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This is the Orange team

Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi - b1112023537

Đào Hoàng Khang - 23005706

Đặng Thanh Ngân – 23005485

Nguyễn Thiện Mỹ - 23005936

Dương Huy Hoàng - 22003762


Group meeting of Orange Team

Objective: Create a team charter & discuss group essay ideas and outline.

Date: 23/09/2023 Location: Online (google meet)

Time: 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM Meeting Type: Team Meeting

Call-In Number: 0352055992 Call-In Code: None

Called By: Nguyen Thi Yen Nhi Facilitator: Nguyen Thi Yen Nhi

Timekeeper: None

Attendees: Dang Thanh Ngan, Nguyen Thien My, Duong Huy Hoang, Dao Hoang Khang.


Please Research:

- Find information about “Gender roles in Business”

- How do traditional gender stereotypes affect the modern business environment? Ex?

Action Items Person(s) Responsible Due Date Status

Choose essay topic Members 19/09/2023 Complete


Agenda Items Presenter Due Date Time Allotted

Create a team charter Hoang Khang 23/09/2023 30 minutes

Discuss essay ideas Thien My 23/09/2023 30 minutes

Discuss essay outline Thanh Ngan 23/09/2023 30 minutes


New Action Items Person(s) Responsible Due Date Deadline

Slide 1&2 Hoang Khang 23/09/2023 25/09/2023

Slide 3 Thien My 23/09/2023 25/09/2023

Slide 4 Yen Nhi 23/09/2023 25/09/2023

Slide 5 Duong Hoang 23/09/2023 25/09/2023

Slide 6 Thanh Ngan 23/09/2023 25/09/2023

Orange Team Meeting.

September 23, 2023.

Online meeting on Google Meet.

Member Present:

Đặng Thanh Ngân.

Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi.

Nguyễn Thiện Mỹ.

Dương Huy Hoàng.

Đào Hoàng Khang.

The meeting of Orange Team began at 8:30 pm. The agenda was reviewed, and members agrees
to the time allotments for each topic of discussion.

Firstly, we share the individual paragraphs with the whole team and then we composed a group
reflection paragraph and answered your questions together.

Secondly, we found information about “Gender roles in Business” and assigned slide make and
topic presentation to each group members.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting is scheduled for 8:30 P.M in Google Meeting on September 25, 2023.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dang Ngan.


Team name: Orange Date: 25/9/2023 Charter version: 1

Team member names Relevant skills and experience

Đặng Thanh Ngân- She always have her own perspective and show her member ideas

Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi- She easily focus on listening and knowing how to express myself
to handle situations with as much respectfulness, calmness and efficiency

Nguyễn Thiện Mỹ- She think it is important to have a clear vision of the team’s purpose
before starting working

Dương Huy Hoàng- He is a good listener and can boost everyone with the work

Đào Hoàng Khang- He can analyze the data immediately .

Meeting roles and responsibilities

September November December

Note-taker Đào Hoàng Khang

Organizer Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi

Monitor Dương Huy Hoàng

Convener Nguyễn Thiện Mỹ

Snack organizer Đặng Thanh Ngân

Team purpose
-Create a team charter
-Discuss group essay ideas
-Discuss group essay outline

Conditions of satisfaction

Submit on time

Achieving at least 75% of task

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Team Charter

-No war when discussing
-Respect other members.

Making decisions
-Decisions are taken by the team as a whole.
-When the team cannot come to an agreement, the majority vote should be used.

Managing conflict
-Establish a wholesome culture.
-Be transparent and honest at all times, treat our team members fairly and equally, and give them
praise and credit.

Preferred contact information Communication guidelines

Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi -

Đào Hoàng Khang -

Đặng Thanh Ngân -

Nguyễn Thiện Mỹ -

Dương Huy Hoàng -

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of 2
Team Charter
4. Reflections of the team members on the efficiency/challenges of this meeting

Đặng Thanh Ngân

Fortunately, I am always in a team which has great members. All of my members always try
their best to complete the deadlines, especially Nhi, she is always the one who finishes all the
assignments first, then sends it to our group. Moreover, she always listens to our feedback when
we have a question or make a suggestion. She is always proactive and corrects errors quickly.
And also we have a great leader, maybe we have never chosen the leader, however, Khang is
always the person who tells us what to do and what we should do to complete it fully as soon as
we can. The other members also try to contribute their opinions and submit deadlines on time.

Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi

Honestly, I feel like my team is very cooperative and helps each other. Although we have not
chosen a leader yet, Khang is always the one who proactively proposes the main plans, so I
consider him as a pillar of the team. Next is Ngan, a pretty and cute girl in my eyes. This girl's
energy is something very cool and I'm quite curious about her. Thien My is also a person who
makes me very curious too cause she is quite quiet. I guess she's a bit introverted, but it's okay.
Although she rarely communicates with members in the group, Thien My still observes and
listens to everyone's opinion and assignments. A girl hard working silently hehe. Hoang Duong,
for me, is a lively person. I saw his story posted on Facebook that he often attends music events,
maybe he is an artistic person and outgoing. Regarding work, all members always complete it on
time. This makes me very happy and relieves pressure. This is because I’m a very slow worker.
I’m a bit afraid that when something suddenly happens I won't be able to complete it in the best

Đào Hoàng Khang

I start to write this report on Monday. For around a week, I had an amazing experience when I
worked with my teammates. The first person I think of is Nhi. She did her work so great and well
without any doubt. She’s an open-minded person so when we discuss together, we can get more
ideas from her. Next up is Ngân, who collaborates effectively with other team members and can
manage the effectiveness of everyone. I want to point out Hoàng. Wow, I was really amazed
since he did his work so fast. We asked him to do some work and he just finished that in a few
hours! And Mỹ, I believe she is such an interesting person. She does not talk a lot but still, gives
great ideas and nice works. And a little bit about myself, I hope I didn’t mess up you guys

Dương Huy Hoàng

My team members are always reliable and meet deadlines, especially Nhi. She is always the first
to finish her assignments and send them to the group. She is also a great listener and takes our
feedback seriously. She is also proactive and corrects errors quickly.Our leader, Khang, is not
officially appointed, but he is always the one who steps up and tells us what to do and how to do
it efficiently. He is also supportive of the other team members, who also contribute their ideas
and meet deadlines. In other words, you have a great team with dedicated members who are
always willing to go the extra mile.

Nguyễn Thiện Mỹ

From my perspective, our team’s first meeting went smoothly. All the members show their
accountability, respectfullness, and spirit of cooperation by completing their assigned task before
the meeting, attending meeting punctually, and actively proposing various valuable idea. During
the meeting, we listened attentively to other members and together compose a group reflection
paragraph. The task allocation process demonstrates high efficiency when we spend less than
five minutes to divide the task and randomize it to the members. I believe that our team is such
an effective team since we have capable team members who has his or her own unique
characteristics. Nhi proves to be a true organizer when she uses her time wisely and efficiently to
finish her task first in the group. Khang is such a charisma person by leading the conversation
and maintaining harmony in the group. Ngan is also an irreplaceable part of the group by
enchanting everyone with her enthusiastic spirit. Last but not least, Hoang contribute greatly to
the group with his creative idea. Regarding the challenges of this meeting, our team have not
faced any major obstacles yet, but with our willingness to resolve conflicts and trustworthiness
we can overcome any hindrances.

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