Rangkuman English Sts

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Vocabularies :

1. Happy : senang

2. Sad : sedih

3. Angry : marah

4. Tired : capek/lelah

5. Hot : panas

6. Cold: dingin

7. Hungry : lapar

8. Thirsty : haus

 How are you ? I’m happy { bagaimana kabarmu ? saya senang }

 How is he ? he’s happy
 How are they ? they’re happy
 I’m : I am
 He’s : he is
 They’re : they are
 I’m happy today { saya senang hari ini }

Vocabularies :

1. Excited : bersemangat
2. Bored : bosan
3. Relaxed : santai
4. Upset : gundah
5. Worried : khawatir
6. Surprised : terkejut
7. Sick : sakit
8. Scared : takut
9. Extreme sport : olaharaga ekstrem
10. Skydiving : terjun payung
11. Rock climbing : panjat tebing
12. Mountain biking : bersepeda gunung

 I : am
 You : are
 They : are
 We : are
 It : is
 She : is
 He : is
 are you excited ? yes, I am { apakah kamu bersemangat ? yah, saya bersemangat }
 are they excited ? yes, they are/ no, they’re not
 is he excited ? yes, he is/ no, he’s not

Bab 7 Daily Activities

Vocabularies :

eat : makan exercise : latihan

watch tv : menonton tv listen to music : mendengarkan musik

read : membaca use the computer : menggunkan computer

study : belajar play soccer : bermain sepak bola

 what is Lian doing ? he is reading ( apa yang Lian lakukan ? dia membaca )
 what are mom and dad doing ? they are watching tv
 Brian is playing soccer

Vocabularies :

 Bedroom : kamar tidur

 Livingroom : ruang tamu
 Diningroom : ruang makan
 Kitchen : dapur
 Backyard : halaman belakang
 Garage : bagasi
 Bathroom : kamar mandi
 Hall : aula

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