HTML & JavaScript Revision - 1

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30/07/2023, 12:18 HTML & JavaScript Revision - 1

HTML & JavaScript Revision - 1
30 Questions DATE :

1. What is formatting in HTML?

The HTML contains six types of headings

There are some HTML tags that don't
A B which are defined with the <h1> to <h6>
need a closing tag.

Content is placed between tags to display a process of format the text for a better
data on the web page. look and feel

2. What is a style sheet?

A style sheet is used to build a consistent,

It is used to define content aside from
A B transportable, and well-designed style
the content

It is used to define a container for

C To create a multicolor text on a web page D
navigation links

3. Which of the following is not an application of javascript

A Client-side validation B Dynamic drop-down menus

C Transport data in a network D Displaying clocks

4. Is JavaScript case sensitive language?

A Depends on the platform B No

C Depends on the browser D Yes

5. What is the output of the following script?

function display() { document.writeln(10+20+"30"); } display();

A 102030 B 30"30"

C 3030 D 60

6. You should save HTML files with which file extension?

A .html B .index

C .webpage D .htm
? 1/5
30/07/2023, 12:18 HTML & JavaScript Revision - 1

7. Which of the following is the largest heading?

A h2 B h4

C h6 D h3

8. Which is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break?

A <b> B <break>

C <br> D <lb>

9. Which of these is a loop?

A text(x,10;10) B var x=10;

C if(x<10) D while(x<10)

10. When we are done with a line what do we put at the end?

A a semi-colon ; B a period .

C a colon : D a quotation mark "

11. What does a closing tag look like?

A << >> B <\ >

C </ > D <>

12. Which tag would you use for an ordered list?

A <li> B <ul>

C None of the above D <ol>

13. Which tag would you use to insert a image?

A <img src> B <br>

C < a href> D <marquee>

14. Indicates the beginning and the end of a JavaScript section.

A <article> </article> B <script> </script>

C <style> </style> D <html> </html> 2/5
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15. Which keyword do we need to define a function?

A function B method

C onclick D functionName()

16. Which 1 of the following symbols is used for JavaScript comments?

A ? B //

C \\ D ^

17. What type of variable is

var typeOfApples="Fuji";

A String B Boolean

C Int D Float

18. How can a developer show a pop-up message to the user?

A alert B console.log

C prompt D <p> tag

19. Which message will the user see?

A "Hello user" B "Goodbye user"

C "message + user" D No message

20. How do I declare a new variable?

A Variable int = new Variable(); B var newVariable = 5;

C var 5 = myVariable; D int var = 5;

21. What is CSS used for?

A formatting script correctly B server side scripting

C client side scripting D styling web pages 3/5
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22. What will be the output of the following Javascript code?

var string1 = "WadJava";
var intvalue = 30;
alert( string1 + intvalue );

A Exception B WadJava30

C WadJava 30 D 30

23. Which of the following is not a valid JavaScript variable name?

A javaandjava B _java_and_ java _names

C None of the above D 2java

24. Which of the following is correct to write “Hello World” on the web page?

A System.out.println(“Hello World”) B print(“Hello World”)

C document.write(“Hello World”) D response.write(“Hello World”)

25. Google, Bing and Yahoo are all examples of what?

A Web browsers B Search engines

C Text editors D Web engines

26. HTML attributes always appear where?

A After the closing tag B In the closing tag

C Between the tags D In the opening tag

27. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge are all examples of what?

A Search engines B Text editors

C Web Browsers D Websites

28. Web Standards are decided on by who?

A Microsoft B Google

C W3C D Apple

29. Which is the correct HTML element for underlining text?

A <under> B <u>

C <uline> D <ul> 4/5
30/07/2023, 12:18 HTML & JavaScript Revision - 1

30. What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink?

<a <a

C D <a></a>
href="">W3Schools</a> 5/5

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