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According to Baritugo, et al.

(2004) ascited by Ang - Psychoanalytic Theory: Explores characters'

(2012) hidden desires and fears, often related to
Literature comes from: childhood experiences, to understand why they
-French phrase “belles-letters” which means beautiful behave the way they do.
- Latin term “litera” which means letter. - Marxist Theory: Examines how literature
reflects social and economic inequalities, like
STANDARD OF GOOD LITERATURE rich vs. poor, and how it might challenge or
- Artistry: Literature should possess a natural reinforce those inequalities.
aesthetic appeal, captivating readers with its
beauty and style. - Feminist Theory: Looks at how literature
portrays women and men, and how it might
- Intellectual Value: Good literature offers more reinforce or challenge traditional gender roles
than mere entertainment; it stimulates critical and expectations.
thinking and helps readers explore fundamental
truths of life and human nature. - Postcolonial Theory: Explores how literature
from countries that were once colonized reflects
- Suggestiveness: Great literature has emotional the effects of colonization and struggles for
power, stirring readers' imaginations and cultural identity.
offering visions beyond ordinary experience,
thereby enhancing their enjoyment and - Deconstruction: Questions whether there's one
engagement. "right" way to interpret a story, suggesting that
meanings can be ambiguous and open to
- Spiritual Value: Literature serves as a different interpretations.
foundation for religion and conveys human
values, elevating the spirit and inspiring moral - Queer Theory: Considers how literature
growth in readers. represents LGBTQ+ experiences and identities,
and challenges assumptions about gender and
- Permanence: A hallmark of great literature is its sexuality.
enduring quality; it can be revisited time and
again, offering fresh insights and captivating - Ecocriticism: Looks at how literature portrays
readers with each reading. the natural world and our relationship with it,
and how it might shape our attitudes towards the
- Universality: Good literature transcends time environment.
and cultural boundaries, remaining relevant
across generations and achieving classic status TYPES OF POETRY
due to its timeless themes and universal appeal. - Lyric Poetry: Short, musical poems that express
feelings or emotions.
- Style: The unique style of presentation in o Song - Metrical pattern set to music.
literature reflects the author's perspective on life, o Elegy- express feeling of grief and
marked by memorable substance and creativity, melancholy theme is death.
thereby ensuring the enduring popularity of o Sonnet- A 14-line poem with a specific
literary works. rhyme scheme, often about love or
LITERARY THEORIES o Ode: A poem that celebrates something,
- Formalism: Focuses on the basic elements of a like a person, place, or idea, often with
story, like its structure and language, rather than formal language.
its historical context or author's background. o Psalm- song praising God or Virgin Mary
that has philosophy of life.
- Structuralism: Looks at the underlying systems o Hymn - a special song people sing in
and patterns in literature, such as recurring churches or other religious places.
symbols or themes, to find deeper meanings. o Idyll- is a short story or poem that
paints a picture of a perfect, peaceful
- Reader-Response Theory: Says that the place.
meaning of a story depends on how readers
interpret it, because everyone brings their own - Narrative Poetry: Tells a story through verse,
experiences and feelings to what they read. like a poem that reads like a mini-story.
o Epic - Long poems that tell big stories - Shape and Form- refers to the structure of
about heroes and their adventures, like poems which can be constructed or free verse
ancient superheroes. Think of them as - Figurative Language
epic movies but in words. o Simile: Comparing two unlike things
o Metrical Romances - A narrative poem using "like" or "as," such as "She runs as
that tells story of adventure, love, and fast as a cheetah."
chivalry. The typical herois a knight on a o Metaphor: Describing one thing as if it
quest were another, without using "like" or
o Metrical Tale - It's like singing a story "as," like "Time is a thief."
instead of just saying it. o Personification: Giving human traits to
o Ballad- Tells a story in a simple, non-human things, for example, "The
rhythmic way, often passed down wind whispered through the trees."
through generations. o Irony: Saying one thing while meaning
- Dramatic Poetry - is like a play in poetic form, the opposite, often for humor or
where characters speak and act out the story emphasis, such as "The fire station
through dialogue and monologues. burned down."
o Allusion: Referring to something well-
ELEMENTS OF POETRY known, like a famous person, event, or
piece of literature, such as "He's as
- Content or Subject- it is what being talked strong as Hercules."
about in the poem. o Paradox: A statement that seems self-
- Theme- refers to the message of the poem contradictory but may reveal a deeper
- Mood- is the emotional atmosphere that poet truth, like "Less is more."
wants the readers to feel. o Hyperbole: Exaggerating for effect,
- Imaginary- how the reader pictures the poem in such as "I'm so hungry I could eat a
his mind. horse."
- Symbols- when mentioned images like “sun” o Synecdoche: Using a part of something
“flower” that not accept as images to represent the whole, or vice versa,
- Sound Effect Devices – Gives music to the ears like referring to a car as "wheels."
of the readers. o Apostrophe: Addressing someone
o Rhyme: Words that have the same absent or something non-human as if
ending sound, like "cat" and "hat." they were present or alive, like "Oh, sun,
Rhymes add musicality and rhythm to why do you hide your face?"
poetry. o Oxymoron: Putting two contradictory
o Assonance: The repetition of vowel words together to create a new meaning,
sounds within words, like "lake" and such as "bittersweet" or "jumbo shrimp."
"fade." It creates a soft, flowing quality o Metonymy: Referring to something by
in poetry. mentioning something else closely
o Consonance: The repetition of associated with it, like saying "The
consonant sounds within words, like White House issued a statement" when
"silent" and "listen." It adds a sense of referring to the President or their
harmony and closeness in the poem. administration.
o Repetition: Repeating words, phrases, - Stanza- It's a group of lines that form a unit
or sounds for emphasis, like "Never, within a poem, often separated by spaces or
never, never give up!" It reinforces ideas indents. Stanzas can vary in length and structure,
and creates a memorable impact. and they help organize the poem and give it a
o Onomatopoeia: Words that imitate sense of structure
sounds, like "buzz" or "crash." They - Rhythm: is the pattern of stressed and
bring the poem to life by appealing to unstressed syllables in a line of verse. It's like
the senses. the beat or flow of the poem, created by the
o Alliteration: The repetition of initial arrangement of words and sounds. Rhythm gives
consonant sounds in neighboring words, poetry its musical quality and helps establish its
like "singing birds." It creates a pleasing pace and tone.
rhythm and emphasizes certain words or - Foot: is the basic unit of measurement in a line
phrases. of poetry, made up of one stressed syllable and
- Persona- refers to the speaker or narrator one or more unstressed syllables.
assumed by the poet when writing a poem. RISING FOOT COMBINATION
- Speaker- the point of view in the poem o Lambus or Lambic (UA)
o Anapest or Anapestic (UUA)
o Trochee or Trochaic (AU)
o Dactyl or Dactylic (AUU)
o Spondee or Spondaic (AA)
o Pyrrhic (UU)
- Meter - is the pattern of stressed and unstressed
syllables in a line of poetry, determined by the
arrangement of feet.
o monometer - 1 foot combination
o dimeter - 2 feet combination
o trimeter - 3 feet combination
o tetrameter - 4 feet combination
o pentameter - 5 feet combination
o hexameter - 6 feet combination
o heptameter - 7 feet combination
o octameter - 8 feet combination
o nonameter- 9 feet combination
o - 10 feet combination

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