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PEÑARANDA, Christina Marie


In a one-page reflection paper, discuss how the movie "K'na The Dreamweaver

(2014)." depicts the reality of indigenous people's situation in our country.

The film "K'na The Dreamweaver” captured astonishing cinematography and how

accurate their imitation of the T'boli tribe including their use of language. The story of

K'na a young woman from a village in the southern tribe of the Philippines. She was

chosen to act as the Dreamweaver of the tribe, it is a noble and important position in

their tribe.

K’na and her relationship with her lover Silaw who is a commoner in the village

became complicated because of her incoming marriage from the north for them to have

peace in both tribes. Silaw often ties the red abaca to the tree near K’na’s home and it

becomes the symbol of their forbidden love.

Overall, I love the cinematography of the film, the landscape of nature, and how the

actors portrayed the indigenous culture. They gave a masterpiece in showing the point

of view of the indigenous tribe.

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