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advanced computer programming

from group 2

print('Hello, world!')
To help school manage the student records easier.

This program will help school faculty in keeping

records of students easier and in a convenient
way, this will benefit the whole school staff but
mainly the registrar
advanced computer programming

A school management system is a program

that allows your institution to run more
efficiently by digitizing and automating
numerous academic and administrative
processes. The software will act as a school
1. Efficient
data management system, allowing you to
accomplish bulk data management activities 2. Speed
with ease and speed. 3. Smart

The pandemic has altered how the world

used to function. Perhaps the most
significant transformation has occurred in
educational institutions. As a result, all
schools are required to utilize smartly
designed school administration software.
advanced computer programming

A well-designed school management system

will reduce staff workload, aid students and
teachers in saving time, cut costs, and improve
data security. All of this will help your 1. Technology
institution become more cost-effective and 2. Tracking
3. Improve Data Security
4. Cost-Effective
advanced computer programming

Cost efficient

The school management system will

increase the efficiency of the staff and
allow teachers to focus only on improving
their teaching skills. Managing
educational Institutions flawlessly will
require much less effort. Schools will
need less staff than they used to need
before the advent of the management
systems. Tasks will get completed faster.
The expenses on printing, energy, paper,
etc. would decrease significantly. So, the
Institutions will see a notable decrease
in their annual expenditure.
Advanced computer programming

School Management System

This program
uses the
which is
Python print('Welcome to Golden
How to become a Gold Star

A Virtual Quiz
on Pinoy New Year
Food Superstitions

Pwede rin namang tira-tira nung
Pasko. Walang judgement!
advanced computer programming

School Management System

In addition Python provides

various options for developing
graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

Febrj Yarrah Kalalo

Rianne Joy Pablo

Shanne Años

Alain Micko Moreno

Drexler Abanilla

James Moris De Jesus

advanced computer programming

Thank You so

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