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( Thought And Modernization Effort )
Dosen Fakultas Ushuluddin IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang


STATE LIFE Abul A’la al-Maududi is one of Islamic renovators in India-
Pakistan by his effort makes Islam as basic and identity for man life individually
and has a state. An interesting one from al- Maududi is his consistency and
ability to join and compose all his modernization thought becomes an integrating
system that based on Islam. He offers consistently that Islam is as alternative and
basic of life. Especially, Islamic political teory which built by al- Maududi in
Pakistan is impressed an unique one. The uniqueness of that political teory is
located in basic concept which confirms that sovereignty is in power of God not
in power of man. With his idea in political teory, al- Maududi took over West
modern sovereignty concept and said that sovereignty is just in power of God

Keywords: God, sovereignty, man, state, life

Abstrak. Al-Maududi ; Islam sebagai Landasan Kehidupan Individu dan

Negara. Abul A’la al-Maududi adalah salah seorang renovator Islam di india
dan Pakistan dengan usahanya menjadikan Islam sebagai landasan dan jati diri
bagi seorang dalam kehidupan sebagai individu dan anggota masyarakat.yang
menarik dari al_Maududi adalah sikap konsisten dan kemampuannya untuk
menggabungkan dan memadukan seluruh pemikiran modernisasinya menjadi
suatu sistem yang terintegrasi berlandasakan kepada Islam. Beliau
mengemukakan secara konsisten bahwa Islam menjadi pilihan dan dasar
kehidupan. Khususnya teori politik Islam yang dibangun al-Maududi terkesan
menjadi suatu yang unik. Keunikan teori politiknya terletak pada konsep dasar
yang menegaskan bahwa kedaulatan berada pada kekeuasaan Tuhan bukan
kekuasaan manusia. Berdasar ide teori politik tersebut, al-Maududi mengadopsi
konsep kedaulatan modern barat dan menyatakan bahwa kedaulatan hanya
berada di tangan Tuhan.

Kata Kunci : Tuhan, Kedaulatan, Manusia, Negara, Kehidupan

History in its reality doesn’t of dimension of time, space, and
only appear volley of last event, but interaction process between cultural
also as reflection of man socio- facet, so historical event in certain
cultural that accumulated by time phase owns isolated logic ( Suyatno
and certain place dimension. Because Kartodirdjo, 1987: 1 )

Wisyly, Al- Maududi On Islam As Basic In Individual And State Life 21

Although each historical unity, More then that if they are as

phase has its own logic, it doesn’t the decision makers for state wisdom
mean that can be made a ( John L. Esposito, 1994 ).
generalization of the historical phase The modernists in India each
and next one are cut off, but on the of them has own role, intentionally
contrary one and each other are as a or not, in forming Pakistan. From the
chain that are not cut off - tied row of Moslem Modernists in this
strongly in spectrum of historical continent, al- Maududi is one of
dialectic. productive figures who provides his
Thus, in this case - the modernization ideas. His writings
growth modernization thought of always encourages the readers to
Moslem in India – faces new wood think more prospective, and as the
bark which referred by decreasing writings of modernists, al-
political force of Mughal’s Maududi’s writings always appears
government in facing the shake of controversy. But by the controversial
politics and economics fluctuation. writings then he can be sturdy as the
At one side, it was dominated by thinker and fighter of Islam that
stronger of British influence and at hardly to be found its similarity at
other one, majority of Hindu India the end 14th century and at the early
with all of their need is also be threat 15th century (M. Amin Rais, 1994:
against Moslem. 5).
To understand these both The interesting one of al-
condition and position, then the Maududi’s writings, explained by M.
Moslem modernists were interested Amin Rais, is the consistency of his
to appear that begun by Syah thought and ability to integrate and
Waliyullah, at the end of 18th century combine all of his modernization
then continued by Sayyid Akhmad thought becomes a system of real
Khan, Sayyid Amir Ali, Iqbal, Ali integral thought. Not all of Moslem
Jinnah, and al- Maududi. Although intellectual agree with al- Maududi’s
the share which committed by the thoughts, but they consistently
figures at he end, 0n August 15th confess because of his writings then
1947, got achievement gloriously Moslem people can see obviously
namely the bearing of Pakistan as that Islam is a comprehensive
independent State for Moslem system. It also bears consciousness
(HarunNasution, 1975, 204-205), but that there are Islamic economic
it doesn’t mean the end of all. system, Islamic political system,
Islamic social system, and others.
Of course, for the new
appearing state, there are many Not less than one hundred
internal problems that must be thirty eight books had been written
managed. The Moslem modernists by al- Maududi, and all of them are
do hardly how to bridge separating about the largest problems ( M.
valley between traditional Moslem Amin Rais,1994: 6 ). To realize this
and secular modernists. This matter, so the following written
condition that has been formed is as analysis just focused in three his
open wide valley to threaten Moslem modernization thought as mentioned
22 JURNAL ULUNNUHA, Volume 3, Nomor 1, Maret 2014, hlm. 20-28

above. Although it isn’t the communications. His desire in

representative one, but this writing politics arises and grows in age of
also involves other aspects of his twenty. In this young age, al-
thought. Maududi launched publication of his
brilliant work al- Jihad fil Islam, a
GLANCE BACKGROUND OF smart and sharp book that talks about
AL- MAUDUDI’S BIOGRAPHY Islamic law in war and peace. This
Abul A’la al- Maududi is a his book was proved got great
contemporary Moslem thinker. He attention from various circles,
known over his writings and ideas. includes figures of Islam modernists
He was born on Rajab 3rd, 1321 in India, especially from Muhammad
coincides with September 25th, 1903 Iqbal ( AminRais, 1994: 7-8 ).
at Aurangabad Hyderabad Dakka. He
In 1933, al- Maududi
derives from family whom he
published magazine monthly –
considers direct descendant of
Tarjuman al- Qur’an – as media and
Khawajah Qutbuddin Maududi
distributor against his ideas. By the
Cishty, a founder of association of
publishing of the magazine, he
mystic Cishty that its teachings
criticized philosophy of life of
accomplished Indo- Pakistan
Western modern which is very
continent by his student Khawajah
secular and emphasizes that it is
Maunuddin Ajmeri. So that, his
contrary to Islamic philosophy of
family stated that he derives from
life. A reasonable one why al-
Maududi, the holy Hadis narrator
Maududi’s idea is interested by a
who came to India together with
great deal of community because the
Muhammad bin Qasim (Mariam
methodology which used by him is
Jamilah, 1973: 3 ).
new and fresh, namely to see the
Al-Maududi’s father is a problem which discussed from
solicitor. He has good relationship perspective of Western and Islam
with Sayyid Ahmad Khan, but he world experiences, then observes it
feels disappointed against England by al- Qur’an and Sunnah. Let alone,
ruler and its occupation. When he al- Maududi has good knowing for
was sixteen years old his father both fields mentioned later ( Amin
passed away. Since that time, his Rais. 1994: 7-8 ).
spirit of life doesn’t decrease but on
As a Moslem modernist, al-
the contrary, especially the time
Maududi had concentrated all of his
which devoted to pursue knowledge(
strength and thought actively to firm
Mariam Jamilah, 1973: 5 ).
the building of Islamic state that is
A great deal of knowledge suitable with Islamic doctrine. It was
obtained by al- Maududi is able to be proved by him when he has moved to
said because of his own hard effort Pakistan after this state appears 1n
and is also guidance of smart 1947. Life line which covered by
scholars in that time. Since young him determined for religion and
age – in twenty years old - he had Moslem people. He is never absent
been interested by journalistic and in offering Islam as alternative for
ever became editor from some mass Moslem people that is being faced by
Wisyly, Al- Maududi On Islam As Basic In Individual And State Life 23

confused ideology, phylosophy, and Peril which threatens al-

social- politics. He concentrates Maududi is not as serious problem
against various dimensions of for him in truggling; because he has
islamic doctrine, especially which strong faith not only quality but also
relates social and politicsproblem. In quantity that is more then what had
his struggle to build this Islamic ever owned by his predecessor to
wish, al-Maududi never behaves in struggle for resurrection of Islam.
optimistic and pessimistic Only age that borders al- Maududi’s
excessively. With his firmness, struggle activities. He passed away
heartedness, and acheavement, al- in 1979 in Buffalo hospital New
Maududi receives pet name from York- USA in 76 years old ( Fauzi
some groups by predicate reformer, Rahman, 1993: 88 ).
revivalist, fundamentalist, and
conservator ( Amin Rais. 1994: 10 ). MODERNIZATION THOUGHT
Even though al- Maududin
A. Islamic Economic Principles
only gets beginning education from According to al- Maududi,
his parent and environment, but he Islam had established some
ever sits and studies in Darul ‘Ulum principles and derermined certain
University. His understanding borders for posture, deed, and man
against verious knowledges be linear purpose in economic activity
is able to deliver himto be a famouse (economic target ). Until all kind of
figur and modernist. He is one of exchange production and richness
leaders in Pakistan who proved in all distribution conform to measurement
of his deeds that he is serious against of Islam which based on justice and
what he mentions (Maryam Jamilah. equalization. The goal of Islamic
1973:10). It is impressed strongly economy can be known that
that all of his owning in some fields whatever form and mecanism of
of knowledge integrates in necessity economic effort committed must be
how to bear his religious thought. based on its principle in all condition
This fact can be tracked down not and age ( Abul A’la al- Maududi,
only from his writings and 1967: 66-67 ).
propagations but also from practical
efforf which committed by him. For According to Islamic view,
instance, after in many cases he Allah SWT created world and all are
criticises government’s policy, in implicit in it for man. So that, it is
1961 he togather with 209 Moslem birth right of man independently
theologians protests and prosecutes attempts and obtains part of
on married law that its content sustenance of this world. Everyone
forbids polygamy and forbiden for has right on equal chances in
husband not divorce his wife economy. Certainly this principle
unilaterally must be uprooted. The gives meaning that Islam never will
result of al- Maududi’s struggle can ratify difference which bears
be seen when all of judges agreed to personal monopolyor certain class on
set up Islamic lawin 1967 ( Maryam foodstaff and others which needed by
Jamilah. 1973: 34 ). man for life ( Abul A’la al-Maududi,
1967: 67 ).
24 JURNAL ULUNNUHA, Volume 3, Nomor 1, Maret 2014, hlm. 20-28

Of course, it is the right of for the needs of vested interest and

everyone to commit effort and to endless power. Absolutely, there is
obtain the part of various life no place for these ones in Islam
resources that bestowed by Allah (Abul A’la al- Maududi, 1967: 72 ).
SWT. for all mankind on this earth.
3. Social Justice in Individual Life
It also means that Islam also There is no principle in Islam
guarantees there is no effort in this that desires an economic competition
economy sector except to give same where it occurs in a cold impartiality,
occasions and fair chances to netral moral that is full of weakness
everyone. of people.Islam considers as an
Islamic economic principles important one if each of participant
which was brought to the front by al- in economic competition behaves
Maududi, then can be seen from sympathetic behaviour and pays
some aspects, namely: attention each other. By its moral
teaching, Islam in one side wants to
1. Right of Owning
establish mutual understanding and
All resources which prepared
respect each other in Moslem
by God in earth are able to be
peoplein assisting their weak
profited directly by man and its
relatives. In other one, Islam also
result can be taken which as long as
wants to build a permanent
needed. Whole which yielded from
institution in community to
earth can’t be monopolized by
guarantee assistance and support for
whoever. It is not just when the
those whom they need. By this way,
things which created by God then
those whom they are not able to take
plundered and becomes individual
part in economic competition, their
property but not to be advantageous
part can be guaranteed by the
for human being.So, right of absolute
institution ( Abul A’la al- Maududi,
and durable owning is not permited
1967: 73-74 ).
in Islam ( Abul A’la al-Maududi,
1967 : 67 ). For individual position in
community, Islam desires an
2. Equalization Problem
equilibrium among them. By this
Equalization that becomes
way, can forward personal freedom
faith of Islam is equalization in
that doesn’t destroy against
opportunity which given for life and
community needs but positively can
struggle to reach peaceful and
contribute its growth. Islam denies
prosperous life. Islam hopes there is
politic and economic organization to
no obstructions both functional and
enlarge personal identity into identity
traditional side in societythat can be
of community and to loot from
obstacle for someone in effort to
essential freedom for proper growth
suitable life-his ability and talent.
of individual and his talent ( Abul
There is nothing of social A’la al- Maududi, 1967: 21 ).
differences that its goal how to keep
specialties of one class, tribe, nation, B. Islamic Political System
dynasty or class of people. Islam also There are three principles as
never accept ideology which serves the basic of Islamic political system,
Wisyly, Al- Maududi On Islam As Basic In Individual And State Life 25

namely Tauhid (Unity of God ), legislation namely verse. Besed on

Risalah ( matters concerning Prophet this determination, we can’t commit
Muhammad ), and caliph ( Abul A’la modification against law which
al- Maududi, 1967: 40 ). decided by God although the
Tauhid means that there is no planning of that modification was
creator except Allah swt., one who agreed by all the representative
maintains, and the ruler of the members for instance. The Third, for
universe and everything in it either the government that implements its
organic or inorganic. He is the basic regulation from God as
owner of sovereignty. Just He has the explained by His Prophet, it’s
right to command and to forbid. The obligatory to have obedience of
main thought of al- Maududi is about people. Because that state principly
aqidah, whatever is committed has acts as politics institution that puts
precious worship and it’s free from laws of God into force (Al- Maududi,
practicing polytheism as the real 1994: 21- 22).
containing of tauhid (Abul A’la al- Following one, the second
Maududi, 1946: 1). principle of Islamic political system
Whole the principle of tauhid is Risalah (matters concerning
repeals concept of law sovereignty prophet). This Risalah is medium
and policy of mankind eather where we receive the law of God by
individual nor collectively. No one it (Abul A’la al- Maududi, 1967: 42).
can claim as the owner of The Third principle of
sovereignty, either family or Islamic political system is Khilafah.
community. Nothing but Allah swt is According to Arabic big dictionary,
sovereign, and all His commandsis word ofkhilafah means
law in Islam and Islamic law itself representation. Position and place of
(Abul A’la al- Maududi, 1967: 41). man on this earth, in Islam, is caliph
Based on verses of al- Qur’an position or vice of God.
confirms that Allah is the owner of At least, there are two
the highest authority and fundamental circumstances about
sovereignty. It is also confirmed that Allah’s statement in Holy Qur’an
just Allah has a right to creat law (al- (QS 24: 25 ) on giving khilafah from
Qur’an 12: 40). Based on this God to believer and pious man,
resource, al- Maududi reduces some namely: The first, Islam uses
principles below: The First, There is khilafah as key word but not word of
no one - individually, collectively or sovereignty or others. Because the
all dwellers of state – can claim real sovereignty is God’s possession.
against sovereignty. Just Allah that The second, the power to manage
holds sovereignty in real meaning. earth, to prosper it, how to manage
The function of all mankind just as state and to prosper people is
executor of God’s sovereignty. The promised to all of believers not to
Second, God is the real law- giver; individual or a certain class ( Abul
only He has the right to make A’la al- Maududi, 1994: 32).
legislation obsolutely. Man is Logical consequence from
allowed to make legislation as long the meaning of khilafah where all
as it isn’t opposite to its basic believers are as the place of khilafah
26 JURNAL ULUNNUHA, Volume 3, Nomor 1, Maret 2014, hlm. 20-28

residing. Each Mukmin is as caliph risalah. From this dot where

of God on earth and its suitable with democracy starts in Islam.
his individual capacity. Both of This is one of al- Maududi’s
fundamental problems that reasons – founder of Jama’at- i-
mentioned above can be understaood Islami - that his attitude and Ulama
as the basic of democracy in Islam. are alike in opposing to establish
How to know the form of Pakistan ( Abul A’la al- Maududi,
Islamic thought on politics which 1971: 113 – 115 ); but when this
established in Islamic political state had been establihsed he decided
system, so for that one can be to stay in it – he takes over modern
explained: sovereignty concept and states that
only Allah has sovereignty in Islam
1. Democracy in Islam
Each individual in Islam either in policy or legal. So that, he
society tastes rights and power from had been considered as architect in
that divinity representative and in formulation of law in Islamic state.
this case each man is equal. There is According to al- Maududi:
no one exceeds others or plunders Islam is antithesis of west
someone from his rights and power. secular democracy. The basic
Some institutions for performing of west philosophy is people
matters of state which established are sovereignty. In it, kind of
suitabale with desire of individuals legislative power absolutely
and state’s power just a growth determines values and norms
togather with individual powers that of behaviour and it’s located in
deligated to him. Their opinion is hand of people. Law making is
desicive in establishing government their proregative right and
that must be performed by their legislation must correlate with
adviceand is suitable with their wish. their desire and view. Islam
Those who has their trust, then he never acknowledges philo-
commits tasks and duties of khilafah sophy of people sovereignty,
on behalf of them. If he loses this but bases its state on the
trust, he must stop while bowing his foundations of God sove-
head against their wish. In this reignty and people repre-
detailed description, Islamic sentation ( Abul A’la al-
political system is a form of perfect Maududi, 1977: 132 ).
democracy, of course its as perfect as 2. Purpose Of Islamic State
democracy itself ( Abul A’la al- Al- Qur’an states obviously
Maududi, 1967: 44 ). that the meaning and the purpose of
So, In society as described Islamic state is an effort to build,
above, they endure responsibility of maintain, and extend virtues which
the caliph as representative of all and wished by the creator of world. Its
each member takes part in that divine target is how to build harmonious
caliph. Because there is no one can life of man in this world and escapes
be caliph and also class or dynasty, from all vice forms ( Abul A’la al-
then the power of the caliph just as Maududi, 1967: 45 ).
award for all level of people after This goal then, according to
they agree tauhid principle and Al- Maududi can also be interpreted
Wisyly, Al- Maududi On Islam As Basic In Individual And State Life 27

to some need targets of the state’s must not be altered, namely to base
purpose itself, namely: First, to avoid its policy on juctice, truth and
appearing of exploitation among honesty but not on the contrary; it
man, group, and class in society. means to use power and authority
Second, to save the freedom of that based on cruelty. Because all of
economy, politics, education, and them, according to al- Maududi, will
religion, and to protect all people of be responsible for Allah at last
state from strange invasion. Third, to judgement day
build equal social justice system as
needed by al- Qur’an. Fourth, to CONCLUSION
make state as place for living which Whatever its reason, then can
is fullfilled by repose for each state be said that focus of modernization
resident by putting law into force thought that performed by the figurs
without discrimination (Abul A’la al- of Islam renovators in India-
Maududi, 1994: 31 ). Pakistan is effort how to make Islam
Al- Maududi also explains as basic and identity for Moslem life
that state in Islam is just as tool for individually and has a state.
modernization that goes on Consciousness and movement to this
continually. State, constitution, and purpose is clearer and more visible,
all other set of state affairs are made when Moslem in this continent feel
for the needy of people but not truly there is big threat from inluence
people must serve without reserve, of west imperialism- England, and in
then the state becomes fascist and other side is a great deal of Hindu
totaliter. It means that all sets of Population with whole of its
state, and also all state functionaries necessity.
can be altered every time when many From the row of Islamic
people necessities need it, but so far thought renovators, al- Maududi is
those ones aren’t contradiction with included as a most productive figure
Islam teaching. in uttering ideas of his
The goal of state in Islam modernization.Interesting ones of al-
neither focused for administration Mududi’s writings are his
necesssity merely nor to satisfy the consistency and competency in
need of collective from a group of joining and arranging all his
people. An important one in this case modernization thoughts become an
that Islam obligates the state to use integrated system perfectly.
all instruments of it to achieve Islam Especially, Islamic political
big wish, nemely: purity, beauty, teory that developed by al- Maududi
happiness, and prosperity for the life is unique one. The uniqueness of his
of its people ( Abul A’la al- political teory is located in basic
Maududi, 1967: 45 ). concept stated that Islam is as basic
To claim continuously that in individual and state life, and
delivered by Islam, must be followed sovereignty is in power of God not in
by implementation of Islamic man’ power. But, by his more or less
morality principles in all levels of contrasting writing then al- Maududi
society. Because by that basic the strengthens his own identity as
state puts one of political course that thinker and renovator of Islam that is
28 JURNAL ULUNNUHA, Volume 3, Nomor 1, Maret 2014, hlm. 20-28

hard to be found its matching in the early of fiften century.

end of fourteen century or in the

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