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Presidency School Bangalore South



I. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs given in the brackets.
1. I ______________(buy) my computer last month.
2. The weather ___________(be) awful last weekend !
3. My children ____________(go) to school every day.
4. They ___________(go) to the cinema last Saturday night.
5. Where ____________you ___________(study ) next year ?
6. My sister_______________(not like) jogging, she ___________(prefer)
7. Last night, there ______________heavy hail showers.(be)
8. I____________(learn) English and Spanish at school when I was young.
9. My washing machine _____________(break) down last Saturday.
10.If you_________(work) hard, you ________________(pass) your exam
11.My mother _________________(not work) on Mondays.
12.They_______________ games on Fridays. (not play)
13.She __________________to Steve yesterday. (not talk)
14.Stella_______________________ coffee every day. (not drink)
15.I ______________ to music in the evenings. (not listen)

II. Rewrite the following sentences using the tense indicated in the brackets.
1. He will do his work with diligence. (Simple present)
2. I followed his instructions. (Simple future)
3. The train leaves at 1 p.m. (Present continuous)
4. I will not allow this to happen. (Simple past)

Choose the correct option

1. I _______ every morning before work. [run/am running]
2. Kevin _______ the kitchen right now. [cleans/is cleaning]
3. Humans _______ about 12 times per minute. [blink/are blinking]
4. The train _______ at 12 p.m. every day. [leaves/is leaving]
5. Allie _______ at the moment. [studies/is studying]

1. She looks pretty sick. I think she ________ go to a doctor. (can/ should)

2. You've been driving all day. You ________ be exhausted! (must/ can)

3. You ________ eat so much junk food. It's bad for your health. (can't/shouldn't)

4. Hey I'm lost. ________ you help me? (Should/Can)

5. You have such a beautiful voice. You ________ sing for us! (should/can)

6. I know he speaks five languages, but ________ he speak Arabic? (should/can)

7. That looks very expensive. It ________ have cost a fortune! (must/can)

8. I ________ believe that you failed your test! (can't/shouldn't)

9. I'm on my way. I ________ be there in about 10 minutes. (can/should)

10. I ________ afford that. (shouldn't/can't)


Circle the correct form of the verbs to complete these sentences.

1. Some children (was/were) enthusiastic about the quiz.

2. My elder brother (is/are) in college.

3. George and Tina (don’t/doesn’t) agree on the matter.

4. Vineeta (live/lives) close to my house.

5. Nobody (know/knows) about this.

6. One of us (has/have) to ring the doorbell.

7. Sunaina (hope/hopes) to complete her computer course this year.

8. Arun (talk/talks) a lot.

9. Everybody (know/knows) the Indian National Anthem.

10. Aarti (drive/drives) a red car.

The sentences given below are incorrect. Correct them.

1. The train arrive at 5 p.m.

Ans: ____________________

2. He are an intelligent boy.

Ans: ____________________

3. They fights with each other frequently.

Ans: ____________________

4. They returns from Kerala tonight.

Ans: ____________________

6. Aparna talk about you all the time.

Ans: ____________________

7. We has a large garden.

Ans: ____________________

8. Sharif ride a bicycle.

Ans: ____________________


Pick out the adverbs in the following sentences:

1. We are leaving for Chandigarh tomorrow.
2. Mr. Pal pays his tax regularly.
3. The train will arrive soon.
4. Mohan has gone downstairs.
5. The boy finished the work quickly.
6. She worked hard on the subject.
7. The sun was shining brightly.
8. I have written well in the examination.
9. Sandeep has read the book before.
10.The old woman seldom smiles.

Rewrite the following sentences using the adverbs given in the brackets at proper place:
1. He goes for a morning walk. (always)
2. Rohan begins his office work at ten o’clock. (never)
3. The freedom fighter worked for our nation. (truly)
4. Alisha does her work. (neatly)
5. Sameera drives her car fast. (often)
6. Ashoka was known for his kindness. (widely)
7. The thief entered the house last night. (quickly)
8. Ruchira smiles these days. (seldom)


Put the right preposition at the right place:

1.I was born February 25, 2009 New Delhi (in, on).
2. I will go a walk you (with, for).
3. The house fire was doused water (with, on).
4. The train arrived the station time (at, on).
5. I agree you some point (on, with).
6. He stays London Crescent Road (in, at).
7. Jack sat a chair a corner (on, in).
8. I congratulate you your success the exam (in, on)
9. Your thoughts differ mine several respects (from, in).
10. I am thankful you your kindness (to, for).

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the bracket:
1. I agree….. you (to/with).
2. My brother lives….. Paris (in/at).
3. I am thankful……. you (to/with).
4. She poured the milk….. the jug (in/into).
5. I was not……. home when he came….. (at/in).
6. Be kind…….. poor people (to/with).
7. I came here…………. Sunday (in/on).
8. Amit has two other cars……….. this (beside/besides).
9. The dog sat………. the master (beside/besides).
10. Beauty does not last ……….ever (for/from).
11. The river flows…………. (under/below) the bridge.
12. He wore a cap…………. his head (on/over).
13. He carried an umbrella ……………his head (over/on).

Fill in the blanks with and/or/but/because wherever needed:
1. My father is tall _________ my mother is short.
2. Parents love children _________ children love parents.
3. The sun set _________ the darkness fell.
4. Atul has passed _________ brother has failed.
5. Vijay held the blind man’s hand _________helped him cross the road.
6. I went to his house _________ he was not there.
7. The washerman washed the clothes _________ did not iron them.
8. Sit silently _________ leave the room

Join each pair of the sentences with suitable prepositions:

1.Will you attend the class? Will you go to the movie?
2. He was punished. He was guilty.
3. I was sad. I lost my purse.
4. Work hard. You will fail.
5. Return the book in time. Pay the fine.
6. Do they work in the morning? Do they work at night?
7. I did not go to school yesterday. I had fever.
8. Tom passed. He worked hard.

Put an interjection in front of the sentence with which it would go:
_______! My dog is dead.
_______! The ship is sinking
_______! A great comeback.
_______! What is that loud noise?
_______! You have crossed the hurdle.
_______! You saved us from the disaster.
_______! What a beautiful idea.


1. Get up my (sun / son).

2. He skidded because he did not apply the (brake / break).
3. He did not have the (hart / heart) to help others.
4. The (hair / hare) has a short tail.
5. He told me the (tail / tale) of a fox.
6.The children have been playing for (two / too) hours.
7. What is the (prize / price) of the dress?
8. Please (pray / prey) for me.
9. We (peel / peal) the orange with our fingers.
10. Please (pass / pause) for a while.
11. The time is half (passed / past) ten.
12. Her face became (pale / pail) because of fear.
13. (Ore / Oar) is used to row the boat.
14. (Led / Lead) is a heavy metal.
15. Every airport has a (hanger / hangar) .
16. There is a (whole / hole) in the bucket.

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