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Stage 5: Food Technology

Shoalhaven High School

Food Equity
All booklets are to have the student’s name, class and teacher’s name clearly visible on the front cover in the space

● Writing is to be done in BLUE and BLACK pen

● If a mistake is made it should be neatly crossed out and the correction written beside or above it

● All additional sheets must be placed in your folder in the order in which they were issued

● Booklets and folders are not to have any graffiti. Any pages with graffiti will be rewritten by the


● Booklets and folder must be brought to every lesson– both theory and practical

● It is your responsibility to keep your work up to date. If you are absent, you must find out the

work you have missed and catch up

● Work will be marked regularly


There is enough food produced in the world to feed everyone, the problem is that it is not distributed evenly.
Why is that developing nations continue to suffer from hunger, while in developed nations diseases
associated with too much food are common? This unit investigates the factors that contribute to this unequal
distribution in Australia and around the world. These factors include the balance of trade, the distribution of
food between those who ’have’ and those who ‘have not’, and the impact of difficult geography, poor roads
and unstoppable political situations.

● FT5-1 demonstrates hygienic handling of food to ensure a safe and appealing product

● FT5-5 applies appropriate methods of food processing, preparation and storage

● FT5-6 describes the relationship between food consumption, the nutritional value of foods and the health of

individuals and communities

● FT5-7 justifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits

● FT5-8 collects, evaluates and applies information from a variety of sources

● FT5-9 communicates ideas and information using a range of media and appropriate terminology

● FT5-10 selects and employs appropriate techniques and equipment for a variety of food-specific purposes

● FT5-11 plans, prepares, presents and evaluates food solutions for specific purposes

● FT5-12 examines the relationship between food, technology and society

● FT5-13 evaluates the impact of activities related to food on the individual, society and the environment

Classroom Rules and Expectations- What I need to bring to each class

Theory Practical
● A pen (as a minimum) ● A Pen

● Diary ● Diary

● Listening skills ● Container

● A good attitude ● Hair tied back

● Listening skills

● A good attitude

Classroom Rules










Key terms
Terminology Meaning Food Technology related

Food Equity

Community Food

Equity and

Food Centre



Staple Foods



Current Food Trends

Trends in food are always changing—what is in today is often out tomorrow. Professional chefs have
always prided themselves on using creativity and being ahead in terms of food trends. Lately, the
trend of choosing foods to follow one’s personal philosophy is gaining momentum. Future food trends
will be also about new and exciting local food sources

What’s trending Now?

Below, list any trending foods, cuisines, recipes of meals, use the link below to find 32 food trends
What is the difference between a trend and a fad?

Food trends are food habits or styles that reflect modern or popular changes in society due to, for
example, technology, lifestyle choices, the economy, environmental sustainability and ethics and
nutritional information. These changes impact on the way in which consumers purchase, prepare
and serve food.

Trends in Food Explored

In the boxes below, elaborate on what each food trend could refer to.
Local Produce

Waste, what does the term Nose to Tail mean?


What does the term Farm to Table mean?
Define the term Mindful Eating

Define the term - Value added products
Define the term – Food Transparency
Current Trends
Yearly trends in dining and cooking can be difficult to predict, and the food trends in 2021 are no
exception. But after a stressful 2020, many people have turned to food more than ever as a means of
comfort, wellbeing and community.
Define the following diet trends e.g. Paleo, keto, plant based, wheat free

Paleo -

Keto -

Plant Based Diet -

Wheat Free Diet -

Pickles and Ferments

Pickling is the process of preserving or extending the shelf life of food by either anaerobic fermentation in
brine or immersion in vinegar. The pickling procedure typically affects the food's texture and flavour.
Foods that are pickled include vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, dairy and eggs.

Ancient Egyptians use to use Canopic jars to pickle the organs of the deceased
Canopic jars were used by the ancient
Egyptians during the mummification process
to store and preserve the organs of it’s owner
for the afterlife. They were commonly either
carved from limestone or were made of
pottery. Basically, they would pickle the
intestines of the deceased in canopic jars to
help preserve the organs for the journey
through the afterlife.

Now health trends move fast, and pickling is considered a super food. Whether that’s the hottest
vegetable of the moment (cauliflower, in case you were wondering), a trendy buzz phrase, like ‘gut health’
– the term that’s set to be at the heart of the health world in the future. What this means is more yet more
pickling and fermenting, so kimchi, kombucha and Yucatan pickles will remain foods du jour. Gut-friendly
foods like these are thought to help with irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, fertility, immunity, low

Yucatan Pickles Recipe

Here write down the following Recipe, just follow the link:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

What are Super foods? -

Why is eating sugar bad for you?

Less sugar/alternatives
Why less sugar? There are a number of diseases related to the over consumption of sugar. In the table
below write down four of the diseases and then write down 9 substitutes for sugar.

Substitutes for Sugar

Rethink Your Sugary Drink

How much sugar is in?
Use the following link to complete the table below: -

Drink Serving size Sugar per serve Sugar per serve Sugar per Sugar per
(g) (tsp) 100mL (g) 100mL (tsp)
Soft drinks


Coca Cola




Coca Cola

Energy drinks


V Energy


Red Bull

Energy Drinks can Harm Your Health

How Do Energy Drinks Affect Your Brain?
How do they affect your heart Health?

Other Health Effects of Consuming to much Sugar

Food Trend Research Exercise (Book a computer lab for this task)
Individually or in pairs, students are to research and create a multimedia presentation on one of the food
trends mentioned earlier. The presentation needs to include the following information:

● A title page

● Identify a range of trends

● Which age range are more likely to follow a particular trend?

● What is the difference between a Vegan and a Lacto-Vegan and a Oco-Lacto Vegan?

● A range of unusual Food Products

● A few alternative food options

● Perhaps talk about printed food

● Bibliography

Have students present their presentation to their peers in order to share their ideas and findings.

Flavour Forecast
Use the information on McCormick flavour forecast and write a short paragraph to explain what flavours
are currently trending.

Eating Bugs
Chefs like Heston Blumenthal have been advocating eating insects for some time now, but the concept has
never quite taken flight. However, as sustainability is increasingly on our radar, the idea of reducing our
intake of traditional protein sources like red meat is ever more attractive. Add to this the fact that insects
now come in pulverised powder form – this ‘flour’ can be used in pancakes for instance – and it almost
sounds appetising. With some health food shops now selling insects, this could be the year the worm
Watch the documentary:
Find 10 points you find either positive, negative or interesting. Discuss as a class










What did you think about the documentary?

Tacos were originally made with Bugs

Tacos were originally made with bugs. The worm is a delectable dried and cured caterpillars from century
plants (gusanos de maguey) The indigenous tacos are of Charales, maguey worms, sweet water shrimps,
ant spawn or escamoles, and even chapulines (a kind of crickets).
Escamoles, a type of Small fish maguey worms or A type of cricket
ant larvae caterpillar
Emerging Foods
Watch Future foods – the menu of 2030 (duration 3:33) and provide an outline of what food emerging
foods we could be eating in the future.
The worlds population has been increasing faster than __________________ even with _________

__________________ technology. By 2050 there will be _______________ people top feed, so where will

the food come from? What can be on our dinner tables 20-30 years from now?


How many different types of edible insects are there? ___________________________________________

How many people on earth actually consume insects as their main source of protein? _________________

Identify the five types of insects already being eaten:

Insects are rich in:

Lab Meat, what is it?


Algae is a good source of and

How many people depend on fish as a food source?
How many people will rely on this food source in 20 years’ time?
What type of farming practices are being are being used to increase production?
How many countries are engaged in this type of practice?
More have been farmed than a trend that has continued.
GMO Chow
What is it?
This was first trialled in the to make plants
By the 190’s GM food was
Provide four examples of foods that have undergone genetic modification:

What is 3 D printed food?

Insect Cuisine Sampling - Sample the insect cuisine provided and complete the table below.

Insect Describe the taste and Nutritional value Taste rating:

5=I liked it
1=I didn’t like it

Traditional Aboriginal Agriculture

View the YouTube clips and discuss traditional Aboriginal agricultural practices in the space below:
A real history of Aboriginal Australians: The First Agriculturalists (duration 12:33)

Aboriginal agriculture for a sustainable Australia (duration 4:41)

Trends in Sustainability Explored
Define sustainability:

Sustainability in Food Production

What is sustainable food?
Food Wastage

Watch the video Food wastage footprint (duration 3:15) and answer the questions below.
Each year, how much food is lost or wasted?

As well as food, what else is wasted?

What can food producers, retailers and consumers do the help minimise food wastage?
The Food Wastage Pyramid
The link above will assist you in identifying and labelling the of the food wastage pyramid below:

Below label the steps in the pyramid above and write down an explanation for each:


Anerobic Digestion Defined

Is a process through which bacteria break down organic matter—such as animal manure, wastewater
biosolids, and food wastes—in the absence of oxygen.

The Food Wastage Pyramid – Just type in the food wastage pyramid defined, write down the
meaning below:

Explore the social aspects of food wastage (watch food wastage footprint 2 (duration 3:38). Using
information provided by the video, answer the following questions:
How much food is wasted each year?
Where are the main areas where food can be wasted?
What is the monetary value of the food that is wasted?
The money that is wasted is in producer prices, how much is the value at customer prices?
If nature could charge us for the total amount of food wasted how much could that be annually?
What type of impact does the production of food have on the environment?
What do they refer to when they talk about social costs?

When they talk about the real cost of food production what are they referring to?

What are the four areas that we can talk about when reducing food wastage?

What are the four areas of the food wastage pyramid?

How can food that is wasted in the market be redirected?

Ethical Treatment of Animals

Watch the documentary FOOD INC and complete the following table, running time 1.33 hours.
Positive Minus Interesting
Discuss your points with the people on your table.
Discuss as a class
Trends in Emerging Technologies Explored
Smart Tech in the Kitchen

From smart frying pans to camera plates, kitchen equipment is looking more and more sci-fi. We love the sound of
the Totali-Tea device, which monitors your sleep and will provide you with a cup of tea with added caffeine if you’ve
had a bad night, the Coravin wine preservation system, that allows you to siphon wine out of bottles without
popping the cork, and the IKAWA coffee roaster that works off your iPad.

Research activity:
Select two of the following packaging innovations: wood fibre, edible packaging, or self-heating cans
Complete the following table

Type of packaging and Description What foods are most Benefits

picture suitable
Emerging Technologies
Watch the following clip
Using the you tube clip and research complete the table below.

Identify emerging technology Explain the technology Justify its use in the food industry
Robotic Technology

Extrusion Technology
Freeze Drying

3D Printing

Trends in Food Presentation Explored

Which dish is presented better?

Food Presentation Techniques:

● Elements of Design: Line, Colour, Texture and Shape.

● Principles of Design: Proportion, Balance, Emphasis (focal point), Rhythm (repetition)

● YouTube Clip: The Art of Plating
The following design principles should be applied when styling and plating food:
● Colour adds interest to a meal and is the first aspect of the food that people notice.

● Using contrasting colours is a very contemporary trend.

● Colours should not clash or look too similar.

● Surrounding colours from props, crockery, utensils, and background etc. Should complement the overall
● Garnishes are a method used to add colour when a dish looks bland.

● Use a variety of shapes, for example round, whole potatoes served with carrot sticks.

● Use different and unusual foods or cut foods into different shapes.

● Like too many colours, too many shapes can be confusing.

● Use a range of textures such as crispy chips served with soft, flaky fish.

● Have a focal point. This can be achieved by having one food sitting higher than another or by using a garnish.

● Place the best side of the food facing up.

● Keep balance and proportion. Food should not be overloaded or lost on a plate. The rim of the plate should
be seen.
● Use portion-control techniques with tools such as ladles and cup measures.

● Repeat an aspect of the design, such as a colour or shape. Garnishes often repeat an ingredient in a dish.

● Display foods in odd numbers.

● Arrange food neatly and attractively. Arrange food in groups.

● Divide the area of the plate in your mind and plan how the foods will fit onto the plate and sit well next to
each other.

● Use clean, unchipped crockery and wipe off spills and drips before serving.

● Create themes or an atmosphere e.g. Italian, country style, kid’s birthday party etc.

● Consider light, whether natural or synthetic and the shadows created.

Factors that Influence the Acceptance of Food Trends

Brainstorm factors that may influence the acceptance of food trends
The Acceptance of Food Trends
Fill in the following blanks:

There are that can affect whether or not we accept new food trends and try new and old
Factors that can our food choices are:
Personal Experience:
-Food are established in early life
-Bad experiences with food, e.g., food can mean you won’t eat that particular food again.
-Good with food can make you adopt new food trends, e.g., trying a new chocolate bar because they
taste good.
Cultural taboos and beliefs:
-Australians enjoy foods from several yet withdraw from eating some foods like frog’s legs and snails
-In some cultures certain foods are restricted or banned- e.g. do not eat pork or drink

-The tradition is to celebrate with an iced fruit cake, yet many couples these days like to have a
unique wedding by selecting cakes that are not .
-Finger food menus are now days then the normal sit with a menu
-Hot lunches like turkey or ham are being replaced with cold meats, seafood's, salads, pavlova
and trifles
-These changing Christmas meals suit the warm we have in Australia around Christmas
-Many families combine foods from their culture and Australian foods

several factors affect habits poisoning experiences

cultures Muslims alcohol Anglo-Saxon traditional

popular function traditional climate modern

Using the Elements and Principles of Design

Using the Elements and Principles of Design, individually or in pairs examine and analyse the
presentation quality of the following dishes. Consider, for example, the colour, food texture, additional
props, theme, lighting and plate arrangement when you are assessing the food presentation.
Garnishing and Decorating
Word Bank

Decoration Overwhelms Presentation

Appeal Colour Complements

What is a Garnish
Garnishes are used to add to a dish or food. They should add
height to a dish. It is therefore important to ensure the garnish the dish
rather than It.
Do you know the difference between a garnish and a A garnish is used to add to
the of a savoury food, while a decoration is used to add to the presentation of a
sweet food.

List 5 example of garnishes Rules for Garnishing and Decorating:

Garnishes and decorations should:
● Have a function.
4) ______________________________
● Complement the food
5) ______________________________
● Be fresh, natural and good quality

● Be simple and edible

● Add flavour and colour

● Suit the occasion and the dish.

Garnishes and decorations are used to add appeal to a food, not to overwhelm it. It is important

to keep the garnish or decoration simple so that it complements the dish—that is, adding colour,

contrast, interest, or height. If done well, the garnish or decoration will complete the dish. A garnish or

decoration is added after the food has been plated.

Elaborate garnishes, such as chilli flowers, celery curls and van dyked tomatoes, are not as popular

today. Instead, you will be more likely to see simple yet attractive garnishes, such as fresh herbs or a swirl
of cream on many savoury dishes.

Review Questions
1) What is the purpose of a garnish or a decoration?

2) When is a garnish or decoration added to a meal?

Food Styling Trends
View the presentation on food styling and answer the questions below.
What should be considered when plating food?

What should be considered when taking photographs of food?

EXTENSION (duration 6:50) (duration 2:38)

Food Styling Images

Complete the table below by finding images and placing them in the table below, then identifying the
different garnish and plating techniques.
Image of food description Garnish Plating
Food stylists
What is the role of a food stylist?

Food Styling and Photography

Internet exercise
Watch the following YouTube clip to understand the purpose of food styling and photography in Fast Food
Food Stylist: Burger Advertisement:
Secrets of a food stylist:
Nasty tricks used for advertising

When presenting and displaying different foods for magazines, television ads, brochures, menus and/or
food packaging, food stylists employ basic design principles to enhance the colour and texture of the dish.
A food stylist often works in conjunction with the photographer to get the perfect shot to meet the client’s
A Stylist’s tool kit will often consist of tapes, tape measure, tacks, pins, clips, elastic bands, eye dropper,
matches, brushes, wire, touch-up paint and other items to help in setting up the food.

Tricks of the Trade:

● A whole roast chicken is often partially cooked to keep it plump and juicy. It is then browned with a

coat of Parisian essence or soy sauce and blowtorch crisps up the edges. A final coat of oil or liquid
glucose gives a hot, freshly cooked shine. Sometimes mashed potato is placed under the skin to help
plump the chicken up further.

● A hamburger shoot, as seen in the YouTube clip, involves the meat only being partially cooked to

appear juicier. Finding the perfect bun and lettuce leaves is also important. Pins are sometimes used to
hold the burger stacks in place with plastic layers in between to stop the meat juices from causing the
buns to go soggy. Tomato sauce is mixed with tomato paste to stop it running and place exactly where

● Ingredients in a stir-fry are painstakingly arranged one by6 one with tweezers to look randomly tossed.

● In breakfast cereal advertisements white sugar or glue is used instead of milk so the cereal doesn’t

become soggy.

● Mashed potato is generally used for ice cream advertisements so as the ice-cream doesn’t appear

melted. The chocolate topping is poured onto a shaped paper towel and then positioned on the ice

● Cakes are sprayed with hairspray to stop the cake from drying out, while shaving cream substitutes for

real ice cream.

Review Questions:
After watching the YouTube Clips and “Tricks of the Trade” answer the following questions:
1) What is a Food Stylist and who do they usually work in conjunction with?

2) List six situations in which food styling is used?

3) For the following scenarios describe how you, as a Food Stylist, would style the following foods for an
advertisement campaign to promote “Healthy Eating”, consider the ticks of the trade that could be
a) A green salad:

b) A 98% Fat reduced carrot cake:

c) A vegetarian burger
Media and Food Trends
Explain the following statement in the space below.

MasterChef and other reality cooking shows have had an impact on the eating, cooking and shopping
habits of Australians.

List some celebrity chefs in the space below.

Celebrity chefs’ Impact on the Food Industry

Pick one celebrity chef and research them. Create short biography and explain their impact on the food
industry. Share your findings with the class.
Social media and food trends
The 2016 BBC Good Food Nation Survey found that 40% of millennials have posted photos of their food on
social media channels. Producers and restaurateurs are getting in on the act, whether that’s in the form of
rainbow bagels, black burger buns or blue algae coffee.
Watch food and the impact of social media (duration 4:49) and answer the question in the space below.

Instagram styling

How does social media influence food trends?

Why should businesses monitor social media and how can they use it to their advantage?

Why do restaurants need to consider not only how their food taste, but how it looks?

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