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Sany M.


I Moral standard
1.Honesty - is a value to build a trust in relationship or community making social interactions through
truth and reliable information.
2.Respect others – valuing the rights, dignity, and feelings of people Respect for others may take many
forms, such as listening to them, recognizing their independence, and keeping them safe.
3.Resposibility - Accepting responsibility for one's actions requires admitting the effects that one's
decisions have on other people and the environment.
4. Integrity - Maintaining a constant set of moral standards and ideals in the face of difficulties or
temptations is a necessary component of integrity.
5. Care for the abused animals - Animals can live without humans, and most of the time, humans
endanger and abuse the animals. We do not have the right to hurt animals, so caring for the abused is
necessary and should be required.
Non – Moral standard
1. Dont talk when your mouth is full – Most people get irritated when someone is talking while chewing
but it doesn’t make a person disrespectful. In some culture this is not an issue and it is simply an etiquette
2. No tattoos and piercings - The rule that says no one should be allowed to have body piercings and
tattoos is non moral because having tattoos and piercings doesn’t mean that a person wearing it is
immoral, unethical, or criminal.
3. Do not drink alcoholic beverages - As long as someone does not damage others while under the
influence of alcohol, drinking won't make them immoral.
4. Participate actively in all organizational gatherings, webinars, and events - Absence from meetings
and events has an impact on the organization, but no one is harmed.
5. If an event is formal, always dress appropriately - Because it has to do with fashion norms, this is a
non-moral standard. There is no significant harm to anyone from dressing casually for a formal event.

1. Ethics - analyzes what is ethically right or wrong, just or unfair, and investigates the reasoning
basis for our moral judgments. More broadly, ethics considers how people interact with one
another, with nature, with freedom, with responsibility, and with justice. Being a student or son
and a citizen is important for me because this is a way to good communication and good
relationship to others and way to give respect to others.
2. Moral standard - include the standards individuals have for the behaviors they consider to be
morally right and wrong, as well as the weight they assign to the categories of things they
consider to be morally good and terrible.
NON-Moral Standard - refer to regulations that have nothing to do with moral or ethical
principles. These norms are either inherently unethical or unrelated to morality.
3. According to Velasquez (2012), moral standards have various characteristics. There are several moral
standards: they should be followed over other values, such as self-interest; they are not set by
authoritative people; and they involve grave injury or benefit. Moral standards prioritize objective
analysis. Moral standards are associated with various emotions and lexicons, and they are thought to be
4. A person's beliefs influence their morals. The foundation of an individual's ability to discriminate
between right and wrong is their set of values. Morality expands on this to create particular, situation-
specific guidelines that direct an individual's actions. They are based on an individual's life experiences
and are subjective. Moral standards relate to behavior that has a direct impact on people's well-being.

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