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2 November 2011

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The Daily Prophet

E"tor Ca#e$ne Silver

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J.K. Rowling
Article Written By Catherine Silver

British author J.K. Rowling is one of the most well known names in the modern literary world. She receives the most recognition for her most well known work, the Harry Potter series. Most people recognize this series whether they read or not, due to the phenomenon that it has developed into. Rowlings literary career has made a significant mark on the literary world today. Her influence can be LaHora seen in numerous modern works, and her infamous subject was always English and writing, but she H a r r y P o t t e r s e r i e s also had an interest in language in general. She continues to excel. wrote her fist novel at the age of six, called Rabbit. Rowling tells the story of a rabbit who EARLY LIFE got the measles and was visited by his friends, Joanne Kathleen Rowling including a giant bee called Miss Bee. This first w a s b o r n i n t h e story sparked her interest in wanting to be a outskirts of Bristol, West writer professionally, although she mostly kept E n g l a n d , w h e n h e r this thought to herself and simply told stories to p a r e n t s w e r e f a i r l y her friends at lunchtime to fuel her desire. When young. She attended she was in secondary school, J.K. met a boy Tutshill Primary School named Sean Harris. She ended up dedicating and W y e d e a n Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to him, Comprehensive. While in because he was one of the first people she told s c h o o l , h e r f a v o r i t e that she deeply desired to be a writer. He

supported the idea very much, and she was extremely grateful for his encouragement. After graduating, Rowling pursued her studies at the University of Exeter in Devon. She studied French in the hopes of becoming a bilingual secretary. However, her desire to write distracted her from her work and she would constantly find herself scribbling down thoughts and ideas.


The idea for the first Harry Potter book came to Rowling spontaneously on a four hour train ride from Manchester to London. At the age of twenty-five, Rowling spent her life developing the idea, outlining, and writing the first book. During this time, In this
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five year time period, Rowling also pursued her love for language and moved to Portugal to teach English. Before leaving for Portugal, Rowlings mother unfortunately passed away. This event significantly impacted Harry Potters feelings and connection to his dead parents, and provided more inspiration for the book. Rowling returned to England, and completed the first book. She found an agent named Christopher, who sent the book to many publishers. Eventually, Bloomsbury offered to publish Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (the name was changed to Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone for publication in America). It was one of the best moments of her life and the real start of her literary career. Rowlings career took off and she finished seven complete Harry Potter books.

Facts Revealed!
Harry Potter and the Po)er books have sold over Deathly 4( million copies and Hallows was have been translated into released on 67 langua,s! July 21, 2007, and sold 11 copies Dumbledore is an old English millionfirst day on the word, meaning Bumblebee of its release!
Rowlings books were the rst childrens books included on the New York Bestseller list since E.B. Whites Charlottes Web in 1952!
As of 2(8, Harry


J.K. Rowling still has a deep love for writing after finishing all of the Harry Potter books. She continues to work on new books, especially books related to the Harry Potter series. She plans to write Hogwarts textbooks and other books. Her newest book that relates to the series is The Tales of Beadle the Bard. The book is a collection of five fables mentioned

in the Harry Potter series. Since Rowling is such a successful writer, she actually donated the royalties made from this book to the Childrens High Level Group, which supports institutionalized children in Eastern Europe.

J.K Rowlings work has created a literary phenomenon and her work impacts many writers today. The success of the Harry Potter series is credited mainly to their immense appeal to people of all ages, even though the books are technically written for children. The Harry Potter series appeals to

people of all ages and interests, because the audience can find similarities and relate to many of the characters. J.K Rowling is an incredible story teller, and the tales of Harry Potter and his friends are an incredible example of her skills. Many modern writers are attempting to dive into the world of fantasy and magic, trying to follow the footsteps of J.K Rowling. Writers are imitating Rowlings methods to capture readers and are incorporating the world of magic into their books to try and attract a following similar to the Harry Potter series.


The Judiciary Report

Reading Harry

J.K Rowling signs a Harry Potter book for an adoring fan.

J.K Rowling reads one of her wellknown Harry Potter books.

A collection of Harry Potter books.
&e Daily Prophet

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