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Project Scope: Waste Management System Launch

Project Overview:

The project aims to launch a comprehensive Waste Management System by April 26, 2024. The
system encompasses Super Admin Dashboard, Customer App, Website, Garbage App, Dumpsite
App, Council Admin, Local Government, and Garbage Collector Dashboard.

Project Phases:

1. Phase 1: Super Admin Dashboard (Deadline: March 15, 2024)

- Development Team: 2 Front-end Developers, 2 Back-end Developers

- Estimated Weekly Hours: 80-100 hours per week

- Total Estimated Hours: 400 - 600 hours

2. Phase 2: Customer App (Deadline: April 5, 2024)

- Development Team: 2 Front-end Developers, 2 Back-end Developers

- Estimated Weekly Hours: 80-100 hours per week

- Total Estimated Hours: 320 - 480 hours

3. Phase 3: Website (Deadline: April 15, 2024)

- Development Team: 2 Front-end Developers, 2 Back-end Developers

- Estimated Weekly Hours: 80-100 hours per week

- Total Estimated Hours: 280 - 420 hours

4. Phase 4: Garbage App (Deadline: April 20, 2024)

- Development Team: 2 Mobile App Developers

- Estimated Weekly Hours: 80-100 hours per week

- Total Estimated Hours: 200 - 300 hours

5. Phase 5: Dumpsite App (Deadline: April 22, 2024)

- Development Team: 2 Mobile App Developers

- Estimated Weekly Hours: 80-100 hours per week

- Total Estimated Hours: 120 - 180 hours

6. Phase 6: Council Admin and Local Government (Deadline: April 24, 2024)

- Development Team: 2 Full Stack Developers

- Estimated Weekly Hours: 80-100 hours per week

- Total Estimated Hours: 120 - 180 hours

7. Phase 7: Garbage Collector Dashboard (Deadline: April 26, 2024)

- Development Team: 2 Full Stack Developers

- Estimated Weekly Hours: 80-100 hours per week

- Total Estimated Hours: 120 - 180 hours

Testing and QA:

- A dedicated QA/Testing team of 2 Testers will be engaged throughout all phases.

- Weekly testing and debugging sessions are planned to identify and rectify any issues promptly.

Project Management:

- A Project Manager will oversee the entire project, ensuring coordination between teams and
adherence to timelines.

- Bi-weekly check-ins will be scheduled for progress updates and issue resolution.


- 1 DevOps Engineer will be responsible for deployment, monitoring, and maintaining infrastructure.

Total Estimated Project Hours: Approximately 1540 - 2340 hours

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