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Transforme as frases abaixo na voz passiva.

1. We should clean these windows before tomorrow.

2. The workers gave the boss some owers.

3. The police followed the guys into the a building.

4. The mechanic can’t x my car.

5. The students painted the walls last year.

6. They will pick up John at this of ce.

7. You shouldn’t throw trash on the ground.

8. The teacher asked the students a very dif cult question.

9. First, we have to read the text and then, we have to do the exercises.

10. Did they repair all the windows?

11. The news surprised us all.

12. Someone sent William a mysterious letter.

13. Many people saw the concert last week.

14. Someone stole my purse while I was doing the shopping

15. My grandmother is baking a delicious cake.

16. The maid was cleaning the hotel when I came in.



2. Reescreva as frases na voz ativa.

a) Cookies are sold by Elise

b) The bakery was cleaned by my uncle
c) The book was read by his sister
d) The dinner was made by her mother
e) Milk is offered by Paul

3. Reescreva as frases na voz ativa.

a) The pair of paints can be taken by you

b) The principal must be obeyed by us
c) The door was broken by the baby
d) A cake was eaten by them

4. (Unesp) Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo signi cado de:

When children watch TV, they encounter a wide range of places, people,
and information

a) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information will be

b) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information are

c) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information is

d) When TV was watched, a wide range of places, people, and information are
encountered by children

e) A wide range of places, people, and information will be encountered when children
watched TV


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