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The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

Coastline Change Analysis using Landsat-8 on Rebana

Metropolitan Area, West Java

Tri Kies Welly 1, Wiwin Windupranata2

Magister Program of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, Faculty of Earth Sciences
and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia;
Hydrography Research Group, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Institut
Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The Rebana metropolitan area is an industrial area development covering Cirebon-
Patimban-Kertajati to support accelerated economic growth, especially in the West Java region.
In order to minimize failures in supporting the development targets of the Rebana metropolitan
area, it is necessary to carry out spatial planning with consideration of the hazard aspects in the
development area. One of the aspects that need to be studied further is the dynamics of the coastal
area such as coastline changes that occur due to erosion or sedimentation. Analysis of erosion
and sedimentation is essential for further studies to be carried out regarding the factors that cause
erosion and sedimentation and how to protect and prevent them in the future. This research
utilizes remote sensing techniques and integrated geographic information systems (GIS) to
identify coastline changes from 2017-2022 in the coastal areas of Subang, Indramayu, and
Cirebon districts which are included in the Rebana metropolitan area. In this study, Landsat-8
satellite imagery is used to identify and quantify Spatio-temporal changes that occur in the
coastal area of the Rebana metropolitan area in 6 years. The Normalized Difference Wetness
Index (NDWI) algorithm is used to separate wet and dry objects which are interpreted as bodies
of water and land. Thresholding the results of the NDWI algorithm along with the on-screen
digitization approach was carried out for coastline extraction. The calculation of coastline
changes is carried out using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) so that the rate of
change of coastline in the study area is obtained. During the study period, the results showed that
the average erosion rate in the Rebana metropolitan area was -3.66 m/year and the average
sedimentation rate was +6.28 m/year, where the greatest erosion rate occurred in Kapetakan sub-
district, Cirebon Regency with an average rate -7.63 m/year, and the greatest sedimentation rate
occurs in Pusakanagara sub-district, Subang Regency with an average rate +24.64 m/year.
Karangampel Subdistrict in Indramayu Regency has 79.89%, the widest erosion area of its total
coastline length, and Balongan Subdistrict, Indramayu Regency has the widest sedimentation,
91.37% of the total coastline length. The land use that is most affected by erosion and accretion
in the coastal area of the Rebana metropolitan area is fishpond.

Keywords: Coastline Change, DSAS, NDWI, Rebana Metropolitan Area

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

1. Introduction

Every year there is an increase in population in Indonesia [1]. Demand will increase as the population
rise, makes growth in the industrial sector must be accompanied by population growth to meet supply
[2]. The industrial sector also plays a vital role as the prime mover and supporter of the national economy

However, industrial planning requires careful planning to carry out industrial development strategically.
Several parameters must be considered in industrial development, including socio-economic, physical-
environmental, infrastructure and urban development, and potential hazards [4–6]. Some hazard
parameters that need to be reviewed from industrial development are erosion and accretion, especially
for industrial planning in coastal area [7].

One area of Indonesia that has the potential for a large increase in industrial in the coastal area is Rebana
Metropolitan. Rebana Metropolitan is the north/northeast region of West Java Province which consists
of seven cities in which there are Patimban Port, Cirebon Port and Kertajati West Java International
Airport (BIJB), which functions as a connectivity and logistics center. The strategic area of the Rebana
Metropolite can support the increase in the industrial economy [8].

However, the Rebana metropolitan area, which is located in the lowlands in northern Java, has
considerable potential for coastline dynamics. Areas dominated by sedimentary mud are very easy to
change position and cause changes in the shape of the beach [9], [10]. Changes in the coastal area can
be seen from the description of the differences in the coastline. This change is indicated to have occurred
due to erosion and accretion along the coast which can be known through remote sensing imagery in the
form of satellite imagery, namely in 2017 and 2022 [11], [12] . The results of remote sensing data
analysis are then processed with a geographic information system to analyze coastal environmental

Aim of this research is to determine changes in the coastline in the coastal Rebana Metropolitan area
which is estimated to become an industrial center. Coastal land management is analyzed to see the
impact and causes of changes in the coastline that occur. It is hoped that this study will identify the
factors that cause erosion and sedimentation as well as ways to protect and prevent them so that
economic development in Metropolitan Rebana can be sustainable.

2. Methodology

2.1. Study Area

The area study in this research focuses on the coastal area of the Rebana Metropolitan area, which is in
the province of West Java. The case study area comprises 20 sub-districts in three districts adjacent to
the coastline along the Rebana Metropolitan Area [8]. The study area can be seen in Figure 1.

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

Figure 1. Study Area

2.2. Data
Data used in this study can be seen in Table 1. In general, this study uses five data consisting of
administrative data, Ocean tide data, Landsat-8, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and Landuse.

Table 1. Data used in this study

No Data Product Referensce
Topographic Map of
1 Administrative Data 1:25.000 [11]
Indonesia (RBI)
2 Ocean tide data TPXO 9 Tide Models 1/6 degree [12]
USGS Landsat 8
3 Landsat-8 30 m [13]
Digital Elevation National Data Digital 0.27 [11]
Model (DEM) Elevation Model (DEMNAS) arcsecond
Topographic Map of
5 Landuse 1:25.000 [11]
Indonesia (RBI)
Evidence of
6 Coastline Changes Documentation -
in the Field

The satellite data used in this study consisted of 6 (five) years of Landsat 8 image recording data.
Onboard Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) with a resolution of 30
m. the data used is image acquisition in 2017-2022. The choice of data acquisition date in Table 2 is

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

based on the availability of data each year and the quality of satellite data as seen from the percentage
of cloud cover in coastal areas.

Table 2. Data and quality of satellite imagery selected in the study

Data Land Geometric Geometric Geometric
Data Acquisition Cloud RMSE RMSE RMSE
Date Cover (%) Model (m) Model X (m) Model Y (m)
1 9/30/2017 11.20% 6.845 3.832 5.672
2 9/17/2018 00.42% 6.018 4.101 4.405
3 11/7/2019 02.93% 6.215 4.140 4.635
4 10/8/2020 03.49% 6.308 4.160 4.742
5 9/16/2021 06.74% 6.318 4.545 4.388
6 4/13/2022 18.23% 7.391 5.355 5.093

2.3. Methods
The general methods in this study can be seen in Figure 2. The method can be divided into four sections
that will be explained below.

Figure 2. Methodology Flowchart

2.3.1. Radiometric Correction

Radiometric correction is intended to eliminate or minimize radiometric errors due to external aspects
in the form of atmospheric disturbances during the recording process. [15]. This process also converts

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

DN (Digital Number) to ToA (Top of Atmospheric) or radian value. The radiometric correction process
can be carried out using various applications, one of which was carried out in this study using QGIS
software. The radiometric correction equation used for Landsat is used in this study [16]. the equation
for radiometric correction is in equation 1 below.

(𝑀𝜌 + 𝑄𝑐𝑎𝑙 + 𝐴𝜌)

𝜌𝜆 = (1)
sin 𝜃𝑠𝑒

𝜌𝜆= Reflectance value (which has been corrected for the angle of the sun).
𝛭𝜌= Rescaling constant.
𝘘𝘤𝘢𝘭= Pixel Value (Digital Number).
A𝜌= Addition Constant.
𝜃se= The sun's elevation angle during image recording.

2.3.2. Coastline Extractions

a) Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI)
The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) method is a method which is used to compare
humidity degrees on satellite imagery. The NDWI method uses Band 3 (green) to assess the strength of
plants and water bodies, and Band 5 (NIR) emphasizes the amount of biomass The NDWI index results
can range from -1 to +1. The equation for calculating NDWI is in equation 2 below. The selection of
this wavelength is done for:
1) maximizing the reflection of water features by using green wavelengths;
2) minimizing low NIR reflectance by water features; And
3) take advantage of the high NIR reflectance by terrestrial vegetation and soil features.
NDWI = (2)
When equation (2) is used to process multispectral satellite imagery, the water feature has a
positive value. While ground and terrestrial vegetation features have a zero or negative value,
because the NIR reflectance is usually higher than the green channel [17]. The equation used
for using the NDWI algorithm can be seen in equation 2 [18]. the results of the NDWI
algorithm can be seen in Figure 3b.

(a) (b)
Figure 3. Sentinel 2 Image RGB Band Composite (a), NDWI Algorithm Results (b).

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

b) Thresholding
The results of processing using the NDWI algorithm produce spectral values between -1 to 1, which
indicate the degree of wetting in the image processing results. Wetness classification using NDWI can
be seen in Tabel 3 below [19].

Table 3. Wetness level based on NDWI value

Class NDWI Wetness Level

1 -1 < NDWI < 0 Non-Water Body

2 0 < NDWI < 0.33 Moderate Wetness

3 0.33 < NDWI < 1 High Wetness

Thresholding aims to make boundaries based on the classification in the table above so that boundaries
between dry land and wetlands which in this study are called land and sea will be obtained. land
classification is at a value of -1 to 0, while waters is a value of 0 to 1 [19]. The thresholding results for
NDWI processing based on the classification in table 2 can be seen in Figure 4 below.

(a) (b)
Figure 4. NDWI before Thresholding (a) and NDWI after Thresholding (b).

c) Delineation
The results of land and sea detection are then digitized, either manually or automatically. However, in
this study, digitization was carried out in a combination of automatic and manual to ensure that the
coastline is formed better and avoids noise around the coastline. The results of land and sea delineations
are symbolized by coastlines in 2017-2022 as shown in figure 5 below.

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

Figure 5. Delineation result in the coastal area 2017-2022.

2.3.3. Coastline Change Analysis using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
The stages of analysis using DSAS are establishment of a coastline, making baselines, transect analysis,
and calculate the coastline change. The coastline change rate was analyzed using the End Point Rate
(EPR) statistical approach using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) tool. The EPR method
calculates the rate of change of coastline by dividing the distance between the oldest and the most recent
coastline by the time. EPR calculations are performed on each transect that is formed with a distance of
15 m between transects. the distance between transects is chosen based on half of the pixel size of the
Landsat 8 image.Figure 6 is an illustration of the results of processing using DSAS.

Figure 6. Example of coastline dynamics in Subang Regency

2.3.4. Erosion Hazard Classification

The classification of coastal erosion hazard is determined based on the Coastal Vulnerability Index
(CVI), where erosion and accretion hazards are divided into five classes that can be seen in Table 4. The
danger of coastal erosion will be greater if the coastline changes towards the land and lower if there is a
change in the coastline towards the sea (accretion).

Table 4. CVI Indicators [21]

Ranking of Coastal Vulnerability Index
Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
1 2 3 4 5
Barrier beaches,
Cobble Sand beaches, Mud
Rocky, eliffed cliffs, Low cliffs,
Geomorphology beaches, flats, Deltas,
coasts, Fiands Indented Glacial drift
Estuary Mangrove, Coral

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

Coastal slope
>0.115 0.115-0.055 0.055-0.035 0.025-0.022 <0.022
Relative sea-
level change <1.8 1.8-2.5 2.5-3.0 3.0-3.4 >3.4
>2.0 1.0-2.0 -1.0-+1.0 -1.1—(-2.0) <-2.0
Mean tide
>6.0 4.1-6.0 2.0-4.0 1.0-1.9 <1.0
range (m)
Mean wave
<0.55 0.55-0.85 0.85-1.05 1.05-1.25 >1.25
height (m)

Erosion hazard classes are divided into 5 classes, namely very low with a rate of above 2 m/year, low
class with a rate of 1.0 to 2.0 m/year, moderate class with a rate of 1.0 to -1.0, high class with a rate of
-1.1 to 2.0 m/year and very high class with a rate of more than -2.0 m/year. A positive value indicates a
change in the coastline towards the sea (increasing land area) while a negative value indicates a change
in the coastline towards land (decreasing land area).

3. Result and Discussion

The results of this study are divided into two, an analysis of coastline changes in the Rebana metropolitan
area and the relationship between land cover in the Rebana metropolitan area and phenomena that occur
along the coast. Clearly, the analysis of the results of this study is explained as follows.

3.1. coastline dynamics

The dynamics of the coastline in the Rebana metropolitan area, divided into 20 sub-districts, is obtained
using DSAS. The baseline is used as a reference in calculating the length of the coastline, which is taken
based on the coastline on the results of the 2017 coastline extraction as the first data in this study. The
distance between transects along the coastline is 15 m, with the number of transects attached in the Table
Table 5. The results of making transects along the coastline
Transect Total
Sub-District Baseline Length
Erosion Accretion
Pusakanagara 225 894 1119.00
Sukra 295 219 514.00
Patrol 312 185 497.00
Kadanghaur 382 566 948.00
Losarang 298 333 631.00
Cantigi 362 915 1277.00
Pasekan 931 566 1497.00
Indramayu 191 197 388.00
Balongan 32 339 371.00
Juntinyuat 201 524 725.00
Karangampel 143 36 179.00
Krangkeng 226 373 599.00
Kapetakan 71 51 122.00
Suranenggala 96 197 293.00
Gunung Jati 359 397 756.00

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

Transect Total
Sub-District Baseline Length
Erosion Accretion
Kejaksan 37 130 167.00
Lemah Wungkuk 150 126 276.00
Mundu 196 165 361.00
Astanajapura 43 234 277.00
Pangenan 526 275 801.00

From the results of coastline extraction, the sub-district with the longest coastline was obtained, namely
the Pasekan sub-district, Indramayu Regency, which is 12.69% of the total coastline length in the Rebana
metropolitan area. Pasekan sub-district obtained longest coastline affected by erosion, which is 931 m
long. Meanwhile, Cantigi sub-district obtained coastline most affected by accretion. From the results of
processing using DSAS, the average coastline change rate is obtained from the calculation of the EPR,
which can be seen in the Figure 7.

End point rate (EPR) Average



Erosion Accretion

Figure 7. End Point Rate (ERP) Average

The results of the average EPR calculation show that the district with the largest average erosion rate is
experienced by Pasekan District, Indramayu Regency, which is equal to 8.97 m/year. Meanwhile, the
district with the highest average accretion rate was Pusakanagara District, Subang Regency with a
maximum value of 24.64 m3/year. Pasekan District experienced the greatest erosion phenomenon with
the majority of the coastal area being used as fish ponds. The lack of mangroves and water barriers,
coupled with the sloping topography with sandy mud, causes continous erosion. Meanwhile, the
Pusakanagara area experienced the largest average accretion because it has many upstream rivers in its
area that carry sediment particles from the river to its coastal areas. The existence of mangroves in the
coastal area also plays a role in binding sediments, causing an increase in land area in the Pusakanagara

3.2. relationship between landuse and erosion hazardcoastline dynamics

The results of the calculation of coastline changes using DSAS are then carried out to classify the erosion
hazard based on the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI), which is divided into five classes. The results
of the erosion hazard classification in the coastal area of the Rebana metropolitan area can be seen based
on the Figure 9 below.

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

Figure 8. Erosion Hazard Classification in Rebana Metropolitan Area

Based on the results of the classification of erosion hazard in the coastal area of the Rebana metropolitan
area, the total length of land use affected by by erosion is obtained. In detail, the types of land use
affected by erosion and accretion can be explained in the Table 6 below.

Table 6. Hazard classification in percent

Hazard Classification
1 (%) 2 (%) 3 (%) 4 (%) 5 (%)
Built-Up Area 26.51 14.94 47.11 4.47 6.97
Water Bodies 32.64 5.13 35.12 12.27 14.84
Rice Fields 15.96 14.26 38.29 6.54 24.96
Fish Ponds 35.40 7.08 21.89 7.27 28.37

From Table 6, the results of land cover with a high erosion hazard impact (class 5) have an impact on
the fish pond area of 28.37% or 1164252.77 m along the coastline. While land use with high accretion
hazard impacts (class 1) also has an impact on the fish pond area of 35.40% or 4104386.87 m along the
coastline. This is probably caused by the slope of the land in which the land use is relatively flat. Not
only is there a natural accretion phenomenon in the downstream area of the river and fish ponds, human
activities that take advantage of the accretion phenomenon in the fish pond area, such as adding new
fish ponds from the results of sedimentation in the surrounding area are also one of the causes of rapid
coastline changes in fish pond area.

4. Conclussion
The conclusions obtained from the results of this study are as follows.

The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012047

1. During the study period, the results showed that the average erosion rate in the Rebana metropolitan
area was -3.66 m/year and the average sedimentation rate was +6.28 m/year, where the greatest
erosion rate occurred in Pasekan District, Indramayu Regency with an average rate 8.97 m/year
m/year, and the greatest sedimentation rate occurs in Pusakanagara sub-district, Subang Regency
with an average rate +24.64 m/year. Karangampel Subdistrict in Indramayu Regency has 79.89%,
the widest erosion area of its total subdistrict coastline length, and Balongan Subdistrict, Indramayu
Regency has the widest sedimentation, 91.37% of the total sub district coastline length.
2. The land use most affected by erosion and accretion in the coastal area of the Rebana metropolitan
area is ponds, which occur due to natural phenomena and the result of human activities.
3. The phenomenon of erosion and accretion that occurs in this study cannot be explained with
certainty whether caused by natural factors or human factors, so additional parameters are needed
to ascertain the causes of erosion and accretion such as hydrological morphodynamic models.
4. Detected coastline changes of less than 15 m are still ambiguous whether they occur due to errors
in digitizing or are indeed shoreline changes, so for further research it is necessary to study shoreline
changes using high-resolution imagery.

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