QI-1022-002 543 Digital Insulation Tester

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Oy, nae VKAN PT. QUALIS INDONESIA “Zs rome scomsieo’ Calibration Laboratory “akan Qualis aad Office & aborstory Marketing Office A spprn oo. 17,endio se inowan Targang5137-INOONESA. ta Gang Nags 0.12 Kea Gang arts Uta 14280 - NOONE THtOi} S505 8/00F CGENSHGS Be P ania‘ fk)4S88 OME FOR AHS OST sn hn ones Calibration Certificate Sertifikat Kalibrasi i/1022/002 543 : IDENTITAS PEMILIK Owner Idenity Nama > PT. CITRA ELEKTRINDO MANDIRI Nome Alamat + JI. Ciakar, Kp. Cipari, RT. 01/RW. 02, Merek : CONSTANT ‘Address Panongan (Gerbang Hijau No. 38) aoe Tanggal Diterima + 12 Oktober 2022 ‘Tipe/Nomor Seri : = (201607260010 Date of Acceptance: ‘Type/Serial Number ‘Tanggal Dikalil : 14 Oktober 2022 Rentang Ukur : Tegangan :0- 1000 Date of Cobre Meosuring Ronge Resistansi :0~ 100 0 Lokasi Kalibrasi 2 PT. QUALIS INDONESIA Resolusi : 0.1,0.001 Location of Calibrated ‘Resolution Metode Kalibrasi 2 TSQ-CAL-IK-034 , 035 , 038 Alat Standar QE/17/CAL/17 Coltraion Method ‘Standard Equipment ‘Standar Acuan : In House Calibration Procedure Tertelusur : Si melalui standar Refference Standard ‘Traceability SNSU BSN asi Kalibras} Colrotion Result Hasil kalibrasi diperoleh dari rata-rata pengukuran yang terdapat pada lampiran. Ketidakpastian ini merupakan ketidakpastian bentangan yang diperoleh dari sumber-sumber ketidakpastian tipe A dan tipe B sesuai dengan JCGM 100 : 2008 “Evaluation and ‘Measurement Data-Guide to The Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement” pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% dan faktor cakupan k= 2. The caibvtion results are obtained from the average measurements contoined in the append. The aloration uncertainty is expanded from type A ond type B Luncertiney sources in ocordance wth JCGM 100: 2008 "Evaluation ond Measurement Dato-Gude to The Expression ofUncertinty in Measurement” with confidence level of 95% and coverage foctork=2. Tangerang, 15 Oktober 2022 : Manager Laboratorium Kalibrasi Calibration Li ‘Manager valis Goriaration 1NIK:05020219225 Calibration and Testing Services Complies with SN! ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Requirements ‘The results relate ony tothe items tested, This report shall not be reproduced except in ful. Do not copy ths report without written consent from authorized personnel of PT. Qualis Indonesia LE LTE TA aa ci Gk 4 tl, ley, VKAN PT. QUALIS INDONESIA KomiteAkreditasiNasionai_- Calibration Laboratory Zanes, Qualis ‘No. Sertifikat / Certificate No. Qi/1022/002 543 TTT TARA LAMPIRAN SERTIFIKAT KALIBRAS!/ ‘Attachment of Calibration Certificati on Noma Digital insulation Tester Temperature Ruang : (231£11)°C ‘ome ‘Room Temperature No.Sen =: 201607260010 Kelembaban + (6083.4) %RH ert reumnber ‘Humidity HASIL KALIBRASI Result of Calibration > _Tegangan AC @50 Hz Rentang Penunjukan Alat Koreksi ‘Ketidakpastian (4) Range Instrument indication | Correction Uncertainty ™ “ “ w ‘600 30 03 0.063 30.0 o4 0.063, 300 o 0.72 = 600 2 0.72 > _Tegangan DC = Rentang, Penunjukan Alat Koreksi Ketidakpastian (2) Range Instrument indication | Correction Uncertainty ™ ™M ™ M 1000 3.0 0.0 (0.063 30.0 00 0.063 300 ° 072 1000 a a7 = > Resistansi Rentang Penunjukan Alat Koreksi Ketidakpastian (2) ‘Range Instrument indication | Correction ‘Uncertainty © (a) (a) 1) 100 1.00 0.18 0.068 10.00 155 0.068 100.0 27 0.68 Baffion 060 —SELESAL—— “Tye rests relate only to the items tested. This report shall not be reproduced except in ful Donat copy tis report without written consent from authorized personnel ofPT. Quali indonesia PT. Qualis Indonesia || Testing, Certification, Inspection, Calibration Head Office & Laboratory Marketing Office J. Pisran No. 17, Gander Ke. atowng Tangerang 15197-INDONESIA Arta Gang Nag BlokH No 12, Kelso Gan. oars Utara 14240- INDONESIA 52s) $565 2580/8 020) $565 2489 wn andonesacom 71021) 4585 0885/87 (021) 4585 0661 wr qutndenesincon

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