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Hoax information is essentially a trick or a lie spread on purpose.

It’s when someone tells or shares

something that isn’t true, usually to fool or mislead others. This can happen online, in the news, or even
in everyday conversations.

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Kayla Hilalia Khairunnisa from Excellent and I stand before you today
to shed light on a growing menace that threatens the fabric of our society – the impact of hoax
information. In an era dominated by information flow, the consequences of false narratives cannot be

Hoax information infiltrates our lives through various channels, sowing seeds of confusion and mistrust.
Misleading data on health, politics, and science can lead to disastrous outcomes, eroding the trust we
place in institutions and undermining the essence of democracy.

The digital age has amplified the speed at which misinformation spreads, making it crucial for us to be
vigilant consumers of information. As misinformation thrives on sensationalism, it is our responsibility to
critically evaluate sources and question the validity of the content we encounter.

The Impact of hoax information extends beyond individual beliefs; it can have massive effects on public
health, economic stability, and social harmony. From false medical advice leading to harmful practices, to
baseless rumors inciting societal tensions, the consequences reverberate through every facet of our

To combat this menace, we must promote media literacy and critical thinking skills. Education becomes
our strongest weapon against the spread of misinformation. By fostering a society that values
discernment, we can collectively build a shield against the detrimental effects of hoax information.

In conclusion, let us recognize the gravity of the impact that misinformation can have on our lives and
the world we inhabit. By staying informed, vigilant, and committed to the truth, we can navigate through
the sea of misinformation and build a society that thrives on knowledge, unity, and trust.

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