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Name: Maria Cleofe R.

Navarro Course, Year & Section: BSIT 1B

Subject: Readings in Philippine History


American settlement in the Philippines began during the Spanish colonial period. The
period of American colonization of the Philippines lasted 48 years. The United States improved
the Philippines’ economy and system of government, where the Filipinos had greater political
participation and more economic gains. America helped the Philippines from Spain.

Even though our Filipino ancestors suffered from the occupation of these foreigners, we
are still currently benefiting for it all. The American’s greatest influences in the Philippines was
the introduction of public education system, public health promotion, transportation and
communication facilities improvements, introduction of biblical Christianity and the English
language known as the universal language which became a big impact to our country. The
influence of America’s occupation helped us a lot now in the present which is not bad. However,
some of the disadvantages of American colonization are the colonial mentality that caused the
Filipinos to despise their own, Filipinos having no freedom in that period and the unfair balance
of power between the colony and colonizer.

In terms all of this, the colonization of Americans to our country both have advantages
and disadvantages which helped our country prosper. Colonization always takes up of being
responsible to its colony. However, the sense of being self-centered will exist and being abusive
to its victims. We should keep in mind that we should not abuse our power and authority over
others and be fair to them.

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