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Good eve

Why are u people looking sad? I know we failed in the project but its okay to fail failiure is
the stepping stone of success. We will put all our efforts and succeed in the upcoming project.
Lets have a break I will motivate you with a story about muniba mazari . you might know her
I will tell the life changing story of her Muniba mazari is a Pakistani who is an artist, model
and motivational speaker.
- she was 18 years old when she got married.
She belong to a very conservative family, where
good daughters never say no to their parents.
her father wanted her to get married,
and all she said was, "If that makes them happy,
"she will say yes." And of course, it was never a happy marriage.
Just about after two years of getting married,
she met with a car accident.
Her husband managed to jump out, saved himself.
But she stayed inside the car,
and she sustained a lot of injuries.
The list is a bit long. her right arm was fractured,
the wrist was fractured, shoulder bone and collar bone were fractured,
her whole ribcage got fractured.
But that whole injury that changed her
and her life completely was the spine injury.

Those two and a half months in the hospital were dreadfu

The doctor said,she won't be able to paint again,
"she won't be able to walk again."
"Because of her spine injury
"she won't be able to give birth to a child again."
That day, she was devastated.
she started to question her existence.
Later, she started painting
People used to come and say, "What lovely painting it was
And that day, she decided that
She is going to live life for herself and
Overcomed her Fears
She won't be able to be a mother again,
and that was quite devastating for her
But then she realized, there are
so many children in the world.
All they want is acceptance.
Then she adopted a baby she
decided to appear more in public.
She started to paint.
She have done a lot of modeling campaigns.
She decided to join the national TV of Pakistan as an anchor person.
She became the National Global Goodwill Ambassador
for UN Women Pakistan, and now she speak for the rights of women and children.
She Never gave Up!
Everything is okay, but giving up should not be an option.
But Failure should be an option,
because when you fail, you get up,
and then you fail, and then you get up,
and that keeps you going.
Embrace each and every breath that you are taking,
celebrate your life, live it. and live every moment!

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