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Writing mock test

Part – 1

Task 1

The following flow diagram illustrates the stages, in which a large type of fish
known as a “Salmon”, grows. In a general perspective, there are three main
stages in this process, from a singular salmon egg all the way to adulthood.
As can clearly be seen in the picture, the salmon changes its habitat as it grows.
Starting from salmon eggs, which are laid by the mother in the upper river, and
is a slow-moving part of the river. These eggs hatch, within five to six months
of incubation, into a juvenile salmon, also known as a ‘fry’, which is three to
eight centimetres long. Moving on, these babies make their way into a much
more fast-paced area of the river - the lower river, where they live in for around
four years, before becoming 12 to 15 centimetres long, known as the ‘smolt’.
Furthermore, the ‘smolt’ journeys to the open sea where they thrive for
approximately another 5 years, growing into adulthood also known as the ‘adult
salmon’. These salmons then, especially the females, make their way back into
upper river and the whole cycle is repeated once more.

Task 2

During our modernized era, with the fast-paced world and inflation being a
factor, many museums are charging a price in order to access said museum. And
as museums are one of the ways to preserve our cultures, traditions and most
imperatively, our history. Thus, in my opinion, to maintain such artefact, fees
are a necessity for the betterment of one’s preservation of histories, while there
are both benefits and drawbacks to this endeavour.
Delving further into this, one of the advantages of having the admission fees is
the relieve convey the cost of maintenance. To be more specific, due to the
result of today’s economic crisis, maintenance fees are higher than ever before,
and by simply collecting entrance fees, this can generate revenue for the
museum. This would not only help the museum itself but also fix issues
regarding the government’s funding therefore, governments can focus on other
types of developments. Furthermore, with this increase in the revenue of the
museum, a better security service can be implemented, ensuring visitors a safe
and enjoyable experience.
On the other hand, depending on the fees, charging fees can create a barrier for
individuals who have a low income, potentially excluding such individual from
their culture and traditional endeavours. Moreover, as a consequence, this
charge could deter visitors from coming to the museum itself, which could have
impact onto the museum’s attendance rates. In other words it could lead to the
reduction in tourism where local markets and vendors especially depending on
tourism might suffer from this. Continuing along this line of thought, free
access to such sites can promote cultural identities and diversity, welcoming
people from not just their own country but also people from all over the world,
which in this case, has a restriction.
Ultimately, with the growing concerns of our world’s economic issues, it is
important to charge a small fee, which can guarantee that people of all classes
of society can attend. With this in mind, I believe that there are more pros than

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