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Course : AN/ME/EJ/MK/CE Subject: English (33303)

Marks: 30 Duration: 90 Min

Q. 1. Attempt the following:

A. Write ANY FIVE of the phonetic transcription of the following words: (5)

a) Five
b) Black
c) Three
d) This
e) Chain
f) Man
g) City

B. Write ANY FIVE of the Prefix, Base word and Suffix of the following: (5)

a) Unsuccessful
b) Imperfection
c) unawareness
d) indistinguishable
e) unimaginable
f) entertainment
g) communication

Q.2 Attempt the following.

A. Write synonyms of the following: (5 marks)

a) Advance
b) Depart
c) Happy
d) Agony
e) Admit

B. Choose the correct homophone from the options given: (5 marks)

a) If you accidentally drank a bottle of fabric _____, you might ____.( die, dye)
b) F I wanted to sit _____so I could _______ the singer performing without any distractions.
(hear, here)
c) Being ______makes me unhappy, but listening to my _____ Taylor Swift makes me
happy. (idol, idle)
d) There is no ______ way to _______ a great novel. ( right , write )
e) He ate his favourite _________ watching her favourite _____________. ( Cereal, serial)

C. Write a paragraph on ANY ONE given topic – (5 marks)

a) Diwali – My favorite festival

b) Importance of Regular exercise

D. Write a dialogue on ANY ONE given topic. (5 marks)

a) Dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer

b) Dialogue between two friends on the topic of air pollution.


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