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Hatfield Marine Science Center Educational Organization/Outreach Oregon State University's marine lab serving as a base for Newport, OR Undergrad and grad programs, for credit courses,
distinguished oceanographic research and education, providing scholarships, internships, research opportunities (both
academic programs and opportunities for students in ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ paid and unpaid), resources to get connected with
secondary and post-secondary education. external programs like NOAA's Pacific Marine
Environmental Laboratory and more.
Sea-Bird Scientific Marine Industry World's largest developer and manufacturer of products for the Various WA Locations Only 1 internship found (sensor and data, seasonal
measurement of salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved posting). Weighted towards technician positions for
oxygen, fluorescence, pH, and more oceanographic parameters ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ other careers - 1 MS preferred position available at time
research and environmental water quality monitoring in natural of search.
NOAA-funded Ocean Exploration Research/Lab One of 20 NOAA Cooperative Institutes, bringing together the Various US Locations Internship is offered in the form of an Explorer-in-
Cooperative Institute University of Rhode Island, the University of New Hampshire, Training Program as well as scholarship and fellowship
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the University of programs (fellowship is through Sea Grant). Career
Southern Mississippi, and the Ocean Exploration Trust in an opportunities are through NOAA and NOAA Corps.
integrated ocean exploration enterprise to accelerate
exploration through the development of new ocean ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

technologies and operational concepts, field testing and
refinement of new technologies, and the application of new
and existing systems and approaches to explore the vast,
underexplored regions of the ocean.
SR3 Sealife Response, Rehab and Nonprofit Non-Profit in the Pacific Northwest dedicated to improving Pacific Northwest Region, US Internships and volunteer opportunities available, no
Research marine wildlife health and welfare. ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ fellowships found at time of search. Careers are few at
this time.
National Marine Fisheries Service Government Agency/Research AKA NOAA Fisheries Service - Works to conserve, protect, and Coastal areas across the US Internships, fellowships, volunteer citizen science opps,
manage marine resources. Assesses and predicts fish stocks, vast array of careers available.
ensures compliance with fisheries regulations and reduces
wasteful fishing practices. Recovers protected marine species
such as whales and turtles and works with local communities ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

through six regional offices on fishery management. The two
main functions of the NMFS are regulatory and scientific
Pacific Northwest National Research/Lab A national lab with Pacific Northwest roots and global reach, Tri-Cities, WA Internships, undergrad/grad positions, and fellowships
Laboratory PNNL advances the frontiers of knowledge, taking on some of Seattle, WA available.
the world’s greatest science and technology challenges. Portland, OR
Distinctive strengths in chemistry, Earth sciences, biology, and Sequim, WA ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

data science are central to their scientific discovery mission. College Park, MD
Oregon Sea Grant Government Agency Addressing regional and national strategic issues through an Newport, OR Part of NOAA's Sea Grant College Program. Large range
integrated program of competitive, rigorously reviewed of careers in Oregon and many other states. Paid and
research, public outreach and engagement, and ocean and unpaid internships available through Summer Scholars
coastal education. Program and Oregon Applied Sustainability Experience,

️ ✔
️ ✔
️ as well as scholarships.

NOAA Government Agency American scientific and regulatory agency within the United Various US Locations Internships, undergrad/grad/fellowship programs,
States Department of Commerce that forecasts weather, training courses, grant provision, and various available
monitors oceanic and atmospheric conditions, charts the seas, career opportunities.
conducts deep sea exploration, and manages fishing and ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

protection of marine mammals and endangered species in the
Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute Nonprofit/Research A non-profit scientific research organization committed to Mission Bay, CA Offering paid and unpaid internships, post-doctoral
conserving and renewing marine life to ensure a healthier Carlsbad, CA fellowships, and research assistant positions. Careers
planet through innovative and objective scientific solutions. Melbourne Beach, FL ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ vary between management and technician positions,
HSWRI operates out of San Diego, CA, Carlsbad, CA and few at this time.
Melbourne Beach, FL.
Marine Advanced Technology Educational Organization Helping prepare America's future workforce for ocean-related Various Locations Globally Great resource to check for a compiled list of
Education (MATE) occupations by utilizing information from employers to improve internships, workshops, and jobs both nationally and
and develop educational programs with a focus on marine ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ globally.
MOTE Marine Laboratory Nonprofit/Research An independent, nonprofit, marine research organization that Sarasota County, FL Internships, research opportunities, and
aims to advance marine science and education, supporting Boca Grande, FL fellowship/postdoc programs available. Variety of
conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. Florida Keys ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ careers available for BS, MS, and PhD level candidates.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Education Organization At UC San Diego, one of the most important centers for global San Diego, CA Research internships, undergrad/grad/postdoc research
earth science research and education in the world. Work to La Jolla, CA opportunities, paid student positions available, various
understand and protect the planet by investigating our oceans, Remote careers open (focused around at-sea positions, data,
Earth, and atmosphere to find solutions to our greatest admin, and sales).
environmental challenges. Lead research in climate change ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

impacts and adaptation, resilience to hazards, conservation and
biodiversity, oceans and human health, national security, and
innovative technology to observe the planet.

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Environmental Consultancy A marine environmental consulting firm serving clients in the Stuart, FL No internships found. A handful of positions available,
offshore energy, defense, and telecommunication markets, only a couple for ocean science BS/MS at time of search.
providing marine scientific consulting and operational support ✔
️ ✔

for a range of multidisciplinary marine projects in the U.S. and
NOAA Corps Government Agency A scientific agency overseen by the Department of Commerce Various US Locations No internships, research opportunities, or fellowships
made up of officers scientifically and technically trained in found at time of search. Career positions require
engineering, earth sciences, oceanography, meteorology, ✔
️ applicants attend 19 weeks of basic training prior to
fisheries science, and other related disciplines. being assigned to a NOAA ship for up to 3 years of duty.

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Environmental Consultancy an interstate compact agency that helps resource agencies and Various Locations in WA, OR, and Regularly holds conferences but no internships,
Commission the fishing industry sustainably manage our valuable Pacific CA fellowships, or research opps. Careers are largely
Ocean resources in a five-state region including California, ✔
️ fisheries technicians along the western coast.
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska.
Conservation International’s Center Nonprofit Work with governments, communities, civil society and Various Locations Globally Internships and lots of ocean-related career
for Oceans businesses to manage large ocean areas in an integrated opportunities at time of search.
manner, balancing the ways that people interact with nature — ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

from food production and resource extraction, to tourism and
Consortium for Ocean Leadership Nonprofit A consortium of the leading ocean science and technology Various US Locations Internships and fellowships available. Variety of careers
institutions from academia, aquaria, and industry advancing available for BS, MS, and PhD level candidates.
ocean research, innovation, education, and sound policy. ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

Kongsberg Maritime Environmental Consultancy A leading global technology group, delivering mission-critical Various Locations Globally Summer internships available as well as master's thesis
solutions to customers operating in extremely challenging collaboration opportunities. Careers are many and are
environments across a number of sectors including: deep-sea, located in various countries around the world.
digital, defence, merchant marine, oil and gas, fisheries,
aerospace and space industries.

️ ✔
️ ✔

Bureau of Ocean Energy Government Agency Promoting energy independence, environmental protection, Various US Locations Internships and fellowships available, careers are few
Management (BOEM) and economic development through responsible, science-based but relevant (scientist, biologist, technician positions).
management of energy and mineral resources on the nation's
Outer Continental Shelf.

️ ✔
️ ✔

US Department of Transportation Government Agency The DOT agency responsible for supporting the technical Various US Locations Internships and externships available both in person
Maritime Administration (MARAD) aspects of America's waterborne transportation infrastructure -- (Washington, DC) as well as remotely - must be enrolled
things like ships and shipping, port and vessel operations, in or have completed on academic year of legal
national security, environment, and safety. education at a law school in the US. No fellowships or
further research opportunities found outside of careers.

️ ✔
️ ✔
️ Few positions available at this time, varied between
technician and admin.

Schmidt Ocean Institute Nonprofit/Research Non-profit foundation advancing oceanographic research, At-Sea Offers a student-at-sea program for undergrads and
discovery, and knowledge, and catalyzing sharing of Remote grad students to take part in seagoing research projects
information about the oceans. as well as access passes to on-board research facilities

️ ✔
️ and equipment. Very few positions available for careers,
centered at sea (chef, seafarer, steward/ess).
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Government Agency A state economic development agency dedicated to Boston, MA Internships available, no fellowships found (MS students
accelerating the growth of the clean energy sector across the eligible to intern, but PhD students are not). Career
Commonwealth to spur job creation, deliver statewide positions are few and management-based (Financial
environmental benefits and to secure long-term economic Controller, Program Mgr, etc.) at time of search.
growth for the people of Massachusetts. MassCEC works to ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

increase the adoption of clean energy while driving down costs
and delivering financial, environmental, and economic
development benefits to energy users and utility customers
across the state.
Safe Harbor Marinas Marine Industry Building a one-of-a-kind boating network amongst some of the Coastal areas across the US No internships, research opportunities, or fellowships
most sought-after waterfront destinations in the world that found at time of search. Career positions are varied
gives members access to an unparalleled boating lifestyle. ✔
️ ✔
️ between admin, mechanic services, on-deck food and
beverage, equpiment operator, etc. Could be useful for
those interested in maritime operations.
MBC Aquatic Sciences Environmental Consultancy Conducting water biological environment studies, including Costa Mesa, CA No internships, research opportunities, or fellowships
bioassay, toxicity testing, surveying, and consulting for ✔
️ ✔
️ found at time of search. Positions listed (Diver Biologist,
professional biologists. Marine Science Tech, etc.).
SoFar Ocean Environmental Consultancy Delivering large-scale ocean data to accelerate climate insights, San Francisco, CA No internships found at time of search. Careers
such as building the world’s largest real-time ocean weather Singapore weighted towards engineering, but several ocean
sensor network which provides the most accurate marine ✔
️ ✔
️ science options (entry level, BS, and PhD).
weather information and forecasts to power industry-specific
InnovaSea Marine Industry Designing and building the world's most technologically Boston, MA No internships or fellowships found. Careers are few
advanced aquatic solutions for fish tracking and fish farming. Baton Rouge, LA and are admin and engineer positions at time of search.
Bedford, Novia Scotia, Canada

️ ✔

Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc. Environmental Consultancy Experts in acquiring, analyzing and interpreting data from Norwood, NJ No internships found at time of search. Careers include
marine offshore, nearshore and freshwater environments. ✔
️ ✔
️ geology, hydrography, marine science, and admin
Risk Management Solutions Environmental Consultancy Industry-leading risk management solutions for insurers, Various US Locations No internships or student opportunities found at time of
reinsurers, financial services organizations using science, 300+ London, England search. Ocean science related careers are limited to
catastrophe models, applications, and the RMS Intelligent Risk Zurich, Switzerland modeling (mostly flood, some climate modeling).
Platform™ to help customers evaluate and manage the risks of Noida, India ✔
️ ✔

natural and man-made disasters. Beijing, China
Tokyo, Japan
Ocean Associates Environmental Consultancy Provides consulting and technical services to the US Seattle, WA No internships found but several full time positions
Government, non-governmental organizations, international Lacey, WA listed at time of search.
organizations and the private sector, specializing in scientific Long Beach, CA
program and project management, strategic planning, Santa Rosa, CA
professional support services, information technologies, and La Jolla, CA ✔
️ ✔

stakeholder engagement. Anchorage, AK
Boise, ID
Silver Spring, MD
Save the Bay Nonprofit The largest regional organization working to protect, restore, Bay Area, CA Volunteer opportunities available - no internships
and celebrate San Francisco Bay. found, student research opportunities are for K-12. This

️ ✔
️ ✔
️ company has a fellowship program. Career positions are
few but varied.
Southern California Marine Educational Organization A strategic alliance of 24 major universities, colleges, and Terminal Island, CA Internships, fellowships, and research opportunities
Institute foundations in Southern California committed to providing available. Career positions are with CSULB and are
marine expertise and hands-on experience to students at all faculty-based.
levels, to achieve the highest and most efficacious level of ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

research, to monitor the marine environment and to increase
public awareness.
US Coast Guard Government Agency Academy graduates with a degree in Marine and Environmental Various US Locations Internships for those enlisted. Research opportunities
Sciences apply their knowledge and experience to the scientific for those attending CG Academy. Careers for those that
and management issues pertaining to the protection of marine ✔
️ ✔
️ have graduated from CG Academy. CG Academy is a 4
resources. year, 2 semester/year program.
Virginia Institute of Marine Science Educational Organization Among the largest marine research and education centers in Gloucester Point, VA Undergrad internships and grad programs. Careers in
the United States, conducting research in coastal ocean and research/faculty.
estuarine science, educating students and citizens, and ✔
️ ✔

providing advisory service to policy makers, industry, and the
public - for Virginia, the nation, and the world.
Stantec Environmental Design/Consultancy An international professional services company employing Various Locations Globally Internships, apprencticeships, and grad jobs all
designers, engineers, scientists, and project managers in the available. Positions ALL over the US, with the most being
design and consulting industry. ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ in California. Positions in project management, coastal
biology, environmental and energy planning, etc.

Vineyard Wind Nonprofit An offshore wind development company currently building New Bedford, MA Internships available, no fellowships found. ExplORE
Vineyard Wind 1, the first commercial-scale offshore wind Boston, MA Program offers two-year temporary, paid mentorship
energy project in the United States. ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ positions for recent graduates looking to start careers in
the offshore wind industry. Career positions include
admin/mgmt at this time.
Marine Biological Laboratory Research/Lab Dedicated to scientific discovery – exploring fundamental Woods Hole, MA Internships, undergrad programs, research training
biology, understanding biodiversity and the environment, and courses, funded fellowships, conferences, some careers
informing the human condition through research and in research but most are admin.
education, with a steady flow of over 500 students, scientists, ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

and faculty participating in research projects throughout each
Ocean Exploration Trust Nonprofit Exploring the ocean, seeking out new discoveries in the fields of At-Sea Internship available through Nautilus Science and
geology, biology, maritime history, archaeology, and chemistry Engineering Internship Program for undergrad and grad
while pushing the boundaries of education, outreach, and students. Science Communciation Fellowships available.
technological innovation. expeditions center on scientific Career positions are few and are at-sea contract
exploration of the seafloor, collaborating with the broader ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ positions (video engineer, deck chief, etc.).
research community to identify priority regions and
phenomena, and sharing our expeditions with explorers around
the world via live telepresence.
National Science Foundation Government Agency Independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to Various US Locations Internships and undergrad research opportunities.
Marine REUs promote the progress of science, to advance the national
health, prosperity, welfare, and to secure the national defense. ✔
️ ✔

US Navy Government Agency Informing of weather patterns, preparing comprehensive maps, Various Locations Globally Internships available for those enlisted. For careers,
and watching over Aerographer’s Mates who forecast the applicants must attend Officer Candidate School (OCS)
weather. Planning an air mission, charting the best course for a in Newport, RI. Upon completion, they typically attend a
ship or identifying currents that affect a submarine underway. 5-week Basic Oceanography Accession Training (BOAT)

️ ✔
️ ✔
️ in Gulfport, MS. They also receive specialized training
that includes methods of analyzing weather conditions,
identification of common weather patterns, and
techniques and procedures of forecasting.

Xylem Marine Industry Leading water technology company committed to "solving Various US Locations Internships, micro-internships (5-40/month, paid),
water" by creating innovative and smart technology solutions hundreds of careers across the world, with US careers
to meet the world's water, wastewater and energy needs. weighted towards east coast.
Delivering highly efficient water technology solutions, industrial ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔

pumps and application solutions that not only use less energy
and reduce life-cycle costs, but also promote sustainability.

Marine Conservation Institute Nonprofit Nonprofit ocean conservation organization working to identify Seattle, WA Offers science and communications internships as well
and protect vulnerable ocean ecosystems worldwide by Washington DC as fellowship programs and resources for scholarships,
advocating for stronger protections, visualizing conservation in Glen Ellen, CA ✔
️ projects, and networking. No positions available with
the Marine Protection Atlas, and strengthening marine this company at this time.
protections through Blue Parks.
Monterey Bay Aquarium Aquarium Nonprofit public aquarium in Monterey, CA known for its Monterey, CA Internships, externships, fellowships, and career
regional focus on the marine habitats of Monterey Bay. positions available for undergrad and grad. Positions are

️ ✔
️ ✔
️ varied between technicians, engineers, strategists,
communications, scientists, management, etc.
SENEDIA Environmental Consultancy Supports defense and national security efforts in southeast Middeltown, RI Internships and scholarships available, fellowship and
New England, providing products and services for the Reston, VA research opportunities offered through partners. Career
Departments of Defense and Homeland Security as well as Newport, RI ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ positions also route through to company partnerships.
individuals who have an interest in defense and homeland
Woods Hole Oceangraphic Nonprofit World's leading, independent non-profit organization dedicated Woods Hole, MA Undergrad, grad, and postdoc programs. Paid
Institution to ocean research, exploration, and education. Our scientists internships and research opportunities for undergrads.
and engineers push the boundaries of knowledge about the ✔
️ ✔
️ ✔
️ Various careers, remote or hybrid remote available.
ocean to reveal its impacts on our planet and our lives.

The Surfrider Foundation Nonprofit A grassroots non-profit environmental organization that works Coastal areas across the US Volunteer programs, campaigns, and opportunities
to protect and preserve the world's oceans, waves and available as well as student environmental stewardship
beaches. It focuses on water quality, beach access, beach and ✔
️ ✔
️ clubs. No research, internship, or fellowship opps.
surf spot preservation, and sustaining marine and coastal Career positions include management at this time.
Phoenix International Marine Industry An employee-owned marine services contractor providing Norfolk, VA No internships or fellowships found, careers include
worldwide manned and unmanned underwater operations and Bayou Vista, LA diver, writer, and engineer positions.
engineering services to a diverse set of clients worldwide. San Diego, CA
Largo, MD

Ocean Networks Canada Nonprofit A world-leading ocean observing facility hosted and owned by Coastal British Columbia, Canada Offers student learning programs, youth science
the University of Victoria (UVic), and managed and operated by ambassador positions, project funding, educator
the ONC Society, a not-for-profit established in 2007. ONC resources, and a grad student program. Careers are
monitors the east and west coasts of Canada and the Arctic, limited.
collecting real-time, open data that deliver solutions for
science, society, and industry. ✔

Marine Technology Reporter Marine Industry The world’s largest audited industry publication, specializing in Norfolk, VA No internships or fellowships found. Careers are mainly
marine and ocean technology - providing members of the Traverse City, MI at-sea positions (surveyor, engineer, technician,
subsea industry with breaking news, events, market trends, and seaman, stewards, communications officers, control
the latest in marine technologies, including content about new officers, etc.).
products, vehicles, subsea defense, offshore energy, ocean
observation, and hydrographic surveys. ✔
️ ✔

EdgeTech Marine Industry A leading manufacturer of underwater technology solutions West Wareham, MA Careers include technicians, engineers, planners, etc. No
with in-house testing facilities. Boca Raton, FL internships or fellowships found.

Sea Research Foundation Nonprofit Nonprofit organization focused on conservation, education, Various US Locations No internships found, no MS/PhD jobs needed at this
research, and youth development. Partners with more than 100 time. BS and entry level jobs available, but not many. No
Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, school districts, and other youth- careers or resources on official website, applications go
serving organizations across the country to implement its group through external sites like Indeed, etc.
mentoring programs in the areas of science, technology, ✔

engineering, and math.

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