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The English Club

Common phrases for being tired: What have you been up to lately?
I’m exhausted. How’s it going?
I’m dead tired. How are things?
I’m beat How’s life?
I can hardly keep my eyes open
I’m gonna hit the sack. (hit the sack = go to bed) Common phrases to say how you are:
I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
Common phrases to ask how someone is: Pretty good.
What’s up? Same as always
What’s new? Not so great.
Could be better
The English Club

cant complain No problem.

No worries
Common phrases to say thank you: Don’t mention it.
I really appreciate it. My pleasure.
I’m really grateful Anytime.
That’s so kind of you.
I owe you one. (this means you want/need to do a favour for Common phrases to end a conversation politely:
the other person in the future) It was nice chatting with you.
Anyway, I should get going.
Common phrases to respond to thank you:
The English Club

Common phrases to ask for I can’t help you there.

information: (informal) Beats me.
Do you have any idea…? I’m not really sure.
Would you happen to know…? (when you’re not sure if the I’ve been wondering that, too.
other person has the information.)
I don’t suppose you (would) know…? (when you’re not sure if Common phrases for not having an opinion:
the other person has the information.) I’ve never given it much thought.
I don’t have strong feelings either way.
Common phrases to say I don’t know: It doesn’t make any difference to me.
I have no idea/clue. I have no opinion on the matter.
The English Club

Common phrases for I suppose so. (use this phrase for weak agreement – you
agreeing: agree, but reluctantly)
That’s so true.
That’s for sure.
I agree 100%
I couldn’t agree with you more.
(informal) Tell me about it! / You’re telling me!
(informal) I’ll say!

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