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Faculty of Technology and Engineering

Devang Patel Institute of Advance Technology and Research

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Date: 14/03/2024

Laboratory Manual
Academic Year : 2022-23 Semester : 6
Course code : CS361 Course name : Cryptography & Network Security
Name : Purvam Seat Number : 21DCS099

Practical - 5

Date of Performance:

Implement the practical approach for Steganography.
-Using DOS commands
-Using OpenPuff Tool

Using the DOS command
 Step 1:Create one text file of you data to hide it and get one image file to do
Steganography .

 Step 2:Now you have to convert that text file into the binary file so write this
Command:- certutil -encode text.txt text.bin
 Step 3: Now you have to write this below command to encrypt the data into the image

Command: copy /b photo.jpg + text.bin output.jpg

 Step 4: Now to unhide the data write the command .

Command :-certutil -decode output.jpg extracted.txt.

Using OpenPuff:
 Step 1:Download OenPuff tool from Choose
any of the following file and then extract the zip file.

 Step 2: After extracting open the OpenPuff application and choose hide under
 Step 3: Disable password B and C.

 Step 4: Choose an 8-character or more length password for A. After setting the
password A add a .txt file in Data using browse.

 Step 5: In Carrier selection add a image file using ‘Add’ option from below left
 Step 6: Hide the data afterwards from [4] Bit selection options. And save the photo in
a folder other than the one containing original picture
To unhide
 Step 1: Click on the unhide Button

 Step 2: Now enter the password that you entered during the hide the data and disable
b and c

 Step 4: Now the select the image output image to unhide the data from it.
 Step 4: Click on the unhide button you will some text file of that encrypted message.

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