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My role as an assessor

As teachers, we are entrusted with many tasks and roles. One of the main roles as teachers
is to be an assessor in the classroom. It is very important as an assessor to be clear of the
idea of having an assessment. For example, the purpose of having assessment. One
question that often strikes me is that 'Dowe teach what we test? Or do we test what we
teach?' So, it is very crucial to determine the purpose of the assessment but not just
conduct an assessment as we like.

When I design the assessment, it is also very important for me to assess all aspects of the
English language subject. Previously when I was studying in primary and secondary schools,
I was only assessed and tested on reading and writing skills and listening and speaking skills
were usually not tested. Therefore, when I become a teacher myself now, I decide to assess
my students on all four skills as they are equally important for students' language

Besides being the party responsible for administering assessments, I think it is equally
important for me as a teacher as a motivator to students. More often than not, students
are always disappointed whenever they do not do well in assessment. I think it is very
important for teachers to act as motivators to motivate them to improve their weaknesses
and do better in the future, instead of reprimanding them for the mistakes they made. To
conclude, the role of an assessor is not merely administering the assessment. A teacher
should be aware of the concept and purpose of having an assessment.

Nick Vujicic

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