P2 SPRING Speaking Rubric

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SPRING 2023-2024


Develops the topic fully Responds in a basic Unable to respond to
Offers clear and
and appropriately. way to the topic but Presents some minimal the topic or provides
relevant content with
Gives effective may lack relevant content but struggles minimal or irrelevant
CONTENT adequate development
supporting details. supporting details. to develop ideas content.
of ideas and without
Maintains coherence1 May lose coherence at coherently. Seriously lacks
loss of coherence.
throughout. times. coherence.
Produces a good
Produces a very good Has great difficulty
speech, at a level- Produces a weak
speech, at a level- Produces simple speech producing speech.
appropriate pace. speech with frequent
appropriate pace. easily but has difficulty Constant lengthy
Rare repetition. pauses and repetitions,
FLUENCY Almost no repetition. in more complex speech. pauses before nearly
Short pauses may which interferes with
Almost no pauses other There are some pauses every word.
occur, which doesn't communication.
than searching for ideas and repetitions. Repetitions are very
interrupt the flow of Slow pace.
and word choice. frequent. Very slow pace.
Uses target structures Uses target structures Uses only basic Shows limited control of
Uses only basic
with a good degree of correctly. structures with ease. only a few basic
grammatical structures.
control. Makes some errors at Makes some errors at grammatical structures.
GRAMMAR Makes frequent errors,
Almost all structures more complex structures target structures Makes major and very
which usually impedes
including more complex although they do not although they do not frequent errors in basic
ones are accurate. impede meaning. impede meaning.
meaning. structures.
Vocabulary used is Uses a very limited
Uses a wide range of Uses a good range of Uses a limited range of
basic but sufficient to range of vocabulary.
appropriate vocabulary target vocabulary vocabulary and makes
express ideas. Responds only at a
VOCABULARY learned in class appropriately. frequent errors in word
There may be single word level.
effectively. There are only a few choice and word form,
occasional errors which Uses inaccurate,
Very few errors in word errors in word choice which usually impedes
do not impede inappropriate, or
choice and collocations. and word form. understanding.
meaning. irrelevant vocabulary.
Pronunciation is mostly
Pronunciation is almost Frequently unintelligible Too many major
PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation is almost clear and accurate. There
clear and accurate. pronunciation. problems with
always clear and may be only a few errors
(sound, stress, which do not impede
Only occasionally Errors make it difficult to pronunciation.
intonation) difficult to understand. understand the student. Barely comprehensible.

Coherence: When the ideas flow logically from one sentence or paragraph to the next, making the text easy to follow and understand.

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