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RTCA DO-160 Section 4.

0 Temperature and Altitude Testing

The purpose of RTCA DO-160 temperature testing and altitude testing is to
determine the performance characteristics. The RTCA DO-160 test standard
defines the requirements by equipment category. The temperature and altitude
test category are based on a number of variables.
One of the equipment category variables of RTCA/DO-160G testing is the location
in or on the aircraft. Another variable is the maximum operating altitude of the
aircraft. The third variable is whether or not the device is located in a pressure
controlled or temperature-controlled area. Each of the equipment categories
used by an RTCA DO-160 test lab to complete the testing are detailed at the end
of this page.
RTCA/DO-160G Section 4.0 Testing Summary:
This section of the standard covers temperature testing and altitude testing or
equipment intended to be installed on aircraft. The altitude testing includes
altitude testing, decompression testing and overpressure testing. The altitude
testing peaks at 70,00 feet. The decompression testing simulates an emergency
descent. The overpressure testing simulates the ordinary aircraft pressurization.
The temperature testing includes operating low and high temperatures, ground
survival temperatures and the simulation of short-time operating temperatures
and the loss of in-flight cooling. The actual temperature ranges extremes include
a non-operational ground survival temperature as low as -55 C and an operational
high temperature of 70 C.
RTCA DO-160G Altitude Testing
The RTCA DO-160 Section 4.0 altitude testing completed by an RTCA DO-160G lab
includes three primary tests.
Altitude testing is completed by operating the equipment at its maximum duty
cycle. The pressure is then decreased in the altitude test chamber. This testing
starts at ambient temperature and the temperature is stabilized as the pressure is
Decompression testing is also completed at ambient temperatures. With the
equipment operating, the absolute pressure is moved to an equivalent altitude of
8,000 ft. The absolute pressure is then reduced to the equivalent of the maximum
operational altitude for the aircraft on which the equipment will be installed.
Overpressure testing occurs with the equipment not operating, unless otherwise
specified in the equipment specification of the DO-160 test standard. The
equipment is subjected to an absolute pressure equivalent to -15,000 ft altitude.
RTCA DO-160G Temperature Testing
The RTCA DO-160 Section 4.0 temperature testing completed by an RTCA DO-160
lab like Keystone Compliance involves a variety of different tests. Those
temperature tests include the following:
Operating low temperature, which is the lowest temperature at which
equipment will normally be exposed to or be required to operate in.
Operating high temperature, which are the maximum levels that the equipment
will be exposed to within the specific installation area. These areas can include an
enclosed space, behind an instrument panel, equipment racks and power plant
areas, among others.
Short-Time operating temperature, which are the startup conditions where
equipment is turned on following a ground soak. It is expected that these
temperature conditions will occur infrequently and be of short duration. This
expectation is made because cooling or heating air circulation or other means of
controlling temperature would be enabled concurrent with equipment operation.
Ground survival temperatures, which are the lowest and highest ground
temperatures that the equipment is normally expected to be exposed to during
aircraft storage or exposure to climatic extremes. The equipment is not expected
to operate within specification limits at these temperatures but is expected to
survive without damage.
In-Flight Loss of Cooling, which represents the failure of the external or internal
system that normally provides dedicated cooling for the equipment. Certain
equipment must survive for a limited time in the absence of cooling.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Categories
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category A1
Equipment intended for installation in a controlled temperature and pressurized
location. This includes on an aircraft within which pressures are normally no lower
than the altitude equivalent of l5,000 feet. This is considered Mean Sea Level
(MSL). This category may also be applicable to equipment installed in
temperature controlled but unpressurized locations. This includes on an aircraft
that operates at altitudes no higher than 15,000 feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category A2
Equipment intended for installation in a partially controlled temperature but
pressurized location on an aircraft. This category is applicable where pressures are
normally no lower than the altitude equivalent of 15,000 feet MSL. This category
may also be applicable to equipment installed in partially controlled temperature
but unpressurized locations on an aircraft that operates at altitudes no higher
than 15,000 feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category A3
Equipment intended for installation in a controlled or partially controlled
temperature but pressurized location within an aircraft. This category is
applicable when the pressures are normally no lower than the altitude equivalent
of 15,000 feet MSL. Also, the temperatures will be more severe than those for
categories A1 and A2.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category A4
Equipment intended for installation in a controlled temperature and pressurized
location, on an aircraft within which pressures are normally no lower than the
altitude equivalent of 15,000 feet. Mean Sea Level (MSL). Category A4 applies
when temperature requirements differ from category A1 as declared by the
equipment manufacturer. This category may also be applicable to equipment
installed in a temperature controlled but unpressurized locations on an aircraft
that operates at altitudes no higher than 15,000 feet MSL. However, temperature
requirements differ from category A1 as declared by the equipment
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category B1
Equipment intended for installation in a non-pressurized but controlled
temperature location in an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 25,000 feet
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category B2
Equipment intended for installation in non-pressurized and non-controlled
temperature locations on an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 25,000
feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category B3
Equipment intended for installation in the power plant compartment of an
aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 25,000 feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category B4
Equipment intended for installation in a non-pressurized location on an aircraft
that is operated at altitudes up to 25,000 feet MSL. However, temperature
requirements differ from B1 and B2.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category C1
Equipment intended for installation in a non-pressurized but controlled
temperature location in an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 35,000 feet
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category C2
Equipment intended for installation in non-pressurized and non-controlled
temperature locations within an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 35,000
feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category C3
Equipment intended for installation in the power plant compartment of an
aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 35,000 feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category C4
Equipment intended for installation on a non-pressurized aircraft that is operated
at altitudes up to 35,000 feet MSL. However, the temperature requirements differ
from C1 and C2.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category D1
Equipment intended for installation in a non-pressurized but controlled
temperature location on an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 50,000 feet
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category D2
Equipment intended for installation in non-pressurized and non-controlled
temperature locations on an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 50,000
feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category D3
Equipment intended for installation in the power plant compartment of an
aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 50,000 feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category E1
Equipment intended for installation in non-pressurized and non-controlled
temperature locations on an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 70,000
feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category E2
Equipment intended for installation in the power plant compartment of an
aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 70,000 feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category F1
Equipment intended for installation in non-pressurized but controlled
temperature locations on an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 55,000
feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category F2
Equipment intended for installation in non-pressurized and non-controlled
temperature locations on an aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 55,000
feet MSL.
RTCA DO-160 Equipment Category F3
Equipment intended for installation in the power plant compartment of an
aircraft that is operated at altitudes up to 55,000 feet MSL.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Temperature and Altitude Testing to DO-160D
Temperature and Altitude Testing
Section 4.3 Equipment Categories added reference categories for in-flight loss of
cooling test.
Changes from DO-160D Temperature and Altitude Testing to DO-160E
Temperature and Altitude Testing
Section 4.5 Temperature Test was restructured to include sub-section 4.5.2
Operating Low Temperature.
Changes from DO-160E Temperature and Altitude Testing to DO-160F
Temperature and Altitude Testing
Section 4.5.3 Ground Survival High Temperature Test and Short Term Operating
High Temperature Test clarified soak time upon reaching short time operating low
and high temperature. Section 4.5.5, In-Flight Loss of Cooling Test in the note
clarified cooling source and power.
Changes from DO-160F Temperature and Altitude Testing to DO-160G
Temperature and Altitude Testing
Clarified paragraph 4.5.1, Note 2 and paragraph 4.5.3, Note 2.
RTCA DO-160 Section 5.0 Temperature Variation Testing
The purpose of RTCA DO-160 temperature variation testing is to determine the
performance characteristics of equipment operating between high and low
operating temperature extremes. It is important to note that this temperature
testing is just temperature testing. Other conditions such as icing or wet are not
Depending on the rate of the temperature change, the temperature variation
testing may be referred to as thermal shock testing or thermal cycling testing.
RTCA/DO-160G Section 5.0 Temperature Variation Testing Summary:
RTCA DO-160 classifies equipment in one of five categories.
RTCA DO-160G Section 5.0 Temperature Variation Testing Category A: This
category is for equipment external to the aircraft or internal to the aircraft. The
temperature variation testing is a minimum of 10 degrees Celsius per minute.
Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160 temperature
RTCA DO-160G Section 5.0 Temperature Variation Testing Category B: This
category is for equipment in a non-temperature-controlled or partially
temperature controlled internal section of the aircraft. The temperature variation
testing is a minimum of 5 degrees Celsius per minute. Equipment meeting this
description must go through RTCA-DO-160 thermal shock testing.
RTCA DO-160G Section 5.0 Temperature Variation Testing Category C: This
category is for equipment in a temperature-controlled internal section of the
aircraft. The temperature variation testing is a minimum of 2 degrees Celsius per
minute. Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160
temperature variation tests.
RTCA DO-160G Section 5.0 Temperature Variation Testing Category S1: This
category is for equipment external to the aircraft or internal to the aircraft. The
temperature variation testing is a known rate of change greater than 10 degrees
Celsius per minute. Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-
DO-160 thermal variance testing.
RTCA DO-160G Section 5.0 Temperature Variation Testing Category S2: This
category is for equipment external to the aircraft or internal to the aircraft. The
temperature variation is for an unknown rate of change greater than 10 degrees
Celsius per minute. Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-
DO-160 thermal shock tests.
Additional Temperature Variation Notes:
There are some additional points of clarification. Equipment qualified to Category
B is considered to have met Category C. The rates of change greater than 10
degrees Celsius minimum per minute are
considered as temperature shocks. Categories S1 and S2 are intended to evaluate
the effects of more rapid or sudden temperature changes to the equipment. The
outer surfaces, regions, or interfaces of the equipment may be of primary interest
during temperature shock since the internal regions can have comparatively long-
time constants to reach stabilization. For Categories S1 and S2, thermal shock,
Category S2 shall be used unless the temperature change rate is known, then
Category S1 may be used.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Temperature Variation Testing to DO-160D Temperature
Variation Testing
Section 5.3 Test Procedures was revised to provide provisions for collecting data
during a single cycle of test and reduced data collection under certain test
Changes from DO-160D Temperature Variation Testing to DO-160E Temperature
Variation Testing
Section 5.2 Temperature Change Rates added two temperature shock tests,
categories S1 and S2, and Sections 5.3.2 and 5.3.3 are the tests sections that
accompany the newly added categories, respectively.
Changes from DO-160E Temperature Variation Testing to DO-160F Temperature
Variation Testing
Sections, 5.3.1h, 5.3.2h, and 5.3.3i, changed the performance compliance timing
to be in the second, or last cycle.
Changes from DO-160F Temperature Variation Testing to DO-160G Temperature
Variation Testing
Paragraph 5.1 – Added note clarifying test intent and humidity control.
Paragraphs 5.3.1a and d -added clarification of temperature change procedure for
Operating Low and Operating High Temperatures.
RTCA DO-160 Section 6.0 Humidity Testing
The purpose of RTCA DO-160 humidity testing is to determine the ability of
equipment to withstand humid atmospheres. These atmospheric conditions could
be either natural or induced. Humidity testing labs test to this standard to
determine corrosion and other equipment changes. These changes could include
mechanical, electrical, chemical or thermal.
RTCA/DO-160G Section 6.0 Humidity Testing Summary:
RTCA DO-160 section 6.0 classifies equipment in one of three categories;
standard, severe and external.
RTCA DO-160G Section 6.0 Humidity Testing Category A Standard Humidity
Environment: The standard humidity environment ordinarily provides an
adequate test environment for equipment intended for installation in civil
aircraft, non-civil transport aircraft and other classes, within environmentally
controlled compartments of aircraft in which the severe humidity environment is
not normally encountered. Equipment meeting this description must go through
RTCA-DO-160 humidity testing.
RTCA DO-160G Section 6.0 Humidity Testing Category B Severe Humidity
Environment: Equipment installed in zones not environmentally controlled may
be required to be operated under conditions such that it is subjected to a more
severe atmospheric humidity
environment for periods of time in excess of that specified for the standard
humidity environment. Equipment meeting this description must go through
RTCA-DO-160 humidity testing.
RTCA DO-160G Section 6.0 Humidity Testing Category C External Humidity
Environment: Equipment may be required to be operated under conditions such
that it is subjected to direct contact with outside air for periods of time in excess
of that specified for the standard humidity environment. Equipment meeting this
description must go through RTCA-DO-160 humidity tests.
The process of testing that an RTCA DO-160G test lab will follow will depend on
the category. However, in general, the process is a matter of first, exposing the
device to a humid atmosphere. A series of temperature and humidity changes will
then occur over a specified period of time. Upon completion of the humidity
tests, electronic devices will be powered on. A functional check will be run. For
equipment that does not require electrical power, the device is exposed to
temperature and a functional check is made.
Why Are Humidity Tests Important?
As previously mentioned, humidity can wreak havoc on equipment. The most
common issue is corrosion. This corrosion impacts different components in
different ways. For instance, metals the corrode can lose mechanical functionality.
Electrical components such as conductors and insulators can lose their electrical
properties or malfunction. There can be hydroscopic changes to chemicals such as
degradation. Components like insulators can see changes to their thermal
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Humidity Testing to DO-160D Humidity Testing
Editorial changes were made to eliminate redundant description of the test
procedures. Velocity of air throughout the exposure area changed from “Shall not
exceed 0.75 m/s” to “Between 0.5 and 1.7 m/s”. Alternative method was added
to measure the water pH.
Changes from DO-160D Humidity Testing to DO-160E Humidity Testing
Section 6.3 was modified to allow a + 4 percent tolerance to the relative humidity
Changes from DO-160E Humidity Testing to DO-160F Humidity Testing
In paragraphs 6.3.1, 6.3.2, and 6.3.3 changed step 2 to 38 degrees to agree with
corresponding figure.
Changes from DO-160F Humidity Testing to DO-160G Humidity Testing
Corrected terminology paragraph 6.3, removed word hydroxide.
RTCA DO-160 Section 7.0 Operational Shock and Crash Safety Testing
The purpose of RTCA DO-160 operational shock and crash safety test is to
determine the ability of equipment to continue to operate during normal aircraft
operations. Various shocks can occur during operations. Events such as taxiing,
landing or when the aircraft encounters sudden gusts in flight can cause shocks on
the aircraft and its components. Because of the frequency of these occurrences, it
is important to tests equipment to ensure it will operate within performance
standards after exposure to these shocks.
RTCA DO-160 shock testing applies to all equipment installed on fixed-wing
aircraft and helicopters. The DO-160 test standard specifies two operational shock
test curves. The first curve is a standard 11 ms pulse. The second curve is a low
frequency 20 ms pulse. The 20 ms pulse may not be adequate to test against the
effect of longer duration shocks on equipment that have its lowest resonance
frequency below 100Hz. For such equipment, a pulse of 100 ms duration should
be considered.
Why Are RTCA DO-160G Operational Shock Tests Important?
A shock curve can have an adverse impact on equipment. For example, certain
equipment could detach from its mountings or separate in a manner that
presents a hazard during an emergency landing. This applies to equipment
installed in compartments and other areas of the aircraft. If this were to occur,
the detached equipment could present a hazard to occupants, fuel systems or
emergency evacuation equipment.
RTCA DO-160 Crash Safety Testing Equipment Categories:
RTCA DO-160 section 7.0 classifies equipment in one of four categories.
RTCA DO-160G Section 7.0 Operational Shock Testing Category A: This category
is used to test equipment to what would be considered standard operational
shocks. Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160
operational shock testing.
RTCA DO-160G Section 7.0 Operational Shock Testing Category B: This category
tests equipment for both standard operational shocks and crash safety.
Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160 shock testing.
RTCA DO-160G Section 7.0 Operational Shock Testing Category C: This category
tests equipment for low-frequency operational shocks. Equipment meeting this
description must go through RTCA-DO-160 crash safety testing.
RTCA DO-160G Section 7.0 Operational Shock Testing Category C: This category
tests equipment for both low-frequency operational shocks as well as low-
frequency crash safety. Equipment meeting this description must go through
RTCA-DO-160 operational shocks and crash safety testing.
It is important to note that the RTCA/DO-160 Section 7.0 tests does not satisfy
FAR requirements for all equipment. For instance, items such as seats and seat
restraints. For fixed-wing aircraft: a complete installation demonstration must be
accomplished. This includes aircraft acceleration loads such as flight maneuvering,
gust and landing. Crash safety loads, may be accomplished by using the
“Unknown or Random” orientations for the “sustained” test procedure. Using a
dummy load on the shock test apparatus may be necessary. This ensures that the
recorded shock pulse will be within the specified tolerances.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Shock Testing to DO-160D Shock Testing
Equipment category definitions were added for fixed wing and helicopter
installations. Crash Safety levels were identified for helicopters (20g) and
increased for fixed wing crash safety levels (20g). Shock pulse was changed from
half sine to saw tooth. Half-sine shock pulse curve changed to reflect saw-tooth
profile. Test levels were changed from DO-160C based on empirical data.
Changes from DO-160D Shock Testing to DO-160E Shock Testing
Fixed wing and helicopter operational and crash safety test requirements were
made the same.
Changes from DO-160E Shock Testing to DO-160F Shock Testing
Category definitions were revised for clarification. Text description and centrifuge
definitions were revised in section 7.3.3 and figure 7.3, respectively, to reflect the
correct setup direction for acceleration load.
Changes from DO-160F Shock Testing to DO-160G Shock Testing
Added in Section 7.2.1 “Unless otherwise stated in the EUT specification, the
equipment shall be operating, and its temperature stabilized. Apply to the test
item three shocks having a terminal saw-tooth wave shape with an acceleration
peak value of six (6) g’s in each orientation.”
RTCA DO-160 Section 8.0 Vibration Testing
The purpose of RTCA DO-160 vibration testing is to determine whether or not
equipment meets performance standards when subjected to vibration for the
appropriate installation. This vibration test standard applies to equipment
installed on fixed-wing propeller aircraft, fixed-wing turbojet, turbofan, and
propfan aircraft and helicopters.
RTCA DO-160 Vibration Test Overview:
The DO-160G test standard specifies three primary categories of equipment.
Within each of those categories are sub categories.
Standard Vibration Test (Category S): The standard vibration test is for fixed wing
aircraft. This test demonstrates that equipment will meet its functional
performance requirements in the vibration environment. The vibration
environment is the one experienced during normal operating conditions of the
Robust Vibration Test: The robust vibration test determines if equipment will
operate satisfactorily while being subjected to vibration. It also determines
whether the equipment will continue to operate satisfactorily after being
subjected to endurance vibration levels. These vibration tests combine a
demonstration of the equipment functional performance and structural integrity.
Category R: Fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter
Category U: Helicopters
Category U2: Helicopters
High-Level, Short Duration Vibration Test: High-level short duration transient
vibration levels are encountered during abnormal fixed-wing aircraft vibration
conditions that occur during an engine fan blade loss. This test should be applied
to equipment in which a functional loss of performance can hazardously affect the
aircraft’s performance.
Category H: Testing is for fixed-wing aircraft. The testing is a generalized test that
includes all applications. Equipment meeting this description must go through
RTCA-DO-160 vibration testing.
Category Z: Testing is for fixed-wing aircraft. The testing is for restricted low fan
frequency applications. Equipment meeting this description must go through
RTCA-DO-160 vibe testing.
The specific testing and duration of testing of a device will depend on aircraft
type, location of the unit in the aircraft, and proximity of the device to the
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Vibration Testing to DO-160D Vibration Testing
New section defining vibration requirements for helicopters was added. Random
vibration levels were changed by the addition of new curves. Tables and figures
were modified to support changes in test levels.
Changes from DO-160D Vibration Testing to DO-160E Vibration Testing
Fixed Wing Zone 2 features two new test curves. High Level Short Duration
Category Test was revised. Helicopter endurance test times were reduced and the
unknown helicopter test procedure was reconfigured (Category U). Unknown
helicopter test procedure (Category U2) was added as an alternative to revision D.
Changes from DO-160E Vibration Testing to DO-160F Vibration Testing
Performance test times were reduced from 30 minutes to a minimum of 10
minutes. Robust test equipment operating, not operating requirements were
standardized to have equipment not operating during sinusoidal scans and
operating during the robust test portion of the test, unless specified otherwise by
the applicable equipment specifications.
Changes from DO-160F Vibration Testing to DO-160G Vibration Testing
Deleted in section 8.8 “Caution should be exercised regarding wear/damage
occurring during the tests to DZUS (c) fasteners or other flexible mounting
devices.” Editorial change “Repeat the sinusoidal scan of subparagraph”
RTCA DO-160 Section 9.0 Explosive Atmosphere Testing
The RTCA DO-160 explosive atmosphere test standard outlines requirements for
aircraft equipment that may come into contact with flammable substances. These
substances could be fluids, vapors or both. The DO-160G test standard also refers
to normal and fault conditions that may occur could be subjected to flammable
materials during flight operations.
The flammable test fluids, vapors and gasses simulate those used in conventional
aircraft that require oxygen for combustion. It is important to note that
equipment is considered explosion proof when it has been determined that there
is little risk that it will cause an explosion of flammable vapor or gas within the
declared environment. There are three types of test specified in the RTCA/DO-
160. These tests are containment test, non-ignition test and components or
surface temperature test.
RTCA DO-160 Explosive Atmosphere Test Equipment Categories:
The DO-160G test standard specifies three primary categories of equipment.
Category A Equipment:
 In normal operation the temperature of any surface of this equipment
will not rise to a level capable of causing ignition. Also, no other
operating part will cause ignition so that it meets the non ignition test.
 Ignition of an explosive mixture is contained within the equipment
without igniting an explosive atmosphere surrounding it so that it
meets the containment tests.
 Hermetically sealed equipment shall be identified as Category A
 Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160
explosive atmospheric testing.
Category E Equipment:
 This equipment is not hermetically sealed.
 This equipment is also not contained in cases designed to prevent flame
and explosion propagation.
 Such equipment is designed so that in operation the temperature of
any internal or external surface will not rise to a level capable of
causing ignition.
 Also, no operating internal part will cause ignition so that it meets the
non ignition test.
 Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160
explosive atmosphere testing.
Category H Equipment:
 This equipment contains hot spot surfaces and are non-spark producing
under normal operating conditions.
 Hot surfaces could be internal or external.
 Such equipment is designed so that in normal operation the
temperature of any internal or external surfaces will not rise to a level
capable of causing ignition.
 Hermitically sealed equipment meeting temperature requirement on
external surface shall be identified as Category H equipment.
 Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160
explosive atmosphere testing.
RTCA/DO-160 Explosion-Proof Testing Equipment Zones:
The RTCA DO-160G test standard states that equipment should be installed in
aircraft zones. These zones depend on their ability to prevent vapor explosion
during their normal functioning. Another consideration, depending on the
probability that exists in the considered zone, is the ability to prevent vapor
explosion during abnormal functioning in failure mode.
Aircraft Zone 1 is an aircraft area in which uncovered flammable fluids or vapors
exist, or can exist, either continuously or intermittently. This includes within fuel
tanks or within fuel or hydraulic systems. Equipment installed in such
environment should not be able to ignite the surrounding atmosphere in their
normal or double failure conditions of operation.
Aircraft Zone II is an aircraft area in which flammable mixtures can be expected to
occur. This zone only applies as a result of a single fault-causing spillage or
leakage. Equipment installed in such environments should not be able to ignite
the surrounding atmosphere in their normal or faulty possible operation modes.
Only equipment single failure should be considered.
Aircraft Zone III is an aircraft area in which flammable mixtures cannot be
expected to occur. These could be as a result of a single fault-causing spillage or
leakage. Equipment installed in such environment should not be able to ignite the
surrounding atmosphere in their normal operation modes.
Aircraft Zone IV is a designated fire zone or an aircraft area in which flammable
mixtures cannot be expected to occur as a result of a double fault-causing spillage
or leakage. No requirement applies to equipment located in such zone.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Explosive Atmosphere Testing to DO-160D Explosive
Atmosphere Testing
Fuel mixture calculation was corrected for hexane explosive proofness test.
Atmospheric test pressure requirements were clarified.
Changes from DO-160D Explosive Atmosphere Testing to DO-160E Explosive
Atmosphere Testing
Minor changes were made in the procedure to improve repeatability.
Changes from DO-160E Explosive Atmosphere Testing to DO-160F Explosive
Atmosphere Testing
Environment definition and category definitions were revised. Reference to
100/130 octane fuel was deleted from figure 9-4.
Changes from DO-160F Explosive Atmosphere Testing to DO-160G Explosive
Atmosphere Testing
The environment descriptions are improved and category description details are
moved to the user’s guide. The sensor for determining the explosiveness of the
environment is changed from a spark plug or glow plug to a pressure sensor or
thermocouple. Also, the containment test was changed such that if the test case
volume is greater than 1/50 of chamber volume an alternative to purging entire
chamber would be to prove explosive mixture is correct after each case explosion.
RTCA DO-160 Section 10.0 Waterproofness Testing
The RTCA DO-160 waterproofness test standard determines whether equipment
can withstand liquid ingress. This liquid ingress can occur in one of several
different methods. The most prominent is water spray. Other forms of ingress
include dripping liquid and condensation.
RTCA/DO-160 testing is not intended to verify the performance of hermetically
sealed equipment. Equipment already classified as hermetically sealed may be
considered to have met all waterproofness requirements. No additional
waterproofness tests are required. Equipment that is hermetically sealed is
equipment that has a seal that is permanent and airtight.
RTCA DO-160 Waterproofness Test Equipment Categories:
The DO-160G Section 10 test standard specifies four primary categories of
Equipment Category Y:
Equipment that is installed in locations where it is subjected to condensing water
in the course of normal aircraft operations. For equipment intended for
installation in such locations, the condensing water proof test procedure applies.
Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160 ingress
protection testing.
Equipment Category W
Equipment that is installed in locations where it is subjected to falling water in the
course of normal aircraft operations. This falling water is generally due to
condensing water. For equipment intended for installation in such locations, the
drip proof test procedure of the DO-160G waterproofness testing standard
applies. Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160 IP
Code testing.
Equipment Category R
Equipment installed in locations where it may be subjected to a driving rain or
where water may be sprayed on it from any angle. For equipment intended for
installation in such locations, the spray proof test procedure applies. Equipment
that has passed the Category R requirements may be considered to meet the
Category W requirement. This equipment requires no further testing from the
DO-160G test lab.
Equipment Category S
Equipment installed in locations where it may be subjected to the forces of a
heavy stream of fluid. Examples of this event include aircraft de-icing, washing or
cleaning operations. For equipment intended for installation in such locations, the
continuous stream proof procedure applies. Water is used in this test to simulate
the actual fluid forces. Equipment that has passed the Category S requirements
may be considered to meet the Category W requirements. This equipment
requires no further testing from the RTCA DO-160 test lab.
The waterproofness of equipment is also called its ingress protection. Ingress
protection or IP Code is a numeric rating that summarizes an enclosures ability to
protect equipment from liquids and solids. Waterproofness test labs like Keystone
Compliance can test enclosures to an IP Code rating. Solids can include solid
objects or dust. Water ingress testing can include dripping water testing, spraying
water testing and immersion testing.
IP Code labs can offer various forms of spraying water tests. The spraying water
can be from a garden hose to a fire hose. The testing can also include a steam jet
with extremely hot water at a high pressure. The immersion testing can be regular
water or salt water. The immersion tank testing can also include water of a
certain temperature and various depths. For information on our IP Code testing
capabilities, please visit our ingress protection testing page.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Waterproofness Testing to DO-160D Waterproofness
Test step that verifies absence of water penetration into test unit following test
was deleted because it was not consistent with intent and purpose of test. The
test is intended to verify performance of unit following exposure to this
environment, not to verify the unit’s ability to keep out water.
Changes from DO-160D Waterproofness Testing to DO-160E Waterproofness
Minor improvements to pre-heat unit and to reduce risk of thermal shock were
Changes from DO-160E Waterproofness Testing to DO-160F Waterproofness
Drip Rate was changed from 280 l/m2/hr to 140 l/m2/hr.
Changes from DO-160F Waterproofness Testing to DO-160G Waterproofness
In Figure 10-1, the 75 mm height of water annotation is superseded by a new
note that states the volume of water emitted from the drip table must be pre and
post calibrated and the level of water in the drip table noted.
RTCA DO-160 Section 11.0 Fluids Susceptibility Testing
The RTCA DO-160 fluids susceptibility test standard determines whether
equipment can withstand the effects of fluid contaminants. The DO-160G fluids
susceptibility test should only be conducted in certain situations. Those situations
are when the equipment will be installed in an area where fluid contamination
would commonly occur.
The fluids to test with are those commonly used in airborne and ground
operations. Any fluids not listed in the RTCA DO-160G susceptibility test standard
and for which susceptibility tests are indicated, shall be included in the relevant
equipment specification.
The Section 11 fluids susceptibility test lab must take precautions during this
testing. Many contaminants have flash points within the test temperature range.
The DO-160G test lab must take care to ensure that adequate safety measures
are taken to limit the possibility of fire or explosion. Some contaminants may be
toxic. Plus, some fluids may become toxic when mixed with other contaminants.
Due to this, the fluids susceptibility test lab must consult with the equipment
manufacturer prior to the start of testing.
RTCA DO-160 Liquid Susceptibility Test Equipment Categories:
The DO-160G Section 11 test standard specifies just one category of equipment.
Equipment Category F:
Equipment that has passed the tests covered in RTCA DOO-160 Section 11 are
identified as Category F. It is required that the details of the test fluids involved
and the methods used to be provided. This information is provided in an
environmental qualification form that is included as an appendix to this military
test standard. Equipment meeting this description must go through RTCA-DO-160
fluid susceptibility testing.
The RTCA/DO-160G test lab will complete two tests when following this standard.
The first test is a spray test. The second test is an immersion test. The DO-160G
fluid susceptibility tests can involve a number of different fluid classes. The classes
include fuels, hydraulic fluids, lubricating oils as well as solvents and cleaning
fluids. Some other liquids that could be involved in testing include de-icing fluids,
insecticides, sullage and disinfectants.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Fluids Susceptibility Testing to DO-160D Fluids
Susceptibility Testing
Table 11-1 eliminated reference to fire extinguishants and add additional de-icing
fluid, propylene glycol. Aircraft fire extinguishants are gaseous and do not exist in
liquid form under normal conditions. De-icing fluid added to reflect current
industry practices.
Changes from DO-160D Fluids Susceptibility Testing to DO-160E Fluids
Susceptibility Testing
Updated list of fluids and added inspection.
Changes from DO-160E Fluids Susceptibility Testing to DO-160F Fluids
Susceptibility Testing
No changes were made.
Changes from DO-160F Fluids Susceptibility Testing to DO-160G Fluids
Susceptibility Testing
Added 2 new fluids – Cleaning fluid- 1-2 Dichloroethylene; and Fire extinguishant,
Aqueous Film Forming Foam (ATTF) to fluids list. Changed spray test to align with
MIL STD 810G – spray 8 hours, followed by 16 hours of drying, repeated 3 times.
Change operation of unit while wet after 24-hour spray to while wet at end of
third 8-hour spray segment, and third change requirement of operation of unit at
end of each fluid drying period from 2 hours to 30 minutes minimum or unit
RTCA DO-160 Section 12.0 Sand and Dust Testing
The RTCA DO-160 sand and dust test standard determines the resistance of the
equipment to the effects of blowing sand and dust. The test involves the sand and
dust being carried by air movement at moderate speeds. Sand and dust test labs
investigate the effect these contaminants can have.
Sand and dust can wreak havoc on equipment. One of the adverse effects is the
penetration of the particulates into cracks, crevices and bearings. The sand and
dust can also clog moving parts like joints and relays. Filters can also become
useless. Sand and dust can also form electrically conductive bridges. Other
potential impacts include the contamination of fluids and corrosion. RTCA/DO-
160G sand and dust testing is an essential test to safeguard against all of these
RTCA DO-160 Sand and Dust Test Equipment Categories:
The DO-160G Section 12 test standard specifies two categories of equipment.
Equipment Category D:
Equipment recommended for the dust test is identified as Category D. This
equipment can be installed in locations where the equipment is subjected to
blowing dust in the course of normal aircraft operations. Equipment meeting this
description must go through RTCA-DO-160 dust testing.
Equipment Category S:
Equipment recommended for both the dust test and the sand test is identified as
Category S. This equipment can be installed in locations where the equipment is
subjected to blowing sand and dust in the course of normal aircraft operations.
These locations include the cockpit or any other location not intentionally
protected against sand and dust exposure. Equipment meeting this description
must go through RTCA-DO-160 blowing sand testing.
The RTCA/DO-160G test lab will use both dust and sand particles that are
specified in the standard. DO-160G specifies the concentration of the material, its
size, weight and diameter. Other features such as the wind velocity, temperature,
test duration and air flow direction are also detailed.
In addition to the RTCA DO-160G sand and dust tests, Keystone Compliance also
offers other ingress protection testing. We are accredited to every IP Code. Our
ingress protection lab capabilities in addition to dust include other solid objects
and liquids. The liquids include dripping water, spraying water, water jets and
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Sand and Dust Testing to DO-160D Sand and Dust
Editorial and clarifications changes only.
Changes from DO-160D Sand and Dust Testing to DO-160E Sand and Dust
Sand and dust were separated into two categories. Update the mixtures to
current commercially available characteristics.
Changes from DO-160E Sand and Dust Testing to DO-160F Sand and Dust Testing
Category definitions were revised for clarification. Additional sand concentrations
were added. Size distributions and sum of total percentages to 100% were
adjusted in Section 12.3.2.
Changes from DO-160F Sand and Dust Testing to DO-160G Sand and Dust
Change sand composition particle size to meet MIL STD 810G requirements.
RTCA DO-160 Section 13.0 Fungus Testing
The RTCA DO-160 fungus test standard determines whether material is adversely
affected by fungi. Fungi growth is often under favorable conditions. These can
include inorganic salts, high humidity and a warm temperature. There are two
types of fungus attacks. Material can experience either a direct or indirect fungus
What Is A Direct Fungus Attack?
A direct fungal attack occurs when organisms digest organic materials. The fungus
breaks down these materials. In the process, the fungus uses them as food. This
food promotes additional fungus growth. Ultimately, there is a deterioration of
the material.
There are many materials that are considered nonresistant. These are materials
with properties that promote fungus growth. Below are some examples of
nonresistant materials.
 Natural materials are susceptible to fungus growth. These are products
that are carbon-based. Natural materials are considered the most
susceptible to a direct attack.
 Cellulose materials are susceptible. These can include wood, paper,
natural fiber textiles, and cordage.
 Adhesives that are animal or vegetable-based are nonresistant
 Materials such as leather, grease, oils, and many hydrocarbons can
promote fungal growth.
 Numerous synthetic materials are nonresistant. These can include PVC
formulations. Certain polyurethanes such as polyesters are
nonresistant. Plastics that contain organic fillers are susceptible to
fungus. Some paints and varnishes are known to promote fungus
What Is An Indirect Fungus Attack?
Fungus attacks can occur on any material Even materials considered to be fungus-
resistant can be attacked. These attacks are called indirect. These indirect attacks
can still cause damage to the materials.
 Deposits of resistant materials can be inadvertently placed on the
equipment. This can happen during manufacturing. These materials can
include dust, grease, perspiration, and other contaminants. This
situation can also occur during use or service of the equipment. The
fungus grows on this material and causes damage. This occurs even
though the material may be resistant to a direct attack.
 Waste products excreted by fungus can cause damage. Some examples
of the damage include corrosion of metals, etching of glass, or
degrading of plastics.
 The acidic waste products of fungus on adjacent materials may come in
contact with the resistant materials.
What Effects Can Fungus Have On Equipment?
Fungus resistance testing is important because of the adverse effect it can have
on equipment.
 This also can increase moisture penetration.
 Enzymes and organic acids, produced during metabolism, diffuse out of
the cells and onto the surface. This process can cause metal corrosion,
glass etching, hardening of grease and other physical and chemical
 Electrical failures can occur from the physical presence of
microorganisms. These organisms produce living bridges across
 Health problems can be caused by the physical presence of fungi.
 Aesthetically unpleasant situations can occur. This can cause users to
reject using the equipment.
RTCA DO-160 Fungus Test Equipment Categories:
The DO-160G Section 13 test standard specifies one category of equipment.
Equipment Category F:
Equipment that is installed where it will be exposed to severe fungus
contamination. This equipment needs to be subjected to the DO-160 fungus
resistance test. However, this test is not required for all materials. For example,
equipment comprised of non-nutrients. This can be determined through an
analysis or previous testing. Equipment meeting this description must go through
RTCA-DO-160 fungus resistance testing.

Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:

Changes from DO-160C Fungus Testing to DO-160D Fungus Testing
Section 13.5.7 was revised to eliminate 48-hour period after removal from
chamber before performance test.
Changes from DO-160D Fungus Testing to DO-160E Fungus Testing
Other causes of fungus other than nutrient materials and personnel safety
caution were added. Test failure criteria were clarified.
Changes from DO-160E Fungus Testing to DO-160F Fungus Testing
Magnesium sulfate was adjusted to align with other ingredients.
Changes from DO-160F Fungus Testing to DO-160G Fungus Testing
No changes were made.

RTCA DO-160 Section 14.0 Salt Fog Testing

The RTCA DO-160 salt fog test standard determines the effects of ocean
conditions. These conditions are a salt atmosphere that can be extremely
corrosive. Products placed in service on a plane operated near or over a salt water
body of water are susceptible.
From an order of procedure standpoint, the salt fog test must always follow the
fungus resistance test. It should also be stated that the salt fog test can have
several different names. Names such as salt mist test and salt spray test are all
essentially the same test.
What Does A Salt Atmosphere Do To Equipment?
Salt atmospheres can be highly corrosive. This corrosion can occur in a short
period of exposure. The corrosion can clog or bind moving parts. This clogging is
often the direct result of salt deposits. Insulation can breakdown and become
ineffective. Electrical components can be very susceptible to damage. For
instance, wires and contacts can become faulty.
RTCA DO-160 Salt-Fog Test Equipment Categories:
The DO-160G Section 14 test standard specifies one category of equipment.
Equipment Category S:
Equipment installed in locations subjected to a corrosive atmosphere in the
course of normal aircraft operations. Equipment meeting this description must go
through RTCA-DO-160 salt spray testing.
Equipment Category T:
Equipment installed in locations where it is subjected to a severe salt atmosphere.
This can include equipment exposed directly to external unfiltered air on hovering
aircraft that may operate or be parked near the sea. Equipment meeting this
description must go through RTCA-DO-160 salt mist testing.
What Equipment Is Needed to Conduct Salt Mist Testing?
A salt fog test lab like Keystone Compliance must have various pieces of
equipment to complete the test. The main item is a salt spray chamber. The
chamber has support racks and a reservoir for the salt solution. The chamber
must have access to compressed air and nozzles. These are used to atomize the
salt solution. The salt mist testing chamber must have a means of heating and
controlling the chamber temperature. In addition to temperature control, the air
must be humidified.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Salt Mist Testing to DO-160D Salt Mist Testing
Change functional test criteria. Functional test may now be performed following
48 hour dry-out period.
Changes from DO-160D Salt Mist Testing to DO-160E Salt Mist Testing
Title of section was changed from Salt Spray to Salt Fog. Category T was added for
severe salt atmosphere.
Changes from DO-160E Salt Mist Testing to DO-160F Salt Mist Testing
Changed term Salt Spray to Salt Fog throughout this section.
Changes from DO-160F Salt Mist Testing to DO-160G Salt Mist Testing
Add alternating periods of exposure and drying. Suppress the drying before
power up for Category T.
RTCA DO-160 Section 15.0 Magnetic Effects Testing
The RTCA DO-160 magnetic effects test standard determines the magnetic effect
of aircraft equipment. RTCA/DO-160G testing is mainly intended for finding or
proving the closest distance to compasses or compass sensors (flux gates) at
which that unit is allowed to be installed. The DO-160G magnetic effects test
ensures that equipment can operate properly without interference. This
interference can be detrimental as it can affect nearby equipment.
The magnetic effects of the equipment are determined in relation to the
equivalent deflection of a free magnet in a uniform magnetic field. This is based
on the field produced by the earth. This field has a horizontal intensity of 14.4
A/m ±10% when the equipment is positioned on the east-west line through the
pivot of a magnet. RTCA DO-160 magnetic field compliance testing measurements
may be performed with either an uncompensated compass or an equivalent
magnetic sensor.
RTCA DO-160 Mag Effects Test Equipment Categories:
The DO-160G Section 15 test standard specifies five categories of equipment.
Please note that D is the distance at which the 1-degree (1˚) deflection is
Equipment Category A: 0.3< D ≤ 1m
The deflection of the compass is equal to 1˚ when measured >0.3m to ≤1.0 m to
the equipment. This category should be used for equipment whose installation is
≥ 1m to magnetic compasses or flux gates. Equipment meeting this description
must undergo RTCA DO-160G magnetic effects testing.
Equipment Category B: 1m < D ≤ 3m
The deflection of the compass is equal to 1˚ when measured >1.0m to ≤3.0 m to
the equipment. This category should be used for equipment whose installation is
≥3m to magnetic compasses or flux gates. Equipment meeting this description
must undergo RTCA DO-160G mag effects testing.
Equipment Category C:
The deflection of the compass is equal to 1˚ when measured >3.0 m to the
equipment. This category should be used for equipment whose installation is >3m
to magnetic compasses or flux gates. Minimum distance for deviation of 1˚ shall
be reported in the test form; the equipment location onboard will be selected
accordingly. Equipment meeting this description must undergo RTCA DO-160G
magnetic effects tests.
Equipment Category Y: D = 0.0m.
The deflection of the compass is ≤1˚ when measured immediately adjacent to the
equipment. This category should be used for equipment whose installation is
placed between 0.0m and 0.3m from the magnetic compasses or flux gates.
Equipment meeting this description must be tested at an RTCA-DO-160 magnetic
effects test lab.
Equipment Category Z: 0< D ≤ 0.3m.
The deflection of the compass is equal to 1˚ when measured >0.0m to ≤0.3m to
the equipment. This category should be used for equipment whose installation is
≥ 0.3m to magnetic compasses or flux gates. Equipment meeting this description
must be tested at an RTCA DO-160G mag effects testing lab.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Magnetic Effect Testing to DO-160D Magnetic Effect
Text was added to clarify source of referenced magnetic field.
Changes from DO-160D Magnetic Effect Testing to DO-160E Magnetic Effect
Section 15.3 was modified to provide a more detailed test procedure than in
previous versions, including a requirement to verify field uniformity if the
compass must be moved to change the measurement distance to the EUT
(equipment under test). The new Figure 15-1 provides a test setup diagram and
gives notes on proper performance of the test.
Changes from DO-160E Magnetic Effect Testing to DO-160F Magnetic Effect
A new Category Y was added for measurements made immediately adjacent to
the unit under test. Descriptions of each equipment category were added to
Section 15.1 Purpose of Test along with discussion of how the test results are
used to determine how close the EUT may be installed to a compass or compass
sensor. Text allowing the measurements to be made with an uncompensated
compass or equivalent magnetic sensor was also added.
Changes from DO-160F Magnetic Effect Testing to DO-160G Magnetic Effect
Added user’s guide and updated figure 15-1.
RTCA DO-160 Section 16.0 Power Input Testing
The RTCA DO-160 power inputs test defines the test conditions and procedures
for ac and dc electrical power applied to the terminals of equipment to be tested.
RTCA-DO-160 power testing covers the following electrical power supplies:
 14 V dc, 28 V dc and 270 V dc
 115 Vrms ac and 230 Vrms ac at either a nominal 400 Hz frequency or
over a variable frequency range which includes 400 Hz.
The standard states that equipment categories and frequency classes, test
conditions and procedures for equipment using other electrical power supplies
must be defined in applicable equipment performance standards.
Equipment Categories of RTCA DO-160G Section 16 Power Input
Categories A(CF), A(NF), A(WF) and A are all equipment intended for use on
aircraft electrical systems where the primary power is from a constant or variable
frequency ac system and where the dc system is supplied from transformer-
rectifier units. For ac equipment, Categories A(CF), A(NF) or A(WF) apply. For dc
equipment, Category A applies.
 Category A(CF) designates ac equipment intended for use on aircraft
electrical systems where the primary power is from constant frequency
(400 Hz) ac system. A(CF) designates the same equipment as the ac
ones designated by Category A in DO-160 / ED14 issues A to D.
 Category A(NF) designates ac equipment intended for use on aircraft
electrical systems where the primary power is from narrow variable
frequency (360 to 650 Hz) ac system.
 Category A(WF) designates ac equipment intended for use on aircraft
electrical systems where the primary power is from wide variable
frequency (360 to 800 Hz) ac system.
 Category “A” designates 28 V dc equipment intended for use on aircraft
electrical systems where the dc is generated from primary power
supplied from either a constant or variable frequency ac system.
Category A dc equipment may have a battery floating on the dc bus.
Category B is for 14 V or 28 V dc equipment intended for use on aircraft electrical
systems supplied by engine-driven alternator/rectifiers, or dc generators where a
battery of significant capacity is floating on the dc bus at all times.
Category D is for 270 V dc equipment intended for use on aircraft electrical
systems where the dc is generated from primary power supplied from either a
constant or variable frequency ac system.
Category Z is for 28 V dc equipment that may be used on all other types of aircraft
electrical systems applicable to these standards is identified as Category Z.
Category Z shall be acceptable for use in lieu of Category A or Category B.
Examples of this category are dc systems supplied from variable speed generators
 The dc supply does not have a battery floating on the dc bus, or
 The control or protective equipment may disconnect the battery from
the dc bus, or
 The battery capacity is small compared with the capacity of the dc
RTCA/DO-160 Power Input Test Lab Test Designations
AC Distortion Tests: Designation H
This power input test equipment designation relates to ac equipment with an
individual maximum power consumption greater than 35 VA or installations
where the combined power consumption of multiple units, of the same
equipment type, is greater than 150 VA. For such equipment, the current
distortion tests have to be performed if required by the equipment performance
AC Current Modulation Control Tests: Designation L
This DO-160G EMC test equipment designation relates to ac equipment where
the current ripple (or current modulation) drawn from the EUT is controlled. AC
powered equipment that meets the requirements of this test designation is to be
marked with test designation L. Equipment that does not meet the requirements
of designation L is to still be tested (report levels only) and is marked with test
designation Z.
AC Power Factor Tests: Designation P:
This RTCA-DO-160G power input test designation relates to ac equipment where
the power factor of the ac power drawn by the EUT is controlled. AC powered
equipment that meets the requirements of this test designation is to be marked
with test designation P. Equipment that does not meet the requirements of
designation P is to still be tested and is marked with test designation Z. Test
designation Z is considered other test criterion.
DC current ripple tests: Designation R:
This test designation relates to dc powered equipment with an individual
maximum power consumption level. That level is greater than 400 W for 28V or
35 W for 270V or installations where the combined power consumption of
multiple units is greater than 400 W for 28V or 150 W for 270V. The multiple units
all have to be the same equipment type. For such equipment, the DC current
ripple tests have to be performed. This is only required if specified by the
equipment performance standards.
AC or DC Inrush Current tests: Designation I:
This DO-160G power input EMC test equipment designation is assigned to ac or dc
equipment that meets the inrush current requirements specified for designation I.
For such equipment, the inrush current tests of section 16.7.5 have to be
performed if required by the equipment performance standards.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Power Input Testing to DO-160D Power Input Testing
Change 2 to DO-160D, published June 12, 2001, revised Section 16, by including
new tests, and modifications to existing testing, to address the issues of AC
harmonic current content and variable frequency AC power systems.
Changes from DO-160D Power Input Testing to DO-160E Power Input Testing
The entire section was re-ordered so that all the AC tests were in one subsection
and all DC tests were in another subsection, making Section 16 easier to use and
understand. DO-160E also introduced some new tests, such as a DC content test
for AC powered equipment, and a new subsection covering “Load Equipment
Influence on Aircraft Electrical Power Systems.”
Changes from DO-160E Power Input Testing to DO-160F Power Input Testing
More tests are required for both AC and DC powered equipment. A 270V DC bus
generated from the A (WF) AC power bus was added as Category D. Discrete step
test methods were defined for AM and FM modulation on AC systems. AM
voltage modulation on AC buses was increased. Double interrupt test methods
were added for DC equipment. Manual reset was explicitly not permitted after
single and double power interrupts. The dwell at 28V between the short and the
long dc voltage surge was removed. Loss of phase testing was added for three
phase. A Power Factor test designation was added for ac equipment. DC current
draw tests from AC equipment current were added. In-rush and current
modulation test designations were added for both AC and DC equipment.
Tolerances were added to most tests. Category H, harmonic emissions,
measurement methods were updated.
Changes from DO-160F Power Input Testing to DO-160G Power Input Testing
Added alternate test “”Z”” for ac inrush tests. Clarified peak current definition in
inrush testing. Allow performance of emergency limits for Category A(CF)
equipment to constitute performance of normal (part c. (1)) test conditions.
Allow performance of emergency limits to constitute performance of normal (part
b. (2)) test conditions. Added equipment with analog circuitry to be tested with
the test conditions of Table 16-1 and Table 16-3.
RTCA DO-160 Section 17.0 Voltage Spike Testing
The RTCA DO-160 voltage spike test determines whether equipment can
withstand the effects of voltage spikes. These spikes arrive at the equipment on
its power leads. This can occur via either ac or dc power. The adverse effects
voltage spikes can have on equipment are numerous and range in degree of
One of the primary reasons RTCA DO-160G testing is conducted is to determine if
permanent damage can occur. In severe situation, voltage spikes can cause
permanent damage to the equipment under test. In addition to an entire system
failing, individual component damage is a common effect as well. Voltage spikes
have also been known to cause insulation to breakdown.
In addition to the previously-mentioned conditions, equipment can experience a
decline in performance following a voltage spike. For instance, there can be
susceptibility degradation or just changes in the operating performance of the
equipment. The manufacturer and RTCA DO-160G test lab will determine if the
changes in operating procedure should be classified an equipment failure.
There Are Two Primary Equipment Categories Detailed in RTCA/DO-160G Voltage
Spike Testing
Equipment Category A
Equipment intended primarily for installation where a high degree of protection
against damage by voltage spikes is required.
Equipment Category B
Equipment intended primarily for installations where a lower standard of
protection against voltage spikes is acceptable.
Keystone Compliance is one of the leading EMC test labs in the country. With
seven EMC test chambers a substantial amount of test equipment, we are able to
offer shot lead times on scheduling. Our engineers provide communication
throughout the entire test program. If challenges arise during the testing, our
engineers will provide engineering guidance and problem resolution. Our lab is
17025 accredited to RTCADO-160 testing. In addition to providing RTCA-DO-160G
testing, Keystone is accredited to all previous versions of this military test
standard as well.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Voltage Spike Testing to DO-160D Voltage Spike Testing
Editorial changes were made to support document consistency. Reference to “DC
only” condition was eliminated thereby expanding applicability to both AC and DC
systems. Figures were modified to accommodate the inclusion of AC power
systems. Reference to negative pulse generation network was eliminated.
Changes from DO-160D Voltage Spike Testing to DO-160E Voltage Spike Testing
No significant changes were made.
Changes from DO-160E Voltage Spike Testing to DO-160F Voltage Spike Testing
Section 17.4 Test Procedures was modified to clarify application of positive and
negative transients over the specified period of time. Test conditions were
clarified when multiple power pins are present.
Changes from DO-160F Voltage Spike Testing to DO-160G Voltage Spike Testing
Editorial changes only.
RTCA DO-160 Section 18.0 Audio Frequency Conducted Susceptibility – Power
The RTCA DO-160 conducted susceptibility test standard provides test levels to
test equipment for audio frequency conducted susceptibility of power lines. It is
important for the equipment installer to ensure the test results satisfy the
certification requirements of the installation.
The RTCA-DO-160 testing standard for conducted susceptibility assigns equipment
to categories. Equipment that is ac powered can be included in categories R(CF),
R(NF) or R(WF). DC equipment is either in category R, B, or Z. Included below is a
breakdown of each category.
Equipment that falls under categories R(CF), R(NF), R(WF) and R must meet a
number of different criteria. First the equipment is aircraft equipment for use on
aircraft electrical systems. For ac equipment, the primary power is from a
constant or variable frequency ac system. For dc equipment, the dc system is
supplied from transformer rectifier units. Category R is assigned to dc systems.
The other three categories, R(CF), F(NF) and R(WF) are all associated with ac
Category B equipment is dc powered. This equipment used on aircraft electrical
systems. These systems must be supplied by engine-driven alternator/rectifiers,
or dc generators. The one clarification per DO-160G test standard is that category
B equipment must have a battery of significant capacity is floating on the dc bus
at all times. It is important to note that conducted susceptibility test levels for 14
Vdc equipment are exactly half of those required for 28 Vdc equipment.
The DO-160G EMC test standard specifies Category K equipment as having a
voltage distortion level higher than the one for the ac supplies applied on
category R equipment. As with other equipment in Section 18 conducted
susceptibility testing, this equipment is intended for use on aircraft electrical
systems. The equipment’s primary power is from a constant or variable frequency
ac system.
The RTCA DO-160G EMC testing standard defines Category Z as dc equipment
with certain criteria. Essentially, if the equipment is used on an aircraft electrical
system not specified, then it is Category Z. RTCA specifies some examples of
Category Z equipment. They include are dc systems supplied from variable-speed
generators with specific characteristics. For instance, the dc power supply does
not have a battery floating on the dc bus. Another characteristic is where control
or protective equipment may disconnect the battery from the dc bus. The third
characteristic is when the battery capacity is small compared with the capacity of
the dc generators.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Conducted Susceptibility Testing to DO-160D Conducted
Susceptibility Testing
DO-160C referenced Figures 16-4 and 16-5 for DC ripple test requirements; these
figures were moved to Section 18 as Figures 18-2 and 18-3.
Changes from DO-160D Conducted Susceptibility Testing to DO-160E Conducted
Susceptibility Testing
The equipment category designators A and J were eliminated, and categories R
and K were added.
Changes from DO-160E Conducted Susceptibility Testing to DO-160F Conducted
Susceptibility Testing
New test for 270V dc input differential ripple to follow same curve as 28V
Category Z, but at 4 times the amplitude was added. A common mode noise test
has been added for 270V Category Z equipment. For test equipment that
generate a continuous linear frequency sweep, the minimum (i.e., fastest) sweep
rate has been slowed to make swept testing equivalent to stepped testing,
especially at resonances. An optional DC blocking network is added to the test
setup figures to prevent damage to the signal source.
Changes from DO-160F Conducted Susceptibility Testing to DO-160G Conducted
Susceptibility Testing
Changed secondary limit from a 1000W power limit to a 36A (pk-pk) current limit.
Added user’s guide and moved appropriate material to the guide. Corrected
minor issues in existing figures.
RTCA DO-160 Section 19.0 Induced Signal Susceptibility
The RTCA DO-160 induced signal susceptibility test standard investigates the
equipment interconnect circuit configuration. The objective is to determine if the
circuit configuration will accept a level of induced voltages. These voltages are
likely caused by the installation environment. The RTCA-DO-160 susceptibility
testing is focused on interfering signals. These signals are often related to the
power frequency. These signals are also tied to the harmonics, audio frequency
signals and electrical transients. These are all typically generated by other on-
board equipment or systems and couple to sensitive circuits within the EUT. This
coupling occurs through the interconnected wiring.
The RTCA-DO-160 testing standard for induced signal susceptibility assigns
equipment to categories. These categories assign equipment to three-letter
codes. The first letter refers to the test level. There are three options for the first
letter, A, B, C or Z. The second letter refers to the type of primary power supply
installation. The three options for the second letter are C, N or W. The last letter
indicates whether the equipment is qualified to E-field into equipment. If the
equipment is, it is assigned an E. If it is not, it is assigned an X.
Included below are the various equipment category descriptions assigned by
RTCA DO-160G test labs:
RTCA-DO-160G Testing Equipment Category A:
 Category A is defined as equipment intended primarily for operation
where interference-free operation is desirable.
 Category AC is defined as equipment that is installed on aircraft. This
equipment’s primary power is constant frequency (e.g. 400 Hz) or DC.
 Category AN is defined as equipment that is installed on aircraft. This
equipment’s primary power is variable over a narrow frequency range
(e.g. 350 Hz – 650 Hz).
 Category AW is equipment that is installed on aircraft. This equipment’s
primary power is variable over a wide frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz –
800 Hz).
RTCA-DO-160G Test Equipment Category B:
 Category B is defined as equipment intended primarily for operation in
systems where interference would be controlled to a tolerable level.
 Category BC is equipment that is installed on aircraft. This equipment’s
primary power is constant frequency (e.g. 400 Hz) or DC.
 Category BN is defined as equipment installed on aircraft. This
equipment’s primary power is variable over a narrow frequency range
(e.g. 350 Hz – 650 Hz).
 Category BW is defined as equipment that is installed on aircraft. This
equipment’s primary power is variable over a wide frequency range
(e.g. 350 Hz – 800 Hz).
RTCA/DO-160G Testing Equipment Category C:
 Category C equipment is equipment intended primarily for operation in
systems where interference-free operation is required. Also, this
category applies where severe coupling occurs due to long wire runs or
minimum wire separation.
 Category CC equipment is defined as equipment installed on aircraft.
This equipment’s primary power is constant frequency (e.g. 400 Hz) or
 Category CN is defined as equipment that is installed on aircraft. This
equipment’s primary power is variable over a narrow frequency range
(e.g. 350 Hz – 650 Hz).
 Category CW is equipment installed on aircraft. This equipment’s
primary power is variable over a wide frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz –
800 Hz).
RTCA/DO-160G Testing Equipment Category Z:
 Category Z equipment is intended primarily for operation in systems
where interference-free operation is required.
 Category ZC is defined as equipment that is installed on aircraft. This
equipment’s primary power is constant frequency (e.g. 400 Hz) or DC.
 Category ZN equipment is equipment installed on aircraft. This
equipment’s primary power is variable over a narrow frequency range
(e.g. 350 Hz – 650 Hz).
 Category ZW equipment is defined as equipment that is installed on
aircraft. This equipment’s primary power is variable over a wide
frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 800 Hz).
There are various tests detailed in the RTCA-DO-160G test standard. These tests
include magnetic fields induced into the equipment. Another test is electric fields
induced into the equipment. A third test is magnetic fields induced into
interconnecting cables. Another test is electric fields induced into interconnecting
cables. A final test is spikes induced into interconnecting cables.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Susceptibility Testing to DO-160D Susceptibility Testing
Category C was added to include test levels that are appropriate for installations
with long wire runs or minimum wire separation. The test levels for magnetic and
electric fields induced into wiring were increased.
Changes from DO-160D Susceptibility Testing to DO-160E Susceptibility Testing
A second equipment category designator was added to indicate the AC power
system operating frequency (Constant, Narrow Variable, or Wide Variable). The
frequency scan rate was changed to 30 steps per decade, with a 10-second dwell
time at each frequency.
Changes from DO-160E Susceptibility Testing to DO-160F Susceptibility Testing
Clarification to existing formula used to calculate test frequencies was made.
Changes from DO-160F Susceptibility Testing to DO-160G Susceptibility Testing
Clarified that power leads are tested per section 18. Clarified radiating wire
orientation for “Magnetic Fields Induced Into the Equipment” test. Added
“Electric Fields Induced Into the Equipment” test. This test is similar to the
existing “Magnetic Fields Induced Into the Equipment” test, using an open-circuit
wire radiator. This change caused paragraph re-numbering within this section,
including those paragraphs of existing tests. Clarified source wire routing (spiral
vs. parallel) relative to bundle under test.
RTCA DO-160 Section 20.0 Radio Frequency Susceptibility (Radiated and
The RTCA DO-160 radiated susceptibility test standard determines whether
equipment will operate in required performance specifications. The equipment is
evaluated when it and its interconnecting wiring are exposed to a level of RF
modulated power. The RF is introduced by a radiated RF field or by injection
probe induction onto the power lines and interface circuit wiring.
RTCA/DO-160G testing has two procedures. The first susceptibility test is a
conducted susceptibility test. The frequency range is from 10kHz to 400 MHz. The
equipment to be tested is exposed to RF signals coupled by means of injection
probes into the cable bundles. The second susceptibility test is radiated
susceptibility. This test, spelled out in RTCA/DO-160G, is for frequencies between
400 MHz and the upper limit. The equipment to be tested is exposed to radiated
RF fields. The RTCA-DO-160G testing standard does have an intentional overlap
from 100 MHz to 400 MHz.
The RTCA DO-160 test lab can conduct the radiated susceptibility tests from100
MHz to 18 GHz one of two ways. One way is by using a reverberation chamber
method. The second way is by using the anechoic chamber method. The customer
can select the method they want the radiated susceptibility test lab to use.
The RTCA-DO-160G Section 20 testing standard categorizes equipment. The
categories designate the RF test levels and the RF immunity level. The category
itself must be identified before the internal RF of the aircraft is known. This can
create uncertainty. For this reason, the manufacturer should design, qualify and
test the equipment to the category consistent with the expected exposure,
location and use of the equipment.
The designation of the equipment category is based on two variables. Conducted
susceptibility test levels are designated with the first category character. Radiated
susceptibility test levels are designated with the second category character. The
equipment location, anticipated exposure/location of interconnecting wiring, and
aircraft size and construction will always determine the test level.
The following section outlines the equipment categories spelled out in RTCA DO
160G testing:
 Categories B, D, F, G, L, M and O provide test levels which directly
relate to the high intensity radiated field (HIRF) external field
environments for systems with highest criticality as specified in the
HIRF regulations.
 Category R provides test levels for equipment under certain
 Bench testing is allowed to meet the HIRF for systems with
high criticality as specified in the HIRF regulations. And
 Showing backdoor Transmitting-Portable Electronic Device
(T-PED) tolerance.
 Category S provides a minimum test level where aircraft effects from
the external electromagnetic environment are minor and where
interference free operation on the aircraft is desirable but not required.
This category may also be representative of the internal EMI
environment from aircraft equipment.
 Category T provides test levels for equipment when bench testing is
allowed to meet the HIRF for systems with moderate criticality as
specified in the HIRF regulations. This category may also be
representative of the internal EMI environment from aircraft
 Categories W and Y provide test levels for two criteria.
 Bench testing supporting compliance to HIRF Special
Conditions, and
 Showing backdoor T-PED tolerance
 Category Q indicates tests conducted at test limits or with modulations
other than those specified in these procedures.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C RF Susceptibility Testing to DO-160D RF Susceptibility
The revisions to Section 20, in DO-160D Change No.1, published December 2000,
include a new, Mode-Tuned, Reverberation Chamber Radiated RF Susceptibility
test method. New categories (test levels) were also added to Section 20, including
Category L, which requires Radiated RF Susceptibility testing (pulsed) as high as
7200 volts/meter. An alternate procedure was added for mode-stirred radiated
susceptibility tests. The mode-stirred procedure was accepted as an alternate that
may require lower-power amplifiers.
Changes from DO-160D RF Susceptibility Testing to DO-160E RF Susceptibility
A section providing guidance and caution related to RF power amplifier harmonics
and their potential to affect the test results was added, along with a revision that
allows the use of an oscilloscope to measure Conducted Susceptibility test levels.
The Mode-Tuned test method for Radiated Susceptibility was modified to allow
for the option of using the received power on the monitor antenna to determine
the test level, as opposed the E-field readings from a 3-axis sensor. Flexibility in
the number of tuner steps was also added, giving the user the choice of increasing
the number of steps based on the need for greater field uniformity or a higher
test level, or decreasing the number of tuner steps to decrease the test time.
Changes from DO-160E RF Susceptibility Testing to DO-160F RF Susceptibility
Test categories were reduced and “alternative” modulations for Category R were
eliminated. There is now only one test method for conducted susceptibility.
Clarification has been added regarding the requirement to expose all apertures
and openings of the EUT in anechoic chamber method. RTCA/DO-160F added
requirements to test several additional dwell frequencies where the image
frequencies for n =2 through 10. 160F removed the permissive language
associated with these tests. It used to be “should” but 160F now uses “shall”.
Changes from DO-160F RF Susceptibility Testing to DO-160G RF Susceptibility
Indicated that section categories are appropriate for Transmitting Portable
Electronic Device. Clarified that power lines may, but are not required to, be
routed with interconnect wiring, unless this conflicts with aircraft installation
specifications. Indicated that the radiating antenna may be placed further than 1
meter from EUT. Significant change to reverberation chamber testing made by
replacing “Mode Tuning” test technique with “Mode Stirring” technique.
RTCA DO-160 Section 21.0 Emissions of Radio Frequency Energy
The RTCA DO-160 radiated emissions test determines whether a piece of
equipment emits undesired RF noise that exceeds specified levels. The objective
of Section 22 of RTCA-DO-160G testing is to protect RF sensors operating
RTCA/DO-160G emissions testing contains a number of equipment categories.
These categories are defined by two criteria. First the separation between the
aircraft radio antennas and the equipment. The second criteria is the location of
the equipment in the aircraft.
RTCA-DO-160 testing classifies equipment in the following categories.
 Equipment labeled Category B is intended primarily for equipment
where interference should be controlled to tolerable levels. This
equipment generally generates nominal RF emissions.
 Equipment considered Category L is designated for equipment and
interconnected wiring located in certain areas. These areas are far from
apertures of the aircraft. An example would be windows. This
equipment is also placed far from the radio receiver’s antenna. This
category may be suitable for equipment and associated interconnecting
wiring located in the electronic bay of an aircraft.
 The standard considers Category M equipment to include equipment
and interconnected wiring located in areas where apertures are
electro-magnetically significant. This equipment is generally not directly
in view of the radio receiver’s antenna. This category may be suitable
for equipment and associated interconnecting wiring located in the
passenger cabin. It could also be located in the cockpit of a transport
 RTCA-D0-160 considers Category H equipment located in areas which
are in direct view of a radio receiver’s antenna to be Category H. This
category is typically applicable for equipment located outside of the
 Category P is for equipment and associated wiring located in areas
close to certain devices. These devices include HF, VHF, or Global
Positioning System (GPS) radio receiver antennas. Another
characteristic is the equipment is placed where the aircraft structure
provides little shielding.
 Category Q is defined as equipment and associated wiring located in
areas close to VHF, or GPS radio receiver antennas. Another qualifier is
equipment placed where the aircraft structure provides little shielding.
It is important to note that RTCA-DO-160G does not measure or control spurious
signals conducted out of certain equipment. This equipment includes antenna
terminals of receivers or transmitters. That control should be specified in the
equipment performance standard for that receiver or transmitter. Radio
transmitters or receiver/transmitters must meet specified emissions requirements
while in a nontransmitting or receive mode.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C RF Emissions Testing to DO-160D RF Emissions Testing
Change Category Z requirements to reflect need for additional scrutiny in the VHF
COM NAV and GPS frequencies.
Changes from DO-160D RF Emissions Testing to DO-160E RF Emissions Testing
All of the figures were cleaned up and made easier to read. The Radiated
Emissions limits for Categories M and H were modified slightly so that the notches
that occur in various frequency ranges now have sloped bottoms to match the
rest of the limit. The frequency range of the first notch has also been changed for
a more precise match with the communications/navigation frequency range that
the notch protects.
Changes from DO-160E RF Emissions Testing to DO-160F RF Emissions Testing
The conducted emissions frequency range has been broadened to 150 kHz – 152
MHz, and the Radiated Emissions test frequency range has been narrowed to 100
MHz – 6 GHz. A new procedure for radiated emissions measurements in a
reverberation chamber was added. In the anechoic chamber method,
clarification has been added regarding the requirement to expose all apertures
and openings of the EUT. A new limit category has been added, Category P, to
provide added protection for certain receivers by use of even deeper notches
than previously used.
Changes from DO-160F RF Emissions Testing to DO-160G RF Emissions Testing
Added optional in-line low noise preamp to diagrams in Fig. 21-11, Fig. 21-12, and
Fig. 21-13 per description in Table 1, Note 1. Corrected values at 152 MHZ notch
points, 37.5dB in Fig. 21-8, 27.5 dB in Fig. 21-9, and 27.5 dB in Fig. 21-10. Added
acronym definitions for GPS and GNSS at first occurrence of acronym in Section
21. Added verbiage in Section 21 User Guide discussing the use of equivalent
dipole directivity in formula found in Section 21.6.3.i. Revised Figure 21.6 and
21.11 to show bends in the cable bundle as it exits the EUT. Revised frequency
ranges in Table 1: 100 kHz bandwidth upper frequency limits = 0.4 – 0.96 GHz and
1 MHz bandwidth lower frequency limits = 0.96 – 6.0 GHz. Revise Note 1 to Table
1 to eliminate the option to use an uncorrected 10 kHz bandwidth in the
measurement of category M & H emission notches above 960 MHz. Substituted a
new Note 1 which recommends use of a low noise preamplifier if necessary, to
achieve sufficiently low measurement noise floor in the notches. Added Category
Q. Revised Paragraph 21.2 to include Category Q definition. Inserted two new
Figures for Category Q, Fig. 21-4 and Fig. 21-5. Renumbered remaining figures as
required. Added Section 21 User Guide to Section 21.
RTCA DO-160 Section 22.0 Lightning Induced Transient Susceptibility
The RTCA DO-160 lightning-induced transient susceptibility tests simulate
lightning. The standard specifies the transients to be induced on the equipment.
The actual testing parameters are specified in the applicable equipment
specification. These parameters include the levels and the waveforms. Equipment
specification also outlines the pass / fail criteria.
RTCA-DO-160G lightning testing can be conducted in one of two groups. The first
group is a damage tolerance test. This is conducted using pin injection. The
second test evaluates the functional upset tolerance. This tolerance is evaluated
when transients applied to interconnecting cable bundles. There are a number of
cable bundle tests. These include single stroke, multiple stroke and multiple burst.
These cable bundle susceptibility tests can provide an indication of damage
The RTCA/DO-160 test standard defines the various components included in the
transient susceptibility testing. Below are some of the definitions included in the
RTCA DO-160G susceptibility standard.
 Cable Bundle is a group of wires and/or cables bound or routed
together. This bundle connects a piece of equipment to one or more
pieces of equipment comprising the system under test.
 Calibration Loop is a heavy duty, low self-inductance, low resistance,
single turn wire loop. The loop is passed through the injection
transformer to form an insulated secondary winding. It should be low
enough in impedance to achieve the test level and waveform.
 Core Wire is an individual wire inside a shield. The individual wire
induced voltages/currents are reduced from the driven loop
voltages/currents. This occurs by the presence of the shield (i.e. by the
shield transfer impedance).
 Generator is a set of equipment (waveform synthesizer, amplifiers,
couplers, etc.) that delivers a voltage or current waveform. This delivery
is via direct or indirect coupling to the equipment under test (EUT).
 Local Ground is defined as any ground strap or conductor less than 1
meter in length that is connected two places. The first connections is to
the equipment. The second connection is to the same part of airframe
structure to which that equipment is installed. The ground strap or
conductor would therefore be bonded to the same ground plane that
the equipment is mounted to. During a lightning strike, it would be at
the same structural voltage potential as the equipment.
 Monitor Loop is a close fitting, single turn, wire loop wound through
the injection transformer to form an insulated secondary winding. It is
used to monitor the induced cable bundle or calibration loop voltage.
 Multiple Burst Applications are a set of transient waveforms intended
to represent the induced effects of the external lightning Multiple Burst
Waveform Set in aircraft wiring. The Multiple Burst Application includes
an induced transient corresponding to each current pulse in the
external environment. Each of the induced transients is the response to
the external environment. There are three groups of twenty transients
in the Multiple Burst Application.
 Multiple Stroke Applications are a set of transient waveforms. These
waveforms are intended to represent the induced effects of the
external lightning Multiple Stroke Waveform Set in aircraft wiring. The
Multiple Stroke Application includes an induced transient waveform
corresponding to each stroke in the external multiple stroke
environment. There are fourteen transients in the Multiple Stroke
Application. The first induced transient is the response to first return
stroke of the external environment and the following thirteen
transients are the response to follow on or multiple return strokes of
the external lightning environment.
 A Shield is a conductor which is grounded to an equipment case or
aircraft structure at both ends. It is routed in parallel with and bound
within a cable bundle. It is usually a wire braid around some of the
wires or cables in the cable bundle. It may also be a metallic conduit,
channel or wire grounded at both ends within the cable bundle. The
effect of the shield is to provide a low resistance path between
equipment so connected.
 Shielded Cable Bundle is a cable bundle that contains one or more
shields. Such cable bundles may include some unshielded wires.
 Single Stroke Response is a representative wiring response to the most
severe external component of a lightning strike to an aircraft.
 Transfer Impedance is a ratio of the core wire open circuit voltage to
the shield current.
 Unshielded Cable Bundle is a cable bundle that contains no shields.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Indirect Lightning Testing to DO-160D Indirect Lightning
DO-160D Change No. 3, published December 2002, added additional waveform
sets, cable bundle test levels, and the procedures for performing indirect lightning
multiple stroke and multiple burst tests using the existing defined test
waveforms. The category designations were modified to allow users to designate
categories that indicated that these additional tests had been performed. New
Waveform Set designators, G through K, were added to cover the Multiple Burst
and Multiple Stroke tests. Another significant addition to Change 3 was setup
information on performing pin injection tests with power applied. Several
different setup diagrams were added to assist users in performing these tests
properly. Improperly connecting the lightning generator to a pin with power
applied could result in insufficient stress on the pin.
Changes from DO-160D Indirect Lightning Testing to DO-160E Indirect Lightning
The DO-160E cable bundle test section was modified to include a new section
providing guidance for performing cable bundle tests on bundles that normally
contain shields, with the shields removed. This guidance allowed testing of a
cable bundle at test levels currently defined in DO-160, but intended to
demonstrate compliance to aircraft installation threats that are higher than these
standardized levels. It explicitly stated that the test generator used for cable
bundle testing does not need to be capable of producing the voltage or current
limit level, provided that the current or voltage test level can be achieved on the
cable under test.
Changes from DO-160E Indirect Lightning Testing to DO-160F Indirect Lightning
Section 22 was restructured with additional test requirements moved from notes
under figures to the main body of the document, and paragraphs were numbered
to provide easy reference to the requirements contained in each paragraph. In
the waveform set tables and the test level tables, both the voltage and the
current waveform number are now shown to eliminate any ambiguities with how
waveforms are related to each other. This section was modified to clarify when a
test was successfully completed and when, in the case of reaching a limiting level
before a test level, another waveform test was needed. The cable bundle section
now contains a path to follow for every waveform set and criteria for acceptable
and unacceptable test limit waveforms that leads the user to successful test
completion regardless of the configuration of the cable under test.
Changes from DO-160F Indirect Lightning Testing to DO-160G Indirect Lightning
The most significant change to Section 22 in DO-160G is the addition of a User’s
Guide (UG) as an appendix to Section 22. This appendix removes guidance
material from the requirements portion of the section. This allows for an in-
depth discussion on relevant topics without “muddying” the procedures and test
level definitions contained in the requirements portion of Section 22. The UG
format is a paragraph by paragraph match with the requirements section for easy
references to guidance on specific topics. Where no guidance material was added,
the UG paragraph is not populated. It is expected that the UG will assist
equipment designers with design and test considerations as well as improve
standardization of testing between test facilities. For example, by providing a
detailed discussion on dealing with noise during waveform measurements, labs
are more likely to use the same methodology for making measurements, resulting
in much more consistency across the industry. The DO-160G Section 22
requirements portion adds the test methods and test levels for performing
Waveform 6 Multiple Burst testing. Voltage limits for Waveform 6 are based on
the open circuit voltage level from Waveform3 Pin Injection, as Waveform 6, by
definition, does not have a voltage limit. The Waveform 6 Multiple Burst test
resulted in the addition of another waveform set character to identify the
waveform used for Multiple Burst testing. Wave form set ‘L’ is used to identify
Waveform3 Multiple Burst and waveform set ‘M’ identifies Waveform 6 Multiple
Burst. Due to potential inconsistencies between the two Pin Injection test
calibration methods, the resistor method was removed. The open circuit
voltage/short circuit current method is considered the preferred method. As a
result of the method elimination, several test setup diagrams were updated to
reflect the change. Clarification was added for the use of the ‘Z’ designator when
the wave form generator is switched because the generator used did not produce
a compliant ‘limit’ waveform. It is now specified that switching generators
requires that the waveform set designation be a ‘Z’, the only exception being
where this is done for power line testing only. Testing of the power line separate
from a standard interconnect bundle is the most common way of testing,
therefore the exception is allowed providing better representation of the
waveform set used for testing on the EUT interconnect bundle.
RTCA DO-160 Section 23.0 Lightning Direct Effects
The RTCA DO-160 Section 23 determine the ability of equipment to survive the
direct effects of a lightning strike. This test standard applies to externally
mounted equipment. This equipment includes any devices mounted externally to
the main skin of the aircraft. It includes all equipment that is covered only by a
dielectric skin or fairing. Other inclusions include connecting cables and related
terminal equipment furnished by the equipment manufacturer as part of the
This section of RTCA-DO-160G exclude the effects of certain events. For instance,
voltages and currents induced into the externally-mounted equipment and its
associated circuitry by way of electric or magnetic field coupling. These events are
covered by RTCA/DO-160 Section 22.
The RTCA DO-160 testing standard specifies certain equipment that must meet
the requirements of this section. This equipment includes antennae, exterior
lights, air data probes and external sensors. Also included are anti-ice and de-ice
equipment which are mounted external to the structure (i.e. electrically heated
anti-ice boots), magnetic fluid level indicators, fuel filler caps and drain valves.
Just as important, the RTCA-DO-160G test standard lists equipment typically not
covered by Section 23. This equipment includes equipment that are an integral
part of the aircraft structure. These parts can include heated or unheated
windshields. Also includes are electrically de-iced leading edges where the de-ice
system is an integral part of the leading-edge structure or is enclosed by the
leading-edge structure. Other equipment not included is externally mounted
equipment that is protected by aircraft nose radomes or dielectric coverings. This
equipment is specific to the aircraft structure and not integral with the equipment
Components such as these previously mentioned are typically addressed and/or
tested as a part of the airframe lightning certification program specified by the
aircraft manufacturer. They can also be tested or by other test methods
appropriate to the component being qualified.
There are two types of direct effects tests that can be completed by an RTCA DO-
160G test lab. The first test is a high voltage strike attachment test and the other
is a high current physical damage test. The high voltage strike attachment test is
used to determine likely lightning attachment locations on the test object. The
high current physical damage test is used to determine the damage that may
occur to the test object during a lightning channel attachment to or near the test
object. The high current physical damage test can be used to assess several
conditions. These include arc root damage, hot spot formation, melt-through
behavior, adequacy of protection and the behavior of joints (sparking and
damage). Other conditions to asses include the level of voltage and current
induced on electrical conductors interfacing with the test object.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Lightning Testing to DO-160D Lightning Testing
Additional procedure with associated electrode was provided for producing
flashover when flashover is not produced during the normal procedure and it is
desired that flashovers occur.
Changes from DO-160D Lightning Testing to DO-160E Lightning Testing
No significant changes were made.
Changes from DO-160E Lightning Testing to DO-160F Lightning Testing
Clarification of test waveforms and methods has been added throughout the
section. Category designations have been added to separate voltage and current
tests. Category designations have been clarified, and Category F was deleted.
Changes from DO-160F Lightning Testing to DO-160G Lightning Testing
No changes were made.
RTCA DO-160 Section 24.0 Icing Test
The RTCA DO-160 Section 24 icing test determines the performance of equipment
under certain conditions. The icing testing applies to equipment that is exposed to
icing conditions. These icing conditions are typically encountered in situations of
rapid change. These changes can include temperature, altitude and humidity.
Most equipment requiring icing testing is mounted on external surfaces.
However, equipment in non-temperature-controlled areas of the aircraft are also
When working with an RTCA/DO-160 test lab, the objective is to evaluate the
effects of various icing conditions. These conditions can adversely impact the
performance or aircraft equipment. There are three primary effects. The first is
the effects of external ice or frost adhering to the equipment. The second is the
effects of ice caused by freezing of water condensation or by re-freezing of
melted ice. The third possible effect is from ice build-up caused by direct water
The RTCA-DO-160G icing test standard separates equipment into different
categories. The category is determined by the equipment location. This can either
be in or on the aircraft. Another factor in determining the category is the type of
icing conditions expected. Ultimately, the equipment manufacturer must
determine the most appropriate category based on the end application and use of
the equipment.
DO 160G icing tests are determined by the following equipment categories.
 Category A
 This DO-160-G icing test is applicable to equipment mounted
externally or in non-temperature-controlled areas of the
aircraft. These areas are prevalent for ice or frost formation
due to condensation. The condensation occurs when the
equipment is cold soaked to extremely low temperatures and
subsequently encounters humid air at above freezing
 Category B
 This DO 160G icing test is applicable to equipment with
moving parts. Such movement could be prevented or
impeded by ice formation. Another event is where forces
resulting from the expansion of ice could damage structural
or functional components. The ice formed in or on the
equipment results from condensation, freezing, melting
and/or re-freezing. This ice may progressively accumulate
water or ice inside non-sealed enclosures.
 Category C
 This RTCA-DO-160G ice testing is applicable to items
mounted externally or in non-temperature-controlled areas.
These areas often have accumulating free water. This water
could subsequently freeze on the cold surfaces of the
equipment. This DO160G ice test is intended to examine the
effects of a representative thickness of ice on the
performance of the equipment. It also determines the
maximum thickness that can be permitted before de-icing
action is necessary. The required thickness and distribution of
ice and any requirement for progressive build-up of ice shall
be defined by the applicable equipment standards.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Icing Testing to DO-160D Icing Testing
Editorial and clarifications changes only.
Changes from DO-160D Icing Testing to DO-160E Icing Testing
No changes were made.
Changes from DO-160E Icing Testing to DO-160F Icing Testing
No major changes were made. Clarification of type of ice was incorporated.
Changes from DO-160F Icing Testing to DO-160G Icing Testing
No changes were made.
RTCA DO-160 Section 25.0 Electrostatic Discharge Test
The RTCA DO-160 Section 25 covers electrostatic discharge testing, also known as
ESD testing. The ESD test relates to airborne equipment exposed to static
electricity discharges from human contact. There are several factors that
contribute to electrostatic discharge. One factor is low humidity. Another factor is
temperature. The use of low conductivity carpets can create ESD. These are
usually made of artificial fibers. Lastly, vinyl seats and plastic structures can also
create ESD.
DO 160G ESD testing is applicable for all equipment and surfaces which are
accessible during normal operation. Equipment and surfaces accessible during
maintenance of the aircraft should be tested as well. ESD testing is not applicable
to connector pins. There is only one category of equipment.
The DO-160 electrostatic discharge test is designed to determine the ESD
immunity of equipment. Immunity is the ability of equipment to perform as
expected. It must perform its intended function without permanent degradation
of performance resulting from an air discharged electrostatic pulse.
ESD testing is one of several EMC tests included in the RTCA-DO-160. Electrostatic
discharge is a common occurrence on aircraft. Ensuring that equipment is
immune to its effects is crucial.
Keystone Compliance is one of the leading ESD test labs in the country. With
seven EMC chambers and multiple ground planes, we offer short lead times on
scheduling. In addition to ESD, our EMC testing capabilities include EMC, shielding
effectiveness and indirect lightning. We also offer icing, temperature, humidity,
thermal shock, blowing rain and solar radiation testing. Other testing areas
include vibration, shock, ingress protection and package testing.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C ESD Testing to DO-160D ESD Testing
A new section was added to address device level susceptibility issues for ESD.
Changes from DO-160D ESD Testing to DO-160E ESD Testing
No significant changes were made.
Changes from DO-160E ESD Testing to DO-160F ESD Testing
No significant changes were made, except correcting typographical errors in the
Changes from DO-160F ESD Testing to DO-160G ESD Testing
Added note that ESD connection point is not applicable to connector pins. Added
expansion of type and of the list of test points to be considered. Address case of
no discharge.

RTCA DO-160 Section 26.0 Fire Flammability Testing

The RTCA DO-160 Section 26 covers fire testing and flammability testing. This
equipment is applicable to certain equipment. Equipment in pressurized zones
such be fire tested. Equipment in fire zones should undergo flammability testing.
Lastly, some equipment mounted in non-pressurized, non fire zones could be
required to undergo fire test. Flammability and fire tests apply to equipment
installed on fixed wing propeller driven aircraft, fixed-wing turbojet aircraft,
turbofan aircraft, prop fan aircraft, and helicopters.
RTCA-DO-160G flammability testing outlines three categories of equipment.
 Category A: Fireproof
 This equipment is installed in a fire zone which must function
during the first five minutes of fire. This equipment must
keep its safety functions for at least fifteen minutes. For fluid
handling components, there shall be no leakage to support a
flame after the burner has been removed. It is important to
note that wetting or droplet that self-extinguishes may be
acceptable. For air handling components, there shall be no
leakage that may additionally feed the fire. The equipment
shall remain firmly attached to the mounting. The fireproof
testing will be performed on equipment in the operating
 Category B: Fire Resistant
 This equipment is installed in fire zone which must not cause
a hazardous condition during five minutes of fire without
structural degradation. For fluid handling components there
shall be no leakage to support a flame after the burner has
been removed. It is important to note that wetting or droplet
that self-extinguishes may be acceptable. For air handling
components, there shall be no leakage that may additionally
feed the fire. In general, any leakage of continued burning of
the test article at the end of the five minutes would be
considered a test failure. The exception would be when it can
be shown that there is not a significant increase in the overall
fire hazard. An example of this would be if the fire
extinguishing equipment is capable of extinguishing the
residual flame.
 Category C: Flammability
 This category applies to enclosures housing electronics and
non-metallic material, component parts, sub-assemblies
installed in pressurized or non-pressurized zones and non-fire
zones. This flammability test is to be performed on
equipment in a non-operating mode. The purpose of this test
is to check the non-propagation of the flame in the case
where ignition would appear inside or outside of the
equipment. Tests will be performed on specimens of
material. The flammability procedure shall be applied.
Please note the following exclusions detailed in the RTCA/DO-160G flammability
testing standard. If all materials used in the construction of the equipment can be
shown to meet the equivalent vertical and horizontal flammability tests herein,
either through composition or previous testing, this test is not required. Testing is
not necessary on enclosures housing electronic or non-metallic material if the
following apply:
1. The enclosures are constructed of metal (metal finish that is
nonflammable), on all sides, and has no vent holes.
2. The enclosures are constructed of metal (metal finish that is
nonflammable) on five sides and one side is constructed of glass
polycarbonate(display) that has met the 12 second vertical test, and
has no vent holes.
Modifications from one Version of RTCA DO-160 to the Next:
Changes from DO-160C Fire and Flammability Testing to DO-160D Fire and
Flammability Testing
Changes from DO-160D Fire and Flammability Testing to DO-160E Fire and
Flammability Testing
Section 26 was introduced in DO-160E.
Changes from DO-160E Fire and Flammability Testing to DO-160F Fire and
Flammability Testing
No changes were made.
Changes from DO-160F Fire and Flammability Testing to DO-160G Fire and
Flammability Testing
Categories A and B minor wording changes, test method remained the same.
Category C: Flammability Entire section removed and replaced with FAA accepted
methods verbatim from FAA Fire Test Handbook. Added configurations exempt
from testing. Added definitions for “small parts exemption”. Added user guide
addressing all three categories. Abandon the use of nameplate marking for
equipment environmental qualification category declaration.

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