism-related businesses, from local
handicrafts to adventure tourism services, providing a steady source of
income for the residents.

Cultural Exchange and Preservation:

Tourism fosters cultural exchange, as visitors engage with local customs,
traditions, and lifestyles. The preservation of cultural heritage becomes a
natural byproduct of this exchange. Tourists visiting archaeological sites,
such as Mohenjo-Daro or taxila contribute to their conservation, while
locals, in turn, share their stories, crafts, and traditional practices, ensuring
the continuity of cultural legacies.

Community Empowerment and Involvement :

Community-based tourism initiatives empower local residents by involving them in
decision-making processes and the tourism value chain. Examples include homestay
programs, where locals host tourists, providing an authentic experience while directly
benefiting from the economic returns. This empowerment not only enhances economic
conditions but also instills a sense of pride and ownership among community members.

Infrastructure Development and Improved

The positive impacts of tourism extend to improved infrastructure and
services in local communities. Tourist-driven demand often catalyzes
investments in roads, utilities, and public spaces. Increased accessibility
benefits both tourists and locals, creating a more conducive environment for
economic activities. Additionally, the hospitality industry's growth leads to
enhancements in services, ranging from hospitality training programs to the
development of quality accommodations.

Education and Skill Development:

Tourism plays a role in education and skill development within local
communities. Vocational training programs, often supported by the tourism
sector, equip residents with the skills needed to actively participate in the
industry. This not only enhances employability but also contributes to the
overall development of human capital in the region.

Negative Impacts of Tourism on Local

Communities in Pakistan:

Cultural Erosion and Authenticity

Despite the benefits, tourism can lead to cultural erosion and the dilution of
authenticity. The commercialization of local traditions for tourist
consumption may alter their original meaning and significance. This raises
concerns about maintaining the genuine cultural identity of communities,
especially in regions heavily influenced by tourism.

Environmental Degradation and Natural

Resource Depletion:

The surge in tourist numbers can strain fragile ecosystems, leading to environmental
degradation and natural resource depletion. Popular trekking destinations like Fairy
Meadows have witnessed increased waste generation and habitat disturbance.
Balancing the conservation of natural beauty with the demands of tourism poses a
significant challenge.

Socioeconomic Disparities and Gentrification:

Tourism's economic benefits may not always be distributed evenly,

contributing to socioeconomic disparities. In some cases, wealthier
individuals or corporations reap the profits, exacerbating existing
inequalities. Gentrification, driven by tourism-related developments, can
lead to the displacement of local residents, altering the social fabric of
The influx of tourists can strain local infrastructure and services, especially in areas
unprepared for sudden surges in visitors. Issues like waste management, water supply,
and transportation can become critical challenges, impacting both the quality of life for
residents and the overall visitor experience.

Cultural Clashes and Social Tensions;

Interactions between tourists and local communities may sometimes lead to
cultural clashes and social tensions. Differences in behavior, cultural norms,
and expectations can create misunderstandings, impacting the overall
atmosphere and potentially harming the reputation of tourist destinations.

Sustainable Tourism Practices and Community

Resilience ;

Community-Based Tourism Initiatives:

In response to these challenges, community-based tourism initiatives have

emerged as a sustainable alternative. These initiatives prioritize community
involvement in tourism planning and development, ensuring that economic
benefits are more equitably distributed. Examples include community-
managed trekking routes, where locals actively participate in guiding and
hosting, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Sustainable Development Goals and Tourism;

Aligning tourism activities with the United Nations' Sustainable Development

Goals (SDGs) provides a comprehensive framework for fostering
sustainable tourism. Emphasizing responsible practices, environmental
conservation, and social inclusivity, these goals guide initiatives that
contribute to the long-term resilience and well-being of local communities.
Examining specific cases within Pakistan further illuminates the discussed
impacts. The Hunza Valley, known for its breathtaking landscapes, has
experienced both the positive economic effects of tourism and the need for
sustainable practices to preserve its unique environment. The Swat Valley,
once a conflict-ridden region, has witnessed a resurgence in tourism,
bringing economic revitalization but also posing challenges related to
infrastructure and cultural preservation.

In conclusion, the impact of tourism on local communities in Pakistan is a

multifaceted phenomenon. While tourism brings economic opportunities and
cultural exchange, it also poses challenges that require careful
management. Embracing sustainable tourism practices, empowering local
communities, and fostering a collaborative approach between stakeholders
are essential steps toward ensuring that the benefits of tourism are
maximized while minimizing its negative consequences. Continued
research, community engagement, and policy initiatives are integral to
shaping a future where tourism in Pakistan becomes a catalyst for inclusive
and sustainable development.

social imapct
econmomic of tourism on social and
impact local culture impact


life quality

Life Quality:
Positive perceived social impacts of tourism include community benefits,
increased community pride and value, cultural exchanges, community
participation, sharing cultural knowledge; some common negative impacts
are increase in vandalism and crime, alcohol abuse, prostitution.

Economic Impact:
According to recent estimates, the tourism industry in Pakistan directly
employ over 1 million people, and indirectly support many more. In addition
to generating revenue and creating jobs, tourism also has a positive impact on
the balance of payment in Pakistan. On the positive side, tourism is an important
source of welfare in terms of being a good source of income and employment for
local people(ANDERECK & NYAUPANE, 2011). (LEE & CHANG, 2008)have discussed
the role of tourism in the reduction of poverty and increasing economic growth.
From this we can understand the role tourism can playing the economic growth of
a country. Moreover, tourism is also the source of foreign exchange income for
developing countries where it contributes to the alleviation of poverty with major
fiscal activities

Environmental Impact:
Results showed that deforestation, loss of biodiversity, generation of solid
waste, water, air and noise pollution, damage cultural and heritage sites and
are the main environmental issues caused by tourism activities in the
villages in these districts. Tourism activities can pose direct impacts on air, soil,
water and the biota of local environments, while indirectly its impacts are
associated with manufacturing, production and transportation of materials (AALL
ET AL., 2011; CHARARA ET AL., 2011).Natural areas including parks and protected
lands may be affected directly with the introduction of waste and pollution or
indirectly by disturbing wildlife (BUCKLEY, 2011).

Social and Culture Impact:

As tourism is increasing, it is affecting the socio-cultural lives of people
living in specific areas. Tourism affects local customs, socio-cultural
characteristics, social life, and religious beliefs of local community
residents. With the development of the tourism sector, local customs, socio-
cultural characteristics, social life and religious beliefs of local residents living in a
community have been affected. GARAU-VADELLET AL., (2018) suggest that
wherever there is mass tourism, local ceremonies, entertainment activities,
accommodation and food, etc., lose their originality and this transformed culture
prevails everywhere to engage and amuse the mass tourist.

Ail C., Kelp I.G., Ingest A.B., Sunland S.E., Stab E. 2011.Leisure and sustainable
development in Norway: part of the solution and the problem. Leisure Studies, 30,
4: 453–476.Almeida Garcia F., Balbuena Vazquez A., Cortés Macias R.2015.
Resident’s attitudes towards the impacts of tourism. Tourism Management

This research has shown the perception of local residents towards the
development of tourism and its impacts on the local environment, socio-culture
and economy. Apart from villagers, 7 different respondents/stakeholders were
included in the questionnaire survey. Most of the respondents rated higher
positive impacts of tourism on the local community in the sense of job creation
and business development. Moreover, the results showed that tourist activities
have caused major environmental problems like an increase in solid waste
generation, while on the other hand the positive impact of economic growth of GB
is associated with tourism. A mix behavior and perception of local residents for
socio-cultural impacts of tourism was seen in the study area. This research
identified the various environmental health issues related to tourists’ activities and
mismanagement by local government. Water quality testing of parameters
including physicochemical characteristics and the identification of infectious
bacteria in water was also conducted. These analyses discovered that the drinking
water formal natural sources in both districts is not suitable for consumption.

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