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Cici Sundari1,Zuly Qodir2,

Department of Government Affairs and Administration, Jusuf Kalla School of Government,

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Lecturer of Master's Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to see the development of Luhut Binsar Panjaitan based on #Pecatluhut
through social media Twitter. This research focuses on developing the policy set by Luhut
Binsar Panjaitan on the pricing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. This study seeks to
answer the question of the substance of the development of the Luhut case studied from
November 1, 2021, to November 10, 2021. The research method uses the Q-DAS (Qualitative
Data Analysis Software) approach with the Nvivo 12 Plus software analysis tool. The data of
this research is Twitter content, namely the hashtag #Pecatluhut. The study results indicated
negative public sentiment towards the determination of the policy made by Minister Luhut
Binsar Panjaitan on the fluctuating price of PCR and makes the general disrespect and
disappointment with his approach as seen from the percentage that shows the highest
performance is 45%. The hashtag #pecatluhut is complemented by various stories of
residents being disappointed by the policies set by minister hut. By analyzing the most
frequent words, the researcher took 20 words from #pecatluhut. The content contains a form
of public criticism that often disappoints people and has no respect for the performance and
pricing of PCR by Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.

Keywords: Trending Topic, Twitter, #Pecatluhut, Political Ethics


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perkembangan kasus Luhut Binsar Panjaitan
berdasarkan #Pecatluhut melalui media sosial Twitter. Fokus penelitian ini untuk
mengetahui perkembangan kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh luhut binsar panjaitan
terhadap penetapan harga tes polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Penelitian ini berupaya
menjawab pertanyaan substansi perkembangan kasus luhut yang diteliti mulai dari
tanggal 1 november 2021 hingga 10 november 2021. Metode penelitian menggunakan
pendekatan Q-DAS (Qualitative Data Analysis Software) dengan alat analisis software
Nvivo 12 Plus. Data penelitian ini adalah konten Twitter yaitu tagar #Pecatluhut. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya sentimen negatif masyarakat terhadap penetapan
yang kebijakan yang dibuat oleh Menteri Luhut Binsar Panjaitan terhadap harga PCR yang
berubah-ubah dan membuat masyarakat tidak respect dan kecewa atas kebijakannya
terlihat dari persentase yang menunjukkan kinerja memiliki jumlah paling tinggi 45%.
Tagar #pecatluhut dilengkapi dengan berbagai cerita warga yang dikecewakan oleh
kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh menteri luhut. Melalui analisis kata yang paling sering
muncul peneliti mengambil 20 kata dari #pecatluhut. Konten tersebut berisi bentuk
kritikan masyarakat yang sering membuat masyarakat kecewa dan tidak respect terhadap
kinerja dan penetapan harga PCR yang dilakukan oleh Menteri Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.

Kata kunci: Trending Topic, Twitter, #Pecatluhut, Etika Politik

Penulis Korespondensi

E-mail : cicisundari06@gmail.com
Introduction Politics is the face on behalf of the
people and religion at the expense of
Political ethics in the practice
its values . Therefore, politics is
of democratization is now an urgent
always a symptom that manifests
and exciting study for at least two
human beings in the context of their
reasons; firstly, the phenomenon of
development process (Korstanje &
political course suspected of having
Strang, 2017). Ethical marginalization
gone off the beaten path of political
takes place seriously and, in such a
ethics and public morality. Second,
way, experiences a shift value due to
the emergence of a new awareness in
global information transactions and
our society to strive to build a
pragmatic-materialist mindsets and
democratic community, good and
mindsets that impact the erosion and
clean governance based on ethics
marginalization ethics. As a result, the
(Runi, 2003). Public policy-making is
political elite is no longer used to
a crucial function of a government.
reference acting and behaving
Therefore, policymakers' ability and
(Journal 8.Pdf, nd). The primary
adequate understanding of the policy-
problems in politics today are with
making process are essential for
politicians, policyholders, or leaders
realizing fast, appropriate, and good
who have been given power. This is
public policies. The power and
because they are representatives of
knowledge of policy-making
the community. But the fact that often
procedures must also balance with
happens is that evil politician who is
public policymakers' understanding
hopeful betray their positions. Many
regarding the authority they have
crimes were committed, such as KKN
(Sunday et al., 2013). The concept of
(Corruption, Collusion, and
man as a political being shows that
Nepotism), violence, drugs,
political thinking is based on man's
defamation, slander, blasphemy, and
essence and the process and outcome
various forms of failure of modernity
of political activity in a government's
(1384 ,‫)رازی‬. In connection with the
political system. This means that
above, the background of this
humans must be the criteria or
research problem is based on the
measures and goals. Although in
existence of academic anxiety, which
politics, people may underestimate
is quite strong in me. Almost every
the fact that humans are ambivalent,
day, Indonesian people witness
power wherever and whenever is
various issues that arise in their lives
always used well and abused
(Politik et al., 2021). And this
(Prawira & Irawan, 2021). Therefore,
problem is almost always related to
since time immemorial, humans have
political ethics in the endless world
tried to oppose the abuse of power,
government, including #pecatluhut,
especially those carried out by those
which arises because of public
who hold political power (Fatile,
anxiety about the policies made.
2013). Politics is interpreted as a
(Parmudi, 2017).
process of seizing, maintaining, and
preserving power through a
mechanism that is agreed upon (and
violated) by the perpetrators, both
Political Ethics in Public
individual and group actors
(Kurniawan, nd). Politics is a
phenomenon related to humans who In realizing a country with a
permanently live in society. He is a democratic society, the participation
social being who always lives and aspirations of the people will be
dynamically and develops by nature. very much needed in the
administration of government. The The community. In
substance of democracy in the connection with the low utilization of
context government itself is local institutions, a careful
implementing a government based on introduction and understanding of
the aspirations and will of the people. various dimensions of community life
Thus, the smooth channelling of and local culture is a must that needs
people's aspirations plays an to be addressed together (Darmawati,
essential role in democratizing a 2020). Political ethics reflects the
nation (Publik, 2017). Public policy is attitude of a good and responsible
a series of actions determined and leader because of his ability to act
implemented by the government with under the words that he has said. As
specific objectives for the benefit of Bung Karno said, "unite words with
the community. Suppose a state actions." The political elite should
government provides services imitate Bung Karno's expression, but
orientation to the public interest or it turns out that these elites are not;
public needs. In that case, the in fact, these elites cannot maintain
government must consider serving the spirit of Bung Karno's teachings
the public to act as a public service themselves (Yunus, 2018).
that organizes public services (Roles
& Society, 1945). The pattern of Political Ethics
government has changed from Political ethics included in the
centralized to decentralized. People's social ethics group discusses moral
involvement in political and norms that should lead to attitudes
development processes in the and actions between humans. Almost
regions, including people's all human obligations go hand in
participation in making local legal hand because they are social beings.
regulations (Perda), is very dominant Political ethics does not offer a
(Sukayat, 2015). normative system as the basis of the
To achieve the country's goals, state (Maloko, 2013). Ethics is
the government needs to choose reflective; it contributes ideas about
action steps to do or not do how life's problems can be faced but
something. Not doing anything is a does not offer advice on how to solve
public policy because it is an effort to them. Thus political ethics questions
achieve goals, and this choice has the the responsibilities and obligations of
same impact as the choice of steps to humans as humans and not as
do something to the community. citizens to the state, to applicable
Policy statements in speeches and laws, and so on (Issue, 2021).
discourses expressed by political and Because human goodness as a human
government officials immediately being and human integrity as a citizen
follow up with government programs are not identical, the function of
and actions (Suwitri, 2008). The political ethics is limited to providing
quality of public services is driven by theoretical thoughts to question and
bureaucratic machines that are explain political legitimacy in a
difficult to access and the low- responsible, rational, objective, and
performance bureaucracy in argumentative manner (Eck, 2021).
Indonesia, which still provides Therefore, political ethics is a
services to the public, even at the subsidiary in helping that the
level of policy-making that does not discussion of ideological issues can be
fully involve local communities, by carried out objectively. It is based on
utilizing local potential. Wisdom arguments that can be understood
(local culture). and responded to by all parties who
understand the problem. Political namely #Pecatluhut. Nvivo 12 plus in
ethics can provide benchmarks, this study is sentiment analysis,
orientations, and normative graphs, and word cloud analysis. The
guidelines for those who want to use of Nvivo as an analytical tool has
assess political order and life quality five stages: (1) data capture, (2) data
by measuring human dignity import, (3) data coding, (4) data
(Bismark, 2013). In addition, political classification, and (5) data display
ethics can function as a means of (Sundari et al., 2022). The data that
ideological criticism (not the state has been displayed submitted to the
and law) in the form of understanding data with qualitative data analysis
and legitimacy strategies that methods. This study uses Q-DAS
underlie state administration (Azhar, (Qualitative Data Analysis Software)
2012). So political ethics can only Nvivo 12 plus to collect and analyze
help people's efforts to embody the data with sentiment analysis, graphs,
noble state ideology into actual and cloud word analysis (Abraham &
political reality, for example, by Thampi, 2013).
reflecting on the essence of social The purpose of this study was
justice and how power should be to observe the development of the
handled to be compatible with human case of Luhut Binsar Panjaitan
dignity. Management should be regarding the pricing policy of the
sought for its own sake and as a tool polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test
to serve human ends. Political power conducted on the public in Indonesia
can and must relativize for the benefit through Twitter social media. The
of the people (Eid & Ward, 2016). At focus of this research is the delivery
all levels of politics, power must be of information through social media
used to serve, not to dominate, in conveying the development of the
regardless of personal commitment. Luhut Binsar Panjaitan case
Power and domination are by no regarding the pricing policy of the
means synonymous. Based on this polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test
thought, ethics is a challenge for carried out on the public in Indonesia,
politicians. The need for political which studied from November 1,
ethics to control political 2021, to November 10, 2021. This
management and abuse of power by study seeks to answer the question of
institutions is a fundamental problem the substance of the Luhut Binsar
of state theories (Topan, 2013). Panjaitan case regarding the pricing
policy of the polymerase chain
METHOD reaction (PCR) test carried out on the
public in Indonesia.
This research analysis
software uses Nvivo 12 plus. Nvivo 12
Results and Discussion
plus as a qualitative analysis tool
displays data in a quantitative form The use of social media to send
called qualitative to quantitative and receive information is
analysis (Sundari et al., 2022). The increasingly being used by both
qualitative approach explores and individuals and institutions such as
describes the development of the educational institutions, government,
Luhut Binsar Panjaitan case and businesses (Budiman &
regarding the pricing policy of the Widiksono, 2018). Twitter is a
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test microblogging service site that sends
carried out on people in Indonesia and reads someone's latest status.
(Kurnaedi et al., 2021). The data of Some of the functions of hashtags in
this research is Twitter content, Twitter are a medium for searching
and displaying information more
efficiently and as a marker for active
or trending topics (Sundari et al.,
2022). Lately, social media has had a
significant role in various accesses to
modern life. In the world of politics,
social media is used as a tool to carry
out political agendas, such as political
campaigns leading to specific issues,
as well as tools for propaganda
(Simanjuntak, 2021).
Tweets allow users to share
Figure 1. Sentimen #pecatluhut
what is being done or felt,
conversations, information sharing,
The topic that has been in the
and news reporting. In general,
spotlight lately means the viral
tweets post things about users and
hashtag #pecatluhut. Through social
share information (Nurhuda et al.,
media Twitter, thousands of people
2016). The media can also create
thronged and expressed their
conditions that support the
disappointment with the policy on
development of trust and reciprocity
PCR pricing made by Luhut Binsar
among citizens, public agents, and
Panjaitan, the Coordinating Minister
clients who can unite and engage in
for Maritime Affairs of the Republic of
collective action to encourage
Indonesia. According to the data
disclosure and enforcement of secrets
displayed, it can be seen that the
between policies issued by state
negative sentiment of residents
officials (Darwis et al., 2020).
towards Luhut is getting stronger.
Social media sentiment is a form
This negative sentiment can be
of implementing positive or negative
interpreted as a disappointment that
feelings depicted on posts or
residents cannot dam. Negative
engagements on social media. That
sentiment dominates the hashtag
sentiment is also that all conditions of
#Pecatluhut using a percentage of
social media exposure do not always
15.05%. The sentiment is quite
positively impact. Nowadays, civil
negative on its own, as much as
disobedience often occurs on social
45.69%, using the number towards
media (Schradie, 2018). The
its negative of 60.74%. Only 39.26%
government's failure to implement
came from the hashtag #pecatluhut,
trustworthy and fair law enforcement
which stated that the public had no
as a momentum for the rise of civil
objection to the hashtag.
society to voice their rights (Ong et
The form of people's distrust
al., 2016). This situation is easy to
policies made Minister Luhut binary
understand using the government's
Panjaitan finally fraudulent behaviour
repressive actions to respond to
towards law enforcement in
people's demands (Neumayer &
Indonesia hashtag #pecatluhut is not
Rossi, 2016). The increasingly
just a conversation at a coffee shop a
widespread use of social networks
public evaluation from the
such as Twitter makes the social
government to improve setting
network very large. One of the uses of
policies that have taken root there.
this data is to find out the opinions or
What needs to be improved is the
sentiments of social network users on
enforcement of rules in the field of
a topic.
investigation. There has been a new
norm in recent years when the
investigation and investigation reports are very diverse. Such as
process is closed. This leaves room violence, gratification, assault, sexual
for abuse of authority. Abuse of assault, and shooting by officers. The
power currently has the potential to reason so many cases are not
occur. There is almost no open space followed up. For example, there are
for the public; both the complainant no witnesses, evidence, and leads
and the reported objected. There are resolved internally and quietly. There
at least 12 issues that are not allowed are obstacles in revealing the
by the police from June 2020 to characteristics of the perpetrators
October 2021. The cases that are not and several other reasons for the
allowed to circulate at the Polsek, case.
Polres, and Polda levels with problem

Twitter Social Media Analysis collection techniques captured

Content based on Hashtag through Ncapture to produce various
#pecatluhut activities using #percumalaporpolisi.
Researchers use the Capture feature
Accurate insights from social
because it allows researchers to
media such as Twitter can be
obtain tweets uploaded by Twitter
obtained if users view the tweets on
users simultaneously, so in this study,
Twitter every day. Due to a large
tweets were collected by utilizing this
number of tweets and fast growth, it
facility. The first tweet text analysis
is impossible to do this manually
analyzes the frequency of word
without the help of computer-based
tools. Researchers used data

Variable Output makes Total

People not respect
1: Performance 45% 45%
2: Policy Setting 35% 35%
3: Communication 20% 20%
4:Total 100%' 100%
Source: Coding Analysis via NVivo 12 plus Software

Based on the Crosstab Query- the performance Minister Luhut,

Rate on the #pecatluhut variable, this which makes the public disrespectful,
explains Minister Luhut binary secondly, it can be seen from the
Panjaitan's policy which makes the portion of policy setting, 35% the
public have no respect for Luhut's community considers that the policy
performance. Duties and decisions made by Minister Luhut are
responsibilities are the main tasks, fluctuating, as can be seen from the
functions, ideas, and work PCR pricing. Finally, it was seen from
achievements. The results of the Communication which had the lowest
Crosstab Query-Rate for the percentage because the public
#pecatluhut variable based on considered Minister Luhut's
consideration explained that the Communication to be good for
emergence of the #pecatluhut handling Covid-19 cases.
hashtag was initiated from the
public's disappointment with the
policies made by Luhut. Based on a
much higher percentage, namely 45%
Figure 2.
Wordcloud visualization for frequently used words #pecatluhut

Based on the results of Word Binsar Panjaitan's criticism must be

Frequency, it can be seen that the used as a form of attention and input
most frequent word content from the for introspection or self-
hashtag #pecatluhut is the hashtag improvement. A government that
#pecatluhut itself. The hashtag was must be professional, transparent,
often accompanied by stories of and responsible for the positions
people being disappointed by the assigned, all government agencies
policies set by Minister Luhut Binsar must be careful to set policies and
Panjaitan. By analyzing the most their performance. Continue to
frequently used terms, the researcher improve professionalism, be
considered the 20 most commonly transparent and always make policies
used words in #pecatluhut. The that ease the burden on the
content contains a form of public community for the good of the
criticism that often results in angry country and the Indonesian nation in
people over the PCR price-fixing case the future.
that likes to change. Minister Luhut


Social media is critical as public opinion with various

Communication about every incident, meanings. This opinion is believed to
including forms of community be accurate data because public
rejection. This study aims to see the opinion is formed from an outpouring
development of Luhut Binsar of emotions, existing opinions, or
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through social media Twitter. media. Twitter, which is used to
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