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Ch-13,14 and 15 The UN and Its Agencies & NAM

SYLLABUS: United Nations (i) The objectives of the U.N. The composition and functions of the General Assembly, the
Security Council, and the International Court of Justice.

(ii) Major agencies of the United Nations: UNICEF, WHO and UNESCO – functions only.

Non-Aligned Movement: Brief meaning; objectives; Panchsheel; role of Jawaharlal Nehru; Names of the architects of

 After the horror of another world war within 25 years of the previous one the world leaders established the UN on October
24,1945 with New York as its headquarters and following

a. To maintain international peace and security preventing all threats to peace.

b. To develop friendly relations among countries on the basis of self determination.
c. To achieve international cooperation in solving political, social and economic issues.
d. To be a harmonizing factor for the nations’ actions.
e. To disarms, disfranchise and decolonize.

 There are 6 organs of the UN-

1. The General Assembly

2. The Security Council
3. The Secretariat
4. The International Court of Justice
5. Economic and Social Council
6. Trusteeship Council

The General Assembly The Security Council International Court of Justice

deliberative organ executive and the most important organ Headquartered at the Hague,
COMPOSITION 193 (5 representatives for each) 5 permanents members (China, France, 15 judges elected for 9 years
UK, US, Russia) and term.
15 Non Permanent Members elected One third members retire
for a 2 years term selected through 2/3 after every three years. (the
majority vote not eligible immediately possibility of a retiring judge
after the lapse of the 2nd year electing again)

functions a. To make recommendations a. To investigate into any dispute that i. Compulsory- Disputes
on the principles of might harm world peace and take against the treaties,
cooperation in maintaining necessary military actions. disputes related with
international peace and b. To formulate a system to regulating the international law
security. arms. interpretation,
b. To discuss questions on c. To put economic sanctions on an
compensation to be
international peace and aggressor with the help other
made against the
security. member countries.
breach of laws.
c. To receive reports from the d. To recommend the admission of a
UNSC and other organs. new UN members and the ii. Advisory- It can give
d. To approve the UN budget Secretary General as the head of advisory opinions to
and elect non permanent the UN. the UN organs and
members of the UNSC. agencies.

Major Agencies of the UN

UNICEF-United Nations Children’s WHO-World Health Organization UNESCO-United Nations

Fund- Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization

Established in 1946 1948 1945

Headquarter New York Geneva Paris
functions i. Protection of children with respect i. Helping the countries in i. Organising the seminars
of their survival, health and improving their health system by and conference of scientist
wellbeing. building up infrastructure. and circulating information
ii. Providing funds to train the health ii. Giving important drugs for the through ‘Courier’.
personnel. immunization against Measles, ii. Promoting research in the
iii. Providing technical help to the Diphtheria, TB,Tetanus,Polio, fields of Geology,
health clinics and arranging clean Whooping Cough etc. Maths.,Physics and
drinking water to the villages. iii. Promoting research to cure Oceanography.
iv. Prevention of major diseases-TB, and prevent diseases. iii. Encouragement of
Malaria etc-. Social Sciences for
combatting discrimination.
Balancing the manpower.


Policy of not aligning with either of 1. Jawaharlal 1. To keep away the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa
the two power blocs, that is Nehru:
Capitalist bloc led by USA or India from the superpower rivalry
Communist bloc led by 2. Jossip Broz 2. To protect the nascent freedom of the new-born independent countries
USSR(Soviet Union) formed, after Tito: of Asia and Africa from colonial domination.
the Second World War. Yugoslavia
3. To eliminate all those causes which could lead to war.
Does not mean: to stay away from 3. Gamal Abdul
world affairs Nasser: 4. To oppose colonialism imperialism and racial discrimination.
Rather means: to actively Egypt 5. To advocate sovereign equality of all states.
participate in world affairs based on
6. To encourage friendly relations among countries.
independent decision. 4. Kwame
Nkruma: 7. To advocate peaceful settlement of international disputes.
Started: after world war II during Ghana 8. To oppose the use of force and the use of nuclear weapons.
cold war. 5. Sukarno:
9. To protect human rights and to protect the environment.
Started by: leaders of Egypt, India Indonesia
and Yugoslavia
Joined by: Newly independent 5 Principles of Peaceful Co existence called Panchsheel in 1954
countries of Asia and Africa between India and China:
Meetings of NAM called as: 1. Mutual non-Interference
Summit 2. Mutual non aggression
First NAM summit held in 1961, 3. Equality
at Belgrade in Yugoslavia. 4. Mutual respect for each other’s sovereignty and integrity.
Attended by 25 countries. 5. Peaceful coexistence.

The 18th Summit of the Non-Aligned Jawahar Lal Nehru’s role He initiated the NAM.
Movement was held October 25–26, 2019 1. He suggested the newly independent nations to keep themselves
in Baku, Azerbaijan. The summit was away from the two power blocs.
attended by the delegation from more 2. He took the members and architect of NAM to the Bandung
than 120 countries. conference that created NAM.
3. He said that by joining any of the blocs you would surrender
your opinions.
4. He criticized apartheid.
Jawaharlal Nehru: India, Kwame Nkruma: Ghana Gamal Abdul Nasser: Egypt Sukarno: Indonesia
Jossip Broz Tito: Yugoslavia

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