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Undergraduate Script


Feby Annisa Zunnurain








Feby Annisa Zunnurain

This research was about short story to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement at
third grade of SMPN 7 Metro. The statement of problem are: 1. Is short story effective to
enrich students’ vocabulary achievement? 2. Which aspect of vocabulary improves the
most after the implementation of short story? The objective of the research are to see
whether the use of short story is effective to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement and
to see which aspect of vocabulary improves the most after the implementation of short
story. The sample of this research was class of III D in SMPN 7 Metro. The instrument
of this research is test (pre and post test). The result of the study demonstrated a significant
improvement in vocabulary achievement following the use of short story in the classroom.
The mean result of pre-test is 53.28 while the mean result of post-test is 63.28. For the
aspect of vocabulary that most improve after the implementation of short story is meaning
with experienced the highest increase with an increase in score of 3.75. Based on the
result of study, it can be concluded that short story is effective to enrich students’
vocabulary achievement.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Short Story, Teaching Vocabulary



Feby Annisa Zunnurain

Undergraduate Thesis

Submitted in a Partial Fullfilment of

The Requirements for S-1 Degree




Students’ Name : Feby Annisa Zunnurain

Students’ Number : 1713042020

Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education


Advisory Committee

Advisor Co-Advisor

Dr. Feni Munifatullah, M.Hum. Dian Shafwati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP. 19740607 20000 3 2001 NIP.198909132019032012

The Chairperson of

The Department of Language and Arts Education

Dr. Sumarti, M.Hum

NIP 197003181994032002


1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Dr. Feni Munifatullah, M.Hum. …………….

Examiner : Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. …………….

Secretary : Dian Shafwati, S.Pd., M.Pd. …………….

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Prof. Dr. Sunyono, M.Si.


Graduated on : 10th february 2023


Nama : Feby Annisa Zunnurain

NPM : 1713042020

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Judul Skripsi : The Use of Short Story to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary

hhhhAchievement at Third Grade Students in SMPN 7 Metro

Menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini adalah karya saya sendiri. Sepanjang pengetahuan, saya,
karya ini tidak berisi materi yang ditulis orang lain, kecuali bagian bagian tertentu yang
saya ambil sebagai acuan. Apabila ternyata terbukti bahwa pernyataan ini tidak benar,
sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab saya.

Bandar Lampung, 11 Mei 2023

Yang membuat pernyataan,

Feby Annisa Zunnurain



On February 19, 1999, the writer was born in Metro, Lampung. The writer is the second

of four siblings. The writer attended SDN 1 Metro but transferred to SDIT WU Metro in

second grade, where she graduated in 2011. Later, the writer continued her education at

SMPN 1 Metro, where she graduated in 2014. The writer then continued her education at

MAN 1 Metro, where she graduated in 2017. Later, the writer continued her studies at

Lampung University, where she majored in English Education.


This script is proudly presented with love and appreciation to:

Allah SWT. and Rasulullah SAW. My beloved father and mother, Mr. Abdul Jalil and

Ms. Tutik Marsiati, my beloved brothers and sister, my closest one, and my beloved

friends who always encourage me to do this script. Also, for all of the friends in English

Department of Lampung University 2017 also Lampung University's English

Department, my incredible major and almamater.

They are the most perfect gift Allah has given to me. Having them is the greatest

blessing I've ever received.


Success is a terrible teacher. Success seduces hardworking people into believing they

can't fail.

(Bill Gates)


In the name of Allah SWT, the beneficent and the most merciful, lord of the world

has created judgement day in the hereafter and to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, safety

and be peace upon him. Alhamdulillah the writer expreses her gratitude to the Almighty

God, Allah SWT, that have been given guidance, inspiration, good health, and good

mental so that the writer could finished the script entitled “The Use of English Short Story

to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at Third Grade Students in SMPN 7 Metro”.

The writer realized that the existence of this script was by receiving much advice,

guidance, encouragement, and comments from many people, even though this script still

far from perfect. Therefore, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to the

following people.

1. Dr. Feni Munifatullah, M.Hum. as writer’s first advisor and also the chief of

English Study Program that help, guide, and give motivation to the writer so

the writer can do her script very well.

2. Dian Shafwati, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the writer’s second advisor that help, guide,

and give motivation to the writer so the writer can do her script very well.

3. Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. as the writer’s examiner that help, guide, and give

motivation to the writer so the writer can do her script very well.

4. All of the lecturers and staffs of Lampung University, thank you for the

guidance, attention, knowledge, and motivation who help the writer in the

processing of graduation.

5. To my beloved parents, Mr. Abdul Jalil and Ms. Tutik Marsiati, who always

give the writer support, motivation, sincere prays, and give all of their best for

the writer’s success in finish the study and script.

6. The writer would like to thank to writer’s bestfriend, Billa, Uli, Vira, Nazilah,

Dwita, and any others that cannot be mentioned one by one, who helped the

writer so that writer’s script can be run well.

7. To the writer’s closest, who always give her support, motivation, and help her

to finish the script that done well.

8. To the family of SMPN 7 Metro, who helped the writer to do a research in

their school so that the reseacrher can finish the script very well.

9. Last but not least, thank you for the writer, me, who always believe in me for

going through all the phases during the research and wrote the script.

The writer hopes that the script can give values to the readers, especially in

improving vocabulary mastery by using short story. The writer admit that the script is far

from perfect so that the writer will accept suggestion from the readers in order to make it


Bandar Lampung, May 11th 2023

The writer,

Feby Annisa Zunnurain


TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... ii
TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................... iii
APPROVAL ...................................................................................................... iv
ADMITTED ....................................................................................................... v
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN .............................................................................. vi
CURRICULUM VITAE .................................................................................. vii
DEDICATION ................................................................................................ viii
MOTTO ............................................................................................................ ix
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. x
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... xii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xv

1.1 Background Study .................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Question .................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objective of The Research........................................................................ 3
1.4 Uses of The Research ................................................................................ 4
1.5 Scope of The Research .............................................................................. 4
1.6 Definition Terms ....................................................................................... 5


2.1 Vocabulary ................................................................................................ 6
2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary...................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Types of Vocabulary ............................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Aspects of Vocabulary ......................................................................... 8
2.2 Short Story .............................................................................................. 10
2.2.1 Definition of Short Story .................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Characteristics of Short Story ............................................................. 11
2.2.3 Element of Short Story ....................................................................... 12
2.3 Teaching Vocabulary .............................................................................. 14

2.4 The Use of Short Story ........................................................................... 15
2.5 Procedures of Teaching Vocabulary Through Short Story .................. 15
2.6 The Advantages of Using Short Story for Teaching Vocabulary .......... 17
2.7 Theoretical Assumption .......................................................................... 18
2.8 Hypothesis ............................................................................................... 19


3.1 Research Design ...................................................................................... 20
3.2 Population and Sample ........................................................................... 20
3.3 Research Instrument .............................................................................. 21
3.4 Validity and Reliability........................................................................... 21
3.4.1 Validity .............................................................................................. 21
3.4.2 Reliability .......................................................................................... 22
3.5 Scoring .................................................................................................... 23
3.6 Data Collection ....................................................................................... 23
3.7 Research Procedure ................................................................................ 25
3.8 Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 27


4.1 Result of The Research ........................................................................... 28
4.1.1 Result of Vocabulary Test Before Tryout ........................................... 28
4.1.2 Result of Pre-Test .............................................................................. 30
4.1.3 Result of Post-Test ............................................................................. 30
4.1.4 Result of The Use of Short Story To Enrich Students’ Vocabulary ..... 31
4.1.5 Result of Aspect of Vocabulary That Improves The Most After The
Implementation of Short Story .................................................................... 32
4.1.6 Hypothesis Testing ............................................................................. 33
4.2 Discussion and Research Findings ......................................................... 34
4.2.1 Students’ Vocabulary Enrichment by Using Short Story..................... 34
4.2.2 Aspect of Vocabulary That Improves The Most by Using Short Story
................................................................................................................... 35


5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................... 37

5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................... 37
5.2.1 Suggestion for English Teacher .......................................................... 38
5.2.2 Suggestion for Further Research......................................................... 38


3.1 Specification of Pre-Test........................................................................... 24
3.2 Specification of Post-Test ......................................................................... 25
4.1 Normality Test .......................................................................................... 28
4.2 Linearity Test ........................................................................................... 29
4.3 Pearson Correlation .................................................................................. 29
4.4 Distribution of Students’ score in Pretest .................................................. 30
4.5 Distribution of Students’ score in Posttest ................................................. 31
4.6 Paired Sample Test ................................................................................... 31
4.7 Anova ....................................................................................................... 32
4.8 Mean Difference of Vocabulary Aspects in Pre-test and Post-test ............. 33



This chapter discuss about background study, research question, objective of the

research, uses of the research, scope of the research, a definition terms.

1.1 Background of Study

Vocabulary is one of the language components. In English skills, there are

4 skills that must be mastered; listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Edwards

(1997) stated that, “Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language

teaching; students must continually learn words as they learn structure and as they

practice sound system”. Wilkins (1972) said,” without grammar, very little can be

conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed”. While, the English

component that must be mastered they are: structure, vocabulary, and

pronunciation. It means that listening, speaking, reading and writing need wide

vocabulary acquisition. The acquisition of vocabulary becomes the most important

part in learning foreign language. The communication will succeed or not it depends

on the accurate vocabulary understanding. So, that’s why vocabulary is really

important in learning foreign language.

Nowadays, there are so many ways to learn the English vocabulary. One of

them are using short story to enrich students’ vocabulary. But, in fact, the students

still lack of willingness to learn it. In SMPN 7 Metro, during PLP, the writer did a

short observation and found that the students just read the content word in the

reading text and they do not know what the meaning that they read. Besides, the

student is also hard to memorize the new vocabulary in reading text. Also, the

students are having difficulty on how to pronounce well the word in the text that

they read.

So, there are many ways or methods to overcome of vocabulary lacks. One

of the methods to teach vocabulary is by using short story. Why short story?

Because in short story, the students can entertain themselves by searching what is

the most they like in reading. With short story, students are expected to learn

vocabulary with fun and also not feeling under pressure. Besides, short story can

improve their list of vocabulary so they can understand the meaning of those short

stories. When we use short story, students also expected to improve the reading skill

comprehension besides learning vocabulary.

There are some examples in the previous study about the use of short stories.

Irma (2016) stated that based on the investigation in MTs At-Taqwa Tangerang, the

writer found that the use of the short story was more effective towards students’

reading comprehension of narrative text than without using shot story. So, based on

Irma’s research, she used CLT method with short story as the media focused on

narrative text to teach them in the school. Another research conducted by Sulaeha,

et al (2020) found that the use of short story in the 11th grade of SMAN 2

Bulukumba was more effective in improving students’ verbal in vocabulary

mastery. It revealed that the means core of experimental group is higher that the

means of control group. Based on the previous studies, there is only “narrative text”

as the media to teach vocabulary achievement. There is no “short story” as the

media for teaching vocabulary, so the “short story” actually has not been done in

many schools during vocabulary learning. It can be concluded that the use of short

story gave a good effect in students’ vocabulary achievement because the students

never had done experience in “short story” reading. Another research in

international scale that conducted by Meier an Walpole (2005) as cited in journal

“The Use of Short Stories for Developing Vocabulary of EFL Learners” prove that

the use of short story wih EFL helps in developing and enriching their vocabulary.

Related to several previous study, the reserach with short story to enrich student’s

vocabulary skill espesially for junior high school students rarely has been done yet.

That is why the writer will use short story in teaching vocabulary.

1.2 Research Question

So, the major purpose of the research is to know what will happen with the

student when they are use short story to enrich vocabulary. The issue that has been

presented in the background, so we specified the following research question:

- Is short story effective to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement?

- Which aspect of vocabulary improves the most after the implementation

of short story?

1.3 Objective of The Research

- The objectives of this research is to see whether the use of short story

enrich students’ vocabulary achievement or not.

- The objectives of this research is to see which aspect of vocabulary

improves the most after the implementation of short story

1.4 Uses of The Research

This research hopefully both use theoretically and practically.

a. Theoretically

The result of this research is expected to enrich students’ vocabulary

achievement through short story at third grade of junior high school. It is

also can be used to preference for the next writer.

b. Practically

- The writer hopes that this research may useful for students can improve

the students’ vocabulary achievement by using short story as material.

It is very helpful for them, easily to know and understand about the


- The writer hopes that the result of the research can be used by the next

writer dealing with students’ vocabulary.

1.5 Scope of The Research

The study covers the vocabulary skills using short story which focused on

narrative text. This research will be administered in the third grade of SMPN 7

Metro since the narrative text is included in syllabus at SMPN 7 Metro. For

conducting the treatment, it will take 3 weeks long. The students have opportunity

to enrich their vocabulary and also develop themselves in vocabulary by short story.

In the end, this study is expected to investigate whether the short story will enrich

students’ vocabulary achievement and also their ability to answer the question for

testing their vocabulary achievement and to see which the aspect of vocabulary that

improves the most after the implemetation of short story.

1.6 Definition Terms

a. Vocabulary

According to Edward (1997) “Vocabulary is one of the important factors in

all language teaching; students must continually learn words as they learn

structure and as they practice sound system”.

b. Short story

According to Edgar Allan Poe, (“The Philosophy of Composition”, 1846)

the short story is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one

sitting and focuses on a self-contained incident or series of linked incidents,

with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood. The short story is one of

the oldest types of literature and has existed in the form of legends, mythic

tales, folk tales, fairy tales, fables and anecdotes in various ancient

communities across the world.



This chapter is discussed about definition of vocabulary, types of vocabulary,

aspects of vocabulary, definition of short story, characteristics of short story,

element oof short story, teaching vocabulary, the use of short story, procedure of

teaching vocabulary through short story, the advantages of using short story for

teaching vocabublary, theoretical assumption, and hypothesis.

2.1 Vocabulary

2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an essential aspect to know a foreign language. Moreover,

vocabulary is included in language component that needs to be learn because

vocabulary is crucial things when we want to communicate in target language.

Edwards (1997) stated that, “Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all

language teaching; students must continually learn words as they learn structure

and as they practice sound system”. Other expert, Linse (2005) stated that

vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows. Besides, Burns and

Broman (1975) stated that vocabulary is the bunch of words used by a person, class

or professional, all having much in common, yet each distinctly different, where

vocabulary is used by one to do in language skill. According to Hatch and Brown

(1995) argue that the term vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular

language or words that individual speakers of language might use.

In the framework of vocabulary, there are three things that we must make

it in one concept. They are form, meaning, and use. Form is how the vocabulary

unit, functional expression, or grammar structure was formed. When we talk about

meaning, meaning is not translating but what is the meaning do in the vocabulary,

functional expression, or grammar that have in the specific context. The last things

is use of vocabulary. When we use the vocabulary, we choose some words,

functional expressions, or grammar by situation in order to communicate to our

listener. As we want to learn a particular language, especially English, mastering

vocabulary therefore is much needed.

2.1.2 Types of Vocabulary

According to Barnhart (1968), there are 4 types of vocabulary, they are:

a. Reading vocabulary

A literate person's vocabulary is all the words they can recognize when

reading. This is generally the largest type of vocabulary simply because a

reader tends to be exposed to more words by reading.

b. Listening vocabulary

A person's listening vocabulary is all the words they can recognize when

listening to speech. People may still understand words they were not

exposed to before using cues such as tone, gestures, the topic of discussion

and the social context of the conversation.

c. Speaking vocabulary

A person's speaking vocabulary is all the words they use in speech. It is

likely to be a subset of the listening vocabulary. Due to the spontaneous

nature of speech, words are often misused by facial expressions and tone of


d. Writing vocabulary

Words are used in various forms of writing from formal essays to social

media feeds. Many written words do not commonly appear in speech.

Writers generally use a limited set of words when communicating. For

example, if there are a number of synonyms, a writer may have a preference

as to which of them to use, and they are unlikely to use technical vocabulary

relating to a subject in which they have no knowledge or interest.

Based on the types of vocabulary, the writer will be focused on vocabulary

reading. Since one of the materials in syllabus junior high school in the third grade

is narrative text, so the writer will use the short story for doing the research.

Therefore, the focused will be on reading vocabulary since reading is taking the

meaning of letters, symbols, etc. then, the letters can be included as a text.

2.1.3 Aspect of Vocabulary

According to Nation (2001), there are some vocabulary aspects as follow:

a. Meaning

Nation (2001) divided the meaning aspect of vocabulary into three types:

- Form and meaning

For example: Is the word a loan word in the L1?

For example: L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) = Fungsi

While in the EFL = Function

So, based on the explanation, L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) has a similarity in some

terms or vocabulary with English as Foreign Language. The L1 (Bahasa Indonesia)

is a word loan from English.

- Concept and referents

For example: Is there any L1 word with roughly the same meaning?

For example: L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) = Fungsi

While in the EFL = Function

So, based on the explanation, L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) has roughly same

meaning between Fungsi and Function.

- Association

For example: does the word fit into the same sets as an L1 word of

similar meaning?

For example: L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) = Kualifikasi

While in the EFL = Qualification

So, based on the explanation, L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) has associated meaning

between Kualifikasi and Qualification.

b. Form

Nation (2001) divided the form aspect of vocabulary into three types:

a. Spoken Form

Spoken form can be called pronunciation. It is the way that someone

speaks their vocabulary whether the learners can repeat the word after

they hear it or not. For example, there are many same spelling in English

but different pronunciation. So, pronunciation is important in order to

learn vocabulary.

b. Written Form

Written form has a connection and elaborated to the spoken form, so that

the learners can write the word correctly or not.

c. Word Parts

In word parts, learners must try to identify whether there is a suffix,

prefix, or any other word parts of the vocabulary.

c. Use

Word use is how a word, a phrase, or concept is used in language. Nation

(2001) divided the use aspect of vocabulary into three types:

a. Grammatical Function

Grammatical function can be categorized as part of speech (nouns,

verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and

interjections) also some tenses for supporting the sentences.

b. Collocation

Collocation is a form of compositional phraseme, which means that it

can be deduced from the words that comprise it. For example, “Is there

any similarities between L1 and EFL?”

c. Constraint on Use

Constraint on use is how a word, a phrase, or concept is used in

language. It can be grammar and structure of English.

2.2 Short Story

2.2.1 Definition of Short Story

A classic definition of a short story is that one should be able to read it in

one sitting (Edgar Allan Poe, “The Philosophy of Composition”, 1846). The short

story is one of the oldest types of literature and has existed in the form of legends,

mythic tales, folk tales, fairy tales, fables and anecdotes in various ancient

communities across the world. According to Klarer, (1998) “A crucial feature

commonly identified with the short story is its impression of unity since it can be

read-in contrast to the novel-in one sitting without interruption. Due to restriction

of length, the plot of short story has to be highly selective, entailing an idiosyncratic

temporal dimension that focused one central moment of action”. Klarer (1998)

stated that the roots of short story lie on antiquity and the Middle Ages story, myth

and fairy tale relate to the oldest types of textual manifestations, “texts” which were

primarily orally transmitted.

Short story can be categorized as a fiction since most of it relies on fantasy

stories, such as fairy tale, legends, or myth. Short story as a part of literary works is

interesting to be analyzed. Although it has a quite short plot, small number of

characters and a few places and time as setting, the story can be fully developed.

There are many short stories that have been analyzed. Typically, the analysis is

related to intrinsic elements of the story.

2.2.2. Characteristic of Short Story

According to Tarigan (1985) the writer can conclude that characteristic of

Short Story as follows:

a. The characteristics of short story are brevity, unity, and intensity

b. The main elements of short story are scene, character, and action.

c. Language that is used in short story must be incisive, suggestive, and alert.

d. Short Story must consist of a writer interpretation about his concept, about

life, either direct or indirect.

e. Short Story must cause a feeling in reading that train of story implicates

feeling first than opinion.

f. Short Story consist details and incident, which can cause question in reader


g. Short Story consists of an incident that leads to understand the train Story.

h. Short Story provides emotions

So, the writer concludes that the characteristic of short story are brevity,

unity, and intensity in the point a. while the main elements of short story are scene,

character, and action.

2.2.3. Element of Short Story

Intrinsic elements of short story are important part of a short story since

these elements will bring the reader into the story. The commonly known elements

of short story are theme, plot, setting, character and characterization, style and point

of view. Klarer (1998) stated that the most important elements are plot, character,

narrative perspective, and setting.

A. Plot

Klarer (1998) stated that plot is the logical interaction of the various

thematic elements of a text which leads to a change of the original situation

as presented at the outset of the narrative. According to Klarer (1998), the

exposition or presentation of the initial situation is disturbed by a

compilation or conflict which produces suspense and eventually leads to a

climax, crisis, or turning point. The climax is followed by a resolution of a


B. Character

According to Klarer (1998), typed character in literature is dominated by

one specific trait and is referred to as a flat character, and term round

character usually denotes a person with more complex and differentiated

features. In short story, character that commonly emergences is flat

character since short story only presents the critical time of the chief


C. Narrative Perspective

Klarer (1998) stated that “narrative perspective or point of view

characterizes the ways in which a text presents persons, events, and settings.

The subtleties of narrative perspective developed parallel to the emergence

of the novel and can be reduced to three basic positions: The action of a text

is either mediated through an exterior unspecified narrator (omniscient point

of view) though a person involved in the action (first person narration), or

presented without additional commentary (figural narrative situation)”.

D. Setting

The setting of place physically is a place where events in a story occurred.

According to Nurgiyantoro (2000) in action of interpretation, setting can be

distinguished into setting of place, time and culture. So, the setting of culture

can be described as society conditions, social group and their attitude,

custom, life style and language used in events of the story.

2.3. Teaching Vocabulary in Reading

According to Scott (2003) there are five basic instructional methods for learning

and teaching vocabulary.

1. Definitional methods include anything where a student is given a word and

a definition. The student might be given a list or words and have to look

them up in a dictionary, or the teacher may simply give an oral definition

for new vocabulary words, without discussing the meaning the definition.

2. Contextual methods of vocabulary instruction ask students to create a

meaning for a word based on the rest sentence paragraph. This instructional

method also teaches students how to use vocabulary in the right context.

3. Organizational, or semantic framework instruction, students learn

relationships between and among similar words. This type of instruction

includes the use concept maps, semantic maps, and other graphic organizers.

4. Mnemonic instructional methods make use of visual images as a way to help

students learn and remember new terminology. Instead of memorizing

abstract definitions, students are encouraged to picture something that helps

them associate a word with a meaning.

5. Structural methods of vocabulary instruction show students how to look at

the part of the word for clues about what the word means. They are taught

to look at root words, suffixes, affixes, and prefixes.

Based on the explanation above, the writer used definitional methods

because some of the students may do not know some new of vocabulary, so that is

why the students may have a look in dictionary or given an explanation from the

teacher about the meaning of the vocabulary itself.

2.4. The Use of Short Story

According to Collie & Slater (1991) short story is an ideal way of

introducing students to literature in foreign language classroom. Short story itself

is a result of literature. With the content of story that it is not too long, it gives

easiness not only for students but also for teacher. Collie & Slater (1991) state that

Literature is an authentic material. In the process of reading and comprehensive the

literature, a reader can discover their thoughts, feelings, customs, and possessions.

Patel (2008) states “Literary has important objective at higher secondary

stage. Literary develops a taste for English literature by reading prose, poetry, story,

etc.”. According to some of the experts above, literary support teaching and

learning. It is also kind of media in order to make learning activity become fun. In

Indonesia, based on the curriculum and syllabus, learning with short story is a good

learning because short story itself has moral values, for example about humanities.

2.5. Procedures of Teaching Vocabulary through Short Story

According to Collie & Slater (1991), the use of literature in language training is

theoretically highly helpful since it provides four benefits: authentic material,

cultural enrichment, language advancement, and personal improvement. Here are

the use of short story that will be divided into three activities while teaching


The procedure as follows:

1. Pre-activities

- The teacher greets the students and asks about their condition. For

example: “good morning students, how are you today?”

- The teacher introducing the topic for being taught by giving some

questions. For example: “do you know the story of Little Red Riding


2. While-activities

- The teacher send some pictures about the explanation of short story

through WhatsApp

- The teacher asks the students to find the meaning of the vocabulary that

they have not known before also ask them to find noun, verb, and

preposition of the short story

- The teacher gives evaluations about the meaning of the vocabulary also

noun, verb, and preposition of the short story that have been asked


- The teacher gives explanation and meaning about the vocabulary that

students have listed

- The teacher gives the students exercise in the worksheet

3. Post-activities

- The teacher gives feedback about the students’ worksheet.

- The teacher asks the students whether there are any difficulties in this


- The teacher gives review about the difficulties where the students have

been faced.

- The teacher closes the meeting.

2.6. The Advantages of Using Short Story for Teaching Vocabulary

According to Collie & Slater (1991), the use of literature in language

training is theoretically highly helpful since it provides four benefits: authentic

material, cultural enrichment, language advancement, and personal improvement.

First of all, literary texts offer real-world situations for processing new

language, which can be more helpful in promoting acquisition than instructional

materials. Learners are exposed to unique subjects and fresh language through

literary texts. A literary text is genuine language in context that we can respond to,

therefore it is authentic text in this sense (Brumfit & Carter, 1986).

Second, the literary texts increase learners' knowledge of the range of the

target language and develop their proficiency in all language abilities because they

provide actual examples of grammar structures and vocabulary items (Povey,


Third, incorporating literature into language instruction has the benefit of

introducing target language culture. Reading literary works helps foreign language

learners have a deeper understanding of the nation and its people (Collie & Slater,


Based on these concepts, it is clear that literature, even if it is fiction,

unquestionably helps students comprehend the language better by giving them real-

world experiences and insights into the culture and people of the target language.

2.7. Theoretical Assumption

Considering the theories described above, the writer assumes that

vocabulary mastery has an important of four language skills; listening, reading,

speaking, and writing, in order to reach the goal of communication language. One

of the skills that vocabulary play important is in the reading texts. Short story is one

of the texts that included in the narrative text which plays as entertaining purposes

also can be one of the media to teach vocabulary achievement. By reading short

story, students are expected to learn more vocabulary through the short story itself.

However, without mastering vocabulary they will face some difficulties in

understanding the text accurately because they have no familiar words in the short

story itself. It is why the writer choosed the short story to teach vocabulary in junior

high school to gain their vocabulary achievement besides having fun with the short

story even though the students have obstacle in learning vocabulary.

Based on the assumption above, the writer thinks by mastering vocabulary,

the students will know the meaning of the text and also understand the whole of the

text that they have read. So, the writer assumes that short story is one of the media

that can make students fun in learning vocabulary for junior high school students.

2.8. Hypothesis

The following hypotheses were proposed in order to answer the stated research



- There is no effectiveness to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement in

the third grader students at SMPN 7 Metro after being taught with short


- There is no aspect of vocabulary improves the most after

implementation of short story in the third grader students at SMPN 7



- There is an effectiveness to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement in

the third grader students at SMPN 7 Metro after being taught with short


- There is an aspect of vocabulary improves the most after

implementation of short story in the third grader students at SMPN 7




This chapter explains about research design, population and sample, research

instrument, data collecting technique, research procedures, validity and reliability,

scoring, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In this research, the writer wants to find out the use of short story in

enriching students’ vocabulary achievement. The writer is use quantitative design

for do the research. The writer took one class where the students received the pre-

test and they have given the treatment before they received post-test. The pre-test

was used to find out the students’ vocabulary achievement before the treatment and

the post-test was used to see how far the improvement of the students’ vocabulary

achievement after the treatments. In this research, the writer used one group pre-

test and post-test design. According to Hatch and Fahrady (1982) the research

design was illustrated below:

T1 X T2


T1: pre-test

X: treatments (short story)

T2: post-test

3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research is the third students of SMPN 7 Metro in the

academic year 2021/2022. In relation to the design, the writer took only one class

to conduct the research out of seven classes in third grade, and the writer took class

9 D as the experimental class. The sample was selected by using random sampling.

The procedure of taking the sample as follows:

1. The writer prepared the list of the class to be selected as experimental class.

2. The writer did a discussion with the headmaster of SMPN 7 Metro

especially English teacher to select the experimental class.

3. The writer found that 9 D as the experimental class.

3.3 Research Instrument

The instrument of this reserach is a test (pre-test and post-test). To know the

students’ vocabulary achievement before and after they were given the treatment,

the writer used multiple choices for the test to know there was any improvement of

students’ vocabulary mastery through short story. The test consisted of 20 items.

The test conducted in 30 minutes for both pre-test and post-test. For the test,

students were asked to choose the best answer for pre-test and post-test. The test

was made by syllabus design.

3.4 Validity and Reliability

3.4.1 Validity

1. Content Validity

According to Heaton (1991) the validity of the test is the extent to which

it measures what it is supposed to measure and nothing else. Content

validity refers to the coverage of materials (material in the syllabus) which

must be included in the test. To fulfill this validity, the writer saw the

indicators of the instrument that represented the material measured or not.

The writer found that the test must be based on syllabus at third grade

junior high school which the material is about narrative text.

2. Construct Validity

According to Nurweni (2018) construct validity refers to test validity in

term of whether test items have been written based on the theory of what

is being tested. In this research, writer wants to teach vocabulary, so the

writer must know the theory of vocabulary. According to Lado (1964)

there are some aspects of vocabulary; meaning, spelling, pronunciation,

word classes (part of speech), and word use (structural or grammar). All

of the aspect are included in the syllabus of third grade junior high school.

3.4.2 Reliability

Reliability is one of characteristic of good assessment instrument.

Reliability comes from the word reliable, that means can be trusted as there

is no significant change (Nurweni, 2018). According to Allen and Yen

(1979) reliability of test can be examined by test-retest, parallel forms, and

internal consistency. In this research, the writer used test-retest method to

know the reliability of the test. Test-retest method is known by

administering test to group of samples at two different time. If there is no

significant difference, then the test is called reliable. The formula of test-

retest method was known as Product Moment. The formula is as follow:

𝑟 𝑛.Δ𝑥𝑦−(∆𝑥)(∆𝑦)
√{𝑛.∆𝑥 2− (∆𝑥)2 }{𝑛.∆𝑦 2 −(∆𝑦)2 }


𝑟= reliability

𝑥= score in pre-test

𝑦= score in post-test

𝑛 = number of samples

∆𝑥= the sum of result of score in pre-test

∆𝑦= the sum of result of score in post-test

3.5 Scoring

In order to know the score of students, the writer determined the procedure

to be used in scoring students’ work. The scores of pre-test and post-test according

to Arikunto’s formula (1989) was calculated by using the following formula:

𝑠= 100

𝑠 = the score of the test

𝑟 = the total of right answer

𝑛 = the total of items

3.6 Data Collection

In collecting the data, the writer used vocabulary test to know does short

story enrich students’ vocabulary achievement or not and to know which aspect that

have the less aspect of vocabulary improve. The test are pre-test and post-test.

1. Pre-test

The pre-test was administered before the treatments. The pre-test was to

see the basic quality of students’ vocabulary achievement before being

given treatments. The test consisted 20 items with multiple choices. The

pre-test conducted in 30 minutes.

To answer the second research question, the items of question in the pre-

test which has been specified into the aspects of vocabulary as follows:

Table 3.1 Specification of Pre-Test

Item Percentage of
No Aspect of Vocabulary
Numbers Items
1 Meaning 9, 10, 11, 12, 30%

13, 22, 23,

24, 30

2 Spelling (Form) 14, 17, 21, 30%

25, 26, 27,

28, 29

3 Word Class (Form) 7, 8, 15, 16, 20%

18, 19, 20

4 Use 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 20%

Total 30 100%

2. Post-test

The post-test was administered to the students after the writer conducted

the treatments. It was used to find out the improvement of students’

vocabulary after they were given the treatments. The test consisted 20 items

with multiple choices. The pre-test conducted in 30 minutes.

To answer the second research question, the items of question in the post-

test which has been specified into the aspects of vocabulary as follows:

Table 3.2 Specification of Post-Test

Item Percentage of
No Aspect of Vocabulary
Numbers Items
1 Meaning 9, 10, 11, 12, 30%

13, 22, 23, 24,


2 Spelling (Form) 14, 17, 21, 25, 30%

26, 27, 28, 29

3 Word Class (Form) 7, 8, 15, 16, 20%

18, 19, 20

4 Use 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 20%

Total 30 100%

3.7 Research Procedures

This research was conducted in SMPN 7 Metro on April 4th until 22nd 2022.

The writer implemented short story to teach vocabulary. Firstly, the writer

administered vocabulary test to 9D on April 4th to analyze the normality, linearity,

and reliability. After getting the result, writer conducted pre-test on April 8th to find

out the students’ achievement before they were taught by using short story. The

population of 9D class is 35 students. The writer used the test items to know the

answer from students. The time allocation was 30 minutes.

After getting the data of the test, the writer implemented the treatments on

April 11th 2022. In the day of treatment, the writer thaught and explained the

material about short strory. The writer sent the video of the writer self-taught and

have a small chat in order to know the response of the students through WhatsApp

because the school still applied a hybrid learning due to COVID-19 issue.

Here are the research procedure as follows:

1. Determining the research problem

2. Determining the research design

3. Determining the population and sample

4. Administering the pre-test. The writer gives pre-test to know the basic

ability of students’ vocabulary before being taught with short story

5. Conducting the treatment for teaching in the class

6. Giving post-test for students. Post-test was given after the treatment. Post-

test is the test to know which aspect that have the less aspect of vocabulary

improve after being taught with short story

7. Analyzing the data or score of pre-test and post-test. The writer is analyzing

the data by comparing the average score of the pre-test and post-test. The

average score is to know the difference of the students’ vocabulary

achievement through short story

8. Analyzing and comparing pre-test and post-test based on the aspects of

vocabulary to determine which aspect that have the most vocabulary


9. Reporting and discussing the result

(2018) construct validity refers to test validity in term of whether test

items have been written based on the theory of what is being tested. In this

research, writer wants to teach vocabulary, so the writer must know the

theory of vocabulary. According to Lado (1964) there are some aspects of

vocabulary; meaning, spelling, pronunciation, word classes (part of

speech), and word use (structural or grammar). All of the aspects are

included in the syllabus of third grade junior high school.

3.8 Data Analysis

After administering pre-test and post-test, the writer analyzed the score of

the students. The writer examines the students’ score by using the following


1. Scoring the pre-test and post-test

2. Arranging the score from pretest and posttest

3. Analyzing descriptive statistic average score of pre-test and post-test

4. The hypothesis test using T-test



This chapter discuss the research findings, hypothesis testing, and discussion in

order to answer the research question.

4.1 Result of The Research

In regard to answer the first and second research questions, the writer had

analyzed the data that presented below.

4.1.1 Result of Vocabulary Test in Try Out

In order to analyze the normality, linearity, and reliability of the test before

giving it to the class, the writer administered a vocabulary test to 32 students of

third grade of SMPN 7 Metro. The students were given 30 questions item of

multiple choices by using Google form. After got the answer from the students, the

writer analyzed the reliability of vocabulary test that presented below.

a. Normality Test

Table 4.1 Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Test Retest
N 32 32
Mean 53.2813 63.2813
Normal Parameters Std.
7.36265 7.99288
Absolute .235 .159
Most Extreme
Positive .235 .159
Negative -.130 -.143
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.327 .901
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .059 .391
a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

From the table above, we can learn that the significant result from the test is 0.059

and re-test is 0.391. It can be concluded that, because the resulting value is more

than 0.05, the test is normally distributed.

b. Linearity

Table 4.2 Linearity Test

Sum of df Mean F Sig
Squares Square .
17.4 .00
(Combined) 1524.844 5 304.969
03 0
Between 82.1 .00
Linearity 1439.767 1 1439.767
Retest * Groups 60 0
Test Deviation from 1.21 .32
85.077 4 21.269
Linearity 4 9
Within Groups 455.625 26 17.524
Total 1980.469 31

There is a linear relationship between the use of short stories and vocabulary

mastery as seen from the significant value of 0.329 which is more than 0.05. In

addition, the result of the calculated F value, which is 1.214, which is smaller than

the F table, which is 2.743, also shows a linear relationship.

c. Reliability

Table 4.3 Pearson Correlations

Test Retest
1 .853**
Test Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 32 32
.853** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 32 32
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level

From the table above, it can be seen that the significance value obtained is 0.00

which is less than 0.05. In addition, the Pearson correlation value obtained a value

of 0.853 which shows a very strong relationship. Based on the results, it can be

concluded that the research instrument used has met the reliability requirements and

is feasible to use.

4.1.2 Result of Pre-test

Table 4.4 Distribution of Students’ score in Pretest

Number of
Interval Score Percentage Mean
45-49 8 25%
50-54 10 31%
55-59 5 16%
60-64 4 13%
65-69 4 13%
70-74 1 3%
75-79 0 -
80-84 0 -
85-89 0 -
90-95 0 -
32 100%
As it can be seen in the table 4.4, it can be stated that 53.28 is the mean of

students’ score in pre-test. The table also shows the interval score of students. Most

of students gained score in range 45-49 with 25% of percentage.

4.1.3 Result of Post-Test

Table 4.5 Distribution of Students’ score in Posttest
Number of
Interval Score Percentage Mean
45-49 0 -
50-54 3 9%
55-59 5 16 %
60-64 8 25 %
65-69 5 16 %
70-74 7 22 %
75-79 3 9%
80-84 1 3%
85-89 0 -
90-95 0 -
32 100 %

As it can be seen in the table 4.5, it can be stated that 63.28 is the mean of

students’ score in post-test. The table also shows the interval score of students. Most

of students gained score in range 70-74 with 22% of percentage.

4.1.4 Result of The Use of Short Story to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary


After pre-test and post-test were administered, the results of pre-test were

compared with the result of post-test in order to analyze the use of short story to

enrich students’ vocabulary achievement. The table below provides the results of

the hypothesis of students mean score of the test.

Table 4.6 Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t d Sig.
Mean Std. Std. 95% f (2-
Deviatio Error Confidence taile
n Mean Interval of the d)
Lower Upper

Pair Posttest - 10.0000 8.4813 11.518 13.43 3
4.21212 .74460 .000
1 Pretest 0 7 63 0 1

The table above shows the significance value of the pre-test and post-test is

0.000 which is lower than 0.05. It is proves that there is a significant effect of the

application of short stories on students' vocabulary mastery.

In addition, it can also be seen that the t value is 13.430 which is higher than

the t table (2.03951). These results indicate that there is a significant difference in

students' vocabulary achievement before and after the use of short story as learning


4.1.5 Result of Aspect of Vocabulary That Improves The Most After The

Implementation of Short Story

After pre-test and post-test were administered, the results of pre-test were

compared with the result of post-test in order to analyze the use of short story to

enrich students’ vocabulary achievement. The table below provides the results of

the hypothesis of students mean score of the test.

Table 4.7 ANOVA


Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square

574.023 3 191.341 8.903 .000

Within Groups 2664.844 124 21.491

Total 3238.867 127

Based on the results of the analysis above, it is known that the significant

value is 0.000 <0.05. So, it can be said that the average value of these aspects is

significantly different.

Table 4.8 Mean Difference of Vocabulary Aspects in Pre-test and Post-test

Maximum Mean Mean Mean Difference
Aspects Score Pretest Posttest (Post-Pre)
Meaning 25 15 18.75 3.75
Spelling 25 15 15.46875 0.46875
Word Class 25 9.84375 12.8125 2.96875
Word Use 25 13.4375 16.25 2.8125
SCORE 100 53.28125 63.28125 10
From the table above, it can be seen that the meaning aspect experienced

the highest increase with an increase in score of 3.75 and the lowest increase with

score 0.4 is the spelling aspect.

4.1.6 Hypothesis Testing

As stated earlier, the alternate hypothesis of this research was:

H1: there is an enrichment of students’ vocabulary achievement before and after

being taught with short story.

H0: there is no enrichment of students’ vocabulary achievement before and after

being taught with short story.

To answer the hypothesis testing, the writer compared the t-value and t-

table. The t-value obtained by the writer was 13.430 and the t-table was 2.039. It

was found that t-value was higher that t-table. In result, the null (H0) hypothesis

was rejected; thus, the alternate hypothesis (H1) was accepted. It means, there is an

enrichment of students’ vocabulary achievement in the third grader students after

being taught with short story.

4.2 Discussion and Research Findings

This section is presented the discussion of the first and second research question

based on the result of the research.

4.2.1 Students’ Vocabulary Enrichment by Using Short Story

As presented earlier, the writer successfully conducted this research through

WhatsApp group chat in three meetings treatment and two meetings of test. The

Pre-Test and Post-Test were given to the students in the beginning and at the end

of meeting to investigate whether there is a vocabulary enrichment by using short

story. The mean score of students’ vocabulary in pre-test was considered lower than

post-test. Therefore, students’ vocabulary achievement showed that there is an

improvement. To find out the significant difference score between pre-test and post-

test, the writer analyzed the data by using Paired Sample T-Test.

After the data was collected and an analyzed, the comparison between

students’ mean score in post-test (63.28) showed higher points compared to pre-test

(53.28). Similarly, the calculation of significant difference using Paired Sample T-

Test showed that t-value obtained 13.430 which were higher than t-table which

showed 2.03951. That is why, all of the calculation analysis proved that there is an

enrichment of vocabulary achievement after taught by using short story.

Regarding to the previous study, this research supports a study that was

conducted by Paramita (2018) was investigated the improvement the second grader

students’ vocabulary achievement after the implementation of short story. The

result showed that the mean score of post-test is higher than pre-test. Therefore,

short story was proven to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement.

Other study that was conducted by Parvareshbar (2016), the findings was

investigated the significant difference score of EFL intermediate students

vocabulary achievement by using short story was proven to enrich students’

vocabulary achievement. The score in pre-test is 20.64 while in post-test is 22.08.

Based on the present study, it proved that the short story was beneficial for

students in learning vocabulary. It is proved that the significant difference between

mean of pre-test and post-test which has been analyzed.

4.2.2 Meaning as The Most Improve Aspect by Using Short Story

This section discussed about the result of the most improved aspect of

vocabulary by using short story. After pre-test and post-test were administered, the

results of pre-test were compared with the result of post-test in order to analyze

which aspect of vocabulary that improves the most after used short story to enrich

students’ vocabulary achievement. The mean pre-test of meaning is 15, spelling is

15, word class is 9.84, and word use is 13.43 while the mean post-test of meaning

is 18.75, spelling is 15.46, word class is 12.81, and word use is 16.25. From the data

that already explained, the aspect which improve the most is meaning with mean

difference (post and pre-test) is 3.75.

Regarding to the previous study, this research support study a study that was

conducted by Hayati (2015) was investigated which aspect that most affected to be

improved after taught by using short story. In the research, Hayati concluded that

the most affected to be improved was meaning. It was proven by the interval score

was higher among the others aspects.



This final chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion which related to the

result of first and second research questions. Suggestion is provided for English

teacher who will use English short story as additional media to teach vocabulary

and for the writer that has similarity in conducting research about vocabulary with

using English short story.

5.1 Conclusion

After conducted the research and analyze the data at the ninth grade of

SMPN 7 Metro, the writer draws conclusions as follows:

1. Regarding to the first research question, it can be concluded that the use

of English short story can enrich students’ vocabulary achievement.

This research was supported by teaching and learning process that has

been done successfully without any obstacle. Hence, the use of short

story can enrich students’ vocabulary significantly.

2. For the second research question, it is concluded that the use of short

story has an improvement in a certain aspect. The students have the

highest score in meaning aspect because they want to learn more about

the short story. In addition, students felt enjoy and excitement while

learning vocabulary using short story.

5.2 Suggestion

5.2.1 Suggestion For English Teacher

1. After conducting the research the use of short story to enrich

students’ vocabulary achievement, the writer found that short story

can enrich students’ vocabulary achievement. Therefore, the

research can be advisable for English teacher to apply short story in

teaching vocabulary.

2. The teacher should actively encourage students to practice the

vocabulary in classroom and make the students feel enjoy to learn


5.2.2 Suggestion For Further Research

1. This research was conducted in the third grade of SMPN 7 Metro

with short story as the media to teach. The short story can be one of

the best materials to conduct a research for further writer. Short story

can also be taught in other level of education.

2. Other writers who are interested for any further study related to this

research, they should explore the use of short story to another skills

in order to understand the use of short story to enrich students’

vocabulary achievement.


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Teaching English as a Foreign Language Overseas Journal
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Education Level : Junior High School

Subject : English
Grade :3
Semester :2
Topic : Narrative Text
Time Allocation : 45 minutes
Meeting : 1-2

Basic competence Indicator

3.11 Memahami fungsi sosial dan 3.11.1 Students are able to understand
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan the social function of narrative text.
dari teks naratif berbentuk cerita 3.11.2 Students are able to understand
rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks the generic structure of narrative text.
penggunaannya. 3.11.3 Students are able to understand
the languange feature of narrative text.
4.12 Mengungkapkan makna teks
naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk cerita 4.12.1 Students are able to understand
rakyat pendek dan sederhana. the use of simple past tense (verb 2).
4.12.2 Students are able to understand
the use of noun.

Learning Objective
- Students are able to identifying the social function of narrative text
- Students are able to identifying the generic structure of narrative text
- Students are able to identifying the language feature of narrative text
- Students are able to classifying simple past tense
- Students are able to classifying noun

Learning activities

1. Pre-activities
- The teacher greet the students. For example: hello, good morning
everyone! How are you today?
- The teacher introducing the topic for being taught by brainstorming with
question. For example: do you know Little Red Riding Hood?
2. While activities

- The teacher shows the story. For example: the story about Little Red
Riding Hood
- The teacher asks the students to find simple past tense (verb 2) in the
- The teacher asks the student to find noun in the story
- The teacher gives worksheet
3. Post-activities
- The teacher asks the students whether there are any difficulties in the
- The teacher gives feedback about the difficulties that students have been
- The teacher evaluate the students’ worksheet
- The teacher close the meeting


Education Level : Junior High School

Subject : English
Grade :3
Semester :2
Topic : Narrative Text
Time Allocation : 45 minutes
Meeting : 3-4

Basic competence Indicator

3.11 Memahami fungsi sosial dan 3.11.1 Students are able to understand
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan the social function of narrative text.
dari teks naratif berbentuk cerita 3.11.2 Students are able to understand
rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks the generic structure of narrative text.
penggunaannya. 3.11.3 Students are able to understand
the languange feature of narrative text.
4.12 Mengungkapkan makna teks
naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk 4.12.1 Students are able to understand
cerita rakyat pendek dan sederhana. the use of preposition (in time)

Learning Objective
- Students are able to identify social function of narrative text
- Students are able to identifying the social function of narrative text
- Students are able to identifying the generic structure of narrative text
- Students are able to identifying the language feature of narrative text
- Students are able to classifying preposition

Learning activities

1. Pre-activities
- The teacher greet the sudents and ask their condotion. For example:
hello everyone! Good morning! How are you today?
- The teacher continue the previous topic about the short story. For
example: the story of Little Red Riding Hood
2. While activities

- The teacher shows the story. For example: the story about Little Red
Riding Hood
- The teacher asks to find preposition of time in the story. For example:
long long time ago, one day, in a seven years ago, etc.
- The teacher gives worksheet
3. Post-activities
- The teacher asks the students whether there are any difficulties in the
- The teacher gives feedback about the difficulties that students have been
- The teacher evaluate the students’ worksheet
- The teacher close the meeting

Please choose the best answer!
Little Red Riding Hood
One day, Little Red Riding Hood (…...1) in a wood with her mother. The Little
Red Riding Hood (……2) to visit her granny. She had a nice cake in her basket. On
her way Little Red Riding Hood (…..3) a wolf. “Hello!” said the wolf. “Where are
you going?” said the wolf. “I’m going to see my grandmother. She lives in a house
behind those trees.” Said Little Riding Hood.
The wolf (…..4) to Granny’s house and ate Granny up. He (…..5) into Granny’s
bed. A little later, Little Red Riding Hood reached the house. She looked at the
wolf. “Granny, what big eyes you have! All the better to see you with!” said the
wolf. “Granny, what big ears you have! All the better to hear you with!” said the
wolf. “Granny, what a big nose you have! All the better to smell you with!” said
the wolf. “Granny, what big teeth you have! All the better to eat you with!” shouted
the wolf.
A woodcutter was in the wood. He heard a loud scream and ran to the house.
After that, the woodcutter hit the wolf over the head. The wolf opened his mouth
wide and shouted and Granny jumped out. Then, the wolf ran away and Little Red
Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.
1. Which one of the following verb that suitable for number 1?
a. Live
b. Life
c. Lived
d. Was lived
2. Which one of the following verb that suitable for number 2?
a. Goes
b. Go
c. Went
d. Gone
3. Which one of the following verb that suitable for number 3?
a. Meet
b. Met

c. Have meet
d. Have met
4. Which one of the following verb that suitable for number 4?
a. Run
b. Have run
c. Run
d. Have run
5. Which one of the following verb that suitable for number 5?
a. Got
b. Get
c. Gotten
d. Had gotten
6. Which one of the following verb 2 that suitable for “Hear”??
a. Hear
b. Heard
c. Hord
d. Hearing
7. Which the following word that is proper noun?
a. Granny
b. Wolf
c. One day
d. Little Red Riding Hood
8. Which of the following word that considered as preposition?
a. One day
b. On her way
c. Lives
d. Lived
9. “she had a nice cake in her basket” (line 2 paragraph 1). What does the
meaning of “basket”?
a. Keranjang
b. Laci
c. Tas

d. Piring
10. “I’m going to see my grandmother.” (line 4 paragraph 1). What does it
a. Aku akan mengunjungi nenekku
b. Aku pergi untuk melihat nenekku
c. Aku melihat nenekku
d. Aku akan pergi untuk nenekku
11. “He heard a loud scream and ran to the house.” (line 12 paragraph 3). What
does the meaning of “loud scream”?
a. Teriakan
b. Teriakan kencang
c. Teriak
d. Hentakan
12. What is the synonym of “scream”?
a. Shout
b. Cry
c. Deaf
d. Blind
13. What is the synonym of “Meet”?
a. See
b. Blind
c. Find
d. Agree

14. Which one of the following choices is the best spelling of “scream” in verb

a. S-c-r-e-a-m-i-n-g
b. S-c-r-e-a-m-e-d
c. S-c-r-o-m-e
d. S-c-r-o-m-e-d

The Haunted House

One night, we walked through the forest on a dark night. The thunder went
BANG! Bob had a fright! Bob ran through the trees as fast as he could, into a house
at the edge of the wood. We ran after Bob and into the hall. We shouted his name
but heard nothing at all.
We looked in the kitchen and there was a snake, showing its fangs. What a noise
we did make.
We looked in the bathroom. Do you know what we saw? Eight long legs in the bath,
we were glad there weren’t more! We looked in the study and saw a hard shell.
What was inside it? A turtle! Well, well! We looked in the lab and there was a cat
and there on the table a horrible rat.
We looked here for hours and then we went home. We opened the door. Suggest
what? There was Bob with a bone.
15. Which the following paragraph that is preposition?
a. One night
b. Dark night
c. The forest on the dark
d. We looked in the kitchen
16. Which the following word that is proper noun?
a. Bob
b. Forest
c. Bathroom
d. Snake

17. Which one of the following choices is the best spelling of “know” in verb

a. K-n-e-w
b. K-n-o-w-n
c. K-n-o-w
d. K-n-o-w-i-n-g
The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Once upon a time there were four little rabbits, and their names were—
Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They lived with their mother in a sand-bank,
underneath the root of a very big fir tree. "Now, my dears," said old Mrs. Rabbit
one morning, "you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr.
McGregor's garden. Your father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs.
18. Which the following word that suitable as proper noun?
a. Peter
b. Little rabbits
c. Sand-bank
d. Garden
19. Which the proper noun in the text?
a. Cotton-tail
b. Father
c. Garden
d. Bunnies
20. Which of the following paragraph that mention as preposition?
a. They lived with their mother
b. Now, my dears
c. Once upon a time
d. Your father had an accident there

21. Which one of the following choices is the best spelling of “put” in verb 2?

a. P-u-t-t-i-n-g
b. P-u-t
c. P-u-t-e-d
d. P-u-t-t
22. What is the synonym of “accident”?
a. Disaster
b. Encounter
c. Fall
d. Caught

23. “your father had an accident there” (line 4). What is the meaning of
a. Kecelakaan
b. Jatuh
c. Tersungkur
d. Tertangkap

24. “you may go into the fields or down the lane, ......” (line 3). What is the
meaning of “lane”?

a. Jalanan

b. Jalan kecil

c. Lajur

d. Garis

25. Which one of the following choices is the best spelling of “leave” in verb

a. L-e-f-t

b. L-e-a-v-e-d

c. L-o-a-v-e

d. L-e-a-v-i-n-g

26. Which one of the following choices is the best spelling of “go” in verb 2?

a. G-o-e-s

b. G-o-n-e

c. W-e-n-t

d. G-o-i-n-g

27. Which one of the following choices is the best spelling of “hear” in verb 2?

a. H-e-a-r-d

b. H-e-a-r-e-d

c. H-e-a-r-d-e-d

d. H-e-a-r-i-n-g

28. Which one of the following choices is the best spelling of “know” in verb

a. K-n-o-w-e-d

b. K-n-e-w

c. N-o-w

d. K-n-o-w-i-n-g

29. Which one of the following choices is the best spelling of “visit” in verb 2?

a. V-i-s-i-t

b. V-i-s-i-t-e-d

c. V-i-s-i-t-i-n-g

d. V-i-s-i-t-e-d-e-d

30. What is the synonym of “Lived”?

a. Stayed

b. Resigned

c. Came

d. Hide

Students’ Worksheet During Whilst Activity

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood lived in a wood with her mother. One day Little Red Riding

Hood went to visit her granny. She had a nice cake in her basket.

On her way Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. “Hello!” said the wolf. “Where are

you going?” I’m going to see my grandmother. She lives in a house behind the


The wolf ran to Granny’s house and ate Granny up. He got into Granny’s bed. A

little later, Little Red Riding Hood reached the house. She looked at the wolf.

“Granny, what big eyes you have!”

“All the better to see you with!” said the wolf.

“Granny, what a big ears you have!”

“All the better to hear you with!” said the wolf.

“Granny, what a big nose you have!”

“All the better to smell you with!” said the wolf.

“Granny, what a big teeth you have!”

“All the better to eat you with!” shouted the wolf.

A woodcutter was in the wood. He heard a loud scream and ran to the house. The

woodcutter hit the wolf over the head. The wolf opened his mouth wide and shouted

and Granny jumped out. The wolf ran away and Little Red Riding Hood never saw

the wolf again.

Taken from


Exercise 1: Read the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and try to identify the past


No Verb 2 in Little Red Riding Hood

1. Lived

2. …

3. …

Etc. …

Exercise 2: Please try to find the nouns in the text ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

No Nouns

1. Little Red Riding Hood

2. Wood

… …

… …

… …

… …

… Etc.


Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Std. Error
Deviation Mean
Pretest 53.2813 32 7.36265 1.30155
Pair 1
Posttest 63.2813 32 7.99288 1.41295

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlatio Sig.
Pretest &
Pair 1 32 .853 .000

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t d Sig.
Mean Std. Std. 95% f (2-
Deviatio Error Confidence taile
n Mean Interval of the d)
Lower Upper
Pair Posttest - 10.0000 8.4813 11.518 13.43 3
4.21212 .74460 .000
1 Pretest 0 7 63 0 1


N Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence Mini Maxim
Deviat Error Interval for Mean mum um
ion Lower Upper
Bound Bound
Meanin 18.75 4.3994 .7777
32 17.1638 20.3362 10.00 25.00
g 00 1 1
15.46 4.4648 .7892
Spelling 32 13.8590 17.0785 10.00 25.00
88 0 7
Word 12.81 4.9084 .8677
32 11.0428 14.5822 5.00 20.00
class 25 4 0
Word 16.25 4.7519 .8400
32 14.5368 17.9632 5.00 25.00
use 00 1 3
12 15.82 5.0500 .4463
Total 14.9370 16.7036 5.00 25.00
8 03 4 6

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene df1 df2 Sig.
.464 3 124 .708

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Result
Tukey HSD
(I) (J) Mean Std. Sig. 95% Confidence
Aspects Aspects Difference Error Interval
(I-J) Lower Upper
Bound Bound
Spelling 3.28125* 1.15895 .027 .2631 6.2994
Meaning 5.93750* 1.15895 .000 2.9193 8.9557
Word use 2.50000 1.15895 .141 -.5182 5.5182

Meaning -3.28125* 1.15895 .027 -6.2994 -.2631
Spelling 2.65625 1.15895 .105 -.3619 5.6744
Word use -.78125 1.15895 .907 -3.7994 2.2369
Meaning -5.93750 1.15895 .000 -8.9557 -2.9193
Spelling -2.65625 1.15895 .105 -5.6744 .3619
class *
Word use -3.43750 1.15895 .019 -6.4557 -.4193
Meaning -2.50000 1.15895 .141 -5.5182 .5182
Spelling .78125 1.15895 .907 -2.2369 3.7994
Word use
3.43750* 1.15895 .019 .4193 6.4557
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Students' Word Word Final
NO Name Meaning Spelling Class Use Score
1 AP 15 10 5 20 50
2 AA 20 15 10 15 60
3 ASKP 10 20 10 10 50
4 AAW 10 10 10 15 45
5 ANK 15 20 15 15 65
6 BMI 15 15 0 15 45
7 BSM 20 10 5 20 55
8 CAN 20 15 20 10 65
9 CA 10 15 10 15 50
10 DAP 10 10 5 20 45
11 DD 15 15 10 5 45
12 DAN 20 15 10 5 50
13 EH 20 15 15 15 65
14 FA 10 25 15 20 70
15 FAF 15 10 10 15 50
16 FAM 25 15 5 10 55
17 FNA 15 10 10 15 50
18 FS 5 20 10 10 45
19 FAH 15 10 15 10 50
20 GP 15 20 15 10 60
21 GPP 15 15 10 15 55
22 GPAD 10 20 5 20 55
23 HAP 10 20 10 10 50
24 HA 10 15 10 10 45
25 JAP 20 10 10 20 60
26 JCS 15 15 5 15 50
27 KP 15 15 5 10 45
28 LAN 25 10 10 15 60
29 MA 20 15 15 15 65
30 MI 15 15 10 5 45
31 ORP 10 20 10 10 50
32 PSD 15 15 10 15 55
MEAN 15 15 9,84375 13,4375 53,28125

Students' Word Word Final
NO Name Meaning Spelling Class Use Score
1 AP 15 15 10 20 60
2 AA 20 15 20 15 70
3 ASKP 15 20 15 20 70
4 AAW 15 15 15 15 60
5 ANK 25 20 10 20 75
6 BMI 15 20 5 20 60
7 BSM 25 25 10 5 65
8 CAN 25 15 20 15 75
9 CA 20 10 15 15 60
10 DAP 10 10 15 15 50
11 DD 20 10 10 15 55
12 DAN 10 15 10 20 55
13 EH 20 15 20 15 70
14 FA 20 25 10 25 80
15 FAF 15 10 20 10 55
16 FAM 20 20 10 15 65
17 FNA 20 15 15 10 60
18 FS 20 15 5 15 55
19 FAH 15 10 20 20 65
20 GP 25 20 15 15 75
21 GPP 15 15 10 20 60
22 GPAD 25 10 5 20 60
23 HAP 15 15 15 15 60
24 HA 20 10 10 10 50
25 JAP 15 20 10 25 70
26 JCS 20 15 15 15 65
27 KP 20 20 5 5 50
28 LAN 15 15 20 20 70
29 MA 25 10 15 20 70
30 MI 15 20 5 15 55
31 ORP 25 15 15 15 70
32 PSD 20 10 15 20 65
MEAN 18,75 15,469 12,8125 16,25 63,28125




Picture 1. The writer greet the students

Picture 2. The writer give some explanations

Picture 3. The writer give some explanation

Picture 4. The writer give a task for students


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