Neurotransmitters Involved in Primary Emotions

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Student Name : Hadiqa Asif Roll no 14 Self Support

Submitted to : Mam Hira Liaqat

Neurotransmitters involved in primary emotions

Neurotransmitters playing an important role in the primary emotions are

1. Dopamine
2. Serotonin
3. Nor adrenaline
4. Gamma aminobutyric acid


Emotion : Happy

It is responsible for allowing you to feel pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. It plays a vital role in
reward. In the reward pathway, the production of DA takes place in the ventral tegmenten area. From
here it is released into nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex.


Emotion : Regulates mood

Its often called body’s natural feel good chemical. When it is at normal levels, you feel more focused,
emotionally stable, happier and calmer. Lower levels of Serotonin are associated with depression

Nor adrenaline

Emotions : Fight and flight

It is a part of sympathetic nervous system. It mediates physiological responses of stress and acute
anxiety. These include

1. dilation of pupils and bronchioles

2. Increased heart rate
3. Constricted blood vessels
4. Increased kidney renin secretion
5. Inhibited paristalsis

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Emotions : stress, anxiety and fear.

GABA is known for calming effect. It is thought to play a major role in controlling nerve impulse
hyperactivity associated with stress, anxiety and fear.

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