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‫غزة _ ‪2222‬م‬


‫تم إعداد النماذج التدريبية الختبارات الثانوية العامة وإجاباتها النموذجية من خالل أقسام‬
‫اإلشراف التربوي ولجان المباحث بمديريات التربية والتعليم بمحافظات غزة‬

‫اإلشـــــــراف والمتابعة‬

‫اإلدارة العامة لإلشراف والتأهيل التربهي‬

‫د‪ .‬ريما ابراهيم الخطيب‬ ‫أ‪ .‬ماجد عيدى األغا‬


‫ل ل ل ل ل ل ل ل ل ل ل ل ل ث ة ل ل ل ل ل ل ال و ل ل ل ل ل ل الث ل ل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫و ل ل ل ل ل ل ال‬ ‫تواصل ل ل ل ل للر ي اةوا اليم ا ل ل ل ل ل ل ياليثةل ل ل ل ل للاث الث ل ل ل ل ل ل ل‬

‫لللللل أ‬ ‫أيائ ل ل ل ل للر ة ل ل ل ل ل ل ب ‪2222‬م لةثل ل ل ل ل ل م ال او ل ل ل ل ل ل ‪ 2222/2221‬الل ل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫م لل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫لل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫ل ل ل ل للب نل ل ل ل ل ل‬

‫يال ل ل ل ل للوم‬ ‫ب ت ل ل ل ل ل الا و ا ل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫للللل‬ ‫ل ل ل ل للا‬ ‫ال‬ ‫بإص ل ل ل ل ل او تال ل ل ل للااة أ ل ل ل ل للية ال و ل ل ل ل ل الث ل ل ل ل ل لة ل ل ل ل للاوا‬

‫ل ل ل ل ل م بإ ل ل ل ل ل ا‬ ‫ني ل ل ل ل ل او ال و ل ل ل ل ل الث ل ل ل ل ل ياليل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫ل ل ل للب الا ل ل ل ل ل م الي و هال ل ل ل ل‬ ‫تال ل ل ل ل و ل ل ل ل ل م ال ا و ل ل ل ل ل‬

‫اليثةا ل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫للللل ا‬ ‫للللل‬ ‫ل ل ل ل ل ا ي ل ل ل ل ل وي ل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫اليثةل ل ل ل للاث ب ل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫ل ل ل ل ل دم‬ ‫ال شل ل ل ل للم ون اليم و ل ل ل ل للون ل ل ل ل ل‬

‫ل ل ل للب أ ل ل ل للر‬ ‫ال ل ل ل للموا ي هاثل ل ل ل ل أ ل ل ل للية ا ني ل ل ل ل ل و ي لل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫الل ل ل ل ل وي‬ ‫الال ل ل ل ل وا ل ل ل للب ال ل ل ل للو اةوا ل ل ل للب ت ل ل ل ل ل‬

‫ل ل ل ل ل وي ل ل ل ل ل أن ت ل ل ل ل للون ل ل ل ل ل م‬ ‫ت ل ل ل ل ل و ل ال لل ل ل ل للل ةل ل ل ل للة ا يا ل ل ل ل ل ة ا ني ل ل ل ل ل و الا ل ل ل ل ل ئ ب ل ل ل ل ل ول ي ل ل ل ل للم‬

‫ا ال ل ل ل ل ل للل ة ل ل ل ل للة ت ل ل ل ل للاث أ ائل ل ل ل ل ل بثل ل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫لل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫ل ل ل ل للب أ ل ل ل ل للر‬ ‫الا و ال ل ل ل ل ل‬ ‫الا ل ل ل ل ل ل م يتل ل ل ل ل ل ا لل بل ل ل ل ل ل‬

‫‪.‬‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ام ث‬

‫ي‬ ‫و ل ل ل ل ل لل ل ل ل ل ث ة ل ل ل ل ل ال و ل ل ل ل ل الث ل ل ل ل ل ليم ل ل ل للو ل ل ل ل للث اليو ل ل ل ل ل يالاال ل ل ل ل‬ ‫تواص ل ل ل للر‬ ‫يال ل ل ل للو اةوا‬

‫أ ةة ال ماتل‪.‬‬ ‫ت‬

‫وهللا المهفق وهه الهادي إلى سهاء الدبيل‬

‫د‪ .‬محمهد أمين مطر‬

‫مدير عام اإلشراف والتأهيل التربهي‬
English Language ‫ﺷﻣﺎل ﻏزة‬ 2022 ‫اختبار تجريبي‬
Time: 2:45 hrs.
‫ الفرع األدبي‬- ‫شهادة الثانوية العامة‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
Date: / / 2022. ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
Total Marks (100 marks)
Question Number One: Read the text about business start-up and complete the tasks below: (20 points)
Information and Communications Technology businesses could be the best hope for the economic future of
Palestine, according to experts inside and outside the country.
Why ICT? For Mustafa Jawad, the 23-year-old head of an online graphic design company, the answer is simple:
‘For an ICT start-up, all you need is a computer and a connection. You can distribute your final product by
exporting it to the Internet cloud.’ There are still problems, though. The main one is a lack of 3G networks in
Palestine, because access to the necessary wavebands is not available yet.
Mustafa was good at art and languages, and when he finished school, everyone advised him to study English at
university. Instead, he taught himself how to programme and started making his own software programmes.
His first attempt was a game, which was so popular with his fellow students that he decided starting his own
company might be a real possibility. His big breakthrough came when he attended a ‘start-up weekend’ in
Ramallah. He managed to get a small amount of financial support, which gave him the time to develop more
ideas. Perhaps more importantly, he met other business people, both Palestinian and from other countries. He
learnt a lot about the practical side of running a business and about how to get his products noticed.
Mustafa is currently working on a programme that makes the teaching of chemistry in schools more fun. He has
already had interest from within Palestine and from other Arab countries. Like a lot of other young Palestinian
business people, he wants to do something positive to help his country, but he stresses that his company isn’t a
humanitarian operation. ‘It’s a business,’ he says, ‘and the aim is to get good returns on the investment.
He believes he can help is to pass on what he’s learnt to others. ‘I learnt a lot from that start-up weekend. When I
go to the next one, I hope I’ll learn more, but I’ll also be able to advice others.’
A. Answer the following questions: (6 points)
1. What could be the best hope for the economic future of Palestine, according to experts?
................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................
2. What is the biggest problem for ICT companies in Palestine?
.............................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Why did Mustafa decide to start his own business?
................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................

B. Complete the diagram form the text: (2 points)

The benefits Mustafa got when attending the start-up weekend in Ramallah

C. Complete the table with brief notes about Mustafa Jawad: (3 points)
First attempt
Business aim
D. Decide if the statements are True or False according to the text. (2 points)
1. Mustafa works as an employee at an online graphic company. ( )
2. Mustafa's company is a humanitarian one. ( )
E. Complete the following sentences: (3 points)
1. ICT stands for …………………………………………………………….….
2. In the next start-up weekend, Mustafa hopes to …………………………… and ……………………….….
F. What do the following words and pronouns refer to? (4 points)
1. one (line 6) …………………………………………………… 2. His (line 10) ……………………………………………….
3. which (line 12) …………………………………………………… 4. it (line 18) ……………………………………………….

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Question Number One: (20 points)
Read the text about Time Management and complete the tasks below:
Creating tasks and achievable goals for ourselves can help us manage our time much more productively. Here are some
useful tips that can help us manage our time effectively.
Tip 1. ………………….…………………….: Making and following a task schedule reduces anxiety. As you check off items
on your “to-do” list, you can see that you are making progress. This helps you avoid feeling stressed out with worry
about whether you’re getting things done.
Tip 2. ………………….…………………….: Evaluate the tasks in the order of value and importance so that you can
prioritise them effectively. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to complete each task so you don’t feel
pressured when carrying them out. This means completing work with deadlines well in advance.
Tip 3. ………………….…………………….: You need to be able to divide the day’s tasks into achievable targets that give
you a clear sense of purpose. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Have this goal as a clear vision, and use it to keep
you focused on the work at hand.
Tip 4. ………………….…………………….: Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter can be major distractions. As a
result, make sure you establish clear time restrictions for accessing social media websites. If your working
environment is too loud, then try moving to a calmer more productive space.

A. Read the text then choose the best title (a – c) for each tip: (4 points)
a: Set goals you can achieve b. Limit social media usage
c. Prioritise your goals d. Make a “to do” list before taking action
B. Answer the following questions: (6 points)
1. How can following a schedule and a list helpful?
a. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………
b. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………

c. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………

2. Why do we need to evaluate the tasks’ value and importance?

a. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………
b. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………

c. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………

C. Write suitable tips from the text in the following situations: (4 points)
Situation Suggested tips
I have a big task to accomplish, and a. ……………………………………………………………………………….……………………...…………
I know it’s hard to be achieved. b. ……………………………………………………………………………………….……………...…………
I need to focus on my work but a. …………………………………………………………………………………………..…………...…………
Facebook and music distracted me. b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………...…………

D. Complete the sentences: (2 points)

1. Facebook and Twitter are mentioned in the text as examples of ……………………………………………………………….….
2. You should move to a calmer more productive space if ……………………………………………………………….………………
E. What do the following pronouns refer to? (4 points)
1. this (line 4) …………………………………………………… 2. them (line 7) ……………………………………………….
3. that (line 9) …………………………………………………… 4. it (line 10) ……………………………………………….

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VOCABULARY 25 points)
Question Number Three: (25 points)
A. Match the words from the box with their meanings below: (5 points)
citizens – returns – excuse – persevere – reserve
1. I'm sure he isn't really ill. I think it's just an untrue reason for not. ………………………….

2. If you're finding a job difficult, it's important that you don't give up. ………………………….

3. It's a good idea to have a second-choice plan in case the first doesn't work. ………………………….

4. The profits on this kind of investment are quite low at the moment. ………………………….

5. They are people who live in Turkey, Ukraine and Russia. ………………………….

B. Complete the sentences with words from the box. (5 points)

creative – inevitable – persevere – reward – fees

1. You need to ……………………………………. in your studies and graduate near the top of your class.
2. The students are holding a demonstration to protest against the increase in the ……………………………………..
3. He offered a considerable ……………………………………. for the return of his lost cases.
4. They’re really ……………………………………. teachers who can make learning fun.
5. To protect our citizens, we have made an ……………………………………. decision to bring all of them home.

C. Complete the sentences with the suitable phrasal verbs from the box: (5 points)
run into – catch up – get on – cut back – come across
1. We ……………………………………. quite well, but we're not really close friends.
2. I was surprised to ……………………………………. one of my teachers when I was in the park.
3. They need to buy a new fridge, so they ……………………………………. much more money to afford it .
4. I ……………………………………. this book in our school library. It's wonderful.
5. Mr. Ali made a big dinner so that his grandsons might ……………………………………. with each other.

D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box with ( co , mis , under , over ) (4 points)
operation – charge – cook – behave
1. School work in close …………………………. with parents to improve standards.
2. It annoys me when my children …………………………. in front of others.
3. Don't buy tickets from strangers outside the stadium. They often …………………………. you.
4. When you …………………………. meat less 10 minutes, it will be hard to eat.

E. Choose the correct answer: (6 points)

1 My friend's life could be (in danger / in advance)
2 Toyota is trying to increase its (market share / market research)
3 The plane crashed five minutes after (take-off / take off)
4 This (job description / job application) should be filled to get that post.
5 The book you need is (on order / on request) and will probably be here next week.
6 I have to be here (in time / on time) tomorrow. It's urgent.
7 My friend is not satisfied (with / about) his new job. He complains a lot.

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LANGUAGE: (25points)
Question Number Four:
Section A: (15 points)
A. 1. Complete the sentences with correct tense of the verb between brackets: (3 points)
1. His eyes are tired because he ………………………………………. computer games for three hours. (play)
2. Unfortunately, just as I ……………………………………. (leave) the house, the phone ……………………………………. (ring)
3. I'm sorry, but I ………………………………………. (not / agree) with what you're saying.
4. I’m sorry I …………………………………. (not write) for so long. I …………………………………. (know) there’s no excuse.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs: to + infinitive or -ing: (2 points)
1. If you're getting confused, remember ……………………………………. about what you want to say. (think)
2. We were lost, so we stopped ……………………………………. the way. (ask)
3. They told us ……………………………………. too long on one task. (not /spend)
4. The important thing is that you should never give up ……………………………………. (try)

B. 1. Re-write the following sentences using the given words in brackets: (4 points)
1. Can you speak any foreign languages? (He asked them)
2. Why do you want to speak to? (She asked)
3. Don’t waste much time on Facebook. (She warned against)
4. You / ever / speak / in public. (Write the full question)
C. 1. Re-Write a sentence for each, beginning with the words given: (3 points)
1. They didn’t buy a new defender last season. (they regret)
2. She bought a lot of expensive clothes. (She wishes)
3. He didn’t listen to his father’s advice. (He should)
2. Add question tags to the sentences: (3 points)
1. They will leave tomorrow, ……………………………………….?
2. The boy has got a present from his mother, ……………………………………….?
3. You’d rather break several world records, ……………………………………….?

Section B: (10 points) (A, B, C) ‫ـة عن سؤالي فقط مما يل‬/‫يجيب الطالب‬
A. 1. Complete the sentences with a modal verb: (2 points)
might – will
1. Don’t worry. I’m sure the economic situation ……………………………. improve soon.
2. Just try it. You ……………………………. find that it’s easier than you thought. Who knows?
2. Make sentences using have / get + the object in brackets + the past participle of a verb: (3 points)
clean up – wash – check
1. Ahmed should (his watch) because it is not working.

2. She will (her skirt) because it is very dirty.


3. You’d better (the report) before submitting them.


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B. 1. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: (3 points)
1. I need to have my car mending next week.

2. I'll call you back as soon as I finish write this report.


3. Many people are thinking they can't change their lives.

2. Choose the correct answer: (2 points)
1. Dear passengers, we announce that Flight 951 ……………………………………. be an hour late. (will /is going to)
2. He’s taken his shoes off. I think he is ……………………………………. into the water. (jumping / going to jump)

C. 1. Choose the correct answer: (2 points)

1. I can’t be sure, but this idea (will / will probably) solve the problem.

2. She’s better than most of the others, so she (may well / may not) win the prize.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (3 points)
(past simple - past perfect - past continuous)
1. The teacher asked her to show him the report, but she ……………………………. it yet. (not finish)
2. When I ……………………………. to work, I suddenly realized that I ……………………………. my keys. (walk / lose)

Writing: (10 points)

Question Number Six: ‫ـة عن موضوع واحد فقط مما يل‬/‫يكتب الطالب‬
1. Write an application form to apply for a foundation course in Information Technology.
2. Write a story about a strange coincidence or a misunderstanding.
(It can be a true story about something that happened to you or someone you know, or a made-up story).

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English Language G.S.C.E. 2022
Paper TWO
Time: 2 hrs.
‫ﺷﻣﺎل ﻏزة‬ ‫الفرع األدبي‬
Total Marks (50) ‫دوةل فلسطي‬
‫وزارة الرتبية والتعلمي العال‬
Question Number One: (15 points)
Read the text about Building Bridges to the World and complete the tasks below:
Along with President Arafat, other prominent representatives of this Palestinian generation in exile played
a vital role in bringing the cause to the world’s attention. One of these was the great writer and academic Edward
Said, originally from Jerusalem, who fought with all the strength of his great mind for freedom, equality and
justice in general, and for the future of Palestine in particular. On his death, the poet Mahmoud Darwish, himself
an important and well-known international figure, wrote: ‘I cannot say goodbye to Edward Said, so present is he
among and within us, and so alive around the world.’
Another great Palestinian intellectual was Hisham Sharabi (1927–2005), originally from Jaffa, and later an
important professor at Georgetown University near Washington. Like Said and other Palestinians, he worked all
his life to improve western understanding of Arab and Palestinian issues. He was editor of the Journal of Palestine
Studies, and wrote many books, including his famous Introduction to the Study of Arab Society (1975). He also
became well known for his television appearances and his journalism, as well as creating the Arab-American
Cultural Foundation, which builds American understanding of Arab and Islamic culture, and setting up the
Jerusalem Fund, a foundation that provides scholarships for students from Palestine.
Sharabi wrote about his ‘bitterness and anger’ when, in 1993, he returned to Jaffa to make a documentary:
‘As I stood there, I could hear people speaking Russian, probably recent immigrants from the old Soviet Union.
They were full citizens in my country, and I was there only on a limited Israeli tourist visa.’ However, he went
on to say that the only way forward was a political compromise founded on justice and international law and
UN Security Council resolutions. For him, this compromise had to include the Right of Return.

A. Answer the following questions: (8 points)

1. What important ideas did Edward Said fight for through his writing?

2. What do Hisham Sharabi and Eduard Said have in common?


3. How did Sharabi help Palestinian students?


4. What was the issue on which Sharabi refused to compromise? …………………………………………………………

Decide whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. )points 4(

1. Both H. Sharabi and E. Said are originally from Jerusalem. ) (

2. H. Sharabi died when he was 78 years old. ) (
3. Hisham Sharabi was satisfied with his visit to Jaffa in 1993. ) (
4. H. Sharabi visited his hometown as a full citizen. ) (

B. Choose the correct answer: (3 points)

1. I don’t need this again, so you can ………………………………… it ……………. (drove away / throw away)
2. Social media as a way of communicating is often used by ……………………. (the young / the blind)
3. The ………………………………… to his speech has been generally positive. (reaction / react)

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Question Number Two: (10 points)
Read the text about Money and complete the tasks below:
Earning a lot of money may be the purpose in life of some people but in my opinion, money is not
everything, it is just the tool leading us to a better life. Money is very important, surely, but we should not regard
it as an only objective in our life. We earn money to support our life, cover our human basic needs; moreover, it
makes our life much easier and more comfortable. If you have a large sum of money, you can buy many things.
Most people long for wealth as wealth is thought to bring happiness. However, often, wealth causes a great
deal of worry without much happiness. A millionaire is a very wealthy man, of course, yet his great wealth is
also a great responsibility. He may own many large estates and factories. These usually require a lot of attention.
There may be disputes between the millionaire and his workers over one trouble or another.
You can achieve everything if you have the effort and confidence about your ability and potentials. Having
confidence and strong effort will give you power to overcome all the difficulties in life and you will find your
real happiness. Personally, I am sure that to be happy or not depends on our lifestyle and our attitude. Be
optimistic and determined then you will get all that you want.

A. Choose the correct answer: (3 points)

1. According to the text, a millionaire who has great wealth …………………………………………….
a. should be responsible for his wealth.
b. should settle the disputes between his workers.
c. should work harder to get richer.
2. The pronoun 'these' line (7) refers to …………………………………………….
a. great responsibilities b. disputes c. large estates and factories
3. Being optimistic and determined helps us to …………………………………………….
a. own large estates and factories. b. get all what we want. c. have more money.
B. Complete the following statements: (4 points)
1. People earn money in order to a. …………………………………….……………… b. ……………………………………….………………
2. Everything can be achieved if we have …….……………………………………… and …………………………………………………

C. Decide whether the statements are True or False: (3 points)

1. All people believe that wealth can bring happiness. ) (
2. We shouldn't consider money as the only goal in life. ) (
3. Our life style and attitude are factors that affect our feeling towards happiness. ) (

LITERATURE (15 points)

A. Decide whether the following statements are True or False: (3 points)
a. Regan's answer to her father was honest and realistic. ( )
b. The Duke of Cornwall had died after servant's attack. ( )
c. Lear went mad because his daughters treated him badly. ( )
B. Complete the following sentences: (3 points)
a. The Duke of Burgundy refused to marry Cordelia because
b. Lear realised that giving away his kingdom was a mistake as ……………………………………….
c. Regan and Cornwall punished Gloucester by ………………………………………………………..
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C. Circle the correct answer: (3 points)
1. Edgar hid from his father's men by ………………………………………………………..

a. pretending to be a mad homeless person. b. staying in Regan's castle.

c. living among Lear's knights. d. staying in the castle.
2. The illegitimate son of Gloucester is ………………………………………………………..

a. Edgar b. Albany c. Cornwall d. Edmund

1. How did Cordelia die at the end of the play? ………………………………………………………..
a. She died of a broken heart c. she killed herself
b. she was killed in prison d. she stabbed herself with a knife
D. Read the quotations and answer the questions: (2 points)
‘O Madam, my old heart is cracked’
a. Who said that? …………………… b. To whom ………………………………………
c. Why is the speaker's heart cracked?

E. Answer the following question: (4 points)

1. Why does Lear ask how much his daughters love him?
2. What was written in the letter Goneril sent to her sister Regan?


WRITING: (10 points)

Question Number Four: (10 points) – Write on one of the following topics:

1. Write a short essay about A resolution you might make for the future.
Make use of the following ideas:
Name of the resolution \Why you chose it \ Steps you follow to achieve the
goal. What could go wrong? Your chance of success.

2. Write a short first person autobiography about life before the Nakba, either from imagination or from what
your family has told you.
▸ Describe the leaving and where the family went.
▸ Say what effect the Nakba had on you and your family.
▸ Add a conclusion about how people kept the memory alive and their hope for a Right of Return.

Good Luck

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English LanguagePaper: ‫امتحان الثانوية العامة اإلسترشادي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
One Time: 2:45 hours 2021-2022 ‫للعام‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬
Total Marks: (100 ) ‫الفرع األدبي‬ ‫مديرية شرق غزة‬
Name: --------------------------------- ‫الورقة األولى‬
Reading comprehension: (40 Marks)
Question Number One: (20 points)
Read the text and do the tasks below:
------------------------------------------------- There are limits to how many sports can be included in the Olympic
Games. In the 2012 Summer Games, there were 26, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have added
two more for 2016 (golf and rugby sevens). There are various criteria that the IOC bases its decisions on, but
the most important is probably international popularity. Sports tend to get included if they have a tradition and
areplayed and watched by enough people in enough countries.
------------------------------------------------- This leads to some interesting questions. Why, for example, was
baseball included from 1984, but then dropped for 2012? Although some think it is only popular in the USA, it
actuallyhas a large following in South America and Asia too. The main reason for leaving it out, according to
some, isa combination of geography and politics: There is little interest in the sport in Europe, and European
membersare in a majority on the IOC.

------------------------------------------------- Of the other sports not (yet) included, one that stands out is squash. It
has a long tradition and is played all over the world. It's also more obviously a real sport than some other
Olympic sports. In fact, it is more mysterious why certain sports are included. Take speed walking, for example
the rules say the athletes have to have both feet in contact with the ground at all times, and must keep their legs
straight. The result, to me at least, looks very silly.
------------------------------------------------- More importantly, it breaks one of my two personal rules for judging
serious sports because it puts artificial limits on what can be done. My other rule is that the scoring has to be
objectiveand measurable, not a matter of opinion.
A. Match the headings with the suitable paragraphs above: (4 points)
a. Two examples of strange decisions b. What makes an Olympic sport
c. My own criteria d. A change of mind
B. Decide whether each of the following is True or False: (3 points)
1. There were 26 sports in the 2016 Summer Games. ( )
2. Baseball is well- known in most European countries. ( )
3. The writer suggests that speed walking should not be included in the Olympics. ( )
C. Complete the following: (5 points)
1. The IOC included and for the 2016 summer games.
2. For the IOC, the most important reason for including sports is
3. According to some, baseball was left out from the 2012 games for and
D. Answer the questions: (5 points)
1. According to the writer, why should squash be considered as a game in the Olympics?
a. b.
2. What are the writer's criteria for scoring in sports?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

E. Write what the following words and pronouns might refer to: (3 points)
1. they (line 4) 2. the sport (line 9)
3. their (line 14) ______________________

Question Number Two: (20 Marks)
Read the text about time management then answer the questions below:
Your success in high school can greatly be improved by being organized and using your time wisely. Staying
organized can help ease the burden of a busy schedule. Here are some important tips to remember:
Tip1---------------------------------------------------: Managing your time effectively requires differentiating
between what is important and what is urgent. Fill in things you must do (classes, work, practice, etc. that
you can't change).
Write down appointments and class assignments. Make a daily checklist and rank it according to your
Tip 2---------------------------------------------------: Organizing the place where you study, or your bedroom.
Throw all the unnecessary files and papers away and leave the others in files so it will be easy for you to
Tip3---------------------------------------------------: Use daylight hours to study whenever possible. For most
students for every hour of study done in daylight hours, it will take them one and a half hours to do the same
task at night.
Tip 4---------------------------------------------------: The care and attention you give yourself is very important.
Scheduling time to relax, study breaks, eat regularly can help you both physically and mentally, enabling
you to accomplish tasks more quickly and easily.

A. A: Read the text then choose the best title ( a - d) for each tip: ( 6 points)
a. Stay Healthy b. Get Organized c. Set Priorities d. Time to Study

B. B: Read the four problems then write the solutions for each one depending on the tips you have
read. ( 10 points)
Problem Solutions
1. I have spent one hour looking for my a. --------------------------------------------------- .
school report. I have looked all over
the papers spread in my bedroom b. --------------------------------------------------- .
and couldn't find it.
c. --------------------------------------------------- .
2. I started studying for my math test
at 7 p.m it’s now midnight and I a. ---------------------------------------------------
didn't finish it.
3. I have been studying for 10 hours a. --------------------------------------------------- .
without stopping for my Tawjihi test.
I didn't eat anything and my head b. --------------------------------------------------- .
c. --------------------------------------------------- .
4. I have a lot of things to do ( a science a. --------------------------------------------------- .
test, an English project and a
birthday party). The time is running b. --------------------------------------------------- .
out and I don't know what to do.
c. ---------------------------------------------------

C. Complete the following statements: (4 Points)

1. Doing one hour study at daylight takes ------------------------------------------- at night.
2. Eating regularly and Scheduling breaks help you in two sides -------------------------------------------
and -------------------------------------------
3. To set your priorities you need to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .

Vocabulary: ( 25 Marks )
Question Number Three :
A: Replace the underlined parts of the sentences below with words from the box: ( 5 points)
point reluctant routines straight criteria
1. I felt tired when I got home, so I had gone immediately to bed.
2. I'm not going to this afternoon's session. I don't see a purpose of it.
3. What are the reasons or qualifications for being accepted on the course?_________________
4.We often get bored with the same everyday things we do regularly. ___________________
5. Most people are not willing to answer questions about their age.

B: Complete the sentences with words from the box. ( 5 points)

humanitarian factor impressed excuse capable

1. I have never known him to miss a meeting. I'm sure he'll have an .
2. It isn’t the only reason for his success, but it is certainly one ___________________ .
3. The film director was so by her performance that he directly offered her a contract.
4. The employee isn't well qualified, so he is not of doing such kind of work.
5. The United Nations is sending a aid to the areas worst affected by the conflict.

C: Match verbs and particles from the box to make phrasal verbs, then use them to complete the
sentences. (use the particle once) ( 6 points)
Verb Particle Phrasal verb
choose out
work between
carry across
came on

1. I am sorry for interrupting you, you can -----------------------

2. I a vase exactly like yours in an antique shop.
3. If you all the costs of the project well, I think you'll achieve a great success.
4. She had to giving up her job or looking after her family.

D: Choose the correct answer: ( 9 points)

1. The company is ( on / in ) danger of having to close.
2. The company has a large ( marketing / market research) department that designs advertisements to help
customers to choose the suitable brand.
3. Most people prefer governmental field to work so as to get (job security / job description).
4. Sorry, we were late because we had a (breakdown / breakthrough) in the car while driving to the office.
5. Being ( over / under ) confident isn't guarantee that the team would win.
6. Dr Samuel Holiday was one of the (co founders / co authors) who wrote the report.
7. Don't ( underrate / overrate ) the danger of such a raft trip on this river. It's too stormy.
8. There has been a (cutback / breakdown ) in the government spending on new projects this year.
9. Fire fighters and paramedics usually wear special clothes when they are (on purpose / on duty).

Language: (25 Marks)
Section A:
Question Number Four: ( 15 points)
A: Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. ( 5 points)
1. I ------------------------------------- (not agree) with what he usually------------------------------------- ( say ).
2. A: " Why are you holding a piece of paper?"
B: I------------------------------------- ( write ) a letter to my friend back home in Palestine.
3. She--------------------------( have ) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock---------------------------- ( ring).
4.Why------------------------- you------------------------- ( look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong?
5.Tamer------------------------- a book ( read) for two hours and he------------------------- ( read ) 53 pages so far.
B: Rewrite the following using the words between brackets: ( 5 points)
1. Why didn't you take these tablets before leaving? ( They asked)
2. Is your school far from here? ( Someone asked )
3. " Don't talk on the mobile while driving" (The police warned me against)
4. Mary didn't prepare for the interview, so she didn't get the job. (wish)
5. I took no notice of the teacher, and I did really badly in the test. (regret)

C: Circle the correct answer: ( 5 points)

1. Muneer was doing his homework and then he stopped (to watch / watching) the football match on T.V.
2. Our neighours apologized for (making / to make) such noise.
3. I don't feel like (cooking / to cook) anything new, so start eating your fish like everyone else.
4. He (may be / must be) out because he isn't answering the phone.
5. I think we're lost. We (should have brought / should bring) a map with us.
Section B:
From this section answer two parts only (1, 2, 3 ) ‫أجب عن قسمين من السؤال فقط‬
Question Number Five: (10 points)
1. A. Complete the sentences with ( a / an , the or – ( no article). ( 2 points)
1. We went back to area where I was brought up and got working job for the government.
2. The secretary lost important document and was fired.
3. She has been studying business law for two years.
B. complete with a suitable tag question. ( 3 points)
1. They usually cut these branches in March, ------------------------------ ?
2. My grandmother's sickness made it difficult for her to move, ------------------------------ ?
3. He’s never read Italian, ------------------------------ ?

2. A: Rewrite the sentences using reduced relative clauses: ( 2 points )
1. I come from a city which is located in the southern part of the country.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
2. Students who hand on their essays late will be punished.
B: Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with causative structure. ( 3 points)
1. We'd better ask someone to check the letter before we send it.
2. Don't forget to take your jacket to the cleaners before the wedding.

3. Correct the sentences (there is one mistake in each sentence). ( 5 points)

1. They'd replace the offer soon, don't they?
2. His explanation to the problem isn't convinced.
3. She is going to travel to Syria next week. The tickets are booked.
4. She got all the qualifications needed so she might get the job.
5. You need to have your watch repair. It's stopped working.

Writing: ( 10 Marks)
Question Number Six: ( 10 points)
Choose one of the following topics: ‫اكتب موضوعا واحدا من احد الموضوعين‬

1. Your friend Jill Gateway from Norway wrote an email to you last week talking about his dream job and
asking about yours. Write a reply email to Jill telling him about your future dream job.
Do the following:
* Greet him and ask about the present things he is doing.
* Tell him about your dream job . What is it ? Why did you choose it?
* How will it help you have a good life.
Start your email with this address
From: Ghassan Ali Sent : 4 June 2018
To: Jill Gateway Subject : Dream job

2. The British Council has started registration for an advance course in learning English. You are interested
in the idea and would like to know more about the course. Write a general inquiry letter to the British
Council requesting more information. Do the following:
* Explain why you are writing.
* Say what you are studying now.
* Request information about the course. (qualification required, studying system, costs and the length of the
Start your letter: Dear Director of the British Council
End it with (Yours sincerely) Ameer Saeed

‫انتهت األسئلة‬

English LanguagePaper: ‫امتحان الثانوية العامة اإلسترشادي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
One Time: 2:30 hours 2021-2022 ‫للعام‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬
Total Marks: (50) ‫الفرع األدبي‬ ‫مديرية شرق غزة‬
Name: --------------------------------- ‫الورقة الثانية‬
Reading comprehension: (25 Marks)
Passage 1: (15 Marks)

Read the following passage then answer the questions that follow:
After the 1948 disaster, over 700.000 Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a Diaspora that spread
round the planet. For many years afterwards, the Palestinian cause received little attention or understanding
from the world. That changed dramatically in 1974, when the late national leader, President Yasser Arafat,
stepped onto the world's political stage to speak to the United Nation. His famous words rang out: Today, I
have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighters gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my
This landmark speech showed the world two things: first that Palestinian cause could not be forgotten, and
secondly that there really could be a peaceful way forward. Arafat's words also affected Palestinians deeply.
They made many realise that it was necessary to build bridges between Palestine and the West. This was the
way to create international understanding and, one day, a free and independent Palestine.
In recent years, as a result of the continuous diplomatic struggle of the present Palestinian leadership, under
their representative President Mahmoud Abbas, more and more countries have officially recognized
Palestine as an independent state, and in 2012 the United Nations General Assembly voted to upgrade the
status of the Palestinians to that of a non-member observer state.

A: Decide whether each of the following is True (T) or False (F): (3 Points)
1. The Palestinian cause received little attention from the world after 1974. ( )
2. The late President Arafat's words offered the world the two choices of peace and war. ( )
3. Recently, the Palestinians' status has been upgraded to that of a member observer state. ( )

B: Answer the questions: (6 Points)

1. What did Arafat's speech show the world?
a.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- .
b.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
2. What important lesson did the Palestinians get from Arafat's speech?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
3. What is the outcome of the continuous political effort of the current Palestinian leadership ?
a.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
b.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
C: Write what happened in the following dates : (4 points)
1. 1948: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
2.1974: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
D: Choose the correct answer: (2 points)
1. The late national leader means:
a. no longer living b. arriving after the expected time
2. 'This landmark speech' .The meaning of landmark here is:
a. literal b. figurative

Passage 2: (10 Marks)
Read the text about New Year and complete the tasks below:
The country of Denmark is geographically located in the northern part of Europe. Celebrations of New Year
as observed by people in Denmark are seen as occasions to promote Danish cultures, traditions, and rich
heritage, and as well as pass them on to the next generations.

Special dishes are served, including boiled fish. Serving them to the people during New Year’s time is
considered to give good luck, success, and happiness in the coming time of New Years.

There is another well-known tradition of food saving and throwing. As a part of it, people save some food
throughout the year, and then throw it on the ground of near and dear ones on the occasion of New Year. If
one gets to find many old broken dishes at their yard, it is considered to be an optimistic indication that one
has too many good friends and well-wishers, and the coming year will have pleasant and successful
relationships with people.

Fireworks is a very important part in the New Year’s celebration in Denmark. At the mark of twelve, a show
of fireworks is carried out, which lights the entire sky and skyline of the town. The shinning shows of the
noisy fireworks are most awaited and enjoyed by young children. It is done with an old belief in concern that
loud noises of fireworks take away all the evil spirits and negative energies.

A: Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from the text. (5 Points)
1. Danish people see New Year celebrations as a way to :
a. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
b. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

2. Dishes eaten in New Year's Eve symbolize ---------------------------, ---------------------------

and ---------------------------
3. ------------------------------------------------------ is considered as a famous tradition in New Year.
4. Finding------------------------------------------------------ indicates that-----------------------------------------------
and that the------------------------------------------------------
5. The lights of fireworks are enjoyed by ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

B: Decide whether the statements are true or false. ( 4 Points)

1. People in Denmark threw some old food and dishes as a tradition to celebrate the New Year. ( )
2. At the mark of 10 o'clock, fireworks show is carried out. ( )
3. The lights of fireworks can be seen all over the town. ( )
4. Fireworks is believed to take away evil spirits and remove negative energy. ( )

C: Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words from the text: ( 1 Point)
1. I'll never forget the special event when we won the final match. --------------------------------------------
2. When the company started the new project, its employers felt that everything would be fine.

Literature: ( 15 Marks )
Choose one of the two stories and answer its questions: ‫اختر واحدة من القصتين واجب عن أسئلتها‬.

1. Romeo and Juliet

A: Decide whether the statements are True or False: ( 3 points)
1. Lord Capulet is angry with Tyblat because he thinks that the argument between the two families should stop. ( )
2. Romeo hates his name because it's an enemy to Juliet. ( )
3. Romeo receives the Friar's letter and comes to Verona as quickly as possible to meet Juliet. ( )
B: Put the statements in the correct order. Number them from ( 1 -6 ) : ( 3 points)
____ Juliet meets Romeo at the party and they get married.
____ Both families are punished by the death of Romeo and Juliet.
____ The Capulet and Montague have a fight in the streets of Verona and are described as enemies of peace.
____ Friar Laurence suggests a plan to stop Juliet's marriage from Paris.
____ The Montague and Capulet families become friends and decide to have two golden statues for Romeo and
Juliet in the city of Verona.
____ Romeo is exiled after the death of Tybalt and leaves Juliet alone in Verona.

C: Read the quotation then answer the questions: ( 4 points)

" Oh, don't swear by the moon, which changes all through the month".
1. Who says these words? --------------------------------------- 2. To whom? ---------------------------------------
3. When does the speaker say that?
4. Why doesn't the speaker want the other person to swear by the moon?

D: Answer the following questions: ( 5 points)

1. How are the theatre and plays at Shakespeare's time different from the ones nowadays?
2. Why is Tybalt's name as important to Romeo as his name?
3. What are the effects of the liquid on Juliet?
2. King Lear (15 Marks)
Section 1 (5 Marks)
A. chose the correct answer: (5 Points)
1. The legitimate son of Gloucester is…………………………………....
A. Edgar B. Albany C. Cornwall D. Edmund
2. Goneril sent a letter to ………………………………….... asking him to kill her husband.
A. Edgar B. Kent C. Cornwall D. Edmund
3. Gloucester was punished by Cornwall because he…………………………………....
A. followed Cornwall's orders B. took Lear's side
C. was against Lear D. preferred to stay in the castle
4. king Lear went out in the storm because …………………………………....
A. He couldn’t bear his daughters' cruel treatment. C. His daughters treated him well.
B. Edmund injured himself with a sword. D. The Duke of Burgundy refused to marry Cordelia.
5. King Lear went mad because ......................................................................................
A. he suffered from a brain disease. B. his sorrow and anger became too great to bear.
C. his daughter Cordelia treated 'him rudely. D. Kent was brave enough to express his shock

Section 2: (10 Marks)
Answer only two questions of the following. ‫أجب عن سؤالين فقط من التالي‬
1. A. Answer the following questions: (3 Points)
1. What does king Lear do as a result of Cordelia's shocking answer?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
2. How does Edmund turn his father against his half-brother Edgar?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
3. What was written in the letter Goneril sent to her sister Regan?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
B. Decide whether the following statements are True [T] or False [F]: (2 Points)
1. Lear regretted giving away everything to his two daughters because his daughters were weak. ( )
2. Edmund was such a traitor that he betrayed his father ( )
3. Regan's answer to her father was honest and realistic. ( )
4. Both Regan and Goneril thought that Lear didn't need even one of his men. ( )

2. Put the statements in the correct order. Number them from (1 -5): (5 Points)
__ Lear went mad because his daughters treated him badly.
__ Edmund led the British Army against the French and won the battle.
__ Cordelia was sad to see her father in such a bad condition and asked her doctor to help him.
__ Lear was angry with Cordelia’s answer and said she was no longer his daughter.
__ Lear and his daughters were dead and the Duck of Albany became the king of England.

3. A. Read the following quotation and answer the questions below. (3 Points)
“I’ve got to think quickly. How am I going to stop her from getting him now that her husband is dead?”
a. Who is the speaker? __________________________
b. What does the word “him” refer to? __________________________
c. Why did he/she say that? ____________________________________________________
B. Complete the following sentences: (2 Points)
1. Lear realizes that giving away his kingdom has been a mistake because ---------------------------------------
2. King Lear decided to give the kingdom to his three daughters because ----------------------------------------

Writing: ( 10 Marks)
Choose one of the following ‫اكتب موضوعا واحدا من احد الموضوعين‬:
Write an essay of about 100 words on one of the following topics:
1. Write a short essay about A resolution you might make for the future. Make use of the following
Name of the resolution \Why you chose it \ Steps you follow to achieve the goal. What could go wrong?
Your chance of success.
2. “Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce
happiness.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your position.
‫انتهت األسئلة‬

‫اللغة االنجليزية‬: ‫المبحث‬ ‫االتمـح ان االتسـشااي للثانوية العاتمة‬
2:45 :‫الزمــــن‬ ‫م‬2022‫للعام اليشاتسي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
2022/ / :‫التاريخ‬ ‫ ) صفحات‬5 ( :‫عدد الصفـحات‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
) ‫( الفرع األدبي ورقة أولى‬ ‫ غرب غزة‬- ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم‬

)100( ‫مجموع العالمات‬

Reading Comprehension: ( 40 points)
Question Number One : ( 20 points)
Read the following text then answer the questions below:
Information and Communications Technology businesses could be the best hope for the economic
future of Palestine, according to experts inside and outside the country. A recent report said that the
ICT sector makes up over 5% of the Palestinian economy.
Why ICT? For Mustafa Jawad, the head of an online graphic design company, the answer is simple:
"For an ICT start-up, all you need is a computer and a connection. You can distribute your final
product by exporting it to the internet cloud." There are still problems, though. The main one is the
lack of networks in Palestine because access to the necessary wavebands is not available yet. Mustafa
was always good at art and languages, and when he finished school, everyone advised him to study
English at university. Instead, he taught himself how to programme and started making his own
software programmes. His first attempt was a game, which was so popular with his fellow students
that he decided starting his own company might be a real possibility.
His big breakthrough came when he attended a 'start-up weekend' in Ramallah. He managed to get a
small amount of financial support which gave him the time to develop more ideas. Perhaps more
importantly, he met other business people, both Palestinians and from other countries and learnt a lot
about the practical side of running a business and how to get his products noticed.
Mustafa is currently working on a programme that makes teaching of chemistry at schools more fun.
He has already had interest from within Palestine and from other countries in the Arab World. Like a
lot of other Palestinian business people, he wants to do something positive to help his country, but he
stresses that his company isn't a humanitarian operation.
'It's a business,' he says 'and the aim is to get good returns on the investment. One way he believes he
can help is to pass on what he's learnt to others even younger than he is. 'I learnt a lot from that start-
up weekend. When I go to the next one, I hope I'll learn more, but I'll also be able to advise others.
A. Answer the following questions: (6 points)
l. Why did Mustafa choose ICT field?
2.What is the main problem for ICT companies in Palestine?
3.What benefits did Mustafa get from meeting business people in Ramallah?
B. Complete the information about Mustafa Jawad from the text : (4 points )
Current position
First attempt ________________________________________________________
Breakthrough ________________________________________________________
Business aims B.______________________________________

C. Complete the following sentences: (3 points )
1. According to experts inside and outside Palestine, ICT business might be ________________
2. When Mustafa finished school, everyone advised him to study English at university because
3. Mustafa made a programme that makes the teaching of chemistry in schools more _____________
D. Decide whether the statements below are is TRUE or FALSE : (3 points)
1. Starting up online companies requires computer and connection. ( )
2. Mustafa got huge financial support which helped him to develop more ideas. ( )
3. Mustafa's company is a humanitarian one. ( )

E. Replace the underlined parts of these sentences with words and phrases from the text:
(2 points)
1. Don't forget that managing your own company is hard work _________________
2. It was a good try, but it didn't quite succeed _________________
F. Write what each of the following refers to: (2 points)
1. which (line 10): _________________ 2. one (line 22): _________________

Question Number Two: ( 20 points)

Read the following text about time management then answer the questions below:
Your success in high school can greatly be improved by being organized and using your time wisely.
Staying organized can help ease the burden of a busy schedule. Here are some important tips to
Tip 1_________________ . Managing your time effectively requires differentiating between what is
important and what is urgent. Fill in things you must do (classes , work , practice, etc. that can't
change). Write down appointments and class assignments. Make a daily checklist and rank it
according to your priorities.
Tip 2_________________ .Organizing the place where you study, or your bedroom. Throw all the
unnecessary flies and papers away and leave the others in files so it will be easy for you to reach.
Tip3_________________.Use daylight hours to study whenever possible. For most students for every
hour of study done in daylight hours, it will take them one and a half hours to do the same task at
Tip4_________________.The care and attention you give yourself is very important. Scheduling time
to relax, study breaks, eat regularly can help you both physically and mentally, enabling you to
accomplish tasks more quickly and easily.

A:Read the text then choose the best title ( a – d ) for each tip: ( 6 points)
a-Stay Healthy b- Get organized c- Set priorities d- Time to study

B :What does the underlined pronoun refer to : ( 1 point)

them ( line 12) : _________________

C :Find a word that have the same meaning from the text: ( 3 points )
1. developed_________________
2. timetable_________________
3. more important_________________

D :Read the four problems then write the solutions for each one depending on the tips you
have read. ( 10 points )

Problem Solutions
I have spent one hour looking for my school report. I
have looked all over the papers spread in my bedroom
and couldn't find it.
I started studying for my math test at 7 p.m. It's now
midnight and I didn't finish it.
I have been studying for 10 hours without stopping for
my Tawjihi test. I didn’t eat anything and my head
I have a lot of things to do ( a science test , an English
project and a birthday party). The time is running out
and I don’t know what to do.
Vocabulary: ( 25 points )
Question Number Three: (25 points)
A. Complete each of the following by using a suitable word from the box: (5 points)
participates - currently - impressed - astonishing - latter
a. I was really ________________ by her good behavior.
b. That player is really ________________ .I can’t believe he scored 6 goals in one match.
c. I had two options, history and geography so I chose the______________.
d. She rarely ________________ in any of the classroom discussion.
e. The plan is ________________ under consideration .

B :Complete the sentences with a suitable phrasal verb from the box : ( 5 points )
broke down - work out - passed on - catch up - came out
a. Committee members met to _______________ a compromise about the new project.
b. After her death, it ________________ that she had lied about her poverty.
c. Let's go to a cafe, I need to ______________ with you.
d. All media ________________ the bad news of the death of the famous singer.
e. The computer ________________ while I was doing the project.
C: Circle the correct answer: ( 5 points )
a. He couldn't fly the plane without a ( co-pilot / co-writer).
b. I'm sure I didn't say that, you must have ( misused/ misheard ).
c. My brother has been ( in business/on business ) since 2011 .
d. Insurance may only cover the current ( marketing / market research ).
e. There's been a ( cutback / cut back ) in government spending this year.
D: Complete the sentences with using words in the box with (co, mis, over, under):
cooked leading worked operation behave (5 points)
a. Schools work in close ________________ with parents to improve standards.
b. When people________________ they might get exhausted.
c. It annoys me when my children ________________ in front of others.
d. Eating ________________ meat may hurt your stomach.
e. There are many ________________ advertisements on TV.
E. Fill in the following sentences by replacing the words in brackets with the appropriate
words from the box: (5 points)
confident routine restrictions prospects criteria
a. I know a lot about the subject, so I'm quite __________ that I 'll succeed. (sure )
b. He's hoping the course will improve his career ___________ .(possibilities for the future)
c. The European Union puts _________ on people immigrating to it . (limits)
d. Ali wanted to escape the ____________of an office job. (everyday things we do regularly)
e. What are the ______________ for being accepted on the course? (reasons or qualifications)
Language (25 points)
Section A (15 points)
Question Number Four:
A: Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (5points)
a. Mum _______________ (have) her breakfast .We have to wait for her .
b. I _______________ (not understand) the word "ant". What _______. it _________ (mean)?
c. Shadia_______________ (wait) for us for a long time.
d. I _______________ (ask) him to come back later because I _______________ (work)
e. When they got home last night, they ___________ (find) that somebody _______________ (break
into) their apartment.
B: Choose the correct answer: (5 points)
a. Thank you for agreeing (to help / helping) me with this work .
b. We (might well / might) get there on time , but I don't think so .
c. He's taken his shoes off . I think he is (jumping / going to jump) into the water .
d . They decided to go for a walk while the sun ( is shining/was shining).
e. How (much / long ) have you been studying English ?
C:1. Do as shown between brackets : (3 points )
a. you – ever – speak in public . (Make a question)
b. I spent a long time studying this project, I passed the exam easily. (because )

c. The bell rang. Everyone stopped working and left the building . (as soon as)
2. Complete the following sentences with the correct format of the verbs between brackets:
(to +infinitive or ing ) (2 points )
a. I must remember _______________ this letter while I'm in town . (post )
b. What should you stop _______________if you want to fit ? (do )
Section B: (10 points)
From this section answer two parts only:‫يتكون هذا القسم مه ثالثة اسئلة وعلى الطبلب ان يجيب عه اثنيه فقط‬
Question Number Five: (10 points)
A.1 : Choose the correct answer : (2 points )
a. All what you have done is (disappointing / disappointed ). Everyone got angry .
b. Please send your (completing / completed ) application forms to do the address below.

2. Rewrite the following sentences using reduced relative clauses : (3 points )

a. Students who have intended to apply for this course should have some work experience.

b. The city center was full of cars which blocked the road .
c. Applications which are received after the closing date will not be considered .
B:1. Complete the sentences with (a – an – the or no article ) : (2 points )
a. I know _______________ boy who won the tennis competition.
b. When I was _______________ young , I used to work in the field .
2.Add Tag questions to the sentences bellow : (3 points )
a. My children prefer watching cartoons, _______________?
b. He had cake and coffee for dessert, _______________?
c. You never come on time , _______________?
C: 1.Correct the mistakes in the sentences : (2 points)
a. How many messages did you already sent?
b. She advised me to not waste my money on such things.

2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : (3 points )

a. "How did you manage to do the work so quickly ?" (The boss asked)
b. "Don't put all your profits into developing new ideas ." (Someone warned me against)
c. She bought a lot of expensive clothes. (She wishes)

Writing : (10 points )

Question Number Six:
Choose ONLY one of the following topics: ‫اكتب في أحد الموضوعيه فقط‬
1-You are going to study IT when you get into university. Write a personal statement
using good opening and closing. Make use of the following points:
Paragraph 1: why are you applying? Reasons for choosing the course/ interests/ ambitions.
Paragraph 2: your experience / subjects related to the course / and activities.
Paragraph 3: Why are you suitable? evidences / skills

2-You are Mr. Rami Ibrahim the Purchasing Manager of Beauty Care Company.
Write a business enquiry letter to Mr. Kamal Riziq the Sale Manager of Medical
Company asking about the following points"
- List of products…
- The prices.
- How long guarantee ..
- Ways of payment.
- Delivery period.

‫انتهت األسئلة‬

‫اللغة اإلنجليزية‬: ‫المبحث‬ ‫االتمـح ان االتسـشااي للثانوية العاتمة‬
2:30 :‫الزمــــن‬ ‫م‬2022‫للعام اليشاتسي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
2022/ / :‫التاريخ‬ ‫ ) صفحات‬3 ( :‫عدد الصفـحات‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
) ‫ ورقة ثانية‬- ‫( الفرع األدبي‬ ‫ غرب غزة‬- ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم‬

)50( ‫مجموع العالمات‬

Reading Comprehension: ( 25 points)
Question Number One : ( 15 points)
Read text then do the tasks below:
1. _________________________________________: On its own, money has little or no meaning. It
only gains meaning when a group of people all accept that it has a certain value when used for the
exchange of goods or services. To understand this, we need to look at what happened before money
was invented.
2. ________________________________________: In early societies, trade was carried out by
bartering: the exchange of one thing or service for another. If one person had a bag of salt and
another was good at making shoes, they could agree to exchange the salt for a pair of shoes. But this
only worked on two conditions. Firstly, they each had to want what the other person was offering,
and secondly they had to agree that the two things were of equal value.
3. _______________________________________: To solve this problem, people started to base
their trade on items that nearly everyone wanted, like salt, chocolate or cows. It didn't have to be
something that they needed, just something desirable. Cowrie shells are a well-known example of
this, and a step towards what we recognize as money, because they are easier to carry around than
cows or bags of salt.
4. _______________________________________: The Lydian's, who lived in what is now Turkey,
are thought to be the first people to use coins, over 2,500 years ago, although pieces of metal had
been used for centuries before. Other countries soon followed, making their own coins with agreed
values. The earliest paper money was probably in common use in China around the year 960.
5. _______________________________________: In this form, money itself doesn't need to be
made of something valuable; it is only important because of what it represents, or stands for. This is
why it is known as representative money. Until quite recently, for example, the British pound (£) was
based on a promise that the bank would exchange it for one pound in weight (lb) of silver.
6. _______________________________________: Nowadays, methods of exchange are moving
away from real coins and notes that need to be carried around. First, there were cheques, which have
now been more or less replaced by plastic credit or debit cards. More recent developments have
moved even further in this direction. One example is "contactless" bracelets that you wear on your
wrist and pass in front of a machine. Another is the growing popularity of "bitcoins", a digital
currency that can only be used on the internet.

A. Choose the best title for each paragraph: ( 6 points)

a. Towards unreality b. Before money
c. Different examples of money d. The beginning of money as we know it.
e. What is money? e. No value in the materials

B. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: ( 2 points)

1. Money gets it importance for what it signifies. ( )
2. According to the text, real coins and notes are no longer used these days. ( )

C. Complete the table with missing information : ( 3 points)
Early societies Lydian & Chinese Nowadays
_________________ _________________ _________________
Methods of
Exchanging _________________ _________________ _________________

D. Complete the sentences from the text: ( 4 points)

1. Bartering is described as a trading system with the following problems
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________
2. Contactless bracelets are worn _____________________and ____________
whereas bitcoins are ______________________________________

Question Number Two :( 10 points )

Read the following text ,then answer the questions below:
The study of history provides many benefits. First, we learn from the past. We repeat mistakes, but at
least we have opportunity to avoid them. Second, history teaches us what questions to ask about the
present. Contrary to some people's views, the study of history is not the memorization of names,
dates, and places. It is the thoughtful examination of the forces that have shaped the courses of
human life. We can examine events from the past and then draw inferences about current events.
History teaches us about the likely customs. Another benefit of the study of history is the broad range
of human experience which is covered. War and peace are certainly covered as national and
international affairs. However, matters of culture ( art , literature and music ) are also included in
historical studies. Human nature is an important part of history, emotions like passion, greed and
insecurity have influenced the shaping of word affairs. Anyone who thinks that the study of history is
boring has not really studied history.

A. Answer the following questions: ( 3 points )

1.What does the study of history teach us?
2.Who has not really studied history?

B. Replace the underlined word of the sentences with words and phrases from the text:
1.Be quiet and give her a chance to explain. _____________________ (3 points)
2.Several locations have been suggested for the new houses. _____________________
3.The police formed a circle around the house. _____________________

C. What do each of the underlined pronouns refer to? (2 points)

1.them ( line 2) ______________________
2. It (line 4) ______________________

D. Decide if the following sentences are True or False: (2 points )

1. All the people think that the study of history is not the memorization of
names, dates and places. ( )
2.Teaching history sports applying historical events to modern society. ( )

Literature (King Lear)
Question Number Three: ( 15 points)
A. Write the name of character that matches the given description: ( 5 points )

Description Character
1.Thinks that love can be bought.

2.Advises the king to act more sensibly.

3.Hates what his wife does with her father.
4.Marries Cordelia and love her for telling the truth.
5.Asks the strange man to take him to Dover.
B. Choose the correct answer: ( 3 points )
1. Kent disguised himself as a ______________________
a. woman b. poor man c. soldier
2. Edgar takes his father Gloucester to the ______________________
a. high cliffs b . castle c . the middle of a field
3. King Lear decided to give the kingdom to his daughters because ______________________
a. he couldn't rule by himself b. he was old and tired c. his daughters were clever
C. Complete the following sentences: (2 points)
1. In her letter, Goneril complains about _______________________________
2.The Earl Gloucester felt sorry for Lear because _______________________________
D. Decide whether each of the following is TRUE or False: ( 2 points )
1.Cordelia is King Lear's youngest daughter. ( )
2.Edmund decided to marry Regan because he loves her. ( )
E. Read the quotation then answer the questions: (3 points)
" Blow winds and crack your cheeks
1. Who says these words? ____________________ To whom? ____________________
2. Why does the speaker say these words? _______________________________
Writing : (10 points )
Question Number Four :
Choose ONLY one of the following topics: ‫اكتب موضوعا واحدا من الموضوعين‬
1.You have made a resolution to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. Write about
the following :
- The name of the resolution. -The goals of this resolution.
-The steps toward this goal. - Possible difficulties / what could go wrong.
2.Can money bring happiness? This question is not easy to answer ,simply because there
are different points of view .
Write an essay of 100 words about money and happiness. You can discuss the topic of
happiness and its connection to money.
‫انتهت األسئلة‬

‫م‬2022 ‫امتحان شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة "التجريبي" لعام‬

‫م‬2022 / 4 / 9 :‫التاريخ‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحـث‬ ‫دولــــة فلسطـــــين‬

‫ ساعتان ونصف‬:‫مدة االمتحان‬ ‫ األدبي والريادة‬:‫الفـرع‬ ‫و ازرة التربيـ ـة والتعلي ـ ـم العال ـ ـي‬
‫) عالمة‬100( :‫مجموع العالمات‬ ‫الورقة األولى‬ ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم الوسطى‬

Reading and comprehension (40 Points)

A) Read the following text and then do the tasks below: (20 points)
The results of a new poll show that financial problems have taken over from the environment as the
main concern for young people. The survey asked 12.000 people aged between 14 and 18 what they
were most worried about. The clear winner was "finding a job", while the environment was only the
seventh greatest worry. This compares with similar polls in the last fifteen years, when
environmental worries came first. One of the poll's organizers commented that the results
demonstrated a clear change in attitude. " It's not just that getting a job is the main worry," he said.
"Also included in the top six worries were getting into debt (6th) and passing exams (4th=).
I'm convinced that there's a connection. Because of changes in the job market, there is more and
more pressure on young people nowadays to pass exams and go on to university in the hope of
finding a good job. And rising university fees make it inevitable that many students graduate from
university with huge debts.
Other concerns mentioned by large numbers of young people also tended to be personal rather than
social, including worries about relationships (2nd), health(3rd) and fitting in with peers(4th=).
Annette Coleman, director of the Green Earth organization, said yesterday that she was
disappointed, but not surprised, at the fall in the number of young people concerned about the
environment. 'It's not that the environmental concerns are less urgent than before – quite the
opposite in fact. It's just that after decades of publicity on topics like climate change, so little has
actually changed. A lot of people get the feeling that there's nothing we can do about it, and young
people in particular tend to be impatient. Of course, the other thing is that in times of economic
difficulty people are more likely to focus on worries that are more immediate and have an impact on
their daily lives.
1- Complete the notes about the new poll from the text : (4 points)
Who did it ask? (number / age group)

What did it ask about?

What did the results show?

How did the results differ from
previous polls?
2- According to the results of the new poll , put young people's concerns in order: (7 points)
1 …………………………… 4 …………………… / …………………………..
2 ……………………………… 6 …………………………………………………
3 ……………………………… 7 ………………………………………………….
3- Complete the following : (3 points)
1- The results of the new poll reflected a clear change in ……………………………………
2- Young people go the university so that ……………………………………………………
3- Young people graduate with huge debts because of ………………………………………..
5 ‫ من‬1 ‫صفحة‬
‫ الريادة‬، )‫ األدبي (ورقة أولى‬:‫الفرع‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحث‬
4- Choose the correct answer : (2 points)
1- For young people, fitting in with peers tend to be a ……………… concern .
a. social b . personal
2- Anita Coleman thinks that environmental concerns are ………… than before.
a. more urgent than before b not as urgent as before
5- Answer the questions: (4 points)
1- Why are young people becoming less concerned about the environment ?
A …………………………………………………………………………
B …………………………………………………………………………
2- What do the following pronouns refer to?
This …………………………………………. he ……………………………………
B: Read the text and do the tasks below : ( 20 points )
With thousands of options, how will you choose a career that's right for you? If you don't have any
idea what you want to do, the task may seem impossible . Fortunately, it isn't. Follow an organized
process and you will increase your chances of making a good decision.
………. Before you can choose the right career, you must learn about yourself. Your values,
interests, soft skills , in combination with your personality type, Use self-assessment tools and
career tests to gather information about your traits and, subsequently, generate a list of occupations
that are a good fit based on them.
……….. You probably have multiple lists of occupations in front of you at this point. To keep
yourself organized, you should combine them into one master list Also, include professions about
which you don't know much. You might learn something unexpected. After that , begin exploring
the occupations on your list to get information . Find job descriptions, educational and training
requirements, earnings and job prospects. To narrow down your list even further , get rid of
anything with duties that don't appeal to you, any occupations you are unable or unwilling to fulfill
their educational or other requirements, or if you lack some of the soft skills necessary to succeed in
…………. Finally, after doing all your research, you are probably ready to make your choice. Pick
the occupation that you think will bring you the most satisfaction based on all the information you
have gathered. It can help you reach certain points from low to high in an appropriate manner so
that any major error isn’t caused by the individual in their career path.
………….. Now it's time to lay out all the steps you will have to take to reach your goals into a
written document . Think of your action plan as a road map that will take you from point A to B,
then to C and D. Write down all your short- and long-term goals and the steps you will have to take
to reach each one. Include also any potential barriers that could get in the way of achieving your
goals—and the ways you can overcome them . Taking these steps early will save you a lot of
struggle in the long run.
1- Match the headings with their suitable paragraphs : (4 points)
a. Make your career choice c. Assess yourself
b. Make a list of occupations to explore d. Write a career action plan
2- Complete the diagram about the process of choosing your career : (4 points)
What do
What you
you need
need to
to learn
about jobs
in your list

5 ‫ من‬2 ‫صفحة‬
‫ الريادة‬، )‫ األدبي (ورقة أولى‬:‫الفرع‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحث‬
3- Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False (2 points)
1 Your master occupation list shouldn't include jobs you don't know much. ( )
2 The writer suggests that you should drop tasks that you lack their necessary soft skills. ( )
4- Answer the questions from the text : (8 points)
a. Why is it necessary to use self assessment tools and career tests?
b. Which careers should you get rid of to make your list shorter?
1- ……………………………………………………………………..
2- ……………………………………………………………………..
3- ……………………………………………………………………..
c. What should your action plan include?
1- ……………………………………………………………………..
2- ……………………………………………………………………..
3- ……………………………………………………………………..
5- Write what the following pronouns refer to : (2 points)
 them ……………………………….
 each one ……………………………….
Vocabulary (25 points)
A- Replace the underlined parts with words from the box: (5 points)

restrictions - optional - impress - neglected – criteria

1- In most countries, secondary education is not compulsory. ………………..

2- There are reasons and qualifications for being accepted on this course. ………………..
3- He didn't pay attention to his manager's frequent warnings, so he lost his job. ……………..
4- Governments usually try to put limits on their citizens' behavior. ………………..
5- You should try your best to show the interviewers how good you are . ………………..

B- Complete the following sentences with words from the box: (5 points)
stuck - borders - revealed - personal – infuriated

1- The driver was ………………. in the car after the accident and couldn't get out. .
2- The form asks for a lot of …………… details like age and personality.
3- During our train journey, we crossed three international ………………
4- The research ……………….the dangers of smart phones on young people
5- The writer was ……………….. by the rude comments on his article.
C- Finish the sentences with phrasal verbs from the box: (5 points)
passed on - put up - protect from - broke down – turned out

1- Unfortunately, the car …………….. three times on the way to hospital.

2- We were ………….at a small hotel for a night after long travel.
3- When we first met, I didn't like her but she ………………. to be a really nice person.
4- All media sites have …………… the news about the death of the president.
5- Physical exercise can ………….you ………….heart disease
5 ‫ من‬3 ‫صفحة‬
‫ الريادة‬، )‫ األدبي (ورقة أولى‬:‫الفرع‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحث‬
D- Complete the sentences using words in the box with (co, mis, under, over) as prefixes: (4 points)
writers - confident – use - cooked

1- Countries usually get behind when people in charge …………….. their position.
2- People may become infected after eating tough and ………………..meat
3- One of the ………………. of this book is an old friend of mine.
4- Being ……………….. isn’t guarantee that the team would win
E- Choose the correct answer: (6 points)
1. You have to choose between (job opportunity / job satisfaction) and a high salary.
2. There ……………..much information in this book. (isn't / aren't)
3. Luckily, the bus was late leaving, so we were (on time / in time) to catch it.
4. He'll (hand over / take over) the job permanently when the accountant retires.
5. Usually we ask for payment (on receipt / in receipt) of the goods
6. Unfortunately , he doesn't have enough ( experience / experiences) for the new job
Language (25 points)
Section A: (15 points) ‫على المشترك ان يجيب عن جميع األسئلة في هذا القسم‬
A. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (6 points)
1. We can not leave now. We ……………………. work yet. ( not finish )
2. They all ………………. with what you ………………now ( not agree \ say )
3. Haven't you got bored? You …………………….this series for many years. ( watch )
4. When I got home, I was tired, so I ……………… straight to bed. ( go)
5. She couldn't really concentrate while her children …………. in the next room. ( cry )
B. Choose the correct answer: (2 points)
1. Don't worry. I promise I (may not / won't) tell anyone what happened.
2. We are (leaving / going to leave) tomorrow .we have already bought the train tickets. .
3. She's an excellent trainee. I'm sure she (might / will) succeed in her future career.
4. I'm free tonight. I (probably won't / may well) go to Ann's party.
C. Rewrite the following using reduced relative clauses: (2 points)
1. The engineer who designed this building is really skillful.
2. There have been several natural disasters which were caused by the climate change.
D. Report the following: (2 points)
1. How much money do you need for your project?
He asked his son……………………………………………………………
2. Were you absent yesterday?
The teacher asked Tamara ……………………………………………………………
E. Complete the following with ( a, an , the. or zero article ): (3 points)
1. It was ……..wonderful experience I'll always remember it.
2. ………. Morocco has a very nice coast on ……….. Atlantic ocean.
3. I'm sorry I think I've made ………… error.

5 ‫ من‬4 ‫صفحة‬
‫ الريادة‬، )‫ األدبي (ورقة أولى‬:‫الفرع‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحث‬

Section B: (10 points) ‫ أسئلة وعلى المشترك ان يجيب عن سؤالين فقط‬3 ‫يتكون هذا القسم من‬
1- A: Rewrite the following beginning with the words given: (3 points)
1. Don't take part in losing projects.
I warned him against …………………………………………………………….
2. You have to be more careful when you talk to strangers.
Father told me that ………………………………………………………………..
3. I had the chance to join this valuable course, but I didn't.
I regret …………………………………………………………………………...
B: Circle the correct answer: (2 points)
1- Would you mind (to turn off/ turning off) the TV? It's annoying me.
2- You should remember (to contact / contacting) me as soon as you finish the project.
3- It was a difficult sum! How did you manage (to work / working) it out?
4- Women usually avoid (to drive / driving) in crowded streets.
2- A: Add question tags to the sentences below: (3 points)
1- Your aunt works as a teacher , ...................................?
2- We had a nice dinner this morning ...................................?
3- He's never visited Jerusalem? ...................................?
B: Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with a causative structure
(have/get +object+ past participle): (2 points)
1. You'd better ask a jeweler to repair your necklace .
2. I need a hairdresser to cut my hair before the party begins.
3- A: Compete the sentences with the past participle or- ing form of verbs in brackets: (2points)
1. She went to the police station to ask about her …………. Child. ( lose )
2. Nowadays, ………………. numbers of people use social media sites. ( increase )
B: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: (3 points)
1. Dina asked me how often I go to the sea. ..……………………
2. He is usually having a shower before going to work. ..……………………
3. I wish I have had more time complete this task. ..……………………
Writing (10 points)
Choose one of the following writing tasks
1 -Write a short story about a strange coincidence or misunderstanding you have passed.
- Think about the following points
- When and where did it happen?
- Who were the people in the story?
- How did you feel and behave at that time?


2-Write a report about a special event happened at your school.

Write about:
 What was the event? When did it happen?
 What happened during the event?
 How did the event end? What was your general opinion?

‫انتهت األسئلة‬
5 ‫ من‬5 ‫صفحة‬
‫م‬2022 ‫امتحان شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة "التجريبي" لعام‬

‫م‬2022/04/ 11 :‫التاريخ‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحـث‬ ‫دولــــة فلسطـــــين‬

‫ ساعتان ونصف‬:‫مدة االمتحان‬ ‫ األدبي‬:‫الفـرع‬ ‫و ازرة التربيـ ـة والتعلي ـ ـم العال ـ ـي‬
‫) عالمة‬50( :‫مجموع العالمات‬ ‫الورقة الثانية‬ ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم الوسطى‬
Reading (25 points)
A) Read the text and answer the questions below: (15 points)
After the 1948 disaster, over700.000 Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a Diaspora
that spread round the planet. For many years afterwards, the Palestinian cause received little
attention or understanding from the world. That changed dramatically in 1974, when the late
national leader, President Yasser Arafat, stepped onto the world's political stage to speak to the
United Nation. His famous words rang out: Today, I have come bearing an olive branch and a
freedom fighters gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand. This landmark speech
showed the world two things: first that Palestinian cause could not be forgotten, and secondly that
there really could be a peaceful way forward. Arafat's words also affected Palestinians deeply.
They made many realize that it was necessary to build bridges between Palestine and the West.
This was the way to create international understanding and, one day, a free and independent
Palestine. In recent years, as a result of the continuous diplomatic struggle of the present
Palestinian leadership, under their representative President Mahmoud Abbas, more and more
countries have officially recognized Palestine as an independent state, and in 2012 the United
Nations General Assembly voted to upgrade the status of the Palestinians to that of a non-member
observer state. There is hope that at last, thanks to the efforts of Palestinians around the world, the
tide has finally turned.
1- Write what important events happened in the following years: (3 points)
 1948 ………………………………………………………………..
 1974 ………………………………………………………………..
 2012 ………………………………………………………………..
2- Answer the questions: (3 points)
a. What did the outside world realize after Arafat's speech?
A ………………………………………………………………………..
B ……………………………………………………………………….
b. Why was it necessary for the Palestinian people to build bridges with the West?
3- Decide whether each of the following is True or False: (2 Points)
a. The Palestinian cause received a good deal of attention after the 1948 disaster. ( )
b. Palestine have been recently recognized by many countries as an independent state. ( )
4- Choose the correct answer: (2 points)
a. The late national leader means:
A: no longer living B: arriving after the arranged time
b. The meaning of ' stepped onto the world's political stage' in the text is
A: literal B: figurative
5- Write what the following words refer to: (3 points)
a. That ( line 3 ) ……………………………………………
b. They ( line 9 ) …………………………………………..
c. This ( line 10 ) ……………………………………………
6- Give the symbolic meaning of the following: (2 points)
a. The olive branch ……………… b. The fighter's gun ……………………
3 ‫ من‬1 ‫صفحة‬
)‫ األدبي (ورقة ثانية‬:‫الفرع‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحث‬
B) Read the text and do the tasks below. (10 points)
In many countries, New Year’s celebrations begin on the evening of December 31 —New
Year’s Eve—and continue into the early hours of January 1. Revelers often enjoy meals
and snacks thought to bring good luck for the coming year. In Spain and several other
Spanish-speaking countries, people eat 12 grapes-symbolizing their hopes for the months
ahead-right before midnight. In many parts of the world, traditional New Year’s dishes
which are thought to resemble coins are supposed to bring financial success; examples
include lentils in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southern United States. Chinese and
Japanese people usually eat long noodles on New Year's Eve, which are a symbol of longevity,
due to their long shape. In Sweden and Norway, meanwhile, rice pudding with an almond
hidden inside is served on New Year’s Eve; it is said that whoever finds the nut can expect
12 months of good fortune.
In addition to food habits, there are many traditions connected with the New Year. In Denmark,
people take pride in the number of broken dishes outside of their door by the end of New Year's
Eve. It's a Danish tradition to throw dishes at your friends' and neighbours' front doors on New
Year's Eve—some say it's a means of leaving any aggression and ill-will behind before the New
Year begins—and it is said that the bigger your pile of broken dishes, the more luck you will have
in the upcoming year .While in Filipino it is a common tradition to open all the doors and
windows in the home. Some families also open drawers and cabinets. This is a way to welcome
positive energy into the home. While cleaning and loud noises scare away evil spirits, the
openness of the home is a warm welcome to the positive spirits.
1- Complete the table about food habits during New Year celebration in the following
countries: (5 points)
Name of country / Food served during the
What these foods symbolize
countries celebration
South United States
China and Japan
2- Answer the questions: (3 points)
a. According to Danish New Year traditions, who are the luckiest for the coming year?
b. What are the Filipinos traditions for each of the following :
A: welcoming positive energy: ………………………………………………
B: driving away bad spirits ………………………………………………..
3- Write what the following pronouns refer to: (2 points)
A) their ……………………………….. B) It …………………………………
King Lear (15 points)
A- Choose the correct answer: (5 points)
1- Lear was angry with Goneril when he found that Goneril had tried to dismiss ……. of his men.
a. all b. half c. third d. most
2- Lear’s reaction towards Cordelia’s answer was ……………….
a. accepted b. reasonable c. shocking d. disappointed
3- The first sign that Lear’s madness began to disappear was when he recognized.
a. Cordelia b. Kent c. Gloucester d. The Fool
4- Goneril’s servant Oswald was finally killed by.
a. Albany b. Kent c. Edmund d. Edgar
5- In the end . ………………. became the king of Britain.
a. Kent b. Albany c. Edgar d. Cornwall
3 ‫ من‬2 ‫صفحة‬
)‫ األدبي (ورقة ثانية‬:‫الفرع‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحث‬

B- Match the Characters with their description (2 points)

Duke of Burgundy - Edgar Duke of Albany - Duke of Cornwall
1. ………….……. Gloucester’s legitimate son who disguised a homeless person to hide form
his men.
2. ………….……. The husband of Lear’s middle daughter. He died after his servant attack.
3. ………….……. A young nobleman who refused to marry Cordelia after she had lost
4. ………….……. Goneril’s husband who hated her deeds with Cornwall and Edmund.

C- Put the events about blinding Gloucester in the correct order: (2 points)
……... Cornwall's servant attacked him but Cornwall killed the man.
……... The old man was tied to a chair and Cornwall blinded one of the old man's eyes.
…...… Cornwall told Gloucester who had betrayed him then Gloucester was thrown out into the
…….. Cornwall went on to blind Gloucester's other eye.

D- Complete the following (2 points)

1- Kent hit Oswald at Goneril’s house because ………………………………………………
2- Edmund turns his father against his half-brother Edgar to …………………………………

E- Decide whether each of the following is True or False: (2 points)

1- Goneril died after being poisoned by Regan. ( )
2- Edmund decided to protect his father from Cornwall's punishment, ( )

F- Answer the questions: (2 points)

1- How is Cordelia's answer different from her sisters'?
2- Why did Cornwall decide to punish Gloucester?
Writing (10 points)
Choose one of the following writing tasks
1 You have made a resolution to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. Write about
 The name the resolution
 The goal of this resolution
 The steps towards this goal
 Possible difficulties/ what could go wrong.
2 Money and happiness are not the same. Expand this idea
A Why do we need money
B Are the rich really happy
C Your own opinion
‫انتهت األسئلة‬
3 ‫ من‬3 ‫صفحة‬
State of Palestine ‫االهتحبى التجزيبي‬
Ministry of Education ‫لوبحث اللغت اإلًجليشيت للؼبم الدراسي‬
Khan Younis Directorate 2022/2021 ‫دولت فلسطيي‬
2:45 :‫سهي االهتحبى‬ ‫ الفزع االدبي‬:‫الصف الثبًي ػشز‬ ‫وسارة التزبيت والتؼلين الؼبلي‬
2022 / / : ‫التبريخ‬ ‫ االهتحبى في خوس صفحبث‬: ‫هالحظت‬ ‫خبى يىًس‬-‫هديزيت التزبيت والتؼلين‬
‫ درجت‬100 : ‫الىرقت األولى‬ ‫الجلست األولى‬
Reading Comprehension ( 40 points )
Question Number One : ( 20 points )
Read the text and do the tasks below: ( 20 points )
(Text A) As a parent, I'm becoming increasingly worried about the effect communications
technology is having on young people. My fourteen-year-old son seems to spend hours every day
texting or chatting online, or updating his social media page. He says he's going to do his
homework, but an hour or two later still hasn't started it, and I can't help feeling that he's wasting
so much time on this instead of doing useful things, or even just being with his friends and
communicating with real people. Is all this texting affecting young people's ability to use language
properly? Is there a danger that they could become addicted to technology? What potential dangers
are out there in;2 the online world? I don't know enough about these new technologies to be able to
answer questions like these.
( Text B) Like it or not, today's young people are the connected generation. A recent study in the
US found that nearly a quarter of teenagers use social media sites at least ten times a day and 75%
own mobile phones. Texting is now the main form of communication for young people. The
figures obviously vary between countries, but the one thing we can predict is that they will
continue to rise.
Inevitably, this has led to panic among parents, teachers and other adults. But are these fears
justified? Not according to Dr. Amy Lehane, who has studied exactly how young people are using
technology. „If you look back,‟ she says, „you find the same panic reaction from older people to
the growth of the telephone or television. Often it comes from a fear of something they don't
understand, but our research indicates that young people are quite capable of telling the difference
between the online world and the real world, or between the types of language used for texts and
job applications. They're also very aware of the possible negative effects of technology: they
know, for example, that it's not a good idea to post a message like "I'm having a party next
Saturday on a public site."
A: Answer the following questions: (10 points)
1. What are the concerns mentioned by the writer of text A?
a ……………………………………………………………………………………………
b ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
c ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Who is frightened by the rise in the number of teenagers using social media in text B?
3. Why should we feel positive about the future according to the results of the study ?
4. Which text the writer believes that we should trust young people more ?
5. Which text is about a personal feeling ?
B: Complete the following sentences: (2 points)
1-The negative effects of spending too much time on texting and chatting on the son in text A are
C: Decide if the statements are True or False according to the text: (6 points)
1- Older people had more fear reaction of the growth of social media than parents today. ( )
2- A quarter of teenagers use social media sites at least ten times a day. ( )
3- Fears of the rise of figures in using social media are justified according to Lehane. ( )

D:What do the highlighted pronouns and numbers in the text refer to: (2 points)
1. He……………………………………… 2. this…………………………………
3. 75%........................................................ 4. They………………………………..

Question Number Two: ( 20 points )

2) Read the text about starting up a business then answer the questions:
Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions and completing a series of
legal activities. These four easy steps can help you plan, prepare and manage your business.
A………………………………It’s really important that you deeply enjoy what you do. Make sure
you are on the right track by asking yourself these three questions before you do anything else. Are
you willing to work hard? Do you really want to operate independently? Do you have the self-
confidence and self –discipline?
B………………………………….The main reason for doing a business plan first when you are
thinking of starting a business is that it can help you avoid wasting your time and money for
starting a business that will not succeed. Starting a business without it is just foolish.
C………………………………you need a support system while you are starting a business and
afterwards. A family member or a friend that you can bounce ideas off and who will listen to the
latest business start up crises is invaluable. When you are starting a business, experienced guidance
is the best support system of all.
D………………………………..Save up if you have to. approach potential investors and lenders.
Figure your financial fall back plan. Don’t expect to start a business and then walk into a bank and
get the amount you need.
A: Read the text then choose the best title (1- 4) for each tip: (6 points)
1. Don’t do it alone 2. Be passionate about what you do
3. Get the money 4. Write a business plan
B: Answer the following questions: (5 points)
1- What inquiries should a person raise to check whether he is on the right path?
a ………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………….
2. Why is it necessary to make a business plan first?
3. How can you get the money for your business?
C: Decide if the statements are True or False according to the text: (6 points)
1. It is a bit important to enjoy what you do. ( )
2. According to the writer, if you are starting up a business, you can get the best support from a
friend who knows the latest business start-up crises. ( )
3. Starting anew business without a plan is stupid. ( )

D: Complete the following table with information from the text above: (3 points)

Beginning a business 1. ……………………………………………

includes……………………. 2. ……………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………

Vocabulary (25 points)
Question Number Three : ( 25 points )
A) Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words or phrases from the box: (4 points)
reluctant – job satisfaction – consumption – on demand
1. Jane was unwilling to talk about it. _____________________
2. The buying and using of goods is important for national economics________________
3. Young babies expect to be given food whenever they want it _________________
4. Many people are more interested in feeling pleasure in their jobs than in earning large
amounts of money ______________________

B) Complete the sentences with words from the box: (5 points)

disappointed – acquaintance – hub - patting - potential
1- They developed an __________________ over the Internet.
2- While I was ______________ my friend's cat, it bit me.
3- His company certainly has the ___________________ for growth.
4-Visitors were __________________ to find the museum closed.
5-The capital city is the _____________________ of road and rail travel around the country.

C) Circle the correct answer: (4 points)

1- Some parents give their children a (reward / revision) if they do well in exams.
2- If this printer doesn't work, there's another one on(stand by / standby)
3- There’s no (point/ demand ) in trying to open the door. It’s locked.
4- He always tries to (boast / impress) people with how much he knows.
5- Please remind me to buy some sugar ( on the way / on duty ) home
6- ………. shows that demand for oil will continue to grow. (market research / upmarket)
7- The bank received over 2000 job……. from recent graduates. (applications / prospects)
8- Passing exams is a high……. for him. (priority / security)

D) Complete using the words in the box with either( co- mis-under-over) as prefixes:
(4 points)
lead – cook – operation – work
1- Older people don't like meat when it is__________________. They cannot chew it.
2- Information in adverts isn’t usually untrue, but it can_______ people and give them the wrong
idea .
3- When people _____________ they may get very tired.
4- _________ often gets better results than everyone working alone to solve a problem.

E) Complete the sentences with the suitable phrasal verbs from the box: (4 points)
work out – takeoff – ruled out – cut back
1. The aircraft is due to ……………………………………. at midnight.
2. Can you ……………………………………. what these squiggles mean?
3. The government has announced plans to …………………………. defense spending by 10%.
4. The police have not ………………………. the possibility that the man was murdered.
F) Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions in the box: (4 points)
for – from – in – of
1. Teachers should be aware ………………………. the needs of their students.
2. It seemed that people were more interested ………………………. eating than the game itself.
3. Physical exercises can protect you …………………………. heart disease.
4. The farmer was responsible ………………. the damage done by the animal
Language: (25 points)
Section A:
Question Number Four: (15 points) ‫أجب ػي جويغ أسئلت هذا القسن‬
A. 1- Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (6 points)
1. I ……………………. (learn) English for three years but I ……………………. (finish) yet.
2. Manal ……………. (not accept) such invitation quite often.
3. He said something but I ………………. that I ……………. (pretend\ not hear)
4. I gave him a quick call while I ………………. my breakfast. (have)
2- Choose the correct answer: (4 points)
1- He had made his decision and he refused ( to change / changing ) his mind .
2- She stopped ( to cry / crying ) as soon as she saw her mother
3- I remember ( shutting / to shut ) the door when I arrived.
4 - My mum told us ( not talking / not to talk) about our secrets.
B- 1- Add questions tag for the following : ( 2 points)
1- It'd be better to spend more money on developing your prod…………………..……….?
2- She said nothing about her hidden plans ,……………….……..?
3- Sami had much work to do yesterday,……………………………?
4-He's never put limits on how to deal with people,………………………………?
2- Correct the following sentences: (there is only one mistake in each): (3 points)
1- I was there at the agreeing time. But my friends were late . ……………………………………
2- After having the medicine, I’m feeling much better. ……………………………………
3- I asked him that he wanted to go to the theatre . ……………………………………

Section B:
Question Number Five: (10 points)

– From this section answer two parts only: ‫أجب ػي سؤاليي فقط‬
1: A. Report the following questions: (3 points)
1. "Why didn't Rana ask you about the problem?"
I asked Walaa …………………………………….………………………….………………
2. "Can I help you?"
Sami asked Rana …………………………………….………………………………………..
3. "What's happened?"
I asked …………………………………….………………………….……………………………

B. Rewrite the sentences using the linking words in brackets: (2 points)

1. I spent a long time studying this subject. I passed the exam easily. (because)
2. I left the key inside the house. I got home in the evening and realised the problem. (when)

2: A. Complete the sentences with past participle or –ing form of the verbs in brackets: (2 points)
1. Did you hear the ……………………………………. news? (break)
2. The ……………………………………. language in Palestine is Arabic. (speak)

B. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets: (3 points)

1. Don't spend your money on things you don't need. (He told / me)
2. Remember that prices will grow with days. (He warned us / that)

3. A. Circle the correct answer: (3 points)
1. ……………………………………. broke the window? ‘Jamal.’ (who / what)
2. The President is ……………………………. the prime minister tomorrow. (going to meet / meeting)
3. I’m not sure yet, but I ………………………. arrive in time to watch the movie. (will / will probably)

B. Replace the underlined part with a causative structure (have + object + past participle):(2 points)

1. I'm going to check this application before I send it in case there are any mistakes.
I …………………………………….………………………….……………………………………………………………………………
2. She took her bracelet to the jewelry's' shop so that she could mend it.

Writing: (10 points)

Question Number Six: (10 points)

Write on one of the following topics: ‫أكتب في واحد فقط هي الوىضىػيي التبلييي‬

1. Write a short email to "Waves Company" asking if it is possible to do work experience in their

Make use of the following ideas:

a. Introduce yourself. b. Explain why you are writing. c. Give the dates you are interested in.
d. State your interests. e. Say what you are studying.


2- Read the email and write a reply. In your reply: Apologize for the problem \ give an
explanation\ say what you have done to solve the problem. Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing in
connection with your recent order. The order was delivered ten weeks ago, with a request for
payment within a month. Could you please contact me as soon as possible to make the situation
clear? Yours faithfully J. Bridges James Bridges Accounts Department.

Good Luck

‫اًتهج األسئلت‬

State of Palestine
Ministry of Education ً‫االهتحبى التجزٌب‬
Khan Younis Directorate ً‫لوبحج اللغت اإلًجلٍشٌت للؼبم الدراس‬
2:15 :‫سهي االهتحبى‬ 2022/2021 ‫دولت فلسطٍي‬
2022 / / : ‫التبرٌخ‬ ً‫الصف الثبًً ػشز الفزع االدب‬ ً‫وسارة التزبٍت والتؼلٍن الؼبل‬
‫ درجت‬50 : ‫الورقت الثبًٍت‬ ‫خبى ٌوًس‬-‫هدٌزٌت التزبٍت والتؼلٍن‬
‫ االهتحبى فً اربغ صفحبث‬: ‫هالحظت‬
Reading Comprehension (25 points )
Question NumberOne: (15 points )
Read the text and do the tasks below:
Another great Palestinian intellectual was Hisham Sharabi (1927-2005), originally from Jaffa,
and later an important professor at Georgetown university near Washington. Like Saeed and
other Palestinians, he worked all his life to improve western understanding of Arab and
Palestinian issues. He was editor of the Journal of Palestine studies, and wrote many books,
including his famous Introduction to the Study of Palestine Society (1975). He also became
well-known for his television appearances and his journalism, as well as creating the Arab-
American Cultural Foundation, which builds American understanding of Arab and Islamic
culture, and setting up the Jerusalem Fund, a foundation that provides scholarships for
students from Palestine. Sharabi wrote about his 'bitterness and anger' when, in 1993, he
returned to Jaffa, his home town, to make a documentary:' As I settled there, I could hear
people speaking Russian, probably recent immigrants from the old Soviet Union. They were
full citizens in my country, and I was there only on a limited Israeli tourist visa.' However, he
went on to say that the only way forward was a political compromise founded on justice and
international law and UN Security Council resolutions. For him, this compromise had to
include the Right of Return.
A- Complete the notes about Sharabi: (4points)
1. Original city __________________________________
2.Year of birth __________________________________
3.Lectured in __________________________________
4. Editor of __________________________________
5. Famous book written by him … __________________________________
6. foundation established by him a_________________________________
7.Died in __________________________________
B- Find words in the text which have the meaning of the following:(4points)
1. intelligent, academic person ……………………………
2. people coming from other places to live in a country ………………………………
3. acceptance that not all demands will be achieved …………………………………
4. based on …………………..

C- Answer the questions: (4 points)
1.Explain how did Sharabi help the Palestinian cause.
2. According to Sharabi Should a political compromise be based on?
3. What was the issue that Sharabi refused to compromise?
D- Write what the following pronouns refer to: (3 points )
1. which …………………. ………………2. They ………………………….
3. there ………………………….
Question Number Two :(10 points )
Read the text and find answers to the questions below:
British celebrations of New Year reflect high enthusiasm, pleasure and delight and at the
same time gives a glance of their rich customs and traditions. They reflect the British belief
that one should initiate anything with positive hopes and beliefs of pleasurable coming time.
Also, one should move ahead and over the past problems and difficulties of life and should
only remember to learn few good lessons of life. New Year celebrations in Britain have a lot
of planning and preparations going before the key day arrives. Traditionally, celebrations
begin on the New Year Eve, 31st December of the old year and go on till the dawn of the
New Year's Day. Setting on fireworks is an important celebration tradition in this important
occasion. Other popular traditions are sending gifts, presents, New Year cards, flowers and
candles to near and dear ones.
1- Find words in the text which have the meaning of the following: (1.5 point)
1. a special time or event ……………………………
2. relates to …………………………….
3. strong positive feeling ……………………………
2- Choose the correct meaning for each of the following words: (1.5point)
1. belief A: feeling that something is true B: important decision
2. initiate A: forget something B: start something
3. dawn A: early morning B: before midnight
3- Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): (3points)
1. British celebrations of New Year reflect their own customs and traditions. ( )
2. Past problems should be always remembered to learn more lessons of life. ( )
3. The British begin celebrating the New Year before the 31st December. ( )
4- Write what the following words and pronouns refer to: (2 points)
1. They ( line 2 ) ………………………………………………………
2. key day ( line 6) ……………………………………………………….
5- Answer the following question: (2 points )
1. What do British celebrations reflect about British people's beliefs?
2. How do British people celebrate the New Year, as mentioned in the text?

Literature ( King Lear ) ( 15 points)
Section One :(5 points )
Question Number Three (5 points )
A- Choose the correct answer: (5 points) ‫االجببت ػلى هذا السؤال اجببري‬
1. The king of France agrees to marry Cordelia because …
a) she loves her for telling the truth.
b) she is the daughter of King Lear.
c) she is beautiful and intelligent.
2. Edmund cuts his arm because …
a) he wants his father to feel sorry for him.
b) he thinks it will make others believe he is a great fighter.
c) he wants his father to believe that Edgar has planned to kill him.
3. Regan and Cornwall punish Gloucester by …
a) killing him. b) blinding him. c) cutting off his tongue.
4.One of Cornwall's servants suddenly attacks him because…
a)Cornwall treats prisoners kindly. b)he loves Lear and Cordelia.
c)he wants to show that he is faithful to Gloucester. d)he can't bear his cruelty any longer.
5. Gloucester felt guilty when wronged…
a)Edmund b)Edgar c)Cornwall d) Lear
Section two :Answer two questions only : ‫اجب ػي سؤالٍي فقط هي االسئلت الثالث االتٍت‬
Question Number Four (5 points )

A- Answer the following questions: (3 points)

1. How would King Lear share the country between his daughters?
2. What does Lear do as a result of Cordelia's answer?
3. Why does Gloucester ask Kent to take Lear to Dover?
B- Read the following quotation and answer the questions below: (2 points)
"come, let's away to prison: We two will sing like birds in the cage"
1. Who says this? To whom?
3. Why is the speaker happy to go to prison?
Question Number Five (5 points )
A- Decide whether each of the following is TRUE or FALSE: (3 points)
1. Lear realizes that giving away his kingdom has been a terrible mistake. ( )
2. Regan writes a letter to Edmund telling him to kill her husband. ( )
3. Edgar leads his father to the high cliffs in Dover as he wanted. ( )
B. Complete the following sentences: (2 points)
1.Cordelia and her husband came to Britain to………………………………………………….
2. Albany knew that his wife……………………………………………………………………

Question Number Six (5 points )
A.Write the name of each character that matches the given description: (2.5points)
Description The character
1.Jokes that Lear is stupid to give all his power to his daughter.
2.Advises Lear to think again before dividing the land .
3.Kills herself with a knife as her husband knows her plan
4.Lies to his father in order to take his brother`s place
5. Her honest answer makes king of France love her .

B: Put the statements in the correct order. Number them from (1- 5): (2.5 points)

…… Lear went mad because his daughters treated him badly.

…… Edmund led the British Army against the French and won the battle.

…… Lear decided to give the country to his two daughters.

…… Lear was angry with Cordelia’s answer and said she was no longer his daughter.

…… Lear and his daughters were dead and the Duke of Albany became the king of England.

Section Three: Writing (10 points)

Write an essay of about (100) words on ONE of the following topics:
1- 'Wealth is not always associated with happiness' Think about the following questions:
 Why do people need money?
 How could money cause problems?
 Can money lead to real happiness?
Write an essay about: My future resolution.
Talk about:
1. The name of your resolution.
2. Your goal for this resolution.
3. Your steps toward this goal.
4. What could go wrong.
5. How to solve this difficulty and your chance to success

Good Luck!

_______________ :‫ة‬/‫اسم الطالب‬ ‫االتمحان الحجريبي‬
‫م‬2022/ 4/ :‫التاريخ‬ ‫م‬2022/2021‫للعنم الدراسي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
‫ الصباحية‬:‫الفترة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫المباث‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلـيم العالي‬
‫مديرية التربية والتعليم– شرق خان يونس‬
100 :‫الدرجة‬ ‫ الثاني عشر وأدبي‬:‫الصف‬

Reading Comprehension: (40 marks)

Question Number One :
1) Read the text and do the tasks below (20 marks)
We often hear people say, ‘It’s a small world, isn’t it?’ It’s usually when they’ve just
experienced one of those strange coincidences that seem to happen in nearly everyone’s
lives. You know the kind of thing: you’re on holiday in another country and you run into a
person you know from home, even though neither of you knew that the other was going
there too.
People often think experiences like this are evidence of something mysterious happening,
some kind of hidden plan outside our knowledge. The scientific explanation is less exciting,
and perhaps that’s why some people are reluctant to accept it. Coincidences are events that
unexpectedly happen at the same time for no clear reason, or finding an unexpected
connection between seemingly random things or people. A very common example of the
latter is talking to a complete stranger and finding that you have the same birthday. What are
the chances of that happening?
Actually, the chances are better than you might think, and there’s a mathematical way to
prove it. It has been calculated that the number of people you need to have a 50% chance of
two of them sharing a birthday is 23. And when there are 48 people in a room,
the probability goes up to 95%. To put it another way, if there are only 50 people reading
these words (and I hope there are more!), one of them will almost certainly have the same
birthday as me.
The other part of the scientific explanation for coincidences is simply that there are so many
events in people’s lives. Just think of the number of people that you have had any kind of
connection with during your life. There are probably over 10,000, and the older you get, the
more there will be. If you are the kind of person who talks to strangers, you will definitely
come across coincidences. Basically, when you think about how complex our lives are,
especially nowadays with the Internet, the only surprising thing is that coincidences don’t
happen more often.
Q1.Complete the diagram: (4 points )
Coincidences are defined as

………………………………… ……………………………………
………………………….. ……... ………………………………

Q2. Answer the following questions: ( 6 points )
1. When do people say “ It’s a small world”?
2. What is needed to say for sure that you are a kind of person who comes across
a. ……………………………………….. b. …………………………………………….
3. What example does the writer use to show that the world is really small?
Q3. Decide whether the following sentences are (True) or (False): ( 3 points )
1. People refuse to accept the scientific explanation of coincidences because it’s very
mysterious. ( )
2. Scientists explain coincidences the same as people do. ( )
3. Older people experience more coincidences than younger ones. ( )
Q4. Complete the following sentences from the text above. ( 3 points )
1. The writer uses a mathematical technique to ………………………………………………
2. According to people, the scientific explanation of coincidences is ……………..……….
3. What makes the writer surprised about coincidences is that ……………………………….
Q5. Write what the following pronouns, phrases and numbers refer to: (4 points)
1. there (L.22.)……………………………………………………….
2. it (L.13)……………………………………………………………….
3.the probability ( L.18)………………………………………………….
4.10,000 ( L. 21)…………………………………………………………………………………..
2- Read the following text and do the required tasks: ( 20 points)
Read the following passage then answer the questions below.
Although using the internet to shop is usually fairly easy, and there is often greater variety
available, it is always a risk because you cannot try on or see in details the item you wish to
buy. In fact, the immediate “convenience” of shopping in this way can end up being an
inconvenience if the item is faulty or does not fit, or is just not what the customer wanted.
It is true that the prices are better when you shop online, but, while it might be cheaper, there
is a clear disadvantage because you have to wait for the delivery of the purchases.
Some people might prefer not to have any personal contact while shopping online, but it can
save time in the end since there are always assistants to help with questions you might have
during the transaction. In addition to this, there is the issue of internet payment security;
however, recently this has improved a lot.
The internet has indeed given us a wider choice as consumers, as well as made some aspects
of shopping more pleasant and convenient. However, it is nearly impossible, in my opinion,
to forget the disadvantages we experience from time to time, since these can affect the way
in which we choose to shop.

A. Complete the following table with correct information from the text: (10 points)
1 Three advantages of ………………………………………………………………………………..
using the internet for c)
shopping. ………………………………………………………………………………..

2 A reason why …………………………………………………………………………………..

shopping online is a

3 Possible …………………………………………………………………………………..
disadvantage of
shopping cheaply

4 An advantage of …………………………………………………………………………………..
personal contact while
shopping online.

B. Answer the following questions: (4 points)

1. Why can shopping online be inconvenient?
2. How can shopping online save time?
C. Decide if each of the following sentences is True / False. (3 points)
1. It’s always safe to pay for the items online . ( )
2. The writer is completely in favour of shopping online. ( )
D. Choose the correct answer. (3points)
1. The underlined word faulty means …………………… ( imperfect - suitable )
2. The underlined pronoun this refers to ……………... (payment security - transaction)
3. We can substitute the connector since with ……………………….. (so - because)
Vocabulary :( 25 points)

A- Fill in the following sentences by replacing the words in brackets with the
appropriate words from the box: ( 5 points)
Currently fantasy point reveal straight factor
1- I'm not going to this afternoon's session. I don’t see a purpose of it. ……………………
2- I felt tired when I got home, so I had gone immediately to bed. ………………………
3- 2. The economic situation is an important part of reason for increasing
4- Doctors are not allowed to show confidential information about their patients. …………
5- Mustafa is working at the moment on a teaching programme. …………………….

B-Fill in the spaces with suitable words from the box: (5points)
inevitable addicted graphic outweigh lacks panic
1. Most of the teenagers are ………………………..… to a game called PUBG.
2. An earthquake hit the capital city causing …………………… among the population.
3. The costs of the project……………………………… its supposed benefits.
4. Nobody can avoid death, it’s ……………………………
5. The report offered many …………….…..details about the devastating earthquake.
C-Match verbs and particles from the boxes to make phrasal verbs, then use them to complete
the sentences below: (5points)
verb preposition Phrasal verb
stand on
protect out
brought over
handed from
carried in
1. They huddled together to …………….. themselves ……………… the wind.
2. The plane hijacker was ………………….. to the police as soon as the plane landed.
3. The school ………… expert in child psychology to discuss some important issues.
4. Tom ………………….. with his tedious speech for twenty minutes.
5. His bright red hair helps him ……………………… at comedy clubs..
D-Complete the sentences using the words in the box with ( co, mis, over, under): ( 5 points)
Pilot lead paid worked operation understanding
1. The instructions are carefully written to avoid any …….………………...
2. In 1978, Billy and a ………………… are the only survivors of a plane crash.
3. Nurses complain of being ………………………and ………………..………….
4. Our force pulled back in order to ……………………… the enemy.
5. This project is one of the first fruits of commercial …………… between the two countries
E- Circle the correct answer. ( 3 points)
1. We need to decide soon what ( marketing / market share ) strategies we should pursue
for these new products.
2. The bank received over 2,000 ( job security / job applications )from recent graduates in
September alone.
3.Our country has grown rich because of its commerce with other nations . The underlined
word is …... ………..( abstract – concrete )
4. Admission is free to all tickets holders and there is no need to book ( in advance / in
5. The company has been ( in business / on business ) for over 30 years.
6. Researchers reported another important ( break through / breakthrough) in Covid 19
F- Complete the sentences using the prepositions below: (2 points)
in of on by to with
1. Most people are addicted …………………….. collecting money.
2. The career advisors can make students aware …………………. job opportunities.
3. I arrived home just ……………………. time before raining.
4. While he was away we kept in touch ………………….. email.
Language: (25 points)
Section A : ( 15 points )
Question Number Four :
A- Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb in brackets: (5 points)
1. When I went in, the students ………………., probably because someone ………….….
just a joke. (laugh - tell)
2. Ali …………….. the gate for hours and he still ……………. yet. ( paint, finish)
3. My sister ……….. the note that I had laid on the kitchen table for her yesterday.( not/ see)
4. We…………………………..for hours! Let’s have a rest.( walk)
5. They……………… New York tomorrow. They’ve booked two tickets online.( fly)
6. Who…………………… you ………………….. will win the elections? ( think)

B: 1: Circle the correct answer: ( 3 points )

1. A: What ( disturbed / did disturb) you when you were working? B: The noise.
2. This ( will be / might be ) the right answer but we'll have to check with our teacher.
3. I ( probably won't / will ) go to Laila's party tonight. I don't feel well

2: Write the full questions: ( 2 points)

1. you/ enjoy/ the lesson yesterday?
2. What / Omar/ do/ every Friday morning?
C: Re write the following using the words between brackets: (5 points)
1. Why didn’t you prepare your lessons well yesterday?
They asked him ……………………………………………………………………
2. Does the film start at 10p.m?
I asked my friend ……………………………………………………………
3.He accepted a low – paid job.
He regrets ……………………………………………………………………
4. " You mustn't come home after eleven ".
My father warned me
5. "Remember that the prices of oil can go down as well as up."
The news reporter told us that………………………………………………………….
Section B: (10 points)
From this section answer two parts only: (1, 2 or 3) ‫يتكون هذا القسم من ثالثة أسئلة يجيب الطالب عن سؤالين‬
Question Number One:(3 points)
A-Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: to + infinitive: (3 points )
1. Max avoided……………….. his cell phone when other people were in the room. ( use )
2. She managed………………. with them, even though she didn't speak their language.( communicate)
3. I absolutely remember……………….. him. I gave him $20 dollars. ( pay )
B-Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with causative structure:
(2 points)
1. I have an idea for the wedding, but I’m not sure how to ask someone to arrange it.
2. If you want to wear earrings, you should pierce your ears.
Question Number Two:(5 points)
A- Add question tags to the sentences below : (3 points)
1- The funny lady shut the door violently, ……………………………….?
2- I’d rather travel by train than fly by plane, ……………………….?
2-Maher won’t buy the trainers , …………………?
B-Rewrite the sentences using reduced relative clauses. (2 points)
1.Students who are living on campus will receive a refund.
2.This message is for children who are picked up by their parents after school.
Question Number Three: (5 points )
1 -Complete the sentences with (a/an ,the or zero ) (3 points)
1.Our house needs …………new furniture.
2..…………….European ambassador is leaving tomorrow night .
3.As the football match wasn’t ……interesting one , I turned off the TV and slept
A- Correct the mistakes: (2points)
1- While I slept, the telephone rang. ………………………..
2- He is having three luxury cars. ………………………..

Writing : ( 10 points)
Choose ONE of the following topics. ‫أكتب في أحد الموضوعين‬
1. Write an application form to apply for a foundation Course in Information Technology.
Do the following:

 2. Write a short business letter to Abu Jarad Company, asking them about their
products with prices, and asking them for more information and details. You are the
purchase manager Malak Haitham..

‫انتهت األسئلة‬

_______________ :‫ة‬/‫اسم الطالب‬ ‫االتمحان الحجريبي‬
‫م‬2022/ 4/ :‫التاريخ‬ ‫م‬2022/2021‫للعنم الدراسي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
‫ الصباحية‬:‫الفترة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫المباث‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلـيم العالي‬
‫مديرية التربية والتعليم– شرق خان يونس‬
50 :‫الدرجة‬ ‫ الثاني عشر أدبي‬:‫الصف‬
‫الورقة الثانية‬
Reading Comprehension: (25marks)
B: Read the following text and complete the tasks below: (15 marks)
After the 1948 disaster, over 700,000 Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a
Diaspora that spread round the planet. For many years afterwards, the Palestinian cause
received little attention or understanding from the world. That changed dramatically in 1974,
when the late national leader, President Yassir Arafat, stepped onto the world’s political
stage to speak to the United Nations. His famous words rang out: ‘Today, I have come
bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter’s gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my
This landmark speech showed the world two things: first that the Palestinian cause could not
be forgotten, and secondly that there really could be a peaceful way forward. Arafat’s words
also affected Palestinians deeply. They made many realise that it was necessary to build
bridges between Palestine and the West. This was the way to create international
understanding and, one day, a free and independent Palestine.
The years since the national leader President Arafat’s speech to the UN have not been easy,
and there have been many setbacks. Yet there are also reasons for optimism. In recent years,
as a result of the continuous diplomatic struggle of the present Palestinian leadership, under
their representative President Mahmoud Abbas, more and more countries have officially
recognized Palestine as an independent state, and in 2012 the United Nations General
Assembly voted to upgrade the status of the Palestinians to that of a ‘non-member observer
state’. There is hope that at last, thanks to the efforts of Palestinians around the world, the
tide has finally turned.
1- Answer the questions. (6 points)
1- What is the symbolic meaning of the olive branch and gun that President Arafat said he
was holding?
2- What did he mean when he said ‘Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand’?
3- How did the speech change the way many Palestinians thought about their relationship
with the rest
of the world?
4- What did the UN General Assembly vote for Palestinians in 2012?
2- Decide whether each of the following sentences are true or false: (3 points)
1- The Palestinian issue was the center of the world’s interest 1948.( )
2- Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced into a Diaspora after the 1948
disaster.( )
3- The freedom fighter’s gun represents war.( )
3-Complete the sentences: (4 points)
1- The two possibilities that the Palestinian national leader offer for World
2- Arafat's speech showed the world two things
4- What do these words, highlighted in the text, refer to? (2 points)
1- That (line 3)…………………………………………………
2- They (line 10)………………………………………………..

B: Read the following text and complete the tasks below: (10 marks)
The Olympic Games are important international event featuring summer and winter sports.
Olympic Games are held every two years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games taking
turns. Each seasonal game happens every four years. Originally, that ancient Olympic Games
were held in Ancient Greece at Olympia. The first games were in 776 BC and they were held
every four years. In 1896, the first modern Olympics happened in Athens. The Winter
Games were created for ice and snow sports. The Paralympic Games were created for
athletes with physical disabilities. As well, the Olympics became bigger with the addition of
the Youth Olympic Games for teenage athletes. The IOC (International Olympic Committee)
is the decision-making body that is responsible for choosing what sports are in the Games.
The celebration of the Games includes many rituals and symbols such as Olympic flag and
torch as well as the opening and closing ceremonies. The first, second and third place
finishers in each event receive respectively gold, silver and bronze medals.
A: Answer the following questions: (2 points)
1- What kind of games were held in the Olympics?
2- What do the celebrations of games include?
B: Decide whether each of the following is TRUE or FALSE: (3 points)
1. Summer Games are held every two years. ( )
2. Olympic Games began first in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. ( )
3. The first, second and third place finishers in each event receive gold medals. ( )
C: Complete the following: (3 points)
1. The Ancient Olympic Games were held every ..............................................................
2. The first modern Olympics were held in ………………………..……………………..
3. Modern Olympic Games included …………………….……………………………….
D: What do the underlined words and phrases refer to: (2 points)
1. they: ……………………….…………….
2. 1896: …………………………………….

King Lear (15 points)
Q.1 :Circle the correct answer: (5 points)
1. Goneril and Regan are jealous of each other because------
a- each plans to be the only queen of the kingdom
b- Edmund can’t make up his mind which one to marry
c- Each knows that the other wants to marry Edmund
d-Edgar wanted to marry them
2. Gloucester feels sorry about Lear because ……………………………….
a- he is out in the storm with no shelter.
b- he is angry with Goneril.
c- he is the only to blame himself
d-he was blinding.
3. Edmund led the ----------------------------- during the war.
a- French army b-English army c- Italian army d-Scottish army
4. Edgar hid from his father's men by:
a. Staying in Regan's castle.
b. Staying in the castle.
c. Living among Lear's knights.
d. Pretending to be a mad homeless person.
5.Regan collapsed because…………..
a-She killed her husband
b-her sister poisoned her
c-she had heart attack
d-her servant killed her
Section two: ( 10 points) ‫يتكون هذا القسم من ثالثة أسئلة و على الطالب يجيب على اثنين‬
1 -Answer the following questions: (5 points)
1. What makes Lear happy to go to prison?
2. Why did Lear realize that giving away his kingdom has been a mistake?
3. Why was Goneril worried about the news of Cornwall's death?
4.What was written in the letter Goneril sent to her sister Regan ?
2:A- Read the quotation from an article. Then answer the questions. (3points)
. " What? I don't believe this! it means that that terrible woman is trying to get my brother
to kill her husband. This is really, really bad"
a- Who is the speaker?..................................
b- When did the speaker say these words?
c-Why did the woman want to kill her husband?
B-Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: (2 points)
1. The servant attacked Cornwall because he couldn't bear his cruelty any longer. ( )
2. Edmund cuts his arm because he wants his father to feel sorry for him. ( )
3. Regan has been poisoned by her sister when she collapsed after an argument . ( )
4. Both Regan and Goneril think that Lear doesn't need even one of his men. ( )

3:A- Complete the sentences. ( 2 points)

2. The Duke of Cornwall's servant suddenly attacks the Duke because…………………..
3. Regan and her husband order Kent to be made a prisoner because ……………………
4. The Duke of Albany feels his wife Goneril is evil because ……………………………
B-Complete the table: ( 3 points)

Character How did he or she die?

1 Goneril
2 Gloucester
3 Edmund

Writing : ( 10 points)
Choose ONE of the following topics. ‫أكتب في أحد الموضوعين‬
Question Number Five: Writing (10 Points )
A: 'Money never made a man happy yet , nor will it .There is nothing in its nature to
produce happiness .'Do you agree with this statement ?why or why not ?Use specific
reasons and examples to support your position.

B: You have recently decided to take up anew hoppy or learn a skill and you have
joined a club or a group of people who are doing the same thing.
Write about:
- Why you choose your new activity.
- What the benefits are of doing it with other people.
- What the other people in the group are like

‫انتهت األسئلة‬
State of Palestine ‫دولت فلسطيي‬
Ministry of Edu. & Higher Education ‫وزارة التربيت والتعلين العالي‬
Rafah Directorate of Education
‫مديرية ر‬
‫التبية و التعليم – رفح‬
English Trial Exam ‫ الفرع االدبي‬:‫الصف الثاًي عشر‬
Literary stream\ Paper One ‫الجلست األولى‬ ‫االهتحاى التجريبي لوبحث اللغت اإلًجليسيت‬
Total Mark: 100 Points ( 2021 – 2022 ) ‫للعام الدراسي‬ 5::2 :‫زهي االهتحاى‬
5255 / / : ‫التاريخ‬
‫ االهتحاى في سج صفحاث‬: ‫هالحظت‬

Reading comprehension ( 40 points )

Question Number One: (20 points )
Read the following text then answer the questions below:
1…….. Information and Communications Technology businesses could be the best hope for the
economic future of Palestine, according to experts inside and outside the country. A recent report
said that the ICT sector makes up over 5% of the Palestinian economy.
2………Why ICT? For Mustafa Jawad, the 23-year-old head of an online graphic design company, the
answer is simple: ‘For an ICT start-up, all you need is a computer and a connection. You can
distribute your final product by exporting it to the Internet cloud.’ There are still problems, though.
The main one is a lack of 3G networks in Palestine, because access to the necessary
wavebands is not available yet.
3………Mustafa was always good at art and languages, and when he finished school everyone
advised him to study English at university. Instead, he taught himself how to programme and
started making his own software programmes. His first attempt was a game, which was so popular
with his fellow students that he decided starting his own company might be a real possibility.
4………His big breakthrough came when he attended a ‘start-up weekend’ in Ramallah. He
managed to get a small amount of financial support, which gave him the time to develop more
ideas. Perhaps more importantly, he met other business people, both Palestinian and from other
countries. He learnt a lot about the practical side of running a business and about how to get his
products noticed.
5………Mustafa is currently working on a programme that makes the teaching of chemistry in
schools more fun. He has already had interest from within Palestine and from other countries in
the Arab world. Like a lot of other young Palestinian business people, he wants to do something
positive to help his country, but he stresses that his company isn’t a humanitarian operation.
‘It’s a business,’ he says, ‘and the aim is to get good returns on the investment.’
6………One way he believes he can help is to pass on what he’s learnt to others even younger than
he is. ‘I learnt a lot from that start-up weekend. When I go to the next one, I hope I’ll learn more,
but I’ll also be able to advise others.’
(3points) Read the text and choose the best title for each paragraph: )A
How Mustafa began his business .A
What Mustafa wanted from attending the next “start – up” in Ramallah. .B
The two aims of Mustafa's business. .C
How “a start – up weekend” helped Mustafa. .D
The main problem of ICT start – up in Palestine. .E
The opinion of experts about the benefits of ICT sector for Palestinian economy. .F
(3points) Answer the following questions: )B
What’s the evidence that ICT sector help Palestinian economy? -1

What did the people advise him to study at university? why? -2
What did Mustafa learn from other business people? -3
(2points) Complete the following sentences from the text: )C
Mustafa wants to ………………………………. to help his country. -1
Mustafa hoped to …………………….. and ……………………… in the next “start-up”. -2

(3points) What do the following refer to: )D

the country ………………………………. -1
one ………………………………………. -2
him ……………………………………… -3

Decide whether each of the following sentences is True (T) or False (F): (3points) )E
Mustafa’s first attempt was a programme to make the teaching of chemistry in schools -1
more fun. ( )
The business people who Mustafa met at the “start-up” were all Palestinians . ( ) -2
According to Mustafa his company isn’t a humanitarian one so, he should get good returns -3
on the investments. ( )

(6points) Complete the diagram from the text: )F

Mustafa Jawad

nationality age head of

…………………… …………………… …………………….

had interest from He taught himself His aims

………………….. …………………… ……………………

Question Number Two: (20 points)

Read the following text then do the tasks below:
Maintaining long-term friendships requires commitment and love from both sides. Can you keep
your friends forever? Here are the top five tips for turning someone you know into a lasting

1-………………………If your friend is going through something, try to help them through it. Sometimes,
they just want to talk, so provide a listening ear. But if they need help, try to offer that. When you
need advice, ask them for it. Always be encouraging to one another.
2-………………………. More important than phone calls and visits is truthfulness. Be open with your
friends so they know the real you are, even when you aren’t so proud of yourself. Friendships can
only grow when honesty is present, so always be yourself.
3-……………………. Always honor your friends. If others are gossiping about them, either intervene or
walk away. Always keep their secrets. If you tell them that you’ll do something, do it without
having to be reminded.
4- ……………Just like you have your imperfections, know that your friends have them, too. Instead of
trying to make them think like you about certain issues, accept their differences. This doesn’t
mean letting them treat you badly, but do know that they are human and unique.
5-…………………………… If you do something wrong to your friends, say you’re sorry to them.
Friendships are bound to run into the occasional conflict, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is
allowing bitterness to fester and poison your relationship.
1- Choose the best title A – E for each tip.: ( 5 points)
A- Be honest …….
B- Accept them for who they are …..…
C- Apologize when you mess up …..…
D- Ask for and provide advice …..…
E- Be trustworthy and reliable …..…

2-Decide whether statements are TRUE or FALSE: (6 points)

1- Unlike you, your friends have imperfections. ( )
2- To have a strong friendship, give an honest apology for your friend, when needed. ( )
3- Being honest and real let friendship getting bigger and stronger. ( )
3- Complete the following sentences from the text: ( 2 points)
1- Knowing that friends are human and unique makes you ……………………………….
2- By………………….and………………., you can maintain your friendships forever.
4- Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words: (4 points)
1-To be too proud of yourself. a) impress b) boast
2-. Always be encouraging to one another. a) motivating b) not willing
3- Friendships are bound to run into the occasional conflict. a) find out b) meet by chance

4-. Be open with your friends so they know the real you are, a) fantasy b) genuine
5- What do the following refer to :( 3 points)
1- (it) in tip 1 : …………………………………………….………...
2-(their) in tip 3: …..………………………………………………
3-(That's) in tip 5 :….…………………………………...………

Vocabulary( 25 points )

Question Number Three: ( 25 points )

Replace the underlined parts of the sentences below with words from the box: )1
criteria - job description - trend - inflexible - disappointed
Their general movement is obvious and clear for all ………………… -1
The suggested law is poorly written and uwanting to change. …………………. -2
He refused to do the work because it wasn’t part of his list of duties involved in his job -3
He was very sad because of the unexpected results of his final exam. ……………………….. -4
What are the reasons or qualifications of being accepted on the course?............................... -5

complete the sentences with words from the box: )2

potential - addicted - objective - dropped - reluctant
A man should be fair and …………………. when judging his son’s work. -1
It`s harmful for children`s teeth to be …………….. to chocolate. -2
I’m ………………….. to spend all that money on such a small project. -3
He was very angry as his name was………………from the list of applicants. -4
A …………………. problem isn’t a problem yet, but might become or the future. -5

Choose the correct answer: )3

Insurance may only cover the current ……………….. of your car. -1
(market value / marketing)
If you’re going to come over to our house, please let me know ……………………. -2
(in debt / in advance)
If you don’t hurry up, we won’t be …………… to catch the train. (in time – on time) -3
Sorry we were late because we had a (breakdown / breakthrough) in the car while driving -4
to the office.
Please, fasten your seat belt when the plane is about to .…………. ( take off / take-off ) -5

Complete the sentences with suitable phrasal verbs from the box: )4
came out - stand by - work out - ran into - put up
I wanted it to be secret, but it ………………. and now everyone knew. -1
My cousin came from London, so I ……… him ….. in my flat. -2
It’s just a complex problem that only expert mathematicians can …………. it …………. -3
I was surprised when I ………………… an old friend of mine yesterday. -4
You should ……………… . They will call your name in minutes for the interview. -5
Match the prefixes with the suitable words then use them to complete the sentences : )5
operation - charge - paid - rated - behave . mis - co - over - under

Shopkeepers don’t often …………………… you. -1

Because of the size of the task, combined ………………… was import -2
It annoys me when my children ………………….. in front of each other. -3
I don’t think there are people as good as you say, they are ……………….. -4
He’s angry because he receives little money for the huge work he does. He thinks that he`s -5
………......... .

Language: (25 points)

Section A:
Question Number Four: (15 points)

A. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb between brackets: (7 points)
1.Everyone ……………….. out of the window. (look)
2.I am stuck. It ………………… all the day. (rain)
3.What ………… he ………..?/ He`s an engineer. ( do)
4.She …………….in the party, but I …………..her. ( be / not see )
5.While he was at the middle of reading a book, someone ……….. on the door. ( knock)
6.They ………………….the ceremony until the preside nt had arrived. ( not start )

B. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form ( to + infinitive / ing form ): ( 3 points)
1.She promised ……………… (be) on time.
2.I always remember ……………….. (witness) that accident. It was horrible.
3.You shouldn`t give up ……………. ( try ) even when things get worse.

C. Circle the correct answer: ( 5 points )

1. I am almost certain that this plan ( will probably / may ) work.
2. Majed doesn't like pets, so he ( might not / may well )like my new kitten.
3. Sorry, I can`t accept your invitation. I ( am seeing /am going to see ) my doctor next Sunday.
4. He applied for many ( work / jobs ), but he didn`t get any of them.
5. I was interested in the novel so that I read it thre e ( time / times ).
Section B:
‫قسمي فقط من هذا السؤال‬ ‫أجب عن‬From this section answer two parts only (1, 2, 3)

Question Number Five: ( 10 points)

1. A. Make the sentences using the causative structure ( get + object + V3 ). ( 2 points )
1. You should ask someone to repair your bike. It`s broken.
2. He wrote the essay and asked his teacher to check it .

B. Add tag questions to the sentences: ( 3 points )

1. Mona put on her coat before leaving,……………………..?
2. They rarely gather in the family house,……………………?
3. The writer`s name should stand out on the book cover page, …………………….?

2. A. Rewrite the following sentences using reduced relative clauses: ( 2 points )

1. The boys who are standing over there made a nice performance in the school theater
2. The tips that were given to the players by the coach are really valuable.

B. Correct the mistakes:* There`s one mistake in each sentence + ( 3 points )

1.She wishes she hadn`t waste her time doing useless things. (…………………………..)
2.You`d better have your laptop fix before the technology exam. (……………...……………)
3.Who did win the competition?/Hani. (…………… ………….…..)

3. A. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given: ( 3 points )

1."Where`s the coldest area in the world?"
She asked……………………………………………………………………………………...
2."You should do a lot of market research before starting a business"
A businessman advised him that……………………………………………………..……..
3.Hadeel overworked at the company but the manger underpaid her.
Hadeel regrets …………………………………………………………………………………
The manager should…………………………………………………………………………...

B. Complete the sentences with a/ an, the or - ( no article): ( 2 points )

1.Can you give me ….... pen to write with, please?
2. I don`t like …….. cheese, but I like ….... cheese on this pizza.
3. Organizing your time plays ..…. essential role in your success.

Writing (10 points)

Question Number Six: (10 points)

‫الموضوعي‬ ‫أكتب ن يف أحد‬Choose one of the following topics

Write your own story about a strange coincidence or a misunderstanding (It can be a true )1
story about something that happened to you or someone you know or a made up story)
These ideas may help you.
Who are the people in the story? ●
What happened, where and when? ●

Write a general enquiry letter to Al Quds company asking them about any possible )2
vacancies in their company. your name is Salma and you are studying at Melton
secondary school.
These notes may help you:
The purpose of writing this letter. ●
Give them your own in formation and tell them about your good points. ●
Offer to provide more details if necessary. ●
Thank them for their help. ●

The End

State of Palestine ‫دولت فلسطيي‬
Ministry of Edu. & Higher Education ‫وشازة التسبيت والتعلين العبلي‬
Rafah Directorate of Education
‫هديسيت التسبيت و التعلين – زفح‬
English Trial Exam ‫ الفسع االدبي‬:‫الصف الثبًي عشس‬
Literary stream\ Paper Two ‫الجلست الثبًيت‬ ‫االهتحبى التجسيبي لوبحث اللغت اإلًجليصيت‬
Total Mark: 100 Points ( 2021 – 2022 ) ‫للعبم الدزاسي‬ 5::2 :‫شهي االهتحبى‬
5255 / / : ‫التبزيخ‬
‫ االهتحبى في خوس صفحبث‬: ‫هالحظت‬
Reading Comprehension (25 marks)

A. Read the following text, then answer the questions below: (15 points)
Along with President Arafat, other prominent representatives of this Palestinian generation in exile
played vital role in bringing the cause to the world’s attention. One of these was the great writer and
academic Edward Said, originally from Jerusalem, who fought with all the strength of his great mind for
freedom, equality and justice in general, and for the future of Palestine in particular. On his death, the
poet Mahmoud Darwish, himself an important and well-known international figure, wrote: ‘I cannot say
goodbye to Edwar Said, so present is he among and within us, and so alive around the world.’
Another great Palestinian intellectual was Hisham Sharabi (1927–2005), originally from Jaffa, and later
a important professor at Georgetown University near Washington. Like Said and other Palestinians, he
worked all his life to improve western understanding of Arab and Palestinian issues. He was editor of the
Journal of Palestine Studies, and wrote many books, including his famous Introduction to the Study of
Arab Society (1975). He also became well known for his television appearances and his journalism, as
well as creating the Arab-American Cultural Foundation, which builds American understanding of Arab
and Islamic culture, and setting up the Jerusalem Fund,
a foundation that provides scholarships for students from Palestine.
Sharabi wrote about his ‘bitterness and anger’ when, in 1993, he returned to Jaffa, his home town, to
make a documentary: ‘As I stood there, I could hear people speaking Russian, probably recent immigrants
from the old Soviet Union. They were full citizens in my country, and I was there only on a limited Israeli
tourist visa.’ However, he went on to say that the only way forward was a political compromise founded
on justice an international law and UN Security Council resolutions. For him, this compromise had to
include the Right of Return.
Sadly, none of these great Palestinians lived to see the end of the Diaspora. They did, however, inspire a
new generation to follow in their footsteps. Motivated by love of country and highly educated, they have
risen, often from poor beginnings to importance and success across the arts and sciences. Today, they
continue to build bridges of understanding that will one day carry the Palestinian nation home.
A. Answer the following questions: (5 points)
1. What important ideas did Edward Said fight for through his writing?
2. Mention two foundations that Sharabi set up?
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
3. What was the issue on which Sharabi refused to compromise?
4. What are the non-academic work that Hisham Sharabi did to help the Palestinian cause?

B. Complete the following statements from the text: (4 points)

1. Hisham Sharabi originally came from_________________________________
2. Sharabi returned back to Jaffa for_________________________________

3. According to Sharabi, the only way to get a free and independent Palestine
4. When Sharabi returned to Jaffa he was there only using________________________ visa .

C. Decide whether each of the following is True or False:( 4 points)

1. Said is one of important and well-known representatives of the Palestinian generation who brought the
Palestinian issue to the world's attention. ( )

2. Mahmoud Darwish was an editor of the Journal of Palestine Studies. ( )

3. Darwish couldn't say goodbye to Edward Said because he didn't have a good relationship with him.( )

4. Neither Sharabi nor Said lived long to see the end of the diaspora. ( )

D. What the underlined pronouns and dates in the text, refer to: ( 2 points)

1. One ( line 2 ) : _______________________________________

2. I ( line 5 ) : _________________________________________

3. 1975 ( line 14 ) : ______________________________________

4. 1993 ( line 19 ) : _______________________________________

B. Read the text and find answers to the questions below. (10 points)
All countries of the world celebrate in their own way on New Year's Eve. Fun is predominant on
different peoples on New Year's Eve. The celebration of the New Year is a global, social and cultural
event. People revive it with different traditions and customs, so that families gather to establish a
wonderful festive atmosphere of fun and play, and many types of foods are offered on this occasion,
and games abound. fireworks in cities, where a smile is spread on the faces of adults and children,
and the celebration dates for this occasion vary from one country to another, the Chinese have their
own day to celebrate their New Year, and other peoples celebrate different dates than the New Year,
and despite that, this occasion calls everyone to joy Happy New Year.
The reason for the different dates for celebrating New Year's Day is due to the spherical shape of the
Earth, where the countries are distributed along the meridians, and the movement of the Earth and its
rotation around itself causes a difference in time between the countries of the world, and therefore it
precedes midnight in the countries of the east of the globe before the countries located in the west,
and accordingly The timings and timings of the celebration vary by several hours. The Kiritimas and
Kamoa Islands are the first to celebrate the coming of the New Year, while Baker Island and Hawaii
are the last countries to celebrate the New Year, and the Australian city of Sydney is the city that
witnesses the first welcoming of the New Year and from which the cedatelebrations of the world
A- Answer the following questions: - ( 3 points )
1- Mention two of the traditions and customs of the New Year Eve .
a- _________________________________________________
b- _________________________________________________

2- What are the names of the last countries to celebrate the New Year?

B- Complete the following sentences: (5 points )

1- The celebration of the New Year considered a ______________________, _____________________
and _______________ event.
2- There are different dates for celebrating New Year’s day because of __________________________
3- The city which witnesses the first welcoming of the New Year is ____________________________

C- Decide whether the following sentences are (true) or (false): ( 2 points )

1- All the countries in the world celebrate with the occasion of new year in the same date. ( )
2- The shape of the earth causes a difference in the time between the countries of the world. ( )
3- Kiritimas and kamoa Island are the first to celebrate the coming New Year. ( )
4- Midnight in the countries of the west of the globe before the midnight in countries located in east.( )

Literature (15 marks)
King Lear
Section A: (5 points) ‫هرا القسن اجببزي‬
A. Choose the correct answer:-

1.Cornwall decided to punish Gloucester by

a. facing a combat trial. b. poisoning him
c. blinding him d. making him a prisoner

2.Goneril despises and hates her husband because he

a. is very selfish b. is a weak person
c. also hates her d. will punish her

3.When Gloucester jumped and fell to the ground, Edgar lifted him pretending to be
a. mad person- b. his son
c. friendly stranger d. homeless man

4.The duke of Albany arrests Edmund

a. for not giving him Lear and Cordelia b. to kill his wife
c. to make him share in the war d. to bring him to justice for his treason

5. The person who became the king of Britain in the end was
a. Albany b. Gloucester
c. Kent d. Edger

Section B:( 10 points)

From this section answer three parts only: ‫أجب عي سؤاليي هي هرا القسن ا فقط‬
Question Number One: (5 points)
Decide whether each of the following is True or False:
1.Edgar cut Edmund's arm because he refused to help him to kill the old man. ( )
2.Lear’s mock trial is a sign of his madness. ( )
3.Edmond helps his father when Cornwall decides to punish him. ( )
4.Goneril had tried to dismiss fifty of Lear’s men. ( )
5. Regan killed Goneril by poisoning her. ( )

Question Number Two: (5 points)

Answer the following questions:
1. Why does the king of France accept to marry Cordelia?
2. When did Edgar show who he really was?
3.Why does Edmund leave his father’s castle after betraying him?
4. What does Goneril’s letter to her sister Regan say?
5.Why does the Earl of Gloucester feel sorry for king Lear?

Question Number Three: (5 points)

A. Put the sentences in the correct order (Number from 1 – 6) (3 points)

1. ( ) Lear went mad because he couldn’t bear his sorrow and anger.
2. ( ) The king realized that giving away everything had been a terrible mistake.
3. ( ) Lear gave Cordelia’s share to her sisters and said she’s no longer his daughter.
4. ( ) Edmund showed his father a letter which confirms that Edgar wanted to kill him.
5. ( ) Cordelia found her father Lear and forgave him because she loves him .
6. ( ) King Lear decided to give his country to his three daughters.

B. Read the following quotation then answer the questions below. (2 points)
‘’ come, lets away to prison! We two will sing like birds in the cage ‘’.
1.Who is the speaker? and to whom?
2.What makes the speaker happy?

Writing : (10 points)

Write in ONLY one of the following topics:- ‫اكتب في احد الوىضىعيي التبلييي‬
1. Write a short essay about A resolution you might make for the future. Make use of the following
a. Name of the resolution.
b. Why you chose it?
c. Steps you follow to achieve the goal.
d. What could go wrong?
e. Your chance of success.

2- Write a personal form for an event you want to do in your school. Make use of the
following ideas:
a. Name of the event
b. Date of the event
c. What is the idea behind your event and why is it needed?
d. How will the event work and what kind of activities will be included?
e. What are the possible benefits to your school?

‫اًتهج االسئلت‬
English Language ‫ﺷﻣﺎل ﻏزة‬ 2022 ‫إجابة اختبار تجريبي‬
Time: 2:45 hrs.
‫ الفرع األدبي‬- ‫شهادة الثانوية العامة‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
Date: / / 2022. ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
Total Marks (100 marks)
Question Number One: Read the text about business start-up and complete the tasks below: (20 points)
Information and Communications Technology businesses could be the best hope for the economic future of
Palestine, according to experts inside and outside the country.
Why ICT? For Mustafa Jawad, the 23-year-old head of an online graphic design company, the answer is simple:
‘For an ICT start-up, all you need is a computer and a connection. You can distribute your final product by
exporting it to the Internet cloud.’ There are still problems, though. The main one is a lack of 3G networks in
Palestine, because access to the necessary wavebands is not available yet.
Mustafa was good at art and languages, and when he finished school, everyone advised him to study English at
university. Instead, he taught himself how to programme and started making his own software programmes.
His first attempt was a game, which was so popular with his fellow students that he decided starting his own
company might be a real possibility. His big breakthrough came when he attended a ‘start-up weekend’ in
Ramallah. He managed to get a small amount of financial support, which gave him the time to develop more
ideas. Perhaps more importantly, he met other business people, both Palestinian and from other countries. He
learnt a lot about the practical side of running a business and about how to get his products noticed.
Mustafa is currently working on a programme that makes the teaching of chemistry in schools more fun. He has
already had interest from within Palestine and from other Arab countries. Like a lot of other young Palestinian
business people, he wants to do something positive to help his country, but he stresses that his company isn’t a
humanitarian operation. ‘It’s a business,’ he says, ‘and the aim is to get good returns on the investment.
He believes he can help is to pass on what he’s learnt to others. ‘I learnt a lot from that start-up weekend. When I
go to the next one, I hope I’ll learn more, but I’ll also be able to advice others.’
A. Answer the following questions: (6 points)
1. What could be the best hope for the economic future of Palestine, according to experts?
...... and Communications Technology businesses
............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................
2. What is the biggest problem for ICT companies in Palestine?
The main one is a lack of 3G networks in Palestine
.................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................
3. Why did Mustafa decide to start his own business?
the game, which was................................................................................
................................................... so popular with his fellow students that he decided starting his own company

B. Complete the diagram form the text: (2 points)

The benefits Mustafa got when attending the start-up weekend in Ramallah

He ~ financial support, he met business people, He ~ running a business how ~ products noticed

C. Complete the table with brief notes about Mustafa Jawad: (3 points)
First attempt a game
Breakthrough when he attended a ‘start-up weekend’ in Ramallah
Business aim the aim is to get good returns on the investment

D. Decide if the statements are True or False according to the text. (2 points)
1. Mustafa works as an employee at an online graphic company. (F)
2. Mustafa's company is a humanitarian one. (F)
E. Complete the following sentences: (3 points)
Information and Communications Technology
1. ICT stands for …………………………………………………………….….
learn more,
2. In the next start-up weekend, Mustafa hopes to …………………………… advice others
and ……………………….….
F. What do the following words and pronouns refer to? (4 points)
1. one (line 6) …………………………………………………… Mustafa Jawad
2. His (line 10) ……………………………………………….
financial support
3. which (line 12) …………………………………………………… his company
4. it (line 18) ……………………………………………….

P a g e |1
Question Number One: (20 points)
Read the text about Time Management and complete the tasks below:
Creating tasks and achievable goals for ourselves can help us manage our time much more productively. Here are some
useful tips that can help us manage our time effectively.
Tip 1. …………… D ………….: Making and following a task schedule reduces anxiety. As you check off items on your
“to-do” list, you can see that you are making progress. This helps you avoid feeling stressed out with worry about
whether you’re getting things done.
Tip 2. …………… C ………….: Evaluate the tasks in the order of value and importance so that you can prioritise
them effectively. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to complete each task so you don’t feel pressured when
carrying them out. This means completing work with deadlines well in advance.
Tip 3. …………… A ………….: You need to be able to divide the day’s tasks into achievable targets that give you a
clear sense of purpose. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Have this goal as a clear vision, and use it to keep you
focused on the work at hand.
Tip 4. …………… B ………….: Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter can be major distractions. As a result,
make sure you establish clear time restrictions for accessing social media websites. If your working environment
is too loud, then try moving to a calmer more productive space.

A. Read the text then choose the best title (a – c) for each tip: (4 points)
a: Set goals you can achieve b. Limit social media usage
c. Prioritise your goals d. Make a “to do” list before taking action
B. Answer the following questions: (6 points)
1. How can following a schedule and a list helpful?
reduces anxiety.
a. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………
b. as you check off items on your “to-do” list, you can see that you are making progress.

c. this helps you avoid feeling stressed out.


2. Why do we need to evaluate the tasks’ value and importance?

you can prioritise them effectively.
a. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………
give yourself plenty of time to complete each task so you don’t feel pressured.
b. …………………………………………………………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……...…………
c. completing work with deadlines well in advance.

C. Write suitable tips from the text in the following situations: (4 points)
Situation Suggested tips
I have a big task to accomplish, and a. ……………………………………………………………………………….……………………...…………
divide the day’s tasks into achievable targets.
I know it’s hard to be achieved. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Have this goal as a clear vision.
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………….……………...…………
I need to focus on my work but a. …………………………………………………………………………………………..…………...…………
establish time restrictions for accessing social media websites.
Facebook and music distracted me. b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………...…………
try moving to a calmer more productive space.

D. Complete the sentences: (2 points)

1. Facebook and Twitter are mentioned in the text as examples of ……………………………………………………………….….
Social media sites
your working environment is too loud
2. You should move to a calmer more productive space if ……………………………………………………………….………………
E. What do the following pronouns refer to? (4 points)
making progress
1. this (line 4) …………………………………………………… tasks
2. them (line 7) ……………………………………………….
3. that (line 9) …………………………………………………… goal
4. it (line 10) ……………………………………………….

P a g e |2
VOCABULARY 25 points)
Question Number Three: (25 points)
A. Match the words from the box with their meanings below: (5 points)
citizens – returns – excuse – persevere – reserve
1. I'm sure he isn't really ill. I think it's just an untrue reason for not. excuse

2. If you're finding a job difficult, it's important that you don't give up. persevere

3. It's a good idea to have a second-choice plan in case the first doesn't work. reserve

4. The profits on this kind of investment are quite low at the moment. returns

5. They are people who live in Turkey, Ukraine and Russia. citizens

B. Complete the sentences with words from the box. (5 points)

creative – inevitable – persevere – reward – fees

1. You need to ……………………………………. in your studies and graduate near the top of your class.
2. The students are holding a demonstration to protest against the increase in the ……………………………………. .
3. He offered a considerable ……………………………………. for the return of his lost cases.
4. They’re really ……………………………………. teachers who can make learning fun.
5. To protect our citizens, we have made an ……………………………………. decision to bring all of them home.

C. Complete the sentences with the suitable phrasal verbs from the box: (5 points)
run into – catch up – get on – cut back – come across
get on
1. We ……………………………………. quite well, but we're not really close friends.
run into
2. I was surprised to ……………………………………. one of my teachers when I was in the park.
cut back
3. They need to buy a new fridge, so they ……………………………………. much more money to afford it .
come across
4. I ……………………………………. this book in our school library. It's wonderful.
catch up
5. Mr. Ali made a big dinner so that his grandsons might ……………………………………. with each other.

D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box with ( co , mis , under , over ) (4 points)
operation – charge – cook – behave
cooperation with parents to improve standards.
1. School work in close ………………………….
misbehave in front of others.
2. It annoys me when my children ………………………….
3. Don't buy tickets from strangers outside the stadium. They often …………………………. you.
undercook meat less 10 minutes, it will be hard to eat.
4. When you ………………………….

E. Choose the correct answer: (6 points)

1 My friend's life could be (in danger / in advance)
2 Toyota is trying to increase its (market share / market research)
3 The plane crashed five minutes after (take-off / take off)
4 This (job description / job application) should be filled to get that post.
5 The book you need is (on order / on request) and will probably be here next week.
6 I have to be here (in time / on time) tomorrow. It's urgent.
7 My friend is not satisfied (with / about) his new job. He complains a lot.
P a g e |3
LANGUAGE: (25points)
Question Number Four:
Section A: (15 points)
A. 1. Complete the sentences with correct tense of the verb between brackets: (3 points)
has been playing
1. His eyes are tired because he ………………………………………. computer games for three hours. (play)
was leaving
2. Unfortunately, just as I ……………………………………. rang
(leave) the house, the phone ……………………………………. (ring)
don't agree
3. I'm sorry, but I ………………………………………. (not / agree) with what you're saying.
haven't written (not write) for so long. I ………………………………….
4. I’m sorry I …………………………………. know (know) there’s no excuse.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs: to + infinitive or -ing: (2 points)
to think
1. If you're getting confused, remember ……………………………………. about what you want to say. (think)
to ask
2. We were lost, so we stopped ……………………………………. the way. (ask)
not to spend
3. They told us ……………………………………. too long on one task. (not /spend)
4. The important thing is that you should never give up ……………………………………. (try)

B. 1. Re-write the following sentences using the given words in brackets: (4 points)
1. Can you speak any foreign languages? (He asked them)
He asked them if they could any foreign languages.
2. Who do you want to speak to? (She asked)
She asked who I wanted to speak to.
3. Don’t waste much time on Facebook. (She warned against)
She warned against wasting much time on Facebook.
4. You / ever / speak / in public. (Write the full question)
Have you ever spoken in public?
C. 1. Re-Write a sentence for each, beginning with the words given: (3 points)
1. They didn’t buy a new defender last season. (they regret)
they regret not buying ~
2. She bought a lot of expensive clothes. (She wishes)
She wishes she hadn’t bought ~
3. He didn’t listen to his father’s advice. (He should)
He should have listened ~
2. Add question tags to the sentences: (3 points)
won't they
1. They will leave tomorrow, ………………………………………. ?
hasn't he
2. The boy has got a present from his mother, ………………………………………. ?
wouldn't you
3. You’d rather break several world records, ………………………………………. ?

Section B: (10 points) (A, B, C) ‫ـة عن سؤالي فقط مما يل‬/‫يجيب الطالب‬
A. 1. Complete the sentences with a modal verb: (2 points)
might – will
1. Don’t worry. I’m sure the economic situation ……………………………. improve soon.
2. Just try it. You ……………………………. find that it’s easier than you thought. Who knows?
2. Make sentences using have / get + the object in brackets + the past participle of a verb: (3 points)
clean up – repair – check
1. Ahmed should (his watch) because it is not working.
have his watch repaired

2. She will (her skirt) because it is very dirty.

have her skirt cleaned up

3. You’d better (the report) before submitting them.

have the report checked

P a g e |4
B. 1. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: (3 points)
1. I need to have my car mending next week.

2. I'll call you back as soon as I finish write this report.


3. Many people are thinking they can't change their lives.

2. Choose the correct answer: (2 points)
1. Dear passengers, we announce that Flight 951 ……………………………………. be an hour late. (will /is going to)
2. He’s taken his shoes off. I think he is ……………………………………. into the water. (jumping / going to jump)

C. 1. Choose the correct answer: (2 points)

1. I can’t be sure, but this idea (will / will probably) solve the problem.

2. She’s better than most of the others, so she (may well / may not) win the prize.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (3 points)
(past simple - past perfect - past continuous)
hadn't finished it yet. (not finish)
1. The teacher asked her to show him the report, but she …………………………….
was walking
2. When I ……………………………. had lost
to work, I suddenly realized that I ……………………………. my keys. (walk / lose)

Writing: (10 points)

Question Number Six: ‫ـة عن موضوع واحد فقط مما يل‬/‫يكتب الطالب‬
1. Write an application form to apply for a foundation course in Information Technology.
2. Write a story about a strange coincidence or a misunderstanding.
(It can be a true story about something that happened to you or someone you know, or a made-up story).

P a g e |5
English Language ‫ﺷﻣﺎل ﻏزة‬ G.S.C.E. 2022
Paper TWO
‫الفرع األدبي‬
Time: 2 hrs.
Total Marks (50) ‫دوةل فلسطي‬
‫وزارة الرتبية والتعلمي العال‬
Question Number One: (15 points)
Read the text about Building Bridges to the World and complete the tasks below:
Along with President Arafat, other prominent representatives of this Palestinian generation in exile played
a vital role in bringing the cause to the world’s attention. One of these was the great writer and academic Edward
Said, originally from Jerusalem, who fought with all the strength of his great mind for freedom, equality and
justice in general, and for the future of Palestine in particular. On his death, the poet Mahmoud Darwish, himself
an important and well-known international figure, wrote: ‘I cannot say goodbye to Edward Said, so present is he
among and within us, and so alive around the world.’
Another great Palestinian intellectual was Hisham Sharabi (1927–2005), originally from Jaffa, and later an
important professor at Georgetown University near Washington. Like Said and other Palestinians, he worked all
his life to improve western understanding of Arab and Palestinian issues. He was editor of the Journal of Palestine
Studies, and wrote many books, including his famous Introduction to the Study of Arab Society (1975). He also
became well known for his television appearances and his journalism, as well as creating the Arab-American
Cultural Foundation, which builds American understanding of Arab and Islamic culture, and setting up the
Jerusalem Fund, a foundation that provides scholarships for students from Palestine.
Sharabi wrote about his ‘bitterness and anger’ when, in 1993, he returned to Jaffa to make a documentary:
‘As I stood there, I could hear people speaking Russian, probably recent immigrants from the old Soviet Union.
They were full citizens in my country, and I was there only on a limited Israeli tourist visa.’ However, he went
on to say that the only way forward was a political compromise founded on justice and international law and
UN Security Council resolutions. For him, this compromise had to include the Right of Return.

A. Answer the following questions: (8 points)

1. What important ideas did Edward Said fight for through his writing?
He fought for freedom, equality and justice in general, and for the future of Palestine in particular.

2. What do Hisham Sharabi and Eduard Said have in common?

Both worked all his life to improve western understanding of Arab and Palestinian issues

3. How did Sharabi help Palestinian students?

He created the Jerusalem Fund, a foundation that provides scholarships for students from Palestine.

4. What was the issue on which Sharabi refused to compromise?

the Right of Return

Decide whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. )points 4(

1. Both H. Sharabi and E. Said are originally from Jerusalem. ) F (

2. H. Sharabi died when he was 78 years old. ) T (
3. Hisham Sharabi was satisfied with his visit to Jaffa in 1993. ) F (
4. H. Sharabi visited his hometown as a full citizen. ) F (

B. Choose the correct answer: (3 points)

1. I don’t need this again, so you can ………………………………… it ……………. (drove away / throw away)
2. Social media as a way of communicating is often used by ……………………. (the young / the blind)
3. The ………………………………… to his speech has been generally positive. (reaction / react)

P a g e |1
Question Number Two: (10 points)
Read the text about Money and complete the tasks below:
Earning a lot of money may be the purpose in life of some people but in my opinion, money is not
everything, it is just the tool leading us to a better life. Money is very important, surely, but we should not regard
it as an only objective in our life. We earn money to support our life, cover our human basic needs; moreover, it
makes our life much easier and more comfortable. If you have a large sum of money, you can buy many things.
Most people long for wealth as wealth is thought to bring happiness. However, often, wealth causes a great
deal of worry without much happiness. A millionaire is a very wealthy man, of course, yet his great wealth is
also a great responsibility. He may own many large estates and factories. These usually require a lot of attention.
There may be disputes between the millionaire and his workers over one trouble or another.
You can achieve everything if you have the effort and confidence about your ability and potentials. Having
confidence and strong effort will give you power to overcome all the difficulties in life and you will find your
real happiness. Personally, I am sure that to be happy or not depends on our lifestyle and our attitude. Be
optimistic and determined then you will get all that you want.

A. Choose the correct answer: (3 points)

1. According to the text, a millionaire who has great wealth …………………………………………….
a. should be responsible for his wealth.
b. should settle the disputes between his workers.
c. should work harder to get richer.
2. The pronoun 'these' line (7) refers to …………………………………………….
a. great responsibilities b. disputes c. large estates and factories
3. Being optimistic and determined helps us to …………………………………………….
a. own large estates and factories. b. get all what we want. c. have more money.
B. Complete the following statements: (4 points)
to support our life, cover basic needs makes life easier and comfortable
1. People earn money in order to a. …………………………………….……………… b. ……………………………………….………………
the effort and confidence about your ability and potentials
2. Everything can be achieved if we have …….……………………………………… and …………………………………………………

C. Decide whether the statements are True or False: (3 points)

1. All people believe that wealth can bring happiness. ) F (
2. We shouldn't consider money as the only goal in life. ) T (
3. Our life style and attitude are factors that affect our feeling towards happiness. ) T (

LITERATURE (15 points)

A. Decide whether the following statements are True or False: (3 points)
a. Regan's answer to her father was honest and realistic. (F)
b. The Duke of Cornwall had died after servant's attack. (T)
c. Lear went mad because his daughters treated him badly. (T)
B. Complete the following sentences: (3 points)
She has nothing
a. The Duke of Burgundy refused to marry Cordelia because …………………………………………………………………..
Lost all power
b. Lear realised that giving away his kingdom was a mistake as ………………………………………………………….
c. Regan and Cornwall punished Gloucester by ………………………………………………………..

P a g e |2
C. Circle the correct answer: (3 points)
1. Edgar hid from his father's men by ………………………………………………………..
a. pretending to be a mad homeless person. b. staying in Regan's castle.
c. living among Lear's knights. d. staying in the castle.
2. The illegitimate son of Gloucester is ………………………………………………………..
a. Edgar b. Albany c. Cornwall d. Edmund
1. How did Cordelia die at the end of the play? ………………………………………………………..

a. She died of a broken heart c. she killed herself

b. she was killed in prison d. she stabbed herself with a knife
D. Read the quotations and answer the questions: (2 points)
‘O Madam, my old heart is cracked’
a. Who said that? …………………………………………… Regan
b. To whom ……………………………………………
He knew that Edgar wants to kill him
c. Why is the speaker's heart cracked? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

E. Answer the following questions (4 points)

1. Why does Lear ask how much his daughters love him? To share the country between them
2. What was written in the letter Goneril sent to her sister Regan? Lear’s men are noisy and expensive

WRITING: (10 points)

Question Number Four: (10 points) – Write on one of the following topics:

1. Write a short essay about A resolution you might make for the future.
Make use of the following ideas:
Name of the resolution \Why you chose it \ Steps you follow to achieve the
goal. What could go wrong? Your chance of success.

2. Write a short first person autobiography about life before the Nakba, either from imagination or from what
your family has told you.
▸ Describe the leaving and where the family went.
▸ Say what effect the Nakba had on you and your family.
▸ Add a conclusion about how people kept the memory alive and their hope for a Right of Return.

Good Luck

P a g e |3
English LanguagePaper: ‫امتحان الثانوية العامة اإلسترشادي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
One Time: 2:45 hours 2021-2022 ‫للعام‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬
Total Marks: (100 ) ‫الفرع األدبي‬ ‫مديرية شرق غزة‬
Name: --------------------------------- ‫الورقة األولى‬
Reading comprehension: (40 Marks)
Question Number One: (20 points)
Read the text and do the tasks below:
What makes an Olympic sport There are limits to how many sports can be included in the Olympic Games. In the
2012 Summer Games, there were 26, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have added two more for
2016 (golf and rugby sevens). There are various criteria that the IOC bases its decisions on, but the most important
is probably international popularity. Sports tend to get included if they have a tradition and are played and watched
by enough people in enough countries.
A change of mind This leads to some interesting questions. Why, for example, was baseball included from 1984,
but then dropped for 2012? Although some think it is only popular in the USA, it actuallyhas a large following in
South America and Asia too. The main reason for leaving it out, according to some, is a combination of geography
and politics: There is little interest in the sport in Europe, and European membersare in a majority on the IOC.

Two examples of strange decisions Of the other sports not (yet) included, one that stands out is squash. It has a
long tradition and is played all over the world. It's also more obviously a real sport than some other Olympic sports.
In fact, it is more mysterious why certain sports are included. Take speed walking, for example the rules say the
athletes have to have both feet in contact with the ground at all times, and must keep their legs straight. The result,
to me at least, looks very silly.
My own criteria More importantly, it breaks one of my two personal rules for judging serious sports because it
puts artificial limits on what can be done. My other rule is that the scoring has to be objective and measurable, not
a matter of opinion.
A. Match the headings with the suitable paragraphs above: (4 points)
a. Two examples of strange decisions b. What makes an Olympic sport
c. My own criteria d. A change of mind
B. Decide whether each of the following is True or False: (3 points)
1. There were 26 sports in the 2016 Summer Games. (F)
2. Baseball is well- known in most European countries. (F)
3. The writer suggests that speed walking should not be included in the Olympics. (T)
C. Complete the following: (5 points)
1. The IOC included golf and rugby sevens for the 2016 summer games.
2. For the IOC, the most important reason for including sports is international popularity.
3. According to some, baseball was left out from the 2012 games for geographical and political reasons.
D. Answer the questions: (5 points)
1. According to the writer, why should squash be considered as a game in the Olympics?
a. It has a long tradition. b. It is played all over the world. c. It's also more obviously a
real sport than some other Olympic sports.

2. What are the writer's criteria for scoring in sports?

Scoring has to be objective and measurable, not a matter of opinion.

E. Write what the following words and pronouns might refer to: (3 points)
1. they (line 4) sports. 2. the sport (line 9) baseball
3. their (line 14) athletes

Question Number Two: (20 Marks)
Read the text about time management then answer the questions below:
Your success in high school can greatly be improved by being organized and using your time wisely. Staying
organized can help ease the burden of a busy schedule. Here are some important tips to remember:
Tip1 Set Priorities : Managing your time effectively requires differentiating between what is important and
what is urgent. Fill in things you must do (classes, work, practice, etc. that you can't change).
Write down appointments and class assignments. Make a daily checklist and rank it according to your
Tip 2 Get Organized: Organizing the place where you study, or your bedroom. Throw all the unnecessary
files and papers away and leave the others in files so it will be easy for you to reach.
Tip3 Time to Study: Use daylight hours to study whenever possible. For most students for every hour of
study done in daylight hours, it will take them one and a half hours to do the same task at night.
Tip 4 Stay Healthy: The care and attention you give yourself is very important. Scheduling time to relax,
study breaks, eat regularly can help you both physically and mentally, enabling you to accomplish tasks more
quickly and easily.

A. A: Read the text then choose the best title (a - d) for each tip: ( 6 points)
a. Stay Healthy b. Get Organized c. Set Priorities d. Time to Study

B. B: Read the four problems then write the solutions for each one depending on the tips you have
read. ( 10 points)
Problem Solutions
1. I have spent one hour looking for my school report. I a. Organize the place where you study.
have looked all over the papers spread in my bedroom b. Throw all unnecessary files and papers aways.
and couldn't find it. c. Leave other papers in files. .
2. I started studying for my math test at 7 p.m it’s now
a. Use daylight hours to study whenever possible.
midnight and I didn't finish it.
3. I have been studying for 10 hours without stopping a. Scheduling time to relax.
for my Tawjihi test. b. Take study breaks.
I didn't eat anything and my head hurts. c. Eat regularly.
4. I have a lot of things to do ( a science test, an English a. Fill in things you must do.
project and a birthday party). The time is running b. Write down appointments and class assignments.
out and I don't know what to do. c. Make a daily checklist and rank it according to your

C. Complete the following statements: (4 Points)

1. Doing one hour study at daylight takes one and a half hours at night.
2. Eating regularly and Scheduling breaks help you in two sides physically and mentally.
3. To set your priorities you need to differentiate between what is important and what is urgent.

Vocabulary: ( 25 Marks )
Question Number Three :
A: Replace the underlined parts of the sentences below with words from the box: ( 5 points)
point reluctant routines straight criteria
1. I felt tired when I got home, so I had gone immediately to bed. straight
2. I'm not going to this afternoon's session. I don't see a purpose of it. point
3. What are the reasons or qualifications for being accepted on the course? criteria
4.We often get bored with the same everyday things we do regularly. routines
5. Most people are not willing to answer questions about their age. reluctant

B: Complete the sentences with words from the box. ( 5 points)

humanitarian factor impressed excuse capable

1. I have never known him to miss a meeting. I'm sure he'll have an excuse.
2. It isn’t the only reason for his success, but it is certainly one factor.
3. The film director was so impressed by her performance that he directly offered her a contract.
4. The employee isn't well qualified, so he is not capable of doing such kind of work.
5. The United Nations is sending a humanitarian aid to the areas worst affected by the conflict.

C: Match verbs and particles from the box to make phrasal verbs, then use them to complete the
sentences. (use the particle once) ( 6 points)
Verb Particle Phrasal verb
choose out Choose between
work between Work out
carry across Carry on
came on Came across
1. I am sorry for interrupting you, you can Carry on.
2. I Came across a vase exactly like yours in an antique shop.
3. If you Work out all the costs of the project well, I think you'll achieve a great success.
4. She had to Choose between giving up her job or looking after her family.

D: Choose the correct answer: ( 9 points)

1. The company is ( on / in ) danger of having to close.
2. The company has a large ( marketing / market research) department that designs advertisements to help
customers to choose the suitable brand.
3. Most people prefer governmental field to work so as to get (job security / job description).
4. Sorry, we were late because we had a (breakdown / breakthrough) in the car while driving to the office.
5. Being ( over / under ) confident isn't guarantee that the team would win.
6. Dr Samuel Holiday was one of the (co founders / co authors) who wrote the report.
7. Don't ( underrate / overrate ) the danger of such a raft trip on this river. It's too stormy.
8. There has been a (cutback / breakdown ) in the government spending on new projects this year.
9. Fire fighters and paramedics usually wear special clothes when they are (on purpose / on duty).

Language: (25 Marks)
Section A:
Question Number Four: ( 15 points)
A: Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. ( 5 points)
1. I don’t agree (not agree) with what he usually says. ( say ).
2. A: " Why are you holding a piece of paper?"
B: I am going to write ( write ) a letter to my friend back home in Palestine.
3. She was having (have ) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang ( ring).
4. 4.Why are you looking ( look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong?
5.Tamer has been reading a book ( read) for two hours and he has read ( read ) 53 pages so far.
B: Rewrite the following using the words between brackets: ( 5 points)
1. Why didn't you take these tablets before leaving ? ( They asked)
They asked me why I hadn’t taken those tablets before leaving.
2. Is your school far from here? ( Someone asked )
Someone asked me if my school was far from there.
3. " Don't talk on the mobile while driving" ( The police warned me against)
The police warned me against talking on the mobile while driving.
4. Mary didn't prepare for the interview, so she didn't get the job. ( wish )
Mary wishes she had prepared for the interview.
5. I took no notice of the teacher, and I did really badly in the test. ( regret )
I regret not taking notice of the teacher.

C: Circle the correct answer: ( 5 points)

1. Muneer was doing his homework and then he stopped ( to watch / watching ) the football match on T.V.
2. Our neighours apologized for ( making / to make ) such noise.
3. I don't feel like ( cooking / to cook ) anything new, so start eating your fish like everyone else.
4. He ( may be / must be ) out because he isn't answering the phone.
5. I think we're lost. We (should have brought / should bring) a map with us.
Section B:
From this section answer two parts only (1, 2, 3 ) ‫أجب عن قسمين من السؤال فقط‬
Question Number Five: ( 10 points)
1. A. Complete the sentences with ( a / an , the or – ( no article). ( 2 points)
1. We went back to the area where I was brought up and got a working job for the government.
2. The secretary lost an important document and was fired.
3. She has been studying x business law for two years.
B. complete with a suitable tag question. ( 3 points)
1. They usually cut these branches in March, don’t they ?
2. My grandmother's sickness made it difficult for her to move, didn’t it ?
3. He’s never read Italian, has he ?

2. A: Rewrite the sentences using reduced relative clauses: ( 2 points )
1. I come from a city which is located in the southern part of the country.
I come from a city located in the southern part of the country..
2. Students who hand on their essays late will be punished.
Students handing on their essays late will be punished.
B: Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with causative structure. ( 3 points)
1. We'd better ask someone to check the letter before we send it.
We’d better have the letter checked before we send it.
2. Don't forget to take your jacket to the cleaners before the wedding.
Don’t forget to have your jacket taken to the cleaners before the wedding.
Don’t forget to have your jacket cleaned before the wedding.

3. Correct the sentences (there is one mistake in each sentence). ( 5 points)

1. They'd replace the offer soon, don't they? Wouldn’t they?
2. His explanation to the problem isn't convinced. Convincing.
3. She is going to travel to Syria next week. The tickets are booked. Is travelling
4. She got all the qualifications needed so she might get the job. May well get.
5. You need to have your watch repair. It's stopped working. Repaired.

Writing: ( 10 Marks)
Question Number Six: ( 10 points)
Choose one of the following topics: ‫اكتب موضوعا واحدا من احد الموضوعين‬

1. Your friend Jill Gateway from Norway wrote an email to you last week talking about his dream job and
asking about yours. Write a reply email to Jill telling him about your future dream job.
Do the following:
* Greet him and ask about the present things he is doing.
* Tell him about your dream job . What is it ? Why did you choose it?
* How will it help you have a good life.
Start your email with this address
From: Ghassan Ali Sent : 4 June 2018
To: Jill Gateway Subject : Dream job

2. The British Council has started registration for an advance course in learning English. You are interested
in the idea and would like to know more about the course. Write a general inquiry letter to the British
Council requesting more information. Do the following:
* Explain why you are writing.
* Say what you are studying now.
* Request information about the course. (qualification required, studying system, costs and the length of the
Start your letter: Dear Director of the British Council
End it with (Yours sincerely) Ameer Saeed

‫انتهت األسئلة‬

English LanguagePaper: ‫امتحان الثانوية العامة اإلسترشادي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
One Time: 2:30 hours 2021-2022 ‫للعام‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬
Total Marks: (50) ‫الفرع األدبي‬ ‫مديرية شرق غزة‬
Name: --------------------------------- ‫الورقة الثانية‬
Reading comprehension: (25 Marks)
Passage 1: (15 Marks)

Read the following passage then answer the questions that follow:
After the 1948 disaster, over 700.000 Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a Diaspora that spread
round the planet. For many years afterwards, the Palestinian cause received little attention or understanding
from the world. That changed dramatically in 1974, when the late national leader, President Yasser Arafat,
stepped onto the world's political stage to speak to the United Nation. His famous words rang out: Today, I
have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighters gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my
This landmark speech showed the world two things: first that Palestinian cause could not be forgotten, and
secondly that there really could be a peaceful way forward. Arafat's words also affected Palestinians deeply.
They made many realise that it was necessary to build bridges between Palestine and the West. This was the
way to create international understanding and, one day, a free and independent Palestine.
In recent years, as a result of the continuous diplomatic struggle of the present Palestinian leadership, under
their representative President Mahmoud Abbas, more and more countries have officially recognized
Palestine as an independent state, and in 2012 the United Nations General Assembly voted to upgrade the
status of the Palestinians to that of a non-member observer state.

A: Decide whether each of the following is True (T) or False (F): (3 Points)
1. The Palestinian cause received little attention from the world after 1974. (F)
2. The late President Arafat's words offered the world the two choices of peace and war. (T)
3. Recently, the Palestinians' status has been upgraded to that of a member observer state. (F)

B: Answer the questions: (6 Points)

1. What did Arafat's speech show the world?
a. that Palestinian cause could not be forgotten.
b. that there really could be a peaceful way forward.
2. What important lesson did the Palestinians get from Arafat's speech?
it was necessary to build bridges between Palestine and the West.
3. What is the outcome of the continuous political effort of the current Palestinian leadership ?
a. more and more countries have officially recognized Palestine as an independent state.
b. the United Nations General Assembly voted to upgrade the status of the Palestinians to that of a non-
member observer state.
C: Write what happened in the following dates : (4 points)
1. 1948: over 700.000 Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a Diaspora that spread round the
2.1974: the late national leader, President Yasser Arafat, stepped onto the world's political stage to speak to
the United Nation.
D: Choose the correct answer: (2 points)
1. The late national leader means:
a. no longer living b. arriving after the expected time
2. 'This landmark speech' .The meaning of landmark here is:
a. literal b. figurative

Passage 2: (10 Marks)
Read the text about New Year and complete the tasks below:
The country of Denmark is geographically located in the northern part of Europe. Celebrations of New Year
as observed by people in Denmark are seen as occasions to promote Danish cultures, traditions, and rich
heritage, and as well as pass them on to the next generations.

Special dishes are served, including boiled fish. Serving them to the people during New Year’s time is
considered to give good luck, success, and happiness in the coming time of New Years.

There is another well-known tradition of food saving and throwing. As a part of it, people save some food
throughout the year, and then throw it on the ground of near and dear ones on the occasion of New Year. If
one gets to find many old broken dishes at their yard, it is considered to be an optimistic indication that one
has too many good friends and well-wishers, and the coming year will have pleasant and successful
relationships with people.

Fireworks is a very important part in the New Year’s celebration in Denmark. At the mark of twelve, a show
of fireworks is carried out, which lights the entire sky and skyline of the town. The shinning shows of the
noisy fireworks are most awaited and enjoyed by young children. It is done with an old belief in concern that
loud noises of fireworks take away all the evil spirits and negative energies.

A: Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from the text. (5 Points)
1. Danish people see New Year celebrations as a way to :
a. promote Danish cultures, traditions, and rich heritage.
b. pass them on to the next generations.
2. Dishes eaten in New Year's Eve symbolize good luck, success and happiness.
3. food saving and throwing is considered as a famous tradition in New Year.
4. Finding many old broken dishes at their yard indicates that one has too many good friends and well-wishers
and that the coming year will have pleasant and successful relationships with people.
5. The lights of fireworks are enjoyed by young children.

B: Decide whether the statements are true or false. ( 4 Points)

1. People in Denmark threw some old food and dishes as a tradition to celebrate the New Year. (T)
2. At the mark of 10 o'clock, fireworks show is carried out. (F)
3. The lights of fireworks can be seen all over the town. (T)
4. Fireworks is believed to take away evil spirits and remove negative energy. (T)

C: Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words from the text: ( 1 Point)
1. I'll never forget the special event when we won the final match. Celebration.
2. When the company started the new project, its employers felt that everything would be fine.

Literature: ( 15 Marks )
Choose one of the two stories and answer its questions: ‫اختر واحدة من القصتين واجب عن أسئلتها‬.
1. Romeo and Juliet
‫في غزة الغي‬
A: Decide whether the statements are True or False: ( 3 points)
1. Lord Capulet is angry with Tyblat because he thinks that the argument between the two families should stop. ( )
2. Romeo hates his name because it's an enemy to Juliet. ( )
3. Romeo receives the Friar's letter and comes to Verona as quickly as possible to meet Juliet. ( )
B: Put the statements in the correct order. Number them from ( 1 -6 ) : ( 3 points)
____ Juliet meets Romeo at the party and they get married.
____ Both families are punished by the death of Romeo and Juliet.
____ The Capulet and Montague have a fight in the streets of Verona and are described as enemies of peace.
____ Friar Laurence suggests a plan to stop Juliet's marriage from Paris.
____ The Montague and Capulet families become friends and decide to have two golden statues for Romeo and
Juliet in the city of Verona.
____ Romeo is exiled after the death of Tybalt and leaves Juliet alone in Verona.
C: Read the quotation then answer the questions: ( 4 points)
" Oh, don't swear by the moon, which changes all through the month".
1. Who says these words? --------------------------------------- 2. To whom? ---------------------------------------
3. When does the speaker say that?
4. Why doesn't the speaker want the other person to swear by the moon?
D: Answer the following questions: ( 5 points)
1. How are the theatre and plays at Shakespeare's time different from the ones nowadays?
2. Why is Tybalt's name as important to Romeo as his name?
3. What are the effects of the liquid on Juliet?
2. King Lear (15 Marks)
Section 1 (5 Marks)
A. chose the correct answer: (5 Points)
1. The legitimate son of Gloucester is…………………………………....
A. Edgar B. Albany C. Cornwall D. Edmund
2. Goneril sent a letter to ………………………………….... asking him to kill her husband.
A. Edgar B. Kent C. Cornwall D. Edmund
3. Gloucester was punished by Cornwall because he…………………………………....
A. followed Cornwall's orders B. took Lear's side
C. was against Lear D. preferred to stay in the castle
4. king Lear went out in the storm because …………………………………....
A. He couldn’t bear his daughters' cruel treatment. C. His daughters treated him well.
B. Edmund injured himself with a sword. D. The Duke of Burgundy refused to marry Cordelia.
5. King Lear went mad because ......................................................................................
A. he suffered from a brain disease. B. his sorrow and anger became too great to bear.
C. his daughter Cordelia treated 'him rudely. D. Kent was brave enough to express his shock

Section 2: (10 Marks)
Answer only two questions of the following. ‫أجب عن سؤالين فقط من التالي‬
1. A. Answer the following questions: (3 Points)
1. What does king Lear do as a result of Cordelia's shocking answer?
He sent her away and gave her share to her sisters .
2. How does Edmund turn his father against his half-brother Edgar?
By a fake letter .
3. What was written in the letter Goneril sent to her sister Regan?
Lear’s men are noisy and expensive.
B. Decide whether the following statements are True [T] or False [F]: (2 Points)
1. Lear regretted giving away everything to his two daughters because his daughters were weak. (F)
2. Edmund was such a traitor that he betrayed his father (T)
3. Regan's answer to her father was honest and realistic. (F)
4. Both Regan and Goneril thought that Lear didn't need even one of his men. (T)

2. Put the statements in the correct order. Number them from (1 -5): (5 Points)
2 Lear went mad because his daughters treated him badly.
4 Edmund led the British Army against the French and won the battle.
3 Cordelia was sad to see her father in such a bad condition and asked her doctor to help him.
1 Lear was angry with Cordelia’s answer and said she was no longer his daughter.
5 Lear and his daughters were dead and the Duck of Albany became the king of England.

3. A. Read the following quotation and answer the questions below. (3 Points)
“I’ve got to think quickly. How am I going to stop her from getting him now that her husband is dead?”
a. Who is the speaker? Goneril
b. What does the word “him” refer to? Edmund
c. Why did he/she say that? She is worried her sister may marry Edmund the one she is in love with.
B. Complete the following sentences: (2 Points)
1. Lear realizes that giving away his kingdom has been a mistake because he lost everything.
2. King Lear decided to give the kingdom to his three daughters because he is old and tired.

Writing: ( 10 Marks)
Choose one of the following ‫اكتب موضوعا واحدا من احد الموضوعين‬:
Write an essay of about 100 words on one of the following topics:
1. Write a short essay about A resolution you might make for the future. Make use of the following
Name of the resolution \Why you chose it \ Steps you follow to achieve the goal. What could go wrong?
Your chance of success.
2. “Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce
happiness.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your position.
‫انتهت األسئلة‬

‫اللغة االنجليزية‬: ‫المبحث‬ ‫االتمـح ان االتسـشااي للثانوية العاتمة‬
2:45 :‫الزمــــن‬ ‫م‬2022‫للعام اليشاتسي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
2022/ / :‫التاريخ‬ ‫ ) صفحات‬5 ( :‫عدد الصفـحات‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
) ‫( الفرع األدبي ورقة أولى‬ ‫ غرب غزة‬- ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم‬

)100( ‫مجموع العالمات‬

Reading Comprehension: ( 40 points)
Question Number One : ( 20 points)
Read the following text then answer the questions below:
Information and Communications Technology businesses could be the best hope for the economic
future of Palestine, according to experts inside and outside the country. A recent report said that the
ICT sector makes up over 5% of the Palestinian economy.
Why ICT? For Mustafa Jawad, the head of an online graphic design company, the answer is simple:
"For an ICT start-up, all you need is a computer and a connection. You can distribute your final
product by exporting it to the internet cloud." There are still problems, though. The main one is the
lack of networks in Palestine because access to the necessary wavebands is not available yet. Mustafa
was always good at art and languages, and when he finished school, everyone advised him to study
English at university. Instead, he taught himself how to programme and started making his own
software programmes. His first attempt was a game, which was so popular with his fellow students
that he decided starting his own company might be a real possibility.
His big breakthrough came when he attended a 'start-up weekend' in Ramallah. He managed to get a
small amount of financial support which gave him the time to develop more ideas. Perhaps more
importantly, he met other business people, both Palestinians and from other countries and learnt a lot
about the practical side of running a business and how to get his products noticed.
Mustafa is currently working on a programme that makes teaching of chemistry at schools more fun.
He has already had interest from within Palestine and from other countries in the Arab World. Like a
lot of other Palestinian business people, he wants to do something positive to help his country, but he
stresses that his company isn't a humanitarian operation.
'It's a business,' he says 'and the aim is to get good returns on the investment. One way he believes he
can help is to pass on what he's learnt to others even younger than he is. 'I learnt a lot from that start-
up weekend. When I go to the next one, I hope I'll learn more, but I'll also be able to advise others.
A. Answer the following questions: (6 points)
l. Why did Mustafa choose ICT field?
For an ICT start-up, all you need is a computer and a connection. You can distribute your final
product by exporting it to the internet cloud
2.What is the main problem for ICT companies in Palestine?
the lack of networks in Palestine because access to the necessary wavebands is not available yet.
3.What benefits did Mustafa get from meeting business people in Ramallah?
He learnt a lot about the practical side of running a business and how to get his products
B. Complete the information about Mustafa Jawad from the text : (4 points )
the head of an online graphic design company
Current position
First attempt a game which was so popular with his fellow students
Breakthrough when he attended a "start-up weekend" in Ramallah.
a. help Palestinians. (do something positive for his country)
Business aims b. get good returns.

C. Complete the following sentences: (3 points )
1. According to experts inside and outside Palestine, ICT business might be the best hope for the
economic future of Palestine.
2. When Mustafa finished school, everyone advised him to study English at university because he was
always good at art and languages.
3. Mustafa made a programme that makes the teaching of chemistry in schools more fun.
D. Decide whether the statements below are is TRUE or FALSE : (3 points)
1. Starting up online companies requires computer and connection. ( T )
2. Mustafa got huge financial support which helped him to develop more ideas. ( F )
3. Mustafa's company is a humanitarian one. ( F )

E. Replace the underlined parts of these sentences with words and phrases from the text:
(2 points)
1. Don't forget that managing your own company is hard work. running
2. It was a good try, but it didn't quite succeed. attempt
F. Write what each of the following refers to: (2 points)
1. which (line 10): game 2. one (line 22): start- up weekend
Question Number Two: ( 20 points)
Read the following text about time management then answer the questions below:
Your success in high school can greatly be improved by being organized and using your time wisely.
Staying organized can help ease the burden of a busy schedule. Here are some important tips to
Tip 1_________c________ . Managing your time effectively requires differentiating between what is
important and what is urgent. Fill in things you must do (classes , work , practice, etc. that can't
change). Write down appointments and class assignments. Make a daily checklist and rank it
according to your priorities.
Tip 2_________b________ .Organizing the place where you study, or your bedroom. Throw all the
unnecessary files and papers away and leave the others in files so it will be easy for you to reach.
Tip3_________d________.Use daylight hours to study whenever possible. For most students for
every hour of study done in daylight hours, it will take them one and a half hours to do the same task
at night.
Tip4__________a_______.The care and attention you give yourself is very important. Scheduling
time to relax, study breaks, eat regularly can help you both physically and mentally, enabling you to
accomplish tasks more quickly and easily.

A:Read the text then choose the best title ( a – d ) for each tip: ( 6 points)
a-Stay Healthy b- Get organized c- Set priorities d- Time to study

B :What does the underlined pronoun refer to : ( 1 point)

them ( line 12) : students

C :Find a word that have the same meaning from the text: ( 3 points )
1. developed improved
2. timetable schedule
3. more important urgent

D :Read the four problems then write the solutions for each one depending on the tips you
have read. ( 10 points )

Problem Solutions
I have spent one hour looking for my school report. I Throw all the unnecessary files and
have looked all over the papers spread in my bedroom papers away and leave the others in
and couldn't find it. files so it will be easy for you to reach
I started studying for my math test at 7 p.m. It's now Use daylight hours to study whenever
midnight and I didn't finish it. possible
I have been studying for 10 hours without stopping for Eating regularly can help you both
my Tawjihi test. I didn’t eat anything and my head physically and mentally
I have a lot of things to do ( a science test , an English Make a daily checklist and rank it
project and a birthday party). The time is running out according to your priorities.
and I don’t know what to do.
Vocabulary: ( 25 points )
Question Number Three: (25 points)
A. Complete each of the following by using a suitable word from the box: (5 points)
participates - currently - impressed - astonishing - latter
a. I was really impressed by her good behavior.
b. That player is really astonishing .I can’t believe he scored 6 goals in one match.
c. I had two options, history and geography so I chose the latter.
d. She rarely participates in any of the classroom discussion.
e. The plan is currently under consideration .

B :Complete the sentences with a suitable phrasal verb from the box : ( 5 points )
broke down - work out - passed on - catch up - came out
a. Committee members met to work out a compromise about the new project.
b. After her death, it came out that she had lied about her poverty.
c. Let's go to a cafe, I need to catch up with you.
d. All media passed on the bad news of the death of the famous singer.
e. The computer broke down while I was doing the project.
C: Circle the correct answer: ( 5 points )
a. He couldn't fly the plane without a ( co-pilot / co-writer).
b. I'm sure I didn't say that, you must have ( misused/ misheard ).
c. My brother has been ( in business/on business ) since 2011 .
d. Insurance may only cover the current ( marketing / market research ).
e. There's been a ( cutback / cut back ) in government spending this year.
D: Complete the sentences with using words in the box with (co, mis, over, under):
cooked leading worked operation behave (5 points)
a. Schools work in close co-operation with parents to improve standards.
b. When people overworked they might get exhausted.
c. It annoys me when my children misbehave in front of others.
d. Eating undercooked meat may hurt your stomach.
e. There are many misleading advertisements on TV.

E. Fill in the following sentences by replacing the words in brackets with the appropriate
words from the box: (5 points)
confident routine restrictions prospects criteria
a. I know a lot about the subject, so I'm quite confident that I 'll succeed. (sure )
b. He's hoping the course will improve his career prospects .(possibilities for the future)
c. The European Union puts restrictions on people immigrating to it . (limits)
d. Ali wanted to escape the routine of an office job. (everyday things we do regularly)
e. What are the criteria for being accepted on the course? (reasons or qualifications)
Language (25 points)
Section A (15 points)
Question Number Four:
A: Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (5points)
a. Mum doesn’t have (have) her breakfast .We have to wait for her .
b. I don't understand (not understand) the word "ant". What does it mean (mean)?
c. Shadia has been waiting (wait) for us for a long time.
d. I asked (ask) him to come back later because I was working. (work)
e. When they got home last night, they found (find) that somebody had broken into (break into) their
B: Choose the correct answer: (5 points)
a. Thank you for agreeing (to help / helping) me with this work .
b. We (might well / might) get there on time , but I don't think so .
c. He's taken his shoes off . I think he is (jumping / going to jump) into the water .
d . They decided to go for a walk while the sun ( is shining/was shining).
e. How (much / long ) have you been studying English ?
C:1. Do as shown between brackets : (3 points )
a. you – ever – speak in public . (Make a question)
Have you ever spoken in public?
b. I spent a long time studying this project, I passed the exam easily. (because )
I passed the exam easily because I had spent a long time studying this project.
c. The bell rang. Everyone stopped working and left the building. (as soon as)
As soon as the bell rang, everyone stopped working and left the building.
2. Complete the following sentences with the correct format of the verbs between brackets:
(to +infinitive or ing ) (2 points )
a. I must remember to post this letter while I'm in town . (post )
b. What should you stop doing if you want to fit ? (do )
Section B: (10 points)
From this section answer two parts only:‫يتكون هذا القسم مه ثالثة اسئلة وعلى الطبلب ان يجيب عه اثنيه فقط‬
Question Number Five: (10 points)
A.1 : Choose the correct answer : (2 points )
a. All what you have done is (disappointing / disappointed ). Everyone got angry .
b. Please send your (completing / completed ) application forms to do the address below.

2. Rewrite the following sentences using reduced relative clauses : (3 points )

a. Students who have intended to apply for this course should have some work experience.
Students intending to apply for this course should have some work experience.
b. The city center was full of cars which blocked the road .
The city center was full of cars blocking the road .

c. Applications which are received after the closing date will not be considered .
Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
B:1. Complete the sentences with (a – an – the or no article ) : (2 points )
a. I know the boy who won the tennis competition.
b. When I was no article young , I used to work in the field .
2.Add Tag questions to the sentences bellow : (3 points )
a. My children prefer watching cartoons, don’t they?
b. He had cake and coffee for dessert, didn't he?
c. You never come on time , do you?
C: 1.Correct the mistakes in the sentences : (2 points)
a. How many messages did you already sent?
How many messages have you already sent ?
b. She advised me to not waste my money on such things.
She advised me not to waste my money on such things.

2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : (3 points )

a. "How did you manage to do the work so quickly ?" (The boss asked)
The boss asked me how I had managed to do the work so quickly.
b. "Don't put all your profits into developing new ideas ." (Someone warned me against)
Someone warned me against putting all my profits into developing new ideas.
c. She bought a lot of expensive clothes. (She wishes)
She wishes she hadn't bought a lot of expensive clothes.

Writing : (10 points )

Question Number Six:
Choose ONLY one of the following topics: ‫اكتب في أحد الموضوعيه فقط‬
1-You are going to study IT when you get into university. Write a personal statement
using good opening and closing. Make use of the following points:
Paragraph 1: why are you applying? Reasons for choosing the course/ interests/ ambitions.
Paragraph 2: your experience / subjects related to the course / and activities.
Paragraph 3: Why are you suitable? evidences / skills

2-You are Mr. Rami Ibrahim the Purchasing Manager of Beauty Care Company.
Write a business enquiry letter to Mr. Kamal Riziq the Sale Manager of Medical
Company asking about the following points"
- List of products…
- The prices.
- How long guarantee ..
- Ways of payment.
- Delivery period.

‫انتهت األسئلة‬

‫اللغة اإلنجليزية‬: ‫المبحث‬ ‫االتمـح ان االتسـشااي للثانوية العاتمة‬
2:30 :‫الزمــــن‬ ‫م‬2022‫للعام اليشاتسي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
2022/ / :‫التاريخ‬ ‫ ) صفحات‬3 ( :‫عدد الصفـحات‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
) ‫ ورقة ثانية‬- ‫( الفرع األدبي‬ ‫ غرب غزة‬- ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم‬

)50( ‫مجموع العالمات‬

Reading Comprehension: ( 25 points)
Question Number One : ( 15 points)
Read text then do the tasks below:
1. _____________________e____________________: On its own, money has little or no meaning.
It only gains meaning when a group of people all accept that it has a certain value when used for the
exchange of goods or services. To understand this, we need to look at what happened before money
was invented.
2. ____________________b____________________: In early societies, trade was carried out by
bartering: the exchange of one thing or service for another. If one person had a bag of salt and
another was good at making shoes, they could agree to exchange the salt for a pair of shoes. But this
only worked on two conditions. Firstly, they each had to want what the other person was offering,
and secondly they had to agree that the two things were of equal value.
3. _____________________c__________________: To solve this problem, people started to base
their trade on items that nearly everyone wanted, like salt, chocolate or cows. It didn't have to be
something that they needed, just something desirable. Cowrie shells are a well-known example of
this, and a step towards what we recognize as money, because they are easier to carry around than
cows or bags of salt.
4. _________________d______________________: The Lydian's, who lived in what is now
Turkey, are thought to be the first people to use coins, over 2,500 years ago, although pieces of metal
had been used for centuries before. Other countries soon followed, making their own coins with
agreed values. The earliest paper money was probably in common use in China around the year 960.
5. _________________f______________________: In this form, money itself doesn't need to be
made of something valuable; it is only important because of what it represents, or stands for. This is
why it is known as representative money. Until quite recently, for example, the British pound (£) was
based on a promise that the bank would exchange it for one pound in weight (lb) of silver.
6. __________________a_____________________: Nowadays, methods of exchange are moving
away from real coins and notes that need to be carried around. First, there were cheques, which have
now been more or less replaced by plastic credit or debit cards. More recent developments have
moved even further in this direction. One example is "contactless" bracelets that you wear on your
wrist and pass in front of a machine. Another is the growing popularity of "bitcoins", a digital
currency that can only be used on the internet.

A. Choose the best title for each paragraph: ( 6 points)

a. Towards unreality b. Before money
c. Different examples of money d. The beginning of money as we know it.
e. What is money? f. No value in the materials

B. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: ( 2 points)

1. Money gets it importance for what it signifies. ( T )
2. According to the text, real coins and notes are no longer used these days. ( F )

C. Complete the table with missing information : ( 3 points)
Early societies Lydian & Chinese Nowadays
Methods of cheques and
bartering coins and plastic credit or
paper money debit cards
D. Complete the sentences from the text: ( 4 points)
1. Bartering is described as a trading system with the following problems
a. They each had to want what the other person was offering.
b. They had to agree that the two things were of equal value.
2. Contactless bracelets are worn on your wrist and pass in front of a machine.
whereas bitcoins are a digital currency that can only be used on the Internet .
Question Number Two :( 10 points )
Read the following text ,then answer the questions below:
The study of history provides many benefits. First, we learn from the past. We repeat mistakes, but at
least we have opportunity to avoid them. Second, history teaches us what questions to ask about the
present. Contrary to some people's views, the study of history is not the memorization of names,
dates, and places. It is the thoughtful examination of the forces that have shaped the courses of
human life. We can examine events from the past and then draw inferences about current events.
History teaches us about the likely customs. Another benefit of the study of history is the broad range
of human experience which is covered. War and peace are certainly covered as national and
international affairs. However, matters of culture ( art , literature and music ) are also included in
historical studies. Human nature is an important part of history, emotions like passion, greed and
insecurity have influenced the shaping of word affairs. Anyone who thinks that the study of history is
boring has not really studied history.

A. Answer the following questions: ( 3 points )

1.What does the study of history teach us?
It teaches us what questions to ask about the present/ about the likely customs.
2.Who has not really studied history?
Anyone who thinks that the study of history is boring.

B. Replace the underlined word of the sentences with words and phrases from the text:
1.Be quiet and give her a chance to explain. opportunity (3 points)
2.Several locations have been suggested for the new houses. places
3.The police formed a circle around the house. shaped
C. What do each of the underlined pronouns refer to? (2 points)
1.them ( line 2) mistakes
2. It (line 4) the study of history

D. Decide if the following sentences are True or False: (2 points )

1. All the people think that the study of history is not the memorization of
names, dates and places. ( F )
2.Teaching history sports applying historical events to modern society. ( T )

Literature (King Lear)
Question Number Three: ( 15 points)
A. Write the name of character that matches the given description: ( 5 points )

Description Character
1.Thinks that love can be bought. King Lear

2.Advises the king to act more sensibly. Kent

3.Hates what his wife does with her father. Albany
4.Marries Cordelia and love her for telling the truth. The king of France
5.Asks the strange man to take him to Dover. The Earl of Gloucester
B. Choose the correct answer: ( 3 points )
1. Kent disguised himself as a ______________________
a. woman b. poor man c. soldier
2. Edgar takes his father Gloucester to the ______________________
a. high cliffs b . castle c . the middle of a field
3. King Lear decided to give the kingdom to his daughters because ______________________
a. he couldn't rule by himself b. he was old and tired c. his daughters were clever
C. Complete the following sentences: (2 points)
1. In her letter, Goneril complains about her father and his men.
2.The Earl of Gloucester felt sorry for Lear because King Lear is out in the storm with no shelter.
D. Decide whether each of the following is TRUE or False: ( 2 points )
1.Cordelia is King Lear's youngest daughter. ( T )
2.Edmund decided to marry Regan because he loves her. ( F )
E. Read the quotation then answer the questions: (3 points)
" Blow winds and crack your cheeks
1. Who says these words? King Lear To whom? To the storm
2. Why does the speaker say these words? Because Lear's sorrow and anger had become too great for
him to bear.
Writing : (10 points )
Question Number Four :
Choose ONLY one of the following topics: ‫اكتب موضوعا واحدا من الموضوعين‬
1.You have made a resolution to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. Write about
the following :
- The name of the resolution. -The goals of this resolution.
-The steps toward this goal. - Possible difficulties / what could go wrong.
2.Can money bring happiness? This question is not easy to answer ,simply because there
are different points of view .
Write an essay of 100 words about money and happiness. You can discuss the topic of
happiness and its connection to money.
‫انتهت األسئلة‬

‫اإلجابة النموذجية‬
‫م‬2022 ‫امتحان شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة "التجريبي" لعام‬
‫م‬2022 / 4 / :‫التاريخ‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحـث‬ ‫دولــــة فلسطـــــين‬
‫ ساعتان ونصف‬:‫مدة االمتحان‬ ‫ األدبي والريادة‬:‫الفـرع‬ ‫و ازرة التربيـ ـة والتعلي ـ ـم العال ـ ـي‬
‫) عالمة‬100( :‫مجموع العالمات‬ ‫الورقة األولى‬ ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم الوسطى‬

Reading and comprehension (40 Points)

A) Read the following text and then do the tasks below: (20 points)
The results of a new poll show that financial problems have taken over from the environment as the
main concern for young people. The survey asked 12.000 people aged between 14 and 18 what they
were most worried about. The clear winner was "finding a job", while the environment was only the
seventh greatest worry. This compares with similar polls in the last fifteen years, when environmental
worries came first. One of the poll's organizers commented that the results demonstrated a clear
change in attitude. " It's not just that getting a job is the main worry," he said. "Also included in the
top six worries were getting into debt (6th) and passing exams (4th=).
I'm convinced that there's a connection. Because of changes in the job market, there is more and more
pressure on young people nowadays to pass exams and go on to university in the hope of finding a
good job. And rising university fees make it inevitable that many students graduate from university
with huge debts.
Other concerns mentioned by large numbers of young people also tended to be personal rather than
social, including worries about relationships (2nd), health(3rd) and fitting in with peers(4th=).
Annette Coleman, director of the Green Earth organization, said yesterday that she was disappointed,
but not surprised, at the fall in the number of young people concerned about the environment. 'It's not
that the environmental concerns are less urgent than before – quite the opposite in fact. It's just that
after decades of publicity on topics like climate change, so little has actually changed. A lot of people
get the feeling that there's nothing we can do about it, and young people in particular tend to be
impatient. Of course, the other thing is that in times of economic difficulty people are more likely to
focus on worries that are more immediate and have an impact on their daily lives.
1- Complete the notes about the new poll from the text : (4 points)
Who did it ask? (number / age group) 12000 people aged between 14 and 18

What did it ask about? What they were most worried about

financial problems have taken over from the

What did the results show?
environment as their main concern
How did the results differ from In previous polls environmental worries came first
previous polls?
2- According to the results of the new poll , put young people's concerns in order: (7 points)
1 Finding a job 4 Fitting in with peers / passing exams
2 worries about relationships 6 getting into debt
3 health 7 The environment
3- Complete the following : (3 points)
1- The results of the new poll reflected a clear change in young people's attitudes .
2- Young people go the university so that they can find a job .
3- Young people graduate with huge debts because of rising university fees .
5 ‫ من‬1 ‫صفحة‬
‫ الريادة‬، )‫ األدبي (ورقة أولى‬:‫الفرع‬ )‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( اإلجابة النموذجية‬:‫المبحث‬
4- Choose the correct answer : (2 points)
1- For young people, fitting in with peers tend to be a ……………… concern .
a. social b . personal
2- Anita Coleman thinks that environmental concerns are ………… than before.
a. more urgent than before b not as urgent as before
5- Answer the questions: (4 points)
1- Why are young people becoming less concerned about the environment ?
A They feel that there's nothing we can do about it .
B In times of economic difficulty, people are more likely to focus on personal concerns.
2- What do the following pronouns refer to?
This : the results of the new survey . he : one of the poll's organizers
B: Read the text and do the tasks below : ( 20 points )
With thousands of options, how will you choose a career that's right for you? If you don't have any
idea what you want to do, the task may seem impossible . Fortunately, it isn't. Follow an organized
process and you will increase your chances of making a good decision.
C Before you can choose the right career, you must learn about yourself. Your values, interests,
soft skills , in combination with your personality type, Use self-assessment tools and career tests to
gather information about your traits and, subsequently, generate a list of occupations that are a good
fit based on them.
B You probably have multiple lists of occupations in front of you at this point. To keep yourself
organized, you should combine them into one master list Also, include professions about which
you don't know much. You might learn something unexpected. After that , begin exploring the
occupations on your list to get information . Find job descriptions, educational and training
requirements, earnings and job prospects. To narrow down your list even further , get rid of
anything with duties that don't appeal to you, any occupations you are unable or unwilling to fulfill
their educational or other requirements, or if you lack some of the soft skills necessary to succeed in
A Finally, after doing all your research, you are probably ready to make your choice. Pick the
occupation that you think will bring you the most satisfaction based on all the information you have
gathered. It can help you reach certain points from low to high in an appropriate manner so that any
major error isn’t caused by the individual in their career path.
D Now it's time to lay out all the steps you will have to take to reach your goals into a written
document . Think of your action plan as a road map that will take you from point A to B, then to C
and D. Write down all your short- and long-term goals and the steps you will have to take to reach
each one. Include also any potential barriers that could get in the way of achieving your goals—and
the ways you can overcome them . Taking these steps early will save you a lot of struggle in the
long run.
Match the headings with their suitable paragraphs : (4 points)
a. Make your career choice c. Assess yourself
b. Make a list of occupations to explore d. Write a career action plan
Complete the diagram about the process of choosing your career : (4 points)

values Job descriptions

What do What you
you need Interests Educational and training need to
to learn requirements know
about Soft skills
about jobs
yourself ? in your list
Personality type
Job prospects

5 ‫ من‬2 ‫صفحة‬
‫ الريادة‬، )‫ األدبي (ورقة أولى‬:‫الفرع‬ )‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( اإلجابة النموذجية‬:‫المبحث‬
1- Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False (2 points)
1 Your master occupation list shouldn't include jobs you don't know much. ( F )
2 The writer suggests that you should drop tasks that you lack their necessary soft skills. T )
2- Answer the questions from the text : (8 points)
a. Why is it necessary to use self assessment tools and career tests?
to gather information about your traits and, subsequently, generate a list of occupations that are
a good fit based on them.
b. Which careers should you get rid of to make your list shorter?
1-careers with duties that don't appeal to you
2-occupations you are unable or unwilling to fulfill their educational or other requirements,
3- careers you lack the necessary soft skills to succeed in necessary to succeed in it.
c. What should your action plan include?
1- Short and long term goals
2- the steps you will have to take to reach them
3-any potential barriers that could get in the way of achieving your goals—and the ways you
can overcome them
Write what the following pronouns refer to : (2 points)
 them : traits
 each one goals
Vocabulary (25 points)
A- Replace the underlined parts with words from the box: (5 points)

restrictions - optional - impress - neglected – criteria

1- In most countries, secondary education is not compulsory. optional

2- There are reasons and qualifications for being accepted on this course. criteria
3- He didn't pay attention to his manager's frequent warnings, so he lost his job. neglected
4- Governments usually try to put limits on their citizens' behavior. restrictions
5- You should try your best to show the interviewers how good you are . impress
B- Complete the following sentences with words from the box: (5 points)
stuck - borders - revealed - personal – infuriated

1- The driver was stuck in the car after the accident and couldn't get out. .
2- The form asks for a lot of personal details like age and personality.
3- During our train journey, we crossed three international borders
4- The research revealed the dangers of smart phones on young people
5- The writer was infuriated by the rude comments on his article.
C- Finish the sentences with phrasal verbs from the box: (5 points)
passed on - put up - protect from - broke down – turned out

1- Unfortunately, the car broke down three times on the way to hospital.
2- We were put up .at a small hotel for a night after long travel.
3- When we first met, I didn't like her but she turned out to be a really nice person.
4- All media sites have passed on the news about the death of the president.
5- Physical exercise can protect you from heart disease

5 ‫ من‬3 ‫صفحة‬
‫ الريادة‬، )‫ األدبي (ورقة أولى‬:‫الفرع‬ )‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( اإلجابة النموذجية‬:‫المبحث‬
D- Complete the sentences using words in the box with (co, mis, under, over) as prefixes: (4 points)
writers - confident – use - cooked

1- Countries usually get behind when people in charge misuse their position.
2- People may become infected after eating tough and undercooked meat.
3- One of the cowriters of this book is an old friend of mine.
4- Being overconfident isn’t guarantee that the team would win.
E- Choose the correct answer: (6 points)
1. You have to choose between (job opportunity / job satisfaction) and a high salary.
2. There ……………..much information in this book. (isn't / aren't)
3. Luckily, the bus was late leaving, so we were (on time / in time) to catch it.
4. He'll (hand over / take over) the job permanently when the accountant retires.
5. Usually we ask for payment (on receipt / in receipt) of the goods
6. Unfortunately , he doesn't have enough ( experience / experiences) for the new job
Language (25 points)
Section A: (15 points) ‫على المشترك ان يجيب عن جميع األسئلة في هذا القسم‬
A. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (6 points)
1. We can not leave now. We haven't finished work yet. ( not finish )
2. They all don't agree with what you are saying now . ( not agree \ say )
3. Haven't you got bored? You have been watching his series for many years. ( watch )
4. When I got home, I was tired, so I went straight to bed. ( go)
5. She couldn't really concentrate while her children were crying in the next room. ( cry )
B. Choose the correct answer: (2 points)
1. Don't worry. I promise I (may not / won't) tell anyone what happened.
2. We are (leaving / going to leave) tomorrow .we have already bought the train tickets. .
3. She's an excellent trainee. I'm sure she (might / will) succeed in her future career.
4. I'm free tonight. I (probably won't / may well) go to Ann's party.
C. Rewrite the following using reduced relative clauses: (2 points)
1. The engineer who designed this building is really skillful.
The engineer designing the building is really skillful .
2. There have been several natural disasters which were caused by the climate change.
There have been several natural disasters caused by climate change .
D. Report the following: (2 points)
1. How much money do you need for your project?
He asked his son how much money he needed for his project .
2. Were you absent yesterday?
The teacher asked Tamara if she had been absent the day before .
E. Complete the following with ( a, an , the. or zero article ): (3 points)
1. It was a wonderful experience I'll always remember it.
2. x Morocco has a very nice coast on the Atlantic ocean.
3. I'm sorry I think I've made an error.

5 ‫ من‬4 ‫صفحة‬
‫ الريادة‬، )‫ األدبي (ورقة أولى‬:‫الفرع‬ )‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( اإلجابة النموذجية‬:‫المبحث‬

Section B: (10 points) ‫ أسئلة وعلى المشترك ان يجيب عن سؤالين فقط‬3 ‫يتكون هذا القسم من‬
1- A: Rewrite the following beginning with the words given: (3 points)
1. Don't take part in losing projects.
I warned him against taking part in losing projects .
2. You have to be more careful when you talk to strangers.
Father told me that I had to be more careful when I talked to strangers .
3. I had the chance to join this valuable course, but I didn't.
I regret not joining this valuable course .
B: Circle the correct answer: (2 points)
1- Would you mind (to turn off/ turning off) the TV? It's annoying me.
2- You should remember (to contact / contacting) me as soon as you finish the project.
3- It was a difficult sum! How did you manage (to work / working) it out?
4- Women usually avoid (to drive / driving) in crowded streets.
2- A: Add question tags to the sentences below: (3 points)
1- Your aunt works as a teacher , doesn’t she ?
2- We had a nice dinner this morning didn't we ?
3- He's never visited Jerusalem? has he ?
B: Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with a causative structure
(have/get +object+ past participle): (2 points)
1. You'd better ask a jeweler to repair your necklace .
You'd better have your necklace repaired .
2. I need a hairdresser to cut my hair before the party begins.
I need to have my hair cut before the party begins .
3- A: Compete the sentences with the past participle or- ing form of verbs in brackets: (2points)
1. She went to the police station to ask about her lost child. ( lose )
2. Nowadays, increasing numbers of people use social media sites. ( increase )
B: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: (3 points)
1. Dina asked me how often I go to the sea. went
2. He is usually having a shower before going to work. .has
3. I wish I have had more time complete this task. had had
Writing (10 points)
Choose one of the following writing tasks
1 -Write a short story about a strange coincidence or misunderstanding you have passed.
- Think about the following points
- When and where did it happen?
- Who were the people in the story?
- How did you feel and behave at that time?


2-Write a report about a special event happened at your school.

Write about:
 What was the event? When did it happen?
 What happened during the event?
 How did the event end? What was your general opinion?

‫انتهت األسئلة‬
5 ‫ من‬5 ‫صفحة‬
‫اإلجابة النموذجية‬
‫م‬2022 ‫امتحان شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة "التجريبي" لعام‬
‫م‬2022/04/ :‫التاريخ‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المبحـث‬ ‫دولــــة فلسطـــــين‬
‫ ساعتان ونصف‬:‫مدة االمتحان‬ ‫ األدبي‬:‫الفـرع‬ ‫و ازرة التربيـ ـة والتعلي ـ ـم العال ـ ـي‬
‫) عالمة‬50( :‫مجموع العالمات‬ ‫الورقة الثانية‬ ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم الوسطى‬
Reading (25 points)
A) Read the text and answer the questions below: (15 points)
After the 1948 disaster, over700.000 Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a Diaspora
that spread round the planet. For many years afterwards, the Palestinian cause received little
attention or understanding from the world. That changed dramatically in 1974, when the late
national leader, President Yasser Arafat, stepped onto the world's political stage to speak to the
United Nation. His famous words rang out: Today, I have come bearing an olive branch and a
freedom fighters gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand. This landmark speech showed
the world two things: first that Palestinian cause could not be forgotten, and secondly that there
really could be a peaceful way forward. Arafat's words also affected Palestinians deeply. They made
many realize that it was necessary to build bridges between Palestine and the West. This was the
way to create international understanding and, one day, a free and independent Palestine. In recent
years, as a result of the continuous diplomatic struggle of the present Palestinian leadership, under
their representative President Mahmoud Abbas, more and more countries have officially recognized
Palestine as an independent state, and in 2012 the United Nations General Assembly voted to
upgrade the status of the Palestinians to that of a non-member observer state. There is hope that at
last, thanks to the efforts of Palestinians around the world, the tide has finally turned.
Write what important events happened in the following years: (3 points)
1948: Over700.000 Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a Diaspora
1974: Yassir Arafat spoke to the United Nations and offered peace .
2012: The United Nations General Assembly voted to upgrade the status of the Palestinians to
that of a non-member observer state.
2- Answer the questions: (3 points)
What did the outside world realize after Arafat's speech?
A The Palestinian cause could not be forgotten .
B There could be a peaceful way forward .
a. Why was it necessary for the Palestinian people to build bridges with the West?
To create international understanding and, one day, a free and independent Palestine.
3- Decide whether each of the following is True or False: (2 Points)
a. The Palestinian cause received a good deal of attention after the 1948 disaster. ( F )
b. Palestine have been recently recognized by many countries as an independent state. ( T )
4- Choose the correct answer: (2 points)
a. The late national leader means:
A: no longer living B: arriving after the arranged time
b. The meaning of ' stepped onto the world's political stage' in the text is
A: literal B: figurative
5- Write what the following words refer to: (3 points)
a. That ( line 3 ) the fact that Palestinian cause received little attention .
b. They ( line 9 ) Arafat's words .
c. This ( line 10 ) creating bridges with the west .
6- Give the symbolic meaning of the following: (2 points)
a. The olive branch : peace b. The fighter's gun : war

3 ‫ من‬1 ‫صفحة‬
)‫ األدبي (ورقة ثانية‬:‫الفرع‬ )‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية( االجابة النموذجية‬:‫المبحث‬
B) Read the text and do the tasks below. (10 points)
In many countries, New Year’s celebrations begin on the evening of December 31 —New
Year’s Eve—and continue into the early hours of January 1. Revelers often enjoy meals and
snacks thought to bring good luck for the coming year. In Spain and several other S panish-
speaking countries, people eat 12 grapes-symbolizing their hopes for the months ahead-right
before midnight. In many parts of the world, traditional New Year’s dishes which are
thought to resemble coins are supposed to bring financial success; examples include lentils
in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southern United States. Chinese and Japanese people usually
eat long noodles on New Year's Eve, which are a symbol of longevity, due to their long shape. In
Sweden and Norway, meanwhile, rice pudding with an almond hidden inside is served on
New Year’s Eve; it is said that whoever finds the nut can expect 12 months of good fortune.
In addition to food habits, there are many traditions connected with the New Year. In Denmark,
people take pride in the number of broken dishes outside of their door by the end of New Year's
Eve. It's a Danish tradition to throw dishes at your friends' and neighbours' front doors on New
Year's Eve—some say it's a means of leaving any aggression and ill-will behind before the New
Year begins—and it is said that the bigger your pile of broken dishes, the more luck you will have
in the upcoming year .While in Filipino it is a common tradition to open all the doors and windows
in the home. Some families also open drawers and cabinets. This is a way to welcome positive
energy into the home. While cleaning and loud noises scare away evil spirits, the openness of the
home is a warm welcome to the positive spirits.
1- Complete the table about food habits during New Year celebration in the following
countries: (5 points)
Name of country / Food served during the
What these foods symbolize
countries celebration
Spain 12 grapes The hopes for months ahead
Italy Lentils Financial success
South United States Black-eyed peas
China and Japan Long noodles Longevity
2- Answer the questions: (3 points)
a. According to Danish New Year traditions, who are the luckiest for the coming year?
Those who have a bigger pile of broken dishes,
b. What are the Filipinos traditions for each of the following :
A: welcoming positive energy: opening the doors , windows drawers and cabinets .
B: driving away bad spirits cleaning and loud noise .
3- Write what the following pronouns refer to: (2 points)
A) their long noodles B) It throwing dishes
King Lear (15 points)
A- Choose the correct answer: (5 points)
1- Lear was angry with Goneril when he found that Goneril had tried to dismiss ……. of his men.
a. all b. half c. third d. most
2- Lear’s reaction towards Cordelia’s answer was ……………….
a. accepted b. reasonable c. shocking d. disappointed
3- The first sign that Lear’s madness began to disappear was when he recognized.
a. Cordelia b. Kent c. Gloucester d. The Fool
4- Goneril’s servant Oswald was finally killed by.
a. Albany b. Kent c. Edmund d. Edgar
5- In the end . ………………. became the king of Britain.
a. Kent b. Albany c. Edgar d. Cornwall

3 ‫ من‬2 ‫صفحة‬
)‫ األدبي (ورقة ثانية‬:‫الفرع‬ )‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية( االجابة النموذجية‬:‫المبحث‬
B- Match the Characters with their description (2 points)
Duke of Burgundy - Edgar Duke of Albany - Duke of Cornwall
1. Edgar Gloucester’s legitimate son who disguised a homeless person to hide form
his men.
2. Cornwall The husband of Lear’s middle daughter. He died after his servant attack.
3. Burgundy A young nobleman who refused to marry Cordelia after she had lost
4. Albany Goneril’s husband who hated her deeds with Cornwall and Edmund.

C- Put the events about blinding Gloucester in the correct order: (2 points)
2 . Cornwall's servant attacked him but Cornwall killed the man.
1 The old man was tied to a chair and Cornwall blinded one of the old man's eyes.
4 Cornwall told Gloucester who had betrayed him then Gloucester was thrown out into the
3 . Cornwall went on to blind Gloucester's other eye.

D- Complete the following (2 points)

1- Kent hit Oswald at Goneril’s house because he spoke rudely to Lear .
2- Edmund turns his father against his half-brother Edgar to take his place .

E- Decide whether each of the following is True or False: (2 points)

1- Goneril died after being poisoned by Regan. ( F )
2- Edmund decided to protect his father from Cornwall's punishment, ( F )

F- Answer the questions: (2 points)

1- How is Cordelia's answer different from her sisters'?
She was honest and realistic and didn't want to boast with her love to her father.
2- Why did Cornwall decide to punish Gloucester?
Because he decided to help Lear, against their orders.
Writing (10 points)
Choose one of the following writing tasks
1 You have made a resolution to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. Write about
 The name the resolution
 The goal of this resolution
 The steps towards this goal
 Possible difficulties/ what could go wrong.
2 Money and happiness are not the same. Expand this idea
A Why do we need money
B Are the rich really happy
C Your own opinion
‫انتهت األسئلة‬

3 ‫ من‬3 ‫صفحة‬
State of Palestine ‫االهتحبى التجزيبي‬
Ministry of Education ‫لوبحث اللغت اإلًجليشيت للؼبم الدراسي‬
Khan Younis Directorate 2022/2021 ‫دولت فلسطيي‬
2:45 :‫سهي االهتحبى‬ ‫ الفزع االدبي‬:‫الصف الثبًي ػشز‬ ‫وسارة التزبيت والتؼلين الؼبلي‬
2022 / / : ‫التبريخ‬ ‫ االهتحبى في خوس صفحبث‬: ‫هالحظت‬ ‫خبى يىًس‬-‫هديزيت التزبيت والتؼلين‬
‫ درجت‬100 : ‫الىرقت األولى‬ ‫الجلست األولى‬
Reading Comprehension ( 40 points )
Question Number One : ( 20 points )
Read the text and do the tasks below: ( 20 points )
(Text A) As a parent, I'm becoming increasingly worried about the effect communications
technology is having on young people. My fourteen-year-old son seems to spend hours every day
texting or chatting online, or updating his social media page. He says he's going to do his
homework, but an hour or two later still hasn't started it, and I can't help feeling that he's wasting
so much time on this instead of doing useful things, or even just being with his friends and
communicating with real people. Is all this texting affecting young people's ability to use language
properly? Is there a danger that they could become addicted to technology? What potential dangers
are out there in;2 the online world? I don't know enough about these new technologies to be able to
answer questions like these.
( Text B) Like it or not, today's young people are the connected generation. A recent study in the
US found that nearly a quarter of teenagers use social media sites at least ten times a day and 75%
own mobile phones. Texting is now the main form of communication for young people. The
figures obviously vary between countries, but the one thing we can predict is that they will
continue to rise.
Inevitably, this has led to panic among parents, teachers and other adults. But are these fears
justified? Not according to Dr. Amy Lehane, who has studied exactly how young people are using
technology. „If you look back,‟ she says, „you find the same panic reaction from older people to
the growth of the telephone or television. Often it comes from a fear of something they don't
understand, but our research indicates that young people are quite capable of telling the difference
between the online world and the real world, or between the types of language used for texts and
job applications. They're also very aware of the possible negative effects of technology: they
know, for example, that it's not a good idea to post a message like "I'm having a party next
Saturday on a public site."
A: Answer the following questions: (10 points)
1. What are the concerns mentioned by the writer of text A?
a ……………………………………………………………………………………………
b ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
c ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Who is frightened by the rise in the number of teenagers using social media in text B?
3. Why should we feel positive about the future according to the results of the study ?
4. Which text the writer believes that we should trust young people more ?
5. Which text is about a personal feeling ?
B: Complete the following sentences: (2 points)
1-The negative effects of spending too much time on texting and chatting on the son in text A are
C: Decide if the statements are True or False according to the text: (6 points)
1- Older people had more fear reaction of the growth of social media than parents today. ( )
2- A quarter of teenagers use social media sites at least ten times a day. ( )
3- Fears of the rise of figures in using social media are justified according to Lehane. ( )

D:What do the highlighted pronouns and numbers in the text refer to: (2 points)
1. He……………………………………… 2. this…………………………………
3. 75%........................................................ 4. They………………………………..

Question Number Two: ( 20 points )

2) Read the text about starting up a business then answer the questions:
Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions and completing a series of
legal activities. These four easy steps can help you plan, prepare and manage your business.
A………………………………It’s really important that you deeply enjoy what you do. Make sure
you are on the right track by asking yourself these three questions before you do anything else. Are
you willing to work hard? Do you really want to operate independently? Do you have the self-
confidence and self –discipline?
B………………………………….The main reason for doing a business plan first when you are
thinking of starting a business is that it can help you avoid wasting your time and money for
starting a business that will not succeed. Starting a business without it is just foolish.
C………………………………you need a support system while you are starting a business and
afterwards. A family member or a friend that you can bounce ideas off and who will listen to the
latest business start up crises is invaluable. When you are starting a business, experienced guidance
is the best support system of all.
D………………………………..Save up if you have to. approach potential investors and lenders.
Figure your financial fall back plan. Don’t expect to start a business and then walk into a bank and
get the amount you need.
A: Read the text then choose the best title (1- 4) for each tip: (6 points)
1. Don’t do it alone 2. Be passionate about what you do
3. Get the money 4. Write a business plan
B: Answer the following questions: (5 points)
1- What inquiries should a person raise to check whether he is on the right path?
a ………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………….
2. Why is it necessary to make a business plan first?
3. How can you get the money for your business?
C: Decide if the statements are True or False according to the text: (6 points)
1. It is a bit important to enjoy what you do. ( )
2. According to the writer, if you are starting up a business, you can get the best support from a
friend who knows the latest business start-up crises. ( )
3. Starting anew business without a plan is stupid. ( )

D: Complete the following table with information from the text above: (3 points)

Beginning a business 1. ……………………………………………

includes……………………. 2. ……………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………

Vocabulary (25 points)
Question Number Three : ( 25 points )
A) Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words or phrases from the box: (4 points)
reluctant – job satisfaction – consumption – on demand
1. Jane was unwilling to talk about it. _____________________
2. The buying and using of goods is important for national economics________________
3. Young babies expect to be given food whenever they want it _________________
4. Many people are more interested in feeling pleasure in their jobs than in earning large
amounts of money ______________________

B) Complete the sentences with words from the box: (5 points)

disappointed – acquaintance – hub - patting - potential
1- They developed an __________________ over the Internet.
2- While I was ______________ my friend's cat, it bit me.
3- His company certainly has the ___________________ for growth.
4-Visitors were __________________ to find the museum closed.
5-The capital city is the _____________________ of road and rail travel around the country.

C) Circle the correct answer: (4 points)

1- Some parents give their children a (reward / revision) if they do well in exams.
2- If this printer doesn't work, there's another one on(stand by / standby)
3- There’s no (point/ demand ) in trying to open the door. It’s locked.
4- He always tries to (boast / impress) people with how much he knows.
5- Please remind me to buy some sugar ( on the way / on duty ) home
6- ………. shows that demand for oil will continue to grow. (market research / upmarket)
7- The bank received over 2000 job……. from recent graduates. (applications / prospects)
8- Passing exams is a high……. for him. (priority / security)

D) Complete using the words in the box with either( co- mis-under-over) as prefixes:
(4 points)
lead – cook – operation – work
1- Older people don't like meat when it is__________________. They cannot chew it.
2- Information in adverts isn’t usually untrue, but it can_______ people and give them the wrong
idea .
3- When people _____________ they may get very tired.
4- _________ often gets better results than everyone working alone to solve a problem.

E) Complete the sentences with the suitable phrasal verbs from the box: (4 points)
work out – takeoff – ruled out – cut back
1. The aircraft is due to ……………………………………. at midnight.
2. Can you ……………………………………. what these squiggles mean?
3. The government has announced plans to …………………………. defense spending by 10%.
4. The police have not ………………………. the possibility that the man was murdered.
F) Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions in the box: (4 points)
for – from – in – of
1. Teachers should be aware ………………………. the needs of their students.
2. It seemed that people were more interested ………………………. eating than the game itself.
3. Physical exercises can protect you …………………………. heart disease.
4. The farmer was responsible ………………. the damage done by the animal
Language: (25 points)
Section A:
Question Number Four: (15 points) ‫أجب ػي جويغ أسئلت هذا القسن‬
A. 1- Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (6 points)
1. I ……………………. (learn) English for three years but I ……………………. (finish) yet.
2. Manal ……………. (not accept) such invitation quite often.
3. He said something but I ………………. that I ……………. (pretend\ not hear)
4. I gave him a quick call while I ………………. my breakfast. (have)
2- Choose the correct answer: (4 points)
1- He had made his decision and he refused ( to change / changing ) his mind .
2- She stopped ( to cry / crying ) as soon as she saw her mother
3- I remember ( shutting / to shut ) the door when I arrived.
4 - My mum told us ( not talking / not to talk) about our secrets.
B- 1- Add questions tag for the following : ( 2 points)
1- It'd be better to spend more money on developing your prod…………………..……….?
2- She said nothing about her hidden plans ,……………….……..?
3- Sami had much work to do yesterday,……………………………?
4-He's never put limits on how to deal with people,………………………………?
2- Correct the following sentences: (there is only one mistake in each): (3 points)
1- I was there at the agreeing time. But my friends were late . ……………………………………
2- After having the medicine, I’m feeling much better. ……………………………………
3- I asked him that he wanted to go to the theatre . ……………………………………

Section B:
Question Number Five: (10 points)

– From this section answer two parts only: ‫أجب ػي سؤاليي فقط‬
1: A. Report the following questions: (3 points)
1. "Why didn't Rana ask you about the problem?"
I asked Walaa …………………………………….………………………….………………
2. "Can I help you?"
Sami asked Rana …………………………………….………………………………………..
3. "What's happened?"
I asked …………………………………….………………………….……………………………

B. Rewrite the sentences using the linking words in brackets: (2 points)

1. I spent a long time studying this subject. I passed the exam easily. (because)
2. I left the key inside the house. I got home in the evening and realised the problem. (when)

2: A. Complete the sentences with past participle or –ing form of the verbs in brackets: (2 points)
1. Did you hear the ……………………………………. news? (break)
2. The ……………………………………. language in Palestine is Arabic. (speak)

B. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets: (3 points)

1. Don't spend your money on things you don't need. (He told / me)
2. Remember that prices will grow with days. (He warned us / that)

3. A. Circle the correct answer: (3 points)
1. ……………………………………. broke the window? ‘Jamal.’ (who / what)
2. The President is ……………………………. the prime minister tomorrow. (going to meet / meeting)
3. I’m not sure yet, but I ………………………. arrive in time to watch the movie. (will / will probably)

B. Replace the underlined part with a causative structure (have + object + past participle):(2 points)

1. I'm going to check this application before I send it in case there are any mistakes.
I …………………………………….………………………….……………………………………………………………………………
2. She took her bracelet to the jewelry's' shop so that she could mend it.

Writing: (10 points)

Question Number Six: (10 points)

Write on one of the following topics: ‫أكتب في واحد فقط هي الوىضىػيي التبلييي‬

1. Write a short email to "Waves Company" asking if it is possible to do work experience in their

Make use of the following ideas:

a. Introduce yourself. b. Explain why you are writing. c. Give the dates you are interested in.
d. State your interests. e. Say what you are studying.


2- Read the email and write a reply. In your reply: Apologize for the problem \ give an
explanation\ say what you have done to solve the problem. Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing in
connection with your recent order. The order was delivered ten weeks ago, with a request for
payment within a month. Could you please contact me as soon as possible to make the situation
clear? Yours faithfully J. Bridges James Bridges Accounts Department.

Good Luck

‫اًتهج األسئلت‬

State of Palestine
Ministry of Education ً‫االهتحبى التجزٌب‬
Khan Younis Directorate ً‫لوبحج اللغت اإلًجلٍشٌت للؼبم الدراس‬
2:15 :‫سهي االهتحبى‬ 2022/2021 ‫دولت فلسطٍي‬
2022 / / : ‫التبرٌخ‬ ً‫الصف الثبًً ػشز الفزع االدب‬ ً‫وسارة التزبٍت والتؼلٍن الؼبل‬
‫ درجت‬50 : ‫الورقت الثبًٍت‬ ‫خبى ٌوًس‬-‫هدٌزٌت التزبٍت والتؼلٍن‬
‫ االهتحبى فً اربغ صفحبث‬: ‫هالحظت‬
Reading Comprehension (25 points )
Question NumberOne: (15 points )
Read the text and do the tasks below:
Another great Palestinian intellectual was Hisham Sharabi (1927-2005), originally from Jaffa,
and later an important professor at Georgetown university near Washington. Like Saeed and
other Palestinians, he worked all his life to improve western understanding of Arab and
Palestinian issues. He was editor of the Journal of Palestine studies, and wrote many books,
including his famous Introduction to the Study of Palestine Society (1975). He also became
well-known for his television appearances and his journalism, as well as creating the Arab-
American Cultural Foundation, which builds American understanding of Arab and Islamic
culture, and setting up the Jerusalem Fund, a foundation that provides scholarships for
students from Palestine. Sharabi wrote about his 'bitterness and anger' when, in 1993, he
returned to Jaffa, his home town, to make a documentary:' As I settled there, I could hear
people speaking Russian, probably recent immigrants from the old Soviet Union. They were
full citizens in my country, and I was there only on a limited Israeli tourist visa.' However, he
went on to say that the only way forward was a political compromise founded on justice and
international law and UN Security Council resolutions. For him, this compromise had to
include the Right of Return.
A- Complete the notes about Sharabi: (4points)
1. Original city __________________________________
2.Year of birth __________________________________
3.Lectured in __________________________________
4. Editor of __________________________________
5. Famous book written by him … __________________________________
6. foundation established by him a_________________________________
7.Died in __________________________________
B- Find words in the text which have the meaning of the following:(4points)
1. intelligent, academic person ……………………………
2. people coming from other places to live in a country ………………………………
3. acceptance that not all demands will be achieved …………………………………
4. based on …………………..

C- Answer the questions: (4 points)
1.Explain how did Sharabi help the Palestinian cause.
2. According to Sharabi Should a political compromise be based on?
3. What was the issue that Sharabi refused to compromise?
D- Write what the following pronouns refer to: (3 points )
1. which …………………. ………………2. They ………………………….
3. there ………………………….
Question Number Two :(10 points )
Read the text and find answers to the questions below:
British celebrations of New Year reflect high enthusiasm, pleasure and delight and at the
same time gives a glance of their rich customs and traditions. They reflect the British belief
that one should initiate anything with positive hopes and beliefs of pleasurable coming time.
Also, one should move ahead and over the past problems and difficulties of life and should
only remember to learn few good lessons of life. New Year celebrations in Britain have a lot
of planning and preparations going before the key day arrives. Traditionally, celebrations
begin on the New Year Eve, 31st December of the old year and go on till the dawn of the
New Year's Day. Setting on fireworks is an important celebration tradition in this important
occasion. Other popular traditions are sending gifts, presents, New Year cards, flowers and
candles to near and dear ones.
1- Find words in the text which have the meaning of the following: (1.5 point)
1. a special time or event ……………………………
2. relates to …………………………….
3. strong positive feeling ……………………………
2- Choose the correct meaning for each of the following words: (1.5point)
1. belief A: feeling that something is true B: important decision
2. initiate A: forget something B: start something
3. dawn A: early morning B: before midnight
3- Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): (3points)
1. British celebrations of New Year reflect their own customs and traditions. ( )
2. Past problems should be always remembered to learn more lessons of life. ( )
3. The British begin celebrating the New Year before the 31st December. ( )
4- Write what the following words and pronouns refer to: (2 points)
1. They ( line 2 ) ………………………………………………………
2. key day ( line 6) ……………………………………………………….
5- Answer the following question: (2 points )
1. What do British celebrations reflect about British people's beliefs?
2. How do British people celebrate the New Year, as mentioned in the text?

Literature ( King Lear ) ( 15 points)
Section One :(5 points )
Question Number Three (5 points )
A- Choose the correct answer: (5 points) ‫االجببت ػلى هذا السؤال اجببري‬
1. The king of France agrees to marry Cordelia because …
a) she loves her for telling the truth.
b) she is the daughter of King Lear.
c) she is beautiful and intelligent.
2. Edmund cuts his arm because …
a) he wants his father to feel sorry for him.
b) he thinks it will make others believe he is a great fighter.
c) he wants his father to believe that Edgar has planned to kill him.
3. Regan and Cornwall punish Gloucester by …
a) killing him. b) blinding him. c) cutting off his tongue.
4.One of Cornwall's servants suddenly attacks him because…
a)Cornwall treats prisoners kindly. b)he loves Lear and Cordelia.
c)he wants to show that he is faithful to Gloucester. d)he can't bear his cruelty any longer.
5. Gloucester felt guilty when wronged…
a)Edmund b)Edgar c)Cornwall d) Lear
Section two :Answer two questions only : ‫اجب ػي سؤالٍي فقط هي االسئلت الثالث االتٍت‬
Question Number Four (5 points )

A- Answer the following questions: (3 points)

1. How would King Lear share the country between his daughters?
2. What does Lear do as a result of Cordelia's answer?
3. Why does Gloucester ask Kent to take Lear to Dover?
B- Read the following quotation and answer the questions below: (2 points)
"come, let's away to prison: We two will sing like birds in the cage"
1. Who says this? To whom?
3. Why is the speaker happy to go to prison?
Question Number Five (5 points )
A- Decide whether each of the following is TRUE or FALSE: (3 points)
1. Lear realizes that giving away his kingdom has been a terrible mistake. ( )
2. Regan writes a letter to Edmund telling him to kill her husband. ( )
3. Edgar leads his father to the high cliffs in Dover as he wanted. ( )
B. Complete the following sentences: (2 points)
1.Cordelia and her husband came to Britain to………………………………………………….
2. Albany knew that his wife……………………………………………………………………

Question Number Six (5 points )
A.Write the name of each character that matches the given description: (2.5points)
Description The character
1.Jokes that Lear is stupid to give all his power to his daughter.
2.Advises Lear to think again before dividing the land .
3.Kills herself with a knife as her husband knows her plan
4.Lies to his father in order to take his brother`s place
5. Her honest answer makes king of France love her .

B: Put the statements in the correct order. Number them from (1- 5): (2.5 points)

…… Lear went mad because his daughters treated him badly.

…… Edmund led the British Army against the French and won the battle.

…… Lear decided to give the country to his two daughters.

…… Lear was angry with Cordelia’s answer and said she was no longer his daughter.

…… Lear and his daughters were dead and the Duke of Albany became the king of England.

Section Three: Writing (10 points)

Write an essay of about (100) words on ONE of the following topics:
1- 'Wealth is not always associated with happiness' Think about the following questions:
 Why do people need money?
 How could money cause problems?
 Can money lead to real happiness?
Write an essay about: My future resolution.
Talk about:
1. The name of your resolution.
2. Your goal for this resolution.
3. Your steps toward this goal.
4. What could go wrong.
5. How to solve this difficulty and your chance to success

Good Luck!

_______________ :‫ة‬/‫اسم الطالب‬ ‫االتمحان الحجريبي‬
‫م‬2022/ 4/ :‫التاريخ‬ ‫م‬2022/2021‫للعنم الدراسي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
‫ الصباحية‬:‫الفترة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫المباث‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلـيم العالي‬
‫مديرية التربية والتعليم– شرق خان يونس‬
100 :‫الدرجة‬ ‫ الثاني عشر وأدبي‬:‫الصف‬

Reading Comprehension: (50 marks)

Question Number One :
1) Read the text and do the tasks below (30 marks)
We often hear people say, ‘It’s a small world, isn’t it?’ It’s usually when they’ve just
experienced one of those strange coincidences that seem to happen in nearly everyone’s
lives. You know the kind of thing: you’re on holiday in another country and you run into a
person you know from home, even though neither of you knew that the other was going
there too.
People often think experiences like this are evidence of something mysterious happening,
some kind of hidden plan outside our knowledge. The scientific explanation is less exciting,
and perhaps that’s why some people are reluctant to accept it. Coincidences are events that
unexpectedly happen at the same time for no clear reason, or finding an unexpected
connection between seemingly random things or people. A very common example of the
latter is talking to a complete stranger and finding that you have the same birthday. What are
the chances of that happening?
Actually, the chances are better than you might think, and there’s a mathematical way to
prove it. It has been calculated that the number of people you need to have a 50% chance of
two of them sharing a birthday is 23. And when there are 48 people in a room,
the probability goes up to 95%. To put it another way, if there are only 50 people reading
these words (and I hope there are more!), one of them will almost certainly have the same
birthday as me.
The other part of the scientific explanation for coincidences is simply that there are so many
events in people’s lives. Just think of the number of people that you have had any kind of
connection with during your life. There are probably over 10,000, and the older you get, the
more there will be. If you are the kind of person who talks to strangers, you will definitely
come across coincidences. Basically, when you think about how complex our lives are,
especially nowadays with the Internet, the only surprising thing is that coincidences don’t
happen more often.
Q1.Complete the diagram: (4 points )
Concidences are defined as

are events that unexpectedly finding an unexpected connection

happen at the same time for no clear between seemingly random things or
reason people
Q2. Answer the following questions: ( 6 points )
1. When do people say “ It’s a small world”?
when they’ve just experienced one of those strange coincidences that seem to happen in
nearly everyone’s lives
2. What is needed to say for sure that you are a kind of person who comes across
a. the older you get.. b. If you are the kind of person who talks to strangers ….
3. What example does the writer use to show that the world is really small?
you’re on holiday in another country and you run into a person you know from home
Q3. Decide whether the following sentences are (True) or (False): ( 4,5 points )
1. People refuse to accept the scientific explanation of coincidences because it’s very
mysterious. ( T. )
2. Scientists explain coincidences the same as people do. ( F. )
3. Older people experience more coincidences than younger ones. ( T. )
Q4. Complete the following sentences from the text above. ( 4,5points )
1. The writer uses a mathematical technique to talk to a complete stranger and finding
that you have the same birthday
2. According to people, the scientific explanation of coincidences is …less exciting.
3. What makes the writer surprised about coincidences is that … coincidences don’t happen
more often.
Q5. Write what the following pronouns, phrases and numbers refer to: (6 points)
1. there (L.22.)………another country……………….
2. it (L.13)……………… The scientific explanation ………………….
3.the probability ( L.18)…… when there are 48 people in a room,
the probability goes up to 95%……….
4.10,000 ( L. 21)… the number of people that you have had any kind of connection
with during your life …..
2- Read the following text and do the required tasks: ( 20 points)
Read the following passage then answer the questions below.
Although using the internet to shop is usually fairly easy, and there is often greater variety
available, it is always a risk because you cannot try on or see in details the item you wish to
buy. In fact, the immediate “convenience” of shopping in this way can end up being an
inconvenience if the item is faulty or does not fit, or is just not what the customer wanted.
It is true that the prices are better when you shop online, but, while it might be cheaper, there
is a clear disadvantage because you have to wait for the delivery of the purchases.
Some people might prefer not to have any personal contact while shopping online, but it can
save time in the end since there are always assistants to help with questions you might have
during the transaction. In addition to this, there is the issue of internet payment security;
however, recently this has improved a lot.
The internet has indeed given us a wider choice as consumers, as well as made some aspects
of shopping more pleasant and convenient. However, it is nearly impossible, in my opinion,
to forget the disadvantages we experience from time to time, since these can affect the way
in which we choose to shop.

A. Complete the following table with correct information from the text: (10 points)

a) It’s fairly esay.

b) There’s often greater variety available.
1 Three advantages of c) It’s cheaper.
using the internet for

2 A reason why You cannot try on or see in details the item you wish to
shopping online is a buy

3 Possible - You have to wait for the delivery of the purchases.

disadvantage of
shopping cheaply

4 An advantage of It can save the time.

personal contact while
shopping online.

B. Answer the following questions: (4 points)

1. Why can shopping online be inconvenient?
- Because the item might be faulty , does not fit or is just not what the customer wanted.
2. How can shopping online save time?
- There are always assistants to help with questions you might have during the
C. Decide if each of the following sentences is True / False. (3 points)
1. It’s always safe to pay for the items online . ( F )
2. The writer is completely in favour of shopping online. ( F )
D. Choose the correct answer. (3points)
1. The underlined word faulty means …………………… ( imperfect - suitable )
2. The underlined pronoun this refers to ……………... (payment security - transaction)
3. We can substitute the connector since with ……………………….. (so - because)
Vocabulary :( 25 points)

A- Fill in the following sentences by replacing the words in brackets with the
appropriate words from the box: ( 5 points)
Currently fantasy point reveal straight factor
1- I'm not going to this afternoon's session. I don’t see a purpose of it. ……point………
2- I felt tired when I got home, so I had gone immediately to bed. … straight …
3- 2. The economic situation is an important part of reason for increasing emigration……
4- Doctors are not allowed to show confidential information about their patients. reveal
5- Mustafa is working at the moment on a teaching programme. … Currently ….

B-Fill in the spaces with suitable words from the box: (4points)
inevitable addicted graphic outweigh lacks panic
1. Most of the teenagers are …… addicted …..… to a game called PUBG.
2. An earthquake hit the capital city causing …… panic …… among the population.
3. The costs of the project…… outweigh …… its supposed benefits.
4. Nobody can avoid death, it’s …… inevitable ……
5. The report offered many …………….…..details about the devastating earthquake.
C-Match verbs and particles from the boxes to make phrasal verbs, then use them to complete
the sentences below:
verb preposition Phrasal verb
stand on stand out
protect out protect from
brought over brought in
handed from handed over
carried in carried on

1. They huddled together to …protect….. themselves ……from… the wind.

2. The plane hijacker was …handed over…….. to the police as soon as the plane landed.
3. The school …brought in expert in child psychology to discuss some important issues.
4. Tom …carried on….. with his tedious speech for twenty minutes.
5. His bright red hair helps him …stand out…… at comedy clubs..
D-Complete the sentences using the words in the box with ( co, mis, over, under): ( 4 points)
Pilot lead paid worked operation understanding
1. The instructions are carefully written to avoid any …misunderstanding…...
2. In 1978, Billy and a …copilot…… are the only survivors of a plane crash.
3. Nurses complain of being …overworked……and ………underpaid…….
4. Our force pulled back in order to …mislead…… the enemy.
5. This project is one of the first fruits of commercial …cooperation… between the two

E- Circle the correct answer. ( 3 points)

1. We need to decide soon what ( marketing / market share ) strategies we should pursue
for these new products.
2. The bank received over 2,000 ( job security / job applications )from recent graduates in
September alone.
3.Our country has grown rich because of its commerce with other nations . The underlined
word is …... ………..( abstract – concrete )
4. Admission is free to all tickets holders and there is no need to book ( in advance / in
5. The company has been ( in business / on business ) for over 30 years.

6. Researchers reported another important ( break through / breakthrough) in Covid 19
research F- Complete the sentences using the prepositions below: (2 points)
in of on by to with
1. Most people are addicted ……to……….. collecting money.
2. The career advisors can make students aware ……of……. job opportunities.
3. I arrived home just ……in……. time before raining.
4. While he was away we kept in touch ………by…….. email.
Language: (25 points)
Section A : ( 15 points )
Question Number Four : ( 15 points )
A- Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb in brackets: (5 points)
1. When I went in, the students …were laughing…., probably because someone …had told
. just a joke. (laugh - tell)
2. Ali …has been painting.. the gate for hours and he still …hasn’t finished. yet. ( paint,
3. My sister .didn’t see. the note that I had laid on the kitchen table for her yesterday.( not/
4. We…have been walking…..for hours! Let’s have a rest.( walk)
5. They…are booking… New York tomorrow. They’ve booked two tickets online.( fly)
6. Who…do…… you ……think…….. will win the elections? ( think)

B: 1: Circle the correct answer: ( 3 points )

1. A: What ( disturbed / did disturb) you when you were working? B: The noise.
2. This ( will be / might be ) the right answer but we'll have to check with our teacher.
3. I ( probably won't / will ) go to Laila's party tonight. I don't feel well

2: Write the full questions: ( 2 points)

1. you/ enjoy/ the lesson yesterday?
… Did you enjoy the lesson yesterday?…………………
2. What / Omar/ do/ every Friday morning?
…… What does Omar do every Friday morning?………………………………
C: Re write the following using the words between brackets: (3 points)
1. Why didn’t you prepare your lessons well yesterday?
They asked him … Why he hadn’t prepared his lessons well yesterday ……
2. Does the film start at 10p.m?
I asked my friend …… if the film started at 10p.m ……
3.He accepted a low – paid job.
He regrets …accepting a low – paid job……………
4. " You mustn't come home after eleven ".
My father warned me against……coming home after eleven…….
5. "Remember that the prices of oil can go down as well as up."
The news reporter told us that… the prices of oil could go down as well as up …….
Section B: (10 points)
From this section answer two parts only: (1, 2 or 3) ‫يتكون هذا القسم من ثالثة أسئلة يجيب الطالب عن سؤالين‬
Question Number One:(3 points)
A-Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: to + infinitive: (3 points )
1. Max avoided…… using ….. his cell phone when other people were in the room. ( use )

2. She managed… to communicate …. with them, even though she didn't speak their language.(
3. I absolutely remember…paying.. him. I gave him $20 dollars. ( pay )
B-Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with causative structure:
(2 points)
1. I have an idea for the wedding, but I’m not sure how to ask someone to arrange it.
……………………………………………………………get / have it arranged……
2. If you want to wear earrings, you should pierce your ears.
…………………………………have / get your ears pierced………………………………

Question Number Two:(5 points)

A- Add question tags to the sentences below : (3 points)
1- The funny lady shut the door violently, ……didn’t she…….?
2- I’d rather travel by train than fly by plane, ……wouldn’t I….?
2-Maher won’t buy the trainers , …will he…?
B-Rewrite the sentences using reduced relative clauses. (2 points)
1.Students who are living on campus will receive a refund.
2.This message is for children who are picked up by their parents after school.
Question Number Three: (5 points )
1 -Complete the sentences with (a/an ,the or zero ) (3 points)
1.Our house needs …x…new furniture.
2..…The…….European ambassador is leaving tomorrow night .
3.As the football match wasn’t ……an…interesting one , I turned off the TV and slept
A- Correct the mistakes: (2points)
1- While I slept, the telephone rang. ……was sleeping……..
2- He is having three luxury cars. ………has……..

Writing : ( 10 points)
Choose ONE of the following topics. ‫أكتب في أحد الموضوعين‬
1. Write an application form to apply for a foundation Course in Information Technology.
Do the following:

 2. Write a short business letter to Abu Jarad Company, asking them about their
products with prices, and asking them for more information and details. You are the
purchase manager Malak Haitham..

‫انتهت األسئلة‬
_______________ :‫ة‬/‫اسم الطالب‬ ‫االتمحان الحجريبي‬
‫م‬2022/ 4/ :‫التاريخ‬ ‫م‬2022/2021‫للعنم الدراسي‬ ‫دولة فلسطين‬
‫ الصباحية‬:‫الفترة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫المباث‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلـيم العالي‬
‫مديرية التربية والتعليم– شرق خان يونس‬
50 :‫الدرجة‬ ‫ الثاني عشر أدبي‬:‫الصف‬
‫الورقة الثانية‬
Reading Comprehension: (25marks)
B: Read the following text and complete the tasks below: (15 marks)
After the 1948 disaster, over 700,000 Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a
Diaspora that spread round the planet. For many years afterwards, the Palestinian cause
received little attention or understanding from the world. That changed dramatically in 1974,
when the late national leader, President Yassir Arafat, stepped onto the world’s political
stage to speak to the United Nations. His famous words rang out: ‘Today, I have come
bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter’s gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my
This landmark speech showed the world two things: first that the Palestinian cause could not
be forgotten, and secondly that there really could be a peaceful way forward. Arafat’s words
also affected Palestinians deeply. They made many realise that it was necessary to build
bridges between Palestine and the West. This was the way to create international
understanding and, one day, a free and independent Palestine.
The years since the national leader President Arafat’s speech to the UN have not been easy,
and there have been many setbacks. Yet there are also reasons for optimism. In recent years,
as a result of the continuous diplomatic struggle of the present Palestinian leadership, under
their representative President Mahmoud Abbas, more and more countries have officially
recognized Palestine as an independent state, and in 2012 the United Nations General
Assembly voted to upgrade the status of the Palestinians to that of a ‘non-member observer
state’. There is hope that at last, thanks to the efforts of Palestinians around the world, the
tide has finally turned.
1- Answer the questions. (6 points)
1- What is the symbolic meaning of the olive branch and gun that President Arafat said he
was holding?
……… olive branch symbolizes peace and gun symbolizes war …………
2- What did he mean when he said ‘Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand’?
…………Don’t force me to war / fight ……………
3- How did the speech change the way many Palestinians thought about their relationship
with the rest of the world?
… it was necessary to build bridges between Palestine and the West.………
4- What did the UN General Assembly vote for Palestinians in 2012?
…… in 2012 the United Nations General Assembly voted to upgrade the status of the
Palestinians to that of a ‘non-member observer state’.……
2- Decide whether each of the following sentences are true or false: (3 points)
1- The Palestinian issue was the center of the world’s interest 1948.( F. )
2- Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced into a Diaspora after the 1948
disaster.( T. )
3- The freedom fighter’s gun represents war.( T. )
3-Complete the sentences: (4 points)
1- The two possibilities that the Palestinian national leader offer for World
2- Arafat's speech showed the world two things are first that the Palestinian cause could
not be forgotten, and secondly that there really could be a peaceful way forward.
Arafat’s words also affected Palestinians deeply
4- What do these words, highlighted in the text, refer to? (4 points)
1- That (line 3)… the Palestinian cause received little attention or understanding
from the world
2- They (line 10)………… Palestinians ………………………..

B: Read the following text and complete the tasks below: (10 marks)
The Olympic Games are important international event featuring summer and winter sports.
Olympic Games are held every two years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games taking
turns. Each seasonal game happens every four years. Originally, that ancient Olympic Games
were held in Ancient Greece at Olympia. The first games were in 776 BC and they were held
every four years. In 1896, the first modern Olympics happened in Athens. The Winter
Games were created for ice and snow sports. The Paralympic Games were created for
athletes with physical disabilities. As well, the Olympics became bigger with the addition of
the Youth Olympic Games for teenage athletes. The IOC (International Olympic Committee)
is the decision-making body that is responsible for choosing what sports are in the Games.
The celebration of the Games includes many rituals and symbols such as Olympic flag and
torch as well as the opening and closing ceremonies. The first, second and third place
finishers in each event receive respectively gold, silver and bronze medals.
A: Answer the following questions: (2 points)
1- What kind of games were held in the Olympics?
…… The Olympic Games are important international event featuring summer and
winter sports. Olympic Games are held every two years
2- What do the celebrations of games include?
…… The celebration of the Games includes many rituals and symbols such as Olympic
flag and torch as well as the opening and closing ceremonies …….
B: Decide whether each of the following is TRUE or FALSE: (3 points)
1. Summer Games are held every two years. ( F. )
2. Olympic Games began first in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. ( T. )
3. The first, second and third place finishers in each event receive gold medals. ( F. )
C: Complete the following: (3 points)
1. The Ancient Olympic Games were held every ...... every four years..........
2. The first modern Olympics were held in …………… Athens.…………………..
3. Modern Olympic Games included …………………….……………………………….
D: What do the underlined words and phrases refer to: (2 points)
1. they: ……… The first games …….
2. 1896: ……… When the first modern Olympics happened in Athens ……….

King Lear (15 points)
Q.1 :Circle the correct answer: (5 points)
1. Goneril and Regan are jealous of each other because------
a- each plans to be the only queen of the kingdom
b- Edmund can’t make up his mind which one to marry
c- Each knows that the other wants to marry Edmund
d-Edgar wanted to marry them
2. Gloucester feels sorry about Lear because ……………………………….
a- he is out in the storm with no shelter.
b- he is angry with Goneril.
c- he is the only to blame himself
d-he was blinding.
3. Edmund led the ----------------------------- during the war.
a- French army b-English army c- Italian army d-Scottish army
4. Edgar hid from his father's men by:
a. Staying in Regan's castle.
b. Staying in the castle.
c. Living among Lear's knights.
d. Pretending to be a mad homeless person.
5.Regan collapsed because…………..
a-She killed her husband
b-her sister poisoned her
c-she had heart attack
d-her servant killed her
Section two: ( 10 points) ‫يتكون هذا القسم من ثالثة أسئلة و على الطالب يجيب على اثنين‬
1 -Answer the following questions: (5 points)
1. What makes Lear happy to go to prison?
……………He was with Cordelia…………………..
2. Why did Lear realize that giving away his kingdom has been a mistake?
a)………He lost his power…….
b)…… his elder daughters feel no love for him …….
3. Why was Goneril worried about the news of Cornwall's death?
……Her sister became a widow and she was afraid that her sister may marry
4.What was written in the letter Gonreil sent to her sister Regan ?
……To complain that her father,s men were noisy and expensive………….
2:A- Read the quotation from an article. Then answer the questions. (3points)
. " What? I don't believe this! it means that that terrible woman is trying to get my brother
to kill her husband. This is really, really bad"
a- Who is the speaker?......Edgar........

b- When did the speaker say these words? …When he killed Oswald and found a
letter with him…
c-Why did the woman want to kill her husband?
………To marry Edmund…………….
B-Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: (2 points)
1. The servant attacked Cornwall because he couldn't bear his cruelty any longer. ( T. )
2. Edmund cuts his arm because he wants his father to feel sorry for him. ( F. )
3. Regan has been poisoned by her sister when she collapsed after an argument . ( T. )
4. Both Regan and Goneril think that Lear doesn't need even one of his men. ( T. )

3:A- Complete the sentences. ( 2 points)

2. The Duke of Cornwall's servant suddenly attacks the Duke because……he can,t bear the
Cornwall's curtly
3. Regan and her husband order Kent to be made a prisoner because ……………………
………he hit Oswald………………….
4. The Duke of Albany feels his wife Goneril is evil because …… she wanted to kill him
B-Complete the table: ( 3 points)

Character How did he or she die?

1 Goneril Killed herself
2 Gloucester Heart attack
3 Edmund Edgar killed him

Writing : ( 10 points)
Choose ONE of the following topics. ‫أكتب في أحد الموضوعين‬
Question Number Five: Writing (10 Points )
A: 'Money never made a man happy yet , nor will it .There is nothing in its nature to
produce happiness .'Do you agree with this statement ?why or why not ?Use specific
reasons and examples to support your position.

B: You have recently decided to take up anew hoppy or learn a skill and you have
joined a club or a group of people who are doing the same thing.
Write about:
- Why you choose your new activity.
- What the benefits are of doing it with other people.
- What the other people in the group are like

‫انتهت األسئلة‬
‫ مديرية رفح‬-‫ ورقة أوىل‬-‫أدن‬ ‫االجابات النموذجية ن ر‬
‫الثان عش ي‬
Model Answers
Exam Question Item
Parts No. No.
1. F 2. E 3. A
4. D 5. C 6. B
1.A recent report by experts inside and outside the country said that
the ICT sector maxes up over 5% of the Palestinian economy.

B 2. They advised him to study English at university because he was

Question always good at art and languages
One 3. He learnt a lot about the practical side of running a business and
about how to get his products noticed.
Readi something positive
ng C
2.learn more / advise others
rehen 1.Palestine
sion D 2.problem
3.a small amount of financial support.
1 A.2 B.4 C.5 D.1 E.3
2 1.F 2.T 3.T
1.makes you accept their differences.
Question 2.commetment and love.
Two 4 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.b
5 2.friends
3.friendship are bound to run into the occasional conflict.
Vocab Question
1 3.job description
ulary Three
2 3.reluctant
5.potential value advance
3 time
4.break down
5.take off
1.came out
2.put up
4 out
4.ran into
5.stand by
5 3.misbehave
5.underpaied looking
2.has been raining
3.does do
4.was / didn`t see
6.didn`t start
Question be
Four B 2.wittnessing
1.will probably
2.might not
C seeing
1.You should get your bike repaired.
Langu 1.A
2.He wrote the essay and got it checked.
1.didn`t she?
1.B they?
3.shouldn`t it?
1.The boys standing over there..
2.The tips given to the players...
2.B 2.fixed
3.Who won the…?
1…where the coldest area of the world was.
2….he should do a lot of market research before starting a business.
3.Hadeel regrets overworking in the company.
.The manager shouldn`t have underpaid her.
B article / the
‫ مديرية رفح‬-‫ ورقة ثانية‬-‫االجبببث الٌوىذجيت الثاني عشر أدبي‬
Model Answers
Exam Question Item
Parts No. No.
A) Answer……
1. he fought for freedom, equality and justice in general, and for
the future of Palestine in particular.
Question 2. a. The Arab-American Cultural Foundation
A b. The Jerusalem Fund.
3. the Right of Return.
4. television appearances, journalism, the Arab-American Cultural
Foundation, the Jerusalem Fund
B) Complete…..
1 Jaffa
2 to make a documentary
B 3. improve western understanding of Arab and Palestinian issues.
4. limited Israeli tourist

C) True or False…..
C 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
Reading Comprehension

D) What the underlined words refer to……

1. One of prominent representatives of this Palestinian generation
2. Mahmoud Darwish
D 3. Hisham Sharabi wrote Introduction to the Study of Arab Society
4. Sharabi returned to Jaffa to make a documentary

C. Read the text and find answers to the questions below.

Question 1 a. families gather to establish a wonderful atmosphere
Two of fun.

b. Many types of food are offered.

2. Baker Island and Hawaii
Complete……. /social /cultural
2 2. the spherical shape of the earth.
3. Sydney

True or False:
3 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F


Section A

1 1.c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. A

Section B
Literature Q. No. one
King Lear 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T
Q. No. Two
1. Because she tells the truth and doesn’t care about the land or money.
2. After he fought Edmund and proved that he is a traitor.
3. Because he didn’t want anyone to blame him for not protecting his
4. She complains that their father’s men were noisy and expensive.
5. Because her daughters refused to give him a shelter with his knights.
Q. No. Three
1. 5
2. 4
3. 2
4. 3
5. 6
6. 1
1. King Lear to Cordelia.
2. Because he will be in prison with Cordelia.

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