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above teot 324!affrimately nts 938 dt
hegit sultan tfepu
at isl749 fn
onpbucted trt masive ghafed st A +
tort i
nataka, in toplaces Bought most
andlandmank icenic An
ConeN Cnatts and walk Henitage
* on a clea ky day, Peape Can abo 3ee
|ke arabian ea nomthe tont
F The heita ge city ot kan natta, # askan haß
a lot more to ten to townists o all

Segments in Saltlahpur
Sak lesh pw tawk in the dztict i a
hsh geeneny and beauttul.
hill 2tatfon wit lush
nd pcapes.
+ A viztt to tte star ghafed, manfahabod hot
ia a mugt to do fn yas check ltst.
+Built in Fnopean ptyle, ttpu jutan got this tot
bit one day by his soldiers when he was.

estaklishig. hts svonegnty Oven

dy photo
rom tte Kann
Majaabad tont Jot its name
-ada wnd'mnju' which means
So when Tiru Bltas v'sited He tovt abter
its Completion ttene was a mist all on and above.
tte tot, honce ke name.
*Alhovgh te tort s Constucted in a
mateials Used to bild the fort
Sye, te aw
granite stones and Iime mo tar ton he
inchded onstucted with
tousn wals, and tte înterio are
ned bk.
The tot was Bed to store omy barna, and.
mey and to store gun powden.
+ The lush greeney, muddy tais neven hillocks,
Valeys tneams and denge torests re te vfeL.
Can ezpect while ptanding on tt tot wal.
Manjaa bad tort ts a Btan
sfan tort in 1?92
J Tipu Sutan Ae ten oa vad hakai/ nng
behaly ob ys one king ot ysore tollawing
Fnech ztar - shaped tont.
*The ptan shapad tort dessgns made by dey leet
Le Phes te de Vau ban tat
Se bastfen affaaache
Cannon tie and alaw guns foto cover all
wi tkaut dead Posttion2.
bont in 792 at a time
Tpu Bultan buit tte
hed his Sovenignty oveN
when he was, establis
gainst ooterher Sutt intan.

* At hat thime the
even he Manattas and ta
Ni3am of hydenabad had al'gnad witt the Bish
The sultan wated to make te highuy between.
Tangalo1e and Coog Bee ton his e (fanslon.
+ BeCause he wa alied witt he Fnench at tkat
tine agangt the Gttish.
* he Seght te help ot Fnench engíners to
butt a star bort ot tta Gwno pean tyle.
*The un believable bormation ot natwne leaves
natre lov ens and
andl histoy enthustasts Bpell baund
The tot, as butt and extg ting (; neigh t- Poiot
Btan. The eteal walls ot te tot have been
butlt cuit ed bcs, natte gtones and lime,
tones. rwhih acomodate anmy boaala, amouy,
5tores and others have been butlt witk
h ts, two cellans were but tt net to.
Aat tom
a deep we ll which were underground ptnvctuses. ysed.
theye soms yemained.
to toNe,gun psder and
mon ts. The tot has
Cool evon dotng pummen
zlopirg wals it is called. that tte tort is
complete Vauban esgle sta -Bhafed bot
"The most
fin india"

The touigm Defartmet ot Kaataka, presed
demands rom laal feople ot gokked
pakehp, hawe plas
to oeate basc ameitieg aont t tot and.
aso dadep a park

|1'Hp toy ot Manjaab ad" Chts:// hassan nic.inmannabad

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