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1. Name & Address (Optional)

2, Gender

a) Male
b) Female

3. Age

a) Less than 20
c) 31-40
d) Above 40

4. Marital status

a) Married
b) Unmarried

5. Literacy

a) Literate.
b) illiterate

6. If literate the level of literacy

a) Matric
b) +2
c) Diploma
d) Degree
e) Others

7. Occupation

a) Govt Employee b)PrivateEmployee

c) Self employed
d) Others

8. Income per month

a) Below Rs.10,000
b) Rs.10000-20000
c) Rs.20000-Rs30000
d) Rs.30000-Rs.40000
e) Above Rs.40000

9. Type of family

a) Joint Family
b) Nuclear Family

10. Residential Status

a) Rural
b) Urban
c) Semi-urban

11. Who makes the buying decision?

a) Self
b) Family members
c) Relatives
d) Friends
e) Others

12. Which type of Horlicks do you prefer?

a) Horlicks
b) Women Horlicks
c) Mother Horlicks
d) Junior Horlicks
e) Others

13. Which flavour are you using?

a) Chocolate
b) Vennila
c) Kesar
d) Other

14. "How many members are taking Horlicks in your family?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) More than three

15. What is the reason for purchasing Horlicks product?

a) Brand Name
b) Quality
c) Taste
d) Others

16. Do you have any suggestions to improve Horlicks product?

a) Reduction in Price
b) Attractive Package
c) Improving Quality
d) Others

17. Are you satisfied with the price level about Horlicks product?

a) Yes
b) No

18. How much you spend about the Horlicks product?

a) Less than Rs.50

b) Rs.50-Rs.100
c) Rs.100-Rs.200
d) Above Rs.200

19. Would you recommend it to others?

a) Yes
b) No

20. Are you satisfied with the Horlicks product?

a) Highly Satisfied
b) Satisfied
d) Dissatisfied
e) High Dissatisfied
c) Moderate

21. Please give your suitable suggestion?

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