Big Five Inventory

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Personality Test (Big Five Inventory Test)

Hadiqa Asif

Roll no. 14


Mam Rabia Dasti

Centre for Clinical Psychology

University of the Punjab

February 21, 2022


Personality Test (Big Five Inventory Test)

Bio Data

Name H.A

Age 21

Gender Female

Education BS (Hons.) (In progress)

No. of siblings 6

Birth order 4th born

Marital status Single

Religion Islam

Reason and Source for Referral

A personality inventory was administered as a part of academic work.

Background Information

Family History

Participant belongs to nuclear family system. Her father is 57 years old. He is a doctor of

ophthalmology by profession and completed his MBBS from Faisalabad Medical University. He

has done his specialization in eye. He works in the Lahore Medicare as an Eye Surgeon. The

participant’s father has a calm temperament and he is a religious person. The participant has a

good level of understanding with her father. She has learned a lot about religion from his father

and tries to follow him in this regard.

Her mother is 54 years old. She has done her masters in Islamic studies and has also done B.Ed.

She has friendly nature. She is a very well-organized and composed lady, not very strict about

rules and she is specifically more caring with the participant out of all children.

The participant’s parents have cordial relationship with each other.

She has 6 siblings,5 sisters and a brother. She is the 4th born. Her elder sister is 26 years old.

She has completed her education and is married. She is a quite understanding person and has a

respectable place in the family after her parents. Participant has congenital relationship with her.

Her second born sister has also completed her education and is married. She is 25 years old. She

is introvert and has a moody temperament. Participant has congenital relationship with her.

Her third born sister is 24 years old. She is currently studying in a private university. She is also

moody by temperament. Participant has congenital relationship with her.

After the participant, 5th born is her younger brother who is 17 years old and is a student of

intermediate level. He is simple and has a humble personality.

The last born is 16 years old and she is also a student of intermediate level. The participant has

friendly relationship with both her younger brother and sister as well.

Generally, the home environment was reported to be pleasant. The participant has very pleasant

relationship with all his family members but now a days she spends less time with them and the

reason of this gap is her studies. Her father is the authoritative figure, but most decisions are

taken by mutual consent of both parents.

Personal History

The participant H.A is 21 years old. Her birth was normal and she achieved all her

developmental milestones at appropriate age. She is not very active and stubborn child. She was

very friendly since childhood and used to make many friends. She was a very disciplined child.

Educational History

The participant’s schooling starts at age 5 because she used to live abroad before that where her

mother used to teach her because there, in abroad, schooling system was not good. She had many

friends at school and she liked to go to school because she liked to spend time with them. She did

Matric from a private school. She reported that she had changed schools about 3 times which

caused her some adjustment issues but she settled soon and it didn’t affect her studies as much.

She had good terms with all her class fellows. She also used to take part in extracurricular

activities mostly related to studies.

After matric, she did F Sc Pre medical from a private college. She reported that she was good at

studies throughout school and in college as well, because she loved to study.

After F Sc she made an attempt to get admission in medical college but could not come up to the

merit. Currently, she is doing BS (Hons) in clinical psychology and is an average student of her


Interests and Activities


While reporting her interests the participant said that she is fond of sports and also loves to read

in her leisure time. She loved to study Urdu literature since an early age. She likes to keep herself

engaged all the time in different tasks of her interest.

While reporting about her attitude she said that she doesn’t get upset on facing problems and

always tries to manage issues on her own efforts and tries to stay relax in difficult times as well.

Moreover she also told that she is quite concerned about her actions and its effect on others and

tries not to do anything that’s wrong.

Sexual History

The participant achieved puberty at the age of 13. Her reaction to the change was normal. She

got some information about the change from her mother and some from her school.

Test Administration

The test was administered in the well-lighted room of the department. The participant was

comfortably seated across the corner of the table and the examiner was seated at the opposite

side of the table. There was no noise and room environment were distraction free as no other

students were sitting there at that time. The participant was briefed shortly before the

administration of the test that it is just for academic purpose and no information will be used

against participant. The BFI test was given to participant along with the instruction and the

participant wrote the responses according to the 44 stimuli.

Behavioral Observation

The participant was well dressed and seemed quite confident. She was relaxed during both of the

tasks i.e., case history as well as administration of the test. She completed items in sequence in

about 25 minutes. She didn’t specifically take much time on any one item except the 14th one

i.e., I can be tense… in which she responded after thinking a lot. She understood all the items

easily and didn’t ask any question while responding to the items.

Quantitative Analysis

The following table shows the raw score, mean score and standard deviation of each sub-scale.

Subscales Raw Score Mean (SD)

Neuroticism 12 16.99 (7.36)

Openness to experience 31 36.30(6.82)

Conscientiousness 29 30.25(4.99)

Extraversion 34 27.28(5.20)

Agreeableness 31 31.20(5.64)

Qualitative Analysis

The data in the table shows the results of the participant in the big five personality test. The

participant scores 12 on Neuroticism which shows that she had scored low from the 16.99 mean

value. Participant scores 31 on Openness to Experience, which shows the -1-standard deviation

from the 36.30 mean value and has scored low from average. Participant scores 29 on

Conscientiousness, which shows 0 standard deviation from 30.25 mean value and has scored

average. Participant scores 34 on Extraversion, which shows +1 standard deviation and thus has

scored high on extraversion. Similarly, participant scores 31 on Agreeableness, which 0

standard deviation from 31.20 mean value. She scored average on agreeableness.

Characteristic Traits

Participant is more towards extroversion. She enjoys spending her time reading books. She is a

deep thinker and intuitive (item no. 15). She spends a lot of time thinking about different aspects

of a situation. She perceives the world in a unique angle and used to spend time thinking about

the right and appropriate solution to a problem.

She is considerate and kind to almost everyone and likes to help others in time of need (item no.

32). She believes that helping others is an act of kindness and also an act of worship; seeing

people smile makes her day.

She was emotionally quite stable and wasn’t tense in problematic situations at all (item no. 14).

She handles difficult situations very sharply. She doesn’t show her weak points to people to give

them a chance to talk behind her.


Participant has scored high score on Extraversion, that means she has a high level of

extraversion. This means she gets energy from being around others. Studies show that people

like these don’t mind being the center of attention. Because she has traits of an extravert, she

knows when to speak up and be assertive and can find the courage to have those difficult

conversations when necessary.


The test results show that she scored low on neuroticism. She described herself as a relaxed

person. She is a confident person and is able to view problems clearly and realistically,

considering many factors. Her behavior and history showed that her neurotic traits make her

successful in her career.

Result shows she scored average on Conscientiousness. At times, she was driven and hard-

working, but at times she loves to fun. She was able to set a comfortable balance between work

and fun.

She scored average in Agreeableness. She described herself as a friendly and helpful person at

times, but when a situation arises, she wasn’t afraid to speak up. The participant’s history also

showed she is a generous person. Certain factors in the participant’s background history also

became the cause of her current personality.


The participant is found to be well adjusted with her environment. She has congenital

relationship with her family and wants to support them. Her social interactions are also healthy

as is evident from her realistic view of the world. As far as her personality is concerned, she

seems to be quite confident, goal oriented, and has a good realization of her flaws and is hopeful

to overcome them in future.

Limitations and Suggestions

 BFI is a projective technique; it gives semi-subjective scoring so the results may be


 It does not give a complete picture of person personality and stimuli that are undisguised

can be faked by the participant.

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