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Coping Skills

Coping skills help us get through difficult times. They can give us an important break from
mental and emotional distress, and sometimes they are literally life-saving. Keep this list of
coping skills handy for when you need it. This could be folded up in your wallet or bag or post
it up on the wall somewhere handy at home.

What would work for you?

Focus your attention on something else!

Examples: Conversation, listen to talk radio, read, do puzzles, TV,

computer games, jigsaws, solve a problem, make a list, learn
something new, cleaning & tidying, gardening, arts & crafts.

Get out of your head & into the world.

Use body & senses: smell fragrances, slowly taste food, notice
the colours around you. Walk on the grass barefoot, squeeze
clay or mud, do yoga, meditate, exercise.

Emotional Release
Let it out & let it go!

Yell, scream, run. Let yourself cry or complain. Put on a funny

movie and let yourself laugh. Try boxing, popping balloons,
punching a pillow, or playing loud music.

Self Care
Be your own best friend.

Manicure your nails, cook a special meal, clean your house (or
just make your bed), bubble bath or long shower, brush hair, take
yourself on a date or buy yourself a small treat.

Thought Reframe
Give yourself a reality check!

Write down negative thoughts then list all the reasons they may
not be true. Imagine someone you love had these thoughts –
what advice would you give them?
Coping Skills Assessment
Directions: Use the prompts below to evaluate your current self-care skills.

Consider how well the following 1 2 3 4 5

Does not
statements describe your Does not Neutral Describes me Describes
describe me
behavior and actions. describe me me very well
at all

I look for creative ways to alter

difficult situations.

Regardless of what happens to

me, I believe I can control my
reaction to it.

I believe I can grow in positive

ways by dealing with difficult

I actively look for ways to replace

the losses I encounter in life.

I visualize my dreams and try to

achieve them.

I like challenges and beating the


I try to pinpoint exactly what I

need to succeed.

When I face a problem, I

concentrate my efforts on doing
something about it.

When I face a problem, I turn to

work or other activities to take
my mind off of it.

Overall Score 40 to 45 30 to 39 20 to 29 10 to 19 9 or below

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