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Christmas Dreams

It was another Christmas night. Seohyun stared blankly at the big Christmas tree in front of her. Is it a dream? 11 years ago, at a Christmas night. Why I must suppose to attend this when I can gather with my family? Stupid school. Kyuhyun thought, irritated with the situation. It was Christmas night. He suppose to gather with his family right? But what he is doing now is attending a Christmas activity in his school. Kids.. Have you done it yet? Asked the teacher. Yessss Some of the students answered. What did you write Hyun? Kyuhyun asked the girl beside him. Eyeing her who is wrapping her paper with envelope. You really want to know? Seohyun asked. Kyuhyun nodded. Now hes facing Seohyun. I wrote, I want to marry Jonghyun oppa when I get older. Seohyun said, blushing. Why? Kyuhyun asked curiously to the blushing girl in front of him. Because oppa often gave me cupcakes. He always sings me a song when Im sad. Seohyun said with sparkling eyes. But he 10 years older than you. And he is your cousin. Kyuhyun retorted. There is nothing wrong with that. For me age is just numbers.* Seohyun said, smiling dreamily. Youre copying Leeteuk hyung words. Kyuhyun said pouted. Merong. Seohyun said stuck her tongue out. 10 years ago, at a Christmas night. Kyuhyuns family and Seohyun gathered in a dinner. Their parents are know each other well. They ate in a restaurant in a mall.

Seohyun lets walk around. Do you finished your meal yet? Kyuhyun asked, wiping his mouth with tissue. Yes. She replied. Mom, can I and Kyuhyun walk around outside? Seohyun asked her mother. Find. Dont get lost. Seohyuns mother said. Kyuhyun, please take care of her. She continued. Kyuhyun replied with a grin. He grabbed Seohyuns hand and walked outside the restaurant. They strolled around the mall and sit in a bench. They were facing a big Christmas tree. Do you still hoping on marrying Jonghyun? Kyuhyun asked. His eyes are on the tree. Hey, he is your hyung. Seohyun said, irritated. You still remember? Seohyun continued, facing Kyuhyun. How can I forget the most childish wish ever? Kyuhyun said smirking. It is not childish, kid. Its mature when you look forward to the future. Seohyun said pretended to be wise. Whatever. You havent answer my question yet. Kyuhyun demanded. Mmm.. maybe yes. I have another dream for myself Seohyun said, smiling dreamily. Why girls have to have so many dreams? Kyuhyun mumbled. What is it? He asked. I dreamed.. I can have a big Christmas tree for myself. Seohyun said. You have one in your bedroom. Kyuhyun said, rolling his eyes. No.. I mean a Christmas tree that stated it is given to me. Seohyun said. Little Kyuhyun just tsked, showing he was not understand. If you changed your mind, you can marry me instead. Kyuhyun said without any hesitant. Yeahh.. maybe if I change my mind. Seohyun said. 3 months ago, at Seoul Takers Caf Oppa, what is it? What urgent thing you want to tell me? Seohyun asked a man sitting in front of her. Sit, Hyun. Yonghwa said, relaxed.

Seohyun sit as commanded. She wore a curious and understanding look. I want to tell you something. Yonghwa said grabbing something from his pocket. Would you marry me? He said showing Seohyun a couple of ring in a velvet box. Seohyun shocked. She was never been proposed like this. But, delighted feelings filled her heart. I do. An hour ago, at Seohyuns house. Come on Hyun. Relaxed. You must be less nervous for tomorrow. Itll be the biggest day of your life. Sooyoung tried to relaxed a nervous creature in front of her. Yes.. But Im still confused.. and wondered.. Is Yonghwa the perfect soul mate for me? Seohyun said anxiously. Come on.. Tomorrow is your wedding and now you asked that? You know you love him so much and so he does. Sooyoung tried to relax her again. Seohyun tried to relax her mad self. He tried to convince herself that Yonghwa is her best soul mate. But.. her heart whispered a different name. Seohyuns phone vibrated. A message received. Hyun, can we meet now? I want to give your Christmas gift this year. Meet me in the usual park. -Kyuhyun Why in the hell Kyuhyun has to meet her in this situation? Seohyun hesitated at first but he went to the park immediately. --Seohyun still stared blankly at the tree. An unsual Christmas tree. It was big, and the most important there were decoration light that shaped words. It said: It always has to be you, Seohyun. Merry Christmas. Kyuhyun emerged suddenly. K..Yu? Seohyun stammered.

It is my biggest Christmas gift for you. Since you are going to married, maybe I cant give you your Christmas gift the next following years. Thank Seohyun said, still adoring the tree in front of her and the man stood beside her. I cant give you cupcakes oftenly. I cant sing songs when you sad like Jonghyun hyung did. Kyuhyun said, facing Seohyun. I cant loving you like Yonghwa does. He smiled. But I can give you a dream. He continued. Merry Christmas. Enjoy your gift. I make sure Ill come tomorrow. Kyuhyun said leaving an expressionless Seohyun. I.. I love you Kyu.

-The End*Age is just numbers Ever said by Leeteuk in one of his UFO replies. A/N: Hello. Glad to be your secret Santa. Hows it? I know every of my fanfictions are a failure. But I hope you like it. You can repost this if you want, but in SJW with a same title. Just say its from your secret Santa. I want to know your comment too. But since it forbid us to tell identity, just do whatever you want. From the information I get, youre Indonesian? Me too :D Really hope youre not disappointed with this. Merry Christmas :)

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