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They led the

way for us
It is our time to help them lead theirs

About Us
Vridhcare is one of the leading non-profit organiza on which work towards the
objec ve of serving the underprivileged elderly community in the rural and urban
areas. Established with the purpose of providing dignity, physical, emo onal and
mental well-being to the elderly popula on, Vridhcare has collaborated with several
recognized and lesser-known charity homes who work towards the welfare of the

Our organiza on aims at making a difference in the lives of elderly people. We use
different approaches and thought processes as we work towards catering the needs
of the elderly. We believe in providing basic means of survival to our elderly
popula on and upgrade their lives. Vridhcare envisions a be er and brighter future
for senior ci zens who have complex needs. Dignifying their life's second innings by
making them independent and produc ve, we completely understand the basic
necessi es required by the elderly.

Vridhcare aims to bridge the huge gap that exists between the willing caregivers and
takers in the world. We strive to comprehend and analyze the needs of different
individuals by connec ng them with the right authority. The needs range from
elementary aspects such as providing glasses, hearing aids, dentures to ge ng
advanced medical help for diseases like Alzheimer and Demen a.

Crea ng a posi ve environment through recrea onal ac vi es like yoga, medita on

and support groups in an effec ve way to free the mind and relieve it from the feelings
of isola on and depression. Our organiza on provides financial assistance and
recognizes the talent or skill of individuals to help them get dignified jobs relevant for
them. Our aim is to facilitate an opportunity for the elderly so that they can con nue
to live their remaining lives independently.
“I was taught to be the change I wanted to see. Making a
difference in our society is what I have been trained to do so
since the beginning and I consider it my spiritual duty to donate
what I can do those in greater need than me.”
Through Vridhcare, we want to inculcate the habit of giving
freely for a greater cause than our individual selves. Vridhcare
is all about changing the cynical percep on around old age that
Dr. Shashi Khare prevails in our community. We are commi ed to transforming
Former Addi onal Director the lives of the elderly, from that of helplessness to one of self
& Head of Microbiology and confidence and dignity. We do not consider our ac vi es as
CARDS Na onal Centre of
Disease Control, Delhi, India
that of a profession. Rather it is our passion that drives us to
ensure that the medical, physiological and emo onal needs of
the elderly are catered to.

Guiding Principles
Vridhcare is guided by a set of moral principles and values which
Integrity form the cornerstone of our work and is incorporated in our
efforts to serve the elderly.

Our passion to serve is what led us here and it is this self-less

dedica on that pushes us to ensure our charges receive the best Dedica on
care available.

Our word is our honour. For every dona on or contribu on

Credibility towards the cause of a greater good, we will always provide a
detailed receipt of the same.

Humanity takes precedence over anything else at Vridhcare.

Therefore, we ensure that every step we take contributes Fair
towards the upli ment of the elderly in our care.
Doing what gives peace and sa sfac on looked like a distant dream
un l I got introduced to VridhCare. I had finally discovered my
purpose. Serving the elderly through VridhCare gave me a karmic
sa sfac on which has humbled me, making me happier and
contented in life.
VridhCare is a league of like-minded people striving to make a
difference in the lives of the elderly. A er years of hard work,
raising families and contribu ng to the society, they deserve to
lead a life with dignity. I feel glad that I’m able to play a li le part in
ensuring that their financial, medical, emo onal and psychological
Gargi Lakhanpal needs are taken care of.
Director(Vridhcare) Making a switch from the corporate world to a life dedicated to
service was not an easy decision. Serving the elderly through
VridhCare has not only humbled me but also made me happier and
more at peace. It has given me a new perspec ve in life.

Areas of Work
By joining hands with other charitable organisa ons, we offer all-embracing care to the

For many of the

Bringing normalcy elderly under our
and cul va ng care, physical
happiness in the lives ailments are a
of the senior ci zens
chronic problem.
is another aspect At Vridhcare, we
Vridhcare specializes ensure that no
in. With the help of Mental stone is le
interac ve sessions and unturned in
and fun ac vi es, we Emo onal providing our
aim to boost the Health Gi of Financial wards with the
mental well-being of Independence best healthcare
our charges. services.

At Vridhcare, we understand the impact of financial independence on an individual’s

self-esteem and confidence. Helping the elderly a ain financial stability by
genera ng employment opportuni es is, therefore, a cri cal component of our
What YOU can do
The most beau ful thing about making a
difference is that it is not one dimensional -
you can go about it in mul ple ways.
Vridhcare believes that each and every one of
us has a gi to share with the world. How
wonderful it would be to share your gi with
the people who need it the most? We would
love to have you join us in our mission to
transform the lives of our senior ci zens. The
doors to our volunteer programmes are
always open.
Kindly visit our website for more informa on
on how you can help us make a difference.
Vision Credibility Analy cal Thinking, Empathy and bias for
ac on

Mission What makes us different: Focus on root cause, not

just remedial ac on

Build long-term rela onships with 10,000

ins tu ons working for senior ci zens. Provide
Goals FY support to 25,000 old age ci zens Create the
21-23 largest database of individuals and ins tu ons
engaged in old age ecosystem
Provide a life of dignity to 2.50 lakh old age ci zens
in India and other countries of opera on

To facilitate a value system of caring for old age

people in Indian society, integrate value-based
educa on system with mainstream educa on and
facilitate social discussions around old age care and
Key dignity.
Differen ators To create an efficient ecosystem that will engage all
players involved in providing long-term succour to
the elderly with an aim to finding and iden fiying
crea ve and efficient solu ons for the elderly needs
and create supply chain for old age ecosystem.

Values To aid the old age des tute and ensure that globally,
they live a life of dignity
VridhCare Existence



Assam Nagaland
Uttar Pradesh


Jharkhand West
Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Bengal



Tes monials
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var esa esjh bZ’oj ls izkFkZuk o gkfnZd vfHkyk”kk gS fd o`} ds;j DokfyVh vkQ ykbQ QkmaMs’ku o`}tuksa
dh lsok esa ,d ubZ ÅapkbZ dks Nwrs gq, lnSo iz;Xu’khy cuh jgs vkSj Hkfo”; esa u;k dhrhZeku LFkkfir
jes’k pUnz ekS;kZ
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tks xq:rj dk;Z fd;k tk jgk gS] og LrqR; gSA
esa bl QkmaMs’ku dh fuckZ/k izxfr ds fy, ijekRek ls ‘kqHkdka{kh gq¡A
Mk- lq’khypUnz f=osnh & e/kqis’k
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esa fot; Hk`xq] lapkyd eks{k o`} vk_e ,oa ‘kS’ko dqat efgyk vk_e] fglkj] gfj;k.kk] o`} ds;j
laLFkk dk rgs fny ls vkHkkj O;Dr djrk gqa fd og o`} vk_e dh t:jrksa dks iwjk djus ds fy, izfrc}
gSA vkSj og bl dk;Z dks dj o`} vk_e ds lapkyu esa iw.kZ lg;ksx djrs gSa] ftlds fy, eks{k ifjokj
budk rgs fny ls vkHkkj O;Dr djrk gSA
Jh- fot; eks{k & fglkj
Self Sufficiency and Sustainability
Basic Necessi es
Water and Sanita on
Contribu ons
Yoga & Nutri on Session
Counseling & Spiritual Session
Medical Session
Medical Session
Media Releases
Le ers of Apprecia on
Our Partners
Message From VridhCare Team

The world is in dire need of kindness and compassion, especially towards our senior

ci zens. We want to bring about a change in the way we perceive old age and the elderly

and we will con nue working to that end.

The work we do is only possible because of the contribu on and support of the many

individuals who have selflessly come forward and given freely. Our volunteers, who are

giving in their own way, are our pillars of strengths and form the backbone of Vridhcare. If

the service of the neglected and the elderly is your calling, please feel free to reach out

and help us make this world a be er place.

@VridhCare VridhCare @VridhCare

Contact Number: +91-8700851044 | Email ID:

Address: 709, 7th Floor, Pearls Best Heights-1, Netaji Subhash Place,
Pitampura, Delhi-110034

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