More and More Couples Are Deciding To Be "Child-Free"

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More and more couples are deciding to be "child-free", to have no children, in other

words. Some people claim that those couples reach this conclusion through entirely
selfish reasons. While others think that they came to this decision through noble
motives, such as concern about overpopulation and desire for independence.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A fraction of the society, believes that, people adopt no child policy for their personal motives
and lack sensitivity for social concerns. While, others are of the view that people come to such
conclusion for the sake of society. My essay would discuss both the views and present my
stance on the same.

According to the supporters of the first view, nowadays, couples think that having child in their
family enhances their responsibilities. This further leads to the dissatisfaction in their marital life
as they lack their personal space. For example, in case of both the spouse being working, it
becomes difficult to handle child and work altogether. Further, other relevant reason for this,
may be the financial instability. Couples facing financial crisis may drop the idea of having child
as they worry for the expenses involved in bringing up the child.

However, other group of the society thinks that, people opt for this due to their obligations
towards society. Rising population could be one possible reason. As, world is already facing the
deficiency of food and shelter. Such couples, part their contribution to reduce this burden
further. Moreover, the couples may also choose it as they seek to enjoy their independence.
This gives them opportunity to care for others and serve the deprived section of the society. For
example, we may find such child less people working for the well-being of the orphan kids.

To conclude, both the sections have their own reasons in the matter. However, I favor the
people with the first view. To reduce population, one can also go for one child policy as, it is
already adopted by China to balance its census.

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