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Title: "Healing Hearts: Empowering Women Through Moral Recovery After Landslides"

Activity Overview: This activity is designed to provide a supportive and empowering space for women
who are landslide victims to engage in moral recovery. Through a combination of guided discussions,
reflection, and creative expression, participants will explore their experiences, build resilience, and find
strength in solidarity.
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
Materials Needed:
1. Seating arrangements (chairs arranged in a circle or semi-circle)
2. Writing materials (journals, pens, markers)
3. Art supplies (colored pencils, paints, brushes, blank sheets of paper or canvases)
4. Inspirational quotes or affirmations printed on cards
5. Music player and soothing music playlist
6. Refreshments (water, tea, healthy snacks)
7. Facilitator guide with discussion prompts and activity instructions
Activity Steps:
1. Welcome and Introduction (15 minutes):
 Begin by welcoming all participants to the activity in a warm and inclusive manner.
 Introduce yourself and any co-facilitators.
 Briefly explain the purpose of the activity: to provide a space for women who are
landslide victims to engage in moral recovery, find support, and empower each other.
 Emphasize the importance of confidentiality, respect, and active participation.
2. Guided Discussion: Sharing Experiences (30 minutes):
 Facilitate a guided discussion where participants are invited to share their experiences,
thoughts, and emotions related to the landslide incident.
 Encourage participants to speak from the heart and listen with empathy.
 Use open-ended questions to prompt discussion, such as:
 How has the landslide impacted your life and the lives of other women in your
 What emotions have you experienced since the landslide, and how have you
coped with them?
 Are there any specific challenges or obstacles you have faced as a woman in the
aftermath of the disaster?
 Ensure that all participants have an opportunity to speak if they wish, but also respect
those who may choose to listen without sharing.
3. Reflective Journaling (20 minutes):
 Distribute journals or blank sheets of paper to each participant, along with pens or
 Invite participants to take some quiet time to reflect on their experiences and emotions
since the landslide.
 Provide prompts to guide their reflection, such as:
 What strengths or resources have you drawn upon to cope with the challenges
you've faced?
 In what ways have you found moments of hope or resilience amidst the
 How do you envision your path to healing and recovery moving forward?
 Encourage participants to write freely and expressively, allowing their thoughts and
emotions to flow onto the pages.
4. Creative Expression: Art Therapy (40 minutes):
 Provide art supplies and blank sheets of paper or canvases to participants.
 Explain that art therapy can be a powerful tool for processing emotions and expressing
oneself creatively.
 Encourage participants to use colors, shapes, and textures to create artwork that
represents their experiences, emotions, and aspirations.
 Offer suggestions and prompts if needed, such as:
 Create a visual representation of your journey through the landslide and your
path to healing.
 Paint or draw a symbol of strength and resilience that resonates with you as a
 Use mixed media to depict the beauty and resilience of nature, despite its
destructive forces.
 Play soothing music in the background to create a relaxing and inspiring atmosphere for
5. Affirmation Station (15 minutes):
 Set up a station with inspirational quotes or affirmations related to resilience,
empowerment, and self-love.
 Provide small cards or paper strips for participants to write down their chosen
 Encourage participants to select an affirmation that resonates with them as women and
write it down or decorate it in a way that feels meaningful.
 Invite participants to take their affirmation card home as a reminder of their strength and
6. Closing Circle: Empowerment and Support (20 minutes):
 Gather participants in a circle for a closing empowerment session.
 Invite each participant to share one insight or realization they've gained from the activity
or one way they feel empowered moving forward.
 Encourage participants to offer words of support and encouragement to each other,
acknowledging the strength and resilience they've demonstrated.
 Express gratitude to the participants for their openness, vulnerability, and willingness to
support one another.
Conclusion: Through this activity, women who are landslide victims have the opportunity to come
together, share their experiences, and engage in reflection and creative expression as part of their moral
recovery journey. By fostering a supportive and empowering environment, this activity aims to help
participants find strength, resilience, and solidarity as they navigate the challenges of rebuilding their
lives after the trauma of a landslide.

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