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The Richest Man In Babylon "Free Of Money Worries" Complete Money Course

The Keys to Financial Freedom

Dan Cavalli Business and Money strategist And Author of:

The Keys to Financial Freedom

By Dan Cavalli

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Hi I'm Dan Cavalli, I have the rights to the worldwide distribution of this The Richest Man in Babylon" product. As a member of this elite group of The Richest Man in Babylon" you represent the top 5% of people in the world who statistically speaking has the potential of owning 80% of the worlds wealth. You have earned this recognition because you have taken the time to do what 95% of others dont do and thats stand above the average and learn your way to financial and personal independence. So together we can make a difference. I thank members for sending in their many questions. I am well qualified to help answer them because i have started up three businesses since 1995 and each one has turned over $10,000,000 a year. One in particular turned over $140,000,000 in its first 18 months. I am going to tell all and give you what you want to hear through this document and when you visit inside my personal Blog. I thank you for your confidence and trust in me. Here's looking forward to the future with this elite club. You can be proud of the fact you are part of the only 5% club in the world that belongs to and is especially set up for *The Richest Man in Babylon* members. I regularly analyse the TRMIB data, its a massive ongoing task. When I began there were over 122,000 characters [many more now] to analyse, collate, categorise and respond to. Each time I go through the responses I am not only exhilarated and elated by some comments but am also moved by some who are obviously experiencing hardship. I feel your pain and frustration of wanting to do better and not knowing how. Well hopefully I can help fix that for you. A large number of my subscribers in other businesses of mine think there is no one better or more qualified than me to share information with you to solve your challenges. Ive been broke, single, alone and desperate not knowing what to do next. I started my journey to wealth and riches several years ago. Ive experienced the best that life has to offer. Ive gone form rags to riches, to millionaire and on to Decamillionaire. One of my people had this to say: Dan Cavalli is the only person in Australias 200 year history who has taken a start up business from zero to $140,000,000 in 18 months and then listed it on the Australian Stock Exchange. David McMahon Media Solutions I can and will show you how to overcome your challenges and support you on your journey to whatever it is you want out of life. I write a series of self help articles to give you solutions. In addition to that, I design training programs to solve your challenges, exclusively for members of The Richest Man in Babylon (TRMIB) club. This document, which is free, is exclusively for those who are registered and receiving the 20 lessons in the series. What I am asking in return is for your promotion to others about the TRMIB 20-lesson eCourse. Whatever it is, I guarantee you will enjoy doing it. It will be fun.

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Until then, promote this wonderful club to others. By the way, there is nothing stopping you from doing either of those things now if you want. Yours in Abundance Dan Cavalli The Richest Man In Babylon *We Teach Wealth* Dan Cavalli. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Based on the original ideas of George S. Clason, who published "The Richest Man in Babylon" in 1926, reviewed by Dan Cavalli for educational purposes. It is strongly recommended that you obtain the original and unabridged version of the book.

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*The Richest Man in Babylon Course* [TRMIB] LESSON 1 of 20 Welcome aboard you are now officially a member of The Richest Man in Babylon. An unforgettable journey has begun with The Richest Man in Babylon's course. If things go to plan and you do use the principles that I discuss, you will receive a new stream of intelligence to eliminate debt, save, find more income, business opportunities and create *financial freedom* If you, for some reason, you get beyond receiving powerful, life-changing information, you can cease reading at any time. Remember to *white list* my email address by adding these email addresses to your address book; OK, enough said, let's get started... TIME TO START You can start now by downloading The Richest Man In Babylon eBook here. NOTE: You do NOT need this eBook for the email course: Richest Man In Babylon (Richest Man).pdf So let's get started with The Richest Man In Babylon. The world famous personal development guru Jim Rohn said this about The Richest Man In Babylon; "a simple little book that made me a Millionaire!" Critics said; "Beloved by millions, this best selling book reveals the success secrets of the ancients and has been hailed as the greatest inspirational work on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth." One of corporate America's most respected keynote speakers says about his favourite book: "ultimate favorite is The Richest Man In Babylon" -- Bryan Dodge, Dodge Development Inc. Many subscribers to my website from all over the world have spoken of the profound effect the principles of the book has had on their lives. Why is it that a simple book had such impact on the lives of great men and women? Well, let's find out.

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1.1-INTRODUCTION EXTRACT from The Richest Man In Babylon (Condensed version) "Ahead of you stretches your future like a road leading into the distance. Along that road you have ambitions you wish to accomplish, righteous desires you wish to gratify. DC: To bring your ambitions and desires to fulfillment, you must be successful with money. Use the financial principles made clear in the pages which follow. Let the learning's of this book guide you away from lack to a happier life, enjoying the rewards that come from utilizing your financial resources prudently. Like the law of gravity, financial principles are universal and unchanging. May they prove for you, as they have proven for so many others, a sure key to a prosperous life. DC:I think it needs to be said that money is NOT the root of all evil as many of us were raised to believe. Money is a useful tool. Once we have learned to attract money and use it wisely, we can bring about massive change in the lives of others, helping us to be an influence for good. "Money makes possible the enjoyment of the best the earth affords." Money can bring freedom in a world that can easily imprison us. Debt is evil NOT money. Lust for money is evil NOT money itself. Money does not replace the need for knowledge and intellect, nor spirituality or virtue. 1.2-WHY BABYLON? "In the pages of history, there lives no city more glamorous than Babylon. Babylon is an outstanding example of man's ability to achieve great things, using whatever means are at his disposal. All of its riches were man-made. The exceptional rulers of Babylon live in history because of their wisdom, enterprise and justice. As a city, it no longer exists and the whole valley is an arid wasteland. No-one knew of its existence until archaeologists made discoveries in their excavations.
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There are hundreds of thousands of clay tablets that have been recovered to enlighten us as to the advanced nature of the inhabitants. They have the first known astronomers, engineers, mathematicians, financiers and first written language. Know for its massive walls around the city, the city has fallen, never to rise again, but to it civilization owes much. The wisdom of Babylon lives on." DC: Babylon intrigues me. The Bible labels Babylon as the height of evil, sinfulness and depravity. Is this true? Is that the reason why Babylon was lost forever? Did God destroy the city as he did Israel at that time? I expect the Bible has lost much in translation and exaggerates the state of Babylon, using it as a symbol of hell on earth for its readers. For all we know about the great Babylon there is still much that remains unanswered. DC: Although there is much to learn from Babylon, we have another focus your future wealth. This book is about Babylon's fruits, we can learn much from the wisdom and intelligence that flowed from within its walls, including its financiers. Babylon should serve as an example to each of us; that something great can be created from nothing - even in the most adverse circumstances. This should buoy you as you contemplate your future anything is possible! 1.3-GEORGE S. CLASON "Born in Missouri in 1874, he attended University of Nebraska, served in the US Army and began a long career in publishing. He published the first road atlas of United States. In 1926, he issued the first of a famous series of pamphlets on thrift and financial success using Babylonian parables. These were distributed in large quantities by financial institutions, the most famous being The Richest Man In Babylon." DC: George Clason was truly one of the great pioneers. He not only established new standards in publishing, he managed to educate the population at large of the day-to-day financial principles and skills necessary to enjoy a stable lifestyle. His legacy has
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been an inspiration to all. He was a very successful man in his own right. 1.4- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT DC: You are at a different level of understanding to the next person studying this course. That doesn't give you a reason to be any less attentive. You shouldn't assume that you have any less to give or learn from the process. Reviewing the foundational principles to financial success will give you even greater clarity about how you will build on a firm foundation the safest way to build, right? So this course is about touching on some concepts you already know, adding some new ones, re-organizing these principles into an intuitive cluster of knowledge to give you an edge, leverage to implement your ultimate strategy. I guarantee your perspective will change after doing this course. Further on, there may be some things that you find difficult to understand. That's OK, just return and review it, don't be too fussed not knowing it will come. OK, I want you to think about these questions don't be pressured to answer them, just ponder. Why is it that by far the majority of the population (95%) retire requiring government assistance? (And that's in the first world!). O What difference does it make whether I am wealthy, just getting by or poor? O I can live on the land and not require any money, right? O How will I feel having more than enough financial resources available to me? O What will I achieve when I have the freedom to decide what I will do, be or have in any given moment? O Where does the path to total abundance take me? Let's review your thoughts in our next lesson. Please introduce your family and friends to this course and the many goodies at The Richest Man In Babylon. IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just _____________________________________________________________________________________9 Get FREE access to Dan Cavallis international selling book Blueprint for Making Millions at

some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 2 of 20 *IMPORTANT*. Please visit this page on my website because you will receive information well worth reading from a very interesting individual; OK, I expect the questions from lesson one caused some soul searching;

*Why is it that by far the *majority* of the population

(95%) retire requiring government assistance? Some people make it, others don't. There are always reasons. You will increase the probability of your success by studying this course and the rest is up to you. You will find the answers here. How will I *feel* having more than enough financial resources available to me? Yes, the emphasis is on feelings. You probably know that most people picture wealth to be a destination. When they get there, they can be very disappointed. DC: Wealth like any goal is a journey. Achievement is not in the *being* wealthy but *feeling* wealthy...and happy, satisfied, confident, grateful, and a whole host of other emotional states. Don't be over-awed by the concept of becoming wealthy. You don't need stress in the process. We all operate better when we enjoy the process. Becoming wealthy *is* more simple than most think. ==================================== "Money is plentiful for those that understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition." ==================================== 2.1- CHAPTER 1: PART I - THE MAN WHO DESIRED GOLD Characters: Bansir : Chariot Builder Kobbi : Musician Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon

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EXTRACT from The Richest Man In Babylon (Condensed version) "He gazed sadly at his simple home and the open workshop in which stood a partially completed chariot. His wife frequently appeared at the door. Her furtive glances in his direction reminded him that the meal bag was almost empty and he should be at work." Bansir, the chariot builder, was too engrossed in his own problem to be bothered by the noise of industry within the walls of Babylon. The city was a mix of grandeur and squalor incredible displays of wealth and dire poverty. Bansir could not understand why he worked so hard and was still numbered amongst the lowly. It doesn't help to *compare* yourself to anyone. We are very unique beings, all having quite diverse life experiences. Comparing apples with apples doesn't help either one apple is not the same as the next! Yes, this is a complex, yet wonderful world we live in. Thankfully, the way to success is simpler. DC: It doesn't help to *wallow* in self pity either. Most of us have been taught to take on negative thought patterns more easily than inspirational, uplifting thoughts. That's the way of the world and the mind-numbing effects of the media. That's why you ought to wisely choose who you mix with they have a powerful influence on your thinking and aspirations. We will discuss this topic in more detail in another lesson. "He [Bansir] was so caught up with his *deliberations* that he was not aware of his friend Kobbi walking towards him playing his lyre. Kobbi's elaborate salute went unnoticed, much less his request for 'two humble shekels'! "If I did have two shekels," Bansir responded gloomily, "to no one could I lend them not even to you, my best of friends; for they would be my fortune my entire fortune. No one lends his entire fortune, not even to his best friends." DC: Bansir like many of us at various times in our life is feeling at a loss what to do. Are your efforts to live, much less build wealth being frustrated? Feeling really low and at your threshold can be liberating and you can use these feelings to lift to a new level permanently
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forcing you to do things you wouldn't otherwise do. Let's read on. "Shocked, Kobbi listened to Bansir recall his day dream. Bansir dreamed he was a man of means and enjoyed the glorious feeling of contentment and surplus gold flowing from his purse [wallet]." DC: It works to dream sometimes (not wallow), visualizing, feeling your future state. The more clarity you gain in this state, you will be able to reach that state faster and with greater effect. ==================================== "Money is governed by the same laws which controlled it when prosperous men thronged the streets of Babylon, six thousand years ago. ==================================== "so why should such pleasant feelings as it aroused turn thee into a glum statue on the wall?" said Kobbi. "Why indeed! Because when I awoke and remembered how empty was my purse [wallet], a feeling of rebellion swept over me." Let us talk it over together. DC: Although you can use a wildly depressed state as a rebound point, continually dwelling on just how poor you are will only exacerbate a greater state of lack. In contrast, great things *will* happen when we focus on how unique, how intelligent, how resourceful, how capable we are. You *can* achieve anything. Your mind will believe it if you keep forcing yourself to think it. When our brain knows it, you swiftly move towards your goals. 2.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT You may have heard of the word *sabotage*. A sabotage, in this context, is a belief that interrupts and incapacitates our thinking, therefore limiting our ability to achieve our real desires. Do you have a sabotage? You bet ya! We all have sabotages somewhere in our lives. Some people are riddled with them, others suffer from sabotages in health, finance, relationships, etc.. Why do I speak of sabotages? Well, chances are if you are reading this course then you are experiencing some
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financial challenges or wanting to progress your understanding. Some readers will have a sabotage on finance, have you? Do you believe, without any doubt that you will be wealthy in the future? If you had any flicker of doubt you probably have sabotage on finance. We can strongly desire wealth and still have sabotage on wealth. If you had the desire ten years ago and today finds you in a similar financial position then you have sabotage on finance.

* How do I delete sabotage? You change your thinking,

through changing your focus which in turn alters your internal beliefs. Changing your focus requires that you take control of your environment. Yes, your friends, TV, newspapers choose wisely what you take in. You don't want any limiting beliefs poisoning your system. Do you have discipline? You will need it. You have to choose for yourself to re-program your thinking deleting limiting thoughts and replacing with positive, powerful and inspirational ones. Read uplifting texts more often. So where does all this leave us? You have few exercises to do:

* Take the next few days between now and the next lesson
to extract yourself from the influences of the world that control your thinking. Yes, take a break from TV, newspapers, meaningless movies and friends. You know what I am talking about. During this time, be aware of your thinking. Delete limiting thoughts and have a few powerful thoughts to divert to. Try some meditation to get in touch with yourself. Your brain will do what you let it. Create new, powerful habits that will physically alter the operation of your brain. We will investigate the changes next. IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 3 of 20 OK, how did you go *re-training* your brain? Clear out some cobwebs and some unwanted, limiting thought processes? Let's hope so. You don't need them; life is challenging enough without our own neck-top computer letting us down. How did you go replacing your doubts with uplifting ideas, visualizations, seeing yourself wealthy, satisfied, confident, grateful, happy, and all those life-changing emotional states? If you know about computers, then you will relate with the concept of re-formatting your brain. That's what we're doing. Deleting the unnecessary files, re-installing the latest, performance-grade operating system. The difference is it's a self-installing system. You create it, train it and enjoy the new environment. According to quantum physics, there's nothing much outside of you. The battle is with YOU. Win over yourself, that is, gain control over yourself and the faster the path to wealth. ==================================== "If a man be lucky, there is no foretelling the possible extent of his good fortune. Pitch him into the Euphrates and like as not he will swim out with a pearl in his hand." Babylonian Proverb ==================================== 3.1- CHAPTER 1: PART II - THE MAN WHO DESIRED GOLD Characters: Bansir : Chariot Builder Kobbi : Musician Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon You will recall that Bansir was feeling quite depressed about his lack and his friend Kobbi started into a conversation. EXTRACT from The Richest Man In Babylon (Condensed version) "Recalling their days as young men, Bansir and Kobbi touched on their experiences with money. They had earned so much gold over the years but did not have anything to show for it. They both had hoped that one day, prosperity would be bestowed upon them!
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They were coming to the realization that such a blessing was not imminent, often planning and scheming that their families didn't go hungry. Bansir's dismal mood soon caught hold with Kobbi, both of them entirely miserable reaching their threshold and coming up with their best idea yet!" DC: Note how Bansir's mood is contagious. Now his mate Kobbi is down with Bansir. Pick your friends. They will influence you for good or bad. Secondly, the book touches on a common phenomenon - the hope that we will suddenly become wealthy - one day. Wealthy from a gift, an inheritance, a casino or lotto win. False hope if you ask me. Bansir's continues to ponder his lowly state and suddenly, there's a spark from nowhere, his friend Kobbi has an idea. "We do not wish to go on year after year living slavish lives. Working, working, working! Getting nowhere." Might we not find out how others acquire gold and do as they do? Kobbi inquired. ==================================== "Perhaps there is some secret we might learn if we but sought from those who knew," replied Bansir thoughtfully. ==================================== DC: They remembered a friend, Arkad, who they had schooled with, a man who was 'blessed with prosperity', and the city claimed him to be 'The Richest Man In Babylon'. They decided to consult Arkad. A mentor huh? Mentor: A wise or trusted counselor or advisor. Who needs a mentor? I would suggest everyone needs mentors. Why not straighten and shorten the path to wealth by hearing from those who have traveled that path? After one revelation from Kobbi, Bansir follows up with some other realizations. "Thou makest me realize the reason why we have never found any measure of wealth. We never sought it!"..." In those things toward which we exerted our best endeavors we succeeded. It biddeth us to learn more that we may prosper more. With a new understanding we shall find more honorable ways to accomplish our desires." "Let us go to Arkad this very day", Bansir urged.
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==================================== Knowledge + experience = wisdom ==================================== DC: "learn more that we may prosper more". The path to wealth is a continuous process. A thirst for knowledge helps. I am not just talking about books. Consider the internet, internet forums, your networks, friends, an experienced mentor, Mastermind Groups and so on. Oh, by the way, a Mastermind Group was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in the early 1900's. In his well-known book "Think And Grow Rich" (My gift to you which you receive at the end of this course) he wrote about the Mastermind principle as: "The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony." "No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind." You will learn more about Napoleon Hill and Think And Grow Rich at the end of our course. You will learn more about mentors in future lessons. Layer upon layer of learning brings confidence, ideas and a flow that attracts success. 3.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT You have learned of the need to re-train your mind, reinstalling inspirational thoughts and visualizations, the need to learn, attract knowledge, like-minded people and consult with experienced mentors. I want you to GET COMFORTABLE about seeking help. There's no place for egos when gaining knowledge. There are many that have traveled the path to wealth. Sit back, soak it up, learning begins with acceptance that you don't know everything. Open your mind and your heart, be as a little child, teachable. There is so much to know, this is one of the exciting things about life, there is always something new and fascinating to embrace. I want you to FEEL the benefit of knowledge, understanding that it IS necessary for your success. Open you mind to attract pertinent knowledge, desire it and it will come. Learning opportunities will follow whether it
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is someone you meet, a conversation with a friend, an internet mentor, a book title you see in a shop or library. You will know what you want to learn. START NOW! IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 4 of 20 I'm excited you are making progress! You know, the first time I did the exercise I gave you in the previous lesson, a massive change occurred in my life. Through all of my formal schooling I had struggled to read a book all the way through and I didn't relish the learning process I was too focused on sport. DC: I had a sabotage on learning. I associated learning with rigid classroom schedules, impatient teachers and gaining qualifications just for the sake of having a 'title' to impress a prospective employer. At the time my friends had the same feelings about education so I dismissed the sabotage as a normal life experience. ==================================== "Seek wise counsel." The Richest Man In Babylon ==================================== What a surprise I got later in life when I found that I had a sabotage on learning all of those years. Usually, the longer a sabotage exists, the harder it is to shift and delete it. The moment I got clear, associated learning with wealth, that I could do it in my own timeframe, using my own curriculum and my own purpose, I broke through FAST! Within a week, I had read three books. Wow! This was the first time I had read a book in my own time and all the way through purely because I chose to! I wanted to. Although this was quite a few years back, it was a revolutionary event in my life and has changed my life perspective and resulting achievements. I have found some new strategies to get past challenges in my life by using Mark's free lessons here.

OK, Now let's check in with our Babylonian cohorts! 4.1- CHAPTER 2: PART I : The Richest Man In Babylon
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Characters: Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon Bansir : Chariot Builder Kobbi : Musician Algamish : Wealthy man Agger : Shield maker Azmur : Brickmaker Arkad, The Richest Man In Babylon, was famed across the land for his great wealth, liberality, and generosity with family and charity. The group that Bansir and Kobbi had assembled opened up their discussion with some interesting perceptions about life. "Why then should a fickle fate single you out to enjoy all the good things of life and ignore us who are equally deserving?" ==================================== "If you have not acquired more than a bare existence in the years since we were youths, it is because you have either failed to *learn* the laws that govern the building of wealth, or else you do not *observe* them." ==================================== 'Fickle fate' is a vicious goddess who brings no permanent good to anyone makes wanton spenders, who soon dissipate all they receive." DC: Easy money doesn't stick around is what Arkad preaches - so true. Think of people close to you who have won lotteries and the like. The majority are without today! Arkad was asked the obvious question about how he has acquired his fortune. He made an assessment from his early years that the things that brought happiness and contentment were *magnified* by the existence of wealth. What? Let's read that again - the things that brought happiness and contentment were *magnified* by the existence of wealth. Here is truth. ==================================== "Wealth is power. With wealth many things are possible." ==================================== When he had this realization, he decided to claim his share of the good things of life because he would not be satisfied with the lot of a poor man. He determined the following;
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1. He would have to *immerse* himself and study wealth accumulation. We will learn Arkad's other determinations in the next lesson. 4.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT Don't you love Arkad's style? Straight talker, a thinker, a strategist, disciplined, a man of action. Have you ever wanted something so badly that your actions were outside of yourself, doing things you would not normally do? You become a different person when you know your purpose, when you have a purpose. Think differently and your actions follow.

* I like Arkad's example. I like his expression *IMMERSE*

yourself in wealth education. Where does one start? That's your challenge - to start. It doesn't matter what or where. Watch, listen, follow the promptings, you will be led. These emails begin your 'baptism' of wealth. Secondly, go to the library. Borrow one book out of the finance section and start reading before your next lesson. Remember those around you, perhaps email your friends and let them know about the resources at The Richest Man In Babylon. If you want the full details and would like some one-on-one with me to action these techniques, go to: <> to find out how to register for my coaching program. IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 5 of 20 Have you started to make a commitment to yourself to study finance on a regular basis? It only takes a few baby steps to start towards securing your future? ==================================== "I found the road to wealth when I decided that a part of all I earned was mine to keep." ==================================== The preparation for wealth takes much effort but is necessary to set a firm foundation in place. Napoleon Hill's wisdom helped me immensely. Now you can get it all in one place. 5.1- CHAPTER 2: PART II - The Richest Man In Babylon Characters: Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon Bansir : Chariot Builder Kobbi : Musician Algamish : Wealthy man Agger : Shield maker Azmur : Brickmaker OK, we follow on with Arkad's (The Richest Man In Babylon) second determination.. 2. Once learned (wealth accumulation), he would follow the laws and do it well, with all his might. This is the primary difference between the wealthy and the pauper. There are plenty of very educated people who have studied but not implemented. It takes discipline, consistency and a little sacrifice. Getting up a little earlier to read, do some figures, make some calls. Missing out on watching the big game on TV and instead attending a meeting or setting some goals. Now. I'm not saying don't have fun. I'm suggesting make productive use of your time and ACT. Don't just study or you will have nothing but good ideas and no results. Your execution doesn't have to be perfect - just DO SOMETHING. ==================================== "Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you take only what is worth having."
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==================================== Arkad explained to the group that there were two types of learning. One was the things we learned and knew, the other the training that taught us how to find out what we don't know. DC: We remain teachable when we know what we don't know and seek to learn more. When Arkad learned from his mentor he began to create a habit of learning and then doing. For example: "Every gold piece that you save is a slave to work for you. Every copper it earns is its child that also can earn for you." Arkad learned to save and invest a tenth of everything he earned. Although Arkad invested this money unwisely the first time, he learnt a lesson early in his life about choosing who and what to invest in. Arkad invested in jewels with the Brickmaker. "But why trust the knowledge of a Brickmaker about jewels?"... "next time if you would have advice about jewels, go to the jewel merchant." Next Arkad was taught by his mentor not to spend his savings. "You do eat the children of your savings." "Then how do you expect them to work for you? And how can they have children that will also work for you? Lovely. Pertinent analogy using children instead of investment return. After 2 years, Arkad had mastered the foundational principles of building wealth. "Arkad," his mentor continued, "you have learned the lessons well. You first learned to live on less than you earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who were competent and lastly, you have learned to make gold work for you." This ended the group discussion with Arkad and they all dispersed - some silent and still not understanding, sarcastic thinking that Arkad should divide his massive fortune with them! Others walked away with a new light in their eyes and frequently counseled with Arkad who gave freely of his wisdom. Which one were you? 5.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT
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We have learnt to;

* act on knowledge, * invest with those who have specialized knowledge, * do not spend savings, and * make your savings work for you.
Right, I want you to think about these principles, memorize them and DO NOT forget them. As you think about these principles, your pondering, your thoughts will materialize into stimulation and action. This is what you want to occur. If you want to start or even run a business you have better, I'm going to slowly introduce some business tactics to your training. It will come a little ahead of the lessons in this series but it will get you in front of the game. IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth. Catch you in the next lesson.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 6 of 20 Welcome back I expect you were you one of the folk following Arkad's mentoring group that 'walked away with a new light in their eyes' - brilliant it is to have you along. Did you have your thoughts materialize into something tangible since your last lesson? The challenge was to memorize the principles of the last lesson. Quote them for me?! 1. Act on ________________ [egdelwonk] 2. Invest with those who have ______________knowledge [dezilaiceps], 3. Do not spend __________ [sgnivas], and 4. Make your savings ______ for you [krow] Let's learn some more. 6.1- CHAPTER 3: PART I - Seven Cures For a Lean Purse Characters: Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon Good King Sargon Agger : Shield maker Good King Sargon was lamenting the state of the city. The rich were getting richer and poor poorer. All of the gold of the city has found its way into the hands of "a few very rich men of our city." DC: This story hasn't changed in all of history, has it? What do the politicians and paupers say about the wealthy today? No different. The truth was and still is hard to swallow for most people. I'm sure you have a different attitude. Wealth is there if you want it. "Why should so few men be able to acquire all the gold?" said the King. "Because they know how," replied the Chancellor. "One may not condemn a man for succeeding because he knows how." "Who knows best in all our city how to become wealthy, Chancellor? Asked the King. "Thy question answers for itself, your majesty. Who has amassed the greatest wealth in Babylon?" "Arkad" replied the Chancellor. Arkad, The Richest Man In Babylon, was invited to appear before the King. The start of the conversation sums up the topic.
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==================================== "How becamest thou so wealthy [Arkad]?" said the King. "Only a great desire for wealth. Besides this, nothing." stated Arkad. ==================================== DC: Surprised with Arkad's views, the King's hope for his people is heightened once Arkad assures him that this stuff can be taught. Arkad broadcasts his top seven cures for a 'lean purse' [wallet]. Here is his first three; 1. START THY PURSE TO FATTENING "For every ten coins thou placest within thy purse take out for use but nine. Thy purse will start to fatten at once and its increasing weight will feel good in thy hand and bring satisfaction to thy soul." DC: If you are stuck on a wage and need an extra income I suggest you look to add an income using the internet which is something you can do from home in your own time. Start with Dave who is a serious entrepreneur, one of the best and most sincere. DC: The prime message of this wondrous little book stash 10% of your earnings. Simple rule but harder for most to fulfill. 2. CONTROL THY EXPENDITURES "Budget thy expenses that thou mayest have coins to pay for thy necessities, to pay for thy enjoyments and to gratify thy worthwhile desires without spending more than nine-tenths of thy earnings." DC: Following on from rule one - don't spend more then 90%. Again, simple but you will feel infinitely better about yourself when you have a plan. 3. MAKE THY GOLD MULTIPLY "Put each coin to laboring that it may reproduce its kind even as flocks of the field and help to bring to thee income, a stream of wealth that shall flow constantly into thy purse." 6.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT DC: You will need to stand out in the crowd on this one. Limiting your spending, saving 10% and investing requires some discipline. Break through conformity and you
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will be VERY pleased with yourself. Living these first three laws will increase your confidence and energy for living. Worrying about money pulls you down and this will distract you from reaching your goals. Why not start today? That's your challenge. Put aside 10% for yourself, starting TODAY.

If you want the full details and would like some one-on-one with me to action these techniques, go to: <> to find out how to register for my coaching program.

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 7 of 20 Hello again, hope you are having a great week Last lesson we touched on the first three of Arkad's cures for lack. 1. START THY PURSE TO FATTENING 2. CONTROL THY EXPENDITURES 3. MAKE THY GOLD MULTIPLY Please email me your feelings, changes within you after taking up my challenge to put aside 10% for yourself at: or There's four more cures to come. Before we go there...I believe the best way to multiply your riches is to understand the nuisance about investment. How the markets work and how you can extract more is excellent knowledge to have. That's exactly what is communicated in this resource:

Right, here are the four additional cures... 7.1- CHAPTER 3: PART II - Seven Cures For A Lean Purse Characters: Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon Good King Sargon Agger : Shield maker 4. GUARD THY TREASURES FROM LOSS "Guard thy treasure from loss by investing only where thy principal is safe, where it may be reclaimed if desirable, and where thou will not fail to collect a fair rental. Consult with wise men. Secure the advice of those experienced in the profitable handling of gold. Let their wisdom protect thy treasure from unsafe investments." 5. MAKE OF THY DWELLING A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT "Own thy own home." DC: For those without a home asset, accrue savings to obtain your home rather than pay dead rent money. Some advisors will tell you to pay off your home before making other investments.
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Own your home as soon as practicable but invest a portion elsewhere to diversify and utilize capital that would otherwise be tied up in your home. 6. INSURE A FUTURE INCOME "Provide for in advance for the needs of thy growing age and the protection of thy family." DC: Have a home but put extra aside for your retirement. 7. INCREASE THY ABILITY TO EARN "Cultivate thy own powers, to study and become wiser, to become more skillful, to act as to respect thyself." DC: Sourcing knowledge, a common element referenced throughout this course. 7.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT The world confounds. The Richest Man In Babylon using seven simple rules that are easy to understand and follow.

* Continue to limit your spending and save 10%.

Use this 10% or more to save for a home deposit to get out of the rent trap. For those with a home, place your savings regularly into a retirement account or mutual fund. As Arkad says, go forward and "grow wealthy, as is your right." Think about this one today as you go about your labours. You deserve more and there are no limits to abundance.

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 8 of 20 You should be pleased with yourself because you are making progress now. Over the last two lessons we have learned all seven of Arkad's rules of wealth. Now you can write a short statement about each (if you can't go back and review). Take two minutes now. 1. START THY PURSE TO FATTENING 2. CONTROL THY EXPENDITURES 3. MAKE THY GOLD MULTIPLY 4. GUARD THY TREASURES FROM LOSS 5. MAKE OF THY DWELLING A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT 6. INSURE A FUTURE INCOME 7. INCREASE THY ABILITY TO EARN You should memorize these laws. Committing them to memory will make it that much easier to act them out. Now we move onto our next lesson. ==================================== "If a man be lucky, there is no foretelling the possible extent of his good fortune. Pitch him into the Euphrates and like as not he will swim out with a pearl in his hand." - Babylonian Proverb ==================================== 8.1- CHAPTER 4: Meet The Goddess Of Good Luck Characters: Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon Arkad continues to address the King's Chosen Hundred: "Is there a way to attract good luck?, asks Arkad. Most would think first of the gaming tables. When a person plays these games, the chances for profit are always against him and in favor of the game keeper. Even if he were to win, do the winnings bring permanent benefit? As Arkad says, "I am unable to name a single one who started his success from such a source. ==================================== "Good luck waits to come to that man who accepts
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opportunity." ==================================== DC: It is all too common to assume there is a pot of gold around the next corner in our life. Nothing has changed since Babylon. Procrastination very often gets in the way of good luck! We desire riches, yet, how often when opportunity presents itself, the spirit of procrastination urges delays in our acceptance and we become our own enemy. 8.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT To prove that life is not about luck, immerse yourself in the lives of the most successful and influential people of our time - you will see that they did it all in their own way using some basic common principles. Read more here... Some of us grasp opportunity by the horns and move towards gratifying our deepest desires, while the majority hesitate, falter and fall behind. DC: To attract good luck to oneself, it is necessary to take advantage of opportunities. We are better off not expecting some big winnings, a large inheritance or becoming a prize winner. Move on, remove these thoughts. Now you are free and clear to consider using your talent, being prepared, aware of the next great opportunity for you.

* Consider, ponder the following;

"Men [people] of action are favored by the Goddess of Good Luck." Make your own luck. If you want the full details and would like some one-on-one with me to action these techniques, go to: <> to find out how to register for my coaching program.

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.
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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 9 of 20 Remember last lesson, we spoke of removing any thoughts related to an expectation that you will have a financial windfall any day soon. Thinking wealth will drop in your lap takes away your power to achieve. Near 100% who win big lose it all within 5 years - that's a fact! ==================================== "A bag heavy with gold or a clay tablet carved with words of wisdom; if thou hadst thy choice, which wouldst thou choose?" ==================================== What would be your answer to the above question. It fits with the other quote about helping a person learn to fish instead of giving him fish. There are few worthwhile shortcuts. There are a few shortcuts, this guy knows them all! We must all learn the laws to wealth, that's why we are on this course. 9.1- CHAPTER 5: PART I - The Five Laws Of Gold Characters: Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon Nomasir : son of Arkad Nomasir, Arkad's son wasn't like any other wealthy heir. He had to earn his inheritance, for Arkad did not approve of giving without evidence of the ability to acquire, protect and multiply wealth. Nomasir was given one bag of gold and a carved tablet with the five laws of gold. He was then sent away to experience the world, learn the laws and come back to his inheritance in ten years a capable and worthy man. DC: NOTE: This is the best way we can teach our children. ==================================== "Gold is reserved for those who know its laws and abide by them." ====================================
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Nomasir goes onto to explain his misfortune with mishandling the initial bag of gold. He lost substantially with a wager, then buying a business that wasn't all it was portrayed to be and spending unwisely on numerous unnecessary purchases. In the end Nomasir sold his horses, his slave and robes in order that he may eat and have a place to sleep. "But in those bitter days, I remembered thy confidence in me, my father. Thou hadst sent me forth to become a man, and this I was determined to accomplish." "I read most carefully thy words of wisdom, and realized that had I but sought wisdom first, my gold would not have been lost to me." Two of the five laws are; 1. Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family. 2. Gold laboreth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field. 9.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT So the first two laws involve saving 10% as we spoke of in earlier lessons but to have it pay for your home so that you and your family may enjoy security.

* For those that do not have their own home or for those
that wish to buy an investment property; do some calculations on just how much 10% of your 'after tax' income represents over the next five years. Using the Power of Compounding, if you earn $3,000 after tax per month and invest $300 at 5% per year, you would have around $25,000 - enough for a deposit on your new home or investment property.

* So do some calculations and visualize what is possible

for you. Check out some real estate pricing on the internet. See what your money in five years would buy. Can I ask a favour here pleaseI would appreciate your help with something? What I would like you to do if you will is: 1. Go to each video below and watch them [only a minute or so each] using the links shown.
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2. Leave a comment on each [as many as you want good or bad] let me know how you felt. 3. Send it to at least one person you think would enjoy it. The First Secret to Getting Rich The Second Secret to Getting Rich The Third Secret to Getting Rich The condensed article and video links are on my Blog at: My thanks again and enjoy,

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 10 of 20 Did you do your calculations on how much five years of 10% saving at 5% interest would look like? What's great about this exercise is that it helps you to clearly see what is possible. It's reality. You can do this. Let's test your memory. What were the first two laws of gold? Don't look. Think. OK, here it they are again. Two of the five laws are; 1. Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family. 2. Gold laboreth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field. The fastest way to multiply wealth is here. In fact, this is the most scientific and reproducible wealth-attracting method I've ever seen. We will now learn of the next three laws of gold. ==================================== "Wealth that comes quickly goeth the same way." ==================================== 10.1- CHAPTER 5: PART II - The Five Laws Of Gold Characters: Arkad : The Richest Man In Babylon Nomasir : son of Arkad 3. Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of wise men in its handling. DC: Use the services of a financial advisor. Look for an association website near you (see below). 4. Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keeping.
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DC: Over a period of years of learning you may well cultivate investing skills and make better judgments. You should aim to gather your own investing intelligence. 5. Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings or who followeth the advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment. DC: It is a blessing to learn these wealth lessons early in life. If not, as we accrue funds, we can make mistakes that cost us dearly. Speak with qualified professionals before investing funds. Use the internet to be aware of scams; ==================================== "Through my misfortunes, my trials and my success, I have tested time and time again the wisdom of the five laws of gold, my father, and proven them true in every test." ==================================== 10.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT Search for a financial advisor near you. Read through a couple of their websites to understand the breadth of their services and what you can expect to achieve when meeting with them. Do this now even if you are not ready to work through the process. Do some scouting and prepare. If you want the full details and would like some one-on-one with me to action these techniques, go to: <> to find out how to register for my coaching program.

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 11 of 20 You're on track and about to learn some of the most enlightening wealth intelligence principles. But first, Leo has a must see resource to move you from debt to abundance. I have personally used some of his methodologies. Let's talk to the man in Babylon who lends gold. He can give us his insights. 11.1- CHAPTER 6: The Gold Lender Of Babylon Characters: Mathon : Gold Lender Rodan : Spear maker Araman : Rodan's brother-in-law Rodan was feeling particularly pleased with himself. As he walked, he listened to the pleasant sound of gold pieces tinkling in his purse. He had never had so much gold in his possession - fifty pieces of gold! He was deliberating as to where and how to invest his fortune. He thought he should seek the guidance of Mathon, the Gold Lender. ==================================== "Many men come to me for gold to pay for their follies, but as for advice, they want it not. Yet who is more able to advise than the lender of gold to whom many men come in trouble?" ==================================== DC: So common a practice. People that need to know don't ask the very people who have the intelligence - Pure EGO! I discussed this very issue with a friend who told me. "I don't want to appear that I don't know this stuff". "What's the worst thing that can happen to you?", I said. After a few umms and arrs, he replied, "I guess I might feel embarrassed and affect my reputation". Oh man! But how often do I hear it? Everyday. Rodan was slightly perplexed for his loving sister had requested some of his gold to borrow for her husbands (Araman) new business venture. "I will tell it to thee for
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thou shouldst know that to borrowing and lending there is more than the passing of gold from the hands of one to the hands of another." "If you desire to help thy friend then do so in a way that will not bring thy friend's burden upon thyself." DC: Think twice lending to friends and family. Regardless of how good your relationship is, think ahead of the various scenarios - best case, worst case and if you still decide to go ahead, formalize the agreement with at least a basic contract. Mathon goes on to explaining loans. You can loan money based on putting up your property, or ensuring you have sufficient income or use a guarantee from a family member or friend. Apart from small, very short term loans, the lender must always have collateral (legal access to your assets and the assets of your guarantor if applicable) so that if there is a default on the terms of the loan, the lender will make they claim on your assets. His wisdom with money is as follows: ==================================== "I do not discourage borrowing gold. I encourage it. I recommend it if it be for a wise purpose." ==================================== 11.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT GOOD DEBT - Loaning money to invest in an appreciating asset (one which will in all probability increase in value over time or earn an income for you). For example, real estate, a business. BAD DEBT - Loaning monies to pay for depreciating assets (assets that simply decrease in value or incur more money). Example: a car, gambling.

* Only take on GOOD debt. Remember the difference. This is

a major key to building wealth. Your EGO will destroy opportunities to learn. So when you have company, spark up conversation with those around you. Be open to learn from anyone. Wealthy people are in your midst, they don't wear name tags ;-) P.S. If you want help to action these techniques,
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go to: <> to get my coaching program.

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 12 of 20 Have you learnt more since you became aware of your ego? No body knows everything so don't feel like you have to be the first! Let's see if you recall the difference between good and bad debt. 1. GOOD DEBT is loaning money for an ________________ asset. [gnitaicerppa] 2. BAD DEBT is loaning money for a __________________ asset. [gnitaicerped] Remember, if you need help along the way, see the renowned debt specialist Let's see what The Richest Man In Babylon can tell us today. 12.1- CHAPTER 7: The Walls Of Babylon Characters: Old Banzar : Warrior Babylon endured for century after century because it was fully protected by one hundred and sixty feet walls. Banzar was a valiant old warrior that stood guard at the passageway leading to the top of the ancient walls of Babylon. This day, as it laid siege, he has the vantage point for news. He was the closest to the conflict and first to hear of each new, frenzied attack. Many worried Babylonian people approached him to get the latest news. After nearly four weeks of continuous battering, the walls of Babylon had once again repulsed its enemies. ==================================== "We cannot afford to be without adequate protection." ==================================== DC: There are many analogies for us here, as there is much symbology wherever we look in life. Essentially, Banzar is informing us that there is little to worry about if we protect ourselves, protection from; 1. Litigants - people wanting to sue, 2. Risk - Bad times, unemployment, recessions. 3. Natural disasters.
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There are others but you can see what I mean. I lost over $6,000,000 in one year by ignoring this advice so you ignore it at your peril. 12.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT Make sure you cover yourself in the worst case scenario.

* Review your insurances on income, home and assets.

Ask your lawyer how you can protect you personal property and investments from litigants. He will speak to you about asset protection strategies that may involve legal structures like limited liability corporations, trusts, etc.. Due to the limited scope of this course, I cannot expand on this area so you should have a discussion with your lawyer who will give you pertinent advice for your situation in your part of the world. If you don't have a lawyer, search here; keep pushing along. If you want the full details and would like some one-on-one with me to action these techniques, go to: <> to find out how to register for my coaching program.

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 13 of 20 I hope your week has been as good as mine! It's amazing the wonderful opportunities that appear once you have taught yourself not to worry about money. Life just flows. If you are putting these lessons into practice and following up on the exercises, you will gain control of your life anytime soon. I hope you checked in with your insurer and your lawyer to seek advice. Our next lesson starts here, well almost. I want you to check a wonderful resource from a professional who starred in 'The Secret' movie. Bob really knows how to help you *get what you want*.... 13.1- CHAPTER 8: PART I - The Camel Trader Of Babylon Characters: Tarkad : son of Azure Dabasir : Camel Trader Kauskor : Proprietor Tarkad had not tasted food for two whole days. He ran into someone he would have preferred to avoid - the Camel Trader called Dabasir. Tarkad owed Dabasir copper and silver pieces. Dabasir, wanting to teach Tarkad a lesson or two began to tell him and the onlookers in the restaurant how he came to be a Camel Trader after being a slave in Syria. Dabasir borrowed from his friends and could not repay them. Things went from bad to worse. His wife returned to her father and he left Babylon. He fell in with robbers and was taken to Damascus and sold as slaves. Dabasir was purchased for two silver pieces by a Syrian desert chief and became a camel tender for his daughter who was intrigued with Dabasir's background. ==================================== "Ill fortune pursues every man who thinks more of borrowing than of repaying." said the large Dabasir as he sat eating in front of the famished Tarkad. ==================================== DC: This fact is not just limited to Babylonian times.
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Today, across this very nation, savings have dropped to near nothing. Most are borrowing equity from the forced savings in their homes. It is quite apparent that most of the population thinks of borrowing to get something today instead of enjoying the utmost satisfaction derived from being out of debt and purchasing things with cash. Something must give. "If a man has within him the soul of a free man, will he not become respected and honored in his own city in spite of his misfortune?" "Have you a desire to repay the just debts you owe in Babylon? She parried. "Yes I have the desire, but see no way." Said Dabasir. ==================================== "The hungrier one becomes, the clearer one's mind works." ==================================== 13.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT "...thou hast but the contemptible soul of a slave. No man is otherwise who cannot respect himself and no man can respect himself who does not repay honest debts." DC: Do you have any intention of paying your debts? You are a slave to your debts while you have no clear plan to pay them off. Having a plan and working to meet your obligations will give you a good start. O Itemize your debts. Make a list. You will no longer live with debts. Work out how much more you are going to pay on a weekly/monthly basis to free yourself of this jail term called DEBT (bad debt - remember the difference between good and bad debt?). I promise you, you will feel sooo good when you know you have a plan and even better when that day comes that you have no shackles. Please* for your own sake, *GET OUT OF DEBT*. Pledge to yourself and inform your loved ones that you will use only CASH from now on and only use *good debt* for investments. ==================== Get Money Fast! This is the most scientific and reproducible wealth-attracting method I've ever seen. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 43 Get FREE access to Dan Cavallis international selling book Blueprint for Making Millions at

Click here to learn more... ==================== If you want the full details and would like some one-on-one with me to action these techniques, go to: <> to find out how to register for my coaching program. This is your lesson for today. There's more coming soon. IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 14 of 20 The transformation should be starting to take place within you. Your mind determined to free yourself of debt to allow you to be beholden to nobody. It's too easy to remain in debt. So let's hope you have taken me seriously and have a plan to pay off ALL your bad debt and not to use credit from this point forward. To get a system going so that you do not repeat your past mistakes, I can think of no better expert than Mark who has an easy, free start to getting your life in order. Let's learn more. 14.1- CHAPTER 8: PART II - The Camel Trader Of Babylon Characters: Tarkad : son of Azure Dabasir : Camel Trader Kauskor : Proprietor You will recall last lesson that Dabasir had literally become a slave to his own debt. He had gotten into debt, not repaid it and had been sold off as a slave which was what happened in Babylonian times if you didn't take responsibility. Dabasir's debt was his enemy and he had been run out of town. If he had stood up and fought like a man, he would have found respect. Tarkad, in the depths of despair had listened to Dabasir tell his life story and told of his solution to get out of slavery pondered... "If I had the soul of a free man, I would force my way back into Babylon, repay the people who had trusted me, bring happiness to my wife who truly loved me and bring peace and contentment to me parents." "Then a strange thing happened. All the world seemed to be a different color. At last I saw the true values in life." "I was thrilled with the great resolve." Tarkad, who had listened intently, was overcome with
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emotions. "Thou hast shown me a vision; already I feel the soul of a free man surge within me." ==================================== Where the determination is, the way can be found. ==================================== 14.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT Do you want to feel the "soul of a free" person "SURGE within" you? Your challenge is to revisit your itemize list of debts. Resolve to pay off MORE than you had planned in your last lessons. You will no longer live as a slave to your debts. Never again will you fall into the trap of debt. You deserve to feel the fullness of joy that being free of debt brings. Be your best. IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 15 of 20 OK I think you may have the message about debt by now. Today we're going to move into the modern era to relate a story with a profound message. 15.1- CHAPTER 9: PART I - The Clay Tablets From Babylon Characters: Dabasir : Camel Trader Mathon : Gold Lender Prof. Franklin Caldwell : Archeologist, Mesopotamia Alfred H. Shrewsbury : Archeologist, Nottingham University Alfred reports to Prof. Caldwell of the five tablets found in the excavations in Mesopotamia. The tablets speak of Dabasir and his experience paying off his debts and gaining respect as a Babylonian citizen. Alfred plans to put Dabasir's methodologies to work in his own life even though it was five thousand years hence. The tablets are translated to reveal the story of Dabasir's return to Babylon after being a slave in Syria. Dabasir consulted Mathon the Gold Lender as to putting a plan into place. DC: What an experience for Alfred digging up these tablets and finding a message, a message from the past that is relevant for him today. As you now know, universal laws do not change. The law of abundance is the same today as it was in Babylonian times. So Dabasir with his mentor, Mathon the Gold Lender, was able to put a plan in place to change his life. 1. Firstly, the plan provides for his future prosperity. One-tenth of his earnings were put aside for his own to keep. 2. Secondly, seven-tenths of his earnings paid for all living expenses. 3. Thirdly, two-tenths of his earnings provided a way for his debts to be paid out over a time. Dabasir visited with his creditors to let them know how he would repay the 119 pieces of silver and 141 pieces of copper. 15.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT
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**You do not need to hire someone to help you to negotiate a payment plan with your creditors. By far the most profound way to prepare ourselves to do this task is to gain knowledge for yourself - talk to some of the companies without committing yourself. We have spoken about putting aside 10% income for yourself to save and invest. Dabasir was advised then to place a further 20% income aside to pay debts and to advise his creditors of his plan who welcomed him warmly. If it is relevant for you, it is time to face up to your debt and to correct any ill-doings. Take your plan to your lenders. You will find that creditors are more than willing to be flexible and assist you to manage repayment via a payment plan. I hope there have been some thoughts in this lesson to progress your resolve to become free of constant money worries. If you want the full details and would like some one-on-one with me to action these techniques, go to: <> to find out how to register for my coaching program.

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

P.S. This was a short lesson so you can spend a little more time on building your business. Here is my eBook showing how to increase business by 47% over the next 90 days:

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 16 of 20 Last lesson you were challenged to [if relevant] commit 20% of your income to paying your debts and to approach your creditors with whom you owe money to organize a payment plan. You will find that week by week as you adhere to your plan, you will grow in confidence and find greater enjoyment in life, just as Alfred did in the following lesson. 16.1- CHAPTER 9: PART II - The Clay Tablets From Babylon Characters: Dabasir : Camel Trader Mathon : Gold Lender Prof. Franklin Caldwell : Archeologist, Mesopotamia Alfred H. Shrewsbury : Archeologist, Nottingham University The tablets continue to relay the story of Dabasir's gradual repayment of debts, his wife buying much needed supplies and personal effects, and his creditors slowly gaining respect for Dabasir. Let's hear his words... ==================================== "My heart is lighter than it hath been for some time." ==================================== "My good wife looketh upon me with a light in her eyes that doth make a man have confidence in himself." "Yes it is the plan that has made my success." "I am convinced that if I follow it further it will make me rich among men." said Dabasir proudly. Alfred (Archeologist) who had found the story of Dabasir and his victory over debt put his findings to the test in his life and enjoys the same success. ==================================== There "is more pleasure in running up such a surplus than there could be in spending it." ==================================== 16.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT You now have the whole message on debt.
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You will see that the wealthy have very good money management skills, no bad debt and a clear plan to handle any situation. These lessons give you some thoughts and ideas. It is time to put all of these lessons to the test, to know and live them. The victory is in the DOING. Do not underestimate the feeling of being out of debt and having the freedom to make decisions for your future because you have the confidence, the discipline to achieve ANYTHING. Exactly as Napoleon Hill in 'Think and Grow Rich' and his mega edition 'Laws of Success' put it.

IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 17 of 20 Great to see you back your next lesson awaits you. 17.1- CHAPTER 10: PART I - The Luckiest Man In Babylon Characters: Sharru Nada : Merchant Prince of Babylon Hadan Gula : grand son of Arad Gula Arad Gula : Sharra's partner Nana-naid : Sharra's Master Swasti : Nana's housekeeper Sasi : Slave Trader Sharru Nada, the Merchant Prince of Babylon looked the part with fine robes, horse and caravan, a man with all the accoutrements. He was inwardly troubled, not for himself but for the youth he was traveling with. He was traveling with Hadan Gula, the grand son of Sharru's partner of other years of whom he owed a debt of gratitude which could never be repaid. Sharru wanted to do something for the grand son but it would prove difficult because of the youth himself. Sharru was hoping he may be able to give the youth a start for himself and get away from the wreck the youth's father had made of the inheritance. Hadan spent shekels as fast as they came to him. He wore the finest robes and rarest jewels. Arriving at Babylon and overlooking the city, Hadan comments that neither he or his father had the gift for attracting shekels that his grand father had had. Sharru, the Merchant Prince of Babylon, in true Babylonian style, offered to tell Hadan how he and his grandfather joined in a partnership that proved very profitable. Sharru explained that he was once a slave, the victim of my brother's indiscretions - he killed his friend in a brawl. Sharru was bonded to the widow and sold as a slave when his father could not find the silver to free Sharru. Sharru soon found the value in work from a wise slave. ==================================== "work is the best friend I've ever known. It has brought me all the good things I've had, my farm and cows and crops, everything." Remember, work, well done, does well
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to the man who does it. It makes him a better man. ==================================== 17.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT "An honest days work never hurt anyone", my father use to say as I attempted the shirk one of my home duties. In fact, whilst growing up, my father was clearly the greatest example of a consistent and effective work ethic - a lot like all of these guys... Can you think of anyone that introduced you to the concept of work and it's benefits? Do you have an appreciation for work? I don't mean hard work just for the sake of hard work but when there is a job to be done, do you procrastinate or know that by doing it, you will feel better within yourself. What has work got to do with money? You will find out in our next lesson. Your challenge is to go a whole week without putting off one task, one duty. If you want the full details and would like some one-on-one with me to action these techniques, go to: <> to find out how to register for my coaching program. IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 18 of 20 Well have you fallen into the procrastination trap? Let's hope not. Your challenge was to go a whole week without delaying any job. Keep it going! We will find out what work has to do with money in the following lessons. 18.1- CHAPTER 10: PART II - The Luckiest Man In Babylon Characters: Sharru Nada : Merchant Prince of Babylon Hadan Gula : grand son of Arad Gula Arad Gula : Sharra's ex-business partner Nana-naid : Sharra's Master Swasti : Nana's housekeeper Sasi : Slave Trader In our last lesson, Sharru, Merchant Prince of Babylon started to tell his ex-business partner's grand son Hadan of his business experience with Hadan's grandfather. Sharru explained that he was once a slave, the victim of my brother's indiscretions - he killed his friend in a brawl. Sharru was bonded to the widow and sold as a slave when his father could not find the silver to free Sharru. Sharru soon found the value in work from a wise slave. Sharru was sold to another master, a baker named Nananaid. Sharru thought himself the luckiest man in Babylon to be picked to learn a trade he was interested in. At this point, you should know that slaves in those times could work for reward, own things and even take a wife. Sharru started to make additional loaves to sell in the street and negotiated with his master to share the spoils. One of his regular customers was Arad Gula (Hadan's grandfather). Sharru and Arad became close friends. Nana-naid became more and more anxious upon Sharru's return to collect the pieces of gold to spend at the gambling houses. One day Arad Gula confided in Sharru that he was also a slave and close to buying his way to freedom. At this point the grand son was highly offended at Sharru, saying, "I will not listen to lies defaming my grandfather."
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Sharru continued the story. Arad advised Sharru as follows; "Cling no longer to thy master. Get once again the feeling of being a free man. Act like a free man and succeed like one!" 18.2- REVIEW & ASSIGNMENT Can you imagine working under sufferance as a slave every day? Life can make you feel like you are hemmed in, that you HAVE to work without a choice. It is a state of mind. There is also some reality to it. You have made choices and you are simply living the life you have chosen.

* Do you want to live like a 'free' person? You have a

choice. DC: Choice gives you power. Are you using that power to setup the life you have sometimes dreamed of? Perhaps you have not dreamed enough. Dreams do come to fruition. Yes, it takes work and effort to be successful. But why not choose to do something you love - it will not feel like work. You can also create another income stream (eBay, trading stocks, options, forex, futures, internet marketing and the list goes on and on) on top of your regular wage. I will continue to alert you to these opportunities. Think about this until we meet again in our next lesson. IMPORTANT: Don't keep reading. Give yourself a few days to condense the information before you continue with the next lesson. This is going to affect your way of life not just some head knowledge that will magically change your financial future. Stop for a break now and actually take some time to learn these secrets that will add to your financial wealth.

P.S. If you want some hand holding in running your business get my personal Gold Star coaching course:

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*The Richest Man In Babylon Course* LESSON 19 of 20 Have you investigated just how you can do the work you really want to do and love? If you are involved in a project that you love, well done. If you are not, then it is time for some inspiration, a new plan. Many of my friends have setup their lives in such a way that they have total flexibility in their work so they can enjoy a fulfilling life, doing what is important for them. A number of these friends have developed knowledge through life, work experience or research and have put their ideas into writing. This has been a very popular tool to fast track ideas to profitable products... 19.1- CHAPTER 10: PART III - The Luckiest Man In Babylon Characters: Sharru Nada : Merchant Prince of Babylon Hadan Gula : grand son of Arad Gula Arad Gula : Sharra's ex-business partner Nana-naid : Sharra's Master Swasti : Nana's housekeeper Sasi : Slave Trader We kick off where Sharru Nada, the Merchant Prince of Babylon was telling the story of his life to his exbusiness partner's grand son Hadan of his business experience with Hadan's grandfather. Sharru had been a slave before being blessed with success. It was while he was still a slave that he met Hadan's grandfather, Arad. The next time Sharru met Arad, he was a changed man for he was a 'free' man. Over a period of time, Arad had paid his master for his freedom. "Act like a free man and succeed like one!" was his motto. Swasti, Sharru's master's housekeeper came to Sharru most disturbed. "Thy master is in trouble". "Why should we worry over his folly. We are not his keepers." Sharru's master had given his title to a lender and the lender
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* During this time, be aware of your thinking. Delete

limiting thoughts and have a few powerful thoughts to divert to. Your brain will do what you let it. Create new, powerful habits that will physically alter the operation of your brain. 3. LESSON THREE CHALLENGE I want you to GET COMFORTABLE about seeking help. There's no place for egos when gaining knowledge. There are many that have traveled the path to wealth. Sit back, soak it up, learning begins with acceptance that you don't know everything. Open your mind and your heart, be as a little child, teachable. There is so much to know, this is one of the exciting things about life, there is always something new and fascinating to embrace.

* I want you to FEEL the benefit of knowledge,

understanding that it IS necessary for your success. Open you mind to attract pertinent knowledge, desire it and it will come. Learning opportunities will follow whether it is someone you meet, a conversation with a friend, an internet mentor, a book title you see in a shop or library. You will know what you want to learn. Start now! 4. LESSON FOUR CHALLENGE

* I like Arkad's example. I like his expression - IMMERSE

yourself in wealth education. Where does one start? That's your start. It doesn't matter what or where. Watch, listen, follow the promptings, you will be led. These emails begin your wealth immersion. Secondly, go to the library. Borrow one book out of the finance section and start reading before your next lesson. 5. LESSON FIVE CHALLENGE We have learnt to;

* act on knowledge, * invest with those who have specialized knowledge, * do not spend savings, and * and make your savings work for you.
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Right, I want you to think about these principles, memorize them and DO NOT forget them. As you think about these principles, your pondering, your thoughts will materialize into stimulation and action. This is what your want to occur. 6. LESSON SIX CHALLENGE DC: You will need to stand out in the crowd on this one. Limiting your spending, saving 10% and investing requires some discipline. Break through conformity and you will be VERY pleased with yourself. Living these first three laws will increase your confidence and energy for living. Why not start today? That's your challenge. Put aside 10% for yourself, starting TODAY. ==================================== "Money is plentiful for those that understand the simple laws which govern it's acquisition." ==================================== 7. LESSON SEVEN CHALLENGE The world confounds. The Richest Man In Babylon using seven simple rules that are easy to understand and follow.

* Continue to limit your spending and save 10%.

Use this 10% or more to save for a home deposit to get out of the rent trap. For those with a home, place your savings regularly into a retirement account or mutual fund. As Arkad says, go forward and "grow wealthy, as is your right." 8. LESSON EIGHT CHALLENGE

* We are better off not expecting some big winnings, a

large inheritance or becoming a prize winner. Move on, remove these thoughts. Now you are free and clear to consider using your talent, being prepared, aware of the next great opportunity for you. Consider, ponder the following; "Men [People] of action are favored by the Goddess of Good Luck."
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9. LESSON NINE CHALLENGE For those that do not have their own home or for those that wish to buy an investment property; do some calculations on just how much 10% of your after tax income represents over the next five years. If you earn $3,000 after tax per month and invest $300 at 5% per year, you would have around $25,000 - enough for a deposit on your new home or investment property.

* So do some calculations and visualize what is possible

for you. Check out some real estate pricing on the internet. See what your money in five years would buy. 10. LESSON TEN CHALLENGE Search for a financial advisor near you. Read through a couple of their websites to understand the breadth of their services and what you can expect to achieve when meeting with them. Do this now even if you are not ready to work through the process. PREPARE 11. LESSON ELEVEN CHALLENGE GOOD DEBT - Loaning money to invest in an appreciating asset (one which will in all probability increase in value over time). For example, real estate, a business. BAD DEBT - Loaning monies to pay for depreciating assets (assets that simply decrease in value or incur more money). Example: a car, gambling. Only take on GOOD debt. Remember the difference. This is a major key to building wealth. Your EGO will destroy opportunities to learn. When you have company, spark up conversation with those around you. Be open to learning from anyone. Wealthy people are in your midst, they don't wear name tags ;-) 12. LESSON TWELVE CHALLENGE Make sure you cover yourself in the worst case scenario.

* *

* Review your insurances on income, home and assets.

Ask your lawyer how you can protect you personal property and investments from litigants. He will speak to you about asset protection strategies that may involve legal structures like trusts. Due to limited scope of this course, I cannot expand on this area so you should have a
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discussion with your lawyer. ==================================== "A bag heavy with gold or a clay tablet carved with words of wisdom; if thou hadst thy choice, which wouldst thou choose?" ==================================== 13. LESSON THIRTEEN CHALLENGE

* Itemize your debts. Make a list. You will no longer live

with debts. Work out how much more you are going to pay on a weekly/monthly basis to free yourself of this jail term called debt (bad debt - remember the difference between good and bad debt?). I promise you, you will feel sooo good when you know you have a plan and even better when that day comes that you have no shackles. Please for your own sake, GET OUT OF DEBT. Pledge to your self and inform you loved ones that you will use only CASH from now on and only use good debt for investments. 14. LESSON FOURTEEN CHALLENGE Do you want to feel "soul of a free" person "SURGE within" you?

* Your challenge is to revisit your itemize list of debts.

Resolve to pay off MORE than you had planned in your last lessons. You will no longer live as a slave to your debts. Never again will you fall into the trap of debt. You deserve to feel the fullness of joy that being free of debt brings. 15. LESSON FIFTEEN CHALLENGE We have spoken about putting aside 10% income for yourself to save and invest. Dabasir was advised then to place a further 20% income aside to pay debts and to advise his creditors of his plan who welcomed him warmly.

* If it is relevant for you, it is time to face up to your

debt and to correct any ill-doings. Take your plan to your lenders. You will find that creditors are more than willing to be flexible and assist you to manage repayment via a payment plan. 16. LESSON SIXTEEN CHALLENGE These lessons give you some thoughts and ideas. It is time to put all of these lessons to the test, to know and
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live them. The victory is in the DOING. Do not underestimate the feeling of being out of debt and having the freedom to make decisions for your future because you have the confidence, the discipline to achieve ANYTHING. 17. LESSON SEVENTEEN CHALLENGE Do you have an appreciation for work? I don't mean hard work just for the sake of hard work but when there is a job to be done, do you procrastinate or know that by doing it, you will feel better within yourself. What has work got to do with money? You will find out in our next lesson. This challenge is to go a whole week without putting off one task, one duty. 18. LESSON EIGHTEEN CHALLENGE Most expect success to drop on their lap without the effort, the long hours, the sweat and headaches from thinking so long and intensely. Easy come, easy go is true. There is much glory in work itself. When you become successful you will feel you have earned it. If you feel you have earned the status, you will cautiously manage and retain your wealth. Change your mindset on work. It will set you free. Work is necessary, whatever form it takes. It is your choice as to what work you do and how you go about your work. 19. A NEW THOUGHT One of the greatest methods of building abundance is to *give away* some of your money. Ironic but true. You are tricking your mind into thinking you have more than enough. It works. Try it. Give to the needy, make a difference for others while making a change within yourself. Remember, *feeling* wealthy is key. You probably know that most people picture wealth to be a destination. When they get there, they can be very disappointed. Wealth like any goal is a journey. Achievement is not in the *being* wealthy but *feeling* wealthy...and happy, satisfied, confident, grateful, and a whole host of other emotional states.
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It's now *your time* to make it happen. You have the tools, you have what it takes. The battle is with YOU. Win over yourself, that is, gain control over yourself and the faster the path to wealth. This was the final lesson on The Richest Man In Babylon course ... I hope you enjoyed the course. I have *more*! We will continue to keep in touch via my regular emails where I will discuss *how to*; - get out of debt, - save real money, - make real money, - invest your money, - business opportunities, - protect your wealth, and much, much more. Stay tuned. Here is your graduation gift! You can download Think And Grow Rich from this link. And Grow Rich (Richest Man).pdf You've made it. Now that wasn't too painful for you?! It's time to pass on the mantle to someone you know that needs to make some improvements in their financial status. Just refer them to; I will keep you posted with other resources for your development. Well done for working all the way through this course. You are well on the way to securing your financial freedom. Continue to use the same determination in moving towards your goals. That is the end of "The Richest Man in Babylon's Lessons" if you so desire but not for me and those who want more. I am now continuing on with the series with a business, financial and personal development series of emails to follow. Join me in this wonderful world of business, money and finance.

Debt-Free living is not a mystery, nor is it reserved for the rich and famous. Debt-free living is possible regardless of income or social status. But you need to make the choice. You need to make the necessary decisions that will put you on the right track. If youre interested in increasing your income potential, the following might interest you: ______________________________________________________________________
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What to do next Learn the process of getting out of debt and the making money systems by joining my 16 week coaching Program at: to find out how to register for just $49 per month. Finish the one-on-one hand-holding 16 week coaching program and get my special gift: Dan Cavallis famous Commando Business System Home Study Coaching Course valued at $2,037.00 for FREE! [Take a sneak preview at: http://www.theultimatebusinesscoaching. ______________________________________________________________________

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