Pil Tut 1

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Tutorial 1
1. Explain Public International Law. How would you distinguish Public International Law with
Private International Law?

2. What are the sources of Public International Law? Discuss

3. What is international customary law? Can customary law be legal enforced.

4. Malaysia had continuously occupied an island, for more than 100 years which was mostly
inhabited by fishermen. The island borders Singapore, Indonesia and is also close to Christmas
Island which is an Australian territory.
Recently a private company discovered rich minerals close to shores of the Island and was in the
midst of negotiating with the Malaysian government on mining rights.

However, when the news of this discovery was made known, the government of Indonesia,
Singapore and Australia made claims to the island.
Of these countries, only Indonesia had objected to the Malaysian since claims its independence
in 1945.
With reference to international law explain the legitimacy of the claims by these countries.

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