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Quarter 2 Lesson 1: Current Trends of Media and popular alternative for those whose life situations make them

whose life situations make them unable to

Information attend regular schools.
2. Managing MOOC is relatively cheaper than running educational
Create multiple choice question on the discussion below with one institutions. By taking out the experiences of Universities – which are
remembering question, one understanding, one applying, one analyzing, passed down to students in exorbitant fees- MOOC addresses the high
one evaluating and one creating. give answer key cost of education.
3. Analytic provides information about the learning process of students.
Massive Open Online Course Through the use of data collected through analytic, MOOC provides a
means to improve learning.
Media as one of the fastest means in educating people continue to
4. Since it focuses on connectedness as part of the learning process,
flourish and innovate. A known example is the Massive Open Online
MOOC allows education to take place on a global scale. Connecting
Course, or MOOC. An online course that offers open access via the
learners and instructors all over the world to one another to maximize
Internet for free or at a low cost. With the continuous growth of media,
modernization is anywhere, learning becomes more accessible. In her
Wearable technology is seen to be the up and coming technology of the
work, “What’s A MOOC? History, Principles, and Characteristics”,
Amanda Rollins, 2018 emphasized that the technical pillar of MOOCs is
Wearable technologies today are smart watches. These watches are
related to distance learning where ideological principal talks about
worn as a typical wristwatch but do more than just tell time. Modern smart
“Education for All”. The first MOOCs date back to 2008 with online
watches perform the same functions as smart phones.
courses by David Wiley, Utah State University and Alex Couros,
University of Regina. The term Massive Open Online Course was used Smart watches as a wearable are developed for convenience, but its
for the first time by George Siemens” Connectivism and Connective inability to function as an independent gadget puts it at a distinct
knowledge”(CCKO8)course. disadvantage.
MOOC respects certain technical specifications and four characteristics: Another example is Fitness tracker. It is derived from smart watches in
1. Using web formats form and physical design but serves health applications. Fitness trackers
2. Collaborative learning aim to promote health and wellness among its enthusiasts, unfortunately,
3. Assessing knowledge issues in their accuracy have been raised in several reviews.
4. Time limits
Virtual Reality (VR) wearable technology is gradually growing in
In addition, MOOC offers university-level courses without the need to popularity among enthusiasts. Oculus, a high-end VR headsets intended
complete an entire programme of studies, and are becoming increasingly for entertainment has been released to the public on March 28, 2016.
popular. They offer a large number of students the opportunity to study This wearable technology takes users to computer generated worlds and
high-quality courses online with prestigious universities, often at no cost. let them experience it as if they were actually there.
They are ideal for independent study and users can select courses from
any institution offering them. MOOCs do not always lead to formal Oculus have so far received positive reviews among users. However,
qualifications. There are no entry requirements. concerns were raised about VR technology’s potential to cause a total
disconnect from the physical world.
The following information provided on the next page illustrates how
advances in technology affect people’s lives and interests in the field of The Concept of 3D Environment
education. 3D or three dimensional in its literal sense refers to anything that has
Moreover, an article by E-Learning Guide on Media and Information width, height, and depth. The physical world is an example of a 3D
Literacy, titled “The Current and Future Trends of Media and Information” environment. The concept of 3D environment is explored to mimic the
discusses the following. physical world in media. Films are among the most common media
offerings that incorporates 3D. 3D films make objects in their material
Massive Open Online Content and its Implications appear solid to the audience through the illusion of perception. Earlier 3D
motion pictures require audience to glasses with red and blue lenses.
Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) is defined by Edu cause as a
model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to Another notable development is 3D printing. This technology brings digital
take a course, with no limit on attendance. It can be characterized by the data and design to the physical world literally. The concept of 3D bio-
following: printing or 2D printing, using human materials like tissue ad bones to
create organs or body parts that can be theoretically translated to an
a. A revolutionary approach to education that veers away from the actual human body aims to solve that.
physical to the virtual.
b. A kind of learning that happens online, breaking the norm of traditional The Paperless society
schools or universities for higher education.
c. Utilizes information technologies like analytics to help instructors gauge The paperless society is a society where communication is done
their student’s learning. electronically and all forms of printed communication have become
d. Emphasis on connectedness. obsolete. It is characterized by the shift from letters to e-mails,
newspapers to news web pages, books to e-books, and so on.
The Implications
1. By taking learning into virtual space, attendance is no longer a
determining factor in one’s education. This makes MOOC learning a
References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules
Ubiquitous learning d. Improvement learning environment
- Source of information
Ubiquitous learning is common in the age of information. Since the
information in the digital age can be accessed by anyone, at any given - Made learning a choice
time and place, ubiquitous or an ever-present type learning of learning is - Social Learning Environment
possible. - Equips learners with the tools necessary to collaborate and
participate with teachers and peers both inside the classroom
Quarter 2 Lesson 2: Media and Information Literate and beyond the walls of the
e. More cohesive social unit
“Media and Information Literacy recognizes the primary
- Social technologies are changing the way we collaborate
role of media in everyday lives. It lies at the core of freedom
and communicate with each other.
of expression and information- since it empowers citizens to
- Media may play a hand towards holistic development of
understand the functions of media and other information
the society
providers to critically evaluate their content, and to make
informed decisions as users and producers of information
and media content.” (UNESCO) With the flooding
information that technology offers, weighing the validity, Quarter 2 Lesson 3: Text Media and Information
accuracy, and reliability become a burden to an individual
who doesn’t know how to use it Text refers to a simple and flexible format of presenting
information or conveying ideas whether hand-written,
Who are media literate individuals? printed, or displayed on-screen. It is available in different
From the framework of Aufderheide (1992 as cited in sources whether formal or informal. Formal text-based are
Koltay, 2011): A media literate person can decode, evaluate, created and distributed by established institutions and go
analyze and produce both print and electronic media. through a rigorous process of editing or evaluation. Informal
Emphases in media literacy training range widely, including text-based on the other hand, come from personal opinions
informed citizenship, aesthetic appreciation and expression, or views on different issues.
social advocacy, self-esteem, and consumer competence. In
other words, media literate individual cannot only use media Text media are publications that disseminate information
platforms but, able to analyze and evaluate through media products such as newspapers, flyers, books,
information that was taken from it. Being able to evaluate magazines, tarpaulins, advertisements, television, banners,
media information leads an individual to explore the use of websites, and posters. Furthermore, design elements and
technologies in various fields such as businesses, commerce, principles in text media are effective means of conveying a
and communications. The use of technologies in promoting message.
these economic aspects creates an impact on media users
and most especially to society. These design principles and elements are as follows:
a. Emphasis - refers to the importance or value given to a
The components of Media and Information Literate to an part of the text based content.
Individual are the following: b. Appropriateness - refers to how fitting or suitable the text
a. Improved quality of life (PERSONAL/EDUCATIONAL) is used for a specific audience, purpose, or event.
- Doing research have become very convenient c. Proximity - refers to how near or how far are the text
- Communication has been made easier elements from each other.
- Information has become widely accessible d. Alignment - refers to how the text is positioned on the
GPS (GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSYTEM) - space-based page. This can be left, right, center or justified.
satellite navigation system that provides location and time e. Organization - refers to a conscious effort to organize the
information in all-weather condition. different text
b. Greater political participation elements on a page.
- Media serve the people by informing public about subject f. Repetition - concerns consistency of elements and the
they need or they want unity of the entire
- Informing the public of the political affairs in the country design.
Encourage the public to take more active role in the g. Contrast - creates visual interest to text elements. Contrast
government is achieved
c. Better economic opportunities when two elements are different from each other
- Influx of media offerings has led to the creation of more
jobs in the In our exposure to text media and information, we can either
media. be a consumer or a producer of content. As a consumer,
- New jobs like social media managers or multimedia these are the questions that you need to ask with regards to
specialists have been created the content of text media and information:
References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules
• Who or what institution is sending this message? b. Shape - usually a geometric area that stands out from the
• What techniques are used to attract and hold attention? space next to or around it, or because of differences in value,
• What is the language used by the writer? color, or texture. Shape may also be organic.
• What views are represented? Are they balanced? c. Value - the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the
• How might the message be interpreted in different ways? contrast between black and white and all the tones in
• What is omitted, slurred, or added in the message? between.
d. Texture - the way a surface feels or is perceived to feel.
As a producer of text media and information, we need to Texture can be added to attract or repel interest to a visual
review the media and element. Visual texture is the illusion of the surfaces peaks
information design framework: target audience, author, or and valleys, resulting in a feeling of smoothness
sender, key content, purpose, form/style, and format. or roughness in objects.
e. Color - determined by its hue (name of color), intensity
Text as visual (purity of the hue), and value (lightness or darkness of hue).
a. Typeface (also called font, font type, or type) refers to the Color and color combination can play a large role in the
representation or style of a text in the digital format. design. Color may be used for emphasis, or may elicit
b. A typeface is usually comprised of alphabets, numbers, emotions from viewers. Color maybe warm, cool, or neutral.
punctuation marks, Color combination also plays a major role in creating
symbols and other special characters. When fonts are aesthetic appeal. Essential Colour Guide for Designers:
installed in the computer, they usually come in file formats Understanding Colour Theory presented the following:
such as True Type Font
c. In the absence of images or drawings, the text is the The Colour Wheel
easiest way of communicating to your audience. The use of The colour wheel – or colour circle – is a basic but
various font types can express different emotions or completely essential tool for combining colours and is
meanings. designed in such a way that virtually any colours you pick
from it will look beautiful together.

Types of Typefaces: Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Colours

1.Serif In traditional colour theory, primary colours are the three
2.Sans Serif pigment colours – red, yellow and blue – that can be mixed
3.Slab Serif together to form any combination of other colours. Which
4.Script means all other colours are derived from these three hues.
5.Decorative Green, orange and purple make up the secondary colours –
formed by mixing the primary. While tertiary colours are
Quarter 2 Lesson 4: Visual Media and Information created by combining primary
and secondary colours, for example yellow-orange,
Visual media and information refers to materials, programs, redorange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green and
applications and the like that teachers and students use to yellowgreen. And because you mix primary and secondary
formulate new information to aid learning through the use, colours, that's why tertiary colours get their two word
analysis, evaluation and production of visual images. There names.
are different types of visual media – photography, video, Warm colours – red, orange, yellow and variations of these
screen shots, infographics, data visualization (charts and three colours – are vibrant and full of energy.
graphs), comic strips/cartoons, memes, visual note-taking, Cool colours – green, blue and violet – offer calm and
etc. Visual media are either formally or informally tranquility, and they're often more subdued than warm
produced. Visual media produced by formal organizations colours. White, black and grey – on the other hand – are
such as schools, government, and established considered to be neutral.
media/publishing outfits are considered formally produced.
Other visual media are considered informally produced. Tints, Shades and Tones
Its primary purpose is to gain attention, create meaning, and Simply put – tints, shades and tones are basic colour
facilitate retention. Visual media is consist of visual design concepts where you can either: make a colour lighter by
elements. Visual design elements refers to the building adding white – the resulting colour is a tint;
blocks or basic units in the construction of a visual image. make a colour darker by adding black – the darker version is
known as a shade;
The Design Elements are: add grey to create a completely different tone.
a. Line - describes a shape or outline. It can create texture
and can be thick or thin. Lines may be actual, implied, Colour Harmony
vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or contour lines. 1. Complementary
References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules
Complementary colours are those that lie opposite each concepts where you can either: make a colour lighter by
other on the colour wheel. Red and green are adding white – the resulting colour is a tint; make a colour
complementary colours, as are red-purple and yellowgreen. darker by adding black – the darker version is known as a
These high contrast combinations create a vibrant look and shade; add grey to create a completely different tone.
must be handled with care. They're certainly tricky to use in Colour Harmony
large doses, but can be very effective for making certain 1. Complementary
elements stand out. Complementary colours are those that lie opposite each
2. Analogous other on the colour wheel. Red and green are
Analogous colours lie next to each other on the colour complementary colours, as are red-purple and yellowgreen.
wheel. They typically combine beautifully and create These high contrast combinations create a vibrant look and
appealing schemes for your designs. In fact, analogous are must be handled with care. They're certainly tricky to use in
often found in nature and are always harmonious and large doses, but can be very effective for making certain
pleasing on the eye. Just make sure you have enough elements stand out
contrast in your chosen analogous scheme, i.e. use one 2. Analogous
dominant colour, the second as a support and the third as an Analogous colours lie next to each other on the colour
accent. wheel. They typically combine beautifully and create
3. Triad appealing schemes for your designs. In fact, analogous are
Triadic colours are those that are evenly spaced out around often found in nature and are always harmonious and
the colour wheel, as though you're looking at an equilateral pleasing on the eye. Just make sure you have enough
triangle. These colour combinations tend to be quite vibrant, contrast in your chosen analogous scheme, i.e. use one
even if you opt for paler versions of your hues. Similar to dominant colour, the second as a support and the third as an
analogous, it's important to achieve harmony and balance accent.
between the three colours that you choose – so one 3. Triad
dominant, while the other two should be Triadic colours are those that are evenly spaced out around
accents. the colour wheel, as though you're looking at an equilateral
4. Split-Complementary triangle. These colour combinations tend to be quite vibrant,
A variation of the complementary colour scheme, the split- even if you opt for paler versions of your hues. Similar to
complementary technique takes a base colour and then uses analogous, it's important to achieve harmony and balance
the two adjacent colours as its complement. Again, this between the three colours that you choose – so one
scheme delivers high contrast combinations but they're not dominant, while the other two should be accents.
considered to be as harsh. 4. Split-Complementary
5. Rectangle A variation of the complementary colour scheme, the split-
With the rectangle, or tetradic colour scheme – you'll use complementary technique takes a base colour and then uses
four colours arranged into two complementary pairs, the two adjacent colours as its complement. Again, this
creating rich and beautiful combinations. Just make sure you scheme delivers high contrast combinations but they're not
let one colour be dominant. And pay close attention to the considered to be as harsh.
balance between warm and cool colours for your designs. 5. Rectangle
6. Square With the rectangle, or tetradic colour scheme – you'll use
The square colour scheme is similar to the rectangle, four colours arranged into two complementary pairs,
however this time, you've got all four colours evenly spaced creating rich and beautiful combinations. Just make sure you
around the colour wheel. Just like the rectangle scheme, let one colour be dominant. And pay close attention to the
you've got to allow one colour to play the dominant role. balance between warm and cool colours for your designs.
And watch out for the harmony between warm and cool 6. Square
colours and secondary colours, for example yellow-orange, The square colour scheme is similar to the rectangle,
redorange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green and however this time, you've got all four colours evenly spaced
yellowgreen. And because you mix primary and secondary around the colour wheel. Just like the rectangle scheme,
colours, that's why tertiary colours get their two word you've got to allow one colour to play the dominant role.
names. And watch out for the harmony between warm and cool
Warm colours – red, orange, yellow and variations of these colours
three colours – are vibrant and full of energy. Cool colours – f. Form
green, blue and violet – offer calm and tranquility, and a figure having volume and thickness. An illusion of a 3-
they're often more subdued than warm colours. dimensional object can be implied with the use of light and
White, black and grey – on the other hand – are considered shading. Form can be viewed from many angles.
to be neutral.
Tints, Shades and Tones Simply put – tints, shades and In addition, visual design principles are also of equal
tones are basic colour importance in portraying an effective message. The
References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules
principles include consistency of design, balance, harmony, e. Color – determined by its hue (name of color), intensity
contrast, rhythm, perspective and center of interest (purity of the hue), and value (lightness or darkness of hue).
Color and color combination can play a large role in the
Visual Design Principles are: design. Color may be used for emphasis, or may elicit
Consistency emotions from viewers. Color maybe warm, cool, or neutral.
Consistency of margins, typeface, type style, and colors is It plays a major role in our visual perception, as it influences
necessary, especially in slide presentations or documents our reactions about the world around us. It is therefore
that are more than one page. important to create color palettes that evoke the appropriate
Center of interest audience reactions. Color has three properties.
an area that first attracts attention in a composition. This f. Form – a figure having volume and thickness. An illusion
area is more important when compared to the other objects of a 3-dimensional object can be implied with the use of
or elements in a composition. This can be by contrast of light and shading. Form can be viewed from many angles
values, more colors, and placement in the format. Visual Design Principles
Balance a. Consistency of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is
a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. necessary,
Balance can be symmetrical and evenly balanced, or especially in slide presentations or documents that are more
asymmetrical and unevenly balanced. Objects, values, than one page.
colors, textures, shapes, forms, etc. can be used in creating b. Center of interest – an area that first attracts attention in a
balance in a composition. Harmony brings together a composition. Thisarea is more important when compared to
composition with similar units. the other objects or elements in a composition. This can be
Contrast by contrast of values, more colors, and placement in the
offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a format.
composition. Contrast shows the difference between shapes c. Balance – a feeling of visual equality in shape, form,
and can be used as a background to bring objects out and value, color, etc. Balance can be symmetrical and evenly
forward in a design. It can also be used balanced, or asymmetrical and un evenly balanced. Objects,
to create an area of emphasis values, colors, textures, shapes, forms, etc. can be
Directional Movement used in creating balance in a composition.
a visual flow through the composition. It can be the d. Harmony – brings together a composition with similar
suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to units. If for example your composition was using wavy lines
object by way of placement and position. and organic shapes, you would stay with those types of lines
Rhythm and not put in just one geometric shape. (Notice how similar
a movement in which some elements recur regularly. Like a Harmony is to Unity - some sources list both terms).
dance, it will have a flow of objects that will seem to be like e. Contrast – offers some change in value creating a visual
the beat of music. discord in a composition. Contrast shows the difference
Perspective between shapes and can be used
created through the arrangement of objects in two as a background to bring objects out and forward in a
dimensional space to look like they appear in real life. design. It can also be used to create an area of emphasis.
Perspective is a learned meaning of the relationship between f. Directional Movement – a visual flow through the
different objects seen in space. composition. It can be the
Elements and Principles suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to
a. Line – describes a shape or outline. It can create texture object by way of placement and position. Directional
and can be thick or thin. Lines may be actual, implied, movement can be created with a value pattern. It is with the
vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or contour lines. placement of dark and light areas that you can move your
b. Shape – usually a geometric area that stands out from the attention through the format.
space next to or around it, or because of differences in g. Rhythm – a movement in which some elements recur
value, color, or texture. Shape may also be organic. regularly. Like a dance,
c. Value – the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the it will have a flow of objects that will seem to be like the
contrast between black and white and all the tones in beat of music.
between. Value can be used with color as well as black and h. Perspective – created through the arrangement of objects
white. Contrast is the extreme changes between values. in twodimensional space to look like they appear in real life.
d. Texture – the way a surface feels or is perceived to feel. Perspective is a learned meaning of the relationship between
Texture can be added to attract or repel interest to a visual different objects seen in space.
element. Visual texture is the illusion of the surfaces peaks
and valleys, resulting in a feeling of smoothness or Common Visual Media File Types
roughness in objects. 1. The JPEG format is virtually synonymous with digital
photography. This is owed to the fact that the standard
References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules
offers what basically is an unlimited color palette. Best files. Examples are H.26N series, Quicktime, DivX, MPG,
for: Photographs and graphics that involve gradients or MP4
other broad color ranges. Avoid it for: Logos and line
drawings. According to purpose
2. The oldest of the three, GIF images have been around - education, entertainment, advertising
since the late 1980s. The compression format is lossless,
which means that you can save the file over and over and According to source
the quality won’t degrade. These are strong advantages to - personal, social media, media companies
the standard, as a GIF file takes up significantly less space
than an uncompressed image while not sacrificing quality. According to audience
Best for: Logos, simple graphics, animations and video - private or public; directed or general
clips where image quality isn’t a high priority. Avoid it
for: Saving photos, printed documents or graphics that Basic methods on determining the credibility of motion
need a large color palette. media:
3. Youngest of the image formats, the PNG standard is a - Validity of information – Is it peer reviewed and
bit of a mixed bag. It’s not a format that you’ll use all the verifiable
time, but it does have its uses. Best for: (PNG-8) - Source - Primary or secondary source? Does the video
Situations where you might otherwise use a GIF but don’t capture the actual event or does it simply present
need it to animate, or when you need better transparency information learned about an event
functionality than a GIF. Avoid it for: (PNG-8) Anything - Relationship of the author to the event – Does he have
that needs animation or where file sizes need to be firsthand knowledge
minimized. Best for: (PNG-24) High-resolution or high- - Technical methods of detecting tampering/fake video:
contrast • Smoothness of video – This is often detected
images that will ultimately make their way to print, or when movements are not smooth; when action seems to
similar images for web use that require transparency. jump from one position to another, as if some action was
Avoid it for: (PNG-24) Photos that will be hosted on the missing
web. • Lighting coverage matches - One way to detect
lighting matches is to look at the shadows; the source of
Quarter 2 Lesson 5: Motion Media and Information light determines the size and direction of the shadow
• Scale and size consistent- scale refers to how the
There is no universally adopted definition of motion size of the objects in reference to one another are near the
media. Motion media in essence is visual media that gives real thing. If the picture is reduced or enlarged by a certain
the appearance of movement. It can be a collection of percent then all of the objects should be resized by that
graphics, footage, videos. It is combined with audio, text percent. Objects that are far away are usually smaller than
and/or interactive content to create multimedia. objects that are nearer.

In motion media, each picture is a frame and that motion Advantages of motion media and information:
is created by rendering or showing consecutively several • It captures motion in a manner that can be viewed
frames per second. Twenty-four (24) frames per second repeatedly
makes for a smooth animation. The series of graphics or • It can show processes in detail and in sequence
images follow a sequence to create a story. This sequence • Simulations allow for safe observation
is called a storyboard. • It can cut across different cultures and groups
• It allows scenes, history, events and phenomenon to be
Motion media can be produced formally and informally. recreated
Informally produced motion media are created by • It enables learning with emotions
individuals often for personal use. Formally produced
motion media are created by professionals.

It also includes formats, types and sources. Limitations of motion media and information:
• Compared to other forms of visual media, the viewer
According to format cannot always interrupt the presentation.
- Animations- animated gifs (Graphic Interchange • It is often times more costly than other forms of visual
Format), Flash, Shockwave, Dynamic HTML media.
- Video formats/Video Codecs – motion media use large • Other data may be presented best using still images.
resources. Codecs compresses and decompresses video Examples are graphs, diagrams, maps.
• It is subject to misinterpretation
References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules
user's inputs in turn affect the program's outputs.
Design principles of motion media and information Interactive media engage the user and interact with him or
revolve around the following essential elements: her in a way that non-interactive media do not. Websites
• Speed can be constant or variable. The tone of the and video games are two common types of interactive
movement can be highlighted by the speed coupled with media. Interactive websites refer to an Internet page that
music. A fast movement gives vigor and vitality, uses different kinds of software to create a interaction
intensifying emotions. A slow movement connotes between users and its content.
lethargy, solemnity or sadness.
• Direction can indicate a movement from one direction to Interactivity refers to the communication process that
another. It can also refer to the growing or shrinking of an takes place between humans and computer software. The
object. As objects move, the background must remain in most constant form of interactivity is typically found in
scale with the object. games, which need a continuous form of interactivity with
• Motion Path refers to the route that the object will take. the gamer. Database applications and other financial,
It shows the change in direction of a movement. It is engineering and trading applications are also typically
important to note the triggers to the change in direction of very interactive.(Definition taken from Investopedia). One
an object. These triggers are often key objects or events in area where interactivity is most useful is in online
a story. training. Interactivities in this area allow learners to
• Timing can be objective or subjective. Objective timing interact with the course in terms of action and/or thinking.
can be measured in minutes, seconds, days, etc. Subjective
timing is psychological or felt. Objective timing is used to Interactive media platform includes the following:
produce subjective timing. Timing can be used to clarify Mobile apps - a software application developed
or intensify the message or the event. Using a pause can specifically for use on
help time the events. small, wireless computing devices such as smart phones
and tablets, rather than desktop or laptop computers.
These elements when used with other forms of media and 3D TV - a television display technology that enables a
information such as audio, visual and people media create threedimensional effect, so that viewers perceive that an
movement that convey different emotions, impact and image has depth as well as height and width, similar to
results. objects in the real world.
Video games - (multi-player) a game played by
Design principles in creating movement. electronically manipulating images produced by a
• Speed, direction and timing should depict natural laws of computer program on a television screen or other display
physics. This included trajectories, impact on objects and screen. Multi player games allow two or more players to
reactions of the environment. play with one another or play together.
• Timing affects recall. Fast movement sends much Role-playing games - (RPG) a game in which players
information Slow movement provides emphasis and assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting.
lasting recall. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within
• Transitions are used to switch between scenes. Having a a narrative, either through literal acting or through a
clear start and finish in your motion path or scenes. Using process of structured decision-making or character
neutral colors at the start or end of a scene is a good development Massively
method for creating the right mindset.
• Sound and color adds depth and meaning to movement. Multiplayer Online
• Cartooning your graphic and text provides dynamic Role Playing Game (MMORPG) - any story-driven online
movement. This can be done by using the following video game in which a player, taking on the persona of a
movements: stretching, rotating, squashing character in a virtual or fantasy world, interacts with a
• Blurring can be used in different ways. In animation, large number of other players. Interactive websites
blurring can provide the illusion of fast movement. In (pools, surveys, exam)
videos, it is often used to censor information for security
or decency. Virtual reality and immersive environments the computer-
• Always review the purpose of the movement. Movement generated simulation of a three dimensional image or
is not added for the sake of it. environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly
real or physical way by a person using special
Quarter 2 Lesson 6: Manipulative/Interactive Media electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen
and Information inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

Interactive Media is a method of communication in which Social media websites or online services where users
the program's outputs depend on the user's inputs, and the (actual people) are
References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules
the creators and consumers of the content, and where Furthermore, another concept related to Interactive media
social interactions is the Manipulative Media. In an article of Manipulative
(commenting, liking, posting, talking) are the main Media by Tabura, M., Robles, R., et al. The following
features of content. Examples are Facebook, Twitter, concepts were discussed.
Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, etc.
Ways of interacting with the Internet: MANIPULATIVE MEDIA
a. Online shopping - compare prices; compare features of —Manipulatives in the context of education are physical
similar items; add to cart; choose payment type; track tools of teaching, engaging students visually and
delivery; get advice from experts; search products; check physically with objects such as coins, blocks, puzzles,
local availability; get product recommendations. markers,etc.
b. Online gaming - choose a game; play with computer; —The use of manipulatives is constructivist because
play with others; choose a level, in-game, customization, students are actively engaged in discovery during the
etc learning process. A teacher provides the materials along
c. Online classes - interact with content; interact with with a basic directions, but students should be allowed to
instructors; interact explore the materials and ask questions before and during
with classmates. the lesson”
d. Chat group - chat; search groups; search friends;
e. News and information - exchange information; give TRADITIONAL MANIPULATIVE MEDIA
reaction; news on demand; monitor views. —Traditional Manipulative Media is actually being used
f. Videos - choose your own adventure; get multimedia in certain schools, wherein they use different materials
content; experience game elements. that the students can use to have a hands-on experience
regarding the lesson.
Types of interactivity and their purposes: VIRTUAL AND DIGITAL MANIPULATIVE MEDIA
a. Click on images —With the dawn of the digital age, education should keep
b. Hotspot - a special region to act as a trigger to another up with the interests of the 21st century learners. And in
web page. The hotspot could be a circle, triangle, order to do so, education have been merged with
rectangle or polygon. technology in such a way that students can learn more
c. Rollover - an image or portion of an image that changes with the aid of these devices.
in appearance when the mouse cursor moves over it.
d. Tabs - clicking on them displays a relevant content with
e. Timeline - a menu slide that branches to different MANIPULATIVE MEDIA
f. Numbers/processes - the number of clicks and the time ADVANTAGE
spent in an interactive function provide data points. -Hands on learning
g. Slideshow - non-linear interactive slideshow where the -Increase confidence & motivation for learning type
pathway through the show is determined by the user's learning
interaction with it. -Opportunity for collaboration
h. Frequently asked questions (FAQs) -Multisensory
i. Flip cards - a card that when clicked flips to display a -Variation in learning
description and other information. DISADVANTAGE
-Not available for everyone
Emerging interactive media: -Dis interest on discussion
Interactive television also known as ITV or iTV. A form -Expensive
of media convergence, adding data services to traditional
television technology. Throughout its history, these have VIRTUAL AND DIGITAL MANIPULATIVE MEDIA
included on-demand delivery of content, as well as new ADVANTAGE
uses such as online shopping, banking, and so forth. ITV -Hands on learning
enables the viewer to issue commands and give feedback -Increase confidence & motivation for learning
information through an electronic device called a setup -Plenty of resources
box. The viewer can select which program or movie to -Engaging
watch, at what time, and can place orders in response to -Attention grabber
commercials. New setup boxes also allow access to email -Flexible and easy access
and e-commerce applications via the internet. -No clean up needed
References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules
DISADVANTAGE Easy to create. Static media is created once and publish to
-Not available for everyone multiple channels. It does not need any maintenance. Easy
-Distraction to control. People who view static media can’t change it.
-Dependence on them All they can do is share it or comment about it. This is an
advantage for websites representing regulated industries
Quarter 2 Lesson 7: Multimedia Information and who must review and approve all the content they publish.
Media Focused message. Static media is good for sending
messages to your customers, or for presenting ads. This
“Multimedia means that computer information can be includes content that conveys a focused and consistent
represented through audio, video, and animation in message.
addition to traditional media. If we divide the multimedia Cons:
into its component part, we will get multi-meaning more Boring. Static media may be good enough for your
than one, and media - meaning form of communication. A website first-time visitors. Returning visitors will be bored
field concerned with the computer-controlled integration with seeing the same page again, and your site quickly.
of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images No interaction. Here is rarely interaction between the user
(video), animation, audio, and any other media where and the website when media is static. Not mobile-friendly.
every type of information can be represented, stored, Static media like long texts or PDF files are difficult to
transmitted, and processed digitally”. (Dave Marshall, view on a mobile screen.
2001)Multimedia and Information is comprised of various
elements as follows: The advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic media
Elements of Multimedia Personalized experience. This is with dynamic media,
1. Text personalized content
2. Audio adjusted to your user’s online behavior will encourage
3. Video repeat visits and subscribers. Website promotion. Search
4. Animation engines, like Google, will promote websites with fresh
5. Image and dynamic content. Flexibility. A dynamic media which
customized the website content according to the user’s
The above mentioned elements are classified into Static device.
and Dynamic Media. Interactive. It is a website using dynamic media which
Web Development & Technology Resources published an responds to user behavior by presenting multimedia
article by Amy Lee, content, including video and audio, that is relevant to their
titled “Dynamic and Static Media: What’s the interests.
Difference?” reports the following: Cons:
Higher costs. Dynamic media has costs related to the need
There are two categories of media based on the way in to continuously produce high-quality media content.
which content is displayed on a website: Organizational changes. Switching from static media to
Static media—this refers to content that doesn’t change. dynamic media requires organizational change. Requires
For example, an analysis tools. When dynamic media is used, you will
advertisement in a newspaper or magazine is static, need to monitor your website activity to optimize it for
because it remains as printed. It will be the same every conversion rates. Furthermore, Multimedia system has
time we view it. Static media can also refer to those parts four characteristics:
of your website that rarely change. It may include landing - Multimedia systems must be computer-controlled
pages, homepages and white papers. - Multimedia systems are integrated
Dynamic media—content that is constantly updated and is - The information they handle must be presented digitally
interactive. It appears on websites, online forums and - The interface to the final presentation of media is usually
social media feed. A website is considered dynamic when interactive
it is frequently updated or changed. Dynamic media can In evaluating a multimedia product, two major aspects
facilitate interaction between users and a business or that are of prime
product. Social networking websites like Facebook and importance: technology and content.
Twitter all use dynamic media to gain feedback from their
users so they can improve their experience and make them Below are selection criteria that can be used to evaluate
spend more time on their applications and websites. multimedia:
The advantages and disadvantages of Static media Target Audience
Pros: Who are the possible users?
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What aspects of the users are to be considered? (persons Evidence related to courses taken, programs of study, etc.
with disability, Writing samples (which might include several drafts to
language barrier, reading level, culturally-sensitive, etc.) show development and improvement)
Sender / Author
Who is the author of this multimedia product? Projects prepared for class or extracurricular activities
How credible is the author? Evidence of creativity and performance
Key content Evidence of extracurricular or co-curricular activities,
What is the tone (authoritative, informative, encouraging, including examples of leadership
enticing, etc.) Evaluations, analysis and recommendations
of the multimedia product? Types of ePortfolios
Is the information correctly presented? Showcase/Professional ePortfolios — These ePortfolios
Purpose are primarily a way to demonstrate (showcase) the
Does it meet the objectives of the topic? highlights of a student’s academic career.
TECHNOLOGY Learning ePortfolios — These portfolios are typically
Form / Style created by a student as part of a course as a way to
What are the elements (text, sound, images, animation, demonstrate learning and the learning process. These
etc.) used? portfolios are often shared with other students to elicit
Do the elements help in conveying the message? peer feedback. Learning portfolios support the idea of
Do the elements follow the different principles of design? formative feedback as an essential part of the learning
Is it pleasing to the eyes? process.
Do the sound and video run smoothly together? Another creative media form in today’s time is the Digital
Medium / Format museum, a platform that utilizes computer and
Is the selected format commonly used? information technology on which cultural relics and
Is it easy to use? historical collections can be preserved and displayed in
Does it allow the user to cancel or return to an action? digital format.
Are the instructions easy to use?
An article titled “Media Technology and Museum
In addition, Multimedia is used in various way including Display: A Century of Accommodation and Conflict”
the advertisement, art, education, entertainment, (n.d) by Alison Griffiths included the following
engineering, medicine, mathematics, business, and information on digital museums. Since the mid-1980s,
scientific research. Study the information provided below electronic media have assumed an ever greater presence in
as to the uses, advantages, and limitations of multimedia. museums of science, technology, natural history, and art.
[1] For the most part, museum directors and curators have
Quarter 2 Lesson 8: Evaluating Creative Multimedia embraced new interactive technologies for their promise
Form to democratize knowledge, to offer contextual information
on exhibits, and to boost museum attendance. Corporate
MULTIMEDIA FORM sponsors and donors of museum technology are interested
As defined, multimedia is a combination of text, graphic, in new media for their own reasons; with their logos
audio, animation and video that is delivered interactively emblazoned on interactives kiosks and published gallery
to the user by electronic or digitally manipulated means. guides, corporations have been increasingly active in
However, other forms can also be used to present an sponsoring shows, specific gallery spaces, or donating
information such as museums, theatre and electronic equipment.
portfolio. The above mentioned forms were first used in [2] Museum visitors, especially children and young adults,
the 20th century as a platform of information delivered in [3] have frequently responded enthusiastically to
a creative way. As time passed by, bringing technology interactive exhibits, even coming to expect them as an
allows people to experience first-hand information. integral part of the museum experience.
Electronic portfolio (E-portfolio) is a record of things that [4] Curators supporting the new technology argue that
the owner has done over a period of time. (UNESCO, interactive CD-ROM stations offers flexibility and new
2011). CLEMSON University published an article titled solutions to the problem of representing complex ideas
“The What, Why and How of ePortfolios” (2020), which and processes; as Kathleen McLean argues: "They can
states the following: activate an otherwise static exhibition with sound and
An ePortfolio is a collection of work (evidence) in an moving images; provide a variety of view points; engage
electronic format that showcases learning over time. visitors in multi-layered activities; and encourage and
support interaction among people in an exhibition."
An ePortfoloio may contain all or some of the following: [5] Digital technologies have found a home in the modern
Files of various formats (text, pictures, video, etc.) museum in the forms of interactive touch-screen kiosks,
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CD-ROMs, computer games, large-screen installations
and videowalls with multiple images, digital orientation
centers, "smart badge" information systems, 3-D
animation, virtual reality, and increasingly sophisticated
museum web sites.
[6] Such technologies have changed the physical character
of the museum, frequently creating striking juxtapositions
between nineteenth-century monumental architecture and
the electronic glow of the twentyfirst-century computer
screen. Via the World Wide Web, the museum now
transcends the fixities of time and place, allowing virtual
visitors to wander through its perpetually deserted
galleries and interact with objects in ways previously

MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules

References: MIL Second Quarter SOCCSKSARGEN Region Modules

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