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Student name: Dang Thanh Ngan

Class code: WSB14.0.3

HW number: HW1.2

Task description: Create 1 positive and 1 negative message (= emails)related to YOUR

academic or professional life. The two emails should be real emails that you might have to send.
Submit a file with the following parts for each of the two emails:

Part 1. Describe the context of the situation and the audience for your email.

Part 2. Compose your email draft. Pay attention to format and organization. Remember
to include all necessary elements of positive and negative messages.

Part 3. Analyze your email draft using PAIBOC (write full sentences).



From: Ngan Dang <>

Subject: Inviting members for SGD competition.





Hi Hao,

I am writing this email to invite you to join our team in the upcoming competition called “SGD
I think this is not only an interesting competition for first-year students to explore more new
knowledge, it is also your chance to improve your soft skills and showcase your creativity.
Moreover, if we win this competition, we also have an opportunity to receive $100,000 AUD.

I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Ngan Dang

PAIBOC Analysis:

Purposes: Inviting my friend to join our team for upcoming competition.

Audience: Hao, who is my friend.
Information: Notify her about the competition
Benefits: Finding teammates to join together, learn and try to win prizes.
Objection: Ask Hao if she wants to join our group.
If my teammates agree to join our team, she will send me a reply.
If my teammate does not approve my request, she will send me a reject email.



From: Ngan Dang <>




Hello Hao,

Thank you for inviting me to your team, and thank you, too, for letting me know about

As you know, each group should consist of a minimum of 4 members and a maximum of 5
members. Unfortunately there are 5 members in my team, I feel sorry for not being able to accept
more members into the group.

I hope you can find another interesting team. Good luck to you and your team.


Ngan Dang

PAIBOC Analysis:
Purpose: Refuse the request to join the group.
Audience: Hao who wants to join our team.
Information: There are enough members in my group.
Benefits: she can find another team as soon as possible.
Objective: she asks to join our group.
If she receives this email, she will send me a thank you letter.

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