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ILS Policy Brief October

Vol. 1 No. 5 2011

Translating research evidence and advancing new frameworks
to inform policy and practice

First Impressions:
The Single Entry Approach (SENA) in its First Year
This brief provides a rapid assessment of the Single Entry Approach in its initial months of implementation
as an innovation in addressing disputes at the workplace.

An assessment of the SENA may provide useful

What is the issue?
policy insights on how its affects the system of
In 2010, PresidentBenignoS. Aquino III issued the
dispute settlement, the institutions implementing
22-Point Labor and Employment Agenda,
it and the personnel utilized.
instructing the Department of Labor and
Employment to reform the labor arbitration and What are the existing policies on labor
adjudication system by streamlining the dispute settlement in the country that SENA
procedures, removing red tape and at the same is complementing?
time restore integrity and fairness. The Labor Dispute Settlement institutional
framework of the Philippines is governed by the
In response to this directive, the Single Entry
principles enshrined in Article XIII of the
Approach (SENA) was made operational through
Philippine Constitution, particularly on shared
Department Order No. 107, Series of 2010. It is a
responsibility between workers and employers,
meansto de-judicialize of labor dispute settlement
the preferential use of voluntary mode of settling
system through the alternative dispute resolution
disputes, the rights of labor to just share in the
(ADR) using the 30-day mandatory conciliation-
fruits of production and the right of enterprise to
mediation of all labor cases in DOLE and industry
reasonable returns of investments for expansion
based conciliation-mediation by the Industry
and growth.
Tripartite Council.

As the SENA marks its first year of The law encourages bipartite system, which
implementation, the question, “How does it fare means basically the employer-employees
as a means to lessen workplace disputes?” come themselves must deal with their problems in a
to the fore in policy discourse. manner that mutually suits them best.

In general, Books V and VI of the Labor Code

Why is a SENA assessment important? covers the process of government intervention in
SENA was introduced to improve the legalistic and labor disputes settlement.When labor disputes
adversarial system of settling disputes in require intervention of government, the process
firmswhich has been alluded to as the cause of of labor dispute settlement system operates. In
burgeoning number of labor cases filed against general, DOLE has three tiers of resolution of
the DOLE, NLRC and NCMB. It is hoped that disputes:
implementing the SENA in all labor dispute
hearing offices will effectively reduce the labor  The first tier is the Alternative Dispute
cases that need to be heard in compulsory Resolution (ADR).It encourages the
preferential use of voluntary modes of settling
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arbitration and in courts.

disputes through conciliation-mediation,

The Single Entry Approach

ILS Policy Brief October
Vol. 1 No. 5 2011

collective bargaining, and labor-management money claims are settled from 1-2 weeks,
cooperation. with instances where parties easily agreed on
a settlement even without personal
 The second is through Compulsory Arbitration appearance and detailswere explained only
governed by Article 217 of the Labor Code; through phone and other IT medium. More
the inspectorate machinery under Article difficult cases that cannot be settled after two
128(b), within the mandate of the DOLE hearings were elevated at the regional office
Regional Directors; the inter-intra union for full exhaustion of conciliation mediation.
disputes under Department Order 40-03 and
the representation issues under Article 256;  On Cost.SENA has no cost to both parties
as well as that on voluntary arbitration under (workers and employers). Payment of claims
Article 261. was made right afterthe agreement and
before the signing of quitclaims in front of the
 The third tier is through the prevention of SEADO/desk officer. Added to this is the
Strikes and Lockouts under Article 263 (g) on availability of SEAD to the location/residence
Assumption of Jurisdiction. of the parties, further lowering the cost on
transportation on the part of the clients.
What are the effects of SENA on Labor
Dispute Settlement mechanism? Cost on operations of the establishment with
a dispute being heard through SENA is
In a study by the Institute for Labor Studies that minimal because business there is little
cursorily assesses the modes of dispute mandays lost.
settlement in the country, some key findings on
SENA were surfaced.1  On Effectivity.In SENA,where meetings are
held in a candid and informal manner, both
 Numbers. After ten months of parties are given ample time to freely speak
implementation(October 2010-August 2011), of their sides on issues.Since the conferences
a total of 11,330 request for assistance are with the end view of settling, any
(RFAs) in labor conflicts were served. agreement arrived through SENA has the
possibility of patching up strained
At the regional level, there was a total of relationship, since the process is face-to-face,
6,849 cases settled at the settlement rate of transparent, open, with much consideration
60%, benefitting 9,370 workers with a for human compassion.
monetary benefit of P120,602,650.36.
For monitoring purposes, the SEADO retains
At the agency level, NCMB’s settlement rate is record of the banks and the date of the
at 87%; NWPC at 62%; POEA at 69% and checks awarded arising from money claim
NLRC at 8%; with the total settlement rate of cases.
35%. This would mean that the de-
judicialization approach thru SENA has  On enforceability. DOLE officials interviewed
already reduced the incoming labor dispute claimed that SENA lacks enforceability,
by 60% at the regional level, and 35% at the because D.O. 107 has no provision on
agency level. penalties. Settlement agreements cannot be
enforced to both parties. Payments of settled
 On Speed. In general, dispute settlement amounts are mostly done in the DOLE office.
thru SENA has the speed of 17 days per case. The study informants explained that the key
The study participants who were interviewed to enforcement is not the policy itself but the
revealed that SENA sped up settlement of persuasive approach and the creativity of the
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cases by about 200% and more. The shortest SEADO involved to make the parties commit
settlement period recorded was 2 days.Simple payments. Since the SENA is a

The Single Entry Approach

ILS Policy Brief October
Vol. 1 No. 5 2011

voluntaryprocess, the skills of SEADO need to  Will it help improve the quality of
be honed to make the program enforceable. employment?
 Will it help promote mutual and/or
collective gains?
 Effects of SENA in NCMB’s dispute settlement
mechanism. Study respondents cited several Such determinants are considered in the following
effects of SENA. First, there was a de- portions of this brief.
clogging of NCMB cases as SENA helped to
avoid the conflicts to ripen into labor
Will SENA help increase employment levels?
disputes. Second, the pro-active approach in
It is logical to assume that de-judicialization of
settlement helps in limiting the disputes to be
settlement of dispute through mandatory
handled by NCMB. However, if in case of
conciliation mediation will make dispute resolution
failure of settlement through SENA, there
fast, simple, transparent and effective. After 10
becomes an added layer of conciliation-
months of implementation, there is a significant
mediation, which means, that the disputes
filtering of disputes by 60%. Faster resolution of
will again undergo the process when
disputes means less disruption to the level of
endorsed to NCMB. All in all though, SENA
employment at firm-level.
helps in maintaining harmony at workplaces,
and preservation of jobs/employment. Ideally, maintaining harmony at the workplace
induces a steady level of productivity which is
 Effects of SENA in NLRC dispute settlement needed by the employer in competing in the
mechanism.The assessmentindicated that world market. Success in business competition
SENA further delays the arbitration process at would spell an increase of workforce needed by
NLRC. SENA is just a duplication of what the the company which in turn positively affecting the
Arbiter is doing during the mandatory overall levels of employment.
conference. One of the respondents explained
that the ratio of SENA settlement in her sala
Will it help expand access to employment
is 1:10 (one settlement per 10 cases). She
explained that for cases within their
The new policy has the potential of attracting
jurisdiction, the arbiter is more effective in
more investments in the country. SENA approach
settling issues because of the authority and
helps in maintaining a relatively peaceful
respect accorded by both parties. The arbiters
industrial climate.
are effective in explaining the pros and cons
of proceeding to compulsory arbitration. A peaceful scenario at work is very much a plus
for businesses, especially in manufacturing
What are considerations in examining the industries, since part of the country’s leading
Single Entry Approach (SENA) as a policy export-led products belong to a chain of
toward attaining decent work? production worldwide. The same is true in
services sector. Maintaining a peaceful climate in
The Decent Work Framework, which is the guiding our tourist destinations, hotels, restaurants and
measure for analyzing policies and programs in the resorts means better services and could attract
current medium term, sets out four priority areas more tourist inflow, thereby expanding
called “pillars” that need to be considered employment opportunities at the countryside.
(employment, rights at work, social protection and
social dialogue pillars) must be equally applied to
the proposed policy. Will it help improve the quality of
The policy in SENA would have to be subjected to From the perspective of workers welfare and
the four-way test established in the framework,
social protection the following pros- and con-
which are:
scenarios may be brought about by the policy.
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 Will it help increase employment levels?

 Will it help expand access to employment

The Single Entry Approach

ILS Policy Brief October
Vol. 1 No. 5 2011

 On individual incomes. SENA provides the What are the problems observed at the
most economical and fastest way of resolving regional offices after ten months of SENA
conflicts. The speedier the conflicts will be the implementation?
less mandays will be lost in production line.
The lesser the tension at the workplace, the While SENA program can make dispute resolution
greater the productivity at work. Logically, speedier, there are also perceived problems in the
the more productive workforce has become, fast settlement of disputes:
the high leverage of increasing their income
 SENA may diminish the rightful benefits to be
will be.
received by the complainants. The single
SENA likewise remove legal cost on part of entry desk officers (SEADO) do not use
the employee in resolving their disputes. computation in arrival to settlement. In a
Since it brings the venue of settlement at the negotiated settlement, the workers
place where parties reside, it lessen their negotiated from the position of weakness as
transportation cost, and the time spent in the against to the position of employers strength.
attending conferences is minimized. Likewise, An individual employee negotiating with the
fast resolution of disputes will lessen employer is at the mercy of the latter
employees tensions. notwithstanding the presence of third party
(SEADO). There is a tendency of lopsidedness
 On establishment cost and potential earnings. in favor of employers on money claims issues.
Resolution of disputes through SENA may
reduce legal and representation costs on part  SENA may serve as another layer of dispute
of the management. The immediate resolution of cases. The conciliation and
resolution of disputes and patching up mediation can still be availed of by the parties
strained relations results in lessening the under the traditional way of handling disputes
mandays lost in production line. A steady after exhausting all the possibilities SENA
average of productivity is necessary for them process did not prosper, For cases submitted
to satisfy their clients’ needs. In doing for compulsory arbitration, SENA may cause
business today, the establishments cannot delay in the conduct of preliminary
afford work disturbance, because it would conference.
mean lost of actual clients and also lost in
 DOLE Regional Offices as implementers of the
potential earnings.
program at the field and provincial offices find
themselves spreading too thinly on
Will it help promote mutual and/or implementing many programs at DOLE. The
collective gains? DOLE Regional Offices lacks manpower to
The SENA is a prime example of social dialogue operate and report all DOLE programs
working toward the advantage of government, cascaded at the region, including the conduct
workers and employers. The potential gains in the of SENA.
approach can be toward preserving jobs among
workers, preventing business losses among firms,
What are the facilitating and hindering
and de-clogging the institutions in DOLE of labor
factors identified by the implementers after
dispute cases left unheard.
10 months of SENA experience?
Secretary Baldoz in her keynote message The study conducted by the Institute noted some
pronounced a major breakthrough achieved by facilitating and hindering factors in the conduct of
the dispute settlement system through SENA, as conciliation-mediation thru SENA.
it includes fast and immediate resolution of
Some factors that facilitates the settlement of
disputes, resuming productivity and strengthening
cases includes: a) setting the tone right and the
the country’s reputation as Asia’s haven for
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proper approach to both parties; b) friendly

industrial peace.2
SEADO; c) well-informed, skillful and
knowledgeable SEADO; d) SEADO’s commitment;

The Single Entry Approach

ILS Policy Brief October
Vol. 1 No. 5 2011

e) continued training and upgrading of skills This ADR strategy should need strong advocacy
among implementers; f) creativeness and and institutionalization at the workplace, through
willingness to do extra miles in case settlement; extensive labor education programs. Labor
g) sense of fulfillment instead of seeking for education should be made available and
remuneration among SEADOs; and h) the understandable to all workers, from their pre- to
continuous monitoring and evaluation of the post-employment situations. To make it more
SENA. effective, labor educationand labor policy
appreciation should be made mandatory to all
On the other hand, some of the factors that human resource practitioners. The programs
hinder SENA performance includes: a) lack of should be coupled with manpower and financial
enforcement in the agreement; b) rigidity of 30- resources on the side of government.
day mandatory period; c) lack of SEADOs in all
dispute-hearing desks; d) non-appearance of The study further suggested that the system
parties. restructuring and policy reformulation to take into
consideration the Filipino values on resolving
What can the prospects of a Single Entry differences. This includes transparency and
Approach in dispute settlement policy be? openness (paglilinaw); trust (pagtitiwala);
The study suggests that to make the dispute compassion (pagmamalasakit) ; and consensus
settlement system effective and enforceable, building (pagkakasundo).
SENA should be within a policy context where the
Hence, Books V and VI of the Labor Code, the
concentration of government interventionsareon
DOLE programs and policies in Dispute
Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) approaches
Settlement System, may be explored to
and strategies on dispute prevention right where
reconstructed in a manner
similar to the
they happen.
figureshown below: 10 %
0.1% Assumption of
9.9% Compulsory

Conciliation Mediation
(SENA Approach)
70% Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Strategies; Labor Education Programs: Firm's
Best Pr actices; Labor Management
Partnership, ITC, TIPC and LGU’s ADR

ILS. Toward Attaining Harmony in the Workplace: An Assessment of Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the
Philippines Toward Policy Reformulation. 2011.
First SEnA Congress, DOLE. 2011. accessed 25 October 2011.

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Policy Briefs aim to stimulate informed discourse on labor and employment issues. Each issue draws
on current research and new frameworks to inform public policy, service delivery and practice.

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Institute for Labor Studies

Department of Labor and Employment
5F DOLE Bldg., Gen. Luna Wing, Intramuros Manila
02 527 34 56
The Single Entry Approach

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