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UNIT -1 ——as TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING [EL TRANSPORT PoLicy end accidents, 'e lane width of the transportation system greatly influences the congestion, pollution + Ther age [ange of solutions suggested to these problems from bullaing of new roads to banning cars and from improving ce t0 the Use of telecommunications as an alternative to travel. Many of these solutions are expensive and may not be very effective moreover, they may introduce new problems tt E the ee of politicians and skilled professionals who advise them, to identify the most appropriate solutions to today’s and tomorrow's transport problems, These solutions forms basis for a transport policy which can be designed for a nation, individual city or town or a rural area {1.2 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROCESS + The transportation planning process comprises seven basic elements, which are inter-related and not necessarily carried out sequentially. + The information acquired in one phase of the process may be helpful in some earlier or later phase, so there is a continuity of effort that should eventually result in a decision. ‘The Elements in the Transportation Process are: 1. Situation definition Problem definition Search for solutions Analysis of performance Evaluation of alternatives Choice of project Specification and construction These elements are described and Fig. 11, using a scenario involving the feasibility of Constructing a new bridge. illustrated in ae FERRERO DIGEST Inventory transportation facies | Measure wavel patterns Review prior studies Situation definition Define objectives Reduce travel ime Esiabish enter average colay time Detine constraints Establish design standards Problem defition ‘Consider options * Locations and types Tunnel or dont bate ‘Tolleherges Search for colons For each option, determine Cost ‘rate ow Impacts Analysis of performance For bridge project, determine ‘Benatis vs. cost Proftabity + Costetfeciveness Evaluation of stternatives| (Consider factors involved ‘Revenue cost forecast 5 Sis locaton * Pottieal judgment Choice of project Design of bricge ‘Superstucture * Piers, foundation Gonstnction pine + Contractor aelaction ‘Transfer of completed bridge to authonty for operation and mainlenanee Fig. 1.1: Basic elements in the transportation planning process Specifeation and applied to consider the feasibility of a new bridge ap > ) [ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.2) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING | [1.3 TRAFFIC SURVEY | + Survey deals with the study of summary of present travel pattern, existing patter of transport system and facia which take into consideration the economic activities 4 Study area for the transportation facility is intially decided, Facilities can be planned at city/town level, state ang | national eve Imaginary lines are drawn at the various levels mentioned above which represent the boundary of the area to be | studied. These imaginary lines are called as external cordon lines or simply the cordon lines. ‘Any area thus, selected as study area for planning of transportation facility, itis subdivided into smaller areas calleg zones and process known as zoning. | To find the average characteristics of the individual households, the date collected is aggregated into small zones ang analyzed. Such small zones further help into physical and geographical association of origin and destinations of the | trips. Survey data is collected from the movement of trips which generally occur in the below mentioned pattern | 1. Inter-zonal movement. 2. Internal to external zone movement. | 3. External to internal zone movement. | 4. External to external zone movement. | External internal ‘movement Extemat to “external movement Zone 8 Fig. 12 1.4 TYPES OF SURVEYS Following are the different types of survey: 1. Postal survey 2. Registration number plate survey 3. Road side interview survey 4, Public transport survey 5. Taxi survey 6. Commercial vehicle survey 7. Home interview survey 1. Postal Survey: © Drives are given the prepaid post cards at the points where the survey is being carried out and are requested to fil the information and return the post. ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.3) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING + This method avoids traffic which leads to delay when the drivers in other methods are stopped road side for interview. + Response for this method may not be good. Not recommencled in the developing countries like India. ‘+ Postal method is simple and cheap to carry out the survey. + Itis observed a good response of more than 50%. 2. Registration Number Plate Survey: * In this method, the registration number on the vehicles are noted down in a table for those leaving or entering the cordon lines. + Vehicle registration numbers are matched with the vehicles existing out of the cordon line or study area being studied thus identifying the path of the vehicle. + Advantages of this method are that, it does not interrupt the moving traffic. But this method does not yield any useful information such as trip purpose, origin or destination of the trip. + Large numbers of observers are needed to carry out the survey. + The procedure is tiresome, if done manually, so electronic equipment's like camera, computer and various software's are used. 3. Road Side Interview Survey: + Road side interview survey is directly done by interviewing drivers of the vehicles at selected survey points or by issuing prepaid post cards. + Survey is generally conducted on the external cordon line of a town having population 5000 or less. + When the town or cities are large in size having population varying from 5000 to 75000, the two cordon lines are necessary, * The extemal cordon at the end of the urban development and the internal cordon at the Central Business District (cao). * It is practically impossible to stop every vehicle without disrupting the traffic hence the samples depend on number of interviewers, + Best way is to sample one in a fixed number of vehicle as follows every seventh, fifteenth, twentieth vehicle, + As the interview takes several minutes, vehicles should be stopped in interview bay. + A 24 hours count will not be needed as survey is often restricted to 12 hrs or 10 hrs. 1P i P SS ° © © ogamo oPoe © es a 22 a “a Legend : P-Police 1 Interview © - Traffic cone diversion d-Temporary road signs S-Vehiele Fig. 1.3: Layout four road side interview 4, Public Transport Survey: + To determine number of bus passengers passing through external cordon line, ‘+ Direct interview or postal survey can be done direct interview may lead to delay and requires large number of interviewers. * Passengers on any public transport facility can be interviewed on the external cordon to get the data while travelling to avoid other complications: 5. Taxi Survey: + Large urban areas, usually have a sizeable amount of travel by taxis. So separate taxi survey is necessary. + The survey consists of issuing log sheets and questionnaires to the taxi drivers and requesting them to complete the same, ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.4) TRANSPORT SYSTEM Puan 6. Commercial Vehicle Survey: welling pateans made by all commercial Vehicle bya = This survey is conducted to derive the information and tr within the study area «Forms are issued to drivers with a request to record particular of the trips made and the future trips t0 be made 7. Home Interview Survey: | «Home interview survey is one of the most reliable types of survey for collecting origin and destination data, | +The survey intends to yield data on the travel pattern of the residents of the household = Because a wide variety of data (like trips made, their origin and de: departure from origin and destination purpose of trip, travel mode, stination, purpose of trip, travel made, time g ime of departure Table 1.4 Population of Study Arca E Sample Size Under 50,000 | tinShouscholds | 50,000 150,000 Hinerousenelds | 150.000 - 300,000 [tin to neuseneas 300,000 - 590,000 tin 1S househalds 500,000 1,000,000 1 in 20 househalds ver 1,000,000 {in 25 households + In the above method, it is necessary to take prior permission from the selected households explaining the nature importance and objectives of the survey and expecting their co-operation itis possible to collect the needed information at a rate * The household interview technique is very expensive af of 8 ~ 10 interviews per day per interviewers, + Sometimes, telephonic interview were used in the past to satisfy the above techniques. + The data collected from the home interview can be classified under two groups: household, information and journey data, © The data collected includes information such as address, size of household, age, sex, eaming members ‘occupations, place of work, number of motor vehicles, [1.5 ORIGIN DESTINATION MATRIX © O-D survey is necessary not only to know the origin and destination of any trip but also, to know the number of trips made in a particular zone, id dest + Origin is the location where the trip originates is the location or place where the trip terminates © Origin destination matrix is used to identify the amount of traffic that enters the town and immediately exits for the other town in order to bypass it © Origin destination matrixis used to develop trip generation and distribution models © Origin destination matrix is used to determine the exis if required. 19 capacity of present transportation system and plan for new * Origin destination surveys produces a large a understand it jount of data which needs to be arranged in such a way so that one cat ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.5) "TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING Destination zonos Tet ta Origin zones. Fig. 14 + The above matrix represents the destination zone on horizontal axis and origin zone on vehicle axis. + The numbers in the cells on vertical and horizontal axis indicate the numbers of zones. *_ Inthe above matrix, t.2 indicates that trips are originating from zone four and terminating in zone two. [1.6 TRAVEL DEMAND FORECASTING ‘+ Travel demand is expressed as the number of persons or vehicles per unit time that can be expected to travel on a given segment of a transportation system under a set of given land-use, socioeconomic, and environmental conditions, + Forecasts of travel demand are used to establish the vehicular volume on future or modified transportation system alternatives. + The methods for forecasting travel demand can range from a simple extrapolation of observed trends to 2 sophisticated computerized process involving extensive data gathering and mathematical modelling +The travel demand forecasting process is as much an art as it is a science. Judgments are required concerning the various parameters that is, population, car ownership, and so forth that provide the basis for a travel forecast. ‘+The methods used in forecasting demand will depend on the availability of data and on specific constraints on the project, such as availability of funds and project schedules. 1.6.1 Transportation Demand ‘+ Transportation demand is the demand for trips that exists in any area, + Allof these demands, however may or may not be materialized into physical trips and some of it remains latent and is referred as hidden demand. Nature and Analysis of Transportation Demand: ‘© These demands are the demands of persons to be transported not Land use changes because he/she wants to move but, because he/she wants to achieve some other purpose such as reaching school, or office, or theatre a moi en ranges in Changes in + In other words, need for achieving some goal creates the need of Wwanspartatien tip generation travel. * Land use refers to the pattern of land usage in an area. Land use affects the transportation demand through generation and distribution of trips. ‘changes in tate * The effect of land use on transportation demand is not necessarily. as A one way effect but rather a part of cycle in which land use a changes transportation needs which in turn change land use ¥ SINEERING (BE CIVIL) 6) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLanny ag «Top purpose refers to the purpose for which the trip is being undertaken, et Travel demand behaviour changes with the trip purpose. For example, a person hardly exercises an ups. te does not necessarily decide every time whether to go to work or not. «Apperson obviously does not decide where to go to work (generally it is fixed over a period of time for a of the population) even the choice of route and mode are not daily decisions. ips, on individual make a large number of decisions, such as whether ether to go ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION choice for y,, lage sect, + On the other hand, for recreational not, where to go and how to go. «Consequently, the travel demand behaviour for work trips varies considerably from that of recreational trips. Hence, given the effect of trip purpose on travel demand behaviour, the analysis of travel demand is done separa for different trip purpose. + Generally, a trip materializes after the trip maker makes certain decisions. These decisions can be broadly class follows: > Decision to travel > Decision on the choice of destination. ey fed as = Decision on the choice of mode. > Decision on the choice of route. + Inthis analysis and demand procedure, frst the entire study area is divided into various zones. + These zones are generally obtained from land use pattern of the area. Next, for each zone numbers of tips inthatrone are estimated using wip-generalon models bers ftps generated + Outputs of these models are then used to determine the number of trips between all zone pers using trp distribution models. 1.6.2 Factors Influencing Travel Demand The three factors that influence the demand for urban travel are: 1. The location and intensity of land use. 2. The socioeconomic characteristics of people living in the area, 3, The extent cost, and quality of available transportation services. + These above factors are incorporated in most travel forecasting procedures. Land-use characteristics are a primary determinant of travel demand. + The amount of traffic generated by a parcel of land depends on how the land is used. For example, shopping centres, residential complexes, and office buildings produce different traffic generation patterns. + Socioeconomic characteristics of the people living within the city also influence the demand for transportation. ‘= Lifestyles and values affect how people decide to use their resources for transportation. ‘= For example, a residential area consisting primarily of high-income workers will generate more trips by automobile per person than a residential area populated primarily by retirees. + The availability of transportation facilities and services, referred to as the supply, also affects the demand for travel + Travellers are sensitive to the level of service provided by alternative transportation modes. ‘+ When deciding whether to travel at all or which mode to use, they consider attributes such as travel time, cost convenience, comfort, and safety. [1.7_SEQUENTIAL STEPS FOR TRAVEL FORECASTING + Prior to the technical task of travel forecasting, the study area must be delineated into a set of Traffic Analysi: (TAZ) that form the basis for analysis of travel movements within, into, and out of the urban area. +The set of zones can be aggregated into larger units, called districts, for certain analytical techniques or analyst work at such levels, Land use estimates are also developed. is Zones es that ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.7) ‘TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING. planner and is an integral part of site development amd. trate ec aa Sia orca oe ate na Tiare + Variations of each forecasting technique are described in the I literature. Fransit ana righway]_f—oge choice + The approach most commonly used to forecast travel demand is ren, based on land use and travel characteristics that provide the basis for ee the “four-step process” of trip generation, trip distribution, modal to network choice, and traffic assignment illustrated in Fig. 1.6 Fig. 1.6: Travel forecasting process + Simultaneous model structures have also been used in practice, particularly to forecast intercity travel. [1.8 DEFINITION OF SOME COMMON TERMS + Trip : It is a one-way movement between an origin and destination, independent of length or distance, without any significant stop, except the time spent during the transfer of mode. itis conducted for # specific purpose. “Transfer of mode Oran DBstation Fig. 1.7 he zone in which trip begins (the start of the trip). + Destinatior he zone in which trip terminates (end) (ie. end of the trp). ‘+ Trip End : Either end of the trip where trip originates or where the trip ends. ‘+ Internal Trip : A trip having both Origin and Destination within the study area, ‘+ Intra-Zonal Trip : A trip with both Origin and Destination in the same zone. ‘+ Inter-Zonal Trip :A trip travelling between two different zones, + Through Tri + Trip Mod The trip having both origin and destination outside the study area, fhe means of transport by which trip is made ie. car, taxi, auto, bus etc, + Generation : The trip end where the trip starts (generates). Examples: (@) Home : For home based trip (Home to Work). (©) Work : For non home base trip (Work to Shopping). + Attractioy rhe trip end where the trip terminates (end) Examples: (2) Work: For home base trip (Home to Work) (&) Shopping : For non home based trip (Work to Shopping). ‘+ Trip Purpose : Trips are made for different purposes and a classification of trips by purpose is necessary. Examples: Work, school, business, social or recreational, others. ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (OE CIVIL) __(2-8) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANyg [1.9 TRIP GENERATION «Trip generation is the process of determining the number within a study area of tips that will begin or end in each trafic analysis go> gard to destination, they are referred to as tip ends. + Since, the trips are determined without re z r whether the trips are either produced by = Each trip has two ends, and these are described in terms of trip purpose, O traffie zone or attracted to a traffic zone. «For example, a home-to-work trip would be considered to have 2 tip end produced in the home zone and attractey to the work zone. + Trip generation analysis has two functions: 1. To develop a relationship between trip end production or attraction and land use 2 Touse the relationship to estimate the number of trips generated at some future date under a new set of land us conditions. «To illustrate the process, two methods are considered; Cross-classification and ¥ another commonly used method is regression analysis. 1.9.1 Classification of Trips Tr has been found that better tip generation models can be obtained, if the trips by different purposes are identified ang modeled separately. The trips can be classified as given below. © Home Based Trip: A trip which has one end of the trip at home of the person making the tip. ) Examples: Home to work , Home to shopping school. + Non-Home Based Trip: The trip which does not end or start from home. Examples: Work to shopping. fates based on activity units ang Home: Were ® f Home based trip wor | ore ® 4 Nonhome based trip Fig. 18 «Time Based Trips : The proportion of journey is different by different purposes, usually varies with time of the day Thus, the classification is often given as Peak and Off Peak Period Trip. «© Person-Type Based Trips : The travel behaviour of an individual is mainly dependent on its socio-economic attributes, Following are the categories which are usually employed > Income Level- Poor, Middle Class, Rich > Car Ownership 0, 1, 2,3 > Household Size- 1, 2,3, 4.. etc 1.9.2 Factors Governing Trip Generation and Attraction Rates The factors governing trip generation and attraction rates are as follows : = Income: > Higher the income, the higher is the trip generation rate. ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CI a9) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING. «Car Ownershij 2 More cars in a household, more trips family size and composition, the bigger the family, the more trips there are likely to be generated > Composition of the family, age group, school going childrens employed persons also affects trip generation. + Land Use Characteristics : > High residential area with high density of population more trips. > Residential area with less density of population but rich peoples (High Income Group) more trips > Distance of the zone from the town centre, farther the town, less number of trips * Mode Employed : > The trip maker also takes a decision as to what mode of transport he/she will use for a given tip > This decision, however, is only available to those who have access to different modes and are not captive users of any particular mode. = Route Travelled : > The trip maker on any given trip takes a definite decision on which route to take so as to reach the destination. > Again this decision is available to trip makers who have access to modes which can use different routes as per the wishes of the trip maker, > Such modes would generally include personal automobiles or two wheelers. 1.9.3 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Multiple linear regression analysis is @ well known statistical technique for fitting mathematical relationships between dependent and independent. In case of trip generation equations, the dependent variable is a number of trips and the independent variables are the various measurable factors that influence trip generation, * The general form of the equation is, Y where, Y = Number of trips for specific purpose LHL + 8272 + BK Fo Ba Me + %1,%2,X = Independent variables such as land use, socio-economic factors 2p 2 85 = Coefficient of respective independent variables U = Distribution term, which is a constant and representing that portion of the value of Y’ not explained by the independent variables. ‘As an example of the multiple linear regression analysis equation, the following equation developed from a study of Toronto is given as, Total trips (Generated at home on an average week day) (0.318) + (Population 5 years & older) + (0.458) x (Number of households) + (0.890) x (Number of cars owned) * Equation from a study of Modesto Model ; Y = 218 + 3.404 A + 0516 H + 0.0119 x - 0.343 x, where, Y = Average trips per occupied dwelling unit = Car ownership H = Household size % = Social rank index % = Urbanization index ~ ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.10) —_TANSPORT SYSTEM & - ~ Plat ‘Assumptions in Multiple Linear Regression Analysis: + Allthe variables are independent of each other. + Allthe variables are normally distributed, + Allthe variables are continuous. + Alinear relationship exist between dependent variable and independent variable. ‘+ _ Influence of independent variable is additive that is the inclusion of each variable in the e uation contributes ay, portion of the trip numbers. nt Criteria for Evaluation of Regression Equation: * The multiple co-relation coefficients should have a value of atleast 0.75 or even higher. A value close to 10 shoy, very good co-relation, : + The standard error of estimate of dependent variable should be sufficiently small +The test should be carried out to check meaningful relationship between dependent and independent Variable + _Equation should have accuracy, validity, simplicity sharpness and constancy (faithfulness). SOLVED EXAMPLES Example 1.4: Estimate the total number of trips using Modesto model based on the following data @ Number of dwelling units = 2000 (i) Number of cars owned par dwelling unit = 3 (i) Average number of persons per house = 3 (@) Social rank index = 2.5 (Y) Urbanization index = 4.0 Solution: As per Modesto model number of trips per unit, Y y 2.18 + 3.404 A + 0516 H + 0.119 x, -0.343 x 2.18 + 3.404 (3) + 0.516 (3) + 0.119 (2.5) ~ 0.343 (4.0) = 12.86=13 Number of Trips = 2000 x 13 = 26000 Example 1.2 : Estimate the total number of trips using Modesto Model based on the following data, © No.of dwelling units = 5000 Gi) No. of cars owned per dwelling unit = Gi) Average number of persons per house = 4 (i) Social Rank index = 2.5 () Urbanization index Soluti ‘As per Modesto model number of trips per unit Y = 218 + 3.2044 +0516 H + 0119-0343 = 2.18 + 3.304 (2) + 0.516 (4) + 0.119 (25) -0.343 (4) 9776 =8 5000 x 8 40000 Number of Trips ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (GE CIVIL) (1.11) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING Example 1.3 : Estimate the total number of trips using Modesto Model based on the following data (Number of dwelling units = 1000 (No of cars owned per dwelling unit 2 Gi) Average number of persons per house = 4 (iv) Social Rank index = 2 () Urbanization Index 's per Modesto model number of trips per unit, Y = 218 + 3.304A +0.15H + 0.119 x ~0.343 x 2.18 + 3.304 (2) + 0.516 (4) + 0.119 (2) - 0343 (4) 97188 Number of Trips = 1000 x8 = 8000 [1.10 TRIP DISTRIBUTION * Trip distribution is a process by which the trips generated in one zone are allocated to other zones in the study area. * These trips may be within the study area (internal-internal) or between the study area and areas outside the study area (internal-external), * For example, if the trip generation analysis results in an estimate of 200 HBW trips in zone 10, then the trip distribution analysis would determine how many of these trips would be made between zone 10 and all the other internal zones. + In addition, the trip distribution process considers internal-external trips (or vice versa) where one end of the trip is within the study area and the other end is outside the study area, * Several basic methods are used for trip distribution. Among these are the gravity model, growth factor models, and intervening opportunities. Solutior +The gravity model is preferred, because it uses the attributes of the transportation system and land use characteristics and has been calibrated extensively for many urban areas. ‘+ The gravity model has achieved virtually universal use because of its simplicity, its accuracy, and its support from the US. Department of Transportation. ‘+ Growth factor models, which were used more widely in the 1950s and 1960s, require that the origin destination matrix bbe known for the base (or current) year, as well as an estimate of the number of future trip ends in each zone. ‘+The intervening opportunities model and other models are available but not widely used in practice. ‘* The distribution of trips can be best understood by 0 ~ D matrix (Trip distribution Matrix) o> D_ Destination (Aivactonsy 71 <> &a) } glo] i i als | 2 ; g/2 | 3 ; glo | 4 i “3 4 Tia 9.2.9 Let 4, = Number of trip ends generated in zone ‘? a 3, = Number of trip ends attracted in zone J) -j = Number of trips from i toj + Horizontal axis represents zone of attractions (i.e. Destination) vertical axis represents zone of generations (i. origin). * Total of individual row represents the total number of trips generated in zone ie. g, + _Total of individual column represents the total no. of trips terminating in zone ice. 3, 1.10.1 Methods of Trip Distribution There are two types of trip distribution methods _ 1. Growth Factor Methods 2. Synthetic Methods 1. Growth Factor Methods: Growth factor methods are based on the assumption that, the present travel pattern can be projected to the design , the future by using certain expansion factors. ie. fi ~jx€ Future trips = Present trips x Expansion factor Grovith factor methods includes ; (2) Uniform factor method (b) Average factor method (©) Fratar method (6) Furness method (@) Uniform (Constant) Factor Method: A single growth factor (expansion factor) ‘E' for the entire area under study is calculated = future total trips in the entire survey area Present total trips in entire survey area, Example: 2] Future Trips Generated 2 i 1260 3 | 3120 Solution : Step 1: First calculate the total trips generated in each zone ve. 1, 2and 3 ie Erowl + Erow2 + Lrow3 (360) + (420) + (520) ‘Step 2: Total trips generated in entire area (all zones) Erow1 + Erow2+ £row3 360 + 420 + 520 = 1300 Step 3: Total future trips generated in all zones 360 + 1260 + 3120 = 4740 4740 Step 4: Growth Factor, (E) = 399 = 3.646 Step : Multiply the cells in the m: rix by growth factor (excluding future trips generated ie. last column) Do Totalst; | T.Given | Cateulated | | ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.13) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING Remarks: Because of assumption of uniform power factor for all zones, the total trips calculated for each zone do not tally with the total tips given. For example, In zone 1, total trips gives 360, whereas calculated trips are 1312 (b) Average Factor Method: + Agrowth factor for each zone is calculated based on the average of the growth factors calculated for both ends of the trp. + The factor thus represents the average growth associated both with the origin and des ‘+ Future trips = Present trips x Average growth factor ES] Future trips generated for each origin zone Present trips in each zone 7 a B Future trips attracted in each zone Present trips attracted in each zone ela Te Ts fa] aw ] eee ol a 1 eo | 100 | 200 | s60 | 00 1 2 100 | 20 | 300 | 420 | 1260 3 200 | 00 | 20 | sx | sto | 6 a aso] 420 | 520 A 360_| 1260_| 3120 a 1 fae aj 5 Solution : Growth factor at destination or attracted end of the trip (E), 360 Forzone1 = 360 1260 2 = BO Ls 3120 0 520 = Growth factor origin or generation end of the trip (E), 360 For zone 1 360 1260 420 =3 120 520 (Note trip generated attracted) = ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) _(1.14) TRANSPORT SYSTEM pia, ~ Mniy y Average growth for various trip ends T.., led 20 20 4s 25 45 60 Multiply each cell in matrix by respective growth factor. The matrix then becomes, ps Snkt 2 3 » | P ot 1 soxt | tox2 | 200%a5 ‘eo 200 ro__| 0 | 300 | 037s 2 woox2 | 20x3 | s00xa5 200 0 aso s610_ | 1260 | o7es 3 | aoxas | a00xa5 | 20x6 700 1350 so_| avo | sto | 1438 a $60 1610 2170 An 360 1260, 3120 Al, | oa | o7 | 1438 are For next iteration, use new values of & and E! and repeat the procedure as above, For example: Average grovith factor for various trip ends 0.375 +0375 Ties 0.375 +0783 Tha = BB (©) Fratar Method: © This method was introduced by T. J. Fratar and is based on predicting future inter-zonal movements by succes approximations. = According to this method, the total trips for each zone are distributed to inter-zonal movements, a5 2 approximation, according to the relative attractiveness of each movement. [ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (ne AO AERING (BE ¢ Example: my (.asy __TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING. Ths ae (uaure tips estimated for any zone would be distributed to the movements involving that zone in Proportion to the existing trips between it and each other zone and in proportion to the expected growth of each ‘other zone. This may be expressed mathematically as follows: ‘ BOA tng (4) Tay = tay By Ay 0 SB a UTA SA). where, Future trips from zone i to zone j Present trips from zone i to zonej Future trips produced at zone i Pr = Present trips attracted to zone i A, = Future trips attracted to zone j 3, = Present trips attracted to zone j k= Total number of zones, When the future traffic into and out of all zon two tentative values, one the result of the dist the distribution for the other zone involved. Asa first appropriation, es is similarly distributed, each inter-zonal trip has been assigned ribution for one of the zones involved and the other, the result of ‘those pairs of tentative values are averaged. ‘Anew ‘growth factor’ for each zone is then calculated and the distribution process is repeated A 2 8 "0 seflpe A Ae, = Fig. 1.10 The following simple example from Fratar’s original paper is given here to illustrate the actual procedures. ol a 8 c D ° A - 10 2 18 8 10 7 4 14 c 12 4 = 6 o 18 4 6 ~ Present totals wo | 3 32 38 Estimated futuretotas | ao | ins | a3 8 Growth factor, E 2 3 18 1 ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.16) Solution : 10x2%3% = 364 ‘The computations are summerised belows Aa tan Ea + the Ec + tao Eo ee 0) [2] 40. 40}*| 38 1 40. “Tox3 412x154 18x1 TRANSPORT SYSTEM Pi, + Line 1 for each summary shows the existing trips for the indicated inter-zonal movernent. + Line 2 shows for each zone the inter-zonal trips multiplied respectively by the grovith factor of the other 2g involved. These products are summarized for each zone to provide a common denominator for the distribution trips of that zone. * This distribution is accomplished by dividing the total trips desired for the zone by the common denominator a multiplying the quotient by the products show in the line 2. * The new distribution shown in line 3, adds up to the total number of trips desired for the zone. + The pairs of inter approximation for inter-zonal trips. zonal volumes obtained by these computations are averaged as shown to obtain the fi A | B | C | D | SumofProducts of Trips & | Desired | Ratio of Desired New Total Growth Factors Trips Trips to Sum of Products Growth Factor | 2 | 3 | 15 | + . ForZone A, a - |} 0] 2] 2 2 - | 90 |] 2 | 6 20 421 a) = | 364 | 218 | ane e For Zone B “ tof - | 4] 14 @ wo} - {a | 55 114 207 @ 415] - | 435] 2 14 For Zone C a) wim} - | 6 @ w}a]- | 6 7 48 oer @ te | 2 | - | ¢ 48 For Zone D () wl a} 6] - Q) xe | az}o | - a % 0437 eo 158 | 183 | 39 | - 8 [ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (OE civit) ee a aay TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING. (a) Furness Method: + The method devised By K. P. Fumess for this the estimates of future traffic originating and terminating at each one is required, thus yielding origin growth factors and destination growth factors for each zone +The iterations are carried out till the traffic ori iginating in each zone is equal to the traffic terminating, such that the growth factors become unity or near to unity, example : Dat 1 | 2 3 4 | Total Present | Predicted Future | Origin Growth Trips Trips Factors ol 1 8 3 16 15, 42 147, 35 2 6 9 8 5 28 42 15 3 to} 8 3 8 23 32 14 4 2] 4 7 | 2 8 30 12 Total Present Trips | 2 | a | a 124 u Predicated Future Trips xo | 24 | oe | 120 = 251 Destination Growth Factors 18 | 10 | 20 | 30 Solution : Step 1: Calculate total present trips generated in each zone ice. g, (ie. sum of rows) 42, 28, 29, 25 Step 2: Calculate total present trips attracted to each zone a, (i.e, sum of columns) summation of individual column 26, 24, 34, 40. Step 3: Calculate origin destination factors for each zone Predicated future trips in a zone Total present trips in a zone 147 Forzone1 = 2 15, 4 2 2 Forzone2 = 42 =15, zone4=3¢ =1 22 1 zones = 2 = Step 4: Calculate destination growth factor for each zone 3B sa zone1 = 32 =15,z0ne3 = $% =20 24 zo zone2 = 24 =10,zone4 = 222 = 30 Step 5: Total predicated future trip " 147 + 42 + 32 +30 = 251 or 39+ 24+ 684120 = 251 Number of trips generated = Number of trips attracted ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) iply each column of the matrix by respective colu as) inn destination growth factor, 0 that individual colamy Step 6: Mu « equal to the predicted future trips. then the matrix becomes is om 1 Poe Total | Predicted | New Origin Growth | | Se Present Trips Factors Joves stesleote | ——_ ; exis | axt a 7 Maseg 12 3 | fees 42 exis | oxi | xz | 5x3 2 2 2 = : 8 8 6 15 2 | toxt x1 | 3x x3 3 eats) ° zi} 3 32 | 15 a | 6s 4 x ax 7x 12x , axis | ax | rx? | axa | 0 3 a | «| 3 Total 39 a |e 120 254 | Predeted Total 3 a | 120 251 At this stage sum of individual column matches with the predicted future trials of that column. However, this results in totals not tallying with predicted future trips of that particular row. For example: row 1 predicted trips = 147 and present trips = 92 Step 7: Find out new set of origin growth factors for each zone, gone « M2 ‘one1 = “2 = 160 a Zone2 = #2 = 086 2-06 Zone 3 = 25 = 060 32-050 Zone4 = = Step 8: Multiply each cell in the matrix by new set of origin growth factor of the respective zone. o> | 1 2 3 4 Total | Predicted Trips ot waxie | axt6 | sex1e | 45x16 ' 192 aa | st20 | rao | 172 a exoes | 9xoes | 16xoas | 15x08 a 1% 7 | 1378 | 1290 | “2M “ 15x06 | axoe | 6x06 | 24x08 3 ox Z * 31.80 2 90 480 38 144 4x05 | 14x05 | 36x05 4 axos | 4x05 | 14x x soot % 159 212 742__| 1908 Tote w7sa_| 1946 | 7598 | 11038 | 251.35 251 Predicated | 29 24 68 120 Tota 1 12 oxo 1 {oVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEHRUNG (we cv) (239) —__rmansroner sesrem exaniutia Now column totals are not tallying with the predicated tip total So find out new detonated growth factors le. 545+ “2468 39.46'7598 + This procedure is repeated! until all the 2. Synthetic Methods: It includes following methods: (a) Gravity model (6) Tanner mode! @_Intervening opportunities model (@) Competing opportunities moclet Gravity Model: + The most widely used and documented trip distribution model is the gravity model, which states that, the number of trips between two zones is directly proportional to the number of trip attractions generated by the zone of destination and inversely proportional to a function of time of tavel hetwieen the tw vones + Assimple equation representing the above relationship is ofthe following form and s0 on, and repeat the procedure growth factors are unity or sufficiently near to unity, si Tu. = Trips between zones i and j Trips produced in zone i Trips attracted to zone j 4 = Distance between zones i and j or the time or cast of traveling between them. K = Constant usually independent of i and j 1 = An exponential constant whose value usually lies between 1 and 3 k = Total number of zones Example 1.4 : The total trips produced in and attracted to the three zones A, 8 and C of a survey area in the design year are tabulated as follows: Zone | Trips Produced | Trips Attracted A 2000 3000 a | 3000 4000 G 4000 2000 Itis known that the trips between two zones are inversely proportional to the second power of the travel time between zones, Which is uniformly 20 minutes. If the trip interchange between zones 8 and C is known to be 600, calculate the trip interchange between zones A and 8, A and C. Band A. C and 8. KRA dy (® First calculate value of constant ‘K’ using known value of T.,, between zones 8 and C Solution : We can write, KPaAc Tee = Kx 3000 x 2000 600 oF + = 0.04 Ke 35 [ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) Trip interchange between A and B tg KPa ry (207 Tae = SP {9.04 x 2000 x 2000 ~ 20x 20 KPa Ae Tan = “a 0.04 x 3000 x 3000 20x20 Tey = Kee At en = PS 2.04 x 4000 x 4000 20) (0.04 x 2000 x 4000 _ + TRANSPORT SYSTEM py EM PL = 1600 Note : The Gravity model can be represented by following equation, ie. without proportionality constant ‘K’. . 20 x 20 AL iy = —4a)" Tw = a xP A An Gay * ae Trips between zones i and j = Trips produced in zone i \ = Trips attracted to zone j K = Total number of zones di=Distance or time or cost of travelling between i -j Example 1.5 : A self contained town consists of four residential areas A, B, C, D and two industrial estates X and Generation equations show that, for the design year in question, the tris from home to work generated by each resident area per 24 hour day are as follows: A 1000 B 2260 c 1750 D 3200 There are 3700 jobs in industrial estate X and 4500 in industrial estate Y. It is known that the attraction between zones inversely proportional to the square of journey times between zones. The journey times in minutes from home to work are: Zones x y A 18 20 B 15 10 c 10 10 D 15 20 Caleulate and tabulate the interzonal trips for journeys from home to work, [ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (ME cIvity (1.21) ___TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING. solution Pox ca wee AL a at ~~ (4.3) & y) Trips generated in zones are Px = 1000, Py = 22500, 1750, Po =3200 Trips attracted to zones are: A, = 3700 for zone X = Ay A, = 4500 for zone Y = Ay Trip interchanges between Ato X hens hen fas) OT ay (aes atia] [aa S29] [tse we] ” [S294] 7 rales) 2250 x toe - [ Ax, An ] 3700 4509 ~ 604 (dex * (del a5)" * a0? 4500 2250 x toe 3700 4500 asy? * Gov? 3700 750% oy" Te-x = 3700 4500 = 79° (a0)? * ao? Te-v 1646 4500 a0" 3700 4500 = 960 G0? * oy 1750 x Tey 3700 3200 et To-x 3700 | 4500 asy * oy 4500 3200 x75)" To-y = "3700 4500 = 120 (a5)? * (20)? The results are tabulated in the matrix below: 1980 TRANSPORT System C [ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (HE civil) (1.22) ‘ " i ay Zones x | 2 A son | 306 | 5 |_ om | 1015 ec _790_| 960 oD 1900 | 1220 Total calculated attractions | 3978 | 4222 Total predicted attractions | 3700 | 4500 = 8200 1.11 MODAL SPLIT ANALYSIS | * Modal split is the process of separating person trips by the mode of travel. + Itis usually expressed as a fraction ratio or percentage of the total number of trips. * In general, modal split refers to the trips made by private car as opposed to public transport. * Modal split models aim to determine the number of trips on different modes given the travel demand betwee, different pairs of nodes (zones). * These models try to mathematically describe the mode choice phase of the sequential demand analysis procedure. + Generally, choice models are used for modal split analysis. 1.11.1 Factors Affecting Modal Split Analysis The factors that affect choice among alternative modes are: 1. Characteristics of the trip maker / Household characteristics Characteristics of journey Characteristics of transport facility Zonal characteristics Network characteristics 1. Characteristics of the Trip Maker : The following features are found to be important: + Caravailability and/or ownership; yawn * Possession of a driving license; + Household structure (young couple, couple with children, retired people etc); = Income; Decisions made elsewhere, for example the need to use a car at work, take children to school, etc; + Residential density 2. Characteristics of the Journey: Mode choice is strongly influenced by: The trip purpose; for example, the journey to work is normally easier to undertake by public transport than othe journeys because of its regularity and the adjustment possible in the long run. + Time of the day when the journey is undertaken. ‘© Late trips are more difficult to accommodate by public transport. 3. Characteristics of the Transport Facility: There are two types of factors. One is quantitative and the other is qualitative. Quantitative factors are: © Relative travel time: in-vehicle, waiting and walking times by each mode; + Relative monetary costs (fares, fuel and direct costs); ‘© Availability and cost of parking. ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.23) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING | 44, Zonal Characteristics ‘sidential Density: Use of public tr + Residential Density: Use of public transport system increases as the residential density increases «Concentration of workers, 5, Network Characteristics + Travel Time Ratio: ts the amount of time required to travel by private and public mode transportation + Travel Cost Ratio: Its the amount of cost required to travel by private and public mode transportation 1.11.2 Types of Modal Split Models since, public transportation is a vital transportation com, ‘ponent in urban areas, mode choice calculations typically involve distinguishing trip interchanges as either auto or transit, Depending on the level of detail required, two types of transit estimating procedures are used. 1. Trip End Models / Pre-Distribution model 2. Trips ferchengemodalsplit models/Post-Distribution 1. Trip End Models/ Pre-Distribution Model : * Traditionally. the objective of transportation planning was to forecast the growth in demand for car trips, so that investment could be planned to meet the demand When personal characteristics were thought to be the most important determinants of mode choice, attempts were made to apply modal-split models immediately after trip generation. Such a model is called trip end modal split model In this way different characteristics of the person could be preserved and used to estimate modal split. ‘The modal split models of this time related the choice of mode only to features like income, residential density and car ownership. Advantages of Pre- ibution Model : + They are less difficult and less costly as compared to post-distribution methods. + This method uses factors such as income, car ownership, family structure, employment etc. which are characteristics affecting trip generation + These models could be very accurate in the short run, if public transport is available and there is little congestion Disadvantages of Pre-Distribution Model Since, these methods are strongly influenced by existing level of public transport services, they are inappropriate to studies involving improvements to public transport system. + Itdoes not consider the trip generation characteristics fully 2. Trip-Interchange Modal Split Models / Post Distribution * This is the post-distribution model; that is modal split is applied after the distribution stage. * This has the advantage that it is possible to include the characteristics of the journey and that of the alternative modes available to undertake them. + Itis also possible to include policy de ions. ‘+ This is beneficial for long term modeling, Advantages Post-Distribution Model It is useful in situations where serious consideration is given to public transport. The method makes it possible to develop modal split relations based on a wide range of transport system variables influencing modal choice. * The method considers private care and public transport usage on a zone to zone basis instead of a zonal basis as in the previous distribution, ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.24) TRANSPORT Svs) 1.12 TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT + The process of allocating given set of trip interchanges to the specified transportation systern is usslly ro4 TEN gy Me, traffic assignment, * The fundamental aim of the traffic assignment process is to reproduce on the transportation systern, the pan, vehicular movements which would be observed when the travel demand represented by the trip ratriz, OF tratres be assigned is satisfied. * The types of traffic assignment models are all-or-nothing assignment, incremental assignment, capacity rex, assignment, User Equilibrium Assignment (UE), Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment (SUE), System Ontn. Assignment (SO), ete, Major Aims of Traffic Assignment Procedures : * To estimate the volume of traffic on the links of the network and possibly the turning movernents at intersections * To furnish estimates of travel costs between trip origins and destinations for use in trip distribution. * To obtain aggregate network measures, eg, total vehicular flows, total distance covered by the vehicle, total travel time, * To estimate zone-to-zone travel costs (times) for a given level of demand, * To obtain reasonable link flows and to identify heavily congested links. * To estimate the routes used between each Origin to Destination (0-D) pair. * To analyse which O-D pairs that uses a particular link or path, + _ To obtain turning movements for the design of future junctions. 1.13 ROUTE ASSIGNMENT ANALYSIS * Route assignment analysis is the process in which the route by which trip is made is de! ermined. ‘+ This method is used to determine the flows in existing or present transportation system, ‘+ Constructions on priorities are done by assigning the future trips to coming years. ‘+ Alternative transportation systems can be proposed by running trial tests on repetitive basis and record the * Design hour traffic can be provided on highway and turning movements at junctions so as to check the applicability ¢ route assignment analysis. length, cos ‘+ Route assignment analysis is based on route selection, which is done on the basis of journey ti comfort, convenience and safety. * In this system, the roads are described as links and nodes. A link means road which connects two destinations for th trip and the node is either destination or centroid of a particular zone. + Once all nodes and links are established, 2 minimum path between the zones or destination points and predicted are assigned to the paths. Generally, the minimum path may be a route of travel which has the least travel time consumption, distance trave or other parameters whichever are in criterion of trip maker. ‘+The minimum path which is defined by joining of links and nodes between any two zone centroids is called ‘tree’ ‘+ The above method is also known as ‘Moore's Algorithm. [ApVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (ag ee my _ (1.25) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING 15 a = @ “ 2 a @) ° 12 ee @ 6 25 ©) 14 6 a Be ; Fig. 1.11: Minimum path tree Inthe Fig. 1.11, travel time on each link is indicated in figures in bracket, Starting from centroid 1, finding the travel time to each node, Th-2 = 3 They = 3 Next node which is close to centroid in terms of time is considered as next travel path. Asin the above example both links have same time in connection with centroid, so node 17 is taken, Hence, Thieves = 34255 Thee = 5 Thev-n = 6 The next close node to centroid 1, ie. Node 20, will be considered, Hence, Thao = 4 Trroas = 6 Toon = 7 Thus in Ti-17.18 and Ts-zo-as: the later is shorter in time duration 1.13.1 Methods of Route Assignment The route assignment methods are as follows 1. Desire assignment 2. Multiple route assignment 3. Capacity restraint assignment 4. Diversion curves 1. Desire Assignment: This technique is based on the point that the route followed by traffic is of least travel resistance in terms of travel time, distance and cost. The figure below shows the minimum travel path tree. Example : From Centroid 1 1 1 to Centroid 2 3 4 Volume (vehihr) sooo | 4000 | s000 ~ ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.26) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLay, ay 5000 4900, 3000 Fig. 1.12 : Minimum travel path tree Thus, below are the traffic volumes assigned on various links: Link Traffic Flow/Volume (VehJhr) 1-21 12000 21-22 3000 22-2 3000 21-23 9000 23-24 9000 2-4 5000 2-3 4000 icles beyon + Once the traffic volumes are assigned to various routes/links, itis verified that no route is carrying v its carrying capacity. ‘The overloaded journey time on its overloaded link/route is altered and the assignment is repeated. Disadvantages: «If time is the only factor used to govern the choice of route, then other factors such as cost, convenience and safer will be neglected, + Looking at the principle of the tech increase in congestion thus causing delay. © This technique may lead to impractical values if there 2. Multiple Route Assignment: All road users may not be able to determine the smallest route for themselves termining the shortest route, nique, more vehicles tend to be assigned to more attractive routes. This may caus s little difference in travel time. It may happen that, all road users may not have the same criteria for det fechnique are recognized in the multiple route assignment. Ww to a series of routes, the proportion of the total flo jon to the shortest route. © These limitations of desire t This method consists of assigning the inter-zonal flo assigned to each being a function of the length of that route in relat 3. Capacity Restraint Assignment: ‘Some of the methods of capacity restraint are given below (a) Smock Method: In this method, the allor-nothing assignment is fist worked out In an iterative procedure, the lin travel times are modified according to the function ree?) 2 Ta where, J. = Original travel time or the travel time on a link when volume equals capacity Ta = Adjusted travel time ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (@& city en BE CIVIL 2 __TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANINING, © = Exponential base Assigned volume € = Computed tink capacity In the second iteration, the adjusted travel tim Ntin\ travel times T, is use mine jinimum paths or trees. The resulting link volumes are averaged an ta, cetenine the, rollin ve ve 4 these are again used to calculate the adjusted travel time for the next iteration (0) The Bureau of Public Roads (8.P.R.) Method: The formula used to update the link travel time is, tus [+ 0r5(4)] (23) where, Tw = Link travel time at assigned volume To = Base travel time at zero volume (equals 0.87 travel time at practical capacity) V = Volume © = Capacity 4, Diversion Curves: + One of the frequently used assi + These curves represent em diverted on a new facility (b ignment techniques is the diversion curves, pitically derived relationships showing the proportion of traffic that is likely to be Pass, New expressway, new arterial street etc) * Once such a facility is constructed, the data collected from the pattern of road usage in the past serve to build up such curves. * Diversion curves can be constructed using a variety of variables such as: Travel time saved, > Distance saved, a > Travel time ratio, > Distance ratio, Yy > Travel time and distance saved, > Distance and speed ratio, > Travel cost ratio, 1 100} 100 100 "Th a) e Feo 7" 5 5 3 oo] 60) 3 3 z 3 BCC COP) is < g 5 3 3 20) 82 37 #20 e Fo *o ° a 3-4 048 We 0-4 = 03 06 10 14 18 02 06 1.0 14 1.8 Travel time saved min Distance saved - miles “Travel ime ratio Distance ratio. Fig. 1.13: Simple diversion curves using one variable [1.14 TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS + Transportation networks generally refer to a set of links, nodes, and lines that represent the infrastructure or supply side of the transportation. + The links have characteristics such as speed and capacity for roadways; frequency and travel time data are defined on transit links or lines for the transit system. ‘+ Transportation analysis zones are represented in the network by centroids, a subset of the nodes; and centroid connectors are links that provide access and egress to the system. * Transport network analysis is used to determine the flow of vehicles (or people) through a transport network, typically Using mathematical graph theory. It may combine different modes of transport, for example, walking and car, to model multi-modal journeys. ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (1.28) 5 TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLAN, a 1.14.1 Network Terminology A transport network may be formally represented as a set of links and a set of nodes Alink connects two nodes and a node connects two or more links. Links may be either directed, in which case they specify the direction of movement, or undirected Two links are said to be parallel, if they connect the same pair of nodes in the same direction. & loop is a link with tng seme node at either end. Some of the algorithms described later require the exclusion of parallel links and loops. All links referred to in later chapters are directed. Links may have various characteristics In the context of transportation network analysis, the following are some of the characteristics of interest: > Link Length: In metres or perhaps in average number of vehicles, > Link Cost: Sometimes travel time but more generally a linear combination of time and distance > Link Capacity: Maximum flow. Node 2 Links _ Node ‘A Destination & Links Destination c “7A A Link 2 OFigin a Node 1 Node 4 Fig. 1.14: A typical transport network [1.15 NATIONAL HIGHWAYS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT-NHDP(may 17, 18) Fig, 1.15 * The NHDP is a project to upgrade, rehabilitate and widen major highways in India to a higher standard. © The “National Highways" account for only about 2% of the total length of roads, but carry about 40% of the to traffic across the length and breadth of the country. ‘* This project is managed by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAl) under the Ministry of Road, Transport Highways ‘+ The NHAI has invested US$71 billion for this project, as of 2006 * The NHDP represents 49,260 kms of roads and highways work and construction in order to boost econer development of the country. Phases of NHDP The project is composed of the following phases: ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (OE cyt.) ae ING (BE CIVIL) 25) TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING. phase I: «The Golden Quadrilateral (GQ; 5,846 km) conne ing the four major cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Thi project connecting four metro cities, would be 'cting the four major cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. This 5,846 km «Total cost of the GQ project i Lies ale 85-300 billion, funded largely by the government's special petroleum product t@ complete Swing. In January 2012, India announced the four lane GQ highway network as poate et Fig. 1.6 The Projected Economic Benefits of the GQ Project as follows: + Establishing faster transport networks between major ees and ports + Providing an impetus to smoother movement of products and people within Inia + Enabling industrial and job development in smaller towns through accesso markets + Providing opportunities for farmers, through better transportation of produce from the agricultural hinterland to mmaor ees and ports for export. through lesser wastage and spoils * Driving economic growth directly, through construction as well as through indirect demand for cement, steel and other construction materials * Giving an impetus to Truck transport throughout India. Phase + North-South and East-West corridors comprising national highways connecting four extreme points ofthe county ‘* The North-South and East-West Corridor (NS-EW; 7,300 km) connecting Srinagar in the north to Kanyakumari in the south, including spur from Salem to Kanyakumari (Via Coimbatore and Kochi) and Silchar in the east to Porbandar in the west. Total length of the network is 7,300 km. As of April 2012, 84.26% of the project had been completed and 15.7% of the project work is currently at progress. * It also includes Port connectivity and other projects 1,157 km. The final completion date to February 28, 2009 at a cost of Rs.350 billion (US$8 billion), with funding similar to Phase I. Phase ‘* The government recently approved NHDP-Ill to upgrade 12,109 km of national highways on a Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis, which takes into account high-density traffic, connectivity of state capitals via NHDP Phase I and I, and connectivity to centres of economic importance. * Contracts have been awarded for a 2,075 km (1,289 mile). Phare vs + The government is considering widening 20,000 km of highway that were not part of Phase I, I, oF IL Phase IV will convert existing single lane highways into two lanes with paved shoulders. The plan will soon be Presented to the government for approval 7 TY ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (NE __TRANSPORT SYSTEM p Ai, Phase V: * As road traffic increases over time, a number of four lane highways will need to be upgraded/expanded to siz lanes, + The current plan calls for upgrade of about 5,000 km of four-lane roads, although the government has ng, identified the stretches Phase Vi: + The government is working on constructing expressways that would connect major commercial and indusyy townships. * It has already identified 400 km of Vadodara (earlier Baroda)-Mumbai section that would connect to the Vadodara (earlier Baroda)-Ahmedabad section. The World Bank is studying this project. * The project will be funded on BOT basis. The 334 km Expressway between Chennai-Bangalore and 277 kin Expressia, between Kolkata-Dhanbad has been identified and feasibility study and DPR contract has been avarded by NHAL Phase VI: sting This phase calls for improvements to city road networks by adding ring roads to enable easier connectivity with national highways to important cities. In addition, improvements will be made to stretches of national highways that require additional flyovers and bypasse, given population and housing growth along the highways and increasing traffic. The government has not yet identified a firm investment plan for this phase. The 19 km long Chennai Por. Maduravoyal Elevated Expressway is being executed under this phase. Table 1.2 National Highways Development Project ata glance NHDP Phase Particulars Length Indicative Cost (incr) NHDP-1& 11 | Balance work of GO and EW-NS coridors 13,000 km 42,000 (2,100 mi NHOP.I | 44aning 40,000 km 55,000 (6,200 mi) NHOP-IV | 24aning 20,000 km 25,000 (12,000 mi) NHOP-V | 6:laning of selected stetches 5,000 km 47,500 (3,100 mip NHOP-VI_ | Development of expressways 4,000 km 15,000 (620 mip NHDP-VIl_ | Ring Roads, Bypasses, Grade Separators, 700 km 15.000 Service Roads et. (430 mi Total 45,000 km 4,69,500 (28,000 mi (Revised to 2,20,000) Note: 1 crore= 10 million 1.16 PRADHAN MANTRI GRAM SADAK YOJANA (PMGSY) * The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was launched on December 2000 to promote road connectivity ® the country’s rural habitations. + Govt, of India is endeavouring to set high and uniform technical and management standards and facilitating pol” development and planning at State level in order to ensure sustainable management of the rural roads network ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (BE CIVIL) (2.31) ‘TRANSPORT SYSTEM PLANNING Fig. 1.17 by the State Governments under a survey to identify Core Network as part about 1.67 lakh Unconnected Habitations are eligible for coverage under the programme. + This involves construction of about 3.71 lakh km, of roads for New Connectivity and 3.68 lakh ken. under upgradation. + Itis a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, ‘+ PMGSY enhances movement between villages and towns, + World Bank has supported PMGSY since its inception + For this scheme, 75 paise per litre has been earmarked out of cess levied on high speed diesel. + Itconsiders habitation as unit for providing connectivity and not a revenue village + The scheme encourages use of “Green Technologies” and non-conventional materials (like waste plastic, geo-textiles, fly-ash, iron and copper slag ete) for constructing rural roads * Funding pattern: In ratio of 60:40 between Centre and State for all States except for 8 North Eastern and 3 Himalayan States (Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir) for which it is 90:10. [1.17JNNURM-JAWAHARLAL NEHRU NATIONAL URBAN RENEWAL MISSION + INNURM is a state sector scheme for Urban Renewal initiated by Govt. of India (GON to be implemented over a 7-year period + According to latest figures made available of the PMGSY programme, + It is named after Jawaharlal Nehru and the scheme was offically inaugurated by the Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh on 3 December, 2005 as a programme meant to improve the quality of life and infrastructure in the cities. + The JNNURM project is a one of a kind project dedicated to the redevelopment of India's cities. This is quite a unique step considering the planning ideologies of India + Till date India was primarily focused on the development of rural areas. India's comprehensive network of underdeveloped villages required such development. Obje ives of JNNURM + Integrated development of infrastructure services, * Ensuring adequate funds to meet the deficiencies in urban infrastructural services. * Planned development of identified cities. ‘+ Scale-up delivery of civic amenities and provision of utilities with emphasis on universal access to the urban poor. * Special focus on urban renewal programme to reduce congestion, Provision of basic services to the urban poor including security of tenure at affordable prices, improved housing, water supply and sanitation, and ensuring delivery of other existing universal services of the government for education, health and social security,

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