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Catholic University of Mozambique

Distance Education Institute

General situation of coronavirus (COVID-19)

Name of Student: Virgínia Marcelino Chiombo; Student Code: 708200577

Course: Degree in History Teaching

Discipline: English

Frequency Year: 1st Year

Tete, October, 2020


The Feedback Leaf of the tutor


Indicators Tutor
Categories Standards Maximum
's Subtot
note al

 Index 0.5
Organizational  Introduction 0.5
aspects  Discussion 0.5
 Conclusion 0.5
 Bibliography 0.5
 Contextualization (Clear
indication of the 2.0
Introduction  Description of the
 Appropriate
methodology for the 2.0
object of the work
 Articulation and mastery
Content of academic discourse
(careful written 3.0
expression, textual
Analysis and coherence / cohesion)
discussion  National and
bibliographic review 2.0
relevant to the study
 Data exploration 2.5
Conclusion  Practical theoretical
General  Pagination, font type
aspects and size, paragraph, line 1.0
APA Norms
Bibliographic 6th edition in  Accuracy and
references citations and consistency of citations / 2.0
bibliography references

Improvement recommendations sheet: To be completed by the tutor

The Feedback Leaf of the tutor................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

Methodologies ............................................................................................................................ 4

Objectives of the work ................................................................................................................ 4

Part I: Concept of the coronavirus pandemic ............................................................................. 5

Part II: Parents of Origin and Explosion of the disease to the world ......................................... 5

Part III: The World Health Organization (WHO) (or WHO) ..................................................... 6

Part IV: Government and the Population ................................................................................... 6

Part V: Individual preventive measures...................................................................................... 7

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 8

Bibliographic references ............................................................................................................. 9


In the present work, it discusses COVID-19. Covid-19 is one of the pandemics that has
developed very quickly and spread to the whole world. In the development of this work, we
will start by giving the concept of Covidç19, where we highlight the forms of transmission of
the disease and the symptoms that the infected person presents. But we also cite some
measures that the world health organization (WHO), governments and the population can take
to end the disease. We continued with the development of the work, there was talk of
preventive measures that each individual must take to not contribute to the spread of the
disease, which is personal hygiene, social distance, the use of masks in public places.

The methodology used to carry out this is the bibliographic research where the author sought
and read some works that he addresses on Covid-19 Pandemic. But we also used the other
methodology that was based on doing research on the internet.

Objectives of the work

 Conceptualizing Covid-19
 Identify the country of origin of Covid-19 and its expansion to the whole world
 Propose the measures that the World Health Organization should take to face the
 Mention some disease prevention measures to be spread.

Part I: Concept of the coronavirus pandemic

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, which has a clinical
spectrum ranging from asymptomatic infections to severe conditions.

The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing

pandemic of COVID-19, an acute respiratory disease caused by the severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

The symptoms of COVID-19 can vary from a cold, to a Flu-SG Syndrome (presence of an
acute respiratory condition, characterized by at least two of the following symptoms: feverish
sensation or fever associated with sore throat, headache, cough, runny nose) to severe
pneumonia. The most common symptoms are:

Cough; Fever; Coryza; Sore throat; Difficulty breathing; Loss of smell (anosmia); Alteration
of taste (ageusia); Gastrointestinal disorders (nausea / vomiting / diarrhea); Tiredness
(asthenia); Decreased appetite (Hypoxia); Dyspnea (shortness of breath).

Transmission occurs from one sick person to another or through close contact through:
Touching contaminated handshakes; Droplets of saliva; Sneeze; Cough; Catarrh;
Contaminated objects or surfaces, such as cell phones, tables, cutlery, door handles, toys,
computer keyboards.

Part II: Parents of Origin and Explosion of the disease to the world
The disease was first identified in Wuhan, in the province of Hubei, People's Republic of
China, on December 1, 2019, but the first case was reported on December 31 of the same
year. In early and mid-January 2020, the virus spread to other Chinese provinces, due to the
Chinese New Year migration and because Wuhan is a transport hub and an important rail

The disease has exploded to the whole world through exchanges between countries around the
world; through trips abroad.

When people outside China discovered the disease, they thought about leaving China without
knowing they were infected, which made it possible for the disease to spread very rapidly to
the whole world. And this behavior was not only observed in people who were in China in the
first days of the disease, but also in all countries. For example on the African continent, if it
weren't for migration, I believe it would be a little late for the disease to arrive in some

African countries, because in several African countries, the first confirmed cases were
registered in people who left abroad, for example. example in Mozambique, Angola, Malawi
and other African countries.

Part III: The World Health Organization (WHO) (or WHO)

The World Health Organization (WHO) (or WHO) to face this epidemic must look for
effective strategies to find vaccines that can be applied in people with this disease, but for this
to happen, organizations must be created where several doctors can participate from different
countries to carry out studies together so that treatment is achieved as quickly as possible.

I say this because, what has happened to those in the health area or even doctors is the
competition between countries to be heroes of saving the world, which is causing their work
to fail.

So it is up to the world health organization to take care of this so that everything goes well
because if the pandemic continues to act, it may contribute to the emergence of other diseases
due to poor diet in the poorest people and we can highlight the following: cholera, diarrhea

Part IV: Government and the Population

It is well known that the measures taken by the government do not make sense without
collaboration with the population, that is, the measures that the government takes, people
must follow and failure to comply with these measures must respond to a judicial process,
dealing with national security.

The government must reinforce the quarantine but, creating necessary conditions that can help
the population in this period. Being in quarantine, all activities are stopped so it is necessary
that the government guarantees the population to help in this difficult time.

Government should recommend social distance in regions affected by the outbreak. Non-
cooperation with remoteness measures in some areas contributed to the spread of the

Part V: Individual preventive measures

Hand hygiene: Hand hygiene is recommended to prevent the spread of the disease. The CDC
recommends that people wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least twenty
seconds, especially after going to the bathroom or when their hands are visibly dirty; before
eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. This is because outside the human
body, the virus is killed by household soap, which bursts its protective bubble. In addition,
soap and water interrupt the sticky bond between pathogens and human skin, which causes the
coronavirus pathogen to slip from the hands / body. The CDC recommended the use of an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol by volume when soap and water are
not available. WHO advises people to avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth with dirty

Voluntary isolation: at home has been recommended for those diagnosed with COVID-19
and those who suspect they have been infected. Health agencies must issue detailed
instructions for proper self-isolation.

Social detachment: includes actions to control infection aimed at delaying the spread of the
disease, minimizing close contact between individuals. Methods include quarantines; travel
restrictions; and closing schools, workplaces, stadiums, theaters and / or shopping centers.
Individuals can apply social distancing methods by staying at home, limiting travel, avoiding
crowded areas, using contactless greetings and physically distancing themselves from others.

Use of masks: It is recommended that individuals wear non-medical face masks in public
environments where there is an increased risk of transmission and where measures of social
distance are difficult to maintain. This recommendation aims to reduce the spread of the
disease in asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic individuals and is complementary to
established preventive measures, such as social detachment.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses common in many different species of animals,
including camels, cattle, cats and bats. Rarely, coronaviruses that infect animals can infect
people, such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV.

The disease presents as symptoms: Cough; Fever; Coryza; Sore throat; Difficulty breathing;
Loss of smell (anosmia); Alteration of taste (ageusia); Gastrointestinal disorders (nausea /
vomiting / diarrhea); Tiredness (asthenia); Decreased appetite (Hypoxia); Dyspnea (shortness
of breath).

Transmission occurs from one sick person to another or through close contact through:
Touching contaminated handshakes; Droplets of saliva; Sneeze; Cough; Catarrh;
Contaminated objects or surfaces, such as cell phones, tables, cutlery, door handles, toys,
computer keyboards.

The disease has spread to the whole world through exchanges between countries around the
world; through trips abroad. The government must reinforce the quarantine but, creating
necessary conditions that can help the population in this period. Hand hygiene is
recommended to prevent the spread of the disease.

Individuals are advised to wear non-medical face masks in public environments where there is
an increased risk of transmission and where measures of social distance are difficult to

Bibliographic references
 Coronavirus (COVID-19)—5 things you can do to protect yourself and your
community». Blog: Public Health Matters (em inglês). Saúde Pública da Inglaterra,
Governo do Reino Unido. Consultado em 15 de setembro de 2020.
 Krugman P (27 de fevereiro de 2020). «When a Pandemic Meets a Personality Cult».
The New York Times. Consultado em 29 de fevereiro de 2020.
 Por que o coronavírus agora se chama covid-19 e como esses nomes são criados?».
BBC News. 11 de fevereiro de 2020. Consultado em 12 de fevereiro de 2020.
 Here Comes the Coronavirus Pandemic – Now, after many fire drills, the world may
be facing a real fire.». The New York Times. 29 de fevereiro de 2020. Consultado em
1 de março de 2020.
 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)—Transmission». Centros de Controle e
Prevenção de Doenças (CDC) dos Estados Unidos (em inglês). 17 de março de 2020.
Consultado em 15 de setembro de 2020.
, consultado em 11-10-2020.

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