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Name of Publication: Forbes.

Date Issued: January 04, 2024
Title: Marketing And Communicating To The Global Majority
Name of Author: Kian Bakhtiari

Summary of the Article:

The article talks about how the world of marketing is changing. In the past,
most big companies were in Western countries and they sold their products mostly
to wealthy people in those countries. Now, there are more people in developing
countries with money to spend, and companies need to start paying attention to
them. The article says that companies need to understand the cultures of these new
customers and sell their products in ways that make sense to them. This means
using the right language, images, and messages. The article also says that
companies need to be careful not to offend people from other cultures. There are
examples of companies that have done this poorly, like Dolce & Gabbana with
their ad in China.
Overall, the article is saying that companies need to change the way they
market their products in order to reach the growing number of consumers in
developing countries.

Here are my key takeaways and reflections from the article:

As someone working in HR, this article made me realize how important it is

to understand different cultures at work. We need to be aware of these differences
to talk to each other effectively, build trust, and make the work environment feel
good for everyone. The article mentioned some marketing mistakes based on not
understanding cultures, which reminds us why training on different cultures is
important, especially for people in marketing and communication jobs.

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From a management student's perspective, the article teaches us how to
adapt to a changing business world. The article says that power is shifting towards
developing countries, which is both challenging and exciting for businesses.
Companies that can understand different cultures, change their marketing plans,
and build trust with local communities are more likely to succeed in the global
market. The article also gives examples of successful companies like McDonald's
and Hindustan Unilever, showing how being sensitive to different cultures can help
businesses grow and become more recognizable.

Overall, this article is important for both HR professionals and management

students because it shows how important it is to understand different cultures in
today's world. When we learn about and respect different cultures, both individuals
and businesses can navigate the complexities of the global market better.

Submitted by:
Faith S. Agpalo

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